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My Story

By: Agumon58

My Story

                        Chapter One

    My name is JC. I was an average kid, loved TV, hated school, ya know the works. But a couple of months ago, my life was changed, forever.

    Once again I found my self at the Middle School steps on the first day of school. Once again I found myself waiting for Davis to finish his soccer game. It wasn't like I was in a hurry to get in the school or anything, I was just tired of watching Davis show off. I yelled, "Come on Davis! We'll be late to class!" He shot a nasty look my way, and then went back to playing his game. Just as I was about to turn to head back to class, I saw a new kid.

    And it looked like he had already made some friends. He was a tall guy, probably in my grade. He had messy, blond hair covered up by a type of fishing hat that was tan. Yolei, the new computer club president, and Cody, the Kendo kid were both with him. But what really made me look at him was that he had caught a soccer ball...that Davis had kicked! It may not seem important to you, but no one in our school had ever caught the ball without going to the Nurse's Office with at least one or two broken bones (Except for that Harry kid but he was unconscious before he even reached the office). Amazingly, he tossed it back to Davis and went on to the school. He was kind of cool, for a new kid I mean.


                     Chapter Two

    It was about time for homeroom so I thought I would try to meet him. I went up to him, gathered up my courage (you see, I was kind of shy back then), and said "Hi, I'm JC." He responded by saying, "I'm TK. Apparently, these two already know you because I've heard so much about you from them." He pointed to Yolei and Cody standing behind him. As soon as Yuli and I met eyes, we kind of growled some kind of warning to each other, something like, " Keep your distance." You see, we never quite got along. And then after she won the Computer Club elections, that kind of set us apart more (even though I almost won). "He's our friend not yours, so keep away," Yuli yelled. "Yuli," Cody interrupted her, " TK can be anyone's friend." I agreed by saying, "Yah, Yolei. You just angry that I almost won the Computer Club elections? Hmm?" As soon as I finished, she went storming off to her homeroom. I told TK I'd see him later and then I headed off to Mr. Leman's homeroom.

    I was talking to a friend of mine when Davis barged in, late as usual. Then he started hitting on Kari, again! But then I was in for a huge surprise. TK was in my homeroom! Like his usual normal self, Mr. Leman said, " Welcome our new student, TK. You can sit by the girl...with the camera around her neck( That's Kari). TK walked back  and started talking to Kari like he knew her or something! I could tell Davis was getting ticked. I kind of liked that.

    Little did I know, but I'd meet him before lunch. Third period is Phys. Ed, otherwise known as state funded WWF, was starting wrestling today. Yahoo, just what I want to do, get all my limbs torn off. NOT! I tried to fake throwing up, just like every other year at this time. Usually, Mr. Hoole fell for it and keeled over like a rotten log. But he wasn't going to fall for it, again. He was on to me. I pulled the stunt in the locker room and was waiting for him to keel over. He yelled for me, "McRodgers!" " Don't call me that," I asked. I don't exactly like my last name and Mr.Hoole did that to aggravate me. But what he said next would be worse than using my last name. "McRodgers," he said, " you'll be our first victim…I mean volunteer on the mat. Your opponent will be Billy Ruklestine." I was so scared at that moment. Let me tell you why. Usually when parents name their little boy Billy, he's usually a kind kid with low weight. This Billy was just the opposite. He weighed in at over 230 pounds, was the rudest kid in school, and was the star on the wrestling team.

    The searing pain in my back and the sound of a whistle told me that the match had started and that I was already hamburger meat. Then it seamed like a distant voice, but over my screaming I herd someone say "Come on! You can do it!" When I was able to look up I saw TK on the sidelines rooting me on. And Kari right beside him doing the same! Just then, after what seemed like an eternity, I heard the count down and was finally able to get up off the mat. As I headed over to TK and Kari, I was debating wether to ask them how they knew each other, but that seemed rude, so I didn't ask. I couldn't believe it when I saw the match between TK and Billy. TK was able to hold him down from the start! No one had ever even tried that (Not even that Harry kid!)!

    Lunch, my favorite period of the day. The Pizza was always a favorite of mine, and luckily today they were having it that day. After I fought to keep my place in line, order my food, and sit at my table, I invited TK to come sit with Yolei (Of which was still steamed about that morning), Cody, Davis (Of which was reluctant about sending TK to our table), and I at our table. He was so cool headed you would've thought he'd known us all our lives. And he was always talkative. You could've talked to him about almost anything, and he would've responded. The only problem with that was that most of the time that day he was talking to Kari about the "old days" and these things called Digimon. I whispered a question to Davis, something like, "Do you think those two know each other from somewhere?" "I don't know," he replied, "But he had better keep his hands off my girl!" He's at it again.

    Now on to sixth period science. TK wasn't in that class, thankfully. It also happened to be Davis's worst period. Whenever we worked on a lab, and I mean any lab, he always some how creates an explosion by mixing two things together. Once he just mixed salt and water and it exploded, spraying salt water into my face. Bad luck I guess. Problem is, I'm always stuck with him as his lab partner. And somehow, he always mixes the chemicals. Today it was water and oil. As he poured the oil into the water, I ran to the other side of the room waiting for the explosion. Amazingly, there was no explosion. I walked over and said, "Great job, Davis!" BOOM! BAM! BANG! Somehow it had a delayed explosion. And somehow it blew up right in my face. It looked like I had fallen down a chimney and then been electrocuted. That's how Davis's hair started standing on end. The teacher gave me another pass to the nurse's office and then I cleaned up my face, chipped off the dead skin and went to class. Thank goodness that day was almost over, or so I thought.

    School was finally out for the day. Usually I ask people what their plans are for the rest of the day, but I didn't even ask Davis anymore. His response was always, "I'm gonna' play Soccer." Then I was going to introduce TK to Kari but it seemed like they had already done that. Then Davis barged in, finger pointed at TK and loudly said, " Hey buddy…" Kari cut him off in mid sentence saying, "His name's not buddy, it's TK!" I was sure of it then, those two did know of each other from somewhere. Davis started off again by saying, "Ok TA or AI or whoever you are! How do you know Kari?" TK replied to the question by saying, " Oh, I see. Your jealous of me, aren't you." TK started laughing. Now things were getting interesting.

    Just then Yolei ran in and asked Kari, "Is your brother Tai Kamia?" "Yes, why," Kari answered with a puzzled look on her face. "Well," Yolei went on, " I just got an e-mail from him." As Kari and TK were reading it, Davis and I took a look for ourselves. It read:


Please come to the Digital World.

The Digimon are in trouble!


Kari looked at TK and said," My brother needs us!"

                                                   Chapter  three

    I didn't know why at the time, but we were making a mad dash up the west hall towards the Computer Room. Along the way we took a little break to pick up a High School kid named Izzy. That may not seem that important, but to me he was so cool! He was the smartest kid in the middle school (When he was there the year before, that is!). He was also the former Computer Club President. Yolei was in love with him, and that wasn't just when he was around. She practically had a shrine to him in her locker (It isn't half bad, ether.) "You get…" Kari started. "Yeah," Izzy responded, "I got it." Then he joined our mad dash. 

    Once we all got to the Computer room Kari, TK, and Izzy all pulled out these little digital gadgets out of their pockets. Maybe Tai would come out of a corner and battle them with the gadgets they were holding, but Kari said she needed to go to the Digi World, whatever and where ever that was. Yolei and Cody walked out of the room arguing about Yolei fixing his computer. Then Davis said,  "I'm going to the Digi World too!" "You can't go," Kari replied, "you have to have a Digivice."

As soon as she said that, the computer screen beside us started to glow! Weird, huh? I thought so, too. Then, four bolts of light flew out of the computer. Two of them landed in Davis and I's hands. The other two flew out in the hall.

When the light died down, Davis and I looked down to see what had landed in our hands. It looked like a digivice!

Davis yelled, "What's this?!"

Izzy said, "It looks like a digivice!"

Kari said, "It's A different model than our's, though.

Then Davis asked a really stupid question, "Can we get Donkey Madness on this thing?"

"It's not a game!" Izzy said. "If you have a digivice, the Digi-World sent it to you for a reason and you should take it seriously."

Then Kari got mad and said, "I don't care, I'm going to help my brother!" With that she disappeared in to the computer! Now things were getting weird! Really, really weird! TK followed her.

Then Izzy said to Davis," Well, are you chicken?"

Davis said, " No way! I'm there!" Then I followed him. I didn't know what would happen next. I just hoped we'd make it back alright.

Chapter Four

Really, the only thing I wasn't prepared for was what happened next! Sure, I thought weird stuff would happen. Yeah, I knew it would be different. But I didn't expect to do all this walking, or all the monsters! The surroundings weren't familiar to me, so I knew I must be in Digi-World. I was standing in the middle of a lush forest. That may not sound weird to you, but there were plants that you would expect to see in South America mixed in with Maple Trees! So naturally, I was afraid that some kind of giant digital Anaconda would come out and eat us whole.

"Wow," Davis said, " My first time being downloaded. Pretty cool!"

"Personally, I like the wardrobe change." I said. Davis looked down to see what I was talking about. His wardrobe had really changed. He had on a blue Pilot's jacket that had flames around the bottom, gloves, and cargo shorts. I had a blue shirt with some weird paw-print type thing on it, and once again cargo shorts. You could probably guess that we both had shoes on. That may seem strange, and it was. But one thing was weirder than that. Our wardrobe changed, but TK and Kari's didn't.

About an hour later, we were still in that strange forest. I was starting to wonder if this whole world was that forest. Davis was getting tired and thirsty. Then we saw a soda machine; in the middle of the forest may I remind you. Anyway, Davis was thirsty enough and desperate enough to try whatever was in there. Davis popped in his 50 cents and pressed the Dr. Fizzy button. As soon as he pressed the button, these little, slimy monsters came busting out of the machine. As they walked past Davis, or rather slivered, TK and Kari just started laughing. I thought it was funny, too. I tried to keep a straight face though. But I just couldn't. I just started to crack up!

"That's not funny!" Davis said, annoyed.

"Those were babies compared to some of the Digimon you'll see here." TK commented when we started moving on again.

"They ripped me off, too!" Davis said, still annoyed.

"How'd they do that?" Kari asked.

"They didn't give me my 50 cents back!" Davis said, sadly.

About 15 minuets later, we saw someone walking towards us.

"Who are you?" I asked the person. "If you're comin' to eat us or somethin'… um… Davis 'll take care of ya!"

"What do ya mean 'Davis 'll take care of ya?'" Davis complained. "I'm just as afraid of that freak as you are!"

"Hey," the person said, "Who you callin' a freak, man?"




Chapter Five

It was Tai! I was so relieved. Tai used the star player on the Middle School Soccer team, until he went to the high school. He and Davis also played on the same team in the summer leagues. I just never thought I'd find a guy like Tai here in the Digital World. Well, I guess anything's possible.

When Tai got closer, I could see he was being followed.

"Hey, Tai." I said.

He replied, "Yah, JC?"

"Ya do know your bein' followed, Don't ya?"

" Oh man! I almost forgot! TK, Kari, You may recognize these guys."

Then, from behind him, a cat like thing walked up and said, "And if you don't you must be crazy!"

Kari yelled, "Gatomon!"

I started asking, "Who's…" I got cut off.

Then TK yelled, "Patamon?"

"Hey," another creature from behind Tai said, "ya don't have ta scream. I'm right here!" Then they started hugging. Well, Patamon tried but his arms were too short.

Davis stood there, bug eyed. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Nether could I. But I wanted to know more about them.

"That's so cool!" I said. I looked at Tai and still saw one more figure. "Tai, there's still someone or something behind you, don't ya?"

"He's my partner, Agumon. Come on out." The Digimon that walked out was one of the coolest things I had seen in my life.

"COOL! IT'S A DINOSUAR!" I was in love with Dinosaurs.

"Hey!" Agumon yelled. "I'm no Dinosaur! I'm a Digimon through and through!"

"Sorry about that, Dude."

While we were all talking, I overheard a little of Gatomon and Kari's conversation.

"What's wrong?" Kari asked Gatomon.

" My tail ring is gone!"

"What's that got ta do with anything?" I said, kind of barging in.

" It was what gave me most of my power." Then she went on explaining how she lost it. She was being chased by a dark ring created by the Digimon Emperor to enslave Digimon. But when it came close, her tail ring blew it off. Then an enslaved Digimon, Unimon to be exact, stepped on her Tail Ring and was about to attack her. She was able to get away but her tail ring was still stuck under Unimon's hoof.