Ask Team Rocket Page 1

Here's 3 questions and comments for Butch from BBBebostar.

*sniff* None for me?
No. If James bugs you by calling you botch why don't you just slug him?

I guess I just don't want to stoop down to his level. Cuz if I was calling him a stupid name, he'll probably kill me.

Are you sure? I'm a nice guy.

I love your American voice!
Thanks! Not very many people appreciate my wonderful voice!
*laughing* Wonderful?!

Can I go out with you?
Hmmm, what time are you available? Oh wait, sorry. I'm booked.
Yeah, he's booked with dates with Cassidy!
I have two words for you: shut up.

Ok, Blackswan has a question for both of you.
Yay! Finally a question for me!
Did you know that there are people out there who think you two are Pokemon's most perfect couple (kokoshippers)? Whaddaya think of that?
*looks at Butch and shudders*
*looks at James and shudders*
Where do people get an idea like that?! All you people who think that, listen up! Can you say heterosexual? I guess not.
Yeah, we're straight.
Yeah! Well, I know I'm straight, but you, well....
*gasp* What are you saying?!
You're right, you're not a homosexual, you like Jessie.

Ok ok I got some questions from Krista:
butch and james- if your partner was overweight would u still be their friends
Yeah, I guess I would. They would make a good body guard.
Sicko. Yeah, I would because I want my partner to be my friend if I got overweight from eating too much junk food.

Butch- why is your voice froggy im not trying to be mean but is there a reason? oh and i have a friend who likes your american voice
Hmmm, I might have a reason or I might not have a reason. That's for me to know and you to find out.
You see, Botch used to be a firefighter and he inhaled too much smoke. That's why his voice is froggy. *sighs happily* I just love it when people love my voice!
*looks at James weirdly* What do you know?

James- ok im a rocketshipper (and neoshipper) i think you really love jessie but you are afraid of rejection and jessie loves you but she thinks that if she loves and trusts someone they will turn on her will you guys ever admit your love?
*drools* Jessie loves me?
Yeah dimwit, she does.
Well maybe someday.

James- did u know lots of people are saying you are gay or bi? well i dont i think that you are a REAL man cause it takes a real man to let his sensative side show :) keep up the good work!
Really? Thanks!
What a sap.

Both- if your partner got pregnant by someone else would u still be there for them?
Yeah I would be. But if some idiot got her pregnant, like this guy right next to me, I wouldn't.
I would be there too because I trust that my partner wouldn't get pregnant by some weirdo.

James-Why don't you have an accent like your mom?
I don't know. I guess it has to do with genetics. Ask my gene pool that question.

Butch- my friend who likes you wants to know a little about your backround
Why must people be so nosy? I'm not asking the people of the world about their background so why must the people of the world ask me about my background? Anyway, I'm not telling. Hah.

I have two questions from Nadia:
Butch-What were you and Cassidy doing the entire time you were in jail together? It seems like you were together for a long time in there.
Hmmm, let's see here...Well we ate jail food and slept.
Oh come on, everybody does that in jail. What else did you do?
We talked about our lives, pokemon, and stuff like that.
I guess time just flies by when your in jail with your girlfriend!
Yeah you should know.

What do you have to say to anti-shippers? What do you say to poke-shippers (Misty and Ash getting together)?
I don't know what to say to anti-shippers. I don't like the stuff they say about Jessie and me.
Yeah, that's because they say that you two don't like each other, but you really do.
Anyway, I don't understand why people think Ash and Misty like each other. I mean, they're only around 10, 11, 12 years of age. They, well at least Ash, haven't entered puberty yet. They aren't supposed to be liking people of the opposite sex yet. They are supposed to be thinking that they have the cooties.

I got a question for Butch from Elisabeth: First of all, I am a huge fan of you from Denmark. I love your Danish voice - very evil and fits you perfectly. I have written a fanfic that has you as a main character, and also draws fanart of you. And that leads me right to my question : What colour is your hair ? I've seen you with both green, turquoise and blue hair, but which one of them are your real hair colour ?
I guess the lighting makes my hair look different. Also my time I spend out in the sun might make a difference. My hair is a turquoise-y color, I guess.

All right you two, I have some questions from Kitty.
James- What would you do if Butch tried to make a move on Jessie? Or ya know, suddenly started flirting with her?
*gasp* He is?
Geez, it's a what if question.
Oh, ok, I'll probably get very angry, not at Jessie, but at Botch. I might even hurt him.
I'm so scared.

Butch- I just wanted to ask you, doesn't it get you mad when people make fun of your voice!? I know it get's me mad. I love your voice! Everytime I see someone make fun of it, I totally tell them off!
Thanks for telling them off! Yes, I get very ticked off when people make fun of my voice. I don't make fun of other people's voices, so why should they make fun of my voice?

Butch- What would you do if Cassidy started making moves on James!? Or vise versa?
Well, first of all I would be very disappointed in Cassidy, cuz I know I'm better than James here. But, I guess I wouldn't hate her. Then I would let out all of my steam on James and probably sock him. He should know better.

James- Does Meowth ever get annoying sometimes especially at certain moments? Like that one time when you guys were in the balloon in "Holy Matrimony" and he killed the moment between you and Jess?
Yeah, he really does get annoying. And he knows it too. Sometimes he knows we get annoyed when he interrupts us, so he keeps being annoying just to make us irritated.

Krista has some questions for you guys.
Both- is there an acual reason why you two have different color uniforms? Like do they get issued to you by the boss or do you pick them out?
The colors represent our ranking in Team Rocket. People who are in class A get black, ones in class B get white.

Both- what are your zodiac signs?
I'm a Virgo. My Chinese zodiac sign is a monkey.
I'm an Aries. My Chinese zodiac sign is a rooster.

both- what is your favorite food? i heard so many times that james' is donuts but you seem to like all kinds of food.
I do love donuts, but I also love all kinds of foods. Especially sweets and junk food.
I like international foods or foods that originated from different countries. You know, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, those kinds of foods.

James- if your parents ever wanted to tie bonds with you, who would most likely want to, your mom or dad?
*groans* I hope they never want to tie bonds with me because I hate them both. I might want to with my dad, so we could spend some quality father-son time together.

Butch- why don't we see more of you guys (you and cass) and do u have a sensative side?
You would see a lot more of us if we weren't always in jail. And yes, I do have a sensative side, I just don't show it out in public that often.

Both- what kind of music do u guys like? i see butch as a hard rock lover and james as an old fashioned rock and roll lover (like 60s and 70s)
Yeah, you're right. I like old fashioned rock and roll and love songs.
Heh, what a sap. Yeah, I love loud, hard rock and heavy metal music. The louder, the better.

james- ok this question may seem weird but you are my fav. rocket and i want to ask you about something i really like; what is your opinoin on hippies? not the sterio-type ones the real ones like protesting, spiritual, peace-loving kind i once drew you as one and i think you look cool that way and you remind me of one, long hair, kind, loving, caring, freedom loving well before i go further what is your opinion? (if u dont like them please dont be mean, which im sure u wouldnt be)
I don't have anything bad to say about hippies. I like having freedom and I'm kind and loving so I would fit in real well with them.

Butch- how did you and cass meet?
We met at the same place James and Jessie met, at Pokemon Tech. We were at a party and we didn't know anyone or like anyone there so we were just sitting away from everyone else. Then we went up to each other and started talking about how stupid the party was. Then we became friends. That's how we met.

Kitty sent in two questions for you, James.
What!? None for me?!

James- How do you feel about Mondo himself, and his crush on Jess?
Well first of all, he's an okay kid. He's nice because he helps us out when we're in trouble. But his crush on Jessie is another story. He's too young for Jessie and not good enough for her, in my opinion. If he knows what's good for him, he won't try to ask her out or anything.

James- Ok, how did you really feel about Dr.Proctor? That dude who was hitting on Jessie?
Jerk. Probably a player. He should have left Jessie alone. I hate him and I hope I never have to see him again.

Butch, BBBebostar has some questions for you.
Yes! Finally! More questions!

Some people say James and Jesse make a good couple(but I know you and Cassidy do!)what do you say to that?
Hmmm, yes we do make a good couple. Even better than J and J.
Oooh! Butch and Cassidy make a cute couple! *sings* Butch and Cassidy sittin in a tree! K-i-s-s-...

Do you dislike James?(I know I do!)
Yep, I hate him. Really hate him. The only thing we have in common is that we both work in Team Rocket and we're males. Everything else is different. Thankfully.
You hate me? *sniff*

I dislike James because I know you rule over him! You are smarter, cuttier, and more intellegent that Mr. Rose!!!!!!
Thanks! I knew I had some fans out there somewhere.
Hmmm, Mr. Rose... nice nickname.

Kitty has some questions for both of you.

All right!

James- Some ppl think this, and I just wanted to know if it's true. Is it true that the only/main reason why you hate Cassidy is cause Jess hates her?
Yeah, that's the main reason why I hate her. She's always making fun of Jessie and giving her a hard time. That really steams my beans. Jessie and I both hate Cassidy for the same reasons.

James- If you HAD to pick, who do you like more, Jess or Meowth? I mean, they both have their good and bad points, but which one do ya like more?
That's a hard question. They both can be really nice because Jessie and I are really good friends and Meowth is fun to be with. But Jessie can lose her temper a lot and Meowth can be annoying. I don't know who I'd pick. I can't decide! Its driving me crazy!
Calm down, it's just a question. It's not going to happen.
Oh yeah, that's right. Well anyway, that's a very good question because I can't seem to think of an answer at the time.

Butch- Do you really hate poor Jess? Some ppl think you two make a cute couple ya know. Would you ever even consider asking her out or somthing? ( come on, she's not that bad!)
I guess she wouldn't be so bad if she didn't always hang out with Mr. Rose. But I probably would never ask her out. She just isn't my type.
Yeah, you better not ask her out.

James and Butch, Krista has some questions for you.

both- since your partner is a female (im not sexist cause im one too)do u look at her as a little sister that no one better hurt or bother, they are both strong women but do u still feel protective over her?
Yes, I still feel protective over Jessie even though I know she can defend herself in most situations.
Yeah, no one better hurt Cassidy or they'll have to answer to me!

both- if you could change ne thing about yourselves what would it be?
I'm not sure. I would like more people to be my friends and to like me so maybe I would change something that would make more people like me.
I would make myself more stronger. Not physically, but more emotionally. I would have more confidence so I could stand up for myself and not let others put me down.

james- why do u keep calling butch botch? is it because of what botch means? im not upset at you cause i think you are the better one, me and my friend always have debates over who is better.
Sometimes I call him Botch because I know it annoys him. Other times I call him that because I lack common sense at times. But the word "Botch" can describe him, so I guess that's another reason.

butch- i used to completely dislike you but this site and a fanpoem i once read called "my voice" changed that a little, now i think you are ok and im a neoshipper too, so my question is if you were to write a poem to cassidy would it be like "my voice?"
If I did write a poem to Cassidy, it would be similar to My Voice. But I doubt I will since I'm not gifted in poetry. I always get ticked off when people don't like me just because of my voice.

james- you look awfully skinny, do u eat enough?
When I can, I eat a lot! You should see the bill that we have to pay for the food. I just have a fast metabolism.

Kitty has questions for you.

Both- How would you feel if the Boss seperated you from your partners?
Probably ticked off. I would complain to him until Cassidy came back.
Yeah, I would go on strike until Jessie was with me again.

Both- I've noticed that you guys so far have been putting down every guy that might be able to get with your partner, which leads me to this question: How do YOU think is best for your partner? It seems like you guys think your the best for your partner.
Yep, I'm the best for Jessie. I don't know if she thinks that though.
I'm obviously the best person Cassidy can be with.

Both- Are you physically attracted to your partners? If so, what feature attracts you to her the most? (i.e. hair, eyes....ect.)
I like Cassidy's hair and face.
I like Jessie's eyes and hair.

Both- What lengths would you go through to keep your partner safe & protected?
I would probably risk my life, and I hope she would do the same for me.
I would physically fight for her if some dude came and tried to hurt her. I guess I would risk my life, too.

Kelly has a question for you guys.

James do you really like Jesse? If you do I'll be dissapointed. I love you both! Will you both marry me?
Sorry to disappoint you, but yeah, I really like Jessie even though sometimes I don't show it. So, sorry I can't marry you.
Sorry, I'm not ready to make any lifetime commitments at the time.

Kelly is back...

First of all. Sorry I asked to marry you guys! I'm now involved with Mondo!

Butch why don't you want people knowing your background?
Can't people have some privacy? I'll tell you when I want to.

James, what is your last name? I've been looking for it everywhere.
Well, I need some privacy too you know. I don't want people looking me up in the phone book. Most of the time I just put my last name down as Morgan. So I guess you can say that's my last name.

And a question for both of you. When is your birthdays? (Sorry to be nosey Butch).
My birthday is in August. The 30th.
April and that's all I'm saying.

Excuse me while a pick out a dress with my date with Mondo.
Mondo?! Ok...

Kitty is back with some questions.

James- Why do you always carry a rose around with you? Acording to your quote, "Roses are the flowers of love & romance!" So? Why do you carry it!?!
The rose symbolizes the feelings I have for Jessie, if you get what I mean. Plus, it smells and looks nice.

James- When you and Jess get married, ( and believe me, you will) ^_~ how many kids do you want to have?
Atleast one boy and one girl.
*sings* First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the babies in the baby carriage!

James- How do you feel about Jessie's past sleaze-bag boyfriend who broke her heart!?!? (it ticks me off!)
Let's just say that if I saw him right now, I'd kill him.
Ooohh, Mr. Rose is losing his cool.

James- I love it when you show everyone what you're made of! (e.i. The Fortune Hunters) Why don't you act more protected over Jess & Meowth more often? It's really brave of you, and I'm sure it really impresses Jess too! ^_~
You think so? I just don't have much confidence in myself sometimes and so I feel weak. That's why Jess has to protect me.

Both- When are you guys gonna finally tell Jess & Cass your feelings for them!?!?!
Later, sometime in the future.
Yeah, I don't have much confidence in myself right now.

Kelly is back with a few questions.

Hi James. I got two more questions. Which one should I wear with my date with Mondo. Red, or black dress.
Mondo? Hmmm, I guess black.

And is your hair coulor blue, purple, or blue with a tint of purple?
Good question because I'm not completely sure. I always say its blue with a little purple.

Kelly has questions for the both of you.

First of all, James, I heard Jessie's Pokemon star sign is an Eevee and at first you thought yours is a Moltres. What is yours and Butch's Pokemon star sign?
Actually mine is a Moltres. Kind of ironic, huh? I guess one day I will prevail.
I'm a mankey. Sometimes I'm really calm and nice, but then if something comes and ticks me off, I explode with anger.
You have anger problems.

Second, James, what do you think of Mondo?
He's okay, but sometimes he acts like Jessie and I are gods and practically worships us. That gets annoying. I also don't approve of his crush on Jessie.

Butch, People say Jessie and Cassidy are sisters. Do you think that's true?
Well, they do look similar in appearances. But I don't think that's true. I think they were best friends growing up, but then they argued over something and now they're rivals.

Kitty has a comment for you, James.

James- Did you really mean what you said about Jessie was the reason why your life was miserable!?!?!? I know Jessie said it too, and man! That had to be the meanest thing you guys ever said to eachother! I'm sorry, but it's hard to sleep at night wondering if what you said was true! And you didn't even worry about Jessie when those Urasing were out there!?!?!? She really did almost get hurt you know. I'm sorry, but what you two said to eachother brought me to tears! :(
Don't worry, we really didn't mean it. We were both just stressed out and tired. Since we were angry and irrated, we just said those things without thinking what we really feel.

BBBebostar is back with some more questions. Yay!

james- why not go out with cassidy? some people say you guys make a good couple!
We probably would make a good and cute couple. But she isn't my type. She could never take the place of Jessie. We've been through a lot together, where as Cassidy and I haven't. Plus I know a certain someone who would pound me if I did go out with her.
I wonder who that certain someone is.

butch- when you and cassidy get married(i know you guys will ^.^), how many kids do you wanna have?
Hmmm, believe it or not, I like kids. I want a few, maybe 3 or 4. I also want both girls and boys.

both-why do you guys hate each other so much?
We're rivals fighting to be the best in Team Rocket. We have to hate each other.
We have very different personalities so we can't get along.

Hey James and Butch! Krista has questions for you two!
Yay! Goody!
That means more people are going to pry into my private life.

both- what is your favorite thing to wear?
When I'm not wearing my Team Rocket uniform, I like to wear loose, baggy, casual clothes.
I like to wear casual clothes, too. But not baggy, just casual. But for some reason, since I'm always wearing my Team Rocket uniform, it seems like that's the only outfit, in my opinion, that I look good in.

james- since you are a virgo, are you a perfectionist?
I try to be one, but I always find a way to mess something up.

butch- since you are an aries, are you arrogent?
*smiles* Yeah! Of course I am.

james- hey i looked up _my_ chinese symbol and it says the female rat (me) gets along well with the male monkey what do u think?
*sweat drop falls* Um, well, I don't know. What do you think?
Sorry, Jessie has him. You'll have to speak to her.

james- ok since you answered that let me tell you the truth, im a total rocketshipper and i wouldnt want to take you away from jessie _ever_ so im sorry if i gave you the wrong idea, i wasnt hitting on you, i was just being funny (i like to joke a LOT)
*sighs* Whew. That's okay, I can take a joke. Don't try to take me away from Jessie or else you will feel the wrath of her mallet, and believe me, you don't want to feel it.
It's just a love tap, James.

both- if after you and your partner get married (i know its gonna happen ^-^) jess and cas decided to be friends again will you two still be mean to each other?
Heh, we'll see...
We might be nicer, for Cassidy's and Jessie's sake.

james- did you know that butch made fun of you on this site?
He did? I didn't know that.

butch- did you know that james made fun of you on this site?
Really? He did and I didn't know about it?! No way! What did you say about me?!
Uh, I don't know. Maybe I'll remember if you tell me what you said about me!

butch- why wouldnt you be there for cass if she got pregnant by james? (im sure it would never happen he is not the kind to cheat, neither are you; i hope)
Yeah, I would be there for her. I'm her friend so I have to be there for her when she's in trouble. I would never cheat here, do don't worry. I hope you're right about James though.
*gasp* I would never do such a thing!

butch- why do u keep saying "what a sap" when i compliment james or tell him he is a real man, are you JEALOUS of him? (lol)
Because he is a sap. He's a cry baby, too. In my opinion he's not a real man. And by all means, I AM NOT JEALOUS OF HIM!!!
You know, Butch, crying helps relieve stress which makes you live longer and healthier. You should learn to release your emotions, too. Maybe you won't be so angry all the time.
Who asked you?

both- what are your favorite colors?
I like red and blue.
I like orange and black.

both- what is your most embarrassing moment?
On my 7th birthday party, I had invited a lot of my friends that I knew, some girls and boys. Anyway, I was opening up one of my gifts from my grandma. Inside the present was these black boxers that had lipstick-kisses prints on them. Everyone started laughing their butts off. My grandma, completely oblivious to my embarrassment, said she bought them for me because I always said that I liked my grandma's kisses. She said that in front of all of my friends! Talk about embarrassing!
One time when I was in Pokemon Tech, some of my roomates and friends decided to pull a prank on me. When I was fast asleep, they decided to sneak in my room and give me a complete makeover! They did everything: put lipstick on, lipliner, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. The next day, I kind of woke up late so I was late to my first class. My normal morning routine required me to wash my face, but since I was late, I didn't. I just got my books and rushed out the door. When I finally got to class, the teacher was already into the day's lesson. So I just tried to sneak in the class, but unfortunately the door slammed and everyone turned around. Then they all started laughing at me! I didn't know why because I was late to class a lot (I'm not a morning person). Then Jessie leaned over in her desk and whispered "Your face." My hand quickly went to my face and when I looked at my hand, it was covered with powder. Then my teacher said, "This is not the time for a makeover, young man. Please go to the bathroom now." I ran out of the class and into the bathroom. When I looked into the mirror, I looked just like a girl! I washed off all the makeup and went back to class.
I guess those where your first days of crossdressing, huh?
I only crossdress for the duty of Team Rocket. Do you still wear those kissy underwear?

Here are some questions from Kitty!

James- In A LOT of fanfics, (mostly dark ones) Jessie usually dies, or get assinated. What would you do if that happened in real life? (sorry if this question is a bit dark too)
Oh man, I don't know. Even though I know she would always be with me, I probably would get very, very depressed. I wouldn't come out of my room, I would isolate myself from everyone. I would probably die from depression.

Butch- Ok, I can't keep this in anymore. You and Jess just HAVE to get together sometime!! You know, like go out for an expresso or somthing. At least become close friends. I think it would be sooooo cute! ( no offense James, :) )
Oooohhh, she just isn't my type. We can only just be friends. Maybe we can go get an expresso on a double date or something.

James- What do you think about Antishippers? They say a lot of mean things about you and Jess, and they don't like the idea of you two gettin together.
Antishippers are wrong. I can't stand them. They can't see what's happening in my and Jessie's hearts.

BBBebostar has 4 questions for you, Butch.
All right!
What about me?

what was the time that you felt scared or hurt?
One time I was hurt mentally is whenever someone makes fun of my voice. I'm always hurt when they do that. I've been hurt physically when I burned my hand on the stove when I was younger. I've felt scared when I go to jail and with the possibility of Cassidy and I separating. Another time when I was scared was when I was lost in the mall. I couldn't find my mom.
*laughs* You couldn't find your mommy!
Hey! I was 4 years old, okay?

how do you ya like working for team rocket?
It's okay. You get to work with pretty girls. But you get to work with dumbos. But I don't want to work for Team Rocket forever.

what was you most happiest moment in your life?
Was it when you found your mommy?
No! It wasn't then. I'm not sure. Maybe it was when I first met Cassidy.

do ya like cassidy?
Yeah, I guess I do. She's the only girl I've ever met that doesn't complain too much about my voice. All other girls do.

Kitty has questions for Mr. Rose.
Yay! That must be me!

James- What was the happiest moment of your life?
Hmmm, tough one. It might have been the time when Jess and I first met. I might not have been too happy at the moment, but Jess has brought happiness into my life. So I guess that could have been my happiest moment. It also might be the time I got Growlie.

James- You know about Bonnie & Clyde, right? Those two famous bandits that were in love? Well, I was just thinking, they remind me a whole lot you and Jess! What do you think?
Yeah, they do! I hope Jess and I have a happy ending though.

James- If you could dedicate a few songs to Jess, or just one special song, what would they be?
Wow, there's so many songs out there, its hard to pick a few. So I'll name three. "Hanging by a moment" by Lifehouse because I am falling more in love with Jessie. "Sail away" by Styx because it kind of reminds me of us. "Dreaming of you" by Selena because I dream of her lots of times.

James- Ok. Do you think you could get Jessie to answer a few questions for us!? It would be so cute to see her answering them with you! Why isn't she with you right now anyways?
She's busy with Meowth. Somebody needs to watch that cat. He can get into a lot of mischief.

James- How do you find the time to answer these questions? Doesn't Jess get suspicious? *gasps* You aren't lying to her, are you!?!?!
I have some spare time when I'm not eating, sleeping, whining, trying to catch pikachu, and all of the other things I do. And yes, Jessie knows where I am.

Krista has tons of questions for everyone!

jessie and cassidy- whet happened to your friendship?
We had an argument over something.
Plus Jessie was always jealous of me.
Was not!

jess and cass- how do u feel about your rivals parner? ( imean how does jess feel about butch and how does cass feel about james)
James is a wimp. He can't do anything right.
Oh yeah? Butch is a jerk who can't talk right. He's always screwing up.

all four- does your parner have any embarrassing or annoying habits? In the morning, she hogs up the bathroom when I need to use it. She always looks in a mirror when she sees one.
James is always talking in his sleep and he drools a lot. Sometimes I wonder if he's going to drown in all of that drool.
Butch snores when he's sleeping. Really loud. Butch also never knocks on doors. He just barges on in, sometimes when I don't want him to.
Whenever she gets a cold, she never blows her nose. She just sniffs in all the snot and mucus. Then she wipes her nose on her arm.

butch- do you smoke? lots of people assume that
People have to stop assuming. I won't tell. I'll let people guess.
Yeah, leave Butch alone.
Leave Botch alone?

james- ok once i asked a question about your parents and you said you hated them i dont think thats true cause you left growlie at home to "take good care" of them. you just hate what they did to you dont you love them? do you feel deprived of a mom or dad?
Sometimes I wish I can see Growlie right now. Anyway, I really don't like my parents and I don't think they love me. If they did, they wouldn't have tried to make me marry Jessibelle. If they cared, they would have asked me first and understood my decision. I feel deprived of parents.

james- something you said in "the spinarack attack" confusses me "you know im watching my weight!" i know its not a big deal but why did u say that were you anorexic or something?
No, I'm not anorexic. I just don't want to be obese. Whenever I eat, its mostly junk food so that can make me fat.

james- that was another joke
That's okay.

jessie and cassidy- if your parner was overweight would you still be thier friend?
Would you, Jess?
Yeah, I suppose so.
Yes, just as long as he wouldn't make fun of me if I got overweight.

all- acually if anything about your partners appearence changed (for worse) would u still like them? (dont mean to be nosey i just wanna see how important friendship is to you)
Yeah, I would.
Of course I would.
So if Jessie got ugly, you would still be with her?
She already is.
*gasp* What are you saying?! That's not true!
You better believe that's not true. Yeah, I would still like James.

jessie and cassidy- zodiacs?
My chinese zodiac is the dog and my astrology one is leo.
My chinese zodiac is the pig and my astrology one is capricorn.

Krista has lots of questions for all of you!

jessie- why are you so petrified of giovonni? your mom knew his mom so didnt you know him too?
Um, I don't know why. Probably because he has the authority to fire me. If I ever get fired, I don't know what will happen to me. I won't have any money or anything. That's probably the reason.

james-im sorry you had a bad childhood, when you have kids what kind of a daddy will you be to them?
I will be the dad I wish I had. I will really nice to them, take care of them, be responsible, and all of the fatherly stuff.
all- do you guys have any comfort items? (ex. teddy bears, blankets, etc.)
My dolly.
I have a blanket.
Oh great, not your blankie!
Blankie?! I don't have anything.
Yes he does. He has a special pillow. I have a doll, too.

all- do you wear anything else on your feet besides those boots? dont they get hot and uncomfortable?
When we're not on the prowl for pokemon, we take them off.
Yeah, when we wear our street clothes, we wear normal shoes.

all- what kind of shows do u like?
I like comedies and adventure shows.
I like romantic shows and soap operas.
I like comedies and sitcoms.
Comedies and *grins* sometimes I watch soaps with Jessie.

jess and cass- what kind of music do you like?
Hard rock.
Just hard rock? I like all kinds of rock.

all- if you guys were to have real life hair colors what would they be?
Light brown.
Probably a strawberry-blond.
Dark brown.

cassidy- do u love butch?
Love him? I don't know...
Come on, we all know you do.
Well I atleast like him. Maybe love him.

jessie- do u love james?
Yes you do Jess.
Yeah! Come on, spill the beans!
*mutters and blushes* Yes, I guess I do, deep down in my little heart, I guess so.

butch- do u love cassidy?
Do you?
I like her.
Shut up!
Botch loves her!
First of all, mind your own business. Second of all, its Butch.

james- i already know you love jessie so i wont ask :)

all- when you leave team rocket what will you do to make a living?
Maybe I'll be a hair stylist.
Yeah same here. Or maybe a fashion designer.
I don't know.
I know! A butcher!
I'm surprised you didn't say "botcher." I really don't know.
Maybe a dj or something. I like listening to the radio.

james- when you ran away where did you run to?
I just ran out to streets and wondered there.

james- how much of a perfectionist are you? like do u want everything right or it drives you crazy?
I try to get everything perfect or else I'm not satisfied. But I always mess something up one way or another.

all- do you perfer baths or showers?
Showers sometimes. But I take baths when I want to relax.

butch and james- what do you think about your parners rival?
Jessie is okay, but not great.
Cassidy's nice but she just isn't Jessie.

cassidy- what do you think of butch's voice?
I don't mind it much. I'm used to it. The voice suits him. It sounds kind of nice being scratched up.

jessie- what do u think of james sensative and gental ways? (i know you love them!)
Yeah, I kind of like his ways. It balances us out. They're soothing to me when I'm tense and stressed.

Kitty has lots of questions for you guys as well!

Jessie- Will you do me a small favor? Just give James a great big hug right now and tell him you care about him? Right now please. Thank you.
Arg. Okay I will. *Hugs James and mutters something to him* Happy?

Jessie- Do you like Wobbuffet at all? I think you really do, but you just don't wanna show it.
Yeah, he just gets annoying and makes me fustrated. But he isn't that bad.

Jessie- You are SO much better then Jessiebelle! You could kick her hill-billy butt anyday!
She sure could!
Yeah! I am so much better than her. I can kick her butt into the next millenium!

Jessie & James- If you could take a little vacation from Meowth for one day, what would you guys do? Would you hang out together,and try to spend some best-friend quality time? Or go solo?
Hmmm, we could probably go together. Maybe to the beach and soak in some rays.
I guess so. I would like to spend some time by myself to sort out my feelings, but I guess I could go with James to the beach.

Jessie- Would you ever wanna get married or have kids? How many kids would you wanna have? You would look wonderful in a wedding dress! (nudges James) Wouldn't she James?
*blushes* You would look nice...
*hits James* Be quiet! Yeah I would want to get married someday. I want a few kids, maybe two.

Jess & James- This may be a weird question, but when you guys go to sleep, who do you perfer sleeping next to? Meowth, or the other one? Cus most of the time you guys are next to eachother. Do you guys like to talk to eachother before you go to sleep or somthing?
Hmmm, tough one. Meowth is always rolling all over the place and James does too. But I guess I like sleeping near James. Sometimes we talk before we go to sleep if we're not in a bad mood.

James- Did you enjoy the hug that Jess gave you?
*blushes* Yeah! Jessie & Cassidy- Be honest. If you could, would you want to at least TRY and work things out with eachother and talk about it?
I don't know...maybe sometime.
Yeah, maybe when we're older.

Jessie- Ok. Compare your "friendship" *coughs* with James and your friendship that you had with Cassidy together. What are the good and bad differences? Like, when you were friends with Cass, did somthing work out better than with you and James? And vice versa.
When I was friends with Cassidy, we could talk about boys and girly stuff but with James I can't. But I feel more comfortable with James than I did with Cassidy. I hope that answered your question.

Jessie- Why do you wear those green earings that are the same color as James' eyes?
It might be my favorite color.
Of all the coincidences...
Grrrrrr... It's not because of him!
Yeah right. It is!

Jessie- Did you ever wonder why James carries that rose? He actually gave us a pretty good answer for what it stands for.....
Yes, I've wondered for a long time why he carries that rose. I think I know why now.
You do?
Yeah, its because he likes you.
Shhhh! Be quiet!

Jessie- Do you think James is cute? If so, what features do you like most about him? He said he liked you hair and your eyes.
*sigh* Okay, I'll tell you. His hair, eyes, and voice.

Jessie- (don't let the others hear this) Do James and Meowth know about your Mom, and what happened? I'm sorry about that by the way. *hugs Jessie*
Yeah, I told James but I don't know if Meowth knows. He probably does, the little snoop. Thanks for comforting me. I miss my mommy sometimes.

Jessie, I just wanna say, you are sooooo beautiful! Wouldn't you say James?
Thanks! I am beautiful!
*drools* Yeah...
Can we have a towel over here to wipe up all of the drool?

Carman and Blaze have questions for James and Butch. Its kind of like a conversation, I guess.

(There are two of us, Carman & Blaze)
Carman:First the Proper introduction.
Carman:Prepare for double trouble!!
Blaze:Because Team Rocket is here
Carman:To Deny!!
Blaze:To Defy
Carman:The Worlds free rare pokemon!!
Blaze:and yours
Carman:Team Rockets Rocket, !
Blaze:Soaring all day and night.
Ms.FruFru(Blaze's Black Persian)Raaar!!
Carman:First off, James, Did Mondo get Promoted or moved to a less embarrasing team? Why don't you call the Boss more often? We need more of him!!! Blaze:*grins evilly at the thought*mmm
I don’t know what happened to Mondo. I think he went to another team. *whines* I don’t want to call the Boss! He’s going to yell at me!
Carman:Butch, can you do a blackflip? Are either of you virgins? ^_^
Blaze:That is not approprate.
Heh. No I can’t do a backflip. I never tried. And yes, I’m a virgin.
Yeah, I’m a virgin, too.
Carman:James, Giovanni must think kinda highly of you, still having you on the team for so long even though you always screw things up, were you like a really good thing before Ash started to interfere?
Yeah, I guess you can say we were a good team. Stupid twerp.
Blaze:Both of you guys, how is it that James and Jesse always manage to get themselves out of trouble, (ex. litaraly digging out of jail)and Butch and Cassidy always have to sit around waiting for Gio to come and rescue them, can you not take care of yourselves???
Yeah, how is it like that, Botch?
Arrrg! We can take care of ourselves. We just take the easy way out.
Carman & Blaze:Can any of you give us Giovanni's phone number?!? We can give you some rare Pokemon for it.
Blaze:And we know you know it.
Carman:We need area codes!
I don’t think we should give you his number.
Yeah, he’d probably get mad at us or something.
Blaze:You can e-mail us at until then...

Kristin has a question:

Here is a question for all of Team Rocket: If you guys were in a band, what instument would you play, guitar, bass, drums, or would you sing?
Hmmm, maybe the drums.
I wanted the drums! Well then, I want to play bass.
Thank you for not choosing to sing.
I want to sing.
I want to sing, too!
You could play guitar.
I don't want to! I want to be the singer!

Kristin has a question for Butch:

Ok. This one is for Butch. About how many episodes of Pokemon have you and Cassidy been in?
Three: The Breeding Center Secret, Pikachu Re-volts, and The Fortune Hunters.

Kitty has lots of questions for you guys!

Jessie- Did you ever think of trying to get to know Butch better? Like, just hang out with him for a while and see what he's like?
Hmmm, not really. I can't really stand his voice so I never like listening to what he says.
Well, Jessie, if you ever want to go out and talk, we can...
*gasp* Don't try to flirt with Jessie!

Jess & James- What was the most embarrasing thing that happened to you in front of eachother? Like, were you felt stupid in fron of your partner?
One time, I stood up to walk around and I guess I didn't tighten my belt or something so all of a sudden my pants fell down!
*laughs* That was hilarious! One time, we were walking through the woods and my allergies were acting up. I didn't have a tissue at the time so I had to keep sniffing all of the junk up my nose. James started to talk to me and when he turned to face me, he started to burst out laughing. I asked him what was so funny and he pointed at my nose. I reached up and I felt my nose. There was snot covering my nose and lots dripping out of my nose. I had to use a leaf as a tissue.

Jessie- Is James like, the only person who can call you Jess? James, is that like, YOUR nickname for her?
Yeah, I only like him calling me Jess. I don't know why.
*giggles* Yeah, that is my special little name for her. Even though I think Meowth calls her Jess sometimes, I'm the only other one who calls her by that.

James & Butch- What do you think of your partner's uniform?
Jessie looks nice in her uniform.
Just nice?
What did you want him to say? Ugly? Cassidy looks better in her uniform. The black contrasts nicely with her pale skin.

James- Why is it that whenever you kick a pokemon, it evolves?
I guess I have a magic foot or a lucky boot or something.
Oh please! And I have a magic hand and a lucky leg!

J & J- Have you guys ever considered going out on a date with eachother, or do you do it all the time when no one's around?
We've gone out a few times, but I don't know if they're considered dates.
We really don't need to go on dates. The main purpose of dating is to get to know your friend and spend some time alone with them. Jess and I do that all the time.

Jessie- Do you like it better when James acts more protective over you, and acts like a man when somebody gives you a hard time? (he was pretty pissed about that Dr. Proctor guy)
First off all, the proctor guy was a player. Honestly, I do like it more when James is acting more protective over me. I like feeling protected. But sometimes its my duty to protect James. Actually, most of the time I have to. I don't mind too much.

Butch- Do you have any nick names for Cassidy?
Yep. I call her Cass and Cassie.

J&J- Now that your both here answering questions, where's Meowth?
I'm too tired James, so you go get him.
*whines* Oh, okay! *leaves for awhile then returns, dragging Meowth along with him.*
Meowth! I was just in da middle of a catnap!

J&J- Have you guys ever kissed?
Uhhh, er, did we ever, James? I don't think so...
*sighs expasporatedly* James, don't you remember that one night when Jessie was asleep...
What! Did you kiss me James while I was sleeping?
*blushes* Ummmmmmmmmmmm, next question!

Jessie & Cassidy- Are you guys virgins?
Yeah, and proud of it! I hate sluts! My mommy always told me to wait for the perfect man.
*baby talk* Awww! Mommy's wittle girl! Anyway, I'm a virgin, too.
Yeah, right! There's a reason why I wear a white uniform and you wear a black one.
I'm a virgin!
We all know what you and you-know-who did...
I don't know what you're talking about.

Jessie- What do you think of Mondo and his crush on you? Are you flattered?
I'm not really flattered. There really wasn't any chemistry between us. Plus he was younger than me and wasn't as mature as me. He was just cute, but that's all.

Jessie- Why is it that Pokemon find you so attractive but most ppl don't? You've had a Muk, Geodude, Shuckle, Pikachu, and a Todile all in with love you.
Yeah, Jessie. If you was a pokemon like me, you would have lots of boyfriends. You don't have many bein' a human.
Shut up, furball! I guess I'm just a very attractive person.

Jess & James- Do you guys have some sort of symbol of your friendship? Like do you both have friendship braclets, or rings, or whatever?
We have necklaces with a charm that has the letter "J" on them.
They're not really supposed to be friendship symbols. The letter J stands for Jessie on my necklace vise-a-versa.

Cassidy- I love your Raticate.
Thanks! Not many people appreciate him because they think he's unsanitary, being a rat.

Jessie- Do you have a celebrity crush?
Not any recent ones. I think the last one I had was Leonardo DiCaprio after I saw "Titanic." But I got over him real fast.

Jessie- I cried when you got your hair cut! I hope that never happens to you again! Why did you take it so bad though? Man, you were starting to scare everyone!
Like I said when my hair got chopped off, it was my best friend. It was my little blanket at night. I've had long hair for as long as I can remember, its part of me. I can't imagine living without it. I hope it never, ever happens again or I'll make the person who chops it off very sorry!!!

J&J- Ok, now that Jess and Cass are anwering questions, can you guys see if Mondo and Meowth will answer any questions? Lets get the whole gang together!
I'm here! I guess I can skip some catnaps long enough to stay here.
Does Mondo have to come?
I guess... But he better not try to do anything!

J&J- Does Meowth ever feel left out with you two? Cus you tend to forget about him a lot, and you pay a whole lot more attention to eachother than him.
Do you, Meowth?
Sometimes. You guys do spend lots of time wit eachotha instead of with me.
We're sorry, Meowth. You can spend more time with of us if you want.
Dat's okay. Just don't forget about me.
Stop being so dramatic, Meowth. We'll ask for your opinion more often so you won't feel left out. Sheesh!
*sighs happily* I love watching dese two grovel.

Butch- Wazzzzup?
Heh heh! Nothin' much. What are you doing?! Heh heh!

Butch- (this is a complement) Your voice reminds me of the killer on Scary Movie and Scream! It sounds just like the killers! Pretty cool.
Hey, yeah it does. Cool! It's nice to know that there are others out there with the same kind of voice.

Amadala has a few questions:

Butch and Cassidy - what was your favorite costume ( ex . breeding centre outfit or your fortune telling outfits!)
The Breeding Center outfit.
Yeah, same here. We didn't have to wear old people's clothes and look old. When we wore the Breeding Center outfits, we can look like ourselves in a way.

cassidy and jesse - what is your favorite color?
I like red, green, and purple.
Probably black.

all - what would your eye color be in real life?
I would want to still have blue eyes.
Brown, I guess or hazel.
I still want to have my brown eyes.
People in real life have green eyes so I guess it would be okay if I had green eyes. Or maybe I would want hazel or blue eyes.

butch and james - what's your opinion on the other person's partner (ex. butch's opinion on jesse and james' opinion on cassidy)
Jessie is okay, I guess. She's not a wimp and I think that's very cool.
I don't know Cassidy that well, but I really don't see anything too bad about her. I just wish she would stop making Jessie mad all of the time.

Amadala has a question for Butch.
Hah hah! Just me!

Butch - can you explain to me why did look like this on the fortune hunters eppie?

If I remember correctly, I was commanding Primeape to attack at this scene. Do you like the picture of me? I think I look really nice. Or should I say, really evil.

Kristin has questions for you.
Not just me?

Meowth:Do you ever miss Meowzy? I have a Meowth. Yall should meet sometime if you ever get a break! I think its cool that you can talk. I think your SO cute!!! Your my favorite Pokemon!^_^
Aaahhh! A fan! Yeah, I guess I miss Meowzy. But it was kinda stupid of her to choose dat Persian over meowth. I think its neat that I can talk, too. But humans and otha pokemon tink I'm a freak and dey tink its scary. Can I meet your Meowth? I can use anotha friend.

James:Don't your feet get hot in those boots? Do you get blisters?
Oh yeah, my feet get really hot, and so do my hands being in black gloves. I try to take of my boots whenever I can so my feet don't melt. I get blisters every once in a while, especially when I walk a lot or climb.

Jesse:What is your favorite Pokemon? If you could steal any Pokemon besides Pikachu, which one would you steal? If you got promoted to Head of Team Rocket, what would you change?
I don't know what my favorite pokemon is. I think it might be ekans. I might like to steal an eevee, since I like those, too. If I got promoted, first I would fire Butch and Cassidy.
Then I would change the stupid uniforms. They're very uncomfortable. I can't think of anything else to change at the time.

Butch:If you could change your voice, would you? I think it sounds great!
If there are fans out there who like my voice, I won't change it. And it seems that there are fans out there who really like my voice. So I guess if I had a change to change my voice, I probably wouldn't. I like my voice, too its just that others make fun of me because of my voice. People shouldn't judge others just by their voice.

Cassidy:Are you mad that you have only been in 3 episodes of Pokemon? If you could have any Pokemon, which one would you want?
Yes, I'm very ticked off that we're hardly seen in episodes. I heard somewhere that Butch and I were originally going to replace Jessie and James, but unfortunately we didn't. If I could have any pokemon, I would want a Murkrow or maybe a Houndoom. They look so evil!

Mondo:What do you think about Misty? What is your favorite Pokemon?
Misty looks nice. I'm probably only a few years older than her. I would like to meet her sometime. My favorite pokemon is Meowth.

Kitty has questions. Sorry Butch, none for you.

Mondo- Ok, we all know that you love Jessie, and adore Meowth, but what do you like about James?
He's a cool person to hang around with. He's also really nice, responsible, and caring.

Mondo- What first attracted you to Jess?
I think it was her attitude. I don't know why I was attracted to it. She's also very pretty.
Yes, I am.

Mondo- Are you or were you ever jealous of James?
Yes I am, for obvious reasons.

Mondo- Do you still like Jessie?
Um, yeah I still secretly admire her.
I thought you didn't anymore.
Uh, I guess I still do!
Oooh Jessie! Do you like him? Are you robbing the cradle?
No, I don't like him!

Mondo- You are so cute!
*blushes* Thanks!

J&J - Supposedly, Jessie's gonna get kidnapped by this guy named "Vicous" cus he loves her. It's a fact. What do you think of that?
*gasp* Oh no! Another guy I have to worry about!
Calm down James! Vicous isn't cute, okay? I won't like him. Atleast I don't think I will.

Mondo- Have you ever heard about Jessiebelle? Since Jess won't go out with you, maybe you can hook up with Jessiebelle?
Yeah, I think I've heard of her once or twice. She looks a lot like Jessie so maybe I should go out with her.
Yeah, you take Jessibelle and I'll take Jess. Sounds like a good deal.
But Jessibelle won't be like Jessie.
That's okay. You take Jessibelle so my parents won't have to bug me about her anymore.

Meowth- If somebody ever tried to take Jessie and James away from you, what would you do?
Dat's easy. As much as dey get annoyin', I'll probably go fight for 'em back.

Meowth- If the Boss made you top cat again, and you had to choose between him or Jessie & James, who would you choose?
Its been my dream to be top cat again, but I probably won't be as happy as I am wit' Jessie and James. I've been away from dem once when I was on dat island and I was very happy but it just wasn't da same. I probably choose to stay wit' James and Jessie.

James- In the Japanese version of "Holy Matrimony" when you and Jess are in the balloon, you say that instead of being with your fav pokemon, and all that money, you'd choose Musashi because you want to be with her FOREVER. So, what's the deal?
*blushes* Ummm, uh, er, I guess I want to be with her forever. I can't really, um, imagine life, um, without her.

Okay, Kitty has some questions, and this time Butch, there are some for you.

Meowth- Ok, I'm not trying to prove anything, but I was just wondering: Do you think Jess is pretty?
Yeah, she's pretty. But she gets annoyin' when she obsesses over her image. She don't have to look in da mirror all da time.

Meowth- Do you like to tease Jess and James about being in love a lot?
You better believe it.
Heh heh heh heh heh!!! Its in my daily routine to tease dem! I love bothering them because I know dey get annoyed.

Jessie- How does it feel to be the daughter of Team Rocket's greatest agent? Do you wish that someday you could be good enough and wear your mom's uniform?
Yeah, it makes me feel special. I look up to her for being really great. I do hope someday I can be as great as she was so everyone else can look up to me and say that I was great. But I doubt that will happen.

All- Did any of you ever wanna get out of TR badly? Cus quite a few agents have died working for Team Rocket.
Because of the accident with my mom, I do wish every once in a while that I wasn't in Team Rocket. I'm afraid that I'll die someday like she did.
Sometimes I wish I was out of Team Rocket so I can live a normal life without fear.
I don't think I really wanted to get out of Team Rocket really badly.
Yeah, same here. We just have to take risks as they come.
I try not to think about the bad stuff in Team Rocket.

Mondo- What were you thinking that day when Jessie blew you a kiss? ^_~
Pure happiness! I loved it!
I'm sure you loved it.

James- Ok, no offense, but this kinda gets me mad. How come when Jess is wearing a super cute outfit that makes her look prettier that usual, you act like it's nothing, but when she's in her uniform,you do notice? Doesn't that get you mad Jessie?
Yeah, James. Why don't you ever say anything?
I don't know...I guess she just looks really good in her uniform. Or maybe its because I keep my thoughts in my head.
*sighs impatiently* James, you are just too confusing!

Butch- You seem like they type of guy that likes raunchy and gross movies. Yes or no?
Yeah, I like disgusting, gross, raunchy, and perverted movies. Sometimes I have a sick sense of humor.
That's for sure. Don't you like happy and romantic movies?
Oh you mean those sentimental movies. I hate them. But they're perfect for a sap like you.

Jessie- What was the worst date you've ever been on?
I've been on a few. One time this guy took me to fancy and expensive restuarant. I thought he was going to pay, but he made me pay for everything! It was so expensive! I don't have that much money. Another guy kept talking about his exgirlfriend and that started to tick me off. Another guy stood me up. I've had my share of bad dates.

Jessie- Ok, I know James can do hair pretty well, so I was wondering. Who does your hair? You or James?
Most of the time, I do my hair. But when I'm really tired or lazy, I let James brush and fix my hair for me. He really enjoys it.

Questions from Krista!

cass and jess- do your parners feet smell when they take thier boots off? (boots do that you know, and they are teenage boys)
Oh yeah!
Like I can help it?
Yeah, James's feet smell, too.
But Jess, yours do too!
James, the question was for me.

mondo- do you have a partner?
Nope. I'm all alone. I wish I had one...

meowth- do you have any JUICY info about jess and james for us?
Well, dey like each otha even though dey don't say it. There also was dat one time when James walked into da room when Jessie was changing.
Meowth! I thought I told you never to mention that!

jessie- what do you think of all those females who are james fans? how about the ones who "hit" on him?
Too bad for them. They'll never get him.

all- why did you join team rocket?
I didn't have anywhere else to go and since Jessie was joining, I figured I would join.
Same here, I didn't have anywhere else to go. I also wanted to be like my mommy.
Its an evil organization and I like evil stuff.
I needed the money.

james- again im sorry that you had to grow up in a bad family, but if they did apoligize (your parents) and support your decisions and change their ways would you forgive them?
I don't know. They did cause a lot of troubles for me when I was a child. So it would be very hard to forgive them. But I am a nice forgiving person so eventually I might forgive them.

Amadala has comments for Butch and Cass
Its just for us!

butch- that picture i showed you is cute . i mean (*blushing*) you look so cute like that!!! and well......i like your costume in that episode ( without the mask,of course!!)
Yeah, I liked the costume, too. Of course, without the mask. Heh! I guess I do look cute like that.
I don't know about that...

cassidy - i told butch that he rules over james and you rule over jesse!! you are much, much better team than Mr. rose and mrs. screwup!!!!
Yeah! I do rule over Jessie!! I'm soooo much better than her. What a little screwup!
Hey! Atleast James and I can get out of jail ourselves. Unlike you!
I have something to tell you little Ms. Screwup: screw you!

Denise has 2 questions

Hey, how old are you guys anyway?
18, almost 19
I don't know. I haven't kept track of my cat years.

Cassidy & Jessie: Where did you get those cool earrings?
I was just window shopping in a mall one time, and I saw the earrings and I just had to get them. I bet Jessie stole her earrings off a Christmas tree!
I did not!
Oh yes you did! You're so poor, that's the only kind of jewelry you can get!
Shut up, slut!
Oooooh! A kitty-cat fight!
For your info, my mommy bought them for me.
She probably stole them off a Christmas tree.

Kristin has lots o' questions!

James: What do you think of Dragon Ball Z?
Hmmm, its okay, I guess. The people look kind of weird though.

Jesse: Do you have a good luck charm? I have a little James action figure that sleeps by my bed every night. I brings me good dreams.^_^
Can I have that action figure? I guess you can say my little dolly is a my good luck charm.

Meowth: If Meowzy can crawling back to you, begging for your love, what would you do?
Dat's a good question. I probably would tell her to leave cuz she hurt my heart. There are plenty of fish in da sea for me.

Butch: What do you think about Meowth?
He's a stupid alley cat. I wouldn't want him in my place, coughing up hairballs. He probably gets fleas and sheds all of the time.
I'm not infested wit' fleas!

All: What is your favorite band?
I like Metallica and Limp Bizkit.
3 Doors Down.
I have lots. I like a lot of the bands that were in the 80's.
Matchbox 20.

Mondo: What are your Pokemon?
Tauros and Ditto.

James: Where would you go if you could have a vacation?
I like beaches, so maybe Hawaii, Miami, California, or any other places with nice beaches.

Cassidy: How old are you?

James: What does Botch mean?
The word "botch" means to mess up. I think that word suits him perfectly.
I think wimp, sap, gay, ignorant suit you perfectly.

Mondo: How old are you?

Meowth: What is your favorite color?
I like light blue and yellow.

Jesse: Can I join Team Rocket?
Sure, just go over to the HQ and sign up. Just don't try and take my job away, ok? I need the money.

James: Does Meowth have any bad habits?(besides being annoying sometimes)
He drools in his sleep, he has horrible cat breath, when he files his nails they make a screeching noise, and he always uses all of the hot water.

Butch: Do you have a favorite thing? (ex:James likes roses)
Not really. However, one thing that really fascinates me are bugs. When I was younger, I was always terrorizing and traumatizing girls with disgusting bugs.

Cassidy: Does Butch have any bad habits?
He never, ever picks up after himself. He's a slob. I'm a neat freak and I like everything to be organized and clean, so his messy habits make me ticked. He also drinks milk right out of the carton instead of pouring it into a glass.

Butch: Does Cassidy have any bad habits?
If we're sharing the same bed, she always hogs up all of the blankets for herself, so I'm stuck freezing.

Mondo: Have you ever been on a date?
I've been out with friends, but never on a real date.

Meowth: What is your favorite thing to eat?
I like eating fish, of course. Especially right outa da can.

Jessie has questions
I like the name!

Jessie and James- If i told that i was your futrue daughter what would u think?
Heh heh!
Shut up Meowth! Wow. I knew I wanted a daughter but I didn't know I was going to have one with James.
This is all too sudden!
Calm down James. Just breathe.

Butch- I love your voice!
Thanks! I knew I had other fans out there. See, James, people like me.
But not as many people who like me!

James- I think u r ssssssssssooooooooooooo SEXY! ( no offense Jessie. your a very lucky girl to have James) * blows James a kiss* I love u!
*blushes* See what I mean, Butch? She thinks I'm sexy! *sighs*
No offense taken. I am very lucky, aren't I? Well, only sometimes.

Mondo- I have a cousin that looks just like u. And sometimes it makes me like u more then James and Butch. Excepicaly James. when i go to sleep all i can dream of is u now. so can i cut your hair and can Butch?
Wow! I didn't know I had some fans. I'm not really that popular. But I don't know about my hair...
Heh. I don't know either.

Jessie- i need u to do me a favore 4 me. To prove your love 4 James I want u to KISS him ON LIPS! Right now!u would like that wouldn't James? (nudges him) I'm very strong rocketshipper and if u don't i might turn into a kurnunoshipper or what ever that 1 is called that says that and Butch love eachother and i don't want to.u wouldn't want that to happen either now would u James( nudges him again)
Oh, I don't know...
You want to, Jessie.
*sighs* Come with me, James. *they walk into another room and after a minute, Jessie and a very flushed James come back.*
So what happened? Did ya kiss?
I'm not telling and neither is James. Right James?
Uummmmmmmmmmm...*blushes harder*

James- If u didn't know Jessie would u go out with me and marry me? THAT WOULD B ME DREAM COME TRUE!
Um, maybe. There are a lot of other girls out there that want me to marry them, too.

Jessie has questions

All- i was wondering if u guys could send me your best pics of u i really need some that have Jessie and James in them together because i'm going to put them up in my room because i'm turning my room into a Team Rocket shrine. i already have my walls painted with Team Rocket HQ and u guys on the side by my bed(James closesest to me).so could u?
Um, yeah sure. We'll see what we can do.

Butch- What do u think about that pest,twerp, and a**hole....oops excuse my langue... Ash?
He's really stupid. He has no common sense what so ever. He's a stupid goody-goody and those are the kind of people I can't stand.

Jessie- I love your uniform. could i make 1 and say that i'm u because i have the same lenugh red hair and the same beautiful blue eyes as u?
You can make a uniform that looks like mine, but please don't pass as me. I'm the only one of me. Hmph.
One Jessie in the world is enough, trust me.

James- I love your hair. but me and my friend agrue about the color to much. she says it parywinkle and i say it lavender purple. What 1 do u think it is?
I always say my hair is blue with a tint of purple in it. I can't think of a one-word color description for my hair.

Meowth- if u had a chance to find a new girl friend would u since that slut Meowzy put u down? (please i beg u excuse me langue i have a bad cusing problem)
I would like to. Dis Meowth here gets kinda lonely sometimes.

Jessie & James- Guess what? I AM YOUR FUTRUE DAUGHTER! ( But that stinks because now i can't love James *sigh*O well i guess i can love Mondo then!were perfect for each other!)
You are!?
You can take Mondo away for all I care.
Are we perfect for each other?

Cassidy- y would u and Jessie throw your friendship away over a f***ing fight that u know that Jessie would win because she's more beautiful then u!?
That is so not true. I'm more beautiful than her!
Heh! Yeah right!
I don't know why we were even friends in the first place. I think it was because I felt bad for Jessie because she didn't have many friends.
I had friends!
Imaginary friends!

James & Butch- were u ever friends?
No, we always hung out in different crowds.
Yeah, we knew each other, we just never talked.

Jessie & Cassidy- did u 2 know that there r ppl that think that when u 2 were little that u guys weren't just friends but u guys were in love? ( meaning they think your gay)
Oh yes, I've heard of that. Why do people think that?! We can't even get along with each other, so why do they think we like each other?!
We're not gay!!! I know what the evidence is for why we might like each other, but if you can't trust Jessie, trust me. We don't like each other.

Butch- your hot. And since James said Maybe i was wondering if u would go out with me if u didn't know Cassidy?
Hmmm, I don't know. I need to know more of your personality before I can make any decisions. The type of girls I like are beautiful, smart, and tough.

Mondo- your very cute and u deserve the best there is. i have a friend and her name is Jessiline. she was wondering if u would go out with her if not me?
Wow! I didn't know I had fans out there. Maybe I would go out without her.

Meowth- your my fave. pokemon!
*sighs happily* Everyone loves Meowth!

Jessie- did u know that there is a rumor that your mom is still alive?
Yeah, I've heard about that. I really hope she's alive and okay because I really miss her.

James- did u like that kiss that Jessie gave to u?
*blushes* Yeah...
James! I told you not to say anything!

Jessie- y r u so embarsed of kissing your boyfriend? i know u have a thing 4 James!
*blushes* *grumbles* Ruins my tough image...

James- have u ever had a girl friend be4 Jessie?
Nope, I never have.

All- what is your fave. song? mine is N*Sync "up against that wall".
"My Way" by Limp Bizkit.
"Kryptonite" and "Loser" both from 3 Doors Down.
"Hanging by a Moment" by Lifehouse and "Come Sail Away" from Styx.
"Real World" by Matchbox 20.
"Bye Bye Bye" by N*Sync.
"Stray Cat Strut" by Stray Cats.

All- Have u guys ever heard of N*Sync?
Yeah! I love N*Sync!

Jessie,James,& Meowth- i went to see pokemon live and i saw the ppl that were sopuse to b u guys but the seemed very Gay! i couldn't stand it! i started to cry. *crys* it was mostly the 1 that was James he wouldn't stop touching himself. i wanted to go punch him because i know that u don't do that. do u? what do u guys think about that? do u guys want me to go kill them 4 u for insaulting u?
What were those people thinking?!
Eeewwww. I don't know about that person who was playing me. I would never, ever do that kind of stuff.
Da only person who can be just like me is me!

James, Butch, & Mondo- i love u guys! ( but mostly James since he is my dad!)
I am?!
Yeah, I guess a lot of people like me.
Yay! Fans!

Amadala has something for you, Butch.

for butch and a comment - this is how i look in anime life butch ^.^ and i have changed my name from BBBebostar to Amadala!!! what do you think?
Hmmm, you look kinda nice. Maybe worth knowing.

A few questions from Kristin

James: Why don't you just give up on catching Pikachu?
Team Rocket never gives up! Even though we probably should.

Jesse: Why does Cassidy get on your nerves so bad?
She's always is bragging about how much better she is so that annoys me. Especially because I know I'm better than her.

Meowth: What do you think about Butch and Cassidy?
Hm, dey are okay. I don't have any bad t'ings to say about dem. But not the same as James and Jessie.

Mondo: Do you like Meowth? You seem like a nice guy, why did you join Team Rocket?
Yeah! I love Meowth! I thought Team Rocket was a cool organization so I joined. Anyway, I don't really do anything bad in Team Rocket, I just help out.

Kitty has questions:

J&J- What was the sweetest most romantic thing the other one ever did for you?
Whenever I get sad or depressed, James is always there to comfort me and I think that's really sweet.
One time I was really sick, I think it was the flu. I was really contaigous at the time so I told everyone to stay away from me. But Jessie stayed with me the entire time, giving me medicine and giving me things if I needed them.

James- How come whenever you're mad at Meowth you're all nice flirty with Jessie? (Did you notice that too Meowth?)
Yeah, I noticed.
I don't know why. I guess it's because I can be kind of moody. Sometimes when I'm flirting with Jessie, I don't like it when people bother me. So maybe that's why I get mad at him.

J&J- I just wanna say that you guys looked like the CUTEST couple with your Salon Roquet uniforms on!
*blushes* Yeah...
Yeah, I really did like those uniforms. They looked very nice on us.

James- What were you thinking the day Jessie almost left you, and she stole the badges too?
I was really sad, depressed, and disappointed because I never thought she would do a thing like that. I'm still kind of sad. Oh well. Atleast she came back.

Jessie- Do you have any idea how much James loves you!?
I have an idea of how much he cares for me, but he probably cares more than I realize.

James- When you first met Jessie, were you scared of her cus she kinda looked like Jessiebelle?
Yeah! When I first met her, I thought she was Jessibelle's evil twin! But then when I got to know her, I found out I was wrong.

Jessie- Have you ever been beat up by a guy? Or maybe did any of your boyfriends ever slap you around?
*sigh* I don't like to talk about this that much, but yes, I have been beat up by some guys.

Jessie- Were you mad when James joined TR just cus he wanted to stay with you? Did you think of the dangers he could've put himself in? (You must have known all about it, right?)
At first I was mad, but then I was flattered because he was taking risks for me.

J&J- Why does it seem like every time you guys are mad at Meowth, it brings you closer together with you two?
Since when we're mad at Meowth, we don't have anyone else to talk to except to each other, so I guess that brings us closer.
Yeah, some day we're going to have to thank Meowth.

James- Ever gotten into a fight with another guy cus he wasn't treating Jessie like he should've?
Yeah, I remember this guy was pushing her around so I went and pushed him and asked him if he liked getting pushed around. Then we started fighting. But it was worth it even though I don't like violence.

James- Have you EVER once hit Jessie?
Like I said before, I don't like violence. So I never, ever hit her.

James- Ok. We all know you're a gentleman, but would you ever sock Jessiebelle? Or have you already?
Now even though I hate violence, sometimes I just have to get violent for important reasons. Yeah, one time I hit her and she complained to my parents. I must have been grounded for a year!

J&J- Do Arbok and Weezing have some sorta thing for eachother? Are they in love? (Like trainer, like Pokemon)
I think they're just friends.
I think it would be weird for a cobra and a gas cloud to be partners.

Jessie- Has James ever tried to use a pick-up line on you?
Yeah, sometimes he tries to act really suave around me and always talk about how much of a gentleman he is.

Jessie- Rumor has it, that your Dad used to hit and abuse you and your Mom. True?
I guess you can say he abused me, but I'm not sure about my mom. I never saw anything. If he did hit her, I never was around.

Jessie- Lots a ppl think that you're too cute to be in Team Rocket.
Really? I don't like it when people call me cute. Beautiful is a better word.

J&J- Ok. I know that when everybody first sall you in your first appearance, A LOT of people thought you were married. What do say to that?
Whoa! I didn't know that! But I'm flattered.
Really? Wow...

Jessie- How old were you when you had your first boyfriend?
I think around 12.

Krista has more questions:

butch- ok i have to let this off my shoulders; i read what you said bout james in another question and you called him gay, well that was mean and wrong. Too many people call him that just because he has a good heart and thinks of others and i wouldn't be talking frog-breath! I was gonna give you another chance but seeing how rude you are to him i dont know, he is nice to you and i will rip up any pictures i have of you if you dont apoligize to him now
Frog breath!? You know, for calling me that, I shouldn't apologize. But since you threaten to tear up pictures of my wonderful self, I better apologize. *mutters in a very low tone* Sorry, Mr. Rose. Happy?

james- how long are you gonna grow your hair? i think its nice and original :)
Well, I like my hair at the length it's at. But maybe someday I'll let it grow a little past my shoulders, but I'll never cut any shorter than it is now. Oh yeah, thanks for the compliment!

butch- now it wasnt so bad to apoligize was it? i forgive you :)
Hmmm... Are you still going to rip up the pictures?

cassidy- like how much of a slob is butch?
He never picks up his plates, he always leaves his clothes all over the place, he never fixes the bed, the sink is always covered in water, the towels are all over the bathroom. I think you get the idea.

all- what are your fav. ice cream flavors?
Strawberries and cream.
Cookie dough ice cream.
Rocky road.
Mint chocolate chip.
Buttered pecan.
Plain vanilla.

mondo- r u a rocketshipper?
I think James and Jessie make a cute couple and I believe that they will eventually get together, so I guess that makes me a rocketshipper. But I still wish...

meowth- i think your funny, not mean just a smart alek :)
Heh heh! T'anks! I like bein' a wise guy.

all- what are some things you cant stand?
I can't stand patience.
Waking up at the crack of dawn.
Neatness and bad hair days!

all- if you were to have a pet what would it be (of the real animals)
A tarantula.
That's because you are a snake. I want a cat.
Ya already got a cat! I want a pet rock!
A turtle.
A dog, but I already have one so maybe a guinea pig.

Jessie's back with more questions

Butch- i'm a a very beautiful girl with blue eyes i have a nice personality and i'm very tough when i have to b i have red hair too. all the bays at school r ga ga over me! plez tell me now if u would.
Hm, sorry I'm not a fan of blind dates. I'd have to meet you before I made any decisions.

Mondo- would u go out with me since i'm Jessie's daughter?(kisses Mondo)
*blushes* Wow...I'm loved...I...don't...know...
Oh boy. Calm down there.

I love u Mondo!
Why does this guy always get crushes over some girl?

James- how long have u known Jessie?
Around 8 years. I lost count.

Jessie- did u find James in the snow when he ran away? that's what i hear.
No, I didn't find him in the snow. But I did meet him a little while after he ran away.

All- where did u live growing up?
I lived in Sunnytown in a very small house.
More like a shack. I lived in Sunnytown, too. I wasn't rich but I wasn't as poor as Jessie. I lived in a medium-sized house.
I lived in Sunnytown in a big mansion. But let me tell you something, money does not bring happiness. Trust me.
As I've said before, I don't like giving out too much personal information about myself. Let's just say I lived in a house in a city.
I lived in Celadon City when I was growing up. I came from middle-class family so we lived in a house.
I just lived in da streets. I don't even know what city I lived in.

Mondo- i would never try to cut your hair i'm sorry. do u forgive me?
Yeah, I forgive you.

All- do u go to school anymore?i do and it sucks!
Nope. We all don't. Except for Mondo, he takes a few classes.

Cassidy- I hate u u think your better then Jessie! u sult!
Do you know why I think I'm better than Jessie? Because I know I'm better than her!! You shouldn't hate me for such a bad reason. You can hate me if you had a better reason. I am better than Jessie and she know's it.
No I don't.

James, Butch, Mondo- if u were to take me out on a date where would it b to?
To a restuarant.
Probably to an arcade or a place where we can play games.
A gory and disgusting movie. I'm such a romantic.

Amadala has a comment:

For cassidy - dont worry cassidy!!!!! i wont steal butch away from you cuz i know you like him, forgive me? i was just sending him a picture of me! ^.^
Oh, okay if that was all... Sorry, but Butch can be hard to control, especially when it comes to girls.

Amadala has some more:

Questions for all of them!

but motto! ehem....

prepare for trouble ...
from this new duel!
to blight the world with devestation!
to infect all our nation!
to protect the evils of truth and love!
to shoot for the stars above!
team rocket ruling the earth all day and night!
surrender to us now or prepare to suffer in the fight!
MEW! thats right!

the questions now!

so what do you guys think of my motto?
It's nice, in fact, it's pretty good because I can see who's motto you were inspired the most from.
Heh, yeah!

i love your motto butch and cassidy! can i join your team?
Our motto is definately better than some other certain people I know.
Hm, I wonder who.
Gee, we all wonder.
If you want to join our team, go over to Team Rocket HQ and see if you can work something out. As long as you like Butch and I more than two other people, than you can be on our team.

3- any of you guys heard of the backstreet boys or BBMak?
Yeah, they're okay. But not my favorite music to listen to.
They're not my choice of music. They don't sing any loud and obnoxious songs.

This is for you cass cuz i know how much you like butch! ( i do too!!)
Thanks! Butch never has given me a picture of him before. He can be too private sometimes.

dont get mad cassidy! i let you keep butch! ^.~! and finally - can i join team rocket?
Thanks. I appreciate it a lot! Sure, you can join Team Rocket if you want.

until next time ... WE ARE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!!!!!

Kitty has lots of questions for you guys

Mondo- What would you do if Jessie started hitting on you?
Well, at first I would be kind of disappointed because I think Jessie sort of should belong with James. But then, I would be very happy because I still sort of like Jessie.
You do?
Umm, yeah!

All- What do you think is the perfect age to get married?
We cats don't care what age we get married.

Jessie- If Jessiebelle ever came back, and threatened you, or hurt you,but James wasn't around and didn't know about it, would you tell him?
Oh yeah, I'd tell him! Why? Because I know James will kill Jessibelle and that's something I would love to see!

Butch- Do you have a fiance named Cassidybelle, who looks just like Cassidy, and has a southern accent, is filthy rich, and tries to make you into a "proper gentlemen?"
Cassidybelle?! Oh man I hope not. I hope I never will. The money I wouldn't mind though, because I'm kind of short of it.

J&J- Who's the older one, and how far apart?
I am, but only a few months apart.
Yeah, but sometimes it seems that I'm the older one.
Because I'm always bossing you around! People who are older than others always do that. So why don't you? Are you scared?
Oh James...

J&J- How did you meet in Pokemon tech?
James was getting pushed around, as usual, so I had to go help him. Later, since I didn't have many friends, I started hanging out with him more.
Yes, and that's how we became really close friends.
Heh heh. Really really close.

J&J- When did you first start liking eachother love wise?
We don't like each other that much.
We don't?
She loves you a lot. Now get on with the question.
Being in Team Rocket really brought us together, since we always have to hang out with each other. So I guess you can say we started liking each other a little after we joined Team Rocket. *nudges Jessie* Right Jess?

J&J- Have you ever had to kiss under the mistletoe?
No, I don't think so...
I don't recall ever kissing...
Yeah right! I got ya guys on camera!
*whines* Meowth!
Where's that picture?
Meowth, why didn't you tell us?
Ya never asked.

J&J- What was the best Christmas gift you ever gave eachother?
James gave me a picture of us in Pokemon Tech in a frame with roses on it. It may not seem much, but I really love it.
Jessie gave me a little trinket box for me to put my bottle caps inside. On the top of the box, there's a little poem about sentimentality of little things we love.
Awww, how sweety and mushy!

Jessie- Was there ever a time were James made you feel bad about yourself, but didn't mean to? Like (for whatever possible reason) did he ever complain, or nag about your looks?
One time he commented to me that I'm always bothering him and hitting him. He didn't mean to make me feel bad, but I didn't know that at the time. So I started yelling at him and he hid for awhile. But later he came back and apologized to me for saying that comment. I told him that he didn't need to apologize to me because I know he didn't mean anything. Then I apologized to him. James wasn't to sad after that.

Jessie- Has James ever tried to make you a proper lady?
Sometimes James tries to make me be more patient and generous, just like a proper lady. But I don't mind too much.

All- Have you guys ever got drunk?
No. Bad things happen when you are drunk.
No, I never got drunk. When I lived with my parents, I drank wine at dinner but I never had enough to get drunk.
No, alcoholic drinks smell yucky.
Hmm, I don't think I have.
There was that one time, Butch. Remember?
Meowth only like milk!

Jessie- How old were you when you had your last boyfriend?
15, I think.

James- Did you ever have a thing for Tyra? Some people think you two were a couple.
No, I never really did like her too much. She was nice, but that's it.

Jessie- Did you ever have a thing for Chopper? You guys would look kinda cute.
I sort of went out with him for awhile. But it didn't last that long.

James- Is there a particular outfit, of Jessie's, besides her uniform that you like best?
*blushes* I like her in the Salon Roquet outfit, the outfits she wore for the Princess festival including the kimono, and ummm, her bathing suit...
How about her birthday suit!?

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