Q: What the hell? How come some of your pages are direct-linked from other sites?
A: Good question, seeing I was asked this by an angry "webmaster" demanding that I return his pages of stolen avatars (yeah right). Well, to be blunt, my computer sucks. It's old and worn and because its so damn slow, uploading doesn't work. Sure, there was a period of time when I was unloading the extra bandwidth load from some sites, but now the computer has gone caput. You'll have to wait until I get a better computer for me to stop direct-linking.
Q: GIVE ME BACK MY AVATARS BEFORE I RIP YOUR TONGUE OUT!(Ok, so it's not really a question..)
A: Listen, chump. When you load all your avatars onto a page for VPlaces or whatever, you are giving consent for people to take and use them. It's not my fault all the traffic you would of been getting is coming to me. Want to know why you aren't getting many more hits anymore? YOUR SITE SUCKS!!!...Next question?
Q: How come your images aren't thumbnailed?
A: Once again, it comes down to uploading. You need to upload the thumnailed image, don't ya? Well, I can't. Besides, if the animated GIFs were thumbnailed with only one frame, you'd have no clue what the hell the GIF was about in the first place. As for the group pictures, I only pick the BEST of the BEST. I've spent hours going through every Dick-and-Harry site getting those decent pictures, so all of them are worth their loading times.
Q: Hey! I Cent My Site to Ur EMail nddres and U dindt put Me on Ur Site! Y Not?!
A: I shouldn't have to answer this, but I will. Ok, kiddies. Go to Anipike.com and find the DBZ section. Scroll, scroll, and scroll some more. 75% of those sites are CRAP. If you can't spell and can't do HTML by yourself, you aren't worth my time. And if that's not enough, I reviewed the site and...let me reinterate...IT SUCKS! I know my site doesn't have all of the bells and whistles yet, but at least I care about the content on it and at least I can spell.
Q: What are the conditions of submitting my site?
A: People, I sympathize with you. We little peoples don't stand a chance to have our sites submitted to one of those big sites (PlanetNamek.com and DaBlackGoku.com, for example) because you have to have 2000 individual hits a day, your own bandwidth and...yada-yada-yada. So here I am. ANYONE can submit their site to me, even if it's not half-finished! I review every page myself, and if I see potential, you're in. But with your request you also have to submit a button or button-code for me to put on the bottom of my pages. Plus, you must take my button, upload it up on your site and put in a place that's seen (your index page would be nice). And please keep the pages to anime, videogames, manga, and webgraphic contents.
Q: What's this Anime Evolution place you keep talking about?
A: That just happens to be my sister site. We are both under very heavy construction. Anime Evolution is pretty much an anime webmaster site. Right now, it contains buttons, a HUGE amount of banners, transparent GIFs, backgrounds, and all that good stuff. If you want some good stuff for your budding site, you get your ass on over there and plunder the riches.
A: Not a chance in the world, buddy.
Q: Could I be considered a sister site or affiliate?
A: It does my heart glad to see others trying to become stars in the anime website skies. One of my many goals through the Dream is to create a huge web of reputable websites that are really good in content but don't meet the big-guy site requirements. However, becoming a sister site is different from just submitting your site to having a button at the bottom of my index pages. If you are good enough to be a sister, you get a very special spot on my Portal Page, right under the Anime Evolution URL! But then again, sister sites do more than just put each other in prime spots on each other's pages. If you are really interested, you can email me and we can discuss over a cup of coffee..or something.
Q: Hey! If you give me your site password, I can work on the site too! Whaddya think?
A: Sorry, people. I don't trust anyone to go in and screw with my pages. So don't bother asking for the password, because this page in itself is a one-woman deal.
Into the Avatar Emporium Into the Picture Emporium Into the GIF Emporium