Ask Team Rocket Page 2

Krista is back with some questions

cass- has butch done anything nice for you? like has he ever done something for you that really meant a lot to you?
Let me think about this one. Well, there was one time when I was really depressed because we were always going to jail. I kept moping around and not talking. But then Butch came and comforted me and told me that everything would work out eventually. That may not seem like a lot, but it really made me very happy. I felt encouraged.

cass- has he ever given you anything special that means a lot to you?
He gave me a big fuzzy, stuffed animal of Raticate. I sleep with it all the time. Its really soft and cuddly! It means a lot to me because Butch isn't that generous sometimes and not many people appreciate Raticate but atleast Butch does.

butch- is anything that acually grosses you out? you seem to like lots of gross things but is there any thing that is too gross for you?
One thing that grosses me out is vomit. I can't stand the way it smells and looks. It makes me want to throw up. I can't stand the retching noises when someone is about to throw up, either.

james- what is your opinion on misty. i know you two arent an item cause your just nice to kids. i mean do you think she is a brat or a cute kid?
Well, I have to be thankful for her bringing the stun stem. But otherwise, I kind of see her a brat. She's always hanging out with Ashy so she's a twerp. She's always complaining with her annoying voice and that bugs me. Misty is just annoying little girl.

all- have you ever tryed cigarettes? what are your opinions on them?
Ewww, no!
Nope, they smell gross.
No, they make you get emphysema, lung cancer, bad breath, heart problems, and many other problems.
Thank you for the health lesson, Mondo. I've been offered some before, but I refused.
Meowth don't smoke.

james and jess- did you know that when i first watched "pokemon" i thought you two were brother and sister? and then i thought you two were boyfriend and girlfriend then when i told my cousin about "holy matrimony" he said "isnt james already married to jessie?" and im talking about someone who rarley even watches the show! so it is like very big that lots of people think you two love each other and some even think your MARRIED! wanna know why? because you two argue and help each other just like a HUSBAND AND WIFE DO! what do you think of that?
*blushes* I guess if we ever get married, we'll be perfect...
*blushes* I didn't know a lot of people thought that! Interesting...right James?
*blushing and drooling*
Okay then. I guess we do act like a married couple since we are always together and arguing. Hmmm...
Awww! How cute!
*blushing and drooling* Yeah...
Is that all you can say?
*still drooling and blushing* Yeah... *sighs happily*

butch- why did you seem mad when james was holding cassidy's hand?(or it looked like it but he wasnt)
Of course I was mad! I still am. Stupid Mr. Rose!! I don't go around holding Jessie's hand so why did James have to go and grab Cassidy's hand? If James thinks about trying that again, I will hammer him in the ground like a nail!

cassidy- what did you do to break off the friendship with jess? did you spread a mean rumor about her? :(
We always were fighting over things like boys. So I spread rumors every once and awhile so she wouldn't get any boyfriends. Then we fought some more then we eventually broke off the friendship.

all four- did your partner ever do something that embarrassed you?
One time I invited a friend over to talk with. James, the garbage disposal, started eating some food. Then he kept going back into the kitchen for more food. My friend asked me if the reason why we didn't have much money was because of Jame's eating habits. I was so embarrassed that I hid all of the food away for James for a few days.
One time Jessie dumped a cup of water on my pants. I don't know if it was on purpose or not. Anyway, Meowth came in the room and asked me if I had an accident. I had to get back at Jessie so I put an ice cube down the back of her shirt.
One time, Butch and I went to a party. During one of the songs, Butch started doing this really weird dance I can't even describe. Then someone came up to me and asked me if I knew the guy who was dancing like a monkey. Of course, I denied the truth and told her "no." I was so embarrassed!
At another party, Cassidy excused herself to go to the bathroom. After 5 minutes when she left, she still hadn't come back. I was beginning to wonder why she hadn't returned. Then we heard some pounding and shouting coming from the bathroom. We all ran over to the bathroom. Cassidy was pounding on the door and yelling that she was locked in. Then the owner of the just turned the door knob and the door opened. It turned out that Cassidy was turning the knob the wrong way. I think I was more embarrassed than her.

all- what kind of jammies do you have?
I have some pink nightgowns that I like to wear. They're really comfortable.
I just wear a big shirt with boxer shorts. Nothing too fancy.
Yeah, I wear the same kind of stuff.
I wear these shirt and pants type of pajamas.
I wear some pants and shirts to bed.
I wear a little night cap.

meowth- r u a rocketshipper? cause you seem like one.
Yeah, I'm a shipper. I hope dey get togetha someday.

butch and cass- do you have any "petnames" or nicknames for each other like how james calls jessie "jess" or meowth calls james "jimmy"?
I call Cassidy Cass and Cassie sometimes.
Most of the time, I call Butch "Butch." But sometimes I call him Butchie.
I call him Botch!

james-why did you call jessie by her full name (jessica) only once?
I only call her Jessica when I'm being really serious with her.

james- is there any kind of food you DONT like?
I can't think of any that I don't like. I don't like very spicy food. It hurts my mouth and stomach.

Amadala has some questions:

james - james , i am so mad at you!!!! picking on poor butch like that!!! i want you to stop calling him botch and apologize to him right now or i will track you down and pound you!!!!! now apologize!!!!
Um, I don't know... But if you're going to track me down, I guess I better, I guess! *mutters in a barely audible whisper* sorry.
Hah! I never thought I'd live to see the day!

butch - wanna help me pound james if he does not apologize?
Hah! Yeah, let's do it!
No! I apologized!

james - there now was that so hard! oh , i would not pound you hard ! just take a hairbrush and hit you..... ^.~

cassidy and butch - you guys are so cool!!! i really look up to you guys cause you are older and more guys teach me alot!!
Thanks! We are more mature than them, that's for sure! I'm glad we teach you stuff. I guess we are influential.
Yeah, we teach people about how not to be dumb,wimpy, and sappy, unlike a certain other person I know.

Kitty has tons 'o questions to ask!

J&J- Hey, why don't you two trade Wobbuffet and Victreebel with eachother? Cus they seem to like the trainer much more than their current one.
That's a good idea, but I could never give up my Vickie. Eventually I would miss it biting my head.
Yeah, Wobbuffet can be a pain in the butt sometimes but I would miss having him.

J&J- What do all the pokemon think of Wobbuffet? Are they nice to him?
That treat him nicely, I suppose. They all think Wob is interesting.
But sometimes they find him annoying.

Jessie- Ok, you said you just like James as friend, and you kissed him, so since you just like Mondo as a friend, will you kiss him too? (make it good! lol)
Oh! But I've known James for a longer time so its okay if I kiss him, but Mondo... I know what to do! *blows Mondo a kiss* There!
*star-struck* Wow....another

J&J- Why do you guys get jealous, every time the other find somebody else attractive?
Sure you do, Jess. Remember that one time I saw that really cute girl. You were about to murder her! Then you were going to pound me for thinking that she was cute.
That was different...
Honestly, I get very envious when Jessie starts looking at another guy. Fortunately, she hasn't gotten serious with one for a very long time.

Meowth- Hey, if I was in your position, I'd make fun of those two lovebirds all the time too. Anyways, how often do you find them just seconds away from tongue wrestling? Is it safe to leave them alone in the same room without worrying about what's gonna happen? How often do they flirt too?
Heh! Yeah! I love making fun of dem as much as dey love each otha. Almost all of da time, dey are about to kiss, but I always break em up. Or dey get embarrassed. I can't leave em in a room by demselves for about a few minutes without worrin' what's goin' on in dere. Dey flirt a lot, too. Dey just don't do dat in public.
Don't go telling people about our private life!

Meowth- Do you ever just wanna tell J&J "Just get together already!"
I told em dat once. But dey just walked away into separate rooms, and dere faces were really red! I want to tell em again, though.

James- I can't believe you didn't know what a free sample is! Can you believe that Jess!?!?
Knowing James's intellectual capacity, I can believe that. I lived off a free samples during my childhood. I always went to the store just to eat samples because we were too poor for real food.
I can't help it if I don't know. When I was a kid, I never got out that often to know what a free sample was. But now that I know, I love them! They're so free!

Jessie- Do you like having to be the one to protect your partner? You seem to, but would you ever wanna have it switched around?
Yes, sometimes I get tired of being the one to protect James. One day, I want to be the damsel in distress so he can protect me.

James- Ok, it's obvious that Jessie is totally petrified by the Boss, but you've actually been able to keep your cool around him. Why do you seem more brave around the Boss than around Jessie?
Well, I don't want him to know how weak I am because if he finds out, I might get transferred or something. So I have to act strong even though the inside of me isn't.

Jessie- It kinda seems like you're just plain scared of guys (unless your making moves on them)or think very badly of them.What's with the paranioa? (were your boyfriends really that violent and mean?)
*sigh* Yes, they were very violent and controlling. They always thought they were the boss of me. When I tried to tell them that they could not control me, they started getting violent.

Cassidy- Have you ever been, or are you kinda scared of the opposite sex?
No, not really. I never had any bad experiences that made me scared of them.

Jessie- You need to act scared more often! I think all of the TR fans like it better when we see you hiding behind James and using him for protection. And I'm sure you like it, huh James?
*blushes* Yeah, I love it!
James! Sometimes I like being scared, sometimes I don't. Maybe one day I will act scared and hide behind him...
You will!? *blushes* Yay!

James- Just what would you do if you found out that Jessiebelle was beating Jessie up, and whipping her?
First I would take the beating instead of Jess. Then I would take the whip away from Jessibelle and start whipping her butt off! Then I would beat the lights out of her!

James- If Jessiebelle held Jessie hostage, and she learned how to walk, talk, and act just like Jessie, do you think you would still be able to tell it's not the real Jessie?
Yeah, I'll be able to tell the difference. I can recognize Jessie anywhere. It must be a bond we have or something.

Butch- I'm sorry, I like you a lot and all, but you just seem like the type of guy that would go slapping around girls and take advantage of them. But that's not true, right?
I wouldn't slap or hit girls around but I'm kind of a bully or bossy so I might try to take advantage of some of the weaker ones. But I would never, ever hurt one.

Jessie- If you could dedicate a few songs to James, what would they be.
"Angel of Mine," "Friends are Friends Forever," and "God Must Have Spent a litte more Time."

J&J- I'm sorry, but I just can't get over how much you guys remind me of Bonnie & Clyde! What do you think Jess?
Yeah, I do see some similarities. That's kinda cool that we remind you of them. Maybe one day, James and I will be famous like them. Someday...

J&J- What about Romeo and Juliet? Cus I seriously doubt that James' family would accept Jessie when you guys get married. But that's just too bad, right James?
Ha! Yeah, that's just too bad for them!
Wait a minute! Who said anything about marriage?
Jess and I are like Romeo and Juliet. I just hope we don't end up dying the same way they did.
I don't want to die young and single. So I better not die like them.

James- You know that in Pokemon Live, that you touched Jessie's butt?
*blushes* I did?!
Those people incorrectly portray us because if James touched my butt without me letting him, I would have smacked him.
I touched her?!
Calm down James.
Hey, Jessie, why would ya get angry if James touched ya? Remember dat one time when he accidently did? Ya seemed pretty happy...
*blushes* Quiet furball!
I touched her!?

Jessie- What do you think of Anti-shippers, and Twerp-shippers?
I always ignore those anti-shippers and twerp-shippers. The twerps don't like each other, they're just friends. Nothing more. Now anti-shippers, well...
What do you think of them, Jess.
*sigh* They shouldn't go around saying that I hate James.

J.C. Rocket has questions for all of you guys.

First of all, I'd just like to say that you guys are the best!!
Yeah! We are the best!

For Jessie, James, Butch, and Cassidy: How do you feel about your partner's sexuality?
I don't think James is gay or bisexual. He's straight, trust me.
Heh! Butch is a very hormonal heterosexual.
Yep, I am. Some people think Cassidy is a lesbian, but I don't think she is.
Jessie isn't a lesbian or bisexual. Anyway, she never shows any evidence that she is one.

(still for above): If you and your partner were forced to be locked in a secured room with a bed, a hard floor, a container of yogurt (and no spoons. No fair using your fingers!), and were induced with some sort of love potion, what would go on?
I think I know what would go on! But I won't say, since this site's rating won't go any higher than PG-13.
Thank you Butch for not going into any details.
That's disgusting!
Yeah! It's nasty! Don't be perverted!
Heh heh!

For Mondo: I think I have a date for you! She's blonde w/ brown eyes, is rather shapely, and her name is Sacciamalia. Say it with me-- Sah-shee-a-mall-ee-a. Very good! Wanna take her out?
Sah-shee-a-mall-ee-a. Interesting name. She sounds nice! Does she like me?

For Meowth: How do you feel about being swapped for a Ditto in the CD Drama Rocket Gang: White Tomorrow?
Naturally, I was mad. I am not worth trading for a Ditto. Plus, I had to hang out wit' Mondo, who isn't my favorite purr-son.

For Jessie: How would you feel if I told you that your mother (Miyamoto) and my mother (Korin) were very good friends and were both believed to be dead but were still alive and live in a cabin in the Andes?
At first, I would be shocked and I wouldn't believe that is was true. But then I would be extremely happy because Mommy would be alive and okay. Then I would rush down to the Andes and take her back home.

For Cassidy: Are you sure you're a virgin? 'Cause that has to be taken into consideration since your uniform is black...
Yes, I am a virgin. I know my uniform is black but I haven't done anything with anyone.
*scoffs* Yeah right.
I'm serious!
Are you sure haven't done anything with a certain person?
I don't know...I think someone is lying...

For all: Where's Giovanni? He has to be here so that I can steal his Persian while he's away!!!
Ugh! You don't want him here, trust me.
I can't believe ya want his Persian!

Kitty has more questions:

J&J- When you guys have spare time on your hands, what do you usually like to do?
I like to sit back and read a good book and watch TV. I always need to relax after trying to catch Pikachu.
Yeah, I like to watch TV too and play video games, anything to relieve the stress. I like to eat, too.

Jessie- Did you ever have a weight problem? Like, did you ever eat too much, or not enough?
When I was younger, I never got to eat much so I was kind of malnutritioned, in a way. Snow was never substantial enough to fill up my stomach. So I was really underweight when I was little. It was scary.

James- Jessie's had lots of boyfriends while she's still been with you, right? Have you ever been jealous enough to try and get her to break up with some of them, or have you actually succeeded in doing so?
There was a couple of times when I did try to make the guys not like her. I did succeed to. At first, Jessie was angry but I knew I did the right thing.

James- You like having Jess all to yourself don't you? ^_~
*blushes* Yeah! She's mine and nobody else's.

Jessie- How many boyfriends have you had?
Six or seven, I think.

James- How come you've never had a girlfriend? It's hard to believe, since your so cute and sweet.
I'm kind of shy when it comes to girls. I never used to talk to them much when I was younger. I don't know why though.

J&J- In Pokemon Tech, did you guys ever sneak into eachothers dorms and sleep over or somthing? (I'm pretty sure co-ed dorms weren't aloud)
A few times, I went over to James's room and had sort of a slumber party. But it was just us. Thankfully, I never got caught.
Did you guys ever, uh, do anything?
No Botch, we didn't.

J&J- Did you guys like to play a lot of jokes, and get in trouble a lot in Tech? What were some of the best jokes you ever played?
James and I always did pranks and stuff. Mostly on the teachers since they are always the easiest to trick.
But we always got in trouble. I remember we hid the teacher's car keys, drew pictures on the chalk board, put paper reinforcements on the chair so when they sat down, they stuck to their butt.

J&J- What do you guys usually do for Valentines Day? Please tell me you don't have to work on the most romantic day of the year!
Nah, we don't work, even though we're supposed to.
Normally, we go out to dinner at a nice restuarant.
And I give her tons of roses as well.
And I give him a big box of chocolates.

Jessie- When you and Chopper were together, did (unlike ur other b/f's) he treat you right? He seems to like you a lot, and he's pretty nice to you.
He treated me okay. But we weren't meant to be. He just wasn't my type.

Crimcat45 has some questions for you guys

all: what do you think of giovanni?
He isn't that bad.
After all, he bails us out.
He might bail you out, but he doesn't do that for us. I despise him, to say the least.
Really? I kind of like him. He isn't all that bad.
I don't know about that...
I hate 'em for all he's done to me.

Mondo: if you had the chance, would you build a meowth temple?
Hey, that's a good idea! I never thought of that before. I should do that.

all: what are your favorite foods?
I like all sorts of foods, except the spicy types. I especially love sweets.
I like international type foods like mexican, italian, chinese, etc.
I love sushi. I can't get enough of it.
I love fancy desserts like chocolate eclairs, puddings, mousses.
As plain and boring as it may seem, I love eating sandwiches. All kinds of them, including subs.
Meowth like fish!

J&J: how come you always seem to be braoke, yet can fund huge projects like the arbo-tank?
We borrow the money from the boss. We tell him we're going to pay him back...
...but we don't.

Mondo: how do you know where to find J&J after they blast off?
They call me on a pay phone and so then I go to them.

Wobbufet: do the eyes on the back of your tail actually see? (i hope meowth can translate for me...)
Wobb! Wobbawobb!
He said dey can kinda see. He said he can use da extra eyes.

Amadala has questions for Cass and Butch!

butch - has cassidy ever done anything nice for you? or has she comfort you anytime?
Sometimes I feel depressed because people don't find me that attractive, but Cass came and made me feel better. She can be really sweet sometimes.
Sweet? Try sour.

cassidy - what do you think of mondo? do you ever want to date him?
He seems like a goody goody and I'm not attracted to those kind of guys. Plus he's too young for me.

both - whats your most secretive secret?
If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret.
Yep, so I won't tell. I can't even think of my deepest secret anyway.

Questions from Krista

james- what do you have to say to all the men out there who hit thier spouse/partner and take advantage of them (oh and pat yourself on the back for not being one)
*pats his back* Girls shouldn't be treated like that. They're human beings, too so they have feelings. Just because they're females, doesn't mean that they're weak and frail. Guys who hurt girls are sick.

butch- ok from the questions that ive seen you answer, i come to the conclusion that you arent the kind to hit girls. but would you take advantage of them?
Hmm, maybe. Not hurt them though. I'm not that much of a bully around girls, but I'm a bully around guys.

butch- oh BTW i think i started a little "competition" here with this you and james insulting each other cause first i threaten to rip up your pics (i didnt though ^_^) then someone gets mad at james and threratens to hurt him :( im sorry if i offended that fan of yours cause you need fans too. I have a feeling that you two will someday become friends (sorry im a person who loves seeing people getting along) like after you both marry (your partners) so do you think someday it will happen?
I do need fans since not many people like me. We might get along someday, for the sake of Cassidy and Jessie.

james- do you love hugs? you seem to cause you hug a lot (espescially jessie)
*blushes* When I was a child, I didn't get many hugs from my parents so I like getting them now. I do seem to hug a lot, don't I?

james- i love it when you call jessie jess! it sounds so cute. do u call her that for any reason
*blushes again* I just like the way it sounds. She seems to like it, too.

all four- what do you think of your partners behind? ::::::note i know its sorta off the wall so if its too much then im sorry :)::::::::::
Jessie has a nice behind. Not too fat not too skinny.
James has a cute, flat butt.
Cassidy has a nice behind. She knows it that I think that, too.
Butch has a nicely shaped one.

all- what do you do when your depressed?
I just sit around, looking very sad. I don't usually talk either.
I stay in bed all day, isolating myself.
I shut my bedroom door and cry my heart out.
I mope around and pout.

butch and james- how would you react if you found out your partner was pregnant (besides fainting)
First of all, I would ask who did she get pregnant with.
Yeah, I would too. Then I would faint, and then I would get very happy for Jess.

Questions from Amadala

both - what were your parents like?
My parents were nice. I really liked them. They cared for me and watched out for me.
My parents were pretty good. They were responsible for me and stuff. I guess they really like me.

both - did you ever like school? did you get picked on?
I hated school. I was one of the slackers. I did get picked on because of my voice, but I also did pick on other people.
I never really did like school, either. I hated the homework. I got picked on every once in a while, but it wasn't a habit. I got used to it.

cassidy - i love sushi too!!!! and different other chinese or japanese!
Really? I don't understand why some people hate sushi. It tastes very good. I also like chinese and japanese food, too. I also love lemon chicken. Yum!

butch - if anyone else talks about your voice again , tell them i will track them down and believe me they do not want me there....
Good, I need supporters. I get so irrated when people bug me about my voice. I can't help it if my voice sounds crummy.

cassidy - tell me if anyone picks on poor butch again and i will come and help you beats them up?
Sure, you can come help me beat 'em up if you want. But be careful, it can get very violent.

both - did you guys ever get overweight or underweight?
No, I don't think so. I think I've been around average for my entire life.
I was a tad thin when I was around 10 and 11, but then I sort of filled out.

both - what is your favorite tv show?
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.
The Tom Green Show, of course.

Both - tell giovanni that i wanna join team rocket...
Okay, we'll tell him

Krista is back with questions:

james- are you a chocoholic?
Yeah! I have a big sweet tooth!

butch- is there a reason you dont talk much in the show when you are on?
I figure the less I talk, the less chances people have to make fun of the way I sound. Pathetic, huh?

butch and cass- so what do YOU TWO do on valentines day?
Ha ha! This ought to be good!
Oh, nothing much. We go out to eat and to a movie.
Yep, that's it. Nothing too romantic.
Are you sure that's all you do?
Yes! That's all we do!
Heh! I don't know about that.

all four- did you or your parner ever have an eating disorder? if so how did you help them?
James never really had an eating disorder, thankfully. I was really skinny, but James helped me.
Yeah, I gave her food that would fill her up and so she could gain some pounds. I also gave her emotional support.
I can't recall Butch ever having a disorder.
When Cassie was a tad thin, she did begin to gain some weight, but I don't know if I really helped her much.

all- do any of you like the beatles? (if not please dont turn them down i love them) if so whos your fav?
I never listened to their music. But I heard they were pretty good.
John Lennons was okay.
Yeah, I never listened to their music either. Maybe if I did, I might like them.
No offense, but I never was a fan of them.
Beatles? Do you mean bugs?
No, Meowth. They were a band. The Beatles were great! I don't have any favorites.

james- ok this seems weird to me; you grew up in an enviroment where people cooked for you but you know how to cook and jessie grew up in an enviroment where she had to be independant so how come you know how to cook but jessie dosnt?
When I was young, I used to hang out in the kitchens and watch the cooks cook. I got pointers from them and they let me help them.
Just because I cooked when I was little doesn't mean I was good at it.

meowth- ok no ones been giving you much attention so im sorry, i have a kitten named Luna who purrs when she sees you how do u like having a fan of your type oh and heres a ball of string (tosses ball of string)
*plays with string* Meowth! Fun! *purrs* I didn't know I had a fan of my own type. Meowth! I love bein' a role model!

Amadala has more questions for Cass and Butch

both - you guys are so lucky to have one another! i dont have anyone i can date.... i mean im a little overweight but that was because my friends said i was too thin and so they made me fat . what can i do to lose weight?
Well, if you want to lose weight, don't starve yourself. That causes serious problems. Instead, eat healthy and work out. You know, exercise.
Otherwise, just accept yourself for who you are. I have to do that with my voice.

both- what do you think of meowth?
Probably flea-bitten.
He doesn't seem so bad. But I'm glad he doesn't live with us. I wouldn't want him bothering us and being annoying.

both - can i be your freind?
Sure, consider us friends.

both- what can i do to be popular?
Being popular isn't everything. Trust me, I've been there. But if you want to know some people, just be yourself, get involved in activities and join clubs.
Be friendly. Maybe that's why I wasn't popular.

Questions from CrimCat

all: if you could recruit one team rocket member who would it be?
I'm assuming you mean someone who isn't a member. Probably Tyra.
Okay then, Chopper.
I don't know. I don't know anybody good enough.
Yeah, I can't think of any one else who can match our standards.
Maybe Misty.
Misty?! Okay... Hmmm, Meowth know no one.

Jess and cass: where did you get those earrings?
I bought mine when I was window shopping. I saw them and after one glance, I had to buy them. Jessie here got hers off a Christmas tree. I mean look at them! They look like ornaments.
I did not get them off a tree! Mommy bought them for me!
You might not of got them off a tree but your mom did!
Don't make fun of my mom!
She's dead! She doesn't know that I'm making fun of her!
You take that back!
*tries to hit Cassidy but misses*
Hah! Stupid accuracy!
*steps on Cassidy's toe*

all: what are your theories of what happened to brock at professer Ivy's?
He probably saw another girl and started flirting with her so Ivy got rid of him.
She kicked him out of the door because he only has a one-track mind on girls.
Maybe he stole something or messed something up and it ticked her off.
Maybe he was using too much money and she couldn't afford him anymore.
Maybe Ivy found a different boyfriend or something.
Eh, who knows?

James: now that you have wobbufet Team Rocket has my favorie Pokemon!
Really? You like wobbuffets? Cool!

Questions from Kitty!

Wobbuffet- Do you care about Jess a lot, and would you ever trade her for another trainer? (Meowth, could you please translate this for me?)
Wobb! Wob-buffet. Wobba!
Wob said that Jessie is a great trainer, even better than Benny. He doesn't want to trade her.

Arbok & Wezzing- (Meowth, I need you again) What's the deal with you guys? Do you like eachother or not?
Char-bok! Bok.
Wheezing wheeze.
Arbok said no way. Just friends. And wheezing said he just likes Arbok as a best friend.

Weezing- You must really like Jessie, huh? You always obey her if she tells you somthing, and she's not even you're trainer!
Wheez. Wheezing wheezing.
Wheezing said that Jessie is nice to him and he obeys Jessie also because she is James's friend.

Weezing- How much do you care about Arbok?
Wheez wheez.
Arbok is a good friend so he cares a lot.

Arbok & Jessie- How strong is your bond with eachother? And Arbok, I think you're the best Pokemon a girl could ever ask for, and that you're extremely beautiful too!
We have a strong bond. I've had Arbok for a long time since it used to be Ekans.
Arbok said thanks!

Arbok- What did you think of James at first? And how do you think of him now?
Arrr-bok. Char. Char-bok.
Arbok said he used to be scared of James but now he trusts him.

All of J&J's Pokemon- Do any of you have a crush on Jessie or James?
Dey all said no except Victreebel sort of likes James.

&C- How much do you love you're Pokemon? Cus you guys just totally abandoned Raticate in "The Breeding Center Secret" and it doesn't seem like you care about them. No offense, but I think Jessie and James are WAY better Pokemon trainers then you guys are.
*gasp* We are better trainers!
I love my Ratty! I didn't mean to abandon him. We just didn't have a strong bond back then.

James- How does it make you feel when you find out that 9 year old girls are in love with you? I'd be kinda grossed out.
It's really scary. I mean no offense, but they are a lot younger then me. They can look up to me as a model, but being in love with me? Weird and scary.

James- There are guys that think Jessie is a total fox, and they're like her biggest fans, and they wish they could have her. What do you say to them?
Ha! Too bad for them. They never will have her! Not over my dead body.

Jessie- What do you think of the ppl that think you and Butch make a good couple?
I really don't know what to think. I don't think I've shown any signs for affection towards him so I can't think that the people have any evidence. But, who knows? I don't care for Butch much.

J&J- Where do you guys wanna go for your Honey Moon when the two of you get married?
*blushes* Um...
*blushes* Uh....
I'll go where ever James wants to.
Well, I want to go to a romantic beach where there's hardly any people. At the beach, I would want to stay in a nice, large suite or beach house. As you can see, I love beaches. They're very romantic.

Jessie- Do you consider James a man?
Even though James acts like a scared little boy sometimes, he will act like a man when he wants to. So, yes, I consider him a man.

Jessie- When was the last time you flirted with a guy?
I don't remember when.
It was da last time you flirted wit' James. So it wasn't a long time ago.
Nobody asked you!

J&J- Was there ever a time when you just liked the other one as a friend, and nothing more?
During our first years of knowing each other, we were just friends.
Yeah, when we were younger, we just considered ourselves friends.

James- When you fell out of that spell from that maiden, and you got a good look at her, and then compared her to Jessie, what were you thinking?
I started thinking that I was a big jerk. I started yelling at myself inside my head. I should have known better.

James&Butch&Mondo- Could you give me some love advice? How do you know when a guy likes you? Like how do guys flirt?
A guy might like you when he keeps teasing you.
They compliment you when they're flirting.
A guy likes you when they act nice towards you and flirts self-consciencely because they're afraid of looking like a fool in front of someone they like.

Jessie- Is James the only guy you have eyes for? You seem to pretty much care less about any other guy.
James is the only one I can trust. I know he won't hurt me like past guys have. It's very hard for me to trust others.

James- Did you ever have the slightest feelings for Jessiebelle? Some people think you used to love her, but then you hated how she started to change you.
I can't recall ever liking her. The day I first met her, she was a pushy brat. She hasn't changed and neither have my feelings.

All- Where are you when you are answering these questions? Like in an office or somthing?
We're together in a room using the same computer.
It's too crowded in here!

Jessie- No matter how hard you try to cover it up, we all know that you love James, so you can't deny it. Just admit it.
I won't admit it. It's too hard to. I must stay strong and not let my weakness show.

Amadala has a few questions for Butchie and Cassidy

both-What do you think of your pokemon?
Primeape's okay, I guess. He obeys me, and that's what I expect from him. Drowzee's good, too.
I like my Raticate! He's so evil looking! And loyal too.

butch - my litle sister thinks your cute and nice ! but i told her to let cassidy have you.....
She thinks I'm cute? Cool! Yeah, your sister probably is nice but I'm better off with Cassie here.

cassidy - do you get picked on alot?
When I was younger than I was now, I got picked on sometimes from my classmates. Thankfully, it stopped when they got older and matured. They also always called me a slut and that bugged me too.

both- what your favorite board game?
I bet Botch's favorite is Chutes and Ladders! Or Candyland!
It's Butch. Get it inside your head for once. My favorite games are Scrabble and Monopoly. I like games that require strategy and thinking.
I always like the truth and dare type games. Like Girl Talk. That's one of my favorites. I also like spin the bottle and truth and dare, even though they aren't board games.

both - am i asking too many quetions?
People need to learn and appreciate us, so keep asking.

both - can you anwser me this? why do you look like this when you are talking to each other? you guys look like you are happy with each other!
Um, yeah. We're just happy... um, help me out here...
Yeah! We're just happy. Not because we're together, of course.
Uh huh!
Sure...that's why... Amadala, don't listen to them. They're only happy because they're with each other.
Jessie, get out of here!
Okay, I'll leave so you can be alone with him. Be sure to kissy kissy him!

Krista with questions

Jessie, Meowth and James- hey you guys are so cool! you are all like a little family together and you arent really "bad"guys and that is cool too! can i be your friend?
Yep, we are cool.
I guess we kind of act like a little family. I can see your point.
Yeah, ya can be our friend.
Hah! See Cassidy? I have a new friend!

J+J+M- ok since were friends now i wanna tell you about my day at school, i had drama (my favorite class) and our director for the play kept on picking on me just cause i "exagerate" my lines then cause im not "into" them enough so i just say them plainly then another girl says im getting an additude! also i auditioned for the after school play and i didnt get a call back! i think its just cause im not all made up and junk but i act really good, what do u three think? is that justice? i know you three understand what its like to be treated unfairly :)
Dose are da breaks.
Aw, I know how you feel. There's no justice in this sorry world. Those people don't know it when they see real talent. Keep trying!
Yeah, one day, you will show everyone that you do have talent. The same is going to happen with Team Rocket. We'll show the world!

james- you are sooooooooo sexy! jessie must be happy to have you! dont worry though as much as i love you i dont want to take you away from your jessie ^_^
I'm his Jessie? *smiles*
I never really considered myself sexy...but I guess I am!

all- if you could decorate your own room to be any theme what would it be?
That's easy. I want a rose themed room.
Probably an outer space or astrology theme.
I'd like an ocean or underwater theme. It looks really soothing.
A flowery theme, I guess. Or snow.
Wildlife or animals.
A kitty theme.

all- what is your favorite chocolate bar?
Milky Way.
100 Grand.
Don't know. Maybe Payday?

all- have any of you had to wear glasses or braces? do any of you wear reading glasses now?
I wear glasses every once in a while. Just to help me read.
I used to wear braces. Yuck! If I hear "Metal mouth" one more time I will explode.
I'm one of the lucky few who never wore braces or glasses.
I just got my braces taken off recently.
Nope, not dis Meowth.

all- if you were ant other cartoon charactor who would you be (in other words which other character from another cartoon is most like you?)
Do you know that one prince from Sailor Moon? Well, I guess I'm sort of like him.
Helga, from Hey Arnold. She has a lot of insecurities, just like me.
Ken from Digimon. He's really smart just like me. Heh, that's something a lot of people don't know about me. Ken also used to be evil, or so I hear.
Since Jessie mentioned a character from Hey Arnold, I will too. I'm kind of like Arnold, because I really don't like it when people fight.
Angelica from Rugrats is like a a very younger version of me. Very bossy.
Heh! Garfield!

Questions! From Akira:

Question for Jessie: Would you get mad if I was flirtng with James?
Oh yeah! I would get very, very, very angry! Nobody, and I mean nobody better steal James from me.
You care about me that much Jess? *smiles a really big smile*
Shhh! Don't make a big deal out of it.

Cuz I really can't help it if he's kewt ^_^
Well, I have to agree with you on that one...

For Cassidy: Same, would you get mad if I was flirting with Butch?
Yeah, I'd get mad. I'm not used to people flirting with him so I don't know how I'd handle my anger. Probably violently.
Ooooh! Cassidy would get in a cat fight.
Yes, you can say that.

For James: Why are you so cute? And why can't you be a real person? And would you get mad if I followed you everywhere and watched every single thing you did? (but don't worry I wouldn't heh heh...)
*blushes* I don't know why I'm cute. Ask my gene pool. I don't know why I can't be a real person. Sometimes I wish I was, but I like my life the way it is now. I'd probably get irritated after awhile with you following me. After all, a guy needs some privacy.

And for Butch: Why are you so cute? And where did the crazy hairdo come from?
I love my hair style! You see, I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to grow my hair out, or leave it really short. So, I compromised. I cut most of my hair real short and let another part grow out. I really like my hairdo. It's original. Heh, I am pretty cute, huh? Why am I? Search me.

Crimcat has questions for the gang

all: I was wonering, does Gio, in fact, drive a Geo? Major in Geology or Geomety and dig up Geodes for fun?
Hah! That's pretty good! Those are really good puns! Reminds me of my own song "Lucky Lucky."

all: to the best of your knowledge, does Koga do Yoga?
Hm, he probably does.

James: the episode "the pikahuna" when the sub crashes, the camera switches to one side and your hand...well, your hand is up jessie's shirt...what's happening in this photo?
I was just holding onto her. Honestly.
Oh, you were holding onto her all right! Ha ha!
I wasn't touching her, you know where.
Sure...that's what they all say. Didn't you ever learn to keep your hands to yourself?
Yes, I did.
Yeah right. Then why were your hands up her shirt. If I was Jessie, I would have slapped your face so hard, your face would have fallen off. But I guess Jessie enjoyed it.
Shut up, Botch.
Shut up, Mr. Rose.

Questions from Amadala:

both- what do you guys think of the twerps(ash,brock, tracey, and misty)?
Simple. I think of them as being twerps. You know, annoying. After all, they just want to mess up our plans.
Heh, yeah. I can't stand them. But then again, I can hardly stand anyone.

butch - hey butch, tell j and j to leave you alone!!!! i mean cant you guys anwser questions in peace?)
Good idea! Hey you two! Scram! Beat it!
Yeah, Botch. It's a free country.
Who said anything about freedom? Just leave me alone! And take your roses with you!

cassidy - my favorite game is fib finder!
*gasp* Really? I love that game! I love those kind of games when you make people spill the beans.

pictures for you guys !( picture of butch for cassidy and a picture of cassidy for butch)


Questions from Amadala:

both - thanks for anwser the how can i lose weight quetion! oh ! ive lost 10 pounds!!
Great job! I knew you could do it.

both- have you guys ever heard of domino(off team rocket)?
Oh yeah, I've heard of her. But I've never seen her.
I haven't seen her either. When I do, I'll have to show her who's boss around here.
Watch out Cassidy. You have another rival for your job...
Speak for yourself.

both - i hate the twerps also!
Welcome to the family.
Yeah, Team Rocket should be the real heroes. Not some stupid little kids. Hmph. We'll show them.

both- what is your favorite episode off pokemon! mine was the misty mermaid! i laughed at james during the whole episode! he was wearing a tutu!!
Hah hah!
Shut up.
I can't stop laughing! Anyway, I liked Beauty and the Beach. Or, more specifically, Holiday at Alcapulco. That's proof of James's messed up sexuality.
You're messed up.
My favorite episodes are the ones with me in it. I also liked Princess vs. Princess because I love watching Jessie lose.
Oh yeah? As if you don't lose? I like watching you lose.

cassidy - ever played spin the bottle?
Yes, at a few parties I played that game. I love that game. Except when you kiss someone you don't want to. Then it's nasty. But, that game is a good excuse for kissing someone cute, if you get my point.

Amadala has questions for Cassidy and Butch

both-ive heard of domino also! but cassidy, i like you better than her ! so, if you see her tell her that you are the mean one around here! also tell her that i dislike her and if she gets mean at you guys , tell her that i will pound her!
Don't worry, I'll tell her who's the mean and nasty one around Team Rocket. I'll also tell her that you hate her and you will pound her to little bits if she starts acting stupid.
Yeah, if she does start acting stupid, I'll pound her, too!

both- have you guys ever kissed?
Um, heh heh...
*blushes* um.....
Hahahahahah! Kissy kissy!

Both - sorry, i just wanted to know if you guys kissed or not?
Don't worry about it.
Yeah, it's okay.

both- my other favorite episode is when james was dressed as a woman with a baby! now that one was funny!!
That one was a good one! In that one, James looks better as a girl than a boy. That one was a hilarious episode.

butch - tell domino if you have seen her, that if she picks on you, that i will beat her up!!
Okay, I'll tell her that. I'll also beat her up if she tries to mess with me.

butch - sorry i called you butchie in the last questions! :(
Oh, it's okay. I'm used to it.
Yeah, sometimes when I'm teasing him, I'll call him Butchie. Or I'll call him Botch, to make him angry.

cassidy - wanna help me beat up domino if she picks on poor butch?
Yeah, I'll clobber her.

Akira with questions

Question for Meowth: If you hate the boss's Persian so much, why don't you just level yourself up and go challenge it to a battle? If you won, you'd be the top cat again!
Meowth! Dat's a good a idea. Except it'd be hard for me to level up. I'm on a very low level.

James: Did you dye your hair blue, or is that natural? Cuz it's cute!!!!
It's 100% all-natural! I love my hair. It's so...original! And, in your opinion, cute!

One for Mondo: Are we ever gonna see you here in Canada? Cuz you're a pretty cute character too, and I wanna see you on TV for once!
Thanks! I don't know if I'll ever be in Canada. I hope I will be. I bet a lot of other people want me to be seen on TV.

This is for Jessie, James, Butch and Cassidy: This one's gonna be fun! Have you ever, at any time, developed a crush on the other team rocket guy/girl? I have seen some sites about James/Cassidy shipping, and Butch/Jessie shipping, and i'm wondering if it's true ^_^
Cassidy is fun and sort of like Jessie because she's tough and ruthless, but despite their similarities, I never had a crush on her.
At one point in my life, I did have a little crush on Jessie. I mean, she's pretty, smart, and tough and those are the types of girls I go for. But I don't like her any more.
James is nice and all, but he's too wimpy so I never truly liked him. But one time, I pretended I had a crush on him, just to tick Jessie off.
You did succeed in ticking me off. A few years ago, when I first joined Team Rocket, I kind of did like Butch. I liked a lot of bad boys when I was younger and Butch fit the description, that's for sure. We got along well, but I didn't like being with someone dominant, just like me. So we broke up and I went back with James.

Cassidy:My friend Jason thinks you're attractive, he said so himself? Any thoughts on that?
Well, I can see why he thinks that. Is he cool? Is he tough? If he is, I'd like to meet him.

For Jessie and James, from my friend Merankia: You guys used to be so... umm, well smart! Then you kinda...dropped? How did that happen?
I have problems retaining my knowledge.
I wish I knew how that happened. I miss my brain power. I want to be smart. There's nothing wrong with that.

Kitty's questions

James- You know, Butch actually DID hurt Jessie! In "The Fortune Hunters", while Cassidy's trying to hurt you, Butch grabs a hold of Jessie and throws her against the wall! Beat him up James, beat him up!
I know! He should be charged with battery! I should beat him up!
Well, maybe next time you'll think twice before touching Cassidy. So this serves you right.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Heh, too bad. I dare you to try and hit me.
I really should hurt you.
You lay a finger on Butch, I'll rip your finger out!
Oh is that right Cassidy? I'll rip your head off!
Hey everybody! Cool it!

J&J- If you could say anything to Jessiebelle right now, what would you say?
I would probably say some bad words that I'm not allowed to type.
I would go right up to her face and laugh. Loudly.

Jessie- What were you thinking that day when James came back to you in the balloon?
*gets stary eyed* My hero...... Um, sorry about that. I was thinking how unselfish he is. And how perfect he is... *gets stary eyed again*
Oith to Jessie!
Can't you talk right, cat?
I talk right!

J&J- Would you guys wanna be remembered as famous outlaws in love, just like Bonnie & Clyde?
Yeah, that would be really neat.
Maybe we will be remebered. I hope so.

All- What did you think of that R&B singer, Alliyah who passed away?
Meowth don't care.
I feel really bad for her family. She was so young.
Yeah, her fame was just rising and then all of a sudden, she died.
Hmmm, yeah that is sad. I hope nothing like that ever happens to me.
Yeah, those kind of accidents are really tragic.
Atleast now we know she's in a better place.

J&J&M- I think you guys are so lucky to have eachother, and I've never seen a stronger relationship and bond then the one that you guys have. Just Jessie and James' bond is strong enough to be amazed by, but when you add Meowth, it's like a whole family! You guys don't let anything get in the way of your friendship, and would do anything to protect the other, and that's very hard to find. and just like Mondo said, you guys all need eachother to live, whether you want to admit it or not.
Sometimes I get really mad and I think everything is going wrong. But when I think about James and Meowth, I realize I'm really lucky to have them as friends.
If I never knew them, I don't know where I'd be. I would probably be living in misery. I hope we stay together forever.
Yep, I'm lucky to be friends with dem. Dere da only ones who ever appreciated me.

J&J- Was I being to sappy in that last comment? Sorry if I was.
Don't worry about that. I'm always sappy.
Yeah, I live with sappiness everyday. So it's nothing new.

J&J- I just can't get enough of those cute little hugs you give eachother. Will you do one for all us Rocketshippers right now?
*groans* Oh, all right. *hugs James*
*hugs Jessie*
Ahhh! James, you're squeezing too hard!
*blushes* Oops, sorry.

Meowth- When you're scared, why do you always insist on grabbing onto Jessie's leg? Why not James'?
I don't know why I do dat. Well, for one reason, I don't want to seem homosexual, after all, I am a male.
Do you have a crush on me furball?
No. Why would I?

All- Do you have to have a partner of the opposite sex? Or can you choose whoever you want to be your partner? And if you have to have the opposite sex, why? Isn't that just a couple waiting to happen? And I'm sure the Boss wouldn't want that.
We don't have to be paired up. We could go solo.
Yeah, that's what I did, but I regret it sometimes.
But we don't get to pick our partners. That really stinks.
Being a partner with the opposite sex is a couple waiting to happen. I guess the boss hopes that we just concentrate on catching pokemon, not about the another person.
I guess the reason why we have opposite sex partners is to balance out each other's ideas and plans. You know, sometimes a girl thinks differently than a boy and visa versa.
Maybe I could have a partner.

Jessie- Did you do anything special for your sweet sixteen?
I didn't do much since I didn't have much money. But James made a nice little cake and we watched movies and TV together that night. Then we stayed up all night and talked. It may not seem like a lot to you, but it meant a lot to me.

Jessie- How does it feel living with a guy your whole life? I mean, I'm sure they don't really understand all that girlie stuff that only girls talk about. So how did you deal going threw your puberty stages with a guy?
Let me tell you something, it was really difficult. Cassidy and I were still friends for when I first entered puberty, so that made things a little easier. I was able to go talk to her and she talked to me. When we weren't friends anymore, I was really happy about that because I was really starting to hate her. But I still miss having a girl to talk to.

James- Same question.
It was hard, and it still is hard. I still wonder how I got through it without having a guy around to talk to for advice.

J&J- Who usually wakes up the other one in the morning?
I have to wake James up.
I'm not a morning person, trust me.

J&J- What time do you guys usually get up anyways?
On days we have to go out and look for pokemon, we have to wake up very early to get a head start. Probably around 5:30 or 6.
But on our off days, we sleep in, just like all teenagers. We sleep til noon or 12:30, since we wake up so early. We need to catch up on our sleep.

J&J- When did you realize without saying anything, that the other one felt the same feelings of love that you did for them?
I realized that when James came back for me in the balloon. I knew that the real reason he came back for me was to be with me.
*blushes* Jessie's right about that. Um, I think I first realized that Jessie cared about me is when she would not leave me behind in the St. Anne.

Jessie- It;s hard to believe that you would wanna have kids! Wouldn't you be pissed about your figure?
Yes, I would get angry about my figure because having kids would ruin it. But I really want to have kids so I can be a mom. I never really got to know mine. So I would like to continue my mom's dream of being a mom by being one.

Krista's questions

butch- you seem nicer than i gave you credit for I'm sorry if i upset you that one time i called you frogbreath. want a hug?
It's okay. I'm used to being put down. *sigh* It's my life. Normally, I wouldn't want to be hugged in front of everyone, but a hug's a hug. Plus I'm feeling depressed. Okay, I want a hug. *hugs*

jessie, james, butch and cassidy- i have a dare for all of you; say one thing nice about your rival! and if you dont say it loud you have to give them a hug :) (sorry guys i just love it when rivals and enemies get along)
Um, okay, I'll go first. Ummmmm, you're really smart.
Oh, boy this is going to be very difficult. But I don't want to hug you, James, so I better think of something. You're nice. There, I said something.
My turn. Ummmmmm. Uhhhhhhhh. You were a good friend.
Okay, I guess that was nice. Um, Jessie, um, uh, you have nice hair.

butch- i think you dont want to tell your past cause you had a bad childhood or your to embarassed. is that it? if so im sorry.
My childhood wasn't anything to brag about. It wasn't that great. However, it's not very embarassing.

james- i still like you :) i hugged butch cause i like to hug people and people who are usually angry a lot just need attention. do you want one too?
I understand. Yeah! I love hugs! I want one! *hugs*

meowth- luna wants to be your friend (my kitten) can she?
Yay! I want a friend! She can be my friend.

james and butch- if your partner got pregnant by someone else how would you feel? mad, hurt, disappointed?
I would feel angry, hurt, and disappointed. I would be angry at the guy who got her pregnant. I would be hurt because Cassidy did something behind my back. I would be disappointed because I thought Cassidy liked me.
Yeah, same here. I wouldn't be angry at Jessie. I would be angry at myself for not watching out for her. I would also feel disappointed and hurt because I wouldn't think Jessie would do something like that.

all four- if your parner got really "big" would you still find them attractive? would you treat them any differently?
I guess I would find Butch still attractive. I might treat him a little differently, though, but I don't know.
I don't think I would treat Cassidy any different. She would still be the same.
Jessie would still be beautiful no matter what she looks like.
Yeah, James would still be the same to me, not matter how he looks. It would take some getting used to if he looked differently, but I would still like him.

james- after you ran away in the middle of no where what happened next?
I wondered for days on the streets. Then I went back home because I didn't have any money to buy food. My parents were so angry at me. I mean really angry. So they sent me to Pokemon Tech to get disciplined.

butch and cassidy- do you guys have any siblings?
Two very little sisters. They're 8 and 5 years old.
I'm an only child.

meowth- Luna says shes sorry that meowsie was so mean to you. she also says your too good for her oh and i have a meowth face for you
Cute face! Tell Luna dat she's too good for me.

james- and heres my james face //^'.^\\
It looks just like me! It even has that little strand of hair.

jessie- and my jessie face C'.'
Hah hah! That's really neat!

butch- hey my friend who likes you made this one for you
That's pretty good. I can see myself in that.

cassidy- im sorry i dont know one for you but if i do find one ill show it to you ok?
Okay. Hopefully it will be a good one.

Akira's questions

To Cassidy: First of all, yes, Jason is cool, he has been my best friend for two years and I think he wants to ask me out! ^_^As for tough, well, he heard about this guy who hurt me and he was hunting him down all day.... he's a sweetie!
Hmmm, he seems like a tough kind of guy who would stand up for me. The type of guy I like. But, I'll let you have him.

James:You have to come over to my house sometime!!!! I have this one room in my house that has 43 pictures of you hung up, my friends and I call it the James room!! ^_^ What do you think of that?
Wow! That's neat! I want to go over to your house and see that for myself. I've never heard of a room named after me! I want to make a room named after Jessie. How does that sound, Jess?
*turns a little red* Um, sure. Go ahead.
Yay! *starts looking for pictures*

All: Have any of you ever heard the song Can't fight the Moonlight by leann rimes? Do you like it? It's my fave ^_^
Yeah, I've heard of it. It's pretty good. I've been a fan of Leann Rimes for a while. But my favorite song of hers will always be "Blue."

Another one for everyone: Okay, so maybe leann rimes isn't your best choice? What's your favorite music group or singer?
S Club 7.
Linkin Park.
Limp Bizkit.
Savage Garden.
*N Sync.
Stray Cats.

Last one is for James^_^: I have to get this off my chest or I'm gonna flip!! I think you're the cutest character in anime and i luv u!!*hug, kiss on cheek* probably not as much as jessie, but i still luv u!!! Jessie, please don't get mad!!
*stary-eyed* many people love me...
I'm not too mad. I'm used to this.

Questions from Amadala

both - i have 2 brothers and 1 sister.... oh, butch did you sisters bug you ? my brother zackary does ....(oh the ages david 3, zackery 8, and catherine 9 )
You're kind of lucky to have siblings. I was sort or lonely when I was a little kid because I didn't have anyone to play with.
Yep, my sisters always bugged me. I always had to take care of them since they were so young and I was older than them. I was sort of like a dad and and a brother to them. Whenever I was trying to get some time to myself, you know, just some privacy, they would always come and ask me to play with them. *sigh* That was so annoying. But, I gave in and played their little games. Even though they were irritating, I still like them.

cassidy - ive got a problem....there is this boy at school .....he is about 16 ...and he thinks im his girlfriend and he acts like it...i dont wanna hurt his what should i do?
Well, if he tries to flirt with you or anything, try to ignore it. Maybe he'll get the idea. Or, you can go to him and tell him that you don't mind being friends, but that's all you're going to be with him.

both - i have gained 4 pounds!! :(
Don't worry too much. It's only 4 pounds.
Yeah. Just keep up the exercising and eating healthy. Eventually, it will pay off. Please, whatever you do, don't starve yourself. Okay?

butch - can i have a hug?
Oh, sure, I guess so. *hugs*

both- how many girlfriends have you had butch? how many boyfriens have you had cassidy?
I think I've had about 4. I never really had that many, since a lot of girls get turned off because of my voice.
Let me count. I think I had around 6 or 7 "official" boyfriends during my life.

Krista's questions:

jessie- when james gives you trouble waking him up do you do anything off the wall to get him to wake up?
Well, first I go easy on him by wacking him with the pillow. If he doesn't wake up, then I douse him with freezing cold water. If he still isn't out of bed, I find Meowth and throw him on James. Then Meowth starts scratching James. If that doesn't work, I get up on the bed and jump on top of him. Normally, he gets up after I do that.

butch and cass- who wakes up first usually?
Most of the time, we get up around the same time.
Yeah, that's what usually happens. But on some days, Butch wakes up before me and he has to drag me out of bed.
I hate those days, because Cassidy starts yelling and hitting me because I make her get out of bed when she wants to stay in there and sleep.

all four- do you and your parner share a room or do you get your own (when your in shelter that is)
James and I share a room. Some people would be uncomfortable sharing a room with the opposite sex, but we're not.
Yeah, we're used to sharing rooms. I probably would feel lonely if I wasn't in the same room as Jessie was.
Cassidy and I share a room, too. We also don't think much of it.
Its just normal for us. It would feel weird if we didn't. Anyway sometimes we have to no matter what because there may be only one bedroom in the shelter that we stay in.

mondo- is there a reason why you are never on tv? (like are you camera shy?)
*sigh* I don't know why I'm never on TV. I wish I was on. I guess a lot of people don't understand me or like me, so I would just be a waste of time on TV. *gasp* I have an idea! There should be a campaign to get me on TV!

all- have you guys ever considered getting to know each other more? you never know you might turn out to like your rivals
James and I...getting along? I can't even imagine.
I can't either. So I'm not even going to try to get along with Botch here.
I don't want to be friends with an idiot who can't even say my name right.
What about you and Cassidy, Jess? You guys used to be friends.
The keyword there James is "used to be." We're not friends any more.
Yeah, why would I want to be friends with her? I know her enough to say that I don't want to be her friend.
Well, Cassidy, you're not that great either.

all- when you guys quit team rocket will you all go your separate ways or will you still be with each other?
Jess and I will still be with each other. Or atleast I hope we will.
Sure, James. If that's what you want, then that's what you get.
I don't know about Butch and me.
Yep, we might go our separate ways, or we might stay together.
We probably will stay together, but who knows what will happen in the future.

james- how many kids do you want?
I don't want too many. But definately not just one. I would like 2 or 3. That would be nice. But no more than that.

butch- you like kids? wow! thats nice, do you want to be refered to as "daddy" by your kids and play with them a lot?
*mumbles* Yeah I guess that's nice. I suppose I would like my kids to refer to me as Daddy. It would be sort of cute in a way. Oh, I would play with them, too. I have some experience playing and taking care of little kids, thanks to my sisters. So I guess I wouldn't be a bad Daddy.

jessie, james, caasidy and butch- did you guys ever finish school? if not do you plan on doing so in the future?
I guess you can say I finished school. I definately do not want to go back.
I finished with minimum requirements. Maybe someday I'll go back and learn some more of something. I don't know what, at the time.
James and I never did finish school. We came close though.
We should go back. Maybe when we leave Team Rocket, we can go back and finish.

jessie- when you got your "monthly" for the first time did you end up having to go to james? if so was it hard?
Yes, I did have to go to James. I was so scared. I told him what happened and he looked real shocked. I think he was more scared than me! But he reassured me and told me to try to remember everything I was taught in sex ed. In some weird way, James being there for me made me feel a little better.

Questions for B&C from Amadala

cassidy - that boy was just using me ( the boy i talked about) *crying*!!!!
What a creep! A loser! *shouts some profanities* Don't cry over him. He was a jerk. There are a lot of them in the world today so don't feel bad if you were tricked by one of them. Just pick yourself back up and wait for a nicer guy to come around. You know the old saying "There's more fish in the sea." Well, it's true!

both - i hate school also! iu get picked on alot and it hurts my feelings!!!!
I know how you feel. Throughout school I was always picked on because of my voice. I did my best to ignore it.
Yeah, I was picked on, too. I think everyone gets picked on atleast once in their lifetime. Ignore those people who pick on you. The only reason why they do that is because they have insecurites going through them. Don't let them get to you. Don't give them any satisfaction.

both - dont you guys ever put on weight?
I put on weight sometimes. Its just with all of the walking around I do for my job in Team Rocket, I lose all of the weight I gain.
Same here. That's pretty much the same with all of the people in Team Rocket. We walk around all of the time so we lose a lot of pounds. I do put on weight, too. I do my best to hide it.

both- i am starting to put on weight!!!
Don't worry about the weight. It isn't serious.
Yeah, don't worry. Sometimes, people can go on all of these crazy diets, and they still don't lose weight. They exercise a lot, but they still don't lose weight. You're not alone with this problem. Just accept yourself as that is the way you are. Don't fret about it all the time and move on to something better to worry about. Beauty isn't everything. Trust me.

both - what was your favorite subject in school?
I liked English. I loved writing and reading stories. I loved getting "lost" into books. I still love reading books. I love romance stories the most for some reason or another.
My favorite subject was the subject that most people dread the most: Math. I don't know why people hate it so much. That was the one and only class I looked forward to. I was really good in it too, unlike my other subjects. I always got an A.

cassidy - in the fortune hunters, couldnt you have tortured james a little more ? he is crazy!!!
*whines* I'm not crazy!
I regret that we didn't torture him more. He deserves it.
No he doesn't!
He can't even say my name right! The name "Butch" is a simple name to remember.
James is really crazy. We have to make sure he realizes it.

Questions from Amadala

both - would you when you find the time , torture james for me?
Sure! I don't have a problem with that!
Your wish will be our command. The problem is how should we torture him? Any ideas?

both - can i help you torture james?
Yeah! The more, the merrier! Ha ha ha!
Your ticket for torturing James with us is to give us an idea. Normally, I would think of something, but I'm brain-dead at the time.

cassidy - that boy that i was talking about yesterday, well, he can up to me and asked where was i going in mean way!!! then i told him that i thought he was just using me and all and then he looked like he was fixin to cry! his freinds looked at em and asked why did i do that for ?> in a mean way and that made me cry!! but he was pretending to cry!! what should i do now?
That guy sure is crummy! I'm sorry if that offends you. Do you even like him? I mean, he's hurt you a lot already. Maybe you should just ignore him and move on. He sounds too crummy for you, you deserve better.

both - my pokemon are mew, ditto, marill and vaporean!
Those are cool pokemon. Strong, too.
Yeah, I wish I had those pokemon. Mind if I steal them from you? Just kidding!

Krista's questions

B+C- DONT YOU DARE TORTURE JAMES! i would like to know what the hell he did to you that makes you want to torture him so much! he is nice to you even if you are mean to him, all hes ever done was call butch "botch" big whooping deal! my friend and i call each other weird names ALL the time< besides he is just being a goofball so leave him alone ok?
Well, Cass and I are supposed to be the more evil and nasty team. And I'm talking really evil. That's something a lot and I mean a lot of people always forget. Always look twice when we're around. So we have an obligation to be mean to him.
Yeah, that's why we rank so high in Team Rocket. No mercy is allowed! After all, James and Jessie are a potential threat for our jobs. James isn't even that nice to us anyway.

Jessie- will you please make sur they dont do anything to him?
Okay, I'll make sure they won't hurt him. If they do, they'll regret it for sure.
Oooh! I'm so scared! The evil and scary Jessie will hurt me!
Do you want me to hurt you now?

B+C- i have to say you guys seemed to be very good people in some ways but now im dissapionted, please can you learn to be at least civil to J+J?
We can be good people sometimes. But remember, we are supposed to be more evil.
We're moody, we'll only be nice when we feel like it. As for being civil...well...I'll think about it.
Yeah, I'll put it in consideration.

james- im sorry they were picking on you r u ok?
*sniff* Yeah, I'm okay. *sniff sniff* I need a hug!
Jessie! Would ya please hug him so he will shut up.
*groans* Oh, okay I will. *hugs James*
Thanks. I feel better now!
You better feel better.

mondo- can you make sure no one hits anyone? i dont want NE 1 torturing ne 1
Okay, I'll make sure no one gets hurt.

meowth- lunas happy you like her
Yay! Tell her dat I like her, too!

Questions from Amadala

both - what was your least favorite subject in school?
I always hated any kind of social studies class. Geography, History, Government, Economics, all of that stuff. It's just so boring! Who cares about that kind of stuff? I always got a bad grade in that class anyway.
My least favorite subject was Home Ec. I could never cook the foods the way my teacher wanted me to. The food always looked good to me, but the teacher thought otherwise. Oddly enough, I cook very well.

both - mine is PE! they make us run so fast and im so out of breath after that because of me being fat!
Well, think of it this way, you're getting exercise. But I think it is sort of wrong to make you run really fast. You should be allowed to pace yourself.
I never did like PE much either. I loved playing sports, but I hated getting sweaty. I was also one of the last people to get picked to be on a team.

both - i know what we can do to torture james! we can take away his girlish clothes and make him wear boys clothes! he will go crazy!!
I wear boys clothes!
We've been instructed not to do anything violent to him, but I guess we can do that.
That would be funny, taking away all of his girly clothes.
For your information, I only cross-dress for Team Rocket. That just goes to show how loyal I am for the organization. I don't see you guys doing that!
Hah! Since we are on a higher rank and because we're smarter, we don't have to stoop down to your level by cross-dressing.

Questions from Krista

B+C- ok i was upset at you two yesterday cause you were gonna torture james, and what you said about having to be evil, that isnt true im sure you two have hearts and can care for others and learn manners for J+J and yes james is nice to you two, all i ever saw him do that was "wrong" is call butch "botch" and cassidy admitted herself that she calls butch that too. so please dont plot to torture them cause then i will be disapointed and i want to give you two a chance.
You want to give us a chance? I don't know what to say.
I don't care what anyone says. I'm tired of this weirdo, goofball, or whatever calling me Botch! Why can't he understand that that is not my name!? Arg!

jessie and cass- is your partner like a big brother to you like are they protective of you?
Butch, protecting me? Okay...I'm not so sure of that. I would love to see him do that. But I guess he's sort of like a big brother to me. He might protect me if I was in trouble.
Yes, James is like a big bro to me. He makes it very obvious too. He's always making threats to people if they try to harm me in any way.

J+J- am i invited to your wedding?
Wedding?! Okay, things are happening really fast.
Sure, you can come if you like.
I get to be da ringbearer!

Jessie and james- hey jessie, im glad John Lennon is your fav. beatle! hes mine too! he was a great person well enough of that :)oh and james i think you would like him too, well hes not living but im sure you would like him
Yep! He's my favorite! He was a cool and good person.
Really? What makes you believe that? Although I probably would like him.

all- what is your fav fast food item?
French fries. But they can't be too greasy or salty.
Hmmm, the Big Mac. I love all of that hamburger meat.
I've always been a fan of tacos.
Chicken nuggets. But I don't really like fast food that much.
Easy, pizza!
I like hamburgers. But without all of da extra stuff. I just like da bun and meat.

jess, cass, butch and james- do your parners have any more discusting or annoying habits besides the ones you told me?
Sometimes when James gets scared, he'll start biting his nails. That gets really annoying. I always tell him to stop but he doesn't. I begin to wonder if his nails taste good, so that's why he bites them.
Well, Jessie uses her fingernails to pick out all of that disgusting ear wax. Ewww. It disgusts me so much! I tell her to use a tissue or something, but no. It always has to be with her fingers.
When Cass is thinking of an idea, she makes an annoying clicking noise with her tongue. I can't really explain it. You have to hear it to understand how annoying it sounds.
Butch is one of those guys who always has to hawk up all of the phlegm and then spit it out. It's so disgusting! It grosses me out just thinking about it.

meowth- Luna thinks your cute
Yeah! She t'inks I'm a cute kitty!

james- since your like tuxedo mask (the prince from sailor moon) is jessie like your sailor moon?
Yes, you can say she is. But Jessie is prettier. I also look better holding a rose than Tuxedo Mask does.

butch and cass- do you guys hug each other?
Ummm, yeah...
Yes, we do; however, not in public.

james- speaking of hugs heres another for you *hugs*
*hugs back* Huggies!
The diaper brand?

Questions for Butch and Cassie from Amadala

Both - if that krista girl treatens you guys again tell her it was my idea to tortue james and then she will have to deal with me!!
We'll tell her.

both - what is your least favorite food?
Oh gosh, that will have to be broccoli. It's so nasty! It tastes like I'm eating a leaf.
Pork chops, believe it or not. They taste so plain and yucky!

both - mine is barbecue sandwiches ! yuck!!!
I've never had one before.
You don't like them? I think they're okay.

both - who is the one who comes up with the plans?
Guess who.
He he! It's me! Normally I think of the ideas and how they will be carried out. I was the one that thought of Drowzee controlling the pokemon. But Cassie is the one who actually performs the plans.

butch - are you a good cook?
I'm an okay cook. Not bad but not good.

cassidy - same question
Despite my horrible grades in Home Ec, I'm a wonderful cook.

Here's a question for Cassidy from Rabbite:

Cassidy--Mind if I call you Klona-Clone for now on. Your hairsyle looks similar to the ears of a character named Klona. Klona is the hero you play as in the PSX game Klona:A Door to Phantomile. I mean just look at him:

Klona-Clone could be your new nick-name now. :D
You're right. I do see some resemblance. That's a first, because no one really has the same kind of hair style as me. Neat!

Amadala's questions: both - do you guys like each other?
Ummm, uh...
I, uh, don't know.
Yeah right, Cassidy. Just admit that you like him so we can get on with our lives.
If she doesn't want to say that she likes me, then she doesn't have to.
You guys are weird.

butch - i love your name butch! its sounds so sweet and nice! most of my friends dont like you or your name but i told them off by telling them that i like you and your name and threaten that if they pick on you they will have to face me!!!
Butch sounds like a dog's name.
You are asking for it big time, little James. Thank you, Amadala for liking my name. Some people, like this little boy here, don't appreciate it.

cassidy - dont worry cassidy, i not trying to steal him from you! im just making him feel better about himself and him name! ^.^
I understand, some times Butch needs reassurance and encouragment.

for cassidy - hey cassidy! i found someone else who almoist has the same hairstyle as you...

Yeah, Molly does. She almost does have the same hair style. She looks a lot like me. She even has the same face. Maybe she's my long lost sister or cousin.

Questions from Krista:

james- could you please call butch by his real name at least sometimes? its funny but i think he would be nicer to you if you didnt tease him so much (dont worry though i have the same problem with teasing others but im not mean, you arent either)
I'll try and call him by his real name. But I'll probably forget to. He'll probably keep acting mean to me if I called him by his real name.

B+C- BTW i wasn't threatening you two, i was just asking you to be civilized to my friends, I want to be your friends too, but I dont think you like me cause I like your rivals :(
You can be our friends, but...
...but you have to accept us for who we are and how we act.

james- heres the answer to your question, i think you would like John Lennon cause he was like a leader to freedom (hes the one thats basically is responsible for the whole hippie generation) he led protests, composed music and continued his music career even when the beatles broke up. you said that you think hippies are ok and you sorta reminded me of him when you were wearing those glasses in the episode after the indigo league (when you sold the twerps the spicy food)ok i wont talk bout him ne more, i have more questions :)
Well, he sounds nice. I think its good that he continued with his passion and talent of music, despite the band breaking up. *smiles* I'm honored that I remind you of him.

james- how come you dont like too much fast food?
You see, I like fast food occasionally. But not too often. I get tired of it really fast. Plus, fast food isn't healthy.

butch- how come you dont like too much salt on your fries or them to be too greasy?
When the fries get too greasy, they feel really soggy and mushy. Yuck! I don't like when they're too salty because the salt takes away the taste and flavor of the french fry. Plus, since they're salty, I always get thirsty really fast.

mondo- what do you like on your pizza?
Well, I'll tell you what I don't like on pizza. Anchovies, peppers, onions, and pineapple. Everything else I left out, I like. My favorite type of pizza has pepperoni, sausage, ham, and Canadian bacon on it.

cass- do think that deep down inside butch is a sweet person? at least to you?
Yeah, he is a sweet person, deep down. He sometimes shows that side of him to me. I think he just finds it difficult to be sweet and nice, so that's why he doesn't act like that.

cass- look on the first page of questions, butch says "anyone who hurts cassidy has to answer to me" i thought that was cute, what do you think?
*laughs* It is cute! And sweet! *sigh* I like to know and feel that I'm protected.

J+J- were you ever teased or made fun of?
When I was around 12 and 13, people always called me a pansy and a wimp. They still do that now.
Throughout my life, people made fun of me because I was very, very poor. It hurt, a lot.

meowth- i like garfield too!
Yeah! He's one of my heroes! I don't understand his love for lasagna. I hate that food.

all- whats your favorite thing to drink?
I love tea. Not ice tea, but regular tea.
Just give me a Sprite and I'll be happy.
I love heavily caffeninated drinks. My favorite soda is Surge.
I like all kinds of fruit juices.
I love sport drinks like Gatorade.

Kitty's questions

J&J&M- Ok, Meowth you seem to like being in TR a LOT more than Jess and James, and James, you seem pretty happy to be in it, but Jesse, you're always talking about how you hate your life and that you wanna quit the team. You would think James would be the one to hate it. What's the deal?
I'm not sure about that either. Sometimes, I get really angry and I begin to regret being in Team Rocket. At times I wish I had a different career besides stealing pokemon.
But Jess! You can't leave! Meowth and I would be nothing without you!
Yeah! I can't always argue with James. I need someone else to argue with.
I have no intentions on leaving Team Rocket at the time, but still, I dream of having a different life.

J&J- Ok, who joined for who? There's all these theories going around that James joined to be with Jessie, or Jessie joined to be with James, or that you guys joined together.
Okay, I had the idea of joining Team Rocket. At first James was a little skeptical of joining. He didn't want me to join either.
Yeah, I didn't want her to be around all of those Rocket bullies.
Then I told James that if he joined he could protect me and we could be together. Because if he didn't join with me, we may never have seen each other again.
When I heard Jessie telling me that fact, I had to join Team Rocket.

Jessie & Butch- You two used to be going out with eachother? O_O Omg! What does James think of that?
Yeah, I try to not to think of those days too much. They weren't that great.
Yeah right Jessie. You were head over heels for me. You were always flirting with me.
I was, but not anymore.
I really don't know what Jessie saw in Botch. I always have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't start to hit on her or flirt.
Well, at least she can say my name right!

J&J- Did youguys get paired with Meowth right from the begininng, or was it just the two of you for a little while?
We were by ourselves for about 2 or 3 weeks.
Yeah, then we got a call from the Boss, telling us that we would have a new member on our team.
And it was Meowth!

J&J- How come you guys were so mean to Meowth in the begining?
We were still trying to get to know him.
Yeah, Jess and I knew each other for years, but he was just a stranger to us.
But since we know him better, we're nicer to him now.

Meowth- Were Jess and James always flirting and playing kissy face since you met them, or did it take them a little while?
It took dem a little while. Dey were really embarrassed about da fact dat dey liked each other. I guess dey were uncomfortable. Dey didn't want to do anyt'ing mushy in front of me.

Meowth- What were you thinking when you first realized that you got paired up with two lovebirds?
I thought dat all dey would be doing is hugging and kissing. I gagged at da thought of dat. I was hoping dat maybe dey would grow out of being mushy but obviously, dat didn't happen.

Meowth- I wish I was you! I would love to see J&J flirting!
Are you sure? It's kind of nauseating.

J&J- Could you guys give us a little sample of they way you flirt when we don't see you? If you won't I'm sure Meowth will tell me, won't you Meowth?
I don't t'ink the love birds are gonna tell you so I better. Sometimes they talk really lovey-dovey to each other. Or dey start playing wit' each other's hair. Sometimes, when dey eat, dey feed each other. Dat's enough to make me gag.

J&J- Are you guys Rocketshippers? Just admit it if you are.
*blushes* I have to admit that I sort of am a rocketshipper. I kind of hope that someday, um, Jess and I will get together...
That's nice, James. I, I, I don't know if I'm a rocketshipper...
Oh please Jessie! Ya know dat you are!
*mumbles in a barely audible whisper* I am.

Jessie- You are the coolest! You're the most beautiful girl in the world! And I think any guy would be crazy not to wanna be with you! That twerp Brock doesn't know what he's missing, but that's ok cause James is the only guy who's good enough to be with you! You're very lucky James!
Thanks! I am so pretty! *giggles*
*sigh* I know I'm lucky... Everybody else doesn't know what they're missing, but that's just too bad for them!

J&J- Do you guys get little butterflies in your stomache when you think of eachother?
Yeah, I think I'm love sick or something.
Yes, my tummy hurts a little, but in a good way!

All- Isn't Jess beautiful!?
I have to admit, she is sort of pretty...and sexy.
Hey! You guys better watch it! Yep! Jessie's my dream girl!

J&J- You've seen pictures of eachother when you guys were little, like 4 or 5, right? Well if you guys met at that age, do you think you might have had a little crush on eachother? Cus you guys were SO cute as toddlers!
*smiles* James was kind of cute when he was little. He had such a cute face! I might of had a little crush on him.
I would have been really nice to Jess if I knew her when she was little. I would have shared my toys and played with her at recess.

Meowth- You've had crushes on humans, so have you ever had a small crush on Jessie?
Eh, I don't think I ever did. Maybe an eensy-weensy one, but dat's it.

J&J- Do you guys ever like to cuddle up together and enjoy eachothers company? Like just lay down in eachothers arms?
Yeah! We do that all the time!
At night, we just lay in each other's arms and just talk, but nothing in particular. Sometimes when we watch TV or a movie, we cuddle together, which is nice when we watch a horror movie!

J&J- I love you guys!
We love you, too!