~ Appears in bubbles and green smoke ~ Hello! Or should I say Kon'wa? Anyway... this is my read me...~ Sweat drops~ I know that it's a little late but I thought I might be able to clear up some of the more confusing things. Such as....
~*~ Names/planets/Ages ~*~
~*~ EARTH ~*~
Prince Darien Alexandre Chiba Endymion III/ Endy/Darien(19)
Princess Amelodera Chiba/ Melody/ Angel(16)
General Malacite/ Mal(20)
General Zoicite (Male)/ Zoi/Doc(19)
General Nephrite/Neph/Nephrite-baka(21)
General Jedite/ Jed/ Pyro(18)
King Apollo Chiba Endymion/Apollo(36)
Queen Aroura Chiba/ Aroura (35)
Priest Elios/Elios(?)
Lady Bunny/ Bunny/Buns (Serena while on earth)(17)
~*~ The Moon ~*~
Queen Serenity Lunarian Serenity I/Queen/Serenity(?)
Princess Serena Lunarian Serenity II/Serena/Rena/Sere(17)
Prince Tsuyoshi Micheal Nakamura/ Tsuyoshi(19)
Lady Luna Avari/Luna(?
)Lord Artemis Soren/ Artemis(?)
~*~ MARS ~*~
Queen Callisto Hino/Calli(?)
Princess Ara Marie Hino/ Ara/Sensei Mars(20)
Princes Rei Naruka Hino/Rei/Sailor Mars(17)
Prince Mokoti Yumio Hino/Mokoti/Brat(8)
King Aries Mokoti Hino/Ari/Aries/Mars Knight(?)
~*~ MERCURY ~*~
Queen Mika Alora Mizuno/Mika/Mercury Sensei(?)
Princess Ami Zyu Mizuno/Ami/Sailor Mercury(16)
~*~ JUPITER ~*~
Queen Laria Kino/Lar/Sensei Jupiter
Princess Lita Kino/Lita/Sailor Jupiter(18)
~*~ VENUS ~*~
Princess Mina Aino/Mina/Sailor Venus(16)
Lady Lainia Azuki/Lain/Lainia/The golden Knight(20)
~*~ PLUTO ~*~
Queen Susan Meioh/Susan/Sensei Pluto(?)
King Chronos Meioh/Chonos/Pluto Knight(?)
Princess Setsuna Meioh/Sailor pluto/Setsuna(?)
~*~ SATURN ~*~
Princess Hotaru Tomoe/Hotaru/Sensei Saturn(15)
~*~ NEPTUNE~*~
Princess Michelle Kayou/Micky/Michelle/Sensei Neptune(22)
~*~ URANUS ~*~
Princess Amara Tenou/Amra/Sensei Uranus(23)
Prince Aalaric Yakshamadi(20)
~*~ CHAOS ~*~
Princess Zarite Zoey Nakamika/Zari/Zar/Zoey/Sailor Chaos(17)
Queen Mickalia An Nakamika/Mickal/Sensei Chaos(?)
King Soran Nakamura/Sor/Soran/King of the Moon(?)
~*~ CHRONOS ~*~
Princess Ka'lyra Toma Meioh/Ka/Sensei Chronos(18)
Prince Kayan Thomas Meioh/Kaya/Chronos Knight(18)
~*~ Mavu the cat planet ~*~
Princess Alexis Avari/Lexi/Alexis(16)
Queen Alorana Avari/Alora(?)
King Ryan Avari/Ry/Ryan(?)
Garrick Koua/Gar (19) \
|Princess Alexis' Royal Guard
Meriana Koua/Meri/(19)/
Plot line:
This is a AR story about how Darien and Serena first met. There are Sailor Scouts and the Dark Kingdom and stuff but the story it's self takes place when Serenas 17 and running away from an arranged marriage. This is supposed to happen a few years before the fall of the Silver Millenium (I hope)~ Sweat Drop ~ And lead up to the fall. As you can see if you've read any of the story there are a lot more than just nine planets in this story. That's all we really know right now. I have a feeling that this will be a LONG story.