The Guardians Azaka and Kamidake are Ayeka's guardians they protect her and obey her without question. They serve as advisors, companions, servants, and protectors of the princess. In the TV series Azaka and Kamidake also act as storage devices for the essences of the Knights of Jurai. They are named after their corresponding knights. Ayeka can create lesser versions of Azaka and Kamidake but these copies are not nearly as powerful. The reason that they look so much like logs is that they are crafted from a tree of Jurai. Azaka and Kamidake can attack by firing lasers while flying about individually. However, their most powerful attack can only be performed while both are present. They can emit massive amounts of electricity. This can be used as either a physical attack or to form a force field for defense. They can also absorb normal matter which allows them to imprison anyone like they did to Ryoko in OVA episode 2. For the most part they hang outside the gates of Tenchi's house and terrorize mailmen and paperboys.