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Memories of Fanime '01:
SU's Entry, "Chaos @.@"

Friday, March 30, 2001
  Wheewwwww Fanime day!  Blessed Suzaku I thought it'd never come!!  Lucky for me I got out of school at 1:50 that day.  Dealer's room was closing at I believe 6:30.  Plenty of time to take the bus to the Westin Hotel & Convention Center right?  After all the bus that's outside my school drops you off at GA and the Convention Center's not that far of a walk from there.  So as soon as possible, I hopped on the first bus I saw with my costume and unfortunately my school stuff (~.~) in hand to RLH to the con.  Bwahahaha Must blow okane on spiffy anime stuff!!  Ah, Fanime makes an anime fan insane sometimes... well more than usual I should say.    Unfortunately the bus didn't go the full route to GA, but that's not too bad since I had directions.  But as luck would have it, the person who *gave* me the directions has the sense of direction of Ryoga.  He got me lost!!!  ~.~  Thank Suzaku at least the bus driver had a sense of direction and dropped me off at a point where it was just a straight walk to the con'.  An annoyingly long and exhausting walk, but at least I got there.  (That's all that matters....)  So after a while I was getting really worn out and I was thinking "Oh dear god, let it be close by...."  But then I saw a large building not too far in the distance and lo and behold the huge sign that was barely readable said "Westin Hotel."  Yay!  I WASN'T completely lost.  So I eventually got there (about an hour and a half after I left from school ~.~  so much for a "short bus ride" and a *little* bit of walking).  First thing I did was navigate quickly into a bathroom with my quick youkai skills (j/k) to change @.@.  And to fix my hair that got messed up on that tiring journey.  Then I zoomed in and out of registration and headed towards the Dealer's Room before all the good anime was bought.  (It's MINE damn it!)  Actually before I bought anything I had to say hi to one of the dealer's that I knew pretty well.  ^^  Thankfully he let me keep my bag from school there so I wouldn't have to carry it with me when I was walking around (@.@  A change of clothes in there makes it really heavy....).  I made a few impulse purchases (misc. nifty Weiß Kreuz items....  YYH cards...  they were worth it tho!) then scanned for any great anime items and left to go meet the other group members who should've arrived by then.  Wellll there were a few transportation problems so I still didn't have any opportunity for rest.  (~.~*  Someone save me....)  Blah, blah, blah, eventually we got organized enough to try and have a rehearsal at like 8 PM as planned.  But Suzaku wasn't feeling merciful cuz *SOMEONE* was busy flirting the whole meeting time and we didn't get too much done.  In short:  it ended up being a very hectic day with virtually no progress except we finally had everyone agreeing on the same skit.  ~.~  Not even the tiniest bit of rehearsal....  On top of that we weren't even sure we could get into the Masquerade because of their baka system of picking people this year. The *nice* staff member said we should just show up at 10 AM for rehearsal and see if anyone didn't show (the first staff member yelled at the person we sent to go sign-up just for asking a question O.o  Not even my math teacher snaps at us like that...)  Agh, chaos.... And not only that I never got to recover from exhaustion!  ;_;  I'm lucky I didn't pass out in the middle of the day or something.  ::naku::

Saturday, March 31, 2001
@.@  Nope still no recovery.  I only got an hour and a half of sleep.  Oh JOY.  I stayed up 'till 4:30 AM trying to get the swoosh on our soundtrack right and burn everything we needed onto the CD.  ::cries::  Tasukete....  And I got up at 6 for the 7:30 group rehearsal before the 10 AM official Masquerade rehearsal....  Worse still everyone was late and most of the people didn't show till 9!  All we had time to do was quickly go over what we were all doing...  Most of the stage ninjas weren't even there which didn't help much either. Some of us went and got masquerade tickets on the fearful chance we wouldn't get in... Luckily Suzaku was merciful that day and we were able to get in!  Yay!  I didn't stay up 'till 4:30 for nothing!!  We didn't actually do any rehearsal though.... Just planning everything out and getting organized.  ::shrugs:: The rest of the day we spent catching up on shopping until 3 when we all met up in a hotel room to practice (^.~ tho somewhere in between I went to the ATM for more money.  I really wanted those Weiß earrings...).  Ugh... but one of the members who was making like half the signs was *LATE* and we had to quickly try and make them in case she didn't show (which she eventually did).  When she got there we finished getting organized, gathered everyone together as fast as we could (that took a while...), and did a few quick rehearsals in the elevator hall (the hotel room was WAY too tiny to practice in).  ^^  We got some good lucks from some of the other groups which I guess kind of boosted morale cuz all went well.  Then came the masquerade.  @.@  We got shoved into crampt little rooms...  But I got to talk to a bunch of cosplayers.  I'm surprised the Fiasco peeps (AGSMA, NCC, AMC, GAP according to AGSMA's site)  remembered us from the previous year (even more chaotic) O.o.  (Then again I don't think we were too hard to forget...  ^^;;).  When our turn came... well things went chaotic again.  Whoever the tech guy was, he messed up our lighting and sound, which must've confused people cause we had upside down signs, tripping accidents, and some other things go wrong (like me being so caught up in the chaos of the mess ups I forgot to grab the dang squeaky hammer first BEFORE I went to attack!  ^^;; Improv....  had to do improv...).  Not only that one person bailed at the last minute and we were missing some signs, including the dialogue ones.  We were standing there like fools for a little while trying to figure out what to do until someone whispered to just say the lines.  Crap I almost forgot mine and had a hesitation delay while I was trying to remember.  ~.~;;  Well at least around all that chaos, it all worked out cuz we *did* win an award... (maybe it was pity? ^.~).  Although, only three people went up to accept it and Kuroi jumped me from behind when I was getting it from that guy.  Ya know EVERYONE's supposed to go up there so people can get pictures of us (-.- Now Fansview has a really bad winning pic of us...  crud...).  Oh well... not too bad....
  After the masquerade I was wandering around aimlessly, kind of out of it.  (Now that I think about it, I kinda felt like Rinoa when she was possessed.  Wasn't too aware of what I was doing).  Swung by the dance (boring) at some point.... went in and out of a few different rooms a few times... I think I was looking for someone @.@.  Guess that sleep deprivation thing was taking its toll.  I just know there was something I wanted to ask someone...  Ah well.  Eventually I went to sleep, even if it was only for four hours.  (Slept at 5, woke up at 9)  Although, it was mostly cuz those rude hotel people took forever just to send a tiny bottle of shampoo up to the room.  All I wanted was shampoo to wash my poor, mangled hair (well not really mangled, but...) and how long does their "Oh we'll send some up right away" take?  A few hours.  A few looong hours.  @.@

Sunday, April 1, 2001
This day was a lot better.  Much less chaos.  Went to the ATM (Thanks to TTTom for driving us so early @.@), took one last sweep through the Dealer's Room, and then I walked around to find someone again.  Apparently I ended up watching the CCS movie instead (Keroberos Special was funny as hell).  Then I went back to the couch spot everyone else was at and sat there talking to them until Closing Ceremonies.  Basically a bunch of mindless wanderings all day long.  I was kinda only half-there cuz I was so tired.  At least I won a poster from the raffle  ^---^  (Endless Waltz.  Though if I could've very well just picked it up from the booth that was giving 'em out next to Video Room 2).  Ah well, overall not a bad year.  Chaotic yes, but not bad.  Last year was worse...  don't ask why.  Some things aren't open for discussion.  ^.~  I got sleep finally that night though!  5 hours!  It's something!  Can't wait till next year.  ^---^

Well that's all for my report.  Ja mata minna!
--SU ^.- not half-dazed from sleep deprivation anymore (well maybe a little but that's cuz of school)

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ARC is ©2001 to the anime club AF^2.  All rights reserved. Anime Realm Cosplay (ARC) and all its members is a registered trademark of the AF^2 and all its members.  All pictures and characters cosplayed as are registered trademarks of their respective owners.  Copyright information is based on real ones on Square Co., Ltd. products.
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In English:  All the people we cosplay as and all the  pictures on this page belong to their respective owner.  ARC takes no credit for anything not done by us, so please don't sue us, as we don't exactly have any money anyway.  ARC belongs to an anime club called the AF^2 so don't go stealing any of our stuff either.  So on and so forth, you get the picture.  Just don't steal anything off this page, got it?

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