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Konnichiwa! Welcome to the Rocket-Dan Asylum! This is a website strictly for Team Rocket fans! Just a word of caution, I am a rocketshipper, but that does not mean that the entire site is all rocketshippy! I will have information on all Team Rocket members. The Rocket-Dan Asylum is under major construction so please be patient. Do not send me hate mail or letters telling me that I am wrong. I will not listen to you. In my opinion you have to be blind not to see that James and Jesse are more than just friends.

Well now that you are bored half to death of Terra's rambling...


:Terra's Mood

<bg sound src=wind_ben.mid" loop=infinite>

"Wind Beneath My Wings" by: Bette Midler


Espeon has attacked this many intuders since November 18, 2001.