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7.21.01 ~>

Hello and welcome we have finally updated the page Sorry it's been taking so long but we've all been busy. Chapter 3 of Scouts of the future and chapter 15 of Destiny's Kiss was finally posted. Corty-chan is also working on updating her page Corty-chan's Realm of Reality Please read her story When Love Strikes

7.8.01 ~>

We've finally updated the page well half way atlest. I am sorry it took so long to get it updated but I have had a few amily problems at home,

New things on the page...

  • Mysterious Play pictures
  • The fact that we will be taking different Fanfiction now not just Sailor Moon.
  • Corty's Fanart contest SHOULD be up soon....hopefully.

    6.16.01 -

    Chapters 13 & 14 of Destiny's Kiss have been put on the New Stories page. We have also started taking Fanfiction for Fugi Yugi and other Anime. Corty-chan's contest is still on hold until later.

    6.7.01 ~>

    We have figured out how to make thumnails! Yay! NEway...we have added pictures to the Images and also added a link called The Files which are pictures of use and some friends. You can find The Files below the Submissions page. As for Corty-chan's Contest that has been put on hold until she has more time to get the Bio's up for the conest.

    5.31.01 ~>

    As of Thursday May 31st. We have reall done well nothing. We are trying to figure out if we should make the page more light and cheery. *Grins* oh and our sister page has been built, you can find it in the links section under Manga Garden. It's ran by my friend Katy-chan

    As of friday May 17, this pages fanfiction will be updated every friday. If you want to turn in fanfictions please have them in by friday before 2:30 PST. Please mail them to Corty-chan at Corty-chan If they are sent in later than that they will be added to the next weeks list. As far as images go and other stuff that will be added as we get time to do it. We have recently added the profiles for Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn and Sailor Uranus. As well as some pictures to the pages.