Ask Team Rocket --Page 5

Alysharocket asks:

jesse and james....o.k don't get me wrong cuz i really HATE jezebell but i know that all girls have feelings and if all girls have feelings what about jezebell!
……I suppose she might have feelings, at least about herself.
She definitely never showed her true feelings to me, only her angry feelings.
Maybe she is nice, but she never, ever shows it.
At least she never showed any kindness to me, maybe to other people.

james... ok all these stupid questions about jezebell but i promise this is the last one ok do you think that there is a reason behind all this torture that she gives you?
Well, a lot of people, including me, might say that she was abused at home so she takes out her anger on me. Or maybe she wasn’t a happy person or she had nothing to be happy about so she felt depressed and her violence was one ways of showing her depression. Those are the only reasonable reasons I can think of at the time.

j& know holiday in alcupulco was banned is the u.s because of it's indiscriminate content ha ha but my sis in japan has seen it she thinks its hillarious but maybe thats just cuz she's weird!
*laughs* I’m sorry, but I thought that episode was funny, too!
*frowns* I don’t think that episode was funny; it was embarrassing!
Come on James! Admit it! It was a little funny.
A little scary is more like it. I hope I never have to do something like that again.
Don’t worry, James. I’ve cross-dressed like a boy before so you aren’t the only one who has cross-dressed.
Yeah, but that’s different. You looked like a boy, but not really like a boy. Um…I can’t really explain it…you know what I mean… I really looked like a girl, if you know what I mean…

all.....i really wish i could come to the animated world to meet all of you!
I’ll help you find a magic lamp with a genie so your wish can come true. *looks around for a lamp*
But I really wish I can come to the real world so I can meet everyone of my fans!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Come! Come! You will have lots of fun! We will have lots of fun!
Um, Mondo…calm down. Beware if you come to the animated world, the artists might screw up in drawing you.
Yeah obviously that’s what happened to you, Cassidy. If you come, I’ll take you to all of the stores and other cool places to hang out….and away from Cassidy.

JJM2 asks:

U are awesome! I thought you were a jerk before I truly figured out that you were so handsome! Before that, my favorite rocket was James but now......... ( before I say this, grab a large hammer would ya?) .................YOU ARE THE REAL JERK!!!!!! *grabes a large hammer and whackes James* *Hugs Butch*
*screams* Aaahhh!
*smiles triumphantly and hugs back* Wow, I’m really honored. I have to admit that it’s actually okay that you thought I was a jerk since you think I’m great now. Ha ha ha! The tables are turning now, James! How does it feel to be on the other side? It stinks, doesn’t it? Now you know how I feel!
*whimpers and pouts*
Here, you can have another hug. *hugs*


Hey guys,Aubrey is finally over what my cousin did to her,and guess what?She now has a boy friend,who really cares about her and would never do something like that to her,and Im so happy for her.She told me to thank you all for your kindness,and she sends hugs all around!And kisses to Butch,cause she really likes you Butch,she thinks your hott,but she thinks James and Mondo are cool too.And she also looks up to Jess and Cass.She loves ya all!
…Another person who likes me?! Wow! I can’t take all of this! It’s just too much! Just kidding! *laughs* Tell her I send my kisses, too.
Just cool? *sighs* I guess it’s better than nothing…
Hey, I’m glad everything worked out for her. *sighs* I think it’s great someone looks up to me.
Don’t let it get to your head, Cassidy. But I’m glad I’m looked up to. Yay! I’m also glad your cousin is happy, everyone should be happy.
Yes! She knows me and thinks I’m cool! Tell her thanks! Woohoo!

Meowthkid asks:

1. All- did you celebrate Haloween?
Yeah, Cassie and I went to a Halloween costume party.
It was a lot of fun; the music was great, the food was great--
Was Butch great?
……get out of here, now!
Jess, Meowth, and I went trick-or-treating! We got a lot of candy!!
Uh huh, real candy, not fake, diet candy.
I went trick-or-treating too! Who says your too old too have some fun?

2 All- If you did, what did you go as?
I was a vampire.
I went as a French maid.
I was a go-go dancer.
I went as a ninja.
I was a clown.

3. All- You guys like Jim Carrey? I love him! He's so cool! ^_^
Yeah! He’s really funny!
He was pretty good in the movie The Grinch.
I love his movies!!
He’s funny but he’s also weird.
I think he’s a great actor.

4. James- Here, a little picture for you!

*drools* I’m going to go buy a frame and put this right next to my bed!

5. Jessie- I'm sorry I don't got one for you. But i'll give you one the next time I drop by!
Darn, I was hoping you had one for me. But if you have one for me next time, then that will be okay.

6 Meowth- My Meowth, Madonna says she thinks you are very cute, she says shes you'r number one fan in the cat world. *Madonna hugz Meowth*
*hugs* Ah, my number one fan! I’m so loved! *hugs again*

7. Mondo- Are you a rocketshipper?
………….Yes, I guess I am. But I wish I wasn’t a rocketshipper. *sighs* If only…
*sighs* Not again, Mondo.
Yes! Again! *sighs* I wish I could at least get a chance…

CorgiGirl asks:

butch- Do you think Cassidy is a good kisser?
*laughs* I can’t wait to hear this!
*thinks deeply for a moment* Hmm… Yes, she is. I don’t have any complaints or problems with how she kisses.

cassidy- Do you think Butch is a good kisser?
I bet Botch either slobbers all over her or chokes her with his tongue!
*pushes James out of the way* I do not!!!
You guys… Anyways, even though Butch’s kisses can be a little, uh, juicy, he’s still a decent kisser.

both- Do you guys share a bed? I'm just curious. I figured you might.
Yes, we do every once in a while. I don’t feel awkward sharing a bed with her. It’s quite comforting.
*grins slyly and snickers*
Wipe that smile off your face! I know what you’re thinking and you are wrong!

Akira asks:

James: Guess what, I have a picture of a donut in a heart shaped picture frame!! And we have a donut joke: Apparently, the word 'Don't' is short for Donut now. So anyway, my friend made this up: There's a fat cop driving a car, and a skinny cop in the driver seat. They drive by a donut shop, and the fat cop is about to pull into the driveway. The skinny cop says, "Don't!" And the fat cop's like, "Exactly!" Get it? It was so funny, he just made it up on the spot!
*laughs* That’s funny! Um, can I please buy the picture from you? I want to put it right next to my Jessie picture.

All: I'm making Clow Cards of you guys! Those are going to be the feature pictures on my Card Captor/Team Rocket site. The James card is going to be covered with roses ^_^ The Meowth card, lots of golden charms! I'm not sure what kind of backgrounds the others should have. Maybe flames for Jessie... Butch, Cassidy, Mondo, I'm stumped. What do you think would best describe you?
Oooh! Flames would be pretty! Use the flames as a background.
Yay! Roses! I suppose that’s more elegant than donuts and bottle caps.
Hey, can I have one of da charms? I guess not…
Let’s see……well, you can have little rats in the background but I’m not sure.
*sighs* You might as well go with the obvious and have a green background and frogs.
I want a background with pictures of Jessie!!! No, that might be too hard. Oh I don’t know!!!

All: You know how I told you about Teo and Artemis? Well, I know what they look like now! Artemis' hair is pink and blue, and she has it done up really weird, there's a tiny ponytail in the back, and a braid on each side. Teo has silver hair that's spiked up.And their uniforns are black, but they look like J&J's. All black, even the gloves and boots!
Wow, the uniforms sound nice.
Yeah, I like Teo’s hair style and color.
Pink and blue hair? Now that’s original.
Yeah and so is her hair style.
Cool! I wish I looked like them and not plain.

All: I just turned fifteen! And I got a toy Chikorita whose leaf spins when you flick its tail! My friend and I were playing some sort of messed-up role playing game where we were on Team Rocket and this Chikorita was The Boss! ^_^ And in order to join we had to play Stadium 2 and beat certain levels, and I got a rose from James! And we had a Wobbuffet too! Come to think of it, it was Jason! Remember I told you about him, Cassidy, he likes you! He likes Wobbuffet too.
*laughs* Sounds like fun! Did you like the rose?
What?! I wasn’t in it?
Oh yeah, I remember him…
Was the Wobbuffet annoying like mine?
I wish our Boss was a chikorita…

All: Do I talk too much?
Nope, or at least not as much as Cassidy and Jessie.
Hey! It’s not my fault I’m as quiet as you.
Just because we’re girls, Butch, doesn’t mean we talk a lot.
I talk a lot! Just give me some sugar and watch me go!

Butch: Do you actually think Jessibelle is hot? I hate her! I got so mad watching the episode, and how she was treating poor James! *cries*
I think she is pretty. She may have hurt James, but she never did anything to me.

All: Any of you ever met Morty, the Ecruteak gym leader? I love him! (so does Artemis ^_^)
Yeah, we met him.
He was with the dumb twerps.
And dey were acting heroic and noble.
No, I’ve never met him.
Uh uh, never seen him. Is he cute?
No, I don’t I’ve met him. Unfortunately, I don’t get around enough.

All: Is there a specific kind of candy or chocolate that gets you hyper? Mine is anything sour, and my friend JP's is Mars bars and Excel gum.
Peppermints or spearmints make me hyper.
Chocolate bars with caramel inside.
For some reason, gummi bears make me hyper.
Flavored pixie sticks.
*laughs* All candy makes me hyper, especially Reeses Pieces.

J&J, B&C: Do you think you'll be with your lover forever? I just got dumped... and I'm to depressed to care about love anymore, so I want to wish you all luck. ^_^
Aw, I’m sorry. Don’t get too depressed. I know I’ll at least be friends with James forever.
Yeah, but I’m raising my expectations higher. I think we’ll be more than friends forever.
As much as I deny it I’ll probably end up with Butch. Not that I mind.
I’m tired of Cassie, I hope not. *laughs* Just kidding! Yeah, I think I’ll stay with her.

All: I have to go... have to catch bus home soon. *hands out donuts* Bye!
*shoves donut in mouth* Bye!
*watches James eat his donut in one bite* Ugh, I think I’m going to be sick.
*eats donut* Woohoo! Sugar!!! Just what I needed!!!
Okay Mondo, calm down.

Hugo asks:

To Everyone-
Hi guys. I'm feeling a little sad today because I just found out that my cousins dog died. He had been very old and sick for sometime. They had to put him to sleep as a result. Is there anything you guys could say or do to make me feel better?
*sniffs and sobs* I’m sorry, but I was just thinking about Growlie…
I can’t really think of anything to say except that he’s in a better place now.
I’m sorry, but at least he’s not in pain anymore.
Yeah, I’m sure the dog is much happier now since he’s not suffering from illness.
*bawls* This is so sad!!!

Thanks guys. You guys are good friends :).
Your welcome!
No problem, we don’t mind.
I don’t want too sound too mushy so I’ll just say your welcome!
*cries* Now this is so beautiful!
*sighs* It’s okay, Mondo! Anyways, we’re happy to be your friends.

To Meowth-
Are you a fan of Garfield? He's my favorite cartoon. Next to Pokemon that is.
Yeah, I look up to him. I watch da cartoon and I read da comic strips about him. He’s funny, but I don’t quite understand da lasagna t’ing…

Kosaburofan asks:

Butch&Cassidy- Can I be your friend?
I like the name…… Anyways, yeah, be our friend.

Butch&Cassidy- I've got a problem. All my friends are calling you always B*tch and B*tchedy! What can I do to stop them?
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!
I know that they’re your friends but I think they have lost their minds!
*sighs* This is horrible! First, why don’t you ask them why they hate us? Are their reasons good enough? Can they easily be contradicted?
Yeah, I’ve heard a lot of reasons why people hate us, and the reasons aren’t good enough. Then why don’t you explain to them that Cassie and I aren’t bad, we’re just misunderstood.

Cassidy&Jessie- Wich color nail polish do you wear?
I like wearing black and orange.
My favorite colors to wear are red and blue.

Butch- I don't like froggy voices, but you don't have a froggy one. I love your voice!
Wow! Hey thanks! *sighs* Another fan of my voice… *smiles*

Butch- Your Drowzee is really cute. It's one of my favorite pokémon.
Cool! I love my Drowzee, too. It’s so powerful and strong. I had a lot of fun training it and raising it to the level it is now.

Cassidy- There was someone who asks Butch if he could give you a kiss. And he did, so give him a kiss back!
*laughs* Yeah, Cassidy, you’re in his debt. Now pucker up!
*blushes* Okay okay!!! I just don’t want everyone watching! Can’t I have any privacy?
*sighs* I don’t ask for much. *blushes and kisses Butch*
*blushes and glares*

all- What do you think about the Neoshippers?
*laughs* Is that all you two are going to say? I’m a neoshipper! They obviously like each other.
Yeah, the chemistry is definitely there. Neoshippers are correct for what they believe.
Oooh! Butch and Cassidy sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes-
*slaps Mondo on the head*
Ow....I hope that answered your question some what.

Mondo- Can you tell me what a CD-drama is? I mean, is it a movie or a story or something like that...
Ah, the CD drama, the only place I’ve made my appearance…I have a special place in my heart for it. A CD drama is a story that you listen to on a CD. Sort of like a radio show or radio drama.

James- Say sorry to Butch! You're always calling him Botch. Why? He don't call you Jam or something like that.
Yeah! I should call you Jam! *laughs* What kind of jam do you want to be? Strawberry? Grape? Never mind, I love grape jelly and jam. So Jam, how’s it going?
My name isn’t Jam.
Well have you seriously thought that my name isn’t Botch?
*yells* Aaaaahhhhh! I can’t take it anymore!!!!!!!
What’s so funny, Strawberry Jam?
Um, I don’t know.

JJM2 asks:


O-k this one is for u guys!

This a song my friend made up to the tune of jingle bells.

Dashing through the snow,
To find a pikachu
If we cant find one
We will get the blues
And then finally
Us teamrocket three
Discover that the pikachu are in the family tree

Oh pikachu, pikachu,
We know where you are
And if we can not find you
We know you're not far
Pikachu pikachu
we know where you are
And if we can not find you
We'll be the brightest star!

Like it?
*applauds* That was great! It was so…so…Team Rocket-y!
You have a way with words, just like us!

One more thing James
One more, BOTCH, out of you and i'll..... i'll.....i'll get Jessiebell!
*snickeres at the sight*
Silkey: o_O
Oooh, ultimate threat.
*shrieks* Please no!!! Anything but that!! Hey…you don’t even know where she lives… Hmph. I’m not scared.
*whispers* Jessibelle.
*shrieks louder* Botch! Don’t scare me! *gasps and covers mouth in realization of what he just said* Aaaahhhh! *runs out of the room*

First of all, a proper introduction!

Prepare for trouble faster than light,

Make it double or you're in for a fight

To protect the universe from devistation,

To ilimunate all good within' our nation,

To annouce the begining of every fight,

To show our evil in every fright,

....Um I guess I'll let you guess my real name. ^-^

Teamrocket leaders standing in the moon light,

Surrendur now or prepare to die!

Raichu: Raichuuu!

*Accedentally steps on Raichu's tail*

Raichu: Raichuuu!!! x-x

Sorry Raichu, now, did you like it?
Hey yeah, that was pretty good.
*comes back into room after the previous question and is gasping for air* Yeah… *pants* That was good.
Ah, yes, it was very well done.
It would be perfect, but what’s your name? Just kidding!
I liked it! Now I need a motto…

First of all, Butch, U like black?!? Black is my favorite color too!
Uh huh, black rules over all other colors. Black is the most mysterious looking color. Black can go well with any colors. Plus, I look good in black!

Love ya all!
I love you, too! I love everyone! I love Team Rocket! I love stars! I love birds! I love rocks! I love chairs! I love--
*drags Mondo away* Okay, we get the point. We love you too!
Yes, I love you too. I don’t say that often. Who is there to say that to? *blushes*
I love you too, despite the Jessibelle threat…
Hey! Why do I get to answer last? Oh well, love you.

Cleopatra asks:

Butch-My voice is deep (not reeeaaaally deep though, just slightly), and toher times my voice is high pitched, but my voice doesn't ever sound like a girls voice, or a guys in fact.O.o Your not the only one with the different style of voice, the only difference between us in that subject is, I get soooo many compliments for my strange voice.^_^
Grrr…not fair! I get some compliments from fans, but that’s about it. I personally like my voice; after all, it is MY voice. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way someone sounds. But I guess other people have problems with that. Still, it’s nice to know that I’m not alone with a different-sounding voice. Speaking of different-sounding, what do people base normal sounding voices on? No one has a “normal” voice. What is a normal voice?

Meowth-I have 41 Meowth cards! I'm tryin' to get 100! ^_^ I love you!!!!
Wow! *looks at paws* I don’t even have dat many fingas. Ah! *looks at feet* Not even dat many toes. *sighs* I’m loved!

all-Do you have any favorite video games for Nintendo? (I like the classic Nintendo. And I like all the Mario games for that system.)
I have a ton of games for my N64. But some of my favorites are Paper Mario, Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart,--
Oooh oooh! I beat Botch at Mario Kart yesterday! You should have seen his face! That’s my new favorite game!
I like Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2. I also like some of the Zelda games.
Um, I’m not to good at video games. I just don’t have good coordination when playing.
Nintendo is cool, but I prefer Game Boy. *laughs* Of course, I have all of the Pokemon games, they’re my favorites.

all-Everyone says Christmas is finally just around the corner. My band director has been reminding us about that since August 6.LOL (Yes my school started on August 6, and ends at around May 20th. School for us is ALWAYS a day early the next year.>.<)
Uh oh, I don’t know what to give people for Christmas this year…I better think of things soon or else I’m going to forget.
Heh, that won’t be anything new. Hmm…what I’m going to give people is not a problem, the problem is that I don’t know what to ask for. I can’t think of anything that I really want… A new car would be nice…
Oh great, there’s too much to be done and not enough time. At least Christmas means some off time from duty. I wonder if there’s going to be a Christmas party this year.
Who cares about the party?
I do! There’s food! We also get presents!
But the scary mistletoe is there, too.
…*blushes* I forgot about that.
*sighs* If Christmas is around the corner, that means our Christmas bonuses are around the corner.
*gasps* You know what Christmas means!!! Not presents but candy!! Lots of sugar-filled candy! *sighs* Dreams do come true…

All-Which one of you's is completely different from the average teenager? Ya know, ya's hate pizza, summer vacation, spring break, people who don't know how to invent their own fashion, really sweet teacher's ::gag::, people who act big and bad but when their around a teacher there all like, "I didn't mean it", and they stutter. Yaw like, school, homework, writing essays, yaw aren't afraid to back mouth a teacher and fight for your right when you get aggravated. I'm probably the only person who would say yes to all of the above.>.<
Uh uh, I’m the average teenager and I’m proud of it.
Well, sometimes I act bad since I’m in Team Rocket, but when authority comes, then I beg for mercy. But otherwise, I’m average.
Ha, sorry if this sounds boring but I’m average. I like pizza, vacations and breaks, I have my own style of fashion, etc.
Uh, Cassidy, I hate your style of fashion. You might as well not have any. Nope, I’m the typical teen.
I suppose you can say I’m a little different. I don’t mind doing some homework and vacations can be a little boring since there’s nothing to do. But I love pizza!

All-Everyone I know just hate their mom! They love their dad 'cause them father'll let them get in trouble, but their mamas will ground 'em. That's almost as dumb as the people who say you shouldn't beat your children! Without disipline your future looks pretty much like CRAP!>.<
Yes, I hate my mom but I also hate my dad. Need I say anything else?
Actually, my mom isn’t that bad. I didn’t hate her or my dad. I got along with my parents.
*laughs* I definitely don’t hate my mommy!
Hmm…my mom and I had some disagreements. I think that because we were very different so it was hard to get along.
*laughs* It was the opposite for me! My dad would ground me but my mom wasn’t as strict.

All-Do any of you like watching comedians a lot. If so then who's your favorites. I like Bill Cosby, George Carlin, Sinbad, Steve Harvy, and Galliger ( I think that's how u spell it.)
Oh! Gallagher and Dave Coulier even though I don’t think he would count are really funny.
I guess my favorite comedian would have to be Jerry Seinfeld.
I don’t watch comedians that much.
Yeah, me neither.
I like to watch comedies, but I don’t have a favorite comedian. I’m sorry!

All-Sayonara! Bye! Love ya ::Mumbles somethin' that sounds like the name 'James'::
Aw! Bye! I love you too!
*disgusted* What the heck is this? He gets the love? Ugh.
*laughs* Cheer up and say ‘good bye.’ Bye!
*mumbles* Bye.
Bye bye!
*waves his hands wildly* Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!
Save ya strength, kid. Bye bye!

Leah asks:

butch: well, it might not have been you. the action figure had a black rocket uniform, but it's face had been melted off. either james got a secret prmotion or the guy bought the action figure in russia, or something...
For once, I hope James got promoted.
I hope so, too! …Hey! Wait a minute….
*rolls eyes* I would love to kick that guy’s butt for burning that figure if the thing was me.

all: has anyone ever pinched your cheek and said "your just so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute"?
*sighs* Yes, but I always get revenge and pinch them back.
When I was young, I looked sweet and innocent--
*mumbles* That’s changed.
--and people came up to me and pinched me because they thought I looked adorable.
No, no one has ever done that for me. I think people know better not to.
No Cassidy, it’s because you’re ugly.
Yeah, you heard me! When I was a very little girl, I remember relatives were always doing this to me.
Uh huh! People have pinched my cheeks and told me I was so cute. They still do.

all: i think LEGO should make pokémon legos (was that redundent?) WHO'S WITH ME?
*gasp* They could make a little Lego guy that looks like me! They could make a little rose! *gasp* How cute!
Aw! They could have our Pokemon and everything! Maybe even a little mallet, a little fan, and a little frying pan. Then my Lego-self can hit Lego-James. *laughs*
…You wouldn’t dare!!
Yes, they should, but they would probably leave Cassidy and me out.
*sighs* Yeah…us being in the Legos would be asking for too much. Heck, the makers of Legos would probably leave Team Rocket out all together and concentrate on the stupid twerps.
*dejectedly* There’s like a .0000001% chance they would include me. *kicks a rock* No one cares…

cass: haha! i made you kiss meowth! hahahahahahahahaha!
*gags* I’m still trying to get the fishy-taste off of my lips. Smelly cat!
Hey! At least I don’t smell like dose smelly rats you like so much.
*gasp* Don’t you put down my Raticate, you…you…Fish Lips!!
Cassidy don’t even kiss good either.
Same goes for you. At least I don’t cough up hairballs.
I don’t have spend my entire life looking into a mirror wondering how I look.
I don’t have to use the litterbox!
I don’t have to go through PMS.
*stares*……*mumbles* Stupid cat.

cass: sorry....
It’s over with so don’t be sorry. It’s the cat that should be sorry. He can’t even kiss right… No wonder why Meowsie didn’t like him.
Kissin’ had nothin’ to do wit’ Meowsie.

all: channukah or christmas? (personally, i'm a jew....)
Both. One side of my family celebrates Channukah, the other celebrates Christmas.

all: what's the one song that descibes you most
Hmm…let me think about that…
I need to think, too…
That’s easy. B*tch by Meredith Brookes.
Oh no you don’t Cassidy. That’s my song, not yours.
*exasperatedly* Jessie, your song is Barbie Girl by Aqua.
No! I’m not like that! There’s a few songs: B*tch by Meredith Brookes, that describes my personality. Survivor by Destiny’s Child reminds me of my life with horrible boyfriends. My Way by Limp Bizkit is another song that describes my personality. Wait! Meet Virginia by Train describes me, too! There’s too many!
Okay, I have a few. Like a Rose by A1 and Hanging by a Moment by Lifehouse.
I know a song that fits me perfectly! The song I’m Too Sexy by Right Said Fred. *laughs*
No, Botch, there’s a better one. It’s Not Easy Being Green. You know, Kermit the frog sings that.
*frowns* Well what about I’m Blue by Eiffel 65. That describes you perfectly.
*whines* No!
I don’t know one for me! Sometimes I feel lonely since I don’t have a partner and I feel like singing All By Myself. But that really doesn’t describe me.

james: in a box of choclates, do you like raspberry-filled or coconut-filled better?
Personally, I like the coconut-filled ones more. Chocolate and coconut go really well together. But I could never eat coconut by itself. Raspberry ones are good, but my favorite fruit-filling is cherry.

all: have any of you heard of the chorallaries of MIT?
Uh…I can’t say that I have.
I know MIT is Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Corollaries means effects, consequences, or outcomes, at least that’s what I think.
So are you asking what happens to you after you attend MIT?
I’m so confused!!!

Jameslover asks:

James- what if you found out that I was your wife in the future? (no offense Jessie, but if he cared for me that much I would be soooo nice to him and never ever hit him.) blushes* I think he is sooo cute. So James would you be disappointed or happy. I would be soo nice to you and comfort you and never hurt you at all. so would you marry me or at least go out with me? I really like you a loooooot! more than anyone and I always print pictures of you. If you say no, then I'll cry and never be happy. *sniffs*
*frowns and walks away* Hmph.
*gasp* Don’t leave, Jess! *whimpers and sighs* Don’t worry about Jessie. She’s very prima dona, if you know what I mean. I don’t know how I would feel if I found out that you were my future wife. I know you would be a whole lot better than Jessibelle since you would treat me with respect and not abuse me. I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you. I hardly even know you. If you love me, then wish me the best for finding my true soul mate. Please don’t cry! *hugs*

JJM2 asks:

all did you gues read Rocket Wedding? It's so.... so.......*bursts into tears* *sniff* Raichu: Raichu rai rai chu! Raichu, thats the meanest thing you've said about him! *clonks raichu on the head* He just said, "hey James! go give butch a rotten sock!
*sniffs* The story touched my heart. It was beautiful! *looks around* Hmm… I’m afraid I can’t find any… Wait! I know where I can! *takes of his boot and pulls his sock off* I haven’t changed my socks in a few days. *happily hands the sock to Butch* Here Botch!
*wrinkles his nose in disgust and from the horrible smell* Ew! Are you trying to murder me?! That sock is making me feel nauseous! *gags* Ugh…I think I’m going to throw up… *gives Jessie the sock* Go wash it before I die.
Blah! I don’t want it! *sighs* James! I’ve told you to change your socks daily.
*whines* I forgot!
Please, for the sake of our senses of smell, remember to change them! *gives sock to Cassidy*
Is this the newest game? Pass the Sock? What makes you think I want this…dirty laundry. *looks at sock* Eww…it’s stained with sweat. Gross! Take it, Mondo! *hands sock to Mondo*
*takes a big whiff* An…interesting smell. Maybe this is how they make poisonous fumes. I think this sock should be burned for the safety of everyone. Anyone care to join me?!

Rosie asks:

for jessie...
sosomtimes i think i`m your twin or so.. my dad is dead... and I LOVE JAMES! *Hugs jessie and cry* bye bye!
*hugs and a few tears drip from her eyes* Losing a parent is horrible, isn’t it? You have your Mommy at least. I wish I had mine… I don’t have anyone… *sighs sadly* As for the James thing… *blushes* Um… *fans herself* It’s getting hot in here. Is it just me?

i`m and my friend loves you james you are so CUTE!,beatuful,funny and *exy!*give james a BIG! kiss* but jessie you and james are best and i mean the best.... best in the hol world!!!!!!
*dazed* …wow… …wow… Thanks! That was really nice! Here! Have a hug! *hugs*
*frowns for a moment and then smiles* Yes! We are the best because we’re Team Rocket! The best members of Team Rocket!

J&J Hi. Jim, You are sooo cute!! I wonder how many fans u have. I'm one of them, thats for sure! :) And Jessie, I adore u and your hair! I'm out of questions right now, but my sis wonder if u have seen the movie Grease? Bye now and big big hugs to you guys! And kisses to Jim, if Jessie lets me... :)
*laughs shyly* Oh I don’t know…I really don’t want to count.
I’m glad you like my hair. I love it, too! I would be hardly anything without it. Yes, James and I have seen Grease.
It’s such a happy romance!
Yeah, but I love the songs. Sometimes I watch the movie just for the music and songs. *hugs*
*hugs and glances nervously at Jessie* Uh… *kisses quickly*

Amadala asks:

both - how are you?
Hmm…I’m sort of tired right now. My stomach doesn’t feel to well either. I don’t think the Chinese food I ate last night agreed with me. *groans*
*sighs* I told you to stay away from some of that food. I did and my tummy feels fine. Actually, I’m in a good mood now. There’s no particular reason, I’m just happy.

both - did you guys look at my comic relief picture?
Uh huh! It was very good. Great job!
Yeah! I always did like that one picture that you used.

both - did you hear about the new episode with you guys in it in japan?
Yes, finally another episode with us in it. I was worried that the writers of the show wouldn’t let us be in another episode.
But fortunately for all of our fans, they get to see us again in all our glory. Episodes with us in always turn out to be my favorites. *laughs* I wonder why.

both - what are you doing thanksgiving ?
I was trying to get much needed sleep when Butch woke me up in the late morning.
Hey! I needed help!
He was already preparing the dinner we were going to eat. He asked me why the turkey looked…um, very crispy when he had followed all of the directions. It turns out that temperatures in the directions were given in degrees Fahrenheit. But he cooked everything in Celsius.
It was a mistake anyone could make.
So we ended up eating extra extra extra crispy turkey.
At least we didn’t have to worry about eating undercooked meat.
Butch insisted on watching all of those boring football games.
But Cassidy insisted on going to bed very early to we could wake up early before the sun came up to go shopping.
The stores I go to had early bird special sales. We had to wake up early so we could get stuff for a really great bargain.
But waking up at 4 am?! *grumbles*
Well, that was our wonderful Thanksgiving. *laughs*

both - i reallllllllllllllllly hate team twerp!!!!!!!!!!
I know, they always make us look bad. They’re so annoying and such goody-goodies. They need to get a life.
I’m so tired of losing against them. Someday, we will have to win a battle with them.

Misty Rocket asks:

What is your reaction to this picture?

*laughs* Looks like some people I know have been busy.
*blushes and sighs* There goes my perfect figure…
You never even had a good figure. *sarcastically sweet* Aww! This is so cute! I would simply die if I’m not invited to the baby shower.
*jumps up and down* Can I be Uncle Mondo?! Please please!? Pretty please??!!
Uh uh! I get to be da baby’s uncle.
*blushes again* Oh now everyone, stop acting silly. It’s just a picture.
You better enjoy these times when you can. Pretty soon, you will be up all night, feeding the baby, changing its diaper, and listening to the baby cry nonstop. Oh yeah, before the baby is born, Jessie’s going to make you go to the store at midnight to satisfy her weird cravings. You’ll be a wreck. *laughs*
*eyes widen and then whines* Botch! I told you! It’s only a picture!
You never know…

ok, also everyone... have you heard the new "Pokemon Christmas Bash" CD? OMG it is soooo much better then the last two ones... especially because my favorite anime couple (Jess and Jim ^_^) get their own song AND get to sing in a couple of other ones too! James, you sound GREAT on the CD! Especially when you sing in the song "on the 12 days of Christmas" the part about 5 Goldeens....and Jessie, you sang wonderfully! And I didn't forget you Meowth! You had a WHOLE song to yourself! That made me just wanna hug the people who made the CD! They r doing SOOOO much better! Even Ash sounded great! (and cute ^_^) ::covers her head while people boo and hiss at her while throwing rotten veggitables at her::
Thanks! *scoffs* But, Ash didn’t sound that good.
Yeah! He got to sing the “Under the Mistletoe” song! *whines* I wanted to sing that song!
But at least we got to sing.
Yes, Jess, that’s true. We sang excellently!
Even more, we didn’t just get one song, we sang in lots of them. That’s much better than just singing “Team Rocket’s Rockin’” even though I do like that song.
*starry eyed* Ah…my own song…dis can be da start of something grand!
…Hey…why didn’t we get to sing?
Yeah! Everyone else got to! Even that Old Man Oak guy!
You forgot me, I didn’t get to sing either.
Maybe for the exception of Mondo, no one wants to hear you guys sing.
*aghast* What?! Of course people want to hear us!
That’s it. I’m going to go to the outsides of stores and start a picket so people won’t buy the CD because we’re not in it.
I’m with you on that one. *goes to find materials for making picket signs*
Um…I guess I’ll just sit here and feel sorry for myself. *sighs sadly*

Alysharocket asks:

all..... wassup everyone
*sniff* I would be fine except Botch ate my candy!
Hey, I had a weird chocolate craving, I couldn’t help it. I feel great now that I had something to eat.
James, you have plenty more candy. One won’t kill you.
*whines* But I wanted that one!
*shakes head* Men. I’m doing well, except I broke a nail. Anyone have a nail filer?
I would be well, except, um, I’m not feeling well. Only females will understand.
I feeeeeeeel great!!!!!! Guess why??!! I went to the store and bought a huuuge stick of sugar cane!!!

james.....well i was reading these books about law and they say that if you just find a kid and like take care of her for a long time (i can't remember how long but somewhere around five years) and the kid was like found and you don't know it's rightful owner the kid becomes yours right and if so then logically jezebell is your sister and if she is you sister you can't marry her yay!
Yeah, because there’s a rule that one can’t marry their sister! I’m free! Wooooo!
Be happy for me, Botch! I’m no longer in the chains of misery!
*sarcastically* Yeah! Freedom!
That’s the spirit! Let’s all go out and celebrate by buying soda and keeping the caps from the bottles! friend and me are trying to create a machine to take us to the animated world do u have any ideas?
*laughs* You’re asking the right people. Jess and I specialize with weird machines.
Make sure it is can absorb electrical shocks in case you run into a twerp and his Pikachu.
First take a dirty shirt, an egg shell, a purple balloon, a triple-A battery, a burnt out light bulb, and a belt.
Blow up the balloon, put the egg shell in it, and put the light bulb in the end of the balloon. Tie the belt around the shirt. Then go bury all of the stuff in a hole in dirt.
Eventually something will grow and that will be the machine you will need. Use the battery for the power source.
No no no no! You have it all wrong. You use a double-A battery, dirty pants, gum wrapper, a plastic bag, and a soda can.

mondo.....u r so cute mondo i wish you could be on the show so everyone can see you!
I know!! *hugs tightly* I would be so funny, I know no one would be able to resist me. Once they saw me, they would have a huge smile on their face!!!

all....why don't ya'll come over to our world to visit it's fun over here but there are no pokemon but there are animals!!
Animals? Would dat mean I would have to be a housekitty?
No pokemon? *sobs* I can’t imagine life without them!
I want to go over to your world. I want to see how the girls are like.
I’ve never seen a real animal before, only pokemon. In a way, I want to see an animal, they’re probably different than pokemon.
Can you battle with them or capture them? Can you train them? Are there such things as aniballs?
*runs around* I wanna go!!!! I wanna go!!!!! I wanna go!!!!!

J & B lover asks:

all-for da question wats u'r fav sport to watch and/or play?? (sorry if some1 already asked it couldent finish reading da quetions)
I like to swim, but I don’t enjoy watching swimming on TV.
I love to play and watch football.
I like to play tennis, and sometimes I’ll watch it.
My favorite sport is volleyball. I was great at it in gym class.
I love playing basketball. I’m hoping that I’ll get taller playing it!

all-(some1 probly already asked this but)what is the stupidist thing u'v ever done?
One morning, I got out of bed and I was extremely tired. I got dressed, or at least I thought I did. I went out of my house and everyone started pointing, laughing, and staring at me. It turns out that I forgot to put on my pants. All I had on was boxers. It was a nightmare.
*laughs* Think of it this way, Botch. It could have been worse.
I took a few friends with me for dinner at a fancy and expensive restaurant. I let everyone order and eat as much and whatever they wanted. When I was handed the bill, I realized that I forgot all of my money at home.
I was one of the friends that went with him, and we ended up cleaning up the entire restaurant and doing the dishes. Anyway, in a school bathroom, I was talking to one of my friends about this girl I hated. I was talking really loud like a fool I was. And guess what? One of the bathroom stalls opened and out came the girl I was talking about.
I wish I was there for that one. One night I was really bored. I picked up the phone and made a prank phone call. I dialed some numbers and a little kid answered. I scared him by saying that I was following him and watching him. Later that night, the phone rang and my mom answered. The person who was on the phone was the little kid’s dad. I guess the kid told his parents that a weird girl called. They were able to get my number from the caller ID. I was grounded for a few months because of that.
*laughs* This is so stupid! When I was a little boy, I was eating raisins for the first time. I began to wonder what a raisin smelled like so I put it very close to my nose so I could smell it. But I smelled too hard and the raisin got stuck up in my nose. I had to go to the hospital to get it out.

all-did u ppls ever make fun of teachers??
Sometimes I drew little funny caricatures of them on the chalkboard. They never did like my artwork, the ingrates. A few times, I stuck sticky reinforcements on the chairs so when the sat down on them, little white circles would stick to their butts.
Botch, that’s mean! I hated some teachers but I never did anything that sadistic to them.
When I went to school, I normally talked back to some of my teachers that got on my nerves. Or I would do these hilarious impressions of them.
I made up rumors that made the teachers look bad. I think the rumors were so good that they still exist today.
I never made fun of the teachers, I had no time. The teachers were too busy trying to keep me under control!

butch-(i know this is kinda late cuz i read dis in page 3 to bad i didnt see this site sooner but) i would have never thought you would have wanted to play a clarent i could teach u :p tough its kinda hard :(
That’s okay, I hardly have any time to learn. Team Rocket takes up much of my time. all-are u'r partners u'r closest friend?
Yes, Jessie is. I share all of my problems and secrets with her so we became really close.
Cassidy is one of the few people I talk to. So we’ve gradually become closer and closer.
I’ve known James for most of my life and he’s been my best friend. Maybe even my closest.
Butch is there for me when I have a problem or for whatever reason. We both survive jail life together. Yeah, he’s my closest friend.
*sighs sadly*

meowth-i tink u'r sooooooooo cute like butch, james and mondo and i just love to talk like u (obviously):) wish i could have you *gives him a hug*
*hugs* T’anks for da hug! I would love to meet a fan but I t’ink Jess and Jim need me more.

butch-when i 1st heard yah i could swear i didnt noticed why ppls didn't like u'r voice then i lisnted to it agian my gawd there is nothing really bad about u'r voice
Thanks, I can add you on the list of people who likes my voice. *laughs bitterly* I wish other people could listen to my voice the way you do. Too bad for everyone else! I like my voice!

all- what could u not live wid out? i cant live wid out da internet cuz i can comunicate wid my sis and frinds and read bout u ppls
I could not live without my friends and bottle caps, for sentimental reasons. Food! I couldn’t live without that!
I could never live without my car. I can’t imagine walking all over town. Even though my car isn’t the best, it still gets me places and that’s all that matters.
I could not live without hair-care products. My hair would take an eternity to dry without a hair-dryer. I need hair spray and gel to keep my hair in place or else it would be a mess.
I couldn’t live without my radio. I need to listen to music when I’m having a bad day or when I’m bored. Life would be horrible without songs and music.
I can’t live without my telephone. When I get bored, I need the phone to call up a million people!

j&b-i tinks u guys are sooooooo cute i even put you guys in a special spot in my wallet and school papers id get pics of mondo but there all da same pretty much. but cass (can i call u dat Pleses) and jess (can i call u dat too) dont worry i would never take dem away even though i get tempted to :) lucky ppls
*gasp* You carry us around in a wallet?! Sweet! *hugs*
Yeah, I have to admit that I am honored.
Sure, you can call me that. *laughs* Fight the temptation!
Cass is fine with me. I guess we are lucky, huh?
You’re right! It’s always the same pictures of me! We need more of me!

all-well gtg ta sleep tanx giving 2morrow (but i tink it would be latter by da time u get dis) tanx for answering da questions yah all are da best good night (for me i mean) see yah
Yeah, it is a little late, but that’s okay. Good night!
’Night! Don’t let the bed bugs bite!
Okay, see you later!
Bye!! Bye!!

CorgiGirl asks:

Jesse- Ok, I know you were making fun of Cassidy when I asked her if Butch was a good kisser. So, it's only fair to ask you if James is a good kisser. Is he?
*blushes* Do I have to….?
Yes, I was embarrassed and now you get to suffer.
*groans* Well…he kisses good enough for me… *blushes*
*mocking* Awww! That’s so cute! Young love!

James- So, James, what's fair for Jesse is fair for you. Is Jesse a good kisser?
*blushes happily* Yes! She is a great kisser!
*blushes* James, be quiet!
Why? I’m only telling the truth!
Could you tell the truth a little quieter? I don’t want the whole world to hear.

Mondo- I have a question for ya. What's your last name? It would be nice for me to know, because I'm writing a fanfic where you have a twin sister, and I need to know your last name ( cause hers would be the same, of course).
Sure, my last name is--
*quickly puts hand over Mondo’s mouth* Ssshh!
*mumbles* What’s wrong?
Don’t give away your last name on the internet! Someone might stalk you! *glances around suspiciously*
*eyes widen* Oh…

Mondo again- D'you think it would be cool if you really did have a twin sister, not just in my fanfic?
Yeah! I’m so lonely, I need a really good friend to talk to. I’m sure my twin would be one of my best friends.

Cassidy- Sorry if I embarrassed you on the last question (about the kissing thing). But I couldn't think of anything else to ask that I didn't already know then.
I love embarrassing people so I guess I got a taste of my own medicine. But still, it was embarrassing.

Butch- Sorry if I embarrassed you, too. I can be that way sometimes, lol!
Since everyone else had to suffer from embarrassment, I didn’t mind too much.

Butch and Cassidy- I heard a rumor that you guys are going to be in a 4th episode where you're dressed as doctors and pretend to run a Lugia project :)! I can't wait. I don't think you guys show up in enough episodes....
You’re right, we’re not in a lot of episodes. I say we sue!! But at least all of our fans will get to see us in all of our glory again.
Yeah, I’m so happy we got a chance to be seen again. Even better, I think I look really good in the new episode.

Meowth- If you met another pokemon that could talk as good as you did, would you try to be friends, or would you want to be rivals? Cause that's in my fanfic too. Can't wait till I'm finished with it so I can send it in.
At foist I would be jealous ‘cause I wouldn’t seem special. But den I would be happy since I would have a pokemon pal to talk to. We talkin’ freaks need to stick togetha.

everybody- I need your help. Mondo's twin sister in my fanfic doesn't have a name yet. Got any suggestions? I was thinking maybe along the lines of Ria, the same name as the talk show hostess in my other fic, but not the same person. What do you think? Thanx :)
I know! Maybe a girl that has a name that started with an ‘M’ would be good! Like Mindy! Mindy and Mondo, that sounds fine!
Or Melissa.
Or Megan.
I think Ria sounds like a pretty name. That’s what I would use.
Since Mondo is a hippie word, then maybe you should call the girl Radical or Groovy. Never mind, don’t do that.

Rabbite asks:

1a.)To the gals, on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being worst looking to 10 being best looking physically, how would you rate Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7? Here's a pic of him here
Hmm…I think I’ll give him an 7. He’s really good-looking, but too muscular. His hair is probably as long as mine or even longer and that’s scary. That’s why I gave him a lower score.
This is hard, but I think I’ll give him a 9.5. I think he looks really attractive especially in the leather outfit. *sighs* But he’s missing something so he doesn’t get a perfect score. Don’t ask me what he’s missing, all I know is he needs something…

1b.) How does he compare to your partners? Is he better looking, look good as, or not as good looking, etc. and why? Be honest. ;)
I think he’s as good looking as Butch. They both look really good in black. Maybe if he had scored a 10, he would be better looking.
I say somewhere between looking good as James and not as good looking. His physical appearance doesn’t turn me on. Possibly it’s the hair and the muscles…

2a.)To all the the guys and this could include you Meowth, how would you rate this Jessica from Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete on a scale of 1-10? Her picture: here
She looks nice so I’ll give her a 7. She has pretty hair and eyes.
She looks too perky, I’m giving her a 4. End of question.
Ooooh!!! I’m giving her a 10! I like her!
Eh, I’ll give her a 5. I’m not attracted to humans dat often. But it looks like dat she is a cat purrrson.

2b.) Same question, how does she compare to Cassidy and Jessie(TR)? Be honest too. ;)
She is not as good looking as Cassidy. The girl’s perky appearance is giving me the creeps. Jessica doesn’t turn me on that’s for sure.
Uh, well, *blushes* they both are pretty… but I like Jessie’s hair more. Jessie is better looking.
Well, none of them are my partners, but I will use Jessie for comparison. I think Jessica is equally as good looking as Jessie. *sighs happily*
I’m not attracted to eitha one of dem. So I guess dat makes it dat dey are both equally good looking.

J & B Lover asks:

butch-forget da other ting i said bout da clarant now dat i read a noda question bout da instraments da only reson i play da claranet is cuz my sis played it and i had to because she had one :( id rader play da drums and stuff like dat.
Ooh! Yeah! Drums are really cool! I was thinking about making a Team Rocket band or something similar. If we did, I would be the drummer for sure.

cass-kewl i never new u played da piano i didn't like it though:( glad i dont any more
Yeah, when I was a little girl, I took lessons. It wasn’t that bad but it was time consuming. I hated going to my class for lessons. My instructor was really rude and nasty.

jess-u'r soo pretty though i'm not gay i would love to put mie hair just like urs but i hafta buy lots aof hair spray.
Thanks! It takes a lot of time and it does take a lot of hair spray, which takes a lot of money. James is always complaining about that. But I let him buy his food so he shouldn’t whine about it.

all-have u ppls ever had a friend dat u thought u could trust and told dem some of u'r secrets?¿ i have and i am soo ticked of her she told dis boy she like who i like and da boy she like was the boy i likeds best friend :( befor she told i told her me and mie best friend were gona rite fake love notes for lying to mie best friend (who i KNOW i can trust) den da girl told him it was us who were doing it, den she neva said sorry gowd how low can she go. (sorry i was typing so much i just wanted to get rid of mie ÅÑG®ÿ and i tink dat was kinda confusing)
I can’t say that I have. I’ve never trusted many people enough to tell them some of my secrets. Only a few are chosen of who I tell my secrets to.
Yeah, I think that’s happened to me a few times. It really ticks me off, some friends they were. Stupid backstabbers. Arg!
This sounds familiar, doesn’t it Cassidy?
I was just going to ask you the same thing, Jessie.
I thought I could trust you.
I should have known better.
Now I know that I can’t trust you!
Now I know what a traitor you are!
Uh…er… Yes! Unfortunately it’s happened to me. I was hurt, I thought they were my friends. I guess not!

j&j-dose twerps are da worst part of da show wish day would get rid of dem besides they arent such angels any way day used u so day could get through on da bridge bike gang even if day were doing it to help a pokemon day still used u!!
I know! They aren’t nice to us!
They falsely accuse of actions that we never caused!
If something bad occurs, that doesn’t necessarily mean we did it.
I’m tired too of people thinking that the twerps are the most innocent people on earth.
They do a lot of things wrong, people are just too blind to see that. People are also too blind to see that we’re not all that bad.
I wish that when Brock left, Misty and Ash would have left too.

Semper Mae Riko Bishoujo Person Lady asks:

For all of the men-folk:
Just wanted to let y'all know that the main difference between boxers and briefs is that a man can wear silk boxers and still be manly, but he can't wear silk briefs and be manly, cause those are panties.
*laughs uncontrollably*
That’s true! That’s too true!
Fortunately I don’t wear briefs so I have nothing to worry about. How about you James?
I wear boxers most of the time. When I wear briefs, they aren’t silk!
*skeptically* Sure…
I wear briefs, but they aren’t silky. 100% cotton!

For All:
Sorry about the above. I blame it on the sugar. Anyways, I wanted to know if there are any pairings that make you positively ill or just don't make sense, both in poke'mon and elsewhere? There are several that I don't like, and since I like to talk about myself, I'll share. Ash/Misty - I don't know, it just doesn't sit well with me. Okay, so Ash/anybody makes me ill. Jess/Cass - just can't see it. Shouldn't they be completely broke from hospital bills? Then there's the others, like Justin T./Britney S. I shudder to think what their chld would be like. Sailor Chibi Britney? How evil. Anyway, that's it for now. What do y'all think?
I think all of you know what pairing I hate the most. If you don’t, um, well then…you need to get a life! Why do people think I would have a relationship with that dunce?
*whines and stops foot* No! I’m not a dunce, Botch! What I want to know is why do people pair me up with Jessibelle? Do people want me to be tortured and abused for the rest of my life? *sobs*
I wouldn’t pay the hospital bill.
You would be dead, that’s why!
I gag just looking at you! *gags*
I faint just looking at you! *falls to the ground*
Uh oh! Are you okay, Cassidy! Call 911!
*gets up* I’m fine!
Oh! Okay! There’s no pairings that include me that I hate so I’m happy with that! But if a human is paired up with a pokemon, then that’s disgusting!
I get sick to my tummy when human t’ink I actually like da Boss’s Persian.

For Mondo:
(*jumps up and down really fast*) Wanna see how Tauros would react to being fed a huge package of Pixie Stix?
*jumps up and down equally as fast* Yeah!! Yeah!!! Let me get my Tauros out. Come out, Tauros!
*Tauros comes out of pokeball and moos*
Here Tauros! *dumps powdered candy out of a pixie stix and into his hand*
*licks it out of Mondo’s hand*
Hehehe! That tickles! *pours more candy from more pixie stix into his hand*
*licks all of it from his hand*
I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen!
*glances around and runs around in circles a split second later*
*laughs* Look at him go!
*continues to pick up speed and catches a glimpse of Butch*
*charges towards Butch*
Oh my gosh!! *looks for a place to hide*
*rams into Butch’s butt and sends him flying*
*lands on James*
*falls to the ground* Oooff!
Ew! Get off of me, Botch! *pushes Butch off*
*blushes* It’s not like I wanted to fall on you!
*runs out the door and out into the streets*
*rolls around in laughter and listens to the screams from outside* That was funny!!! I wonder what would happen if I gave my Tauros some sour candy…

Jessie, Cassidy, Mondo, and James:
What are y'all's favorite romantic songs? Mine are "Through the Years" by Kenny Rogers, "Baby, I Love Your Way," by Peter Frampton, and "Earth Angel" by Buddy Holly. There are a bunch more, but those are my all time faves. I would've asked Butch too, but he's a mean old man. ~_^ Just kidding. I love ya Butchie!
*pouts* I have a heart! I don’t want to talk to anyone! *sulks off to a corner*
Like A Rose by A1.
Whenever You Call by Brian Mcknight and Mariah Carey
Crash and Burn by Savage Garden.
Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Elton John.
……………okay…………I was just kidding!

For Cassidy:
I'm too lazy to check for myself, but did you say you play the flute? Or was it that you'd like to play the flute? Either way, I think that's really nifty. I my self am a flutist, and I love it dearly. I can play a bit of guitar, but my flute will always be my number one instrument. There's just something that's so hauntingly beautiful about it, you know?
I said that I would like to play the flute. It looks beautiful and plays beautiful music as well. What more could you ask from an instrument?

For Meowth:
You know what? I hate Persians too. They're stuck up and too big to sit in one's lap. And what's the point of having a cat if you can't hold it in your lap and pet it? That's half the pleasure of owning a cat! So, thanks for daring to be different in all ways. I hope Gio will soon realize that you're better than that fleabag, but if he doesn't, he's an idiot, and you're better off without him.
Yeah, dose dumb Persians. Dey act innocent and loyal but dey really aren’t. But da Boss falls for Persians act. You’re right, da Persians are too big to be lap cats. Since dere so big dey probably have a lot of fleas. Why do Persians always get to be da top cat? A Persian was da top cat in my Meowth gang and now dere’s one in Team Rocket. What’s dis world comin’ to?

For Wheezing:
You do realize that you are a really adorable, lovable poke'mon, don't you? I hope so, because it's true, no matter how many people say otherwise. (*hugs*)
Wheez. Wheez wheez wheezing.
What dis windbag just said was dat he’s glad dat you’re a loyal fan. He doesn’t get dat many after he evolved.

You know what the worst torture known to man is? Being forced to watch a "Full House" marathon, that's what. Oh, the horror!
Yuck! It can’t be as bad as watching a marathon of “Barney.” No offense, James.
No offense taken. *pauses* Hey! Wait a minute! I don’t watch Barney!
There was that one time, James…
*whines* That’s because there was NOTHING on! It’s not a daily habit or anything.
I watch “Full House,” but only when I’m very hyper!!
Which is basically all the time. Am I right?
Yes! No! Maybe!

I'm tired now. My sugar high didn't last very long. Hope y'all had a Happy Thanskgiving! Bye Cheeky Monkeys!
*laughs crazily* I’m a monkey! Gimme bananas!
No, I don’t think you need bananas. You need something that will tranquilize you.
Yeah, if you consider a burnt turkey a part of a Happy Thanksgiving, then I had one.
*grumbles* It wasn’t my fault…
*rolls eyes* Cheer up, Botch. Here, have a banana. *hands Butch a banana*
No! I want the banana!
Ah! Dis kid’s hyper-activity is makin’ me go bananas!

Krista asks:

Butch and James- have you two really considered getting to know each other? I mean you can help each other and talk about your partners, you know have a "guys day"?
*looks at Butch*
*looks at James*
I don’t mind having a guy’s day, but with him…?
I can’t see it happening.
We would spend the entire time talking about how much we hate each other rather than our partners or helping out.
We’re better off not talking to each other.

Butch- my friend who is a fan of yours is curious, are you muscular?
I’m somewhat between being muscular and scrawny. I’m not anywhere near as built up as a body builder. But I’m not made of all bones either.

James- which is better sleep or food?
*looks around worriedly* Um… *whines* This is too hard!!! Uh… Noooo! I can’t decide! Errr, maybe food… I hardly ever get enough of that. You don’t need money to buy sleep but you do need money to buy food. Yes, that’s what it is, food. Food is better.

all- what is one food you _absolutly_ hate?
Vegetables. I don’t care if they make you grow bigger.
I despise pork. It’s so gross and sickening.
Meowth is going to hate me, but I don’t like tuna.
It gives you horrible breath and it smells and tastes so fishy!
I hate eggs. They smell nasty. Ewww! I just imagined how one smells.
I hate lettuce. I feel like a bunny when I eat it!

Mondo- close your eyes and hold out your hand *puts new born Meowth in his hand* there you go your very own kitty!
AAAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! A Meowth! My very own Meowth!!!! *dances joyfully* I’m gonna love and cuddle this kitty forever and ever and ever and ever!!!! *hugs* Thank you so much!!!!!!!

Meowth- sorry I gave that to mondo I still like you *hugz* oh and I brought a fan of yours with me *holds up Luna* you're her most favorite celeberty
Eh, dat’s okay. Now he’ll leave me alone and actually give dis Meowth some privacy. He even asked me if I had a leash and colla’ so we could go for a walk! *waves* Hi Luna! How’s it goin’? T’anks for visiting me!

James- yuck! I hate coconut chocolates! here you can have mine *hands him a few chocolates* but stay away from my chocolate cherries!
*squeals happily and gobbles down all the chocolates* Mmmmmm! Thanks! Um, uh oh… I think I accidentally ate one of your cherry ones… I think I got too carried away. *grins sheepishly*

James- sorry as you can see I love chocolate
I love chocolate too! It’s the yummiest candy that was ever made. I feel really bad for the people who are allergic to chocolate, they’re missing out on a lot.

Jessie- I'm a redhead too. Did ne 1 ever call you "red"? I did when I was younger and I hated it!
Yeah, that happened to me too much. They thought I looked cute since I had red hair and they were always touching my hair and stroking it. That’s one of the reasons I’m so protective of my gorgeous and beautiful hair.

James and Butch- you both seemed embarrassed when I asked your partner if they liked you wiht your shirt off, where you embarrassed?
*blushes* Er….
Well, uh, sort of…
It is embarrassing…
It’s just like if someone asked another person if they liked the way you look in a bathing suit.
*whines* I can’t help it! I was uncomfortable! I don’t talk about those topics that often.
Maybe I’m just insecure with myself.

all- what did the rest of you do for thanksgiving?
We already told our story. *laughs*
Yeah, now that I look back it at, I begin to laugh. It’s those kind of holidays that last in your memories forever.
Jess and I took a “free sample” of a turkey from a supermarket.
Uh huh, it was very good, and very free!
Yeah and I came to visit them and I brought lots of other goodies to munch on!
I even got ta eat da drumsticks! I t’ink my gut got bigga afta T’anksgiving. It’s gonna get even bigga afta Christmas.
*smugly* I even got the biggest piece of the wishbone!

all- does ne 1 else besides James love food?
*whines* I’m hungry!!
I love food but that’s probably because I don’t get enough of it.
I need food for obvious reasons, but I’m not in love with it.
Well…it depends on the type of food. I can pig out when I want to.
Do I love food?! Of course I do!!

Cassidy- was Butch ever a gentleman to you?
Oh, I suppose Butch has his suave moments. Sure, he’s a gentleman to me sometimes. It just depends on his mood. When he takes me out or acting romantic, he is debonair and a gentleman.

Butch- do you send your sisters presents?
When I get the money and time I will give them gifts. Especially during the holidays since I get a bonus and some off time. Because I don’t see them that often, they enjoy the presents.

all- what is your favorite kind of cake?
Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.
I love cheesecake.
My favorite is coffee cake.
Pineapple upside down cake.
Vanilla cake with creamy white frosting covered with sprinkles and even more frosting.

all- what would you say was the worst part of going through puberty?
I didn’t have any good male friends to discuss what I was going through. I felt so alone.
All of my hormones going on a rampage was pretty bad. *laughs* They still do.
I began to feel uncomfortable around the opposite sex. I felt as if I could no longer be ‘just friends.’
You have to start to wash yourself everyday! When I was younger, I washed myself about twice a week.

all- you may be wondering why I ask a lot of questions on your thoughts about other peoples weight, and the reason is because Im writing a fic where Cassidy and Jessie have eating disorders cause it is a topic I never saw in a tr fanfic and too many people suffer through it. ok so my question is were any of you guys ever chubby as a little kid?
No, I don’t think I ever was. I was always medium built.
When I was very little, I had some baby fat but I grew out of that.
I didn’t eat nearly enough to get chubby. It’s not because I wanted to be anorexic, I was just poverty-stricken.
Sorry, I was the average weight when I was little.
When I was in elementary school, I was a tad chubby. But as I got older, I grew into my body.

J+J- when I asked B+C the prom question you guys laughed, what was so funny?
*laughs* They were saying that proms are for people who are boyfriend and girlfriend… *smiles* ….or for people who are in love.
They said they didn’t go because they don’t like anyone….
….but we think differently.

all- what is the biggest mistake you ever made?
I was cutting up some fruit with a knife so I could have a snack. I was too busy talking to another person so I wasn’t paying much attention to what I was doing. Since I wasn’t looking, I cut through two of my fingers. Blood was gushing out really fast everywhere and I was crying in pain. I had to go to the ER and get stitches. Now I’m more careful around knifes.
When I was in the bike gang, Jess and I got invited to a party by a few of the members. We thought it was going to be an average party with food and music. But when we got there, it was completely different. The music was blaring and people were getting drunk from the alcohol that was served. I was so scared! Finally, the neighbors called the Officer Jenny’s to come and end the party. Fortunately, Jessie and I were able to sneak out so we didn’t get in trouble; after all, we didn’t do anything wrong. But a lot of people were getting charged because they possessed alcohol and they were minors. Even though I didn’t get in trouble, I wish I hadn’t gone to the party.
I wanted to tryout a new hair color. I bought some purple hair dye and washed it into my hair. It was so cheap that the color turned out to be really yucky and dull. I tried to wash it out of my hair but it didn’t come out! My hair was stained! My mom cut most of my hair off and told me I was going to have to wait for the rest of it to grow out. I remember crying myself to sleep for days after that experience. Never buy cheap hair dye, get it professionally done.
I told James that I was going out shopping one night. Instead, I was telling a white lie so I could go out with a guy I sort of liked. When the guy and I got to the restaurant, there was James, sitting at the table right in front of us. He was staring at me and he looked very hurt. I guess he didn’t have anything else better to do that night than to go out to eat. I learned my lesson how destructive little lies can be.
This is sort of like Butch’s since it relates to safety. A few years ago, my friends and I were out rollerblading out in the streets. It rained the previous night so all of the streets were still slick. Anyways, I was showing off to my friends and I told them that I could leap over a big box in the middle of the road while wearing my skates. I was able to do so but sine the ground was wet, I slipped when I landed and fell. Since I wasn’t wearing any padding, I skinned my knees and elbows and broke my ankle. Now I always wear safety gear and I don’t do dumb stunts like that.

James- did you remember to change your socks?
*blushes* Um, I remembered to change them a few days ago…
*sighs* That was a long time ago. Did you change them recently as in today?
Uh oh…
Great…does anyone have a gasmask?

Mondo- what kind of M&Ms do you like the best? mine are plain, peanut butter, and crunchy mmmmmm
Oooooooh! I live them all so much!!! But my favorite is the plain, they have more chocolate in them so that gives me more sugar which makes me more hyper!!

all- what kind of vehicle do you like?
I like sleek and classy vehicles.
That’s easy, limos.
I like sporty cars.

Jess, James, Butch, Cass- do you guys cuddle up to your partners sometimes? like I mean hug each other tightly or try and keep each other warm?
*blushes and turns away*
*smiles* Yes, we get very cozy and warm. *sighs happily*
*blushes harder*
We don’t cuddle up, we just sit next to each other.
*turns a little red* Oh no! We don’t get very close!
*blushes a little* Yeah yeah! We never do anything romantic like that!

Misty Rocket asks:

This picture that I have drawn is what I think that Jessie and James' children might look like.... I named them all and gave them all personalities. Before you jump to conclusions, I'm not saying that you will have this many children. (or maybe you will....who knows? MWAHAHAHAHA) I'm just saying that this might be what one or two of you're children in the future will look like ^_^. Now, the first one Is Jamie... as you can see, she sort of has a mix of Jessie and James' hair styles and color. And you will also notice that all of them have streaks of hair in the middle of their foreheads like James. Jamie's name came from a combination of the names "Jessie" and "James" J-A-M for James, and I-E for Jessie. She is a leader type and she gives good advice. (She is sort of like a girl version of Arnold from "Hey Arnold" and Tommy from "Rugrats") Next we have Jack. He has a short temper and he is kind of a trouble maker. (Like Bart Simpson) Next, we have Jill. Jill is very sweet and sensitive. She is alot like James in fact. And....umm.... lets just say.... if you dyed her hair blond, you wouldn't really know it was blue before.... Don't be offended, Cassidy because I know you aren't a natural blond.... oopsie, did I say that out loud? Silly me ^_^! Next we have Jasmine. She is Pretty, popular, pritzy, and....a premadonna. She loves cosmetics and other girl stuff and she loves to shop. Lets just say, "She's a girly girl" Now, we have Jewl. She LOVES ghoasts and parinormal stuff. She says that she isn't afraid of anything and mostly she isnt, but there are things that she IS afraid of. She has a Ghastly, a Haunter, a Gengar, and a Mistrevious and she loves using them to play tricks on people...but she knows not to do it all the time. And finially, we have Jake. Jake is well.....a nerd... he is VERY smart, almost like, a genious! He loves going on the computer all the time and he likes school alot too.... now thats all.. WHEW! And before you go saying, "This Kid has TO MUCH TIME ON HER HANDS!" I'd like to say, "I'll ignore that ^_^" Now, my question to you, is the same one as b4....what is your reaction to this picture?

*aghast* I really hope I don’t have that many kids. I can only imagine my figure… *groans and hides face in hands* Oh boy, think about living with all of them when they’re teenagers. It’s going to be a nightmare. Not to mention bringing all 6 into the world, that’s going to be a nightmare too.
But Jess, the kids look nice! They’re all well rounded out. Each kid is different so it will be so much fun raising them. It will be worth all of the trouble, trust me.
*sighs* Well at least they look beautiful like me.
*giggles* They all have the cute little strand of hair!
I guess if I had to have that many kids that’s how I would envision them to look like.
I have a question! Why do some of the kids resemble me? I don’t want to look like their children!
I am a natural blonde! My hair color is not artificial, I’m all-natural.

Crazy4TR112 asks:

Meowth- I really don't think some people appreciate you enough. I just want you to know that there are alot of fans out there that absolutely A-D-O-R-E you! (Like me) *hugs*
*hugs back* Ah! *purrs happily* Dis top cat likes ya too. I glad you like me, too. Dis cat needs admirers and fans. I need da love! Meowth!

Cassidy- How long have you known Jessie?
*sighs* I would like to say too long, but I don’t think that would answer your question very well. I met her in late in elementary school. As you can tell, that’s too long.

James- What would you do if Jessie quit Team Rocket? (I'm not saying she will.)
*gasp* No! No! I won’t let it happen!!! *cries*
*whacks James with her fan* It’s a hypothetical question, James! It’s not happening!
Oh! Why didn’t you say so?
Oh God! Answer the question!
Oh yeah! If Jessie quits, then I quit. I would feel alone and sad! *sobs* I need my friend! After I quit, I would lock myself in a little room and cry forever!

J&J- How did you two meet?
I believe it was at Pokemon Tech.
Yes, it was. Some bullies were pushing me around. They were stronger than me so I couldn’t fight back. But Jessie saw what was happening and came over to stand up for me. I thought it was sweet since she didn’t even know me.
A few days later, a group of girls were laughing and making fun of me. James came over and yelled at them for being so inconsiderate.
*blushes* It was the least I could do to pay you back. You helped me out so I had to help you out.
*smiles* So after that, we thanked each other for sticking up for each other. Then we started talking and getting to know each other. Now we always stick up for each other. *blushes*
Yeah, that’s our “how we met” story! I think it’s sweet! *blushes*

All- What do you think of Ash and Misty getting together?
They’re so…young. Talk about young love.
Eww, a twerpy couple. A twerp for a twerp.
I wonder what their kids will look like…I don’t want to know.
Ash only cares about becoming a pokemon master, Misty should know that he won’t have time for her.
Yuckies!!! I guess they’re made for each other… Yuckies!!!

Mondo- How old are you?
I’m 15!!! Don’t tell anyone but I’m driving underage. Ssssh! I don’t wanna get in trouble!!!
Well stop yelling! Everyone can hear you.
I can’t help it! I ate this big jar of cake frosting today! It was soooo good and now I’m soooo hyper!

Butch- Why do hate James?
Where should I start? First off, he’s my rival. I have to hate him! He’s also so darn annoying! Why the heck can’t he get my name right? I’ve corrected him too many times, you would think it would get into his thick head. Butch is such an easy name to remember. But I guess for stupid people like him that would be a hard name to remember. His crossdressing freaks me out. He claims that it’s for Team Rocket, but I doubt that. Gosh, I wish he would leave my life alone.

Mondo- How long have you been in Team Rocket?
Two years!!! Two years!!! But I’m still learning the ways of Team Rocket. I enjoy it so much. I love Team Rocket, I love it, I love it, I love it!

Jessie- *hugs* I'm really, really, REALLY sorry about your mom! I just can't imagine life without mine.
*hugs and sniffs* Thanks….I really miss my poor mommy. I need her so much. Sometimes I want to have another female around to talk to. *sniffs* But I don’t have any. I don’t understand why some girls hate their moms. If I had my mama, I would never argue or yell at her. Girls shouldn’t take their moms for granted. I learned that the hard way…

Mondo- You are just sooo cute! *hugs*
*hugs very tightly* Ooops, sorry if I squeezed you too hard… I don’t know my own strength. *shrugs* If I’m so cute, then why don’t I get any of the pretty Rocket girls? *blushes* Huh? Why not?! Do my hyperactivities frighten them to death?! *sighs* Oh well… at least I know that I have my sugar, it will always love me. According to you, I even have my cuteness. Yay!!!!!

Leah asks:

all: the Chorallaries of MIT are an occapella singing group. my cousin Dan is one of them, so that's why i asked.
I feel really stupid now.
Gee, is that anything new?
Wow! That’s cool having someone you know in a musical group.
Yeah, occapella is pretty good music.
I wanna listen to music!! I wanna listen!!! Huh? Huh? Can I?!

meowth: *sniff* you know Jade, the meowth that liked you? she *sob* was ran over by a truck today *cries on mondo's shoulder*
*cries* That’s horrible! I wanna hug! *hugs* I’m so sorry!
*cries* No!!!!!!!! Why?! Why did dis have ta happen?! She didn’t do anyt’ing wrong! *sobs* I’m gonna miss her…. *cries and runs out of the room*

cass: *regains composure* here's a pack of mints to get that fishy taste out of your mouth (no offense meowth...)
*takes mints* Thanks! Don’t worry, Meowth’s out crying, he won’t be offended. *puts mint in mouth* Aaahh. Minty freshness! Just what I needed.
I don’t think those mints are going to work, Cassidy. Your breath stinks all the time. It’s too powerful for mints. If you breathe around plants, the wither up. Skunks choke when they smell your breath.
Your ugliness makes people want rip their eyes out of their sockets. An embryo looks like a genius compared to your intelligence.
*sneers* Hmph! At least the mint worked!

all: if you could do one thing to bin loden, what would it be?
I would put him in a building and blow it up. Then he can see how it feels to be in a burning building!
I would slit his throat and let him bleed to death. He can suffer a long and cruel death. Then I’ll his body out in the field for vultures and worms.
I would get my mallet and hit him the same number of times as the number of people who died on 9/11.
I would send him on an airplane, have the pilot fly it as high as possible, then the pilot jump out with a parachute leaving Bin Laden in the plane destined to crash.
I’d get a gun, and just start shooting at him like crazy!!!!! Hahahaha!

no one in particular: what system of money do you use, yen, dollars, or something else?
I don’t know. We use a colorful paper money system. The $1 are made on white paper, the $5 on pink, the $10 on yellow, the--
*sighs* No, James. She means money in real life. Not the money we use to play in Monopoly!
…………oh!!! Why didn’t you say so?
Most of the time we use dollars, but when we go to Japan, of course we use yen. But when we go in Monopoly, we use colorful money. *smiles*

j+j,b+c: what's the most annoying thing about your partner?
I get so tired of Jessie always worrying about her physical appearance! She’s always looking in a mirror and talking about how she needs more makeup or if it looks like she didn’t get any sleep. I tell her that she looks fine but she says that I’m just lying and goes back to looking in the mirror. Sometimes I just want to throw it across the room and break it!
Cassidy’s pickiness annoys the heck out of me. Everything needs to be exactly perfect. If I mess one tiny little thing up, she gets all over me. Geez, it’s not my fault if I mess up a little. She needs to give me some slack because no one’s perfect.
James’s whining really irritates me. He’s always whining about something. It’s either about money, twerps, but most of the time he whines about food and being tired. I can understand complaining; I do that all the time. Why can’t he complain in a normal way instead of whining like a baby?
Butch is always so messy! He leaves all of his junk all over the place, cluttering up our apartment. He expects me to pick it all up, I guess I’m his personal maid. But he gets ticked when I leave my stuff on the floor. I’m always telling him to pick his stuff up, but he never does. Butch is such a slob. But Einstein was messy too so I guess I’m not the only one who has to deal with a messy smart guy.

*eyes widen* I didn’t mean to! I was only telling the truth!! It’s not my fault! Don’t blame me! I’m sorry, Cassidy! Really, I’m sorry! *gets on his knees* Forgive me! *kisses Cassidy’s boot*

cass: *snigger* i got butch gooood....
*laughs* It’s so much fun watching him act so pathetic and helpless. *smiles* He deserves it sometimes. But I wish he would stop kissing my boots, it’s getting disgusting.

butch: sorry, i just couldn't resist!
Yeah yeah, sometimes I can’t resist messing with people either. Hey… *blushes* I just kissed Cassidy’s dirty boots for nothing? Yuck! Gross! Nasty! *spits* Ah well, the crazy things I do.

Crazy4TR112 and Leah asks:

Jessie- How do you get your hair to stay like that?
In order for my stunning red hair to defy gravity, I use a lot of gel and hair spray obviously. It takes me forever to do my hair, but try telling James that when he’s banging on the bathroom door. First I put gel in my hair and ‘mold’ my hair into its normal shape and style. I have to hold the hair into the position for about 5 minutes or until the gel’s hard. Then I spray my hair for extra support. My hands and arms get very tired doing all of this work so I ask James to help me sometimes.

All- Have you ever tried to bribe the Boss?
Heh, yeah. I wanted a break for a while and I used up all of my vacation days. So I had to pay him off. It worked too. Haha! It pays to be on the Boss’s good side.
*pouts* No fair! I try to give the Boss more money so we could take a break from trying to capture Pikachu. You know what he did?! He threw the money right at my face!! *sniff*
I tried to give him some money so he would get us more fashionable uniforms. He told me that Team Rocket isn’t a beauty show and then he told me to get the heck out of his office. So much for the bribe.
Let’s see…oh yes! I did bribe him once. I also wanted some time off since it is so stressful being in Team Rocket and I had used up all of my so-called vacation days. I just gave him the money and he gave me a few days off. Who says money doesn’t buy happiness?
I offered to give the Boss some money if he would let me have a partner! He took one look at my face and laughed.

Meowth- How long did it take you to learn how to talk?
I t’ink it took me about a few months to stutter some words. I didn’t learn how to speak sentences for more dan half a year. I can’t help it I’m slow! At least I can talk, dat’s da most important t’ing.

All- What size shoes do you wear?
I’m not sure….maybe 10…I always forget! Let me take off my boots so I can check.
No! For our noses sake, please don’t. Uh…oh yeah! I wear size 11.
I normally wear size 9, but it depends on which brand or style of shoes.
I wear size 10. So what if I have big feet? Sue me.
I think I wear 9.5. I think!

James- Has your hair always been that color?
*giggles* Yes, at least as long as I can remember. In all of my baby pictures, I have fuzzy hazy-blue hair. Of course, you’ve seen a few moments of my childhood in the episodes, and I had the same color. Don’t you think I looked cute!? I love my hair! *shrieks* Eeeheehee!