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Memories of SF Final Fantasy Movie Gathering:
SU's Entry

    Heya peeps!  Well, I got a request to do a report on this event so here goes!  (Hmm... wonder if I'll remember everything).

    Well the day pretty much started off kind of chaotic with some minor scheduling problems, but hey it all worked out  (thanks to pyxie calling SU  X___x  Eeks that was a bad problem.  sankyuuu)!  Kuroi and I went over to San Francisco to meet up with some other cosplayers and watch the Final Fantasy Movie at the Metreon.... in costume.  Hmm this could get interesting....
    After wandering around the Metreon for a while and trying to kill time, we went back to the front enterance to meet everyone.  Well when we got there we saw the Baby Neko Twins were already there.  Yayness!  So we basically hung out for a while waiting for everyone else to get there (Darn that bad traffic!).  Well, anyway eventually most of the group got there but it was nearing 8:00 and we needed to get to our seats.
    Have you ever seen a large group of people all taking the escalator at the same time?  Well basically I think we were, uh... hmm holding up people traffic?  ^^;; Not too bad cause we got on pretty quickly.  It was sort of strange having everyone stare at us tho ("What are those freaks doing?" "Is there some sort of event going on today?"  ^^;;;;), but that comes with the territory of cosplay so we didn't mind.  ^.-
     Lalala skipping ahead through the uneventful parts, we got our seats and some other people who just showed up started drifting in.  The rest of us were ehh... kinda bored?  ^^;;;  We were pretty much just kinda talking and doing whatever.
     Some forgotten boring number of minutes later kuroi says something to me.
     "Hey SU"
     "Is that CJ?  It looks liek CJ."
     "Huh?  ::looks::  Oh my god!"
     "I think it is! It looks like CJ!  ::looks again::  It IS CJ!  What's he doing here?!"
     "I didn't know he was coming...."

      ^^;;;;  Uh yeah.  Basically we were sorta surprised (not really once we thoguht about it.  Duh, cosplayer gathering... Not that surprising).  We dropped after about a minute and continued on out bored ramblings till the movie started.
      So, we sat there, we watched, we whispered comments to each other every once in a while, ad the movie was spiffiness (I'm sure yo've all seen it by now, ne?).  ^.-  During the credits we just kinda talked about Squaresoft and villians with long coats, how we expected a chocobo or cactaur to walk across the screen during the credits (darn didn't happen ::snap finger::), and wondering where the heck the L'Arc~en~Ciel song was.  After waiting through the  first song finally another one started and we all (well those of us who didn't leave yet) listened closely.  The singing started.  The voice was familiar.  It was in English.  Bad English.
      Yes!  It was the L'Arc song!  Spiffiness.  As Gina said, "If it's bad English, it's L'Arc~en~Ciel."  We just kinda sat there through the song talking and enjoying hyde's nice voice.  Than as the song ended and the credits began to go away... I couldn't help but shout:
     "Hey, where's the yellow chicken?!!"
     To which someone in the back of the theater shouts:
     O__o  Woah... Guess I said that a bit too loud.  But it was fun.  It made for a good laugh.  After that we exited out of the theater to meet up with those who didn't wanna sit through credits.  Among the crowd we saw CJ again.  And he saw us.  He stared.  We stared back, grinning like the evil people we are.  Then once we got to him we did the whole "What're YOU doing here" thing and that stuff.  ^^;; Uhh yeah.  Then after that we got into a nce wide open space (cause we were holding up traffic again ^^;;;) and talked abotu future cosplays and how CJ needs to get a tan and go workout if he's gonna be Tidus (::coughs:: SERIOUS tan needed X___x  Tidus is not a pale boy).  After that me and Kuroi ran after Gina who was heading for the DDR machine cause well... we were bored and Squall doing DDR is interesting.  Unfortunately she tripped, which sucked, but wasn't too bad, and when she got to the machien the dang thing was out of order.  Arrgh the evilness.  The only other DDR machine was in teh Metreon's arcade and it's WAY to expensive to go play stuff there. X___x Bad.  But yeah we went back, we talked, Kuroi and I left and ooh on our way back to meet SU's 'kaasan and go home we found a nice anime store.  Hello pretty anime stuff...  I'd buy you and take you hoem with me if I wasn't a broke lazy bum. ^^;;
      Being the now genki anime fans we were, we went back upstairs to go grab everyone else and tell them about it.  Wel, they were going to get food so most of them decided not to follow except for  a few people. >.>  Oh well.  But hey it was still cool cause the people there wanted to take our picture cause it was opening day for them and they wanted pictures of cosplayers.  Ooh yay for us!  Spiffiness!  So we got out pictures taken and they gave us free Gundam dogtags <.<  Cheap but hey it was free so still cool I guess.
      Well after that there wasn't really much else to do so uhh.... we went home ^^;; Overall the day was pretty fun.  ^-^  Might be fun to do that again sometime (hmm but less chaos in the beginign of the day would be nice).

--SU, who would love to attach soem nice pictures to this report, but she needs to find that camera and get the film developed.  Anyway, Ja people!

The Legal Stuff

ARC is ©2001 to the anime club AF^2.  All rights reserved. Anime Realm Cosplay (ARC) and all its members is a registered trademark of the AF^2 and all its members.  All pictures and characters cosplayed as are registered trademarks of their respective owners.  Copyright information is based on real ones on Square Co., Ltd. products.
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In English:  All the people we cosplay as and all the  pictures on this page belong to their respective owner.  ARC takes no credit for anything not done by us, so please don't sue us, as we don't exactly have any money anyway.  ARC belongs to an anime club called the AF^2 so don't go stealing any of our stuff either.  So on and so forth, you get the picture.  Just don't steal anything off this page, got it?

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