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Hello I'm Sylvie Kirena aka Mia Koji(The owner this site)
Anyway I wanted to show you my Family Tree!
Some stuff might not make since yet but I'll write fanfics
And some Info will be here! Bye!
Bios On The People Above!
Also Eahc Bio has a midi playing..each midi will play one time..
The Midi's reflect the personality of the Character..Thanks so much!
Rowen Hashiba
Becki Kirena

Terra Kirena

Cells Kirena

Fukushu Kukaku

Sylvie Kirena

Fumestuko Kirena
Sage Date
Tsumi Peacecraft
Inochi Date
Chiisai Kirena

Yes I know some people have more than one last name
But the one stated is the one they use...
Below this are Fanfics 'n Stuff you can read to get more info!


I forgot to tell you this...All the kids 'n others go to the past..
They all want to meet Becki & Rowen...
So Setsuna-Sailor Pluto-The Guradian of Time..Let's them..
How Rowen Met Becki-Read Fanfic-Talpa and The Terrans-Go To Fanfic Page
I'll have more fanfics up later..Enjoy!
Back To Fanfic Page
SM Picz From Here!
Midi's From