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Memories of Cherry Blossom Festival '01:
SU's Entry:  Samui *.*

Sunday, April 22, 2001
  Wai!!  A parade!  How cool!  ^^  I wanted to walk in the Cherry Blossom parade during a past year, but *someone* made a mistake in what they were doing that day and wouldn't let me go >.<  (grr... ::acts like a neko::).  Oh well.  Least I went this year.  I got up early cuz I had to carpool some people and we needed to do some stuff before we went to check in.  Oh crud a few minutes after we picked people up I realized what was missing from my costume.  Oh well.  The people I was with said I could probably find something in SF when we got there.  O.o  (didn't happen -.-;;;).    Ugh.... well since I was missing the arm pieces of my costume, I figured maybe I could hide my arms behind my weapon. 
  45 minutes or so later we arrived in SF.  Ahhhhh!!!  Samui desu yo!!!  And I was wearing *shorts*!!  I was freezing!  All the more reason to have the arm thingys.... kept me warm...  Well we did a bit of wandering and then swung by city hall for check-in and stuff.  Dang two hours of being bored and just standing there with little activity.  ^^;; To pass the time we were "bonding" with other cosplayers.  Pretty fun.  I saw Weiß!!  One of 'em was kinda... kowai... but oh well.  Some of the people there were at Fanime too!  We did a lot of discussing, mostly of our gripes. ^.~ Ah well it was all fun.  After a while they finally had us line up so the judges could "evaluate" our costumes.  I got some ideas for posing after seeing the people in front of us go.  When it was my turn I did every Rinoa pose I could think of (cuz I was cosplaying as her).  One of them (the judges) asked me to do the bounce-thing, so I did.  ^.~ Luckily you couldn't see my arms through most of it, thank god.... 
  After more boredom they announced the results.  Yay I was one of the 20 or so people to win 3rd prize!  Kind of was wondering what the prize was tho.  O.o  (I wonder if I won for knowing the poses or for the feathery weapon.... maybe it was both.  Well whatever, draws the attention away from my incomplete costume...).  After they finished we started the walk in the parade.  It was sooo long....  and there was gross horse manure in the middle of the street once in a while (-.-* I though I was gonna gag.. It was so disgusting....)  Apparently during that walk I got sunburned cuz my shoulders hurt after wards on the next day ^^;;. 
  After the parade we had to find something to do for an hour since the prize pick-up was at 3.  Basically we just wandered around browsing/shopping/etc.  When the time came, one of the volunteers told us we should get in line.  For the people who won special prizes... well they almost gave us two participation packs.  ^^;;  Disorganized I guess....  (But the first pack they gave me had a *Ryo-ohki* key chain instead of a Mihoshi one -.-  Oh well...) The packs had a poster, how to draw anime book, Tenchi Muyo key chain, and well...  that was about it.  For my special prize they were about to give me a "yellow thing" stuffed animal (which was actually a Keroberos from Card Captor Sakura when I got a quick look at it), but then stopped to ask if I wanted the yellow thing or a kodama.  I chose the yellow thing.  ^^  Kero-chan wa kawaii.  I kinda wanted the kodama too, but..  I'll just buy that myself one of these days... maybe.
  Aside from that we just wandered around the highlights of SF for a while (namely the Metreon since we already went to China Town and were in Japan Town).  I actually sang in front of someone (a tomodachi who reminds me of a certain red-haired youko on YYH) who was really listening for the first time.  Guess it wasn't too bad (^.~ Ok, ok I was a bit uncomfortable at first, but so what...  They were actually *listening* and I have no idea if I suck or anything. ^^;;;  Ya know the only other couple times anyone was around when I sang ya couldn't really hear cuz of the music and they were half-listening... Thank Suzaku for that....).  At like 7:30 or so we had a little ARC meeting to plan for the '02 Fanime...  which didn't happen.  ^^;;  The stage ninjas who came in case we'd need them again were kinda distracting everyone...  not in a bad way....but we got absolutely no where.  They seem to have a thing for not listening to anything about planning.  ("Oh why don't you plan it and tell us what to do later?"  How am I supposed to know what we're gonna do if no one'll listen and give input?)  -.-  Methinks next time it'll just be ARC....  I'll get the stage ninja input later.
  Ah well...  Nothing too bad happened so I guess it was ok.

Well that's all for my report.  Ja mata minna!
--SU who owes TTTom a bit of payback from that day (Muahaha I'll get you!  I swear I will!!)....

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