Ask Team Rocket Page 3

Kitty's questions

Butch- If you think Jessie's so sexy and pretty, then why did you hit her!?
I didn't hit her, I only pushed her. She was okay, so I don't feel too guilty about it. She deserves it anyway, for breaking up with me.

James- PLEASE, PLEASE! Just take ONE swing at Butch for hitting Jessie like that! He could've broke her back! How would you like it if somebody picked you up and threw you up against a wall!? You can't let him get away with that! I know you don't like violence, but do it for Jess!
Heh, I know how it feels to be thrown against a wall. Poor Jess........ *sniffs* Hmph. This one is for you, Jess! *hits Butch*
Ouch!! Why you little.... *hits James back*
Ow! *sobs* That hurt! *kicks Butch*
*groans in pain*
Do you want some more?!
Okay everybody! Calm down!

Jessie- You just let Butch hit you like that!? Now, if that was James, you would've beat the crap out of him!
I know... I'm not scared of James because I know he won't ever hit me back. But Butch... if I hit him, he'll hit me back, really hard. I'm sort of...scared of Butch because of that. Part of me told me to hit the hell out of Butch, but I knew Butch would literally send me to hell.

J&J- Will you two give eachother a cute lil kiss? Just a little peck on the lips, please?
Please Jess? I really could use a kiss now...
*sighs* Yeah, I could use one too. *kisses James on the lips, then blushes*
I didn't mind.

J&J- You guys make the BEST couple ever!
Well, I don't know about being the best...
*gasp* Of course we are, Jess! Why wouldn't we be? We're so close, we can basically read each other's mind!
*nods* True...I guess I can't argue with that. Maybe we're the best of the best couple ever!

J&J- When did you guys hook up?
It really wasn't that long ago. Or maybe it was.
Yeah, I think we've been together as a couple for about 2 years or so.

Jessie- Do you still think Butch is good looking? I have to admit, he's pretty sexy, but so is James.
Butch is good looking, but he isn't sweet like James. He doesn't push me around unlike Butch. If Butch does like me, he needs to show me that he does, just like James.

J&J- You two think you're so funny, don't you!? Making all us Rocketshippers wait for you guys to confess that you're madly and deeply in love with eachother! Well, it's NOT funny!
I think it's funny! But then again, I have a weird sense of humor.
Yeah, I love watching all of you people watch in suspense.

James- We all know you love Jessie, so if it's supposed to be a secret......that's pretty funny! *laughs* But sweet!
*laughs* Yeah, I know. Some secret! I think it's sweet, too. *sighs* And romantic.

J&J- Ok, so this is the real thing? Like you guys wanna spend the REST of your lives with eachother, and never seperate, and have a family together? If so, you know what you gotta do in order to have kids.....
Spending the rest of my life with James seems really final, if you get my point. But, I really can't imagine life without him.
Yeah, I can't imagine getting married with a different girl or having babies with another girl. I really want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Meowth- When Jessie gets pregnant, are you gonna be excited?
Yeah, I'm gonna be excited. But, it will be kinda bad wit' Jessie complaining about all of da pain she's gonna be in. Then, when da baby's born, dere's gonna be a lot of crying at night, so I won't get any sleep. I'll probably end up bein' a babysitter.

J&J- When you guys have kids, who's gonna be the god parents? Chopper and Tyra? But, what about Meowth?
Hmmmm, they seem reasonable enough.
Yeah, I just don't want Butch and Cassidy being the god parents. Uhg. Just watch, probably some weird miracle occurs and they end up being the god parents! That just goes to show my bad luck.
Meowth can be the, uh, babysitter!
See! What'd I tell ya!

James- You said before that if you ever found out that Jessie got pregnant, you'd be happy for her. Ok, just admit it. You'd be heartbroken! Cus if you weren't the guy she got pregnant by, I find it VERY hard to believe you'd be happy for her. Admit it, you'd be jealous!
I would sort of be happy for her, because I know she really wants to be a mom. But, I would envy the guy who got her pregnant. I would be very sad and I'd feel leftout in some odd way. *sniff* I hope Jessie never does that!

Jessie- Let's just say, that James did marry Jessiebelle. What would you think of him? Would you think kinda badly of him, cus he would only be doin it for the money?
Yeah, I would begin to think that James is a very greedy person. That would be a very selfish act for James to do. That's not the James I know.

Jessie- I seriously don't think you and Jessiebelle (yuck) look too much alike. Your eyes arwe MUCH prettier, and a darker shade of blue, you have pretty red lips, and long pretty hair! She's got ugly turquoise eyes, pink lips, and ugly, ratty, hill-billy hair!
*laughs* She does have ugly hair! I'm so glad you think that she's a crumb. Because that's all she is. There is no way in the world she can compare to me.

Jessie- You're my idol! I hope I'll be as pretty as you, and that I'll have a good boyfriend who treats my right, like James does with you!
I'm your idol! *smiles* Thanks! Good luck to finding a boyfriend as nice as James. James is one of a kind.

Krista's questions:

J+J- what will your name you kids?
Let's not go there...
Why not? I don't want to name them after me, I don't want a kid named James Jr., that's too weird. I don't want them to have a name that a million other people have. I want the name to be unique, but not too exotic or different. I can't think of any names at the moment.

B+C- what about you two?
Uh, can we get back to you on this one?
Yeah, in 5 years?

cass- many poeple have the conclusion that you were a "rocket baby" (a person who grew up in team rocket) like jessie was, were you one?
Nope, I'm the first in my family to join Team Rocket.

james- were you close to any of your family members? (i know you werent close to your parents >_<)
I liked my grandparents, they were kind to me and treated me well. I also played together with a few of my cousins. But I wasn't close to them.

james- were you always treated the way they treated you in "holy matrimony" and then jessiebelle was the last straw (meaning you decided to run away then)?
Yes, my parents have always treated me that way. Despite their poor parenting skills, I never wanted to run away. That is, until Jessiebelle came. Then, I knew I had to leave or else, my life would have been a living hell, as if it already wasn't.

jessie- who raised you when your mom got lost?
After my mom was lost, some people came and took me away from my home. I remember crying because I wanted to stay there for when my mommy came back. But they said she wasn't coming back. I was then taken to numerous amounts of foster homes, I don't even remember the names of the families of whom I stayed with.

butch- did you always have to take care of your sisters cause your parents were busy?

Yeah, that's why. My parents were never home, so I had to watch over them. They were a hassle to take care of, but we're very close, even if we don't live together anymore.

Butch- what do u like best about cassidy?
I like the fact that she's smart, pretty especially her hair, and she's stubborn. I don't like girls who give in to boys. I like to argue with girls and be pushed around by them.

all- what is your fav desert?
Hmmmm, I like all desserts! I can't pick only one! The pressure!
I love ice cream cones. Especially the waffle cones.
Ecclairs and fudge. Pretty much anything that's chocolate.
Hot fudge sundaes.
Pineapple upside down cakes.
I like plain vanilla ice cream. Tastes very milky!

butch, cassidy, jessie and james- did you guysever play a prank on your partner?
After Cassie and I watched a scary movie, she went to bed shaking to death from fear. I got out of bed and started scratching on the door. Then I hurried and hopped into bed. You should have seen her face. Then I went out into the hallway and started moaning and yelling for help. She must have thought I was getting hurt and taken away by some ghosts or something. So she ran out of her room looking very freaked out yelling that she was going to save me. When she saw me laughing at her foolishness, she started whacking the life out of me with a pillow.
That's because you deserved it! One time, I used a pay phone and called Butch up. I was pretending to be another girl from Team Rocket asking him out for a date. He sounded very happy, I guess because he doesn't get dates very often. That night, he spent a million hours preparing for his date. He must of stayed up all night waiting for the "girl" to come. I kept telling him that she would never come, but he didn't believe me. The next day, he looked really horrible and depressed. I felt very sorry for him, so the next night I took him out. That way he wasn't that angry when I told him that the girl calling him up was only a prank.
One time, when Jessie was sleeping, I put some glue in Jessie's hair. When she woke up, she felt her hair and started screaming. She asked me what was in her hair. I said that maybe I accidently spilled some super glue in her hair and it must have spread into all of her hair. Then I told her the only option was to cut all of her hair off. Then she ran into her room and cried the entire day. I had to go in there and practically had to drag her to the sink and wash her hair in there. I had to keep telling her that the glue was washable and her hair wouldn't have to be cut off. She didn't believe me until all of the glue came out.
One day, I told James that the Boss was giving us all a large raise. A very large one. I can't believe he fell for the joke. James was excited and started spending a whole lot of money, because he knew that he would have more money. He must have gone over his limit on all of his credit cards. He bought a ton of new clothes as well as a lot of nice stuff for me. He probably wanted to buy the entire world. Talk about a major shopping spree. Anyway, one day, the Boss called us and told us that we were going to not make as much money as were originally were making. After James heard that, I had to come out and say that the large raise was just a joke. He was really devastated. He didn't want to take back everything he bought, so I made it up to him and helped him pay for everything.

Twins Tanya and Tasha have questions

For J&J: Exactly what kind of conveniences does your balloon have? Like, is there running water, a bathroom, or its it basically a basket attached to a oversized Meowth head?
That would be so nice if it had a bathroom.
James, stop thinking of bathrooms now, okay? It would be nice though if there was one, so we wouldn't always have to stop. There is an electrical outlet in there, don't ask me how the electricity gets in there. All I know is that's the only little convenience there is in the balloon.

For Meowth: If Meowzy ever came back, begging your forgiveness and vowing that she loved you, would you give her a chance?
I don't know...she did break my wittle heart. And dat hurt. But if I was desperate enough, I might give her a chance.

For Jess and Cass: Do you pull your boots on or do they have a zipper? It looks like it take an hour to put them on!
Yeah, there's a zipper that runs up and down the boot.
It's just hard to see, that's probably why you don't see it.
I hate those boots, they're very hot and heavy.
Mine get dirty very easily and scuffed up.

For Cass: People call Butch Botch all the time. Do people ever call you Crappidy?
No, no one's ever called me that, except maybe behind my back. But they never better say that in my face, or else I'll smack their face off.

For James and/or Jessie: Do you think that you would name your kids after famous outlaws, or names that start with J? Maybe just normal names?
Not kids....
Like I said earlier I don't want to give them names that a million people have. In other words, not just ordinary names. The famous outlaw names sound nice, but what names would I use? Jesse James and Butch Cassidy have already been used, obviously. Maybe Bonnie and Clyde. I also like the idea of names starting with the letter J. That would be neat.

Jessie: How can you like S Club 7?! Ugh, they make us sick they're so fake and preppy. But I totally agree with Butch on Limp Bizkit, James on Savage Garden and exspecially Cass on Linkin Park! So Jess, what's your deal?
I don't know what my deal is. I only like the song called "Never Had a Dream Come True." It really pertains to my life. Do you like Matchbox 20? That's another band I liked that I mentioned somewhere.

For James: Would you ever consider cloning yourself so all of the other girls in the world (like, uh, US!) who love you can have one of you? PLEASE!
Uh uh! No way! I don't want a hundred million James's walking around over the planet. I want to be the only one.
Good, because I don't think I could take a hundred million of you all over the place.

For J&J, Meowth: Who do you like better, Brock or Tracey?
Let's see, hmmm, uh, I guess, Brock.
Yeah, I agree.
Meowth, I agree too.
Tracey is weird. Have you ever seen his humongous shoes?! And that atrocious head band?
Tracey isn't as nice. Brock was nicer to me when I was with him and Ash.
Tracey always acted as if I was an alien.

For J&J: How do you exspect to be able to provide for a family if you don't finish school and go to a college/university? Would you stay with Team Rocket?
Staying in Team Rocket might work. I could work in an office or something so I wouldn't have to wonder and search for pokemon.
Yeah, and in our spare time, we can be taking classes at a college so we won't have to depend on Team Rocket forever. Eventually we would be able to go out and get a real job.

For B&C: (We know this has probably already been asked but) Are Raticate and Primape your only pokémon?
Yeah, Primape is my pokemon...
...and Raticate is my pokemon. We both share Drowzee.
As you can see, we don't have many pokemon, but that's okay because we give our Boss most of the pokemon we capture. That's why we rank so high.

For all: Do you like Gorrilaz? HeHe, had to ask.
Yeah! I do! It's my type of band. I like the ever-so-popular song Clint Eastwood. Do you like that song?

For all males: Boxers or Breifs?
Briefs? How can you like them?
Yeah, they're, tight. That's uncomfortable.
So? I still like them.

For Anyone: Is there anyway you could get Giovanni in on this?
Oh, you don't want him around.
Yeah, he'll ruin all of the fun. He's a killjoy.

For J&J, B&C: Would you ever let your children join Team Rocket?
Kids.... not again...
Sometimes Jessie isn't comfortable talking about them.
I just don't want people jumping to conclusions. I guess I would let my children join Team Rocket. It would be like a family thing with my mom in Team Rocket, then me, then my kids.
I don't see anything wrong with them joining Team Rocket.
Yeah, if that's what they would want to do, then that's okay with me.
But, I would probably worry about them if they joined, so I might not let them join.

For Mondo: Are you from Fuchsia City? Both Dittos and Tauros can be caught there.
Yes, I live just on the outskirts of the city, sort of out in the country area.

For all: What are your reflections on the World Trade Center Tragedy?
I cried when I heard about it. *sniff* I still am.
Yeah, we were flooding in tears. I think this is a horrible tragedy, worse than Pearl Harbor because a lot of innocent people were hurt.
I still wonder who was sick and messed up enough to do such a thing.
This tragedy is something no one will ever forget. Not even Team Rocket would stoop that low to cause such a thing.
I feel really bad for everyone. Especially those whose family members or loved ones died. I bet they feel very awful right now.
I want to go over dere and comfort everyone.

For J&J: Have you always had your Meowth Balloon? Was there a time when you used something else? Not counting the Orange Island Magikarp Sub. By the way, why did you go from a Gyrados sub to a Magikarp anyway?
We've always had our balloon, ever since we started Team Rocket.
The Gyarados sub was always breaking down and needing repairs. But the Magikarp one isn't any better. We need a new sub, but we hardly have any money. Got any for us? Anyone?

For J&J, B&C: Ok, let us get this straight. In the beginning of this, you wouldn't even admit to liking your partners. Then you started answering questions about your futures together, and now Jess and Jim have confessed to being a couple for the past 2 years! Whats up with that? Has this interview changed your minds or were you lying before?
Heh, I lie a lot. I'm probably lying right now.
Yeah, we lie many times.
Sometimes Jess has insecurities that makes her lie and act different than the way she's actually feeling.
*blushes* Yes, that's how I am.
I'm trying not to lie and just come out with my true feelings. I guess this interview has helped me do that.

For All: Do you ever read fanfiction? Manga?
Yeah, manga's cool since I like comics and stuff.
I like reading fanfiction, especially the ones with happy endings. *smiles* I love happy endings.
I've always been a fan of fanfics. Manga is neat, too.
I like reading what people like to write about our lives.
I like reading manga the most, because dere's a lot of pictures, not a lot of words. I hate words and writing.
I love both fanfics and manga.

If so, will you read ours?

Akira's questions:

For James: Yay, he wants to see the James room! *drags James to her house and shows him* See, I drew like half of them. Kewt, huh? I wanna see the Jessie room when it's finished! (if it's finished ever)
Wow! I still can't believe it! A whole room just for me! *laughs* Cool! We have to get this on TV! I'm still working on the Jessie room. *sigh* I never thought it would be so difficult. There are so many pictures of Jessie to put up!

Butch, Cassidy, I notice that you do not get very much recognition in the TV series. That sucks! You're the best! That's why I write you into all my stories! How come youre not in the show so much?
I don't know why we don't get to be in the show much. Actually, Butch and I were supposed to replace Jessie and James in the show. I wish that happened.
Yeah, then everybody can see more of us! Three episodes aren't enough!
We deserve more!

Butch, you're cute! And Cassidy's an awesome person!
Yes, I am cute. In my opinion atleast. A lot of people think I'm not cute because supposedly my voice turns them off and it makes me look ugly. I don't see what a voice has to do with looks.
*modestly* I do my best to be an awesome person.
*scoffs* Sure you do...

Jessie: Umm, what do you use on your hair? Because I have the stupidest bangs in the world and they will not stay down! I need advice!
I use a ton of hair spray. You see, I've been doing my hair the way it is for a long time. So my hair sometimes naturally does what I want it to do. I used to have stupid hair, too. Just keep using hair spray and gel. Eventually it will work.

Butch: I'm sorry I left you out last time, me chatting about James 24/7. I'm sorry. You're cute too. *kiss on cheek* Can I have a hug?
Hey, sure it's okay. Thanks for the kiss. Here, *hugs* hope you liked the hug.

James: I wanna hug from you too! *hug* Please?
Yeah! I need a hug, too. It's been a while since I was hugged. *hugs*

Meowth: You are soo cute! *pets* Don't ever evolve!
Don't worry. I never will evolve into a dumb Persian.

For all: I am working on another pic for this site. It will have all of you in it as half pokemon: James, you are Umbreon. Jessie:Ninetales. Cassidy: Raichu. Butch: Umm, haven't decided yet *sweatdrop* What do you wanna be? Mondo, you're Eevee. I'm Chikorita^_^ Giovanni gets a rabbit suit. We call him Giobunny now ^_^ But don't tell him I said that! Oh yeah, Meowth you're yourself ^_^
Yay! I get to be a beautiful ninetails! Heh! Cassidy gets to be a fat Raichu!
Raichu's aren't fat! They're very shocking and powerful.
I get to be a mysterious Umbreon. Thanks!
I get to be a cute Eevee. I love Eevee's! *hugs*
Hah! Giovanni gets to be a fluffy little bunny! I don't care what you make me be. But please not a Jynx, Mr. Mime, Clefairy, or a Jigglypuff. Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Jynx are too girly. I don't want to be a Mr. Mime because I don't want to look like a clown. I want to be something evil-looking. Please? Here, I'll bribe you *hugs*

Mondo: I like you now too! You're cute! Can I get a hug from you too?
You think I'm cute?! Yay! *hugs*

Kitty's questions:

James- You know what!? You've been acting like a BIG jerk to Jessie lately! Ever since the middle of the Jhoto episodes, you've been acting like you could give a rat's butt about her! If you think you can treat Jess like that, then you're seriously mistaken!
*whimpers* I didn't think I was treating her badly. *sniff* I'm sorry! I hope you're not mad at me.

James- If you don't start being nice & sweet to Jess again, then I hope Jessiebelle comes back, tortures the hell outta you, and makes you realize how lucky you are to have Jess!
No! No! Please! Anything but Jessiebelle! I'll be nice!

Butch- Ok, now I know since you and Jess used to be goin out, it's ok to ask you this. Seriously, hasn't James been acting like a big jerk lately!? Geez, Jessie's better off with you Butch!
Yeah, that's what I tried to tell her before, but did she listen to me? No. Ha! Now she gets to be stuck with the biggest jerk of the year.
I'm not a jerk, Botch. You are.
Whatever you say, little James. Or should I say, Jerk James.

Jessie- What do you have to say about all this? The nicer you are to him, the meaner he is to you!
Yeah, I know. It's really confusing. It used to be the other way around. I hope James goes back to his normal self.

James- You should apologize to Jess, and buy her 12 dozen roses, and give her lots of hugs and kisses, to show her how much you love her, and how much she means to you!
You're right! I should go do that! *digs around in pockets* I need some money first for those roses...

Butch- Normaly, I wouldn't ask this, but will you beat up James, and tell him that he better start showing some respect for Jess? Come on Butch, it's kinda obvious that you still have some sort of feelings for her, and this is your ex who's gettin treated like crap, by the guy you HATE the most!
My pleasure. *pushes James* There, serves him right.
Hey! That hurts!
It was supposed to. Now, instead of a push, a kiss for Jessie.
No! Don't you dare! *pushes Butch away from Jessie*
Atleast I'm being nice to her!
*cries* Please stop! I'll be nice to her!

Jessie- You should give Butch a second chance! He seems like he would be a really sweet guy, and that he still cares for you some what!
I don't know if sweet describes him, or at least I've never seen him act like that. But I suppose he might be nice. He just wouldn't be the same as James.

Jessie- I love that song "Never had a Dream Come True", by S Club 7! Right when I heard it, I totally though that it described you! Only, it kinda seems like it's somthing you would sing to an ex that you still love.
Yeah, the song is kind of depressing. But it really reminds me of well, me!

Jessie- I'm so happy! I just got a boyfriend who's as sweet as James used to be! He asked me out last week, and we went to the mall on Sunday! He spent like, $30 on me! He was willing to spend more, but I was startin to feel bad. I think I'm love sick too!
Awwww! That's so sweet! I want somebody to spend a lot of money on me.

All- Team Rocket seems like they only except really good looking people, since all of you are so good looking. It must be wonderful working with so many attractive people, huh? And they're probably all close to the same age as you?
Yeah, it's really nice!
There's a lot of cute guys to work with in Team Rocket.
I guess it's okay. A lot of the people are snobby.
Working with a lot of hot girls makes Team Rocket enjoyable.
Yep, it's okay, except a lot of the people are a little older than me, but that's okay.

All- Why do you have to be so good looking to be in Team Rocket?
You don't have to. There's one person who isn't good looking. I wonder who that is?
Hmph. It's not me, that's for sure. It's you.
I've often wondered too why there are so many good looking people in Team Rocket.
Still, they all aren't nice.
That's true.

Questions from Akira

Jessie: Thanx, you're the best! I bought some really cool hair gel that reminds me of the ocean, it's a pretty turquoise. It makes my hair sparkle! ^_^
Ooooh! Pretty! I want some of that stuff! Can you loan me some?

Butch: I think I have decided on yours.. My friend Merankia thought you should be a Water-type but I decided on the dark/fire type Houndoom because it's evil-looking... and you and Houndoom are both so cute!! How about it?
Yeah! That sounds great! Yes, please draw me as an evil Houndoom.

K, this one is for all the guys: What do you consider to be "flirting?" Like in this element game that my friends and I play, I took a swing at some guy with my sword and cut his cheek, and he kinda gave me "the look," and my friend says that he thinks I was flirting. Does that make any sense? And.. how can you tell if someone's flirting with you?? I mean, you should know...
Hmmm, we guys can be pretty tricky sometimes. It can be hard to tell what we're thinking. Sometimes, we can be unpredictable so we don't make a lot of sense. But neither do girls.
Yeah, he could have been thinking that you were flirting with him, since you were trying to be better than him. Some guys take that as if you were flirting with them.
I'm not sure. I'm still pretty young and new to all of this romance and love stuff. Don't ask me.

Okay, I need advice and I really do not know who to ask!!! I still like my ex-boyfriend, right? And his really close friend says that he still likes me, but he doesn't know if he wants to ask me out again or not. I don't know what to do? Should I ask him, or keep my mouth shut?
Well, if he still likes you, then he should ask you out. I mean, he's asked you out before. I don't think you should ask him. You know how guys are. He might get too embarrassed and not tell the truth. But then again, I don't know that guy so he could be different. Why don't you at least go talk to him, but don't ask him yet.

Mondo: Can you recommend a good site to find pics of you? I need to find some so I can draw you! I have Butch and James in my locker and I need a pic of you too!
Yeah, good sites are hard to come by, since not I'm not that popular. But you can go to here and here. These sites have adequate pictures of me.

Krista's questions

all- do u guys have any comfort food? like something that tastes so good because it was cooked by someone who cared about you and that no matter who cooks it, it isnt the same unless it has thier touch?
Of course! My comfort food is...snow! Only my mommy prepared snow the best way in the world!
Snow...okay, that's only a tad unusual. I guess I would have to say my mom's spaghetti.
My Grandmama's mashed potatoes.
I really like my mom's clam chowder.
My comfort food is my Grandma's chicken soup!
I don't know. I guess I like da food my mommy Meowth brought to me.

all- mine is my moms potato salad and vegetarian stew
Yeah! I like potato salad too!

butch- is your voice just like that or is your throat clogged when you talk? i have strep throat right now so i know how it feels to have a froggy throat.
No, my voice is always like this. I don't know why though. Maybe there's something wrong with my vocal cords. I try to clear my throat but I still sound froggy. I guess it's just the way I am.

cassidy-ok im NOT making fun of butch but do u like frogs? i know a girl who is obsessed with frogs she loves them! and i thought maybe butch was like "your little froggy"
Awww! That's cute! I never thought of Butch like that before. He'll be my little froggy now!
Anyway, to answer your question, frogs are okay. I don't know why people hate them or scream when they see them. They aren't all slimy. They're actually kind of cute!

james, butch and mondo- are there really boys out there who find "big" girls pretty? what are your opinions on them?
Yeah, there are some out there. They're just hard to come by. A lot of people judge on looks, and that's really sad.
Yeah, it is disappointing. I have to say that those guys are really brave, because a lot of people will make fun of them for liking and finding "big" girls pretty.
I guess you have to respect those kind of guys. I don't mind hanging out with "big" girls, they can be nice, I am just not attracted to them. But then again, we're all attracted to different types of people.

Krista's questions

james and butch- ok im getting a mixed message here, when i asked if you guys would like your partners if they got heavy you said yes now youre saying your not attracted to big girls and that i should accept people who judge others for thier looks. well i have news for you two I am a heavy person and im proud of it and i encourage others to follow as well. i thought you two would love your parner no matter what shape or size they are but i guess i was wrong jerks!
Well, like I said, everybody is attracted to different types of people. It's just the way humans are. I said that "big" girls are fun to be with, I just have never been attracted to one that I've met. Who knows, maybe someday I will be attracted.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with "big" people, some people can't help if they're overweight. For some, no matter how much exercise or diets they go on, they won't lose weight. It's just part of their genetics. I don't go around making fun of those people because it's not their fault if they're overweight.

mondo- good for you, dont judge others by looks be proud of yourself
Thanks! I'll stand tall and be proud!

butch and james- im sorry i blew up at you two, i should have known u guys are nice, just please if your parner does get heavey please still be nice to them they need love too, and can i have a hug (that is if u dont mind being hugged by a big girl)?
Okay, Jessie will always be pretty to me. Here's a hug *hugs*
Heh, it's okay. I lose my temper, too so I know how you feel. Sure, I'll be nice to her, as long as she is nice to me. *hugs*

butch- how do u feel about being cassies little froggy?
Ha! The only thing I have to say is...ribbit! No, I'm just kidding. I wonder when she kisses me, I'll turn into a handsome and wealthy prince. A guy can dream, can't he?

mondo- u DO remind me of arnold from hey arnold ^_^
*smiles* Yeah, since I'm so nice. I also don't like it when people fight. I also try to do the right thing all the time. So I guess that does make me similar to Arnold.

J+J- did you two patch things up? (im talking bout kittys response about them braking apart)
Yeah, things are a little tenser right now, but we talked to each other.
Things are patched up, thankfully.

Questions from Amadala

both - have you ever got intop a fight at school?
Yep. One time these bunch of guys started picking on one of my friends. They said that he was saying that he was better than them or something stupid like that. Well, I went over to push those guys away from my friend and then they said "Oh look, it's tough-guy-froggy." Then they started to push me and my friend to the ground. Since I'm tough, I started to push them back. Then we started pushing each other around and then we started punching each other. After that, I forgot what happened. All I know is, I had a black eye after that.
Oh gosh, yes, I got in tons of fights. Once when I was 15, my friend and I got into a little cat-fight over this one guy. We were screaming at each other, scratching, and pulling hair. I got a lot of hair pulled out of my head that day. Another time, this one creepy guy kept coming up behind me and stroking my back and pulling my hair. He was not flirting with me, trust me. Anyway, I got so tired of it so I made a big scene of it in the hallway by yelling at him. Then his dumb friends came by and started hitting me for yelling at their friend. I tried to hit and slap them back, but they were too strong. Fortunately, my friends came and rescued me.

both - have you ever got grounded?\
Yeah, it's kind of stupid too. There was this one annoying guy that always bothered and irritated me. He would always come up and talk to me when I was in a bad mood or really grumpy. Basically he was asking for it. Well, it happens to be he was really short, short and small enough to fit in a locker. Heh heh, I think you know what I did. He started banging and screaming in the locker, he was even crying. Some janitors had to go rescue him. He told them that I put him in there, so the principal called my parents and I got grounded for about a month.
My favorite band was going to be playing at a concert, so I felt that I had to go to the concert. But my parents didn't want me to go. So I did one of the famous lies and told them that I was going over to my friend's house. They believed me and I left. But, I didn't go to my friend's house, I went to the concert. When I got back, my parents were very ticked off at me. It turns out that they called my friend and asked her how I was doing. When she told my parents that I wasn't over at her house, they knew I went to the concert. I couldn't go out anywhere for two whole months!

both - has that kristy girl talked to you lately?
Yeah, but don't worry about it.
She wasn't mean to us.

Butch - i cant believe Krista asked you that was your voice always like that Question! if you found that rude , i agree with you 100 % ! cause you cant help your voice is like that! just like i cant help that i put on weight! Why am i saying this? cause i love your voice! i think its sweet!
Wow, I can't believe you think my voice is sweet! A lot of people think it's the opposite of sweet. In other words, a lot of people hate it. Not everyone, just a lot. Thanks!

Akira's questions:

For James: Guess what? I drew you again... it's you at your house camping out on the floor, with two Chikoritas, and Growly is getting mad at a piece of popcorn ^_^ It's so kawaii!
Awww! Growly! I want to see the picture!

Jessie: *gives bottle of hair gel* There you go! You can buy more at any pro salon for 20 bucks a bottle. it's called Creative Genius or something like that.
*takes bottle* Wow! This stuff is really neat! Thanks! You just saved me twenty bucks. I'm going to use this stuff tomorrow and see what it does to my hair.

Mondo: I tried drawing you for the first time. I was practising for my pic and I drew you as Eevee.. I guess it looks okay. I'll scan it as soon as I can, k?
Okay, send it to me whenever you can! I bet I look great.

All: If you were going on a Survivor show, and you could bring one luxury item and one unevolved Pokemon, what would they be?
I would bring a growlithe, Growly, of course. As for the item, hmmm, probably a rose. I can't live without them.
Hey! What about me? Didn't ya want to bring me!
Okay, okay. I'll bring you, Meowth.
I might bring a mirror, I probably would forget what I'd look like. But there are probably more important things I could bring.
I would take a Gastly or a Misdreavus. Some sort of ghost pokemon. I wouldn't take any items with me, not even clothes. No, I'm just kidding. I would take a radio with me.
I would take a Murkrow with me. I figure he can fly away and bring me things. As for the item, I'll take my TV. After all, I need to keep up with the shows on TV.
Just like Jessie, I'd take Meowth, too.
I would take a car, so I wouldn't have to walk all over the island.

Another for everyone: What's your worst fear in the world? I have two: Wasps, and silence *shudders*
I hate wasps and bees, too. I also am scared of death.
I'm scared of pointy objects. I'm scared that I'm going to get poked and start to bleed to death.
I'm scared of fluffy pink pillows. And guns, I don't like being in the same room with them. How about you, James? Are you scared of the Boogeyman?
How did you know? Actually, I got over that fear a long time ago. I'm scared of aloneness and solitude. I have to be with other people in order to feel secure.
This may seem silly, but I'm scared of...clowns. When I was little, I had the most horrifing dream of them. I don't want to talk about them, so don't ask.
My fear is being abandoned.

Amadala's questions:

butch - did you get jealous when brock fell for cassidy?
Hmmmm. Not really. Brock's too young for her. He's not good enough. I heard that Brock falls in love with almost everyone. So I guess its just natural that he fell for her.

both - i hate school!! its terrible! lots of people pick on me!!!!
I'm sorry. Probably everyone gets picked on at least once at school.
Yeah, school's bad enough without people picking on you.

both - did you ever get into a fight?
If you're asking if Cassie and I ever got into a fight, the answer is yes.
We fight all of the time. Usually, it's just over little things. We get on each other's nerves sometimes.

cassidy - what if you found out that one of your friends was pregnant? how would you react?
Naturally, I would think that they're sluts. People shouldn't go around doing stuff like that if they're not married. I would be very disgusted.

this is for butch and cassidy! tell them this is domino!
Ewww, look at her. She probably thinks she's so pretty. But she's not.
I don't know, I think she is sort of pretty...

Akria's questions:

All: You know what's really ironic? I share almost all of your fears... except for yours, Butch! How can you be scared of a pillow? Mondo, it is not silly to be afraid of clowns. I despise them. When I was little I told one off at this little carnival I went to.
*laughs* Thanks, I feel better now.
I'm sorry if I seem weird, but pink pillows with cutesy little ruffles on the side scare me. You never know what it's gonna do...
Oh puh-lease!
Hey, I'm serious!
Pillows are harmless, except in pillow fights.
Have you ever slept with a pink pillow with ruffles?
I can't say that I have.
Consider yourself lucky. I think I was traumatized when I slept with one.

Jessie- You like Matchbox 20? I love them! Rob Thomas is pretty good looking ^_^ I also love the group called Train, and Blu Cantrell.
Yeah, Rob Thomas is sort of hot... *smiles* I love Train, too! Blu is okay, I like her song Hit 'Em Up Style.

Jessie- Guess what? My friend Wes has the biggest crush on you! I mention you and he practically melts!
Really!? Tell him I said hi!

Jessie, James, Cassidy and Butch- What would you do if you and your partner had to be split up? Like, Giovanni sends all of you out alone because he doesn't think the partner thing is working? How would you react?
Wow, I don't think I could handle that. I would break down into tears.
Wimp. I would handle it by telling Gio that his idea stinks. I might get a little violent, but it's better than crying.
I'd probably blow up and get depressed.
I would be in total shock, because I've never worked alone. I'd probably try to bribe Giovanni into letting me work with Butch.

All- Any of you like Chikorita? I swear, I'm the only one I know of who actually thinks it's a cool pokemon.
I think Chikorita's cute. I like his stumpy little tail and his cute leaf!

Krista's questions:

butch- i wasnt asking that question about your voice to be rude i just was curious cause u could have allergies and i know what thats like thats all. did u find my question rude?
Don't worry, I didn't find it rude. I'm the rude one around here. Allergies could be a reason why my voice is all screwed up. Stupid allergies. Sometimes when I wake up, my throat feels really sore, so that could be caused from allergies.

J+J- I saw that episode today with you guys desguised as celeberties it was cool cause there was so much of you guys in it. also i think you guys make great actors(or in Jessie's case actress)I love drama what about you guys?
That's one of my dreams, to be an actress! I love drama and acting!
Acting and drama is okay, but I like dancing more.

all the rest- what about you guys what do u think of drama?
It's okay, but I don't like those types of arts.
I've acted a few times in some school plays. It was fun, but I never wanted to get into movies or Hollywood.
Acting is cool! It's fun pretending to be someone else.
Yeah, drama is neat, I wish I could be in da movies.

butch, cass, james, and jessie- what is the worst thing about having to share a room with your partner?
You have to live under the other person's rules. You can't do whatever you want to do.
Yeah, if you share a room with a girl, then your room smells girly. Especially with the perfume. Yuck!
If your partner snores, you will never get any sleep. If you share the same bed, you freeze because your partner hogs them all up.
There is no privacy. You cannot tell your partner to leave the bedroom, because after all, it's his room too.

all- so i ask u guys too many questions?
No. Keep asking.
We don't have anything else better to do.

Amadala's questions:

butch - dont feel bad about allergies! i have them and thanks to them , i stay sick most of the time!! it stinks!!!
Uhg, I know. I try all of these fancy allergy medicines, none of them help me. I try all of these old fashioned remedies, none of them help me. I always feel sick, too. I always feel like I want to stay in bed.

cassidy - i got a problem.... a couple of boys that i was talking to today were being mean....also one pinch my butt!! and another one pushed me on purpose! what should i do if they do that again?
I don't know if you know, but when they touch you there, and you don't want them too, this is sexual harrassment. You should tell someone with authority, like a counselor or teacher, about this problem.

cassidy - another problem i need you to help me out with! remember that boy that i told you just used me? well , he came up to me and asked in a mean tone of voice would i go back out with him? i said no i will not , leave me alone! i said it so loud that a couple of the kids looked at him! as i was walking , he ran up to me and asked meanly why not! and told him why not and told him to shut up! now he is probally gonna beat me up! what should i do?
Wow, I feel really bad for you. No one deserves this treatment. Sorry if I sound all weird, but if someone repetitively asks someone out and does this with anger and violence, this is another form of sexual harrassment. A lot of people don't know that, but it is. You really should tell someone about this.

both - what is your favorite drink?
I guess it would have to be Coke.
I like Surge, it has a ton of caffiene in it.

both - mine is pepsi!
Pepsi's good, just not my favorite.
Yeah, I like Pepsi, too! Sometimes it's hard to choose between Coke and Pepsi.

Amadala's questions:

butch - whose taller you or james ?
I don't know, I've never checked. Hold on a moment. *grabs James and makes him stand next to himself* Okay, I'm probably, oh about a half inch taller. Not much of a difference in height.

butch - who weighs more you or james ?
Hmmm, unfortunately there isn't a scale any where near so I can't weigh myself. But my guess is that I'm weigh a tad more because I have a little more muscle than him.

cassidy - whose taller you or jesse?
Nobody is, we're both the same height. Maybe there's a centimeter difference, but we appear to equally as tall.

cassidy - who weighs more you or jesse ?
*laughs* That's an easy one! Jessie weighs more!
*gasp* I do not!
Oh yes you do!

both - do you like football? wrestling?
No, those things are too physical for me. I wouldn't like getting pushed and thrown around.
Wrestling's okay, but I perfer football more. I guess it's a guy thing.

both - i like football and wrestling!
Sorry, its just too physical. Too much contact.
Cool! Not many girls like those things. Like Cassidy here.
Well, excuse me!

Krista's questions:

all-whats your favorite hot meal?
My favorite is chicken noodle soup. It's not originally or unique, but its my favorite.
I like chili, with all of the meat and sauce and stuff. Not the hotdog kind of chili.
I love spaghetti!
I'm surprised you didn't say, "hot snow." My favorite hot meal is fried chicken.
Mine is pizza!
I love hot and steamin' fish!

butch- a while back cassidy told us you have a special pillow, how is it special did your mom make it for you or something? its ok to have a confort item, it dosnt make you a "sissy" like u may think
First of all, it's not a ruffly, pink pillow. It's dark blue, but not navy. Okay, this really sounds stupid. When I was around 6 or 7, I went to a summer camp. I was really, really homesick and I mean, who wouldn't be? Especially at night, that's when I was really lonely. At night time, the only thing that I was near that reminded me of home was the pillow. Since I didn't have a stuffed animal to hug, I hugged my pillow.

james- i used to take dance lessons too :) what kind did you take?
I took modern. Basically, I learned how to do all of the popular types of dances. It was really fun! Now I don't have to worry about not knowing how to dance, like a lot of people do when they go to parties and such.

all- well since u are all my friends (or i hope so...)i need you guys' advice; you see i used to be friends with this girl but i stopped because she was deceiving me now her "friend" yells "earthquake!" everytime i pass her and she calls me other names as well. i tryed ignoring her but she still does it in fact she does it even more when i ignore her what should i do?
Geez, that person is very immature. Hopefully she'll grow out of it.
She'll stop eventually.
She only does it more when you ignore her is because she knows that you aren't listening to her. So she gets angry and makes up more stuff.
Tell some of your friends at school about this. Remember, there is power in numbers.
Yeah, your friends can help you out, by backing you up.

all- do u think i will ever find a boy who likes me and finds me pretty even though im big? i have no problem being big, i dont want to change myself just so others can like me but do u think i will ever find someone who likes me, every pound of me?
Sure you will. It'll just take some time. Guys are pretty immature, so it takes them a while to notice true beauty inside a girl.
There are guys out there who like "big" girls, trust me. Don't change yourself just for guys.

butch and james- why dont u like it when your partner wears perfume? i mean dont you guys wear cologne or after shave to smell good?
Hey! Yeah, that's a good point!
Don't blame everything on us girls!
The cologne I wear isn't strong, unlike the perfume I've smelled.
I begin to suffocate when I smell strong perfume. But my cologne and after shave stuff is really sweet and light.

jessie- hey jess, yesterday they had a special tribute to John Lennon on TV did you get to see it?
Yes! I saw it! It was fantastic. I can't even put it into words.

jessie, james, cassidy and butch- when you guys tease your partners what do you say? (i know you guys do, come on :P)
I just tease her about the stuff she likes, like music and food. I say "oh no, not that again." I act like I hate it, but I'm just joking around.
I say "I need to brush up on my hair styling techniques." Then I ask Jessie if I can experiment on her. At first, this scares her, but she knows that is just a joke.
I tell Butch that we got fired or we don't have any cash, when actually we got a bonus or something. This happens many times.
Hmph. I tell James that I met the man of my dreams when I went out somewhere. *laughs* You should see the look on his face.

Questions from Amadala

both - im sorry i told you i like wrestling and football!! i did not mean to cause fight with you guys! (*crying*)
*laughs* Don't worry about that!
Yeah, we always argue about those kind of things. We never agree about TV shows and stuff like that.

cassidy - during the three episode that you and butch were in, what did you like better on butch : his uniform, his breeding centre costume , or his fortune hunters outfit?
I guess I would have to say his uniform. He looks really good in it, but I don't know why.

butch - what did you like on cassidy: her uniform , her breeding centre outfit , or her fortune hunters outfit?
Hmmm, tough one. I think she looked the best in the breeding center one. It fit her very well...

butch - i really liked your uniform and fortune hunters outfit on you! :)
Hey, thanks! I like those outfits, too!

butch - why dont you give a smack at james? he did punch you onetime!
I should, you know.
*blows whistle* Hey! No unnecessary violence!

Amadala's questions:
both- have you ever got a bad grade in school?
Yep, a few times. In my weakest subject, history, I was always getting low grades. I can't help it if that class was so boring I could fall asleep.
I had a couple of lower grades in PE. I didn't like participating in the dumb little games we played.

both- who was your favorite teacher?
My favorite teacher was my Calculus teacher, Mr. Bernhardt. That class was hard, but the teacher was really funny. Even though it was a challenging class, I had a lot of fun listening to his jokes.
Mrs. Johnson was my favorite teacher. She taught one of my English classes. She was very cool, she always brought us treats and food every Friday.

both- who was your least favorite teacher?
Mrs. Tasp, my World History teacher. Ugh! She was so boring! She always talked in this monotone, so needless to say I always fell asleep. She gave us way too much homework.
I hated Mr. Fernstein, my Music class teacher. He was always sexist, he gave the stupid boys higher grades when the smarter girls deserved the good grades. He was such a jerk.

both - did you have classes together in school?
Yeah, we had a few classes together.
We were together in our health class.
That was fun, we always made fun of our teacher and we wrote notes to each other in class.
We also were in some classes together over at Pokemon Tech.

cassidy - when was your 1st kiss?
It was when I was 14. I kissed this dumb guy. I thought I liked him, but didn't really like him, now that I look back at it. He didn't even kiss well.

butch- when was your 1st kiss?
*blushes* Um, it was when I was 16. It was with, um, *whispers* Cassidy.

Mondo - im sorry i almost cause a fight between james and butch! its just that one takes a swing at butch and gets away with it!! forgive me?
Oh that's okay! Don't worry. I forgive you. I'll make sure he won't get hurt.

butch and cassidy - i was just telling mondo sorry! i still like you guys!!! ^.^
That's okay, we understand.
You're still our friend.

both - you guys are my idols !!! i mean you are so much better than j and j!!
Yep, we are better than them!
Cool! I've never been an idol before.

Rose asks:

Everyone --- If you had the opportunity to play any instrument, what would you want to play? (No rock instruments)
I would play the piano.
I guess the clarinet.
I'd play a flute.
I would want to play the violin.
Let's see here...oh, the trumpet.
I don't t'ink dese paws'll let me play an instrument.

Jessie and James --- What languages do you know?
I know some German and a little Spanish.
Okay, I know Spanish and some Japanese.

James --- You barely seem like a guy who curses his @$$ off 24/7, but I just want to know: do you curse? If so, how often?
If I ever do curse, it's very, very rare. I can't even remember the last time I said a bad word. I try to keep my language as clean as possible. I don't like it when people are always saying bad words.

Everyone --- Do you have the Ocarina of Time video game? If you do, what part are you at? (I beat the game ^_~)
Yeah, I have it. I'm the video game person around here. Unfortunately, I'm not that far into the game. *growls*

James --- You know what? You practically have the same hairstyle as Link, except Link doesn't have that strand of hair hanging in his face and it's all blonde... ^_^;;;
Hmmm, yes I see what you're saying. I guess we both have the same taste in hair styles. *smiles* But I like my hair more, because I like the little strand of hair.

Akira asks:

James- Thank you so much! *hugs* I knew I wasn't the only Chikorita fan! Do you run around saying "Chiko" like I do?
*hugs back and laughs* I'm glad I'm not the only Chikorita fan. Although I have to admit, you running around saying "Chiko" is kind of unique, but cute!

All- What is your favorite evolution of Eevee? Mine is definately Umbreon, because I love black cats.
Neat, I like Umbreons, too.
My favorite is Vaporeon.
I like Flareon the most.
My favorite evolution is Espeon.
I just like Eevee!
Mine's Jolteon.

Jessie- So, how did the hair gel affect your hair? It made some of my hair color come out, so now my hair is red-brownish. It's really pretty! Oh yeah, I told Wes you said hi. He didn't believe me.
He didn't believe you?! Hmph. I'm insulted. *thinks for a moment* The gel was okay, it kept my hair together, so I can't complain too much. It smelled nice! It was just very sticky and it took forever to get all of it out of my hair when I took a shower.

All- Do any of you watch Cardcaptors? If so, what's your favorite card?
My favorite card is the Rain card.
I like the Fire card the most.
My favorite is the Mirror card.
I like the Dark card.
I think my favorite is the Song card.
I like da Thunder one.

Amadala asks:

cassidy- ok, cassidy, this time i really screwed up!!!! that boy that i was telling you about he called me some cuss words i am not allowed to mention here! anyway, i got so mad at him , i slaped him right in the mouth! he might come back soon and hunt me down and then creme me! what should i do?
Ew, he's a 100% creep. I know violence isn't the answer to everything, but he did deserve the slapping. Like I mentioned before, maybe you should go tell someone with authority about this. He is harassing you.

butch - would you mind beating up that boy for me??? please?
Sure, if I ever see him, I'll slug him.

both - how are you guys today?
Okay, I guess. A little tired, but that's what I get for staying up so late last night.
I feel fine! Today was a good day for me, and no one can mess this day up for me.

butch - have you and james been getting along?
Hmmmmmm, sort-of-not-really. We still call each other names and push each other around.

butch - sorry i ask the have you ever kissed question! same to you cassidy!!
Don't worry, we didn't remember so we didn't complain.
We don't mind.

james- i heard you tied your hair back in one episode and it looked like the manga pic, do u plan to do that more often? it makes you look cuter and more handsome (and i bet jessie would notice ^_~)
*blushes* Thanks. Normally, I don't tie my hair back that often because my hair isn't long enough for all of it to fit in. But I guess that's okay. So maybe I should do that more often...

jessie- what did you think of his hairdo?
It was very different; it was a nice change. It makes James look more mature and older.

butch- i noticed that you have been more poliite to james and you dont seem too rude anymore :) thanks for doing so
Out in public, I try my very best to control my emotions and feelings. So I try to act a little civil towards him. A little. But I can't help if I still have my normal bursts of rudeness. He still annoys me, even when he's not talking to me, his presence still bothers me.
He's still rude to me, trust me.

cassidy- same thing with Jessie, i think we may see some friendship in the future
Friendship? Definately not in the early future. More like in a hundred years.
Again Cassidy, you are wrong. One thousand years, not a hundred. You should know better.

all- thanks for all being so nice to me i love you all!
Yeah, no problem.
We do our best.
Your welcome!
We love you too!
Yeah, I love ya.

James- you know many people seem to say you are stupid and gay, but you know what? whoever says that is wrong! you are intelligent, your just trusting and gullible; you know a lot about computers, performing arts, cooking, you come up with lots of ideas plus you are sweet, good-hearted and handsome so anyone who tells you that is wrong ok? does that make you feel better about yourself? cause i know what its like not to have much confidence
Wow, thanks! I can always use the boosts of self-esteem. Sometimes I don't have any faith or confidence in myself, too.

butch- i dont think its dumb that a pillow made you feel more comfortable away from home, you missed being home
Yeah, I guess so. I just feel kind of stupid talking about it. People laugh at the idea of tough-me hugging a pillow because I was scared. But then again, people laugh at my voice, so I'm used to it.
Poor Botch!
Please, I don't need your sympathy.

butch - well im sorry if i am getting too personal, but if you liked your parents and family then why did you leave? did you runaway or something?(i know you dont like to talk about your past so if you'd rather not answer i'll understand)
Um, I sort of ran away. It's nothing too interesting. I just needed to rebel and get a new life.

cassidy-same question
Team Rocket seemed glamorous, in a way. I thought it would be neat to be a criminal, hiding from everyone.

Amadala asks:

butch - has one of your sisters ever jumped on your bed to wake you up? or has one them tickled you till you cry?
As a matter of fact, yes. At the crack of dawn, they jumped on my bed and shook me until I got out of bed to make them breakfast. Yes, we did have some tickle fights, too. I let them win, since I'm a nice brother.
*scoffs* Yeah, right. I bet your sisters are partying now since you're gone.
Nope, I don't think so. I bet they miss me.

cassidy - ever held butch down and tickled him?
Once when I was in a good mood, I tried to pin him down to tickle him, but he was too strong.

butch - ever held cassidy down and tickled her?
Yeah, just as she said, she was trying to tickle me, but she couldn't. I ended up tickling her instead. I was too strong for her to push me away, so she had to suffer the wrath of tickles.
*sarcastically* Ooohh, strong Botch!
*sarcastically* Ooohh, wimpy James! Do you want to see how strong I can be?
Um, no.

both - my sister does that to me ! when im at my daddys , she pins me down and tickles me! and she almost 9 and is very small!
Hey, you're being a nice sister by letting her tickle you.

Krista asks:

James- thanks for the hug that was nice of you to do so without me asking *hugs back* mmmm you smell good
*smiles* Your welcome. *sniffs the air* I'm wearing a spray called...Heavenly Roses. Are you surprised?

all- what is your favorite way to eat pasta? i like to eat it in all kinds of ways but one of my favorites is when you put butter and cheese over linguinie or fettuchine yummy!
I like putting parmesian cheese over spaghetti noodles.
I like adding mushrooms and big pieces of sausage to my pasta.
When I eat my pasta, I normally add a dash of garlic to zing it up.
I just like eating my pasta with tomato sauce.
Hmmm, I don't know. Putting cheese on the noodles sounds good though.
Yuck! I hate pasta!

butch- do u ever visit your family? im sure your sisters miss you
It's been a few years since I saw my family. I occasionally write letters to them, so I do stay in touch.
If you miss them and if you feel homesick, then I suggest you hug your little pillow.
Nobody asked you.

butch- do u think im being nice enough to u? because it seems like im sometimes upseting you
No, you're nice to me. I'm not upset with you.

James- in "make room for gloom" you look a little uncomfortable with Jessie on your back was it because of where.....her hand was? because i doubt that Jessie is heavy
Heh heh! I bet James was really uncomfortable!
Be quiet Botch! Yes, I have to admit, I did get a little uncomfortable. But, who wouldn't?

all four- if your partner weighed over 300 pounds, would you do anything mean to him/her? would you worry about thier health? would you force them to lose weight? would your friendship change?
No, I wouldn't be mean to her. However, I would worry about their health. I wouldn't force her to lose weight, but I would encourage her to. I'd still be friends with her.
Yes, same here. I wouldn't really think bad of him.
I would sort of be disgusted in Butch, because the only way he could gain that much is if he didn't exercise at all and just eat junk food. I would encourage him a lot to lose all of the weight.
I don't think our friendship would change very much. Who knows, maybe we would get closer.

all- how important is abstinence to you?
I think it's very important. People look like sluts and sleazes if they don't don't use abstinence.
If people sleep around with others before they're married, then getting married and having a family isn't that special anymore.
Abstinence is also important health-wise. You could get a lot of fatal diseases like STDs from sleeping with many people.
Yeah, I think it's disgusting when I hear people bragging about how many people they slept with. Yuck. It makes me very sick.

cassidy- would you stop being someones friend if they got pregnant? cause people do make mistakes and sometimes it isnt thier fault.
Well, it depends. If she got pregnant because she wanted to, then I will still be friends with her. But if she got pregnant because she was sleeping around with a lot of guys and she accidently got pregnant, then I would feel very disappointed in her.

cassidy- didnt mean to offend you by the last question i just think a friendship is too important to lose over one mistake
Yes, friendship is important. Maybe I would still be friends, but definately not as close as before.

meowth- sorry for not paying much attention to you luna just run out of questions for you....wait she has one heres Luna; do you have any tips for sneaking human food? Krista always catches me
Hmmm, you have to be sneaky and cat-like. Try sneaking da food at night when everyone's asleep.

Krista asks:

James and Butch- I have to say I'm really pleased to see that you two really value abstinence. Uaually its only girls who value it and lots of males dont care or think abstinence is for the weak but not for you two I think you should be very proud of yourself and lead others to be that way :)
It's very sad when males think that it's only for the weak. I think the guys who don't value abstinence are the weak ones.
Yes, we guys need to have some sort of dignity.

Jess and Cass- I know you also liked your answers as well, be proud :)
Okay, I have no problem with that.
That last thing I want to be is a slut so I'll definately value abstinence.

Meowth- I'm sorry I asked the pasta question I forgot that you hated it. oh and when I woke up I found some bread nibbled on and crumbs leading to Lunas bowl do u know anything about this?
Dat's okay. Hmmm, I t'ink maybe Luna got into some food, don't ya t'ink?

Cassidy- Now I'm sure you are a nice friend to Butch and really care about him. It's nice that you have faith in him and would encourage him to lose weight if he got heavy, but at the same time you need to remember, words can really hurt a persons feelings and it would probably break his heart if you said anything mean to him. He seems to have a nice heart and he said so himself if you were heavy he would still love you and be your friend. please do the same for him if it happens to him I'm sure it would mean a lot to him.
Okay, if it means that much to him, I'll try to be as nice as possible to him.

Cassidy- again i didn't mean to offend you but Butch really cares about you and i think you should treat him the way you would want to be treated
Yeah, no offense taken. You see, Butch normally doesn't show the softer side of him, so that makes me wonder sometimes about how he feels about me. But I guess he cares for me.

Butch- I'm sorry that I thanked James for the hug and not you, it was nice of you to hug me even though you dont like to be hugged a lot *hugs*
*hugs back* I don't like getting hugged excessively, but I do enjoy the occasional hug.

Amadala asks:

both - where is your ticklish spot?
I'm ticklish on my stomach and under my arms.
Let's see...I guess my most ticklish spot is on the bottom of my feet. If someone barely touches my feet, I go crazy.

both - how are you?
I'm doing good. Today has been a really good day for me, everything's going well.
Hmph. I got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. I'm so irritated and stressed out.
Hmmm, it must be PMS, huh Cassidy?
You don't even want to see my wrath today!

both - did you have any pokemon when you were little?
Nope, I was deprived of pokemon when I was little. Actually, I didn't care much for pokemon when I was young.
Hmm, I think I first got Raticate when I was, um, 9. That was my first pokemon.

both - do you think that j and j like each other?
Yep! They're made for each other! Jessie's a weirdo...
...and so is James. The perfect match!

Jem asks:

James - I think you're really really sexy (please don't get mad, jessie, you're very lucky), will you please please PLEASE go out on a date with me!? I promise you won't have to do anything you don't want to..I'd never ever hurt you. Hey, I'll even pay for the food! I love you soooooooo much and I just want to be able to meet you and just have a good time. Please think about it, I'll buy you a huge big bag of donuts if you do!
*blushes* Hmmmm, the offer sounds very tempting, especially the donut part...and the food. Oooh, the temptation! But sorry, I'm a one-woman type. I'm sure you will understand.

James - Even though I'm a Rocketshipper, I think Jessie was really horrible to you in the 'Holy Matrimony' episode. I just don't see how she could love you if she was willing to force you to marry that pyscho! You looked like you were so scared! I just really wanted to go over there and rescue you! Do you want a hug? Oh, and I've got Jessebelle tied up in my basement, do you want me to hit her for you? I know you could never want to really hurt anyone, so I'm willing to give her a slap to avenge your suffering.
Yeah, she did treat me a little rough, but she really didn't understand how horrible Jessiebelle was. So I forgive her now. If you want to slap Jessiebelle for me, I'll be more than happy. She deserves it. Oh yeah, here *hugs.*

James - I found this adorable pic of you on a site and just HAD to show it to you! Make Botch and Cassidy look away first, I don't want them ambarrassing you.
Okay, Botch and Cassidy, please turn around.
*grumbles and turns away*
You know, just for that I shouldn't turn around, but if I must...*turns around*
*to Butch* It's probably for our own good.
Yeah, if we saw it, we'd probably die of laughter.
Be quiet, both of you! Hmph.

Awww! What a cute little picture of me! And look! There's my little Growlie!

You looked sooooo sweet as a little kid! p.s. Here's my James thingy: W^_|^W
*grins* I guess I was a little cute. Nice smiley of me!

Oh, and I always thought you'd be more of a Leo than a Virgo.
Yes, I do have some of the characteristics of a Leo, such as being very nice, but I can't really help it that I'm born during the time of the Virgo.

RocketGirlRae asks:

This is 4 question's for all of you guys.What's your favorite color,what's your fav classical music song and composer,and whats your fav play.My favorite color is Teal,my favorite classical music is Ode to joy,my fav classical music composer would be Wolgang Aomadus Motzart,and my favorite play is The Phantom of the Opera.
My favorite color is red, my favorite classical music is Seasons, my favorite classical composer is Vivaldi, and my favorite play is The Phantom of the Opera, too.
My favorite color is black. I really don't listen to classical music much, but I like Beethoven's music. I guess my favorite play is Carabet.
My favorite color is green, I like Bach and his music. My favorite play is Les Miserables.
Okay, my favorite color is black, I like Tchaikovsky's music, and my favorite play is Annie Get Your Gun.
My favorite color is turqoise, I love Gershwin's songs and music, and I love My Fair Lady.

Bria-Chan Kitty asks:

butch and James>What would you do if by chance you're personallities where switched because you ate curry that exploded,made by a girl who owned a monkey mouse thingy?
Wow! That would be really scary!
Yeah, me acting like Botch! I can't even imagine.
Grrr. I can't imagine acting like the dumbo over here.

Cassidy>Hey I was wondering what dya think about Domino?
Hmmm, I don't like her. She's probably really bossy and stuck up and snobby. If she tries to push me around, she has another thought coming to her!

James>You are just the Kawaiist! ~Hugs~ (had to do that sowwy)
*hugs* Thanks!

All>Who's you're favorite Dragon ball Z/GT Character?
I like Future Trunks, he sort of looks like me.
I think Android 17 is cool.
Gogeta looks kind of cute.
Android 18 is my favorite character.
Chi-Chi is cool.
Hm, I guess Chaozu.

Cleopatra asks:

all-isn't it ashame that there had to be such chaos on sept. 11 just to bring a country together.(finally)
Yeah, it's a real shame, but at least we're together.
Yeah, I hope that when this ends, we will still be united.
It still makes me sad when I think about what had happened.
I hope we can make whoever did this pay.
Yes, I agree.

all-has your partner ever walked in on you while taking a shower? If so tell the tale (I really hate my privavavy disturbed by someone who can't knock on the door)
I think one time James opened the bathroom door when I was taking a shower, but he didn't see anything. I hope he didn't.
I didn't. But there was this one time Jess came in after I took my shower. Fortunately I had a towel to cover myself up.
I don't think Cassidy ever walked in. Oh wait! She did, I forgot. But I was behind the curtain so she couldn't see anything. But she probably did.
No I didn't! *blushes* Actually, I did catch a little glimpse. Sorry. You must have walken in on me a million times, Butch! Sometimes I wonder if you do that on purpose just to annoy me.
Hmmm, maybe.

Mondo-Your real cute my friend think so too.
*blushes brightly* Really...? Thanks...

Butch -I want a hug!*jumps on Butch and squeezes as hard possible*oops,sorry there hun.
I don't think any bones are broken. *hugs back equally as hard* I hope you enjoyed the "hug."

Butch-I used to hate you till I came to this site. Amanda changed my life forever. *cries*
*smiles* I'm glad you think I'm cool now. Better late than never.
Oh Botch! Can't you act a little more gracious?
I am acting gracious!

Butch-all my friends hate you. They don't like your voice.:( they're raciest people too, but they like me even though I'm white.(according to them I'm not white I'm just Italian) I don't mind racist people as long as they don't dis me. How do you feel about them
Hmph. I can't believe they think like that. They obviously don't know what they're missing out on me. No offense, but their voices probably don't sound like an angel's voice either. I don't agree with racist people. I don't know how someone can judge another person by the color of their skin. It's just like how people can't judge someone by the sound of their voice.

James-*cries* Ohhhhhhhh my gawd! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I feel like those girls that get to meet Nsync. I love you! Your so cute and gullible!
*looks worried* Don't cry! I'm bad when it comes to girls crying. Awww! Here, have a hug. *hugs and smiles* Thanks, I'm glad you love me!

Jessi-Was your mother strict or best friend type?
Well, she wasn't strict, but she was firm. I guess it was for my own good. If she was very lenient and didn't care what I did, then who knows what would happen to me. She knew what was best for me. She also acted like my best friend. Hmm, that's probably because she was my best friend when I was little. *sigh* I miss Mommy.

Jessi- I reeeaaally hope I didn't bring any bad memories for you.*hugs Jessi* I know what it's like to be lonely.
*hugs* No, you didn't make me feel really sad. I like thinking about her, or at least the good times with her.

Amadala asks:

butch - im ticklish on my stomach tooo!!! :)
Yeah, I don't know why I'm ticklish there. If someone starts tickling me there, I literally fall down and nearly die in laughter.

cassidy - that boy that i told you about? he finally left me alone!
Yay! Finally! I guess he finally learned better than to pick on you.

butch - tell james and jesse to turn around ! i got a picture to show to you! oh! i didnt make the picture! my freind did! its a picture of you in a poliwag outfit! its soo cute that i thought about showing it to you!!!
Okay! *to Jessie and James* Turn your sorry bodies around!
*turns around* You could have asked more nicely.
*turns around* Control your temper, Botch.
Control your stupidity.

Hey, I look kinda cute there! Tell your friend that she did a good job drawing me.
*turns back around* Awww! Look! It's little Botch!
Uh uh! Go away!

cassidy - what do you think of that picture that i showed butch?
It's so cute and sweet! Look at his face! *ruffles Butch's hair* You're so sweet!
*mumbles* Okay, but you don't have to act all mushy.

both - i didnt like the way jem talked about you two! especially butch! hmph! calling him botch like that!!
It's okay, I wasn't offended.
Yep, seems like everyone calls me Botch these days. I wonder if I'm mistaken and my real name is Botch and not Butch. *shudders* It better not be.

Alice asks:

Hey Jimmy (sorry but that name is soooo cute) I won't bother u with's just...I'd like a hug plz...if u don't mind ::big grin:: Thank u....xxxxxx
Sure! I have no problem with that! Here's a big hug from Jimmy! *gives a big hug*

Gemma asks:

This a question to basically all of them, but especially James. What would you do if you found out that someone's mum (namly mine), had chucked out everything i own of pokemon, all N64 games, gameboy, pokemon cuddlies, and erased all my James pictures and fanfics off my computer? Btw, this has actually happened. How would you react?
I would cry for days in my room.
Well, I would give her the cold shoulder. I would be so angry.
Oh boy, that would be horrible! I would go into depression.
Heh! I would go throw away your mom's stuff!
Awww, I'm sorry! *hugs* It must be horrible.
Dis Meowth gives ya pity. Da kitty gives ya pity.

Jennie'O-Bunnie asks:

All: *gigles* Butch Your my favie *hugs* well anyways if you could be any sailor moon character who would you be?
*hugs back* I'm glad I'm your favorite. *sighs happily* Seems like I'm getting more fans! I would be Sapphire, I guess.
Hmmm, I think I would be Damien or also known as Tuxedo Mask. No! Wait, I changed my mind, Prince Diamond.
Let's see here...I know! Ha ha! I want to be little miss conceited Catsy!
Either Ann or Avery, they're both cool.
Well, if James changed his mind, I'll be Damien.
Yeah! I know exactly who I wanna be! Artemis!

James: Why are you always so mean to Butch?
*sniffs* I don't think I'm mean! I think it's Botch who is mean!
I'm not mean to you. I only treat you the way you should be.
*sniffs again* Don't blame me!

Tanya and Tasha ask:

All) Ok, can we ask you guys something straight up? Is it true that if a human being eats a Rare Candy, they get the ultimate high?
Whoa! I've never heard of that before!
I wonder if that's true...
You know, I'm going to eat one and find out. *looks around for a rare candy*
Oh no you don't, Butch! *grabs Butch by the colar* I have this feeling that it will work.
I think it would be scary to see someone after they have eaten the candy.

Jessie) Tasha: AGG! How can you guys like Brock better? He's so stupid! And then you dare say Tracey's head band is stupid?! And he has BIG FEET? AARGGH! (Tanya hold Tasha back as she brandishes a iron skillet at Jesse's head. After she calms down:) Ok, now hear please hear my rant about Brock and Tracey. BEGIN RANT IN 3, 2, 1: Tracey is SO much better than Brock. I mean look at the facts: People like to say he has nerdy eyes--at least he HAS eyes! And people say he's fat. Duh, he's not fat, its just that he is the only guy on Pokémon in baggies. People are just used to tight clothes on this show. I personally think that deserve credit in itself--Tracey obviously has style. And he can keep his cool around women, unlike, well, I guess I don't have to give the other side of that topic. Tracey can also create beautiful works of art with just a pencil! What can Brock do? Make rice balls. OooOOoo! How creative! And his head band is cool. Brock has no style. He doesn't even stand cool. He looks like an soldier being yelled at by his drill sergeant. By now you probably think I hate Brock. NOT TRUE. Brock fits his role well. He's like a big (*cough* ugly *cough*) brother. And he's great comic relief. But I miss Tracey. I'd be cool with him just coming back to share his role with Brock. But don't try to tell me that at least half of what I have just said isn't true. Now, Jess, what do you say to that!?
Hmmmm.... Well, you know, they're both twerps so in my eyes I see them as idiots. Oh, and goody-goody-two-shoes. I can't really stand either of them. I was just merely giving my opinion.

All) Yeah, matchbox twenty is cool, but they're not hard core enough. We like slipknot, linkin park, puddle of mudd, mudvayne and korn. Also, rap is cool. The closest, though, that you have come to talking about rap is when Jessie mentioned Blu Cantrell. Do you guys like hip hop 'n' rap?
Oooh! Puddle of Mudd is really cool! I love their song "Control." Sorry, but I only like rock. But I guess hip hop's okay.
No, I'm not that big of a fan with hip hop and rap. It really isn't my style.
I have to agree with Butch, I love rock. Rock rules, simply said. Rap is so-so, but I like hip hop more than rap.
I don't like hip hop, but rap's okay. I also like R&B.
I sort of don't like rap, hip hop, rock, R&B, or any of that kind of stuff. Just give me top 40 songs and I'll be happy.

J&J & Meowth: Hey, today is 10/20/01. In today's epi, you guys did some kind of motto about cleaning up. Were you guys, like, spring cleaning or was it just a joke about the vacuum thingy?
We were fall cleaning!
*rolls eyes* James... It was just a joke for the vacuum. Sometimes we act out stuff that has to do with our plan or motto. Like in the baseball one with Chikorita, we did that baseball game.
*sneezes* Blech! All dat dust! We should do a fall cleaning, just like Jimmy said.

Jessie) Tanya: AGH! Jessie, don't you listen to Crappidy! The only way you could be heavier than her would be if you held your hair up with Cement and put bar-bells in your boots!
Ha! See, I told you Cassidy!

James) Is it just us, or is your hair getting poofier everyday? Did you change shampoos?
It is? Yay! I hate when my hair is flat with no volume. I change my shampoos and conditioners every, um, 2 weeks so my hair doesn't get dull with the same shampoo. I also blow dry it now, so that might make it a tad poofier.

All) Eww, we hate pep rallies (*cough*prep rallies*cough*). There nothing but a bunch of preps and jocks prancing around acting like they're so much better than everyone else. Yeah, you guessed it, we're freaks. So, what were you guys when you were still in high school? Preps, jocks, freaks, brains, what?
I was a prep, mainly because my parents made me like that.
Hmmmm, I don't know if I fit any of those categories. I was just there.
I was a "semi-freak" I guess. But I was also smart, so I don't know.
Okay, I was a mixture of a jock, freak, and brain. Go figure.
I was a prep and proud!

All) Um, Jess and Jim, do you ever see yourselves having six kids? (hey, you have enough love to share with all of them!) Like, we're writing a story where you have kids that are 17 (Jonah), 15 (Jasmine), 13 (Jamie), 11 and 11 (Jackie and Jill) and 5 (J. D.) Oh, and Butch and Cassidy have one kid, Claudette (15). So, is that cool? I mean its just a story. I'm sure we'll all find out how many kids you'll have in due time....
Six kids?! My figure will be horrible! Plus, the pain!
Wow, six kids...
Whew. I thought you were going to say I was going to have 10 or 15. I can handle one.
Yeah, I could handle a couple more kids, but I can take one.

Meowth) Tanya: I bet I know a way you could make some spare cash! You could do commercials for PetSmart! I bet a real talking cat would sell lots of merchandize!
Yeah! *sadly* But they probably will think I'm too weird and freakish.

Mondo) Most of the people that we all know of had domestic problems, so they joined TR to get away. Is that what pushed you to join? Or is/was your family involved in Team Rocket? Are you a rocketbaby?
No, I never had any domestic problems. I just joined Team Rocket because it seemed like a neat and mysterious organization. Plus, *blushes* there are some pretty girls there.

All) Do you guys thinks its right, fair or necessary to be suspicious of all Muslims and Arabs here in America?
I don't think it's fair to be suspicious of all Muslims and Arabs.
Yeah that's right, because a lot of the Muslims and Arabs are here in America because they wanted to get away from the horrible government over there.
People really irritate me when they get nervous when there's a Muslim or Arab near them.
Yes, we shouldn't go around freaking out where ever there's an Arab or Muslim.
I think people are really being unfair to all of the innocent Arabs and Muslims. I bet a lot of them are tired of being discriminated.

Jessie) Do you think you would ever want to go back to a medical college and try to be a nurse again?
Yeah, maybe. I'll think about it whenever I quit Team Rocket. I would love to live one of my dreams of being a nurse.

J&J & Meowth) do you guys set up campsites at various places and leave your stuff there? Because you balloon is always empty.
We really don't have that much stuff to begin with.
Yeah, we have it "hidden" in our balloon.
But we don't have much to hide. Dat's da breaks.

Butch) have you ever went to a doctor about your voice? Maybe you should, we're a little concerned...
I went to the doctor a long time ago. He said there was something wrong with my vocal cords, and my allergies don't help very much with that. But I really don't want to go back.

James) Tasha: PLEASE CLONE YOURSELF, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! If not, will you betrove one of your future sons to me? Tanya: He would never do that, not after his parents did it to him, (looks towards James) would you?
I still think that would be scary having 2 James's in the world.
I would never do that to my son. I refuse to be just like the horrible parents I had.

James) We just had to show you this picture!

Its the guy who does your voice. He's supposed to be a great singer. He opened for Lynard Skynard!
It's nice that I have a cool guy doing my voice. He's even a singer, that makes him even cooler.

Ok, we gotta go. Love yall!
Tanya: Tasha's sorry, Jessie!
It's okay, no offense taken.
Tasha: Yeah, and Tanya sorry she incinuated Cassidy was fat!
That's okay, as long as I know I'm not fat, that's all that matters.