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Season 01 Introduction  Digidestined Digimentals        Sound bytes     Video Clips Episode Guide Voice Cast

Season 02 Introduction Digidestined Digimentals  Sound Bytes  Video Clips     

Episode Guide Voice Cast

Season 3 Introduction    Tamers      Digimentals    Sound Bytes Video Clips Episode Guide

Season 4?

Season 4


Digimon Adventure

Our War Game

The Golden Digimentals

(NEW!) Dioboromon Strikes Back

Digimon the Movie


Digimon World (PSX)

Digimon World II (PSX)

Digimon Rumble Arena (PSX)

Digital Card Battle (PSX)


Interactive Digivice

Interactive D-3

Digimon Digi-Battle Card Game

Future Games (Down)


Your Fanfics

Your Fanart

Your Digimon Jokes (Down)

You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When... 

Did You Ever Notice... (Down)

Staff Pages

Coming Soon


  From the desk of the Data Center

 August 6th - 10th

Update made by: Agumon58 

  Sorry about not telling anyone about the change but the Data Center has a new home. But don't worry, everyone else will still be here. It looks different Because I moved from Homestead to an offline Editor. Because of that I may switch servers quite a bit in the next few weeks. So take a look at the pages I have up now. So....

Till next week!


August 13th - 17th

Updated made by: Agumon58

  This week I'm happy to announce that I'm staying here on Angelfire because of the benefits. With 50 Megs of space I could put A ton of Digimon right on this site! There will be many more pages up in them Data Center including staff pages. So....

Till next week!


August 20th - 25th

Updated by Agumon58

  Well, we are about a week away from the new season of Digimon! I can't wait to see it! Don't forget that that whole morning will be the Get Real Digithon starting at 8pacific, 7central time. By the way the week of the Digithon, I will update EVERY DAY! I also need a favor. If you could, would you please send me your Fanfics and fan drawings for that page. I will mention your screen name with your art work. I also would like to see your Digimon jokes. Please make all jokes clean (no profanity, or anything of the sort). All submissions will be screened by me and my staff! To E-mail me click on the Agumon58 link above to E-mail me. Thanks! So....      

Till next week!


September 1st

Update made by: Agumon58

 Well, A few hours ago, season 3 premiered and it rocked. The names actually stay the same from the Jap. translation! Except for Gillmon. His name is now Gulimon.  He cant quite talk yet but he is working on it! I can't wait for next week's Eps. So....

Till next time!


September 3rd to 7th

 Update made by: Agumon58

 Well, you may notice that all but one of the pages is down. That is because somehow all the pages were wiped off my hard drive so you will be seeing new variations of all the pages on the site. Sorry! I will also be seeing about getting a banner made for the top of every page on this site. I will see if I can get professional work. Until then, we will all have to cope with the site. So....

Till next week!



September 9th - 15th

Update made by Agumon58

    Well we have much good news this week! Numero uno, we have a new staff member. His name is Veemon! You can check out his page by clicking on his link under Staff Pages. We also know that we will be getting almost all pages up this week or next. One more update for you. I would like to know what you think of my site. please tell me by clicking on the link above. So....

Till next week!



September 16th - 22nd

Update made by Agumon58

    This week has been a weird one. I tried to put up last weeks edition of the Data Center, and Angelfire fire was down. So this week practically has two updates. A lot of pages went up last week that you didn't get to see. The goal this next up coming week I am going to try and get most pages done. Thanks for you patience! I also need to tell you that I am needing new staff members. This is open to any Digimon fan. I need people to fill these spots:

  1. 1.Artist                                                     
  2. 2.Info Collector         
  3. 3.E-mail Informant

Thanks to anyone that Applies. If you get the job I will send you an E-mail and you will get info on how to help me update. To contact me click on the link here. That link will not take you to anything that has agumon58 as the address. Don't worry. that is my E-mail account for now. Wow! This was a big update! Now go check out my other pages. So....

Till' next week!        


September 23rd - 29th

Update made by: Agumon58

    This week is the third week Angelfire has been down. An a lot of pages didn't go up ether. Sorry! This week is going to be huge! I've Signed up the site for a new site award. More of the pages are going up than ever this week, and the staff search goes on! This is going to be a week to remember. Thanks for making this possible. When I last checked, the Digimon web site had a game that if you won, you got to see original drawings of the season 3 main characters and Digimon. Go check it out! And if you own a site and would like an award, watch the left side of this site to find one sometime. So...

Till' next week!


October 1st - 6th

Update made by: Agumon58

    Well, Angelfire is up and we have a new staff member. This couldn't get any better! We also signed up for a Topsite, DHQ top 50. Not much to tell, I'll try to update tommorow. So...

Till' next week!

P.S. I now have a sister site to the Datacenter. It's Cardcaptors so all you Cardcaptor fans head on over to Kero's Book of Clow


October 14th - 20th

Update made by: Agumon58

Sorry I didn't update the Datacenter last week, kind of busy, kind of long. So sense I missed a week, we will double our efforts this week! I've finally got my fanfic started and will put it up this week along with many other pages. Not much to tell, so...

Till' next week!


October 28th- November 3rd  

Update made by: Agumon58

    The third is going to be Sweet! Digimon is getting their own 90 minuet special, Digimon Saga of the Devas! I can't wait for it to show! By the way, you can now get your own FREE E-MAIL from the Data Center! It's totally cool, I even now have my own address now, That fanfic I'm writing must be good. My Language Arts teacher said maybe I should publish it. So I'm going to try! I will have character sketches for the characters in the series, even some from story 4, The Ultimate Evil! It is going to Rock! So...

Till' next week!


Saturday November 3rd 1:48 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: New Art

    We have some awesome news from our art editor, Seethermon27! He was able to make an amazing graphic through his Mac PC! Check it out at his page. Awesome! 


Monday, November 12th 7:39 PM 

Update made by: Agumon58

       Hey everybody! ADDC is going pretty well. I'm puting up a page with a PowerPoint presentation on "You Know You're Obssesed with Digimon When..." page. Some are my own and some are from other sites so enjoy that!


Saturday, November 17th 8:39 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

   Not much to tell except that I may take longer to get my Story up than I thought.


Friday, November 30th 6:54 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: New E-mail

My E-mail has changed, again! Man, I need to find some working E-mail. It is now



Friday, November 30th 7:04 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Episode Prediction

Tomorrow, the new ep of Digimon airs with a new tamer being introduced. I'm thinking it's Jeri. E- mail me your opinions.



Wednesday, December 5th 4:14 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: My Story

Hey, new info on my fanfic entitled "My Story". It will now receive regular updates until #1 is done. Then I will update by book every time I finish one.


Monday, December 17th 6:20 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Updates

Sorry I haven't updated much. I've been kind of busy studying for finals and all. I've also been on the road a lot since the fifth. But this site will be updated Double time after the 20th of December. Another update in a few minuets.

Saturday, January 19th 2:41 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Season 4?

I've made a page for a possible season four of Digimon in Japan. It would be cool but most places are being very quiet about it. Almost to quiet. Just keep a look out here and at Digimon Experience.


Saturday, January 19th 1:06 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Digimon's move

Digimon is moving! This, for most people will be a good thing. For some it will be the worst thing they have ever heard. Digimon is going to stay on the air even after Fox Kids is canceled in may, but it's going to be on cable this time. Yep, you read right, cable! It's been sold to ABC Family, and It's going to be on a new lineup exclusive to ABC Family including the original series for Spider Man, X-Men, and other Marvel comic shows, along with others. That's all I know now, but I'm getting more info over the next few weeks so keep a look out!


Monday, January 7th 6:00 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Fox Kids Lineup

Fox Kids may be changing for the worse in a few months. As you know, The Fox Kids weekday lineup has been taken off some stations, like the one in my home town. That means that I can't watch Digimon During the week! I'm going to go nuts, here! Well more bad news has arised from Fox Kids. They may be selling their Saturday lineup to Nelavna! That means Medabots will stay on, but Digimon would be gone! Don't hold your head down low though, they might be able to finish Season 3 by then.

Sunday, January, 27th 3:29 PM 

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: You know your obsessed with Digimon when...

I just now completed the pages for the You know your obsessed with Digimon when... section. It's hilarious! Momentide!

Sunday, January, 27th 2:26 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Anniversary Countdown

14 days to our anniversary! 

Sunday, January, 27th 2:14 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: One year ago...

February 10th is the one year anniversary of ADDC! I can't believe it's been one year since the big move to Angelfire. No thanks to snotty faced Homestead! Here's what I've got to say to them. Patooie! You guys Stink! Other than that, I just want to thank you guys for comming to the site. Momentide!  

Saturday, January 26th 1:12 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Dioboromon Strikes Back hits Japan

It's official! Dioboromon Strikes Back is in theaters in Japan. Now we all just have to hope and wait to see if it reaches America. I'm going to be showing some picks from the movie on it's page. Those pictures I'm going to use are going to once again be used from The Digi Experience. Thanks you guys!

Sunday, January 20th 

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Digi Bowl 2002

It's Here for this year, and sadly, the final year (Possibly?). Digi Bowl 2002 is going to be a hit apparently. It is going to have one of the most famous Fox Sports broadcasters hosting the Digi Bowl (It's the Host from last year. If anyone can tell me who he is, I'll do somethin', But nothing that you have to pay money for. I have no money.) Just watch it. And like he said, "The only thing harder than the hits is pronouncing their names." At least he has a problem with the names.








Pic Of the week

Quote of the week

Izzy- Tentomon, are you alright?

Tentomon- I'm fine. Just one question. Who's Tentomon?

-Digimon the Movie


Hentai Free (And Proud of it!)



Digidestrined Forever



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