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Inuyage Fulerdevil

Name:  Inuyage Fulerdevil
Alias:  Devil-Motto
Birthday:  Nov 29, 1981
Astrological Sign:  Sagittarius
Birthstone: Turquoise
Age:  21
Height:  75 in
Eye Color:  Dark Brown
Hair Color:  Black with Red tips/highlights
Likes:  Competing/Fighting, Computers/Hacking, Research
Dislikes:  The Government (Wishes for an Anarchy), Stupid People
Hobbies:  Hacking, Research
Special Strengths:  Hacking "God", Defensive fighting
Trouble With:  Attractive Females, Relationships (Friendship or otherwise)
Favorite Food:  "Chicken Salad"
Favorite Subject:  Science/ PE
Least Favorite Subject:  English
Dream:  Wishes for an Anarchy,License to Kill stupid people.
Powers:  Cybernetic Numina(Ability to interface with any electronic equipment).
Appearance:  Attractive looking young man 75in tall(6 1/4ft). Has Dark Brown Eyes and Black hair with red highlights. Cool looking glasses.
Weakness:  Cannot attack/hurt(Physically or Mentally) Attractive Females. No people skills. Contantly wishes to make people happy or their dreams to come true.
History:  Grew up not knowing his parents...but intead trained in the abilities of Cybernetic Numina. The bussiness training him had plans to use him to further their corporation. He became aware of this and ran away. Now at age 21 he spends all his time using Numina to make himself and others happy. He also constantly trains to fight/compete after having the premonition that he will one day have to fight to defend himslef and others.

Love/Hate Points:   Inuyage has a +45 towards Terra and -20 towards Okami