Pretty Sailor Suited Disclaimer(!): We do not own any ideas, locations or sumthing else from Sailor Moon, so we use it without permission and are not being paid for writing this(that'll be the day)

All original characters are © etc. etc. pretty sailor suited writer Isabel will write a large disclaimer at the end of the story. ^__^

Other Sailors

Part 2

By Isabel and Sharon the Writers

© Isabel and Sharon the Writers



"Mary, are you ready yet?!"


Jamie jumped from one foot to another while waiting for Mary to put her shoes on.

"We're going to be late!"

"We have half an hour to get there! It's only a 15 minute walk."

When Mary finally had her last shoe on her foot Jamie rushed to the door and pulled it open.

Mary grabbed her jacket, walked out of the house and closed the door on her way.

When they reached the park Mary sat down on one of the benches.

Jamie just started walking around the pond, irritating the ducks.

At 55 past 11 they saw a girl walking towards them.

Jamie stopped her circling around the pond and started waving.

"Konnichi wa Ivana-chan!"

"Konnichi wa! Beautiful morning isn't it?"


Mary just held up her hand for a second and smiled.


"Eh… hi Reiki…"

Mary, Ivana and Jamie just looked at her with enormous sweatdrops on the sides of their heads, while everyone within hearing distance was looking at them.

Mary looked at the entrance of the park.

"Look, it's Sidra and Aleta!"

They looked how the 2 girls ( who were theoretically each others almost exact opposite) walked towards them.

Aleta opened her mouth to say something but was cut short when Reiki suddenly hugged her around the waist.



Jamie looked at the two.


Sidra coughed.

"Is _she_ sane?"

"We are still thinking about that one."

They looked for a while how Aleta was fighting for her freedom, and finally decided to help her.

"Okay Reiki let go."

"I dun wanna. I like Aleta. She's kewl."


"Let go. I know martial arts. Fear me."

"Shut up Ivana…"


Jamie crossed her arms and glared at Ivana.

"_I_ know martial arts…"


Ivana smiled.

"Good. You can be my sparring partner. Now how about we go into a café or something to talk?"

"Yosh! The McD's?"

"Okay. My treat. My grandma thought my allowance was too low and she gave me a little extra."

So the 6 girls set course to the nearest Mac Donalds, where they settled around 2 tables, ignoring the waiters and guests who were complaining about a-social behavior.

About 10 minutes later they were looking at a huge amount of food that was piled up on the tables while Ivana put away her wallet.

"Hope that's enough to fill your hungry stomachs."

Aleta was about to say something, but was once again cut short, this time because Sidra had started stuffing her face in a not so fashionable style. Aleta, who was sitting next to Sidra, looked at the girl in disgust.


"What?" Sidra replied with a full mouth, "I'm hungry and when you gotta eat, you gotta eat. Especially when you get to eat as much as I do…"

Ivana smiled at her.

"I didn't buy it to be thrown away. You eat as much as you like."

"Thanks!" Sidra said, spraying her with food.

"Eh… Yosh…"

Aleta immediately moved some seats to the left, ending up next to Reiki, and moved again, this time ending up somewhere between the 2.

They ate the food, some people ate some more than the others *heheh*, but finally it was time to discuss serious matters.

Mary laid her hands on her lap.

"We have serious matters to discuss."

Reiki jumped up.


The whole McD's looked at her shocked.

"I… err… I mean. You know…"

The other girls just looked at her.

"We can't talk about… You know what in the MACDONALD'S!!!"

"Pizza corner then?"

"Jamie! Baka!"

"Shut up squirt, I'm your older sister."

"So what?"

"So nyah!"

Ivana coughed.

"Eh. Okay.. I think I know a private place not far from here."


"MY LIVINGROOM!!! My mom and dad and grandma are away all the afternoon and left all sorts of snacks."

Mary stood up.

"All in favor say I."

"I." came from 5 other mouths.

6 minutes later

Aleta carefully sat down on the couch, she looked at the clothing and then at Ivana.

"From Paris?"

"Jup. I hate it, it's stupid."

"Stupid? I kinda like it, personally. We have a couch from some lame city called Den Helder in Holland, now that's a stupid couch."

"Heh, the fabric of the couch doesn't match the carpet and I don't like the color. Now. Anybody want something to drink?"

Sidra stood in the middle of the chamber, carefully not to touch anything.

"Ehm, water, please…."

The other girls looked at her and Jamie looked at her while hanging upside down in a chair.

"Gees Sidra, relax, you're among friends you know?"

"Yea… Uhm… But I might break something… And… Stuff…"


Sidra quickly sat down on the floor.

"Happy now?"

Jamie stood up from the chair, grabbed Sidra at the arm and pulled her up. Then she walked over to the nearest chair.

"This is you, and this is a chair."

"Nice to meet you mister chair."

She placed Sidra in the chair.

"This is you in the chair. Any questions?"

"Eh… No..."

"Good. Now what would you like to drink, _besides_ water?"


Ivana opened a door of the big closet standing in front of a wall.

"Well… Go see what you like."

Reiki raised an eyebrow.

"You have a fridge in the closet…"

"No, that's just drinks. The fridge with food is in the kitchen and we have a storage chamber too."

Aleta stood up and snatched a can of coke out of the closet, and sat down on the couch again.

"Okay, we have a guy called Geraldula, who pretty much wants us dead…"

Suddenly they heard something scratching at the door.

"Oh, that's probably my grandma's cat, I'll let her in."

Ivana walked out of the room and opened the door.

"What the heck?!"

They heard stampeding and a second later Jade, Felix and Celeste ran in.

All 3 guardians raced to their 'owners' and started talking at the same time.

Jamie held one hand over Jade's mouth and used the other one to keep Felix' beak shut.

Finally Aleta managed to calm down Celeste and everything was quiet.

"Here kitty kitty!"

A minute later Ivana walked in with a kitten in her arms, white with gray spots.

Felix made a disapproving sound.

Mary let go of his beak.

"Okay, what's the matter?"

"Yuck, even more cats…"

He quickly hid behind Mary when Celeste and Jade tried to struggle free from their owners grabs, obviously very willing to kill the phoenix.

"Don't worry, Ushi wouldn't hurt a fly. She's kawaii as can beeeeee. And doesn't talk."

Felix snorted.

"Cow? Hmpf, figures, that's what cats basically are, dumb fat cows…"


Jade bit Jamie's hand and jumped on top of Felix.

"Now be a good chicken and shut up while I bring the news."

"mutter mutter."

"Scouts, Geraldula's coming!"

"Eh. So what else is new?"

"He's coming personally this time, and he intends to kill you."



Jamie stood up and picked up Jade.

"And how do we know where he is huh?"

"He'll find you guys…"

The girls all turned blue around their nose.


"Jade, Jade, Jade, couldn't you bring the news a little less like a weather report?"


Ivana dropped Ushi.


Reiki pouted.

"NO FAIR!!!!!!"

Jade snorted.

"Heh, wondered when you were going to open your mouth."





Ivana pointed at Ushi.

"But she…"
"I'm a boy…"


Mary stood up, holding Felix under her arm like a sack of flour.

"If Geraldula finds us, he'll find us here and probably trash the place, I say we go somewhere with not much people."

Sidra got a wicked grin on her face.

"Or we could go to my home…"

"Lets just go to… the beach! It's not like anyone's going there with _this_ weather."

Aleta pointed out of the window where thick gray clouds were packing.

Jamie picked up her jacket, which she had dumped on a chair earlier.

"Okay, now that's settled. How will we get there?"

"Uh, follow me."

Ivana led the girls and cats and phoenix through the house to the back, into the garage.

"I haven't got my license yet… Legally… But who cares. Let's go."

The girls and animals quickly got in the shiny limo that was parked there while the doors of the garage opened.

When the doors were completely open Ivana turned the engine on and raced out at full speed.

Jamie somehow managed to get her head next to Ivana's.


"I'm taking a shortcut."

Ivana quickly made a U-turn.

"Now I evaded three crossing lights. Heh."



A large black carriage stopped infront of Ivana's house.

Geraldula looked out of the small window.

"By Dracula's fangs, they got away! Igor, where are they going to?"

Igor looked up from the Super Windows 2000 Mega computer, which was showing a map of the town and a small red dot that pin pointed Ivana's car.

"To the beach maaaster."

"Goodie, lets go then!"

The carriage started riding again, taking the exact same route that the sailors had taken.


"Let's transform before he gets here."

"That way we'll keep our identities secret."

Jamie pulled out her amulet.

"I'm in. LETS ROCK! Sagna Planet Power, Make Up!"

"Showtime… Kyokukou Light Power, Make Up!"

"Ara Constellation Power, Make Up!"

"Mira Star Power, Make Up!"

"Eclipse Cosmic Power, Make Up!"

"Aira Ice Power, Make Up!"

"Ushi Cat Power, Transform into…"

"MASTER USHI!" Jamie said.

"BAKA!!!! My real name is like the Earth's angel…"


"Gabriël you IDIOT!!!"


Eclipse scratched Celeste under the chin, who had grown out to a lion with wings, while Ara played with some of Felix' flames.

Sagna looked at Jade.

"How come you don't transform?"

"I err…"

"Come on, you can tell me, I'm your friend ^__^"

Jade hung her head.

"I can't… I lost the gift back in the great Sailor fight of the year 700…"

Gabriël/Ushi/wotever sighed.

"Lucky you did have the ability to transform. I never could… I UGH! Let go…"

Aira giggled and scratched… THE CAT under his chin.

"You're always special to me."


"Yes, great isn't it, my little sailors?"

Eclipse looked up.

"That just sounded wrong man…"

"Kewl! Do you have Sailors too?"

"Kyo, shut up."


A shadow emerged from the darkness.

"I am-"


Everyone looked at Sagna, who was pointing at the figure.




Geraldula bowed over and looked at Sagna.

"Little girl, I do not have time for this. I am Geraldula, your arch enemy."

"Oh, ^__^ that was going to be my next guess."

Aira walked up to Geraldula and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you mister Geraldula! I'm Sailor Aira, this is Sailor Sagna, Sailor Eclipse, Sailor Ara, Sailor Mira and Sailor Kyokukou, Kyo for short."

Geraldula looked at them.

"You do not entirely seem to understand what's going on here. I am going to kill you!"

Ara started to giggle when Sagna went standing behind Geraldula copying his every move and sentence.

"You should be shivering right now!"

"You should be shivering right now!"

"What's that?"

"What's that?"

"Who said that?"

"Who said that?"



Geraldula turned around and looked at Sagna again.

"Little girl, stop playing copycat on me."

"Little girl, stop playing copycat on me."





Igor looked confused, so Sagna pointed a finger at him.


"You're childish… More childish than my nephew…"

Sagna pulled her eyelid down and stuck her tongue out at Kyo.

Ara sighed.

"Why me?"

Aira was jumping up and down pointing at Geraldula.

"Helloooo, arch enemy to destroy?"

Sagna looked at Aira and then pointed at Geraldula.

"Him? He's not dangerous!"


"That's right, you couldn't hurt a fly! MUUHAHA!"

Veins were popping up on Geraldula's forehead.

"Why… You… Little… BRAAAT! DIE!!!"


Ara dropped Felix and ran towards her sister, who fell back in the sand after being hit by Geraldula.

Sagna carefully sat up and touched her cheek which was turning red.

"Baka yarou…"

Sidra looked at Geraldula in awe.

"Bad move, big guy…"

"Sagna Power Ribbon!"

The bright purple ribbon tied itself around Geraldula and started draining energy.


"Igor, bring me my scissors."

Igor hurried over to his master with a pair of scissors and cut the ribbon.

Geraldula pulled the pieces of ribbon of himself and threw them at Sagna and Ara.

"If that's the best you have, I predict that I will be victorious."

"Good speech maaaster."

"Shut up!"

Aira slapped Geraldula.

"You make me sick! You fake vampire! Thinking you're Dracula himself. WELL I'LL TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!"



"You tell him Aira!"

"Shut up Kyo."


Suddenly Geraldula started to chuckle, and then to laugh while pulling out a large crystal.

"MWAHAHA! You don't seriously think you've beaten me, do you? The fight is just beginning! Beam of terror!"


A black beam shot out of the crystal, towards the Sailors.


It was about to hit, when Sailor Mira jumped in front and got blasted back.



Eclipse ran towards Mira and kneeled down beside her.

"Mira? Mira! Say something!"

Mira opened her eyes and grinned.

"It's okay… I… I'm not very useful anyway... Do it…"

Eclipse jumped up and pointed a finger at Geraldula.

"You're going down mister! Eclipse Paralyzing Starwind!"

A tornado of wind and stars started making its way over to Geraldula who simply grinned.

"No little sailor, you are the one that's going down."


Eclipse gave a yelp when Geraldula bounced the star-wind back with a wave of his hand.

Kyo just managed to get out of its way and looked how the tornado vaporized in the sea.


"Shut up Kyo. Use the beam."

"The force?"

"THE BEAM! Baka…"

"Ooooohyea. Kyokukou Ray of Light."

Kyo's large energy beam started making its way towards Geraldula.


"Do you girls ever learn? I'M INVINCIBLE!!!"

Geraldula held out his hand and the Ray of Light just got absorbed.

"I like the little gift you gave me, but it totally clashes with the color of my cape. Have it back."

Kyo got hit by her own Ray and found herself being hurled backwards, ending up face first in the sand.

Sagna stood up, leaning heavily on Ara and looked at the battle in front of them.

"Shit, this is going wrong… Ara, you gotta do something!"

"Like what?! It's not like he gets hurt by any of the attacks."

"Who cares if he gets hurt? If we can exhaust him we can defeat him."

"And how are we going to do that? That guy doesn't move…"

"Use the firewall."

"nan- oh, I get it!"

The 2 siblings managed to drag each other over to the battle where Ara left Sagna with Kyo and Mira and walked to the front of the battle untill she was between Geraldula and the other Sailors.

"You shan't hurt my friends. Ara Firewall!"

The large dome of flames quickly formed around the Sailors, shielding them from Geraldula.

Geraldula grinned.

"What a pathetic way of defending your friends… Ready do die?"

Ara just looked at him.

"You're blinded. You shall never defeat us."

"Yes I will, and then I'll get promotion."

"Promotion to WHAT?"

"Enough. I feel like I wasted enough time on you already. Igor?"

"Yeeeees master. I agreeeee."


"I agree too."


Aira looked at Geraldula.

"Our attacks won't work. Who cares. But can you fight man to man? Uh… Man to woman?"

"Say what? Are you challenging me, little girl?"

"Quite frankly, I am."


Sagna carefully walked over and went standing besides Aira.

"And I am too. What do you say Geraldula, you against me and Aira here? Or are you chickening out?"

Geraldula turned red.


"Yawn… Aira Ice Sparkling."

The ice made a hole in the wall and Aira and Sagna walked out.

"Ready for your demise, my little Sailors?"

"No, but are you, little Geraldula?" Aira asked with a grin.



Sagna put her hands on her hips.

"Brat this, brat that, brat, brat, brat, brat. Can we do this before I'm old?"



Aira took a fighting stance.

"Come and get it."


"I'm not the one who is trying to kill us, you are. Begin your attack."

"Wait! It's not fair, two against one."

Aira pointed at Igor.

"He can join too if you like…"

Sagna tapped Aira on the shoulder.

"Can we use weapons?"

"Do as you wish. I intend to destroy him with raw power tho…"

"Okay, I'll just slash up pretty boy over there."

Sagna nodded at Igor and pulled her glaive out of thin air at the same time.

"Ready to rumble? Iiiiiigor?"

"Yeeees little Sailor."

"Well excuse me, but I'm twice your size."

Aira shook her head.

"Three times. Now can we start already?"

"Fine with me. After you hump boy!"

Igor jumped in the air, making a kicking move. There was a short flash when the light reflected on the glaive and a second later Igors foot landed in the sand between Aira and Geraldula.

Igor looked at the blood that was pouring from his leg.


Aira grinned.

"You look better without it."

Geraldula nodded.

"I agree."

"But maaaaster, I'm dying here."

"Oh. Okay."

Sagna calmly walked over to the fallen freak, and leaned on her glaive.

"hm, kill or let suffer, kill or let suffer? Decisions, decisions."

"Let him suffer. And now it's my turn."

Geraldula nodded.

"Bring it on, little Sailor girl."


Aira sprinted over to Geraldula and punched him in the face, while at the same time kicking him in the crotch.

"You BRAT!" Geraldula screamed with a high-pitched voice.

"I shall return!"

"You're not going anywhere. Aira Icicle Fury!!!"

A lot of sharp and pointy icicles fired to Geraldula, who stepped backwards.

"I… Can't absorb that…"



Sagna had finally made up her mind about Igors fate and had decided to simply cut his head of.

"Astalavista, lump boy."

The glaive came down with lightning speed…only to hit sand.

Sagna blinked.

"Nani? Where'd he go?"

Aira's icicles came down in the sand, without hitting anything else.

"Wow, three inches. New record."


Ara's firewall disappeared and Ara stepped over the small trench of molten sand.

"He just disappeared."

"God… Damn… It…"

Gabriël jumped on Aira's shoulder.

"Don't take it too hard. If that attack of yours had hit, you'd have defeaten him."

"But it didn't…"


Geraldula bowed before the throne with Igor at his side, who leaned on a crutch.

"Why are you here Geraldula?"

"I have failed, my Queen."

"Geraldula, Geraldula. You know that in this community, there is no place for failures."

"Yes, I know my Queen. But please, give me another chance!"

"No Geraldula, you have failed me for the first and last time."

Igor sighed when Geraldula went up in flames.

"That was the 3rd already… My Queen, don't you think it's time to send out someone who's good?"

A soft spine-chilling laugh came down from the throne.

"Like who, Otis? The only one who's good is me."

"Why don't you go then?"

"I wanted to test their strength first."

A long and slender figure emerged from the darkness that surrounded the throne.

The woman walked past Otis/Igor, her cape waving after her.

"Come, Otis, we have business to attend to."

"Yes, my Queen."

The sound of the Queens shoes faded as the 2 figures disappeared in the shadows.


Misses Plum looked up when the door opened and Mary and Jamie walked in, the latter leaning on the first.

"GOOD LORD! What have you 2 done? Jamie, you're a mess! How did your cheek get so red? Did someone hit you?"

Jamie grinned.

"I, err, I walked into a lamp post, that's all."

Misses Plum raised an eyebrow.

"Have you been drinking?"


"Hm, I take that as a no…Aw well, come on, diner's ready."


"Mom, dad, grandma I'm hoooome!"

Ivana walked into the living room to find her grandmother on the sofa.

"Hey, where are mom and dad?"


"Oh. Okay."

"Ah, I see you took Gabriël out for a walk."

"Yea I… Gabriël?"

Ivana's grandmother frowned.

"Yes, that's his name."

"Eh. I thought his name was Ushi?"

"I never named him Ushi! Dear lord, are you over-exhausted?"

Ivana grinned.

"Yea, I am a little sleepy. I'm going off to bed. G'night grandma."

"Goodnight dear. Take Gabriël with you."

"I… Okay."

Ivana's grandmother winked and went on reading a book.


Aleta stumbled into the living room and let herself fall down on the couch.

Her mother was reading a magazine.

"Hi dear, how was it with your friends?" She said without looking up.

Aleta ran a hand through her messy hair and whipped some sand out of her face.

"Great. Really great."

"That's nice."

Aleta glared at her mother.

"Mum, I'm of to bed, ciao."

Her mum didn't respond and Aleta walked up to the second floor and into the bathroom.

She smiled when she looked in the mirror.

"Jeez, I'm a mess…heh."


"Pain… Agony… Ugh…"

Reiki rang the doorbell and Billy opened.

"Good evening my niece. How are you? Was it fun? You look like shit."

"Yea, you do too."

Reiki sighed and walked into the house, pushing her nephew out of the way.

"I need a baaaaath…"

She walked upstairs, followed by Billy.

"So, did you fight or something?"

"Yea. So?"

"Oh, my niece is becoming a rebel."

"Get out of the bathroom."

"Why? It's not like you have anything to hide."


Reiki giggled when she realized what she just said.

"What?" Billy asked.

"Nothing." Reiki responded, pushing Billy out of the bathroom.


"What? What's up with you?"

"Heh. It's the period, remember. Does crazy stuff to your mind."

"Oh. Okay. Ohyea, some girl called… Uh. Sidra or something. Sez she's doing great."

"Glad to hear it. NOW GET AWAY!"

Billy dodged a shampoo bottle that was being thrown towards his head and ran downstairs.


The end




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Large (Dis)Claimer, brought to you by the pretty sailor suited Writer Isabel ^__^

All ideas, situations and stuff taken from the Sailor moon series are © DiC and we make no money for writing this.

Jamie, Mary, Aleta, Felix, Jade, Celeste and misses Plum are © to me, Isabel and are not to be used without my permission.

Reiki, Ivana, Sidra, Billy, Pauline, and Gabriël are © to her, Sharon, and are not to be used without permission.

Geraldula, Igor and the Queen are © to both of us, and are not to be used without permission, so nyah!