Today's Bashin Allana
I'm sorry to say this but i don't know her last name so you can't call
her and laugh.
Allana is well VERY VERY UGLY, and well she thinks shes more than she EVER
could be.
Again I'm not a mean person but sometimes you just gotta say what your thinking.
This is one of those times too, cause I'm gonna say what basically we all think
cause thats what I do.
While I'm gonna be bashin her more Anthony will also be bashed too. For he's a
decent lookin guy (or so I've been told) but just by lookin at him you can see
him bein with someone well BETTER THAN HER!!!!
Her she's the kind of girl who will go out with anyone that asks her out, and well
when she goes out with someone she needs to whip then into her BITCH!!!!, and when
she's not goin out with someone all she talks about is how she needs someone, and
thats all she ever TALKS about.
Allana scales a 3 and i'm bein nice here.