Ask Team Rocket Page 4

Kitty asks:

Meowth: Hey buddy, wazzup? I felt that I should start talking to you more, cus it looks like everyone's ignoring you! Have Jessie and James still been going googly eyed over eachother? Poor thing......
*sighs* Dat's okay, dis Meowth has faced worse t'ings. Yes, dey give each otha dose eyes dat makes me want to barf.

J&J: Did you guys know that it's like, oh so totally obvious whenever you're checking eachother out? So if it's supposed to be a secret.......*bursts out laughing* But it's REALLY cute and sweet the way you guys get all googly-eyed for eachother.
Hmph! Yes it's supposed to be a secret. *brings out mallet* James! Why can't you keep secrets?!
*shields himself from mallet and whines* It's not my fault, Jess...
Arg! *blushes*
See! You know it's not my fault. *smiles satisfiedly*

James: Besides food, is there anything, or ANYBODY else who's ever on your mind? Come on, we all know that it's not just food that you're drooling over half the
James! You make everything so obivious!
Stop drooling.
I can't help it! *smiles* Do you want to know who I'm thinking of? It's -
*covers James's mouth with hand* Next question!

J&J: Ok, you guys know what? I've been in the BIGGEST most Rocketshippy mood lately, more than ever! Could you guys do the following right now? : Hug, Kiss (on the lips), Slow dance, play with eachothers hair?
Yuck! I'm gonna be sick! Please, for da sake of my tummy, don't do anyt'ing too mushy.
Well, Meowth, I don't think a hug is too nauseating. *gives Jessie and big body hug*
*whispers* James, everybody is watching.
Oops, sorry.

J&J: Do you guys like to rough house, or tickle eachother a lot? You guys seem like you really like to play around with eachother. Awwwwwww how sweet! *
*laughs* Sometimes, Jessie and I get into tickle fights, and we see who can tackle and pin eachother down with tickles.
But since I'm a nice guy, I let Jessie win most of the time.

J&J: As you can tell, I'm a big romantist. What about you guys?
Yes! I am too! I love anything romantic!
My tummy can't take dat kind of stuff.

All: Ok, you guys like that show, "Friends" right? Well, what do you think of Ross and Racheal? Better off as friends, or somthing more?
Hmmm, I think they should stay as friends.
What? Are you crazy?! They should be together!
Just friends!
More than friends!
Just friends!
Are you guys gonna say anything?
Uh, no I don't watch that show.
We'll just leave the question up to you two.
Yes, it's for our own good.
Fine. Just friends!
More than friends!

Jess: Are you ever scared that James might leave you someday, for some girl that "supposedly" can give him more, and treat him nicer? (although you're the best girl ANY guy could ever even dream of)
Sometimes I fear that he will leave me all alone. Hopefully nightmares never come true...

James: You would never leave Jess, right? So you should tell her more often how much she means to you hmmmmm, like, how about right now? Pwease??
Of course I wouldn't! I know that her fragile heart would break! *runs over to Jessie, gives her another big hug, and whispers into her ear*
*blushes and gives him a hug*

James: Does Jess ever try to hit on you?
*laughs* It's a good thing you asked me the question. She wouldn't admit it. Trust me, she does!

Jessie: You are the BOMB! Oh my god, I can't help it, but you are the most beautiful, smart wonderful girl there is! I'm not gay, but NOBODY on this earth could even come close to comparing with you!
Thanks so much! I don't think you're gay, I'm really happy that there are supporters of me.

Jessie: I bet you've never had to worry about not having enough guys like you, huh? I mean come on, you could have your pick of James, Butch or Mondo, and they're all pretty cute. But stay with James! ^_~
*has a hopeful look in his eyes*
Hmph. She better stay with him.
*blushes* Aww, I don't think anyone could replace James.

Cassidy: Just because you friend gets pregnant, doesn't mean she's a slut! You shouldn't turn your back on her like that! I mean, she's probably gonna need somebody to stick by her, and you'll just abandon her? PLease explain this to me, cus I know you couldn't possibly mean what you said, right?
Okay, I better elaborate. If the girl is throwing herself at boys, she's asking for it. But let's say she got raped or something, then yes, I definately would stick by her, because it wasn't her fault.

J&J: Hey you two! When are we gonna get to see some more Rocketshippiness!? It's torure! Hey Meowth, could you try to "spice" things up a little for these two love-birds?
If I spice t'ings up, my tummy will feel like it ate a million spices. But I'll see what I can do for ya.
I hope so!

RocketgirlRae asks:

This question is for all of you.I dont know what to do about my cousin.Me,him,and my best friend Aubrey went to homecoming at my school,okay?And he ditched her and made her cry so much.And now I want to beat the crap out of him,I punched him 3 times as hard as I could already.I want to know what you guys think about this,should I beat him up or what?And also everytime I get mad I always beat on the person who angered me.So I just want to pound him!I'm so mad!My mom thinks I should beat him up for it,but the next time I'll see him is Thanksgiving,and I really dont want to start a fight there.We'll,I hope you all can help me.
Your poor friend! How could he do that to her? Tell her I'm sorry.
I normally do not resort to violence, but that guy was horrible to her. I would never, ever do that to a girl.
Hmmm, I know how she feels... *sighs* Do you want to borrow my mallet?
How low can he go? I think you should at least talk to him on the phone or something so find out what caused him to act stupid.
Yes, I agree. Most importantly, make sure he goes to apologize to your friend!

Cleopatra asks:

Meowth-*pets Meowth* ooooh you have a beautiful fur. My cat likes his fur all the time and when he's done I smell his fur and it's smells like he put shampoo on his fur! I'm thought it would smell like fish or somethin'! Any answers Meowth?
Ahhh! T’anx! I love my fur. *laughs* Dat’s a cat secret how we get it to smell dat good. We got sweet breath!
Sweet breath? I don’t know about that…

Meowth- I adore cats of any kind! My friends say I am one and I used to take karate so they taught me to be as alert as a cat, so now I move like a cat, see things like a cat (I have to where glasses sometimes so when I have them off, wooo! You don't want to see what I do when someone makes sudden movements, anyhoo) and I have good memory in what things smell like.Ex. I use to go to Sam's club and the scent off that place was... strange. I went over seas for a looong time and when I came back I freaked when I walked inside of a completely different Sam's club because that scent was just so familiar! I was never completely happy about my ways till I actually got my first cat Alexander (Alex). He is my baby (literally). Everyone makes fun of that fact but they can. That cat is my child and I will always be his mother.^_^ He knows I'm his mother too.
A kitty purr-son! Don’t ya love knowing da ways of a kitty? *sighs* I remember my kitten-hood. I bet Alex will have kitten years than me. He’s gotta owner.

Jessi-I know why you are always mean and I'm the same way. You lost someone you loved (your momma) and I lost every single friend I ever had. My parents made me move to this stupid house where civilians live.O.o I'm used to living on a base. All my friends were there and they're like sisters to me! I've live in this area for four months and I have to go to a new school and I still don't have friends!!!!!!!!!!!! Alright I have some friends but if I were my own mother I wouldn't let me go hang out with them. They're easy! They have no dignity and they are trying to bring my grades down and I hate that!!! Well what should I do Jess I'm going slowly insane and I get meaner and meaner every day! -_-
Hmm, I guess we have some things in common. If you’re not comfortable with the people you hang out with, or if you are changing for the worse, I suggest you hang out with a different crowd. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. I might have been happier if I was with different people when I was young. Why don’t you find a club or organization that you’re interested in. That way you can hang out with people who have the similar interests and personalities as you.

James-*stares at James*
*stares back*

Butch-Your cool! One of my friends is a big Jessi fan and she says that Jessi would be really happy with you.*turns toward James* SHUTUP!!!
Heh! Lot’s of girls would be happy with me!
Okay, Butch, don’t let it get to your head.
Yeah, Botch. Jess wouldn’t be happy with you and you know it!
*sarcastically* Ooh! I’m so scared!
You better be.

James-*glares at James* I HATE YOU!!!!!! How could you sleep with my friend!
Huh? What? What did I do?! I never have slept with anyone!

James- Sorry. I'm just acting.^_^ I want to be an actress when I grow up. LOL I do that to my brother a lot like when he yells at me I start crying and he gets in trouble then I go to my room and cry some more only then it's because I'm laughin so hard.*kisses James on the cheek* Thanks for being a good sport.^_^
Oh! *laughs* You really had me there! Great acting skills! *hugs*

Jessi- My dad says I should be a doctor because I'm not a baby when it comes to slicin' people open, but I want to be an actress, and I dream of becoming the worlds everything. I think I'm related to you or something we have a lot in common. ^_^
You never know, maybe we’re long lost cousins! I remember all of my childhood dreams. I really wanted to reach to the moon. But I always believed, when you dream, dream big.

Butch-You don't think I'm weird for liking racist people do you? I really don't see what's wrong with 'em until they say something bad about me. Now guys on the other hand all I've heard about them is that they don't like how girls have feelings and all they ever think about is getting in bed with a girl. Trust me I eavesdrop a lot and that is the way guys are around me and I was thinkin' since your a "man" that you would be able to tell me if there is different guys.
Yes, just as there’s different girls, there are different guys. Not all guys care about sleeping with girls, maybe the immature ones do. Raging hormones can make us act like that sometimes. No, I guess I’m not mad. I just don’t like it when people make a discriminatory remark to someone else, because if I was in their shoes, I wouldn’t like it if someone said the remark to me.

all-Do you ever find yourselves doing weird things like I use to jump into the gym lockers at my old school and my friends and I use to get hi off of Coca-cola.
*laughs* Sometimes out of no where, I just start singing and dancing.
Sometimes I ask these weird questions right out of the blue. Like, “Did that plant just get up and wave its leaf at me?”
Wow! That is weird! One time, I went around asking everyone if they thought I was cute. You should have seen the weird looks I got.
A couple of times, whenever I talked, I used quotes from songs. Everything I said was a quote from a song.
Sometimes I just love eating large handfuls of sugar and salt. I get really hyper from the sugar and really thirsty from the salt.

all-I still do get hi off of coca-cola and I find myself calling my old friends and asking them if they have milk. I'm insane and an insane person needs a pack of coke and some friends who know how to party.Maybe I should write fanfics along those lines. YEAH!!!! I already started writing weird stories with you guys! Do you think Amanda would like 'em?
We get to be in more stories!
*laughs* I hope I’m doing weird stuff.
You probably are. Yes, she would like them, she’s weird herself.
Is there any chance I’m in it?

Mysty asks:

Both- What if some little kid ran up to you, screamed, "You didn't like the Lion King you stupid head!" then stepped on your foot?
Wow! That would be scary! I’m getting freaked out just by thinking of that. Hey… I sort of did like the movie…

James- What if some mysterious dude approached you one day and handed you a note saying: "I know what you did last summer"?
…stalker… *looks around* I’m scared…

Butch- How many licks does it take to get to the chocolaty center of a Toostie Pop?
*laughs* Let’s find out… Does anyone have a Tootsie Pop?
Um, I was planning to eat it later…but I guess it’s for a good cause. *hands Butch the Tootsie Pop*
Thanks! *rips off wrapper, begins licking and counting* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…22, 23, 24—Ahh! Finally! The chocolate! It took me 24 licks. Hmmm, but I remember one time it only took me 19 licks… *laughs* I guess the world will never know!

Both- Did you cry after seeing Lassie Come Home?
I bawled! I must have used up the whole box of tissues! It reminded me of Growlie!
Not a tear fell from my eyes.
Yeah right, Botch. No one can watch that movie without crying one tear. Admit it.
Okay, I admit it: I didn’t cry.
You did too! You had too!
But don’t you remember how happy everyone was at the end? Wasn’t it heartwarming?
I knew it!

Tasha asks:

Jessie) I'm sorry if I was mean to you. Forgive me?
It’s all right, I forgive you. No hard feelings.

Cassidy) Is your hair braided? If not, why is it straight and then kinda poofy-like at the end?
Nope, my hair is straight when it is like that, but I see what your saying. It does look like it’s braided since it poofs at the end. I use a lot of hair spray, and I mean a lot. Hidden in my hair are bobby pins, so that keeps my hair together. *smiles* Aren’t girls good at hiding things? Anyways, I then fluff the end out. I guess you can say my hair style is sort of a combination of pigtails, pony tails, and braided.

All) Where do you consider to be your home country, the USA, Japan, somewhere's else, Kanto, Jupiter?
I’m not sure, I seem to be at home where ever. As long as the people like me there, I won’t pick a specific country.
Well I would say either the USA or Japan. So I have to compromise by going in the middle, which is the Pacific Ocean. That’s my home country, er ocean.
*laughs* Good one! I guess where ever I’m appreciated, that will be my home country.
Did you know Cassidy that the martians on Mars appreciate you? So I guess that’s your home country. Oh wait! Girls don’t come from Mars, they come from Venus!
Shut up! You come from Planet X!
No, actually I come from all over the place. Where ever the TV show is shown, that’s my home country.
I guess I my home country is where Jess and Jim’s is.
I believe Japan is my home country since that’s the only place I’ve been shown.

Meowth) Sorry for the Petsmart joke, I truly dont think people would call you a freak! You'd be, well, a GENIOUS to me!
Yeah, dat’s true. Some humans don’t understand genius when dey see it. I’ll talk to my agent if I ever get an offer.

James) Glad you think Eric Stuart is a cool guy. His hair line is receding though. Hope that never happens to you.....
*gasps and grabs his hair* Not my hair!!!!
I hope not. I’ll miss his mop hairstyle. *ruffles James’s hair*

Butch) Did you know there is this kid on the power puff girls named Mitch Mitchelson who has the same voice as you!
Really? Are you serious? I’ve never watched that show before, but now I have an excuse.
*laughs* Botch watching the Power Puff Girls!
Hey! People who have different voices need to stick together.

I love you all! :)
Aw! We love you too! *hugs* Hey Botch! *drags Butch over* Give her a hug!
*groans but gives in by giving a hug*

Amadala asks:

cassidy - youre not fat!!! i think jesse weighs more than you do!!!
Hmph! There’s no way in the world that I way more than her!
Actually Jessie, I think there is a way. You do weigh more than me!
There’s no possible way!
Well anyway, thank you for not thinking that I’m fat.

Butch - are you mad becaues james turned around and look at the picture my friend drew even when you told him NOT to turn around?
Yes, I’m disappointed. Can’t a guy get any privacy around here? I guess not.
It was a cute picture of you Botch.
Please James, don’t treat it as a baby picture of me, okay?

cassidy - would help me tickle butch? i hold him down and you tickle!
Yeah! I think he needs a good tickling!

butch - can me and cassidy tickle you?
*tickles Butch*
*laughs* No! No!!! Stop!!!!
*stops tickling a few minutes later* There. I bet you feel better now.

butch - i think this picture has go to be the most beatifulest picture of you yet! ^.^
Hey! Yeah! I do look pretty good there! *smiles*
*blushes* Oh yeah…

JessieJamesMeowth2 (JJM2) asks:

James, If you had a girl, What would you name her?
I like the name Rose, that would be nice. But Jasmine also sounds pretty.
Butch, If you had a girl, what would you name her?
I never thought of this before. *thinks* Maybe Veronica or Matilda, I guess.

Jennie'oBunnie asks:

Meowth-your so kawaii *Hugz* Meowth if you had the chance to switch teams would you join Butch and Cassidy and leave Jessie and James?
*gives little hug* Dat would be a big change. I don’t think I could ever leave dem. Dey would miss me too much.
Don’t put words into our mouths!
See what I mean? Dey would die without me. I’d have to stay.

Jessie and James-What would you do if Pikachu died?
We base our whole life off of that mouse…we would be so bored.
Yeah, I don’t know what we’d do. Maybe we would get assigned to chase another kid for his Pokemon.
I suppose that’s what we’d do. I don’t imagine we would quit Team Rocket.

All-What do you think of Punk Rock and Ska music?
Hmm, that isn’t my type of music. I prefer soft rock.
I like punk rock, it’s really good. Now ska is a little different…
Rock’s okay, but I don’t like punk. Ska is original, and I sort of like the way it sounds.
I’ve never heard of ska before. Is it the 60’s-70’s Jamaican music? The reggae style or something? Anyways, punk is cool.
Um, I’m not really into those kinds of music.

All-Okay if you had to be one of the Twerps for a day who would you be?
Well, since there’s only one female twerp, I guess I’d have to be Misty.
Yeah, decisions decisions.
Brock seems more like my type than everyone else.
I don’t know. Either Brock or Ash, I suppose. Probably Brock, he seems smarter.
I would probably be Ash, that would be neat and fun being the star of the show.

Cleopatra asks

all-My teacher had a conversation with me in the middle of class about if one person does something then I should do it too.( that's what I think sometimes) She asked me if everyone was jumping off a cliff would I do it? I said yes, then she gave me detention! What happened to freedom of speech! I thought you were supposed to be truthful!>.< Same teacher that wants me to pretend to be a sick boy and I said I'll be sick if I have to act in front of everyone, the only difference between me and the boy is I'm a girl. I got another detention!
*laughs* Those remarks sound like stuff I would say to a teacher!
What an unfair teacher! She wanted the truth, and she got it!
Don’t worry, we know you’re right and the teacher’s wrong.
Aw, I’m sorry you have to suffer in detention. *hugs*
You didn’t do anything wrong, so I don’t see why you got in trouble.

Cassidy&Jessie-I took Midol for my monthly thing a couple of days ago and I looked like I was on drugs. That stuff is packed with caffeine! I was jumping like an idiot and I was twitching and stuff. It was weird.0.o I wonder what happens if you take that stuff with soda. LOL
Wow, that would be scary...
I don’t really want to find out.
Oh well, at least it took your mind off of the your monthly thing.
Yeah, that’s for sure. *to guys* You guys will never understand the torture each girl has to go through once every month!
Stupid boys.

Butch-Alright about the guy thing I have another reason why most men in my life are dogs(not all) My best friend and I used to date and when we did his older brother asked me to cheat on his younger brother with him. So basically I would be going with him and his brother! Alright I don't believe in that date one guy thing, see there's dating and dating exclusively, but what he was asking me to do was wrong!!!
Yeah, he was pretty bad. At least you didn’t give in to him. But probably every guy is sort of like that once in his life. I remember a few years ago when I was really girl-crazy. I was probably really scary.

Jessie-Was there a time when the other rockets would stare, and point at you, because of who your mother was?(Someone told me your mama was popular or somethin' like that.)
Yes, when I first joined, some of them did. However, I was honored because they weren’t making fun of me, they were staring because they were in awe that I’m the daughter of the best Team Rocket agent. Sometimes, so people still stare or point at me.

Jessie-All my moms friends (my friends too) say I look just like my mama. Do you get that a lot?
*smiles* Yeah, that happens a lot, too. I think some people get annoyed by that, which I understand because they want to look like their own self, not a copy of their parents. But again, I like being compared to Mommy, she was beautiful.

Mondo-Why do ya like Jessie so much?(that was a little blunt. Sorry.^_^;)
Yeah why?
*blushes* Um, uh, there’s something really special about her. She’s also really pretty. And funny. *blushes again* Must I go on?

Meowth-My cat thinks he's pimp daddy! He's got all these girlfriends wanting to get pregnant hanging around! Stupid females he's been fixed!!!!>.< It's even worse when a male cat comes around. My cat threw himself at the back door trying to get that other cat.O.o
*laughs* Sounds like a crazy kitty! He’s da ladies kitty!

all-None of you youngsters know what it's like to be a mother!!!!! Even though my child is a cat who doesn't have the sense god gave a goat, he's still like a human child! He wakes me up at 3 in the morning because he's hungry or he just wants to play and if u dare ignore him he puts his nose on a cut on your body. That huuuuuurrrts!!!! And if that does not work he feels the need to lay on top of your face!!!!!!!! WHY?!!!!
*laughs* We cat’s are like dat. We know it gets on your nerves. Aren’t we clever?
I wonder if Meowth was like that when he was younger.
I’m glad we’ll never have to find out, I wouldn’t like waking up at 3 am.
Tell me, do you ever wake up with a lot of hair on your face? Or mouth?
Ew, I hope not the mouth, humans aren’t supposed to get hair balls. *cringes* I can just imagine the feeling of his nose on a cut on my body…
Think of it this way, you’re getting practice in case you ever become a real mom.

Amadala asks:

butch - do you feel better after me and cassidy tickled you?
Yeah, actually I do. I think I maybe needed that tickling; it “revitalized” me. Thanks!

both - how are you?
Good, the week went by fast, and it’s the weekend.
Yeah, and plus we get a little vacation from duty, so that’s really nice.
Hmph, no vacation for us.

both - have you ever got suspended from school?
I don’t think I ever was.
Yeah, same here.
I did get detention a few times because I was always late to my first class. I can’t help it if I’m not a morning person.
I was slapped with detention because I was a smart alek, I always made these wity and sarcastic remarks to my teachers. They were so ticked off at me.

cassidy - one of my friend's friends is pregnant!
Really?! Wow! I don’t think I’ve had any friends that got pregnant so I don’t know what to say. Is she going to have the baby or have an abortion? No offense to anyone, but I hope she doesn’t have an abortion.

Butch - sorry if i asked you can we ( me and cassidy) tickle you in a mean way! i was just not feeling well that day and i was grumpy!!! i feel bad about that !(*cries*)
Oh no! Don’t cry! I don’t have any tissues! It wasn’t mean, like I said, I kind of did need the tickling.

cassidy - and i am soory if i asked if you would help me tickle butch in a mean way!! i am so very soory!!
Don’t feel bad, he will survive. He needs cool his temper down sometimes, so I think the tickling helped him.

both - we are still friends right?
Yeah, I don’t see why not.
There’s no reason not to be friends.

Kaitlin asks:

James --- Whoever says that you're gay 'cause your voice sounds gay is a dumb@$$! I happen to think you're voice is hot, and don't let peeps who say otherwise change your mind!
Thanks, I’m really happy that you think that. It hurts me when people say false comments about my sexuality.

Meowth --- You're the cutest kitty EVER!!!!! I LOVE YOU TO DEATH! YOU'RE MY FAVE POKEMON!!! *hugs you*
*hugs back* I’m glad I’m everyone’s favorite kitty! I may not be da top cat at Team Rocket, but I’m da top cat around here!

Everyone --- Can you guess who I am? I'll give you a hint: I'm the Zelda maniac. ^_~
Oooh! I remember you!
Yeah, just not the name.
Can you tell us?
Or give us another hint?
We forget things easily.

CrimCat45 asks:

Butch-- In resonse to the "tootsie roll" topic, my data says 817 licks. I have tried this several times, each time getting around 817 licks. Just thought you should know.
Wow! That’s a lot of licks! I guess it just depends on how much saliva you have. Speaking of which, does anyone have a tootsie roll with them? I can go for one right now…

All-- Have you ever thought that Domino might make a good addition to the page?
Give us some time.
Yeah, we need to think about this.
It would be interesting hearing her opinions…
But then we’d have to put up with her.
Contact us in a little while, I guess.

All-- What do you think of Domino?
She stole my flower idea!
Ugh, she seems like another snobby-Cassidy type.
She seems sort of bossy, like she’s going to push me around.
Yeah, if she doesn’t boss us around, then she could be cool.
I can’t really tell, I don’t know her that well.

Mondo-- Dontch thimk Domino is kinda cute?
In a way, she is. She looks prettier when she smiles and is happy.

All: do you use a computer? what are your favorite websites?
We use computers whenever we can. Or I do. I like websites that feature me or don’t put me down. I also love visiting music sites with downloads of songs.
Yes, I use a computer. I like going to Team Rocket sites and shopping online.
I remember when I was horrible around computers, but now I like them. I love going into chatrooms.
Yes, we all remember when you didn’t understand anything about computers. I like going to websites that talk about movies and stuff like that.
Yeah, I’m a computer freak. Especially with the internet. I don’t really have any favorite sites, I just loving surfing and seeing what’s out there and what other people like.

Krista asks:

all- can any of you say "you need New York, unique new York you know you need unique New York" fast?
You need New York, unique New York, you need you nee-- Oh well, I tried.
You need New York, you need-- Ooops.
You need New York, unique New York, you know you need unique York. Darn! I came close.
You need New York, unique need-- Aaaahhh!
You need New York, unique New York, you know you need unique New York. *sighs* I did it!

butch- what flavor was the tootsie pop you ate?
*scratches head* Hmmm, that was a while ago, I forgot. Wait! Hold on! *digs in trash can*
Ewww! How unsanitary!
Desperate times call for desperate measures. *pulls wrapper out of can* Ah! Here it is! It was orange flavored.

all- are any of you chocoholics? (I know James is but ne 1 else?)
Oh yeah! I love chocolate! You know that saying that diamonds are a girl’s best friend? That’s not true with me, chocolate is mine.
I like chocolate, but not enough to classify as a chocoholic. I have to admit though that I love getting big boxes of chocolate during the holidays.
Yeah, same here. I like chocolate because I have my own stash of chocolate bars. But I always preferred fruity and gummy candy more than chocolate.
I love chocolate a lot. It’s so good! I love eating chocolate bars with peanuts or almonds in them. Oh, I also love white chocolate.

Jessie, James, Butch and Cassidy- between you and your partner who's feet smell worse?
*points at James* Definitely his does! They smell bad especially after we’ve been walking all day long.
Yeah but yours smell really bad!
Okay, I’ll admit it that they do, but not as much as yours. Not even close.
Well you use that foot deodorant spray. So that’s not fair!
You should use it, James, then your feet will smell a whole lot better.
Cassidy’s feet smell more than mine.
Ew, no! Yours do.
Uh uh. If you walked by some plants in your bare feet, the plants would die.
You know, I thought I saw some moldy looking fungus growing in your boots.
*eyes go big* I really hope your kidding.

all- do any of you like kitties?
That’s an easy answer.
Yes, we both do. We have to in order to get along with Meowth.
Cats are okay, but I’m not a die-hard cat person.
Yes, I like kitties. I love all types of animals and pets. Especially little pets like rodents, which should be obvious since I have a Raticate.
Yes! Cats! I love them so much! They are so cute!

Jessie- were you anything like Helga as a kid?
*laughs* I guess you can say I was. I had my own little secret crushes when I was growing up. I annoyed and tortured guys that I liked.
And you still do.
Um, maybe…*blushes*

all- do any of you have any fav 80s sitcoms? like "threes company" or "diffrn't strokes"?
Growing Pains.
Three’s Company.
Family Ties.
The Wonder Years.

butch- what kind of smart aleky coments did you make in class? (my parents say im a smart alek too)
Okay, I’ll tell you a few. I did the normal, sarcastic remark: when the teachers asked a dumb question like “Isn’t this fun?” or something like that, I would yell “No!” I was only speaking the truth. When the teacher kept asking everyone “What’s the answer to the question?” I would always say “Why? Don’t you know the answer?” When the lectures got really boring, I would talk to my friends sitting next to me. When my teacher asked me if I wanted to share with the class, I said, “We were talking about how boring the lecture is and how you could be called a sleeping pill because you put everyone to sleep.” Sometimes I would be a minute or two late to class because I went to the bathroom. When the teacher asked me “Why were you late?” I said “I had to go to the bathroom. You wouldn’t want me wetting my pants during class.”

all- what is your favorite way to eat oreos?
I like taking the two cookies apart, and then I eat the one with the less frosting first. Then I eat the one with the more frosting.
I like to take the two cookies apart, lick the frosting off, and then eat both of the cookies.
I like to dip my oreos into milk and then eat them. No, I do not like to drink the milk that is left over and has cookie crumbs in it. Some people do, and I think that’s just weird.
Sorry, but I’m really boring. I just bite into my oreos. Nothing special.
*laughs* This is going to sound weird. Sometimes my friends and I play this game where we make a wish, and then we each grab onto one cookie, and then we pull the oreo apart. Who ever gets the most frosting, their wish comes true.

all- what do u like on your pizza?
Sausage, pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, basically everything.
Pineapple? Anchovies?
Uh, no almost everything but those.
I like pepperoni, ham, and peppers on my pizza.
Let’s see…lots of cheese and pepperoni. I also love onions and peppers.
Ew, I don’t like a lot of cheese. I prefer sausage and bacon.

james and butch- if you two were roomates like on "the odd couple" would you two be exactly like the odd couple (one is a neat freak the other is a slob, no offense guys)
Ha ha ha ha! I know which one I would be! The messy one! I speak for all of the messy slobs out there. I have to admit, I’m not the most organized person in the world. But Einstein wasn’t, so there.
Yeah, and I would be the neat freak. Everything would have a place in the house and it should not be lying on the floor. I don’t think Botch and I would get along very well if we were roommates.
*scoffs* I know we wouldn’t get along well.

all four- what do you like to see your partner wearing the most?
I like to Jessie wear her pretty and fancy clothes and dresses. It makes her look really pretty.
Cassidy looks the best in her normal, casual clothes. She looks good in her uniform, but she looks better in “street clothes.”
I like seeing James wear semi-formal clothing. Not suits, but a little more casual than that. But he does look nice in a tux.
I’ll be the oddball and say that I like seeing my partner in his uniform. For some weird reason, he looks really nice in it.

all- have you ever sang karaoke?
No, I can’t say that I have. But it sort of looks fun.
Yes! I have! Lots of times, as a matter of fact. I’m pretty good at it, too.
Yes, he is, I’ve seen and heard him. I have once or twice, but I’m not that great.
I’ve been to a few parties where I did some karaoke. I enjoyed it, it was really fun and hilarious.
Yeah, I have. I’m not that good at it, but that’s okay.
I don’t t’ink I ever officially sang karaoke. I sang on top of fences.

gotta go now guys be back another time heres some ring pops and oreos!
Oreos! *rushes to grab some*
Save some for everyone else! *grabs a ring pop* Here James, this can be your engagement ring for Jessie.
Ooooh! I wish someone would give me a ring like that for Christmas!
*sighs* You are impossible.
No, I’m just hungry.
Fine then, I’ll wear the ring as a fashion statement. Next thing you know, all the models in the magazines will wear them. I’ll start a trend.
*mouthful of cookies* Whatever, Botch.

Amadala asks:

cassidy - i dont know if my friend's friend is going to have an abortion or not..... i think she is going to carry the baby and give it up for adoption ..... would you keep the baby or not? i probally give it up for adoption... i dont know...
Raising a baby would be a lot of work and would take a lot of devotion. I don’t think I’m old enough for that yet. But if I did get pregnant, I would definitely carry the baby, I wouldn’t kill it. However, I would keep the baby after it’s born. I figure I should keep the baby because after all, I was the one who went through all of the pain and discomfort for 9 months.

both - do you know any other language besides english?
I know Japanese and Spanish.
I know a little Italian, a little Spanish, and a little French.

both - i know spanish and french!!
Cool! Same here! Even though I really doubt I’ll ever visit Mexico or France, those are still nice languages to learn.

cassidy - has a boy asked to go out with you the very first time he sees you and you know what he is up to? that was what happend to me! and i ended up ignoring him and he went away! ^.^
Oh yeah, that’s happened to me a couple of times. Most of the time, I end up turning them down. Not because I don’t like them, it’s just that we just met and I don’t feel like going out with someone that I just met 10 minutes ago. We barely know each other.

both - i traded my vaporean for a espeon! (*sniff*) i miss cloudy ( my vaporean)! but my espeon is cool... i think ill call her (its a girl) swifty cause she is so fast.... how do you like that name?
Awww! I’m sorry!
But Espeons are cool pokemon.
They’re probably one of the most powerful psychic pokemon.
Those are nice names, too!

RATZ asks:

mondo- i think u r really cute i hope i can come to the anime world to meet u someday "blushes"
I hope so! Wait a minute! *calls up airlines* Oh…sorry. I was asking if there was a plane to the anime world, but there isn’t. *sniffs* I’m sorry! *hugs* I hope that made you feel better.

Kaitlin asks:

Everyone --- OK, my name is the flower that James always carries around. This should be easy for you! :D
Yay! Rose!
Oh gee, that was hard!
*laughs* I don’t think it took a genius to figure that one out.
Oh! I thought it was Daisy! Just kidding!
Yes, that was very, very, very easy for us. Thanks!

Cleopatra asks:

all-Have you ever caught your partner spying on you?
Yeah, Cassie sometimes “casually” follows me around when I just want to be alone. She says that she’s just taking a walk, but I know she’s watching me.
How do you know? You’re always spying on me. I know you watch me in my doorway when I’m in my bedroom.
Hmmm, yes, I think I’ve heard James spy on me. One night when I was lightly sleeping, I could have sworn I heard a person in my room.
Um, it could have been Meowth. Anyway, Jessie is always snooping around in my stuff, so I think that considers as spying.

all-Have any of you ever wanted to go to a college? I want to go to Harvard University! When I get to be a senior in high school I'll go to a community college in the afternoon.^_^ There's only one problem. I'm still debating on what courses I should take. -_-
Yeah, I think it would nice to go to college so I can learn lots of stuff of what I like.
Knowing you, you need to learn all of that stuff. Yes, someday I want to go to college or a university.
I might think of attending a college when I quit Team Rocket. That way I’ll have more time.
Attending a college would be tough, but I think I’m smart enough to handle it.
I’m still young, but when I’m old enough, I probably will consider going to a university.

Jessi-You know how you told me to join an organization that I'm interested in so I could get good friends? Well my teacher is thinkin' about getting a drama club started, and I thought well since I make a good drama queen, why not join? It'll be sooo cool!
Wow! What a perfect coincidence! Sure, you have nothing to lose. Yeah, if you think it’s right for you, then I definitely think you should join.

Butch-Kiss Jessi please. I'm not a twistedshipper! I'm just weird. And don't do one of those chicken pecking kisses!
Um, er, uh, sure. *kisses Jessie*
So all of a sudden do you think you’re Mr. Cool now because you got to kiss Jessie?
*scoffs* No.
I don’t trust you.
This just in, I never have trusted you about anything.
Ha. I bet Jessie can’t even kiss well.
I can too!
No way, you have the kiss of death. Anyone you kiss dies. In that case, I better rush Butch over to the hospital.

all-I have a secret you all! Come closer, closer, closer, TO CLOSE! At my school this girl is bragging about how her boyfriend rapped her.O.o LOL I usually vomit when I hear about rape, but this time it was just to funny. She was bragging! *falls over laughing*.
That one girl is sort of weird.
She’s probably one of the few people who would brag about getting raped.
That’s too scary, I’m not even going to say anything.
*laughs* Okay…
I don’t know if getting raped is anything to brag about. That’s a first!

all-Is there one thing that makes you extremely sick when you hear about it on TV or in the newspaper? Not terrorist attack! Besides that.
I hate when I hear that animals are being abused like getting set on fire or body parts purposely getting cut off. That’s so disgusting, don’t people have hearts for animals?
Rape makes me really sick. Why do guys think that they can go and hurt us girls like that? It’s so stupid how they can think they can take advantage of us like that.
I always hate hearing about smuggling in drugs and people using illegal drugs. Don’t people have to spend their money and life on more important things besides stupid addictions on a stupid drug? I guess not.
I feel sick when I hear about domestic abuse. It’s really scary knowing that there are people out there wanting to hurt others. It’s also really sad that many cases of domestic abuse are never reported.
I never like to hear about people getting kidnapped. I feel so bad for the kids who are stolen by some creeps. I would be terrified if some stranger stole me and I wouldn’t know what my future would end up being.

Butch-You wanna know why I've been sounding feminist? Well it's because I freak out when I'm alone with guys. They always end up harassing me! Even if it's my friends! You know that guy that wanted me to cheat on his little brother with him? I found out that he was sexually harassing an eight year old girl! I talked to the girl and she didn't understand why he was groping her, all she knew is that she didn't like it! That is what makes me extremely sick! Hearing that this loser guy is rapping women and then he dare lay his eyes on Cleopatra!well, he's got another thing comin'! *goes insane* Alright calming down. ANGER RISING! Down. Ok I'm fine now.(Don't worry I've only been harassed, nothin' more.) That my friend, was things taking place a year ago. It's semi-over, I still have to put up with my brother's friend. ANGER RISING! Good grief, I hate how I even have to keep my guard up around my brother's friend. Well as I was saying those bad experiences are over leaving me stronger than before, but I'm still afraid to go around guys on my own. (for that reason only) I'm starting to get over that fear.
Those are bad experiences, that’s for sure. Ew, that one guy was really sick. When I was growing up, I knew some guys that were like that. Fortunately, I don’t know them anymore. I’m glad that you were never seriously hurt. If you were, I would seriously hurt them.

all- I don't know who said this, but this quote helped my whole life,"Adversity builds character." Just that simple easy to remember quote has gotten me through the hard times. You guys seem to have the hardest times and I just want to say, don't pity yourself and don't let people pity you.
Okay, I’ll remember that the next time we get put down…
…and when we blast off…
…and when we lose a pokemon battle…
…and when we go to jail…
…and when…um, I think we ran out of situations.

Meowthkid asks:

1. First question goes to Meowth: Have you ever been in love in anyone else but Meowzy? And just to tell you: You are SOOO cute, you are my favorite poke'mon.
Yay! I’m your favorite! *sigh* I love bein’ wanted. *laughs* As ya know, I used to like Cassandra, but after dat, I gave up lovin’ humans. I t’ink when I was younger and still out on da street, I liked another Meowth dat was also in a Meowth street-cat-gang.

2. This one is for James: On a beautyscale from one to ten what do you think Jessie is?
*mutters* It better be high…
Easy! 11! A 10 isn’t good enough for her.
*blushes and smiles*

3. Hey James, Jessie my Meowth is holding a misteltoe, and you guys are under it! Now you wouldn't want to break a tradition would you?
Um, but it isn’t Christmas yet!
That’s okay. I don’t have the heart to break tradition. As a matter of fact, this is my favorite tradition! Know why? *gives Jessie a big smooch on the lips*
*blushes* Everyone’s looking…

4. Butch- Why don't you kiss Cass too, we don't want her to feel left out now, do we?
Yeah! Don’t forget about us!
To save us the embarrassment, I was sort of hoping you would have forgotten…but oh well!
*gives Cassidy a light, but tender kiss*

5. Mondo- I know you like Jessie, but have you ever had a thing for Cassidy. And Cassidy- what would you think of that?
I never got to really know her. She has the same characteristics as Jessie, so maybe she wouldn’t be so bad.
Don’t compare me to…her!
I’m only telling the truth!

6. all- what's your favorite movie?
Mission Impossible
Con Air
Green Mile
Robin Hood

Semper Mae Riko Bishoujo Person Lady asks:

For Butch:
Hey, buddy! You know, before I saw the episodes with you in them, I was told by several ignoramuses that your voice was horrible. Then I saw "Pikachu Revolts" and "Fortune Hunters" and thought to myself, 'Okay, what's wrong with his voice? It's fine!' So don't listen to the idiots. Don't listen to James either. (Note the distinction. I love James too.) And by the way, aren't you glad James calls you 'Botch' instead of ... another word that um, Jessie and Cassidy called each other (repeatedly) in my fic, "Billy is a Fun Word to Say?" Give you a hint, it has a 'B' and a 'tch' in it too. O_o Back on topic though, I'll bet people made fun of Joe Cocker's voice too, but no one's laughing now, except when they listen to "You Are So Beautiful" and they get to the end where he tries to hit that high note but he can't and now I'm rambling like a psycho because that's the way I do things! On to the next question!!
Thanks for having faith in my voice. As long as I like the way I sound, that’s all that matters. Screw all of the people who hate my voice! Oh yeah, it’s a very good thing James didn’t call me…that. It was for his own good.

For Cassidy and Jessie:
Someone may have already asked about this, but I'm too lazy to go check, so what would y'all (yes I'm Southern) say your theme songs would be? You can have more than one. I personally have at least three that I can name off the top of my head. "That Don't Impress Me Much" by Shania Twain, "No Scrubs" by TLC, and "I'm Gettin' Nuttin' For Christmas" by someone-I-can't-remember are three that I can name off the top of my head. Oh! And the "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" song by the Laziest Men On Mars. ^_^ I think a theme song for you two's relationship could be "I Hate Everything About You" by Ugly Kid Joe. Honestly. You two act just like my best friend and I act around each other! ~_^
I think “B*tch* by Meredith Brooks could be my theme song.
What?! That’s mine! It describes me perfectly!
No, yours can be “Barbie Girl” by Aqua.
*scoffs* I don’t think so!
*laughs* Hey, I also like “No Scrubs.” That’s another good one for me.
Oh! “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child describes me, too.

For everyone:
Have y'all seen the comic "Sluggy Freelance" by Pete Abrams? ( If not, you should go check it out and become addicted. I think y'all might be able to relate to some of the situations the characters get into, I know I can. (i.e., explosions, near-death, destruction, chaos in general...) You'll learn a lot from it too. Thanks to Sluggy Freelance, I can recap an entire plot-line in one breath, keep my sense of humor in horrible circumstances, (i.e. my dog getting her leg turned to hamburger by my best friend's car, (then getting put to sleep) and finding a dead squirrel in a water-bucket) and I can also sense when someone is possessed by the pun-demon. (*coughJessieandJamescough*) What am I talking about? Go to and find out. (No, I am not getting paid for this.)
Okay, hold on a moment. *goes on-line*
Darn dial-up! Hurry up! Ah! Finally!
*laughs* Hey! This place does look hilarious!
This one about e-mailing souls and spam is funny.
Whoa…this place is crazy….

For Mondo:
What a nifty person! Come on, buddy, let's go to the mall and watch people go by. (*grabs Mondo and drags him off, while looks helplessly at Jessie, James and the others.*)
Um, okay. What else can I say? *goes to the mall* Uh, okay…there’s a lot of interesting people here… *looks at some people* Um, that one person’s clothes didn’t fit well… That one kid doesn’t look too happy… Now that kid looks too happy… Hey! That person was wearing a cool shirt!

For Wobuffet:
(*Hugs him*) Aaaaw! You're not useless, no matter what those rotten twerps say! Their pokemon can't use counter-attack! I love you little buddy!
Wobb! Wobba wo wobb! *gives a little hug*
What da blob is saying is dat he tries to be as strong as possible and it makes him sad when people are frustrated with him. He also says dat he loves ya too.

For the best Meowth in the world:
From cat-lover to cat, would you like to go out with one of my female kitties? I have two who are just infatuated with you. One of them is obsessive compulsive, but the other one is ... normal, or as normal as she can be considering I'm her owner. o_O Anyway, if you don't want to go out with them, that's okay too. Hang on a minute... all right, my three male cats want to know if you want to go fishing with them sometime. Before you say yes, I must warn you, fishing with them means beer, belching, crude jokes and so on. (I have hick cats) (*cats attack Mae*)
Ow! Hey! Y'aa-aall! Enough with the fury swipes! Agh! Medic!
Ah! You must be talkin’ about me! Da ladies like me, huh? I’ll t’ink about it, dis kitty has a busy life. I’ll see if I can get a weekend off to go fishing with da guys.

For Jess and James:
As perfect as your kids would be, I'd recommend not having them. They're a pain in the neck. (Advice from an overworked nursery volunteer. ~_~)
I’m already stressed out just thinking about it.
Aw! But that’s the whole fun part! I wouldn’t want as many children as there are at a nursery, only a few. So that should help cut down on the stress. But watching over the kids all day and then going to bed exhausted is worth it.

For Jim-Bob, Mary Jo, Lily and Billy: (James, Jessie, Cassidy, and Butch)
I hope that y'all never start being nice to each other because you wouldn't be nearly as funny that way. My friends, family and I are mean to each other all the time for that very reason. (Lovely little bunch, aren't we? You should see us at funerals...)
*laughs* I don’t think you have to worry about that.
I don’t see anything happening in the future anytime soon that would make us get along.
I guess we are funny arguing all the time. I’m glad you like it!
Yeah, and if anyone doesn’t like it, too bad! We won’t change!

For everyone:
I'm thinking of doing a self insertion fic. Somebody please stop me! This is evil! Must ... resist ... evil ... thoughts. Neep!
Control yourself!
Don’t give in!
*laughs* Try to resist the force!
Don’t listen to the evil voice!
Use self control!

On a more serious note for Jess and Cass:
All right, there's this guy in my SGA (SGA corrupts your soul) who had been following me around: calling everyday, emailing, trying to invite himself over, (I always said no) and showing up at my church unexpectedly. In his emails, he would moan and groan about how no one cared and his heart had been broken so many times (manipulation) and it was getting on my nerves. I told him to 1) Quit following me, and 2) Don't even come near me. Then I ignored him. Thank God he got the hint. I did, however recognize his symptoms of depression, and I spoke to the SGA president about it. Hopefully he'll take my advice and seek medical and psychological help for this.
Now, this wasn't just another excuse to talk about myself, (although it was partially) I also want everyone to know that if they know someone who might be going through depression, please tell someone in higher authority about it so that they can get help. If higher authority won't do it, then confront them yourself in a kind way. Depression is not a joke. Take it from a girl who's been there.
Wow, thanks for the story! Yes it’s true, depression is horrible.
Especially because a lot of people ignore the signs and symptoms of when someone is depressed. That always leads to trouble.
Yeah, good for you for telling someone about the boy’s problem.
Poor guy, I hope he did go to help for his depression.

Leah asks:

meowth: i happen to know a very cute female meowth named Jade who likes you. you interested?
Ah! More admirers! Tempting… Tell her I’ll t’ink about it! How cute is she?

butch: whats the sweetest birthday present cass ever got you? (be honest...)
I need to think for a moment. Um, okay! This may seem dumb, but oh well. She gave me a stuffed frog named Froggie and she said I was her little frog. No, I was not insulted, I took it as a compliment.

cass: whats the sweetest birthday present butch ever got you? (be honest...)
Butch gave me a very pretty platinum charm bracelet, complete with sweet little charms. There’s a little heart, a charm with my name on it, another with Best Friends Forever, and a little charm of a Raticate.

jesse: whats the sweetest birthday present james ever got you? (be honest...)
He gave me a dozen red roses, a dozen white roses, chocolate roses, rose-scented perfume, rose-scented hand lotion, rose-colored nail polish, rose-scented air freshener, and rose-scented candles.

james: whats the sweetest birthday present jesse ever got you? (be honest...)
Jess took me out to dinner at a nice romantic and peaceful restaurant where the food was delicious and we were even serenaded. Later, she gave me a big box of yummy chocolates for dessert.

raticate: how did you feel when b+c abandoned you at the breeding center? have you patch things up? (meowth, translate)
Cate! Raaaah cate. Cate. Raa.
He said that he was devastated when his master abandoned him. He didn’t talk to her for a long time. He eventually forgave her when he found out that she wouldn’t give him cheese anymore.

butch: have you noticed that you and rowen (from ronin warriors) are the only two guys in anime with blue hair?
Really? Wow! *laughs* We’re special! How cool is that? Yeah, actually I have seen pictures of him. But I like my hair more. Hmph.

b+c: you guys have the same bangs, did you notice that? (a pic to prove this would be great...)
Yeah, I bet Butch copied me.
I didn’t! I had the idea first!
No, I thought of the idea! When you saw my hairstyle, you loved my bangs so you made yours the same way.
Uh uh. You noticed that I was getting a lot of compliments about my hair so you changed your hair so you could get compliments.
Oh what the heck, I don’t remember.
Yeah, I guess great minds think alike.

Eevee asks:

Cassidy and Butch, I have noticed that you two act just like Jessie and James did in the very beginning of the show. Does that mean that if the show keeps going for about... *thinks* uh... five years more, you two will end up just like them?
Oh my gosh! I hope not!
I don’t want to be just like them.
Yeah because if we are like them, we’ll lose our common sense…
…and act lovey-dovey.
You guys don’t have as much common sense as we do and you two act lovey-dovey.
Just you wait, you will act just like us.

Butch and James... in Norway, you know the country that kills of cute little seal babies, caused the evils of Henrik Ibsen and M2M upon the world and have a man who said that the USA shouldn't have the Olympic games because of the war in Afghanistan, both of you by some astonishing miracle managed to change voices! Now, that isn't really the interesting point, that is that from James have a great voice and Butch having a... well not all that bad one, James got a just HORRIBLE one (*hides head under pillow*), and Butch's was just plain CUTE! Comments?
*laughs* Ha ha ha ha! The tables are finally turning!
Aw! That’s not fair! People shouldn’t hate my voice.
Welcome to the family.

Okay this is for all of you (or whoever knows the answer) is Mandy the astonishing a Team Rocket member? He has weird hair and Team Rocket eyes... and the same goes for Sabrina! Well, her hair isn't bad but her eyes are Team Rocke styled, and when you blew up ALL other Kanto gyms (perhaps not Koga's I don't remember), you spared hers!
To my knowledge, they aren’t in Team Rocket. But they could be, there are a lot of people who are in Team Rocket and I don’t know them. But I hope that Mandy isn’t in it….
Are you getting jealous? Are you losing your cool?
Huh? No, no. I’m not. I just don’t like him. He shouldn’t have been flirting with Jessie…

Talking about eyes, no offense, but Mondo, why don't you have Team Rocket eyes? And neither had Domino.
No offense taken. I know my eyes aren’t similar, but I like my eyes. I think I would look strange if my eyes had that Team Rocket style. Really strange. *shrugs* I guess something happened with my genes and I came up with the eyes I have now.

Jessie, if you HAD to choose either of them, who would you rather get together with: Butch, Cassidy or Ash?
Oh. No. This is going to be very hard.
You better not pick me.
Shut up! Did you actually think I was? No way!
That’s a relief.
Um, Ash is young, really young. He’s too young for me.
Ew, not you!
But you are the least of the three evils, so I guess I’ll have to choose you.
*gives Jessie a deadly look and mutters bad words*
I don’t like him!

Err... whoever wants to answer: What should Misty do with her hair? 1. Dye it black, like in the manga 2. Shave herself bald 3. Grew it long and then braid it
I say she should go with the military look and shave all of her hair off! *laughs* That would serve her right for laughing at me when I got my hair chopped off.
*laughs* I can imagine her bald! But I also think she should age really fast and die her hair gray or white!

Jessie, James and Meowth, people who meet him more or less every day, does Brock have eyes or not?
Um, uh, I think he has eyes.
They’re just really, really slanted.
I t’ink if you look really closely, you can see dem. Ya got to get really, really, really close to him.

Jessie and Cassidy: It seems like Brock prefers Joy as Tracey prefers Jenny (I might be wrong with this), and a friend of mine and I figured Jenny was the prettier, but tell me, who is the best looking one of Joy and Jenny?
Ew, both of them are ugly.
Just like you, Cassidy?
We’re talking about Joy and Jenny, not me.
They both look very similar, they have the same faces. But Jenny has better hair. So I guess Jenny.

Meg1cool asks:

Hi! I have a question for James! first of all, I LOVE YOU!! I HAVE A DOLL AND EVERYTHING!! As for, My sis has her and we banged her around the paint is chipping off her face....Anyway, here's my question: If you could go out with ANY of the Inner Sailor Scouts, that would be Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, which one would you choose? I KNOW IT'S SAILOR MERCURY!! I have three dolls of her! (i made the smallest be u and her kid! although i made others up in my comic books.)
*laughs* Jessie literally needs plastic surgery!
Tough question. Well, Sailor Mercury is smart and nice and there’s nothing wrong with her so I guess I would go out with her. Even though her hair isn’t long, it’s still pretty.

Amadala asks:

Cassidy - i love the movie titanic too! (*sniff*) it was kinda sad!
I didn’t cry at the part where Jack dies, but I felt very bad for Rose. I don’t know how I would survive if my boyfriend died like that. I would think that there’s no hope, and if I was crazy enough, I might have drowned or froze myself out there.

both - im not meaning this to be a rude question ....but.....dont you guys ever cry?
Yeah, we cry…
…just not out in public.
That’s the difference between us and James and Jessie.
We don’t show our true emotions to everyone and the public.
When we cry or feel emotional, it’s normally in private with no one around.
I would feel sort of uncomfortable showing my emotions to everyone.

butch- is james still bugging you?
Oh yeah! The day he stops bugging me will probably be the day the world ends. *laughs* Wherever we go when the world ends, James will probably be annoying me.

both - what did you do on halloween?
Oh let’s see, we went to a Team Rocket Halloween party.
Yeah, it was a costume party. It was a lot of fun!
I went as a ninja…
…and I went as a go-go dancer.

both - whats your favorite holiday?
*laughs* My favorite holiday is my birthday! It’s an entire day devoted to me! I get a lot of presents and cake and all of the great birthday goodies. But my favorite normal holiday is probably Christmas.
Yeah, same here. On Christmas we get a lot of presents and we get to eat a lot of food. Another nice thing is we get a vacation from duty in Team Rocket.

both - how are you?
Okay, I guess. I’m a little tired and stressed out. But I’m not angry or anything.
Yeah, things are going pretty good for me, I can’t complain. I desperately need a vacation from Team Rocket, however. I need to relax.

CorgiGirl asks:

both - Do either of you play a musical instrument? I play the violin. If you don't play, then what would you like to play? I always pictured Butch as the kind of guy who'd play a saxophone or the drums or the bass, and I always pictured Cassidy as the kind of girl who'd play the keyboard or the piano.
Yeah, I play the clarinet. I don’t really enjoy playing an instrument, but my parents made me join the school band. But I love playing my guitar.
Actually, I played the flute when I was younger and I took piano lessons too. I was pretty good at both.

both - Can you tell me how you guys met?
Oh, I need to think about this…it was a long time ago. Well, not that long ago. I believe it was when I first came to Pokemon Tech.
Yeah, I think that’s when it was. We went to a “welcoming” party and we met there.
We were by ourselves, sitting away from everyone because the party was really lame.
We started to talk about how horrible the party was, and then we started to talk about ourselves.

butch- If it came right down to the line, and Cassidy was really sick like she needed somebody to donate a kidney to her, do you love her enough that you would do that for her?
Sure, I could spare a kidney for her. It would be worth going through all of the risks of surgery. I would feel miserable if I didn’t donate to her.

cassidy - Same question. Do you love Butch enough to do that for him?
*sighs and blushes* Yeah, I guess I do. It would be a very good way to prove my feelings for him.

Kitty asks:

J&J- Did you guys know that there's an adult version of Pokemon, and Jessie, your boyfriend is Gary!? James you have a girlfriend named Lily, and she's got a bun in the oven! You guys aren't in love either, I don't even know if you're friends!
Ew! Not Gary! He’s….a twerp!
I’ve seen pictures of Lily! I’m sorry, but she reminds me of Jessiebelle. I would never like her. I’m happy with my life now…with Jessie.

Jessie & Butch- Ok, I'm a BIG Twistedshipper, and I really think you guys make a good couple! I'm a way bigger Rocketshipper, but I still sometimes wish you guys were together! Cus you two are so alike, it's scary! I guess that's probably the reason why you guys didn't stay together, right? Cus opposites attract more than alike?
We are alike, we both believe the same things, and we both act the same. We didn’t balance each other out. Cass and I have similar personalities, so we don’t balance each other out well. But there’s always exceptions to sayings.
James and I are almost exact opposites, so I guess that’s why we’re together. We balance each other.
Yeah, that’s right. You stay with James…
Okay, okay. Geez. Don’t get so touchy about it.

Jessie & Butch- While you guys were together, did you have strong feelings for eachother, or was it like you were just going out just to say u were? See I think you guys weren't exactly in love, but close to it, cus it doesn't seem like you would go out with somebody you don't care about, right?
We were going out because we had a lot in common. We could talk about a lot of topics and agree and relate to them.
But we didn’t love each other. We just liked each other enough to go out. So that’s why the relationship didn’t last very long.

J&B- Was the other one a good kisser? Lol, poor Jess, I could just imagine Butch practically choking you with his tongue!
*stares daggers*
*laughs* Butch knew better. But he did kiss well.
We can sue him if he did choke you.
*rolls eyes* James… Yeah, I have no complaints on the way she kissed.

J&J- Is the other a pretty good kisser? ^_~
*blushes* Hmm….yes….
Yes, Jessie kisses well.
She’s nice and gentle.

James- Ok, we all know you're usually pretty gentle aroun Jess, but are there ever times where you just gotta surprisingly sweep her in your arms and give her a nice big smooch?
*blushes* Yes, I have to admit, there are some times when I want sweep her off her feet and give her a nice big kiss on the lips. I haven’t gotten the courage to do that recently.

Butch- Umm, ok, why do you still act flirty around Jessie? I mean, I'm not even close to being a Neoshipper, but you bearly pay Cass any attention, and she's your partner! I would be mad if I were you Cassidy!
Thanks for telling him! Sometimes it takes someone else to get some sense back into his head.
Yeah, Botch. Kiss and make out, er, I mean make up with Cassidy.
I don’t think I flirt too much with Jessie. But whatever. *hugs Cassidy and kisses her*

Jessie- Even though you're not very fond of any of your ex's, is there atleast one that treated you well, and that you kinda liked more than the others? Like Chopper, or Butch, or somebody? (I would name more, but those are the only two I know)
I’ll have to admit; Chopper and Butch were the nicest ex’s that I had. They didn’t break my heart unlike the other guys. I still feel depressed and sad when I think about how my heart was hurt. At least when I stopped going out with Chopper and Butch, I didn’t feel sad and worthless.

Jessie- Are there ever anytimes where you get so depressed over all your failers, that sometimes, you just wanna dissapear, or do something bad to yourself? I've felt like that very many times before, and I sometimes still do, and I really hate feeling like I'm nothing.
Yeah, I feel really bad when we don’t succeed. I start to think it’s my entire fault. Then I start wishing that I didn’t join Team Rocket and that I should do something else with my life so I’ll be happier. But then I realize that my life would be much better in Team Rocket because I am with my friends. If I quit Team Rocket, whom would I hang out with? I would be alone, but in Team Rocket, I’m not alone.

Jessie- How did you get over your depression? Did you have any friends help you, or did you do it on your own?
My friends gave me hope and encouragement to get over the depression. Without them, I wouldn’t get out of depression. With the encouragement, I was able to get out of it. But I had to have the motivation to overcome my depression. That I had to get on my own.

Meowth- Do you ever get mad at Jess and Jim cus they sorta use you for contests, or for some of their plans? It would make me mad, but what do you say to them?
Yes, I get a little angry at times. Who wouldn’t? Sometimes I t’ink that dey should do da contests on dere own. I tell dem dat a lot of times. But we’re a team, so we gotta stick together. Jimmy cross-dresses for Team Rocket so I figure I can go along and enter da silly contests for Team Rocket.

Jessie-I know where you get your good looks from, your Mom! She's sooooo beautiful Jess, and your even prettier!
Aw! Thanks! I love being compared to her! Mommy was really pretty and if she was alive now, I bet she’s still really pretty. If she’s an angel, then I know she’s the most beautiful one.

James- Ok, you probably don't wanna be reminded ofyour parents, but I think your Mom's pretty too! She's beautiful, and she has a real pretty voice! I think you get your looks from your Mom too.
Thanks. At least I inherited good looks from them, and not their personalities. In my opinion, she would have a nice voice but it reminds me of *shudders* Jessiebelle.

Jessie-There's this really good fic by Corrie Falls, and it's about you and Jessiebelle getting into a real big fight, and you get all these bad bruises and scars! I would hate for that to happen to you, but how would you deal with it?
I would feel horrible. I would think that I am so weak that I can’t even defend myself. I probably would send James out to get revenge on her because she would deserve it. I hope this never happens.

James-Ok, so there was that one time when you hit Jessiebelle, right? Well, even thought you're a gentleman, would you still ever sock her for good reason?
Yes! If she hurt me or my friends, then that’s a very good reason to sock her. I would not stand for her hurting any of my friends.

All- Ok, you know what gets me mad about the twerps!? They call you idiots and losers, but they're the ones that always fall for your plans! Ok, if you ask me, I think THEY'RE the idiots!
*applauds* Well said!
Yeah! We don’t fall for their plans.
Thank you for backing us up!
I wish everyone else watching us would think the same way.
Maybe someday everyone will realize how ignorant the twerps are…

Jessie-For the hundreth time, you are the coolest!
*laughs* Thank you so much! I appreciate that so much. I guess I’m not the only one who thinks that I’m the coolest.

James-Have you heard that new song "Every Other Time" by LFO? I was listening to it, and it totally reminds me of a song you would sing towards Jess, how 'bout you?
Yeah! I’ve heard that song before! It does remind me of Jess because that girl is always giving the guy a hard time, but deep down she loves him. *sighs*

Jessie & James- Omg, you guys are amazing! I love the way you make Meowth dress up in cute little costumes! And in that one episode were Susie comes back, you made him look great! I't amazing how you can take an ugly dirty Meowth, and make it look great! (lol, just joking Meowth)
Yeah, we are pretty good at that.
We should go on one of those shows that have those before-and-after people.
We could take a plain looking person, get some nice looking clothes, and practically transform them into a pretty-looking person.
We could make so much money!
As long as it’s not me…

Jessie & Cassidy- Ok, since I know you're not scared of Butch and James, are there any guys n TR that do sorta scare you? (Besides The Boss)
There’s a lot of creepy guys in Team Rocket.
Yeah, the kind of guys I was taught as a little girl to avoid.
I hope I never, ever have to be paired up with them or work with them.
Trust me, they’re really scary. I always get the chills when I’m near them.

Krista asks:

J+J- sorry but i have to say this, James, you look so cute with glasses on! especially the little ones you wore in the disguise when you were amsej LOL. Jessie what do you think of him in his glasses? he wears them for reading right?
Thanks, I’m glad you like them! I don’t really like wearing them too much. The glasses begin to irritate me after awhile, probably since I don’t wear them regularly, only sometimes for reading.
Yeah, I like them a lot. He looks really good in glasses! I told him once that he should wear them more often, but he doesn’t.

all- do you have an innie or an outie belly-button?
Um, innie.
Yeah, innie.
Innie, too.
*sighs* Why do I always have to be the odd one out? Outie.

d jess and cass- do u like to see your partner with his shirt off?
*blushes* Oh my gosh.
*laughs* Yeah…I have to be honest…he does have a nice chest…
*smiles* Yes! His chest may not be really muscular, but it still looks cute!

butch- I told off my economics teacher! he was explaining competition and he said "lets say its like a girl that two boys want" and I yelled "hey we aren't possetions!" and he everyone (even the males) yelled with me and he yelled for us to shut up. LOL another time I called him a discriminant for not letting a girl in our class for wearing a "yankees" t-shirt (i live in arizona) and when he said that he can throw ne 1 out for drawing attention in class i told him "lots of things you say draw attention can we throw you out?" what do u think?
*laughs* Oh that was great! I’m sorry I missed all of the fun! I agree, the teacher should be thrown out. I would love to go see him and make fun of him since he’s being such a jerk.

butch and cassidy- did you go to your senior prom? if so did you go together?
Heck no.
Proms are for couples who are all lovey-dovey and mushy.
Definitely not for us.
*rolls her eyes*

all- thanks for giving me answers on what to do about that mean girl ^_^ my REAL friend is gonna help me if I want her to
Your welcome!
Yes, we don’t mind helping.
No problem.
You have questions, we have answers.

B+C+J+J- do u like babies or kids better?
Kids are much better. They don’t cry in the middle of the night.
Yeah, that’s true, but babies are more fun for some reason.
Babies are cuter!
But you don’t have to change a kid’s diaper.

all- what is something you dont like to wear?
I don’t like wearing hats, they always mess up my hair. I hate hat hair!
Hah! I don’t like wearing briefs! *laughs*
Uh, Butch! I hate wearing pants. I don’t like the way they feel when they touch my legs.
This may sound weird, but I hate wearing belts. I feel like I’m being strapped in or squeezed.
My boots, I hate wearing them. They feel like an oven, my feet are burning so much when I take off my boots. Give me sneakers and tennis shoes any day.

all- I got a new kitty! wanna hold her? her name is Diana.
I wanna hold her! *holds Diana* Awww! She’s so cute!
She is!
*pets Diana* And soft!
You’re lucky! I want a kitty!
Take Meowth.
We won’t miss him.
*gasp* Really? Can I take you, Meowth?
Uh, it’s okay.

butch- was there anything in your boots?
No, I don’t think so. Maybe a few pebbles or something like that. I hate when I get those in my boots. *sighs* No money or anything like that.

james and butch- did you ever win a teddy bear or something at the fair for your partner?
Yeah! I always have so much fun! Whenever we go to the fair, it’s a tradition. We can’t go home until I won something for Jessie.
Yes, I won stuffed animals before at those little booths at the fair. I always want to keep the prize, but I give in to Cassie’s pleading.
Oh don’t let him fool you. He’s not that disappointed giving me the prize.

james- what kind of donuts do u like? I like the glazed kind and the powdered kind
Oooh! I loved the ones that are dripping with the glaze! I also loved the ones that are gooey with chocolate icing. I love the ones that are filled with so much jelly that no matter what you do, you end up making a mess.

Cleopatra asks:

all-My friends think I'm weird! I tell them I'm a little everything. I have sarcasm and I can see the humorous side of everything. Come sept. 11 I was crying in laughter. O.o (I scare myself sometimes) I couldn't help but laugh! It started during 4th period when I was going to band class, we didn't get to play 'cause the tv was on and the band director told us to pull up some and chairs and watch. He explained what was happening, and the kids (I don't consider myself a kid) were so confused! (Shows how immature they are! >.<) I got in trouble because I was making sound effects of buildings crashing down. No fair! It wasn't like I died anyway! I would be crying like a baby if I didn't do those funny things to keep myself happy! My school is so obsessed with wanting people to see the hurt and pain! ::shakes fist:: Well my point is what do you think of my way of cooping with the "tragedy" ?::does that finger quote thingy:: I actually think I might be the immature one, but who's countin'.
Yeah, everyone responded differently to the tragedy.
It probably was your own way of coping with it.
Your way of coping with the tragedy is a little different, but it’s better than hiding your emotions inside.
Yeah, then you would get stressed out and depressed.
If that’s your way of dealing with tragedies, then I don’t think you should have gotten in trouble.

all-How do you gals and guys like my fic so far? Gee Jess I think I made you to much like me in it. ::laughs::
That’s okay, I’m honored!
Yeah, I thought the fic was funny! But I’m not anorexic.
*smiles* It’s great! I needed a good laugh.
Yeah! The humor is great!
Yay! A fic with me in it!

all-Have you all had pets before?
I never had a real pet before, only pokemon.
Growlie! He was my pet!!
*sighs* No, I was to poor to afford a pet.
Mmm hmm. I had some gerbils and hamsters when I was younger.
Yeah, I had a lot of pets when I was growing up. But never a cat…

all-I have my cat Alex, my poodle Misty (I love her name so no comment please!), I used to have a mouse, PITA (Stands for Pain In The A**) my dad took a month trying to catch that little mouse runnin' around in our house (yes he's a wild field mouse), but he's dead now 'cause Alex decided to knock his cage over and eat him. >,< Dumb cat! oh well.
Cat instinct!
Awww! Poor mousie!
I’m sorry! I would cry if my pet died.
*laughs* Nice name!
*sighs* At least Meowth doesn’t do things like that.
I don’t care if cats do that, I still want one!

Butch-I remember me reading a question from someone else who was curious as to what instruments that you and the others would like to play. You said you would want to play a clarinet, well I just have to say, I PLAY A CLARINET! It's soooo fun!^_^ It's so hard to play it's funny! The really high notes (register key notes) are hard! No one can play 'em and they come out sounding like someone's havin' a hard time on the toilet. LOL Let me tell you what when you get to play one instrument you'll want to play another and another. I want to play an Oboe, I have no idea what it's supposed to sound like, let alone what it looks like. LOL All I know is I want to be the only person to have one. ^_^
*laughs* That’s cool that you play a clarinet and enjoy it. Right now, I enjoy playing my guitar. It would fun to start a band or something, but I don’t know if I’d have the time, being in Team Rocket.

Jessi-It's happening. I'm looking more and more like my mother. O,o We just (finally) got our school (color) picture ids. I took one look at mine and screamed, "I look like my mother!" I always thought it was a joke or something.But I've got those eyes that have dark lines under them like my mom! I always thought my mom was scary enough being Italian and strict, but those eyes! They make her look evil! And now I've got those eyes! But They some how make me look older and more beautiful. ::shrugs shoulders:: Kakoii (cool).
Yeah, that is kakoii! I remember it took me awhile before I looked like my mom, too. When I was a little girl, I somewhat resembled her. But as I got older, I looked more and more like her. If I ever want to remember what she looks like, I’ll go look in the mirror.

all-Time for you to watch my new show "Learning Japanese with Cleopatra". Damaru (shutup). Yo baka (hey idiot). Anatawa baka na (you are stupid). Abunai baka (look out stupid!). Did you like my lesson? I did. ^_^ I'm not 100% sure if they are totally correct but neither is anything else in this world.
Yeah! That was great! Those are daily common phrases for me.
They probably are, Botch.
Anatawa baka na!
*whines* I’m not stupid!
Abunai baka! *trips Cassidy*
Hey! Baka!
*laughs* As you can probably guess, we liked the lesson!

Hugo asks:

To James-
What is your favorite cartoon from the 80's? Mine is Garfield and Friends.
I watched a lot because I was a little kid then. I watched the Flintstones, Muppet Babies, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Garfield and Friends, and many others.

To Butch-
Who's your favorite wrestler from the 80's? Mine is Hulk Hogan.
Hmmm, that’s a hard one. Maybe Jake the Snake and Junkyard Dog.

To Cassidy-
Do you think Mr. T is a talented actor? I certainly do.
Yeah even though I never thought much of him before, he is a really good actor. He was really good in one of the Rocky movies I do believe.

To Jessie-
I really like how you wear pretty dresses in some of the Pokemon episode. Like that waitress dress in the first Togepi episode. You looked very cute in that dress :). What other kids of pretty dresses do you like to wear?
*laughs* Thanks! I loved that dress too! Let’s see…I loved all of those dresses I wore in the Princess vs. Princess episode. I love getting dressed, as you probably can see. Oh! Another dress I loved wearing was in the Problem With Paras, that pretty purple dress!

Jenny asks:

Hi Jesse, James, Botch & Cassidy!
What’s up?

What's your favourite episode in pokémon? What was the worst thing to do? What's your favourite song in pokémon? :)
My favorite episode was the Snow Way Out one. Everyone got to see a little of my background, finally. I think the worst I ever had to do when making episodes was when I had to kiss Ash when the twerps first came to Saffron City. My favorite song is “Jessie’s er…Misty’s Song.” Who said she gets to sing? I could have sung that song!
My favorite episode would have to be Holy Matrimony because it was so romantic! But the worst thing was seeing her……Jessiebelle…*shudders* Of course, my favorite song is Lucky Lucky!
My favorite episode is The Breeding Center Secret, of course. The worst thing I ever had to do was getting tied up to go to jail. Um, I really don’t have a favorite song. Maybe Team Rocket’s Rockin.
My favorite episode was The Fortune Hunters. I think I looked really good in that one. The worst thing I ever had to do was when my face touched, ugh, you know whose face. Ew. I’ll have to go with Cassidy and say that my favorite song is Team Rocket’s Rockin.

i love team rocket you are so cool!james can you give jess a kiss she have get you kisses so now it´s your turn! good luck! kiss and hugs from a team rocket fan *give james and jessie a big hug*
*blushes and gives Jessie a nice big kiss on the cheek*

Akira asks:

Meowth: Guess what? In a story that my friend and I are working on, there is a place called Kitty City, and the gym gives out a Purr badge that looks like your charm! Kewl huh?
Ah! If only dere was a real city dat did dis. Can I have a badge? Please? Jimmmy, can we move ta Kitty City?
*whines* I like it where I am!

All: In the same story I just mentioned to Meowth, there are two new Rocket people named Artemis (girl) and Teo (boy). They're Pokemon mascot is a Houndour, and they have a new version of the motto (which is very similar to J&J'S and B&C's versions... wanna hear it?

Both: Prepare for trouble and make it double! (okay, so that stayed the same...)
Teo: To fill the world with an evil passion!
Artemis: To show off our sense of fashion!
Teo: To proclaim the darkness of beauty and love!
Artemis: To extend our reign to the stars above!
Teo: Teo!
Artemis: Artemis!
Teo:Team Rocket blast off at the speed of sound!
Artemis: Surrender now, or we will take you down!
Houndour: *howls*

Well, my friend wrote that. (I helped!) If you ask me, they're COPYCATS! It sounds so much like yours... but it is different. What do you think? (oh yeah James, Artemis has the same eyes as you! pretty emerald!)
*grins* Really?!
*rolls eyes* Yeah, the motto’s good, I like the darkness of beauty and love line.
Speaking of copycats, I wonder who stole our motto…any idea, Cassidy?
Gee, I don’t know…do you have any idea?
Eek! Calm down you two! I like the motto!

James: This was really scary! I have a little figurine of you, right? And one day I picked it up and there was some red stuff on its wrist! I don't know how it got there! I think it's a bad sign... so watch your back!
*gasps and looks around* I’m…scared… *whines* Protect me! I’m helpless! Botch! Did you do this?
Huh? Why are blaming me? I didn’t do that!
*shivers* Is someone after me?

Another for James: My friend made up a Dragon ball Z character and named him after you! And he's really kewt ^_^
*gasps* I’m honored! Does he look like me? Does he act like me? Would he sound like me? What color hair does he have? How about eyes?
*sighs* We get the point…

Okay, last one is for you all: My friend thinks I should write a crossover story of Pokemon (team rocket) and Cardcaptors. I think it would be funny! Would any of you like that?
It would be interesting.
Mmm hmm, that’s a good idea for a fanfic.
Yes! I’m sure it will be funny!
I’ll look forward to it!
Let us know if you ever write it or finish it.

Leah asks:

meowth: Jade says you talking like a human makes you better cuz you can tell the humans what was wrong if she was sick. She also says that walking on your hind legs makes you stronger, and you're probably really strong and just don't know it yet. ^_^
Yeah, dat’s one good t’ing about speakin’ human language. If I’m hungry, I can tell ‘em up front, instead of meowing like crazy wit’ da dumb human not understanding a t’ing. I guess I am stronger since I only use my hind legs instead of all 4 legs. But I t’ink I still need to build up my strength, I’m still slow.

butch: When I was walking in town a few days ago, i saw someone with a butch action figure, melting it's face with a lighter! you should have seen thier face when i told them off!
Wow! There’s actually a figure of me!? Never let people tell you there aren’t such things as miracles, they do happen… But that creep melting me with a lighter is no miracle! I want to clobber him right now! He wouldn’t like me burning a figuring of him!

cass: i double dog docter dillian dip donut dare you to kiss meowth on the lips. we all know that to refuse a double dog docter dillian dip donut dare is to live forever in shame, so you really dont have a choice!
Gross! I don’t want to!
And live forever in shame?
It’s better than getting CTD’s!
”Catly” Transmitted Diseases.
Oh come on Cassidy! It won’t kill you!
*shudders* Ewww……… *quickly and lightly touches Meowth’s lips with hers* Gross!!!!!!!
Hey! I got yucky girly lipstick on me!
*gags* You taste fishy!

mondo: 90% of all rocket fans have no clue who you are, and that must hurt, you need a hug to boost your ego. *hugs*
*hugs* I really hope more than 10% know me…that statistic is very scary. I wish I could be on an episode so people can know about me!

anyone: we TR fans certainly live wierd lives, dont we?
There’s nothing wrong with that! I live a weird life but I’m proud.
I never considered my life to be weird.
Yes, it is. Trust me.
Somehow I find that hard to do.
Living a weird life is better than living an ordinary life.

b+c: i like hard rock and alternitive rock. my favorite bands are: weezer, green day, linkin park, no doubt, letters to cleo, and anything else like that. which bands do you like?
Yes, I agree with you with rock. Linkin Park, Guns and Roses, Limp Bizkit, and Disturbed are some of my current favorites.
Rock is the best type of music that’s ever been made! It’s hard to choose my favorites but I like Tool, Nickelback, Green Day, Metallica, and Rammstein.

all: what is your favorite candy?
I love candy like lollipops, Jollyranchers, and jawbreakers.
Chocolate! Chocolate bars! Anything chocolate!
I like gummy bears and gummy worms.
I like those red strawberry flavored Twizzlers. But not the pull and peel kind.
I love M&M’s, they have been my all-time favorite since I was 4 years old.

Amadala asks:

both - i went to a fall festival on halloween! its like trick or treating except there are rooms , each one has a game and try to play that game to win candy!! and the best part is you can go around as many times as you like!! :)
Wow! That means you can get unlimited amounts of candy!
Or at least until they run out.
I haven’t been to one of those festivals in a long time. Maybe next year I should go.
Yeah, that’s sounds like a good idea, instead of going to a party.

butch - tell james one thing : tell him to STOP CALLING YOU BOTCH!!!!!!
*laughs* I’ve only told him a million times, but I guess it hasn’t got to him yet. Maybe another million times and it will get to his head. James! When will you understand that my name isn’t Botch?
*sarcastically* Another million times?
Ah, see? He agrees with me.

both - i am sick again!! man!! :(
Ugh, it’s fall and that means cold season is coming.
Yeah, better get those tissues out.

Both - my espean has a question for your raticate : espi espi espi !! ( how do you like butch and cassidy?)
Rat! Cate. Raticate. Cate. Rati.
Ah, up to me to translate. He says dat even though he didn’t originally like ‘em, he’s glad he’s wit’ dem now.

CorgiGirl asks:

both - I know Jesse and James have Mondo as kind of an assistant, so do u guys have an assistant too? I wrote a fanfic where you did, I just never posted it on the internet.
That would be cool if we had someone to help us out.
Yeah, that means we would have less work to do.
But the Boss won’t give us one.
He’s cheap. He says we don’t need one and if we did have one, that means there will be another salary that needs to be paid, and he doesn’t want to do that.

cassidy- how do u do your hair? I like it! Some people think you copied Jesse, but I don't see how. I think your hair looks better than Jesse's.
What? There’s no possibly way I copied her! My hair doesn’t look anything like hers, thankfully! When I do my hair, I separate my hair into two pieces, like if I was going to braid it. Then I use a ton of hair pins and rubber bands to keep it all together. Last, I spray it with hair spray and use some gel to allow my hair defy gravity. This process takes a long time, in case you were wondering.

butch - do you use hair gel to do you bangs, or do you just steal Cassidy's hairspray to do 'em? I think you use hair gel, but my friend thinks you use hairspray. So who's right, me or her? I like your hair too! It's better than James'. At least I think so. And I like your voice.
Yeah, my hair is more unique than James’s.
No! My hair is unique too!
Anyway, when I fix my bangs up, I use hair spray. I’ve tried using hair gel, but it makes my bangs stick together and very clumpy. But when all of my other hair isn’t cooperating, then I start putting the hair gel in.

both - I like your uniforms! :)
Great! I love mine, too. It’s so pretty and comfortable, too. I think it looks nice on me, I don’t you?
And it’s black, my all-time favorite color. The uniform is very comfortable, except for the gloves because they get very hot sometimes. But I am much happier wearing the black uniform rather than the white one.