Ask Team Rocket--Page 6

BCR2 asks:

I have a few for every one exept Meowth and Mondo and Cassidy. (sorry guys)
*sadly* No questions for Meowth?
Me! Me! Me! Me!
That’s okay, I see what you named yourself, so I won’t complain.

i think a lot of the backstreet boys's songs represent you like Shape of my Heart, My love is all i have to give, I want it that way, ..... oh there are so many i can't think of them all.
*gasps* You’re right! Wow! I need to go get one of their CD’s so I can listen to the songs all the time.
*blushes* That’s not necessary, James.
But Jess! The songs are so beautiful and romantic!
I know…but still…
They symbolize our feelings! Our emotions! Our love!
*blushes* Okay okay…just be a little quiet. *looks around* We’re not alone.
Really? I didn’t know that.
*rolls eyes*

I think the backstreet boys song, The perfect fan, would be a great song for you to sing to your mom. (If you know what i mean)
*gasp* That would be perfect… If only I could… *sniffs* Even though I don’t like that band that much, that song describes the relationship my mommy and I shared. I love the line “Cause mom you always were the perfect fan.” Mommy was always my number one fan…

Ok, ok, ok, i'm tired of keeping my name a secret so........ Naomi... there. Said it. *sighs with releif*
Darn! I was hoping that you were going to say James.
*sighs* Don’t be dumb! She’s a girl! Why would she have a guy’s name?
Unless she wanted to call herself Jamie. But I think Naomi is a better name.
Yeah, it’s a nice name, but I like BCR2 more. I wonder why. *smiles*
Naomi is a good name, but so is Mondo. I know! Let’s add the two names together! Mondomi! Yeah!

Do you want to go with me to see the Harry Potter movie? Please? And no James, you can't come.
*pouts sadly* Hmph. Fine! I don’t care. I didn’t even want to go see that dumb movie! Go ahead. See if I care.
Great! I’ll go! When we get there, I’ll buy the sodas if you buy the popcorn. I guess I’ll buy the candy, too, if you buy the tickets… Well, let’s go! Oh, and James…stop pouting unless you want someone to sit on your lip.
*pouts more* Hmph.

All, I've decided to change my screen name to BCR2. You should know what that stands for.
*pouts* Hmph.
Would you cut it out?! Enough already! You’re really annoying me.
*whines* JJM2 was a better name.
I’m afraid you’re mistaken, James. *applauds* Good for you! I’m glad you changed your name! Welcome to the wonderful world of our fans!
I’m very glad you converted and became one of our fans.
Converted?! You’re making it sound like a religion!
But becoming a fan of us is very important. We must celebrate!
I still think Mondomi is a better name.

Name: Crazy4TR112 asks:

B&C- I have this friend and we were having a conversation about Team Rocket. When I mentioned you two, she went totally insane! She started going on and on about how you two suck and should never had appeared on the show because Jessie and James are so much better than you! Now I like J,J&M, but I like you guys too. *sniff* She really hurt me that day. When I went on the Internet, though, I realized alot of people felt the same way she did! I really don't understand it at all!! *hugs* I love you two!!
*frowns* Don’t people out there have hearts? Or maybe even brains? *hugs*
Hey! I want part of the hug, too! *hugs* I don’t have enough fans so I need all the love I can get. I still don’t understand why people hate us.
Yeah, why do people think Jessie and James are better than us? What do they have that we don’t?
I can tell you what we have that they don’t, but not vice-a-versa.

Mondo- What kind of job do you have in Team Rocket?
My job is to lend a helping hand! Whenever someone is in need, hurt, or in trouble, it’s my job to be there to help him or her. I have the most important job! If I weren’t around, then who would be there for the people who blast off? No one! I’m wanted! I’m needed!

Jessie- How do feel about Jessibelle looking like you?
I don’t know what you’re talking about. We don’t look alike at all.
No, what are you talking about? You two look so much alike. Don’t you dare deny it.
Well, maybe a little.
It’s more like a lot.
Anyways, she doesn’t have the style to pull off her looks like I do. I am obviously more beautiful than her. She looks like a poodle under all of the curls. Her stupid earrings don’t make her face look right. She’s a wannabe of me. She’s doing a terrible job at it, too.

All- I luv you all!!! *hugs*
Finally I get a hug! *hugs*
Ha! This is my second hug! *hugs*
Yeah, second is the best. *hugs*
Stop being a snob! *hugs*
*hugs* Ah! I love you!

Tikity Kimiko asks:

Jess and Cass: how old were you when you got your first "monthly"? (I was to young)
It was when I was 13. Yuck, I still remember that horrible day. It was at school too, which made it even worse.
I had my first one when I was 12. This may seem dumb, but I was so scared! It’s not like I could tell my mom what happened. I felt very alone.

Butch Mondo James: do you know what us girls mean by "monthly"?
Is a monthly sort of like a monthly statement you get from the bank?
I wish it was that simple.
It’s more like a monthly statement from your uterus.
………Oh!! Now I know what you’re talking about.
I’m so glad I don’t have to go through that girly stuff.
Guys think they’re so smart.
The only reason why guys don’t go through this is because the human population would be extinct.
Yeah, you guys would end up killing yourselves.
I think I’m tough enough! I could handle it!
*looks at Mondo strangely*
Oh no, consider yourself lucky.

James and Butch: how come you two are so...hott? (Mondo your to cute to be hott)
*smiles and hugs himself*
Hmm…I don’t know why I’m so hot. *runs fingers through hair* I guess I just got lucky.
I think I know why I’m hot. It’s because I’m wearing this heavy jacket.
*rolls eyes* No, not like that! Hot as in good-looking, not sweaty-hot.
Oh that kind of hot! *blushes* I always thought I was only cute, but if you say I’m hot… *blushes more*

For all: Did you know in the last series of "Sailor Moon" Darien dies in a plane crash going to America? (The sad past is he purposed to Serena before he lefted)*sniff* (He was so cute) *sniff* And there are some new guys. Their names are Sayer Starr, Terry Starr, and Robin Starr. (their brothers) Their are a populer band called the Starlights. Sayer has a crush on Serena. Terry and Mina like eachother and Robin...Well Robin's to mean to have a g/f. And they transform into girls (freaky, huh)
*cries* That’s so sad! *sniffs* Why did it have to happen? Why? Why?!
Calm down, we don’t want to drown in your tears. But uh…those three guys seem kind of scary. I would not like to hang around them.
Ew! They change their genders?! Ugh! That’s gross! *sighs* I feel bad for Serena, I can understand what it’s like when someone you love dies.
No offense, but I never did like that Darien guy. Hmm…the guys are in a band? They sound cool, too bad they’re freaky.
I have a question! Uh…how exactly do those guys change into girls? How does it happen? Uh……never mind! I probably don’t wanna know!

For James, Butch, Cass, and Jess: Have you ever saw your partner naked (by actcedent) If so explain how and what happaned.
*blushes* Uh…yes, I did…
What?! You never told me! *blushes* When did this happen?!
*blushes* Um…you were in the bathroom…and I had something I wanted to tell you, but I don’t remember now what it was…
*whines* It was important at the time! I, er, thought you were only doing her hair so I opened the door before knocking. But I quickly found out that you were in the shower. By then, it was too late. I, uh, *blushes* could clearly see you through the shower curtains.
*deeply blushes and hits James with paper fan*
*puts hands up to shield the hits* I’m sorry, Jess! I didn’t mean to! I didn’t stand there gawking! I left right away! Honest!
It doesn’t matter! You still saw me!
*sniffs and sobs* I’m sorry, Jess!
Yeah, well now I only wish I had a story to get back at you! But no, I’ve never seen him naked.
*hurriedly* I’ve never seen Butch naked and he hasn’t seen me naked either!
*smiles shyly* But what about the time-
Quiet! No one wants to hear!
Well the question was asked so obviously some people want to hear.
*groans and hides face in hands*
It started out with Cassidy walking around in her bedroom, naked.
I was not! I was going to try on some bathing suits! Besides, I thought you weren’t home!
Well, you’re right. I wasn’t home for a while. I was out shopping, but I guess I got home a little too early… *laughs slyly* The bedroom door was wide open so I figured it was okay to go on in. I casually walked into the room and lo and behold was a very naked Cassidy. I was like ‘Oh my gosh!’
*blushes and rolls eyes* Oh yeah, I bet that’s exactly what you were thinking.
We both just stood there in shock. A few moments later, being the gentleman that I am, I walked out of the room. But I was still in shock. *smiles and blushes*
*groans* That was so embarrassing! *sighs* Of all the coincidences… I wish I had a bathing suit on at the time! I also wish you didn’t tell everyone about this, uh, mishap.

All: do you all have a favorite food? ( I like my dad's Clam Chowder with big chucks of clam. hmmmm.)
I love eggrolls. They’re one of my very few weaknesses.
Uh…there’s so many! Cookies? Chocolate? Brownies? Donuts? Cake? I don’t know!
My favorite food is a baked potato.
It’s a dessert, but I love ice cream.
I love greasy and cheesy pizza!

Is there a holiday you totally dispise?( I don't like Thanksgiving)
I’m not sure, but when I was very little, I didn’t like Easter. The thought of a bunny hopping around while I was asleep scared me.
I hate all holidays were you don’t get any presents, food, or anything like that.
I hate Valentine’s Day. It’s too mushy with all of the dumb couples acting lovey-dovey.
I don’t like it when it’s Mother’s Day because I get very depressed.
Nope! I love all holidays!!

How old were you when you stoped beliving in Santa Claus and how did you find out. (I was 7)
There’s no such thing as Santa Claus? *sniffs*
Uh oh. James still thought he was real.
*sobs* You all are wrong! He’s real!
Okay, whatever you say. I think it was when I was 9, one of my friends told me that he wasn’t real. Naturally I believed him since I always wondered how guy like him can fit down a chimney.
When I was eight, I went to the mall to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what I wanted for Christmas. Of course, a stupid kid yanked off Santa’s beard. I stopped believing in him after that.
I was 10 when I quit believing in him. I was at the supermarket picking out some cookies for Santa. But this mean old lady came up to me and told me Santa wasn’t real. I was heartbroken because Santa gave me hope.
I was 9 when I stopped believing. *laughs* I caught my dad at night wearing a Santa suit. It was so funny!

The next one is a challenge. Butch you have to give Jess a French kiss and the same for James and Cass. After that tell what kind of flavors you tasted. You have to kiss for 10 seconds. Meowth time Butch and Jess, Mondo time James and Cass. If you can't do it you will either be put in "The Hall of Shame" or "The Book of Wimps" If you fail you name will be posted on the school bullintine board (everyone know you, even the the teachers) So witch is it: book or hall?
Oh crud! I don’t want my name to go in those infamous disgraceful galleries!
*whimpers* I’m scared!
I really, really don’t want to go through with this.
This is not a challenge! This is suicide!
*groans* Okay. Believe it or not, the kiss is the worse of the two evils. No one will forget my name if it goes into the “galleries.” But people will eventually forget the kiss.
*skeptical* I don’t know about that… *sighs* Okay, I don’t want my future kids to be embarrassed because their mom was shameful or a wimp. Let’s get it over with.
*slowly and reluctantly kisses Jessie*
*thinks* Ten seconds is taking forever.
Hehe! Okay! Da time is up! Now tell us about it!
Actually, now that I think about it, it did taste a little fruity.
It tasted minty, more like wintergreen-flavor.
*glares at Jessie* Okay, that’s it! Come on, James!
No! I don’t want to! Don’t make me! *hides in a corner*
Too bad! I don’t want my name going down in history! *grabs James and kisses him*
*struggles to get away*
*laughs at James* Your time is up!
*wipes her mouth on her sleeve* Your spit got all over my face! Darn you! That tasted horrible and saliva-y!
*whines* All I could taste is your yucky lipstick!

The last one is for everyone: I have soon good news and so bad news. The good news is that there is a LEGO set with Pokemon in it. (Yes it has Butch Cass and Mondo. Aren't you guys happy.) James can hold a rose or a donut and you can put a frog suit on Butch. (It's really cute) James has a bottle-cap collection (the caps are so tiny. You gotta make sure you don't lose them. The bad news is that it's selling in Japan at $70,000. (and life couldn't get any worse than it is.
*gasp* Mini donuts, roses, and bottle caps! *shrieks* I want it! Jessie! Buy it for me!
Oh sure, I’ll buy it for you. As a matter of fact, I’ll buy you as many as you want.
*hits James with a frying pan* Stupid! We don’t have any money and when we do, we’re not buying toys with it.
*whines* I want the LEGO’s!
A frog suit?
Awww! How cute!
A frog suit?
You would look so cute and adorable in it!
A frog suit? Well, at least I’m in it. That’s better than nothing even though I have to wear a frog suit.
*astonished* I’m…in…it? Oh my gosh! I don’t believe it! *faints and falls to the floor*

Well I'm done for now bye. Love ya'll (and Mondo stay cute, OK?
*gets up from the floor* I will! I will! *jumps up and down* Bye!

Sailor Team Rocket asks:

i just have a question/comment for Everybody!
I really really think that there should be a Pokemon movie with EVERYBODY!! Jessie, James, Butch, Cassidy, Domino, Mondo, Meowth anybody else, and the big man himself, Geovanni!! Who agrees with me?? I think that would be sooooooooooo cool!
Then I can be a movie star!!
Hey! Save some of the spot light for those who haven’t been in any movies.
Hmph! With all of those people in the movies, no one’s even going to acknowledge me!
*rolls eyes* Yeah they will! All they have to do is to look for the stupid stuck up snob!!
I was talking about me, not you!
Are you calling me stuck up?
You took your time figuring that out.
At least my head isn’t up in the clouds.
I thought Cassidy’s head is on her shoulders.
No, it’s on her neck.
Anyways, back to the subject. I agree, there should be a movie with all of us. Of course, some of us will be shown more than others…
Me? In a movie?! This could be my big break! *faints*
It’s wishful t’inking Mondo. It’s not gonna happen any time soon. But it dey did make a movie like dat, I want to request a scene where me and Persian fight and I win.

2) also i have a present for Every1. For Mondo, a lifetime supply of sugar. James, a lifetime supply of donuts & roses. Jessie & Cassidy, a lifetime supply of hairspray to keep your wonderful hair in shape ^_^ Meowth, a lifetime supply of fish & Butch..hmm...i'll give you this! ^_^ *tosses a can to Butch for him to spray on James, so James won't call him Botch anymore* Enjoy!! ^_^
*shrieks* Aaah! How on earth did you know that this is what I’ve always wanted?! *sighs dreamingly* I think I died and went to heaven… *takes a big whiff of his roses and a big bite out of a donut* Ahhh, eternal bliss…
Hahahahaha! Sorry to kick you off of your dream cloud! *sprays James*
*whines* Stop it, Botch! You’re getting all of the donuts soggy!
Heh! Oops! I think I’ll “water” the roses. *sprays the roses*
*whines* Botch! Quit it! You’ll kill them!
Then I’ll be doing a favor to all of those who are allergic to roses. Speaking of allergies, I think I’m allergic to you. *sprays James again*
*runs off* Botch is being bad!!
Ugh, James! Get back here! Don’t leave me alone! *laughs happily* Look at all of this hairspray! Now I’ll never have to run to the store in the middle of the night to buy hair stuff.
Yes, yes, yes! I needed all of this hairspray! Butch stole all of mine… *looks at hairspray carefully* Hey, wait a minute. Jessie, you got a more expensive brand name than me! That’s not fair!
So? Hairspray is hairspray! Besides, your hairspray smells better than mine! So stop complaining!
I’m not complaining! I’m just making an observation.
*amazed* You didn’t forget about Meowth…ya got me some fish… Dis Meowth’s grateful. *snickers* But I bet Jess and Jim ain’t. All dis fish is gonna stink up everyt’ing. But I’ll help dem out. *begins to eat some fish* Yum! *purrs*
*dances* Sugar…sugar…sugar…how I love you… Lalalalalalalalala
…I t’ink he finished off all of his suga’…..

3)Cass, 1 of my friends said that you suck, so i beat the crap outta him! Was that right? ^_^
What?! *sighs exasperatedly* The people who say I suck are actually the ones who are sucking! Gosh, what the heck are those people thinking? Those people need to jump off a cliff!
Whoa! Are you feeling okay, Cassidy? You seem a little, uh, meaner than normal. *mutters* If that’s possible…
*retorts* Yes! I’m okay! Don’t worry about me. Worry about yourself.
*smiles knowingly* Ah, I think I know what the problem is. I think it’s that time of the month.
What do you know? You’re a guy! You’re a horny, hormone-driven guy!
*wide eyed* I think I’ll leave you alone for a little while.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes! You were very right for beating the crap out of him! Of course, I would have beaten the life out of him.

4) You guys are great! *hugs every1, including Meowth* bye bye! ^_^
*hugs tightly* Bye!
*sprays James* Save some room for me. *hugs*
*hugs* Give us more things when you come back! Pretty please?!
Move!!! I want a hug. *hugs*
*hugs* Sorry, I ain’t good at huggin’.
*hugs so tightly that cracks are heard* I, uh, hope that didn’t hurt…sorry…

Butch9890 asks:

this is for Butch- All of my friends except my best friend cals you Botch! I stick up for you but it dosn't always work. I'm your number one fan. My best friend is even giving me a topps trading card with your picture on it! So what should I tell my friends?( If theykeep it up they won't be my friends!)
*yells* Beat the life out of them! Knock all of it out!
*laughs nervously* That’s not necessary, Cassie. Why don’t you go lie down and rest? While you’re at it, take a PMS pill, too.
Hey, can you ask your friends if they have any more cards of me? I want to admire my wonderful self. Um, have you tried telling them why I’m so cool? Have you tried to think of some good comebacks and replies to their “reasons” why they hate me? Heh, how would they like it if someone called them something besides their real name? Well that’s how I feel whenever I hear that dumb name! Botch…what kind of a name is that? I don’t even botch things up, that’s James’s job.
Huh? Are you talking about me?
No, I’m talking about the idiot who’s in Team Rocket.
Hmm…must not be me.
*growls* Where’s Cassidy when I need her?

Amadala asks:

cassidy - hey cassidy! i found this picture of domino! and you know what ? she looks like you! i think she took your hair color and eye color (* tears up picture of domino*) (* mad*)

*disgustedly* Look at her. Little Miss Priss. *scoffs* Who does she think she is anyway? She’s a little wannabe of me, that’s who. Where did she even get the name Domino? Does she play dominoes? Does she work at Dominos, the pizza place? That stupid hat looks like the hats the workers at the restaurant wear. Little pizza girl. Ha! I have a better name for her! The little--
*covers Cassidy’s mouth* You don’t have to say what you were about to. We all have a pretty good idea of what you think of her.
Does anyone have a match? I want to burn this picture to ashes!

Cleopatra asks:

James-::Whacks James in the back:: How's ya doin'?
*falls to the floor*
Uh oh, I think you killed James. *laughs*
*gets up* I, uh, wasn’t expecting that. Anyways--
You need some ice for your back. *throws an ice pack at James*
*yells* Aahhh! *falls down*
I think I killed him this time.
Cold! Cold! Eeee! Cold! Get the ice off! *picks the pack off his back*
Uh, James, your back… *laughs*
*worriedly* What’s wrong?! *touches back and frowns* It’s soaked!
Yeah, there was a leak in the ice pack.
*pouts* Anyways, to answer the question, I was doing fine and I’m really happy that it’s almost Christmas. *smiles gleefully* But if you will excuse me, I have to go change my shirt.

all-Do you read Harry Potter books? If u do then did u see the movie? I answer yes to both questions. The best actors in the movie were Maggie Smith as Prof. McGonagall, and Alan Rickman as Prof. Snape. ^_^(They're in sooo many good movies!)
I’ve read the books before, I remember how proud I was when I finished them. *smiles satisfactorily* But, I didn’t get to see the movie… *frowns*
Hahahaha! Guess who got to see the movie?
*sobs* You didn’t even read the books but you still got to see the movie! That’s not fair! I deserve to see the movie, not you!
Yeah, well too bad! It’s not my fault that no one wants to go to the movies with you!
No, I haven’t read the books. I’m not really into that genre. Give me a good romance novel any day.
Yeah, I sort of read a book. I started to read the first book years ago and I stopped in the middle.
*gasp* I’ve read all of the books in my spare time! They’re all really good! I really like Harry! He’s so cool! But I haven’t seen the movie yet. But I want to!!

all-Have any of you tried to be something ur not, and it turn into a disaster?
Botch trying to be alive is a disaster. *giggles*
Seriously though, when I was in Pokemon Tech, I was trying to show off by acting like a suave gentleman. I tried to prove everyone I was this at a dance. Since a lot of the girls had heard about my gentlemanliness, they wanted to be with me at the dance. But since I’m more of a klutz than a debonair man, I ended up tripping over everyone, stepping on feet when I danced, spilling punch all over the place, and making a humongous fool out of myself. *blushes* I should have known better not to pretend to be something I’m not.
I pretended that I was toughest guy around. I went around saying that I could beat up anyone. For a while, I actually believed that. But this one guy heard about what I was saying so he challenged me to a fight. One of his friends came and told me this and I accepted because I thought this guy wasn’t strong. But when I saw him right before we we’re going to fight, he was huge! I think he was on the football team or something. Needless to say, I had hundreds of bruises on me afterwards.
I guess I messed up once. I told everyone that I was a very good actress. So when it was time for auditions for my school’s play, my friends told the director of the play that I was going to make the lead role since I was a fabulous actress. So I had to go to the auditions, even though I knew I was going to do bad. When it was my turn, everyone was watching me expectantly, because everyone had heard that I was so good. But during the auditions, I ended up tripping on the stage and I fumbled with all of my lines. Everyone was laughing at me. I was so embarrassed!
In order to impress my friends, I acted like I was active in helping out in the community. I told them that I was always doing community service and volunteering my time at shelters and daycare centers. Unfortunately, someone recommended me to a magazine, and they told them that they should come and do an article about me in their column about teens who help their community. The writer of the article came to interview me. Because I hadn’t done any community service in years and they were all minor things, I had nothing to tell to the writer. I think the writer thought I was a stuck-up useless brat.
This may not seem important to you but it was important to me! I bragged to all of my friends that I was an arcade master. To prove to them that I had a lot of skills, I bet them that I could get a high score on this one super-hard arcade game. I used all of my nickels but I got nowhere near the high score so I used my lunch money to try to achieve it. But I still couldn’t get the dumb score! So I lost all of my precious nickels, my lunch money, and all of my other money since I lost the bet. I also got grounded when my parents found out I used my lunch money on a worthless thing.

Meowth-My cat keeps running away! He doesn't have front claws!!! What makes u cats keep doing the dumbest things ever?!
*gasps* Cats don’t do da dumbest t’ings! It’s humans dat do dat! Your kitty may have a good reason for runnin’ away. Maybe it’s goin’ out to meet some friends. Or to go out to steal food, I do dat all da time. *looks at paws* But I do feel bad for da cat, I could not live wit’out my claws.

all-Me and my old buddy always beat each other up (for fun), and this guy told us that we need to start acting more like girls! What gets me is that I don't act like either sex! So what does he care?! Is it because I'm not turning him on like most of the trampy girls I know?! You know what I don't really like either sex! Does that make sense?>.< Hell, just ignore the stupid guy and keep messing around with your friends. Screw him, too bad if you don’t turn him on. That dumb guy also needs to realize that those trampy girls aren’t acting ladylike in their slutty clothes.
*hands Cassidy a pill* Take your PMS medicine, Cassie.
I understand what you mean, I was always being told to act more like a man. But I didn’t want to act like one of those macho guys. I was happy with the way I was. So I just ignored everyone and went on my merry way.
The only thing I have to say is who cares what other people think about you. Just act the way you want to.
Sometimes I don’t act like either sex. I act girly at some points, but I also get, uh, a little violent. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
That guy needs to mind his own beeswax! Continue having fun with your friends! Can I join?!

J & B lover asks:

butch-heehe you drew ur teachers maby i sould to but i cant me and mie best friend cant any more because someone told on us for making of a teacher dat sucks i wonder who. gawd dat sucks some one always ruins mie fun. it would go in our perminet record if we dont stop ahhhhhrrrggggg *punches butch* oops sorry what do u think of dat and i tought no 1 liked him.
Dang…you pack quite a punch… Some goody-goodies were always ratting out on me when I drew my little comics of the teachers. Losers.
Why did you apologize to Botch? He never says sorry when he does something bad.
Because I’m loved. *sticks his tongue out*
How can anyone love person like you? You’re so cold-hearted and selfish.
Well maybe people see past all of that. Maybe I’m not always like that.
*shrugs* If you say so…
Yeah, I say so.

all-MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! *gives out presents* oddles and oddles of hair spray and money for jessie, bottle caps and food and money for james, a brand new boom box and money for cassidy, a brand new car and money for butch, cellphone and money for mondo and oddles and oddles of tuna and milk and a ball of yarn and money for meowth and hugs and kisses for all boys heeheheh sorry cass and jess i couldent help it
*shrieks* New bottle caps! These are worth a bundle! Thanks so much! *kisses and hugs* I love you!
Oh yeah! I needed this car! Wow! It’s even the luxury edition! And you even gave me gas money?! *laughs* Thanks! Here. *hugs and kisses*
*gasp* Hair spray!!!! Money!! This is what I’ve desperately needed! *sighs happily and begins fixing hair*
Yes! I can destroy everyone’s eardrums with the new boom box! Of course, I can find something to do with the money.
*jumps up and down* Now I can call Jessie whenever I want to!
This is so great! Extremely great! *hugs and kisses*
Finally! Wit’ all dis food, I’ll never go hungry! Uh oh…now I’m gonna get a gut.

all- hay dats all i hope u all liked ur presents and i hope you have a Merry Christmas byeeeeeeee gtg celebrate wid mie
I loved them! *hugs* Bye!
Where’s the party at? I’ll go celebrate with you!
No, you’re staying here. Thanks for the stuff!
Uh huh! My hair never looked better.
*hugs tightly* Thanks so much! Can I have your phone number, pretty please?
Don’t give it to him! He’s gonna call you every second of da day! By da way, Merry Christmas!

Hugo asks:

To Cassidy-
Which 80's sitcom do you like better, Diff'rent Strokes or The Facts Of Life?
Hmm…that’s a toughie, but I think The Facts of Life is a little better. I liked the characters more and I could relate better to the situations.

To Arbok and Weezing-
You guys are my favorite Pokemon. I don't care what Ash, Brock, and Misty say, I think you guys are cute and wonderful.
Char! Charbok. Bok! Charbok!
Weezing! Weez! Wee. Weez.
Da snake said t’anks. Not many people recognize his strength. Wheezing also said t’anks because not many people like him dat much after he evolved.

To Weezing-
Why do you always look like you're so sad? When you were a Koffing you always smiled.
Weez! Weezing. Weez! Weez! Wee.
He said dat he liked it more when he was a Koffing. He doesn’t like being attached to someone else eitha. Anotha problem is dat once you become a Weezing, you can’t smile dat much anymore, unlike Koffings. It’s just da way you are.

To James-
Will the producers of Pokemon ever allow Mark Hammil from Star Wars do a voice? I think that would be real cool.
Yeah, that would be really cool. But I doubt that will ever happen. He’s probably too busy and it seems that it’s the same people do the voices for show. But you never know, it would bring back some popularity to the show.

Akira asks:

Hello team rocket peoples!!!! I'm hyper!! ^_^
I’m hyper, too!! *jumps up and down and does a crazy dance*
Uh oh, 2 people are hyper, this could be dangerous.
Hey! I want to be hyper, too! *eats a donut* I hope that helps.

Everyone: Look, I brought a picture!

It's Morty! See, he is cute! I watched the episodes the other day, and they were awesome! I love Morty now! *stares starry-eyed at the picture*
Well I don’t think he’s cute, I think he’s annoying. He messed up our plans!
Hey, I’m a guy. I don’t think he’s cute.
Yeah, he sided with the twerps! If he sided with us, then I would think differently of him.
Well he is kinda cute…
*looks at Morty* No, I don’t think so…
I think he’s sort of nice. I’m entitled to my own opinion.
So am I! I don’t think he’s nice or cute.
*laughs* I think someone’s getting jealous…
*looks at James* And I think someone’s about to get a black eye…
*closes mouth tightly*
Well I think he looks cool! Just like me!

Meowth: *gives Kitty City gym badge* There! ^_^ Hope you like it! Be honored, I had to defeat Katrina's Mew to win that for you!
You went t’rough all dat work just for me? T’ank goodness, I probably would lose against dat Mew. I gotta put dis badge in a good place. I t’ink I’ll put it in my Meowth bank, it’ll be safe in dere. T’anks!

Butch: About that story? You and Cassidy were in it too, come to think of it. But you were'nt Rockets anymore. You had been fired awhile back, and you were trying to eliminate Team Rocket *laughs nervously* buuut, that was just my imagination working overtime. I doubt you'd really get fired.
Hell yeah, we’d never get fired. If anyone’s going to be fired, Jessie and James will get fired first, obviously. But yeah, if I ever got fired, I would take revenge and destroy Team Rocket. So I guess the fic is sort of accurate.

James: *gives donut pic* Here you go! And, in return... *hugs* ^_^ There, I think that's fair.. and if you see Morty again, tell him I said Hi! Oh, and I loved the rose! I kept it on the belt loops on my jeans!
*bites the ‘donut’*
*sighs* No James, that’s just a picture.
*moans* I was hoping it was real! *sighs and hugs* But a picture is better than nothing, in my opinion. Okay, if I see Morty, which I really hope not, I’ll tell him you said hi. *smiles happily* You liked the rose?! Do you want some more? I have so many, I think I can spare another! But just one! *hands over a rose* You can put this one in your hair!

Okay all, I guess I should go. Have more stuff to do... see ya! *throws down smoke ball, when it clears she is gone*
*coughs* Too smokey… Hey! I never did get hyper…
That’s because you ate a sugar-free donut.
*eyes widen* So that’s why it tasted weird!
I’m missing a smoke bomb, did you steal one from me?
*laughs* It’s too late now.
Bye! Bye! I’m going to miss you!
*hands a charm over* Here’s charm in return for da badge.

JamesButchLover asks:

James- I cried so much, but I still like you. So will you at least go out with me so that we could get to know eachother more. you will see, I am a whole lot better than Jesse. I think you are the best and want you to be my boyfriend. I would never hurt you at all. I've never had a boyfriend before. If you wont say yes I'll cry. I know that I'm your solemate.
*blushes* Uh, er, um… *looks around nervously* I’m sorry, but I just can’t. If I say yes, then I’ll have to go out with everyone else who likes me. *hides* I’m so sorry! I know you won’t hurt me, I trust you. But if you love me, then you will understand. Please don’t cry! Maybe a rose will cheer you up. *takes out a rose*

to all: Merry Christmas to da coolest rockets!!!!!! *hands out gifts* James: money, year supply of donuts and donut maker, a growlithe doll that makes sounds and is huggable, a few pictures of himself,a card, a special box to put his stuff ( bottlecaps), rare pokemon, twerp and Jessibelle voodoo doll, and a hug and kiss. *sorry Jess couldn't help it. Jess: card, neverending supply of hairspray, perfume, money, caboodle-lipstick, makeup ect.., rare pokemon, voodoo dolls of twerps, and a snowgesborge maker. Butch: a card, tons of scary movies, a mini tv with vcr for da movies, money, rare pokemon, voodoo dolls of twerps,a card, and a hug and kiss. *sorry cass couldn't help it* Cass: cd player with a ton of cd's, rare pokemon, money, caboodle- makeup ect...,twerp voodoo dolls, card. Mondo: year supply of candy and soda, money, card, Jesse doll, and a hug and kiss. Meowth: coin pollisher, catnip ball, year supply of fried chicken, tuna, and icecream, and a hug and kiss. to all da rockets pokemon: food, rare candies, and a hug and kiss. well got 2 go hope u like my gifts. write yall soon! ^_^
Eeee! Look at all of this great stuff! *squeezes little Growlithe doll* It’s little Growlie! I even have a donut maker! *mumbles* Now I won’t have to steal donuts. *grins evilly* I wonder what I’m going to do with this Jessibelle voodoo doll… *giggles* Thanks! *hugs and kisses*
*sighs happily* I can smell and look beautiful! Aww! Now I can have my mommy’s snowgesborge whenever I want to! Thank you!
All right! Thanks for the movies and TV! Hehe, I’m going to watch them all tonight. Hmm, I need to find some pins for my voodoo dolls… Anyways, *kisses and hugs*
Oooh! Yes! More CD’s! I needed some more music to listen to, I get tired of listening to the same thing. Ah, makeup and rare pokemon, very important necessities. Thanks!
*screams crazily* Yessssss!!!! Sugar!!!! *gasp* A Jessie doll….for me? *eyes widen*
Uh oh…
*blushes and smiles* I’ll put the doll away until later… *kisses and hugs* Thanks, you made my day perfect!!!
*sighs* Food…I won’t have to starve anymore… *plays with catnip ball* Hehehe! Dis is fun! *sniffs catnip ball* Smells good, too. Before I forget *licks your cheek* Dere, dat was my kiss to ya.

James- I know that you like jessie so much so i thought that I'd tell you something. I dont care if you hear this Jessie. Well ther is this sight where you could *stutters* dress Jessie up in lots of cool clothes and um *blushes* you could undress her as well. *giggles* I dont know if you'll visit this sight or not so tell me. *kissed James on Cheek* Thought you'd want to know. Oh sorry Butch but there are none of Cassidy. You could check Misty out though. *Snickers* just kidding.
Oh my gosh! Why is my body open for public viewing? This is disgusting! *blushes* Not to mention embarrassing…
*blushes* Really? Can I, uh, have the address for the site?
*whacks James with a frying pan*
*puts hands up to block the whacks* I just want to dress you with pretty clothes! But I won’t undress you!
Yeah right!
I’m not like that! You know that I like fashion! That’s the only reason why I want to go there!
*blushes* Can I also have the address? Please….?
Thankfully they don’t have me there.
Hmmm, yeah… *thinks* Damn it!
*looks at Butch skeptically*

James and Butch- I wana know if it's ok for me and my friend to pretend that we are your girlfrieds. *sighs* I love you James *Blushes*
*looks around nervously* Uh…
Hey, I’m flattered. Sure, why not? It’s just pretend. If it makes you happy, then I can’t say no.
*frowns* Maybe this wooden stick can make you say no.
Eh, if it’s not real and only pretend… *blushes* Then I guess so. *runs and hides from Jessie*
*carrying a paper fan* James? Where are you? Come here!

James and Butch- I keep a picture of you all in my wallet. Will you both give me a peck on the cheek? I've never been kissed. I thought that if I were to have my first kiss then why not with the coolest guys
Thanks, but I hope it’s a good picture of me. *grins* Oh, and here. *kisses*
Butch, if you’re not afraid of the stick, then you better start being scared. *glares*
*looks around* Okay, Jessie’s not around. *kisses quickly and hugs* I have to go hide now! *runs into a closet*
*still carrying a fan* James! You get your little fanny out here now!

James- I think that your soooooooo cute when you get eaten by victreebell. Though it might be anoying you still care for it unlike Jesse! *Snickers* Just kiddin Jess My friend and I split our sides when we hear you.
*whines* It is annoying! I wish it would learn that I’m not food! It’s so dark and scary inside it. *pouts* If I let Vicrtreebel out and run miles away from it, Victreebel will probably still find me and eat me. *pouts again* But no matter how irritating it can be, I’ll never let it go. *hugs Victreebel’s pokeball*

James and Butch- When I hear people talk smack about you, then I get so mad that I just wanta punch them. What do you think?
*smiles* Hahaha! Yeah, that’s how I feel when people are dissing me. There’s nothing wrong with me so I don’t know why people go around saying stupid stuff about me. Those ones are so stupid.
*sadly* People say bad things about me? *cries* Why? I don’t do anything wrong! *sobs* They’re the ones who are bad because they hurt my feelings! *sniffles loudly* I want to kick them so hard but I’ll probably end up slipping and falling. *sighs sadly*

James and Butch- Is it ok that i put you guys in my fanfics without Jess and Cass? I make them seem like the bad guys
Yeah, I think it’s okay. Cassidy gets really mad when she seems like a bad guy at unnecessary times. Besides, there’s too many people who think Cassidy is always evil.
*grimly* You got lucky this time, Butch. I was about to smack you.
*smiles nervously*
Uh huh, if it’s for the best…then I guess Jessie shouldn’t be in it. I don’t want people to hate her.
James? Are you around here?
*gasp* I have to hide! *hides in a bathroom*

Jesse- Jesse on this one show it looks like you weren't wearing any underwear. Do you?
First of all, have you guys seen James?
Yeah, but he ran into the guy’s bathroom.
*sighs* Great, I’ll have to wait… Anyways, yes! I do wear underwear! *mumbles* At least most of the time I do. When I’m by myself, then maybe I don’t. But I’m pretty sure I was wearing underwear! I hope I was! Which episode was this?! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to wait for James to come out from hiding.

James and Butch- so what do you guys think of me now? am I cool or annying? Plese tell me
No, you’re not annoying. You’re cool. *smiles flirtatiously* Very cool…
*hits Butch in the butt with the wooden stick*
OWWW!!!! That hurt like heck!!!!
*smiles satisfactorily* Serves you right, you had it coming to you.
Oh okay, I’ll accept your apology this time.
*smiles* But my butt still hurts…
Let’s not go there…
*tiptoes out of bathroom and whispers* Um, you’re not annoying, I think you’re cool.
*screams* OH NO!
*smacks James with paper fan* That will teach you to stop acting like that!
*chokes back a sob* I’m sorry, Jess! I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings! *hugs*
*hugs back* I hope you learned your lesson.
*glances at fan* Yes! I learned!

Kitty asks:

James- OMG! I'm listening to my *Nsync cd right now, and the song "Selfish" reminds me of you SO much! They're singing about how they want the girl all for themselves, and how they're the selfish when it comes to her too. They're also asking the girl why she's given up on love, and why she's pushing him away from her, because she's been hurt, it's such a sweet song!
*laughs* For some peculiar reason, that song does remind me of…me! I try to be a generous person but when it comes to some things, I am selfish. *blushes* The girl sounds reminds me of a certain girl in my life. I wonder why. *blushes and giggles* If only… *sighs sadly*

Jessie- Have you ever heard of M2M? If not, they have this song "Pretty Boy" and it reminds me of you too! They're singing about how they always dream and think of the guy, and how all they want is for him to tell him he loves her back! Aww man, I could go on forever about what songs remind me of you two!
*nervously* Haha. Yeah, I’ve heard of them. I also like “Mirror Mirror” and “Don’t Say You Love Me.” Uh… Well I don’t always dream and think of a guy! *scoffs* I’m not one of those girls who are obsessed over boys.
”Pretty Boy” describes James because that’s how he acts. He acts like one of those little pansy boys.
*smiles* At least I’m pretty! But I don’t like pansies, only roses.
*rolls eyes* You don’t get the point.

Jessie- What kind of clothes do you normally wear? I usually picture you wearing cute stomache tops, and bell bottoms, or tight little minskirts, ya know, all that flashy yet fashionable stuff. But I think it's ok to dress like that, as long as you've got the body, and as long as you have respect for yourself! I get so mad when people say you're a slut, just cus or your uniform!
I normally wear sleeveless shirts, tank tops, or the stomach tops and I also wear shorts or short skirts like mini skirts. When it’s cold out, I put on a nice sweater and pants, sometimes bellbottoms. Or when I’m just laying around the house, I might wear something more comfortable, not necessarily fashionable, but that’s when I’m not out in public. Those people who call me a slut are just jealous that they don’t have a good body and the confidence to wear the stuff that I do.

Both guys-What would you do if you saw some guy just playing around with ur partner, but then they started hitting them? Like not slapping them around, or real violent stuff, but just hard enough for their hit to leave a sting?
First of all, they should not even be touching her so they’re in for it no matter what.
Yeah! They should be keeping their hands to themselves! I wouldn’t care how much bigger the guy would be, I would still teach him a lesson he would never forget!
Needless to say, I’m going to beat the crud out of the damn creep.

Both guys-How far would a guy have to go with ur partner (violence wise) for you to beat them up? Like, would it be as soon as they raised their hand, or just a few light (yet some what slightly painful) slaps later?
*gasp* As soon as they raise their hand to hit her, I would get over there and save my Jessie! Even if he’s not going to hurt her that much, she does not deserve to get hit. I hope this never, ever happens.
I would act as soon as the guy gets ready to hurt her. For the guy’s sake, he better hope that I act when he’s about to hurt her because I would hurt the guy more and more for each time he slaps her.

All four partners-Just how "irresistable" is your partner to you? Hehe.....
*grins happily* Words can’t really describe how irresistible she is… *blushes* Let’s just say she’s hard to resist.
Yeah, it’s hard to resist these, uh, feelings I get when I’m near her.
James can be annoying, but he when he’s not, then uh, yeah, it’s hard not to resist flirting with him.
On a scale of one to ten, ten being the most irresistible, I would give him an 8, maybe a 8.5 or a 9, it depends.

J&J- Soo, I bet you two are looking REAL forward to the Mistletoe this year, huh?
*blushes* Uh…not really…
*blushes and smiles*
*laughs* You should have seen dem at da Team Rocket Christmas party. Dey made such a big deal about goin’ unda da mistletoe, it was so obvious dat dey were looking forward to it. Den dey ‘accidentally’ got caught unda it.
*sarcastically* Thanks so much for recapping that night’s activities. *blushes*
*giggles* We couldn’t break tradition.

J&J-Is this gonna your first Christmas as a couple?
Maybe…but then again, last year might have been our first…or the year before that… *scratches head*
Are you confused again? *sighs and mumbles* I guess it’s our first Christmas…
I don’t know, I t’ink it was last year’s Christmas. You guys just didn’t admit dat you were a couple.
*smiles happily* See! I’m not the only one confused!

J&J-When you guys were in training, was it co ed, or were the guys and girls seprerated?
When we first started out, we were separated…
…near the completion of the training, it becomes co-ed. Don’t ask why it’s like that, it’s some Team Rocket rule.

All-What do the girls get trained, that the guys don't, and vice versa?
We all get trained for the same things, but some things are emphasized more depending on your gender.
Physical activity and contact, such as fighting and defense, is more concentrated for us guys.
Yeah, since we’re supposed to be stronger, we have to learn more about that.
We had to learn about break-ins, picking locks, and stealing items in buildings without getting caught.
*sigh* That was so boring, I don’t know all of that had to be emphasized to us. It’s not like girls are better at stealing things, but I guess we are.

All-What's your specialty for Team Rocket? Like, what are you best at doing? Jessie, seducing poor old, jk.
I think I’m best at creating and designing machines and other sorts of things to help catch pokemon. *looks at Jessie and James* Mine actually work. Haha!
I don’t think I have a specialty. *pouts* But I guess that means I’m well-rounded out! *smiles* But I am good at lock-picking…
I’m a good persuasion speaker, I can trick almost anyone into giving me their pokemon.
Actually I’m a decent gunwoman. *laughs* I don’t think that was anything to do with old guys, thankfully.
*laughs* I don’t think my best talent is evil like Team Rocket, but I’m best at helping members who are in need. That’s an important job! *smiles*

J&J-So when do you guys plan on having kids? And don't you dare say "I dunno" or "What kids?" Cus we all know you guys wanna have kids!
I don’t know, what kids are you talking about?
Jess! She said not to say that! *giggles*
I’m serious! I’m not planning to have any children any time soon. I want to keep my perfect figure as long as possible.
Well, I want to have kids, but I’m going to wait a little while. I don’t think being in Team Rocket will support a family. Plus, I’m always on the move trying to capture the twerp’s Pikachu. So I wouldn’t be a great daddy. I’ll probably wait until I have a job where I stay put and a decent pay.

Mondo-Ok, so if Jessie actually wanted to be with you, would you let her? You like her that much, huh?
*eyes widen* If Jessie wanted to be with me?! Oh my gosh! I would faint from pure joy! After I recover, I would faint again! Finally when I fully recover, then yes! Of course, I would let her be with me!

James-Ok, no offense to Mondo, but please keep him away from Jess! I used to think they made a cute couple, but you really gotta put ur foot down on this one James!
*glances at Mondo, suspiciously*
*shrugs shoulders* I’m not doing anything.
*skeptically* Yeah… *pouts* Why does there always have to be competition?! *whines* It’s not fair!
Ah, James. We are creatures of competition.
*continues pouting and glances over at Mondo*
*blushes* I swear! I’m not going to steal her. *mutters* Only in my dreams I’ll have her…
*mumbles* Please stop dreaming… *sighs and pouts*

Cassidy-It seems like ur a real big Jessie & Mondoshipper since ur always saying what a cute couple they make! True?
*laughs* They both look so cute together and they both have feelings for each other, they just need to show them.
*laughs bitterly* That’s sounds like another two people I know. Not Mondo and me.
*frowns* Back to the subject, yes, I’m a shipper of them. Oh yeah, it also gets on Jessie’s nerves so that’s another reason why I’m a big shipper. *laughs evilly*

J&J-Do you guys ever share the same bed? Is it comfortable? ^_~
Yes, we share the same bed occasionally. *giggles and blushes* Jessie’s hair makes a nice blanket.
*blushes* James! *smacks him with a paper fan*
It’s the truth! Come on, Jessie! Admit it, you enjoy sharing a bed.
*sighs* Okay, yeah, it’s alright. At least I get to stay warm and I don’t feel lonely.
Cassidy! I know what you’re thinking and you’re wrong! You’re also sick!
Oh please! I know I’m not the only who thinks what I’m thinking about you two.
*blushes and frowns*

Meowth-Have you ever caught those two lovebirds in the act?
Eh, well I’ve caught dem hugging many times. Too many times *gags*. Dere’s dis other time when I caught dem about to kiss. But don’t ask dem, dey’ll deny it.
*blushes* You got that right, furball.
Uh… *blushes*
But dat’s about it. I haven’t caught dem doing anyt’ing, uh, severe if you get my point. Dey can be tricky and sneaky.

James-When I asked if Jessie ever tries to hit on you, you said yes, but what will she do?
*blushes* Er, sometimes she starts to flirt with me by teasing me. Or she makes these nice compliments about my physical appearance or how I act. *giggles* She also ruffles and messes around with my hair. There was also that one time she gave me that really good massage on my back… *blushes*

Jessie-Last but certainly not least, you're so beautiful! (You didn't think I'd forget, did you?)
*breathes a sigh of relief* I was getting worried! I thought I wasn’t beautiful anymore! *looks in a mirror* Thankfully, I still have my good looks. Thanks for saying that I’m beautiful, I’ve been blessed. *smiles*

J & B Lover asks:

b&c-you know whats really kewl u ppls are in 4 episods so far dat i know of too bad i live in japan, to bad i'm not japanesse and to bad i dont understand it so it takes forever for all of da good stuff to get here *pouts* and *gose crazy*dat sucks i have gota learn Japanese
Darn! That’s too bad!
Yeah, you’re missing out on two very cool people… *smiles* I would go crazy too if I didn’t get to understand what someone would be saying and waiting forever for the things to come.
But it is hard learning another language so I understand your why you’re mad.

all- would u really notice if ash and his co. died or care?¿?
If they died, good riddance! They only make us look bad and like losers.
Yeah, they’re some of the few people who can actually defeat us. If they died, I would rejoice.
I would notice because then Jess and I wouldn’t have to chase after his Pikachu. But I wouldn’t care! *smiles*
Neither would I, maybe the Boss would give us an easier assignment for a change.
I couldn’t say, I haven’t really met them. But I guess I would have to say that I wouldn’t care if they died since they are always picking on Jessie, James, and Meowth!

all-tanx for answering mie questions and stuff bieee have a good day answering questions
*waves while jumping up and down* Bye! Bye!
The pleasure was all mine. *smiles and hugs* Bye!
Uh huh, see ya later!
Bye bye!
Okay, no problem! Talk to you later.

Amadala asks:

both - sorry , i havent been writing you lately but i have been busy with school ( bah!) and if i dont make a's and b's (and a coulpe of c's ) on my progress report or report card , i will probally be grounded off the computer for awhile!!! do you think that is fair?
Eww, that must be horrible. *laughs* I remember my parents always used those kind of threats on me. But I have to admit, the threats worried me enough to keep my grades up.
Ah, that’s not fair. Just like teachers, parents can be so evil and sly. I’d probably sneak and go on the computer at night, if I got grounded. Or bribe my teachers, that would work, too. Anyways, I feel sorry for you.

both - how are you?
Really good, it’s Friday and I have my paycheck. I can’t think of anything at the moment that’s going to spoil my good mood. Except for James… *cringes*
*innocently* Me?
Yeah, I’m feeling good and happy. I have plans for this weekend so I’m excited. *laughs* I also plan on buying out some stores in the mall!

both - im a little tired! and sick......and i had gym this week!! my teacher could not understand that i was sick! he made me dress out anyway!! i could not even run!!! i was sooooooo miserable! -.-
I probably would have puked on him just to show how insensitive he is. *laughs* But if you’re not sick to you’re stomach, I guess you couldn’t do that. Anyways, I’ll put him on my list of creepy teachers.
Gosh, what an idiotic teacher. No one makes him run when he’s sick so why should he make people run that are sick? I guess he has some insecurities deep down inside of him…

butch - has james stop calling you botch yet?
*sighs* Nope. I still haven’t figured out why he calls me that. I don’t botch things up, he’s the one who does that. “Butch” is an easy name to remember, but it’s James we’re talking about. He doesn’t have that much common sense at times. Pigs will fly when he calls me “Butch.”
Look! *points to the sky* A flying pig!
*looks up* Where?!
*laughs* Made ya look, Botch!

both - what's your favorite movie?
”Schindler’s List” was really good and I also like “Sixth Sense.”
*sighs* That’s a hard one… “The Matrix” was good but I’m also a fan of “Psycho.”
We’re also partial to “Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid.”
*smiles and nods*

butch - dont worry about your voice butch! mine sounds unusual !! not only do i get picked on for my country accent but my name , clothes and everything!! and do you know my real name? its Bobbi Jean Munsey...very funny name huh? i just use amadala as my internet name!
Well, at least I’m not alone. It’s a relief to know that there’s someone who can relate to you.
What about me? I get picked on, too! *sniff* Don’t ignore me, Amadala!
No one’s asking you, James, now butt out! Like I was saying, people who pick on us need to get a life. Those people aren’t perfect so why do they have to pick on our imperfections? Those creeps must be really bored.

Tossa asks:

All:I drew a picture of anime me & I wanna know what you think of me ^^

*squeals happily* You have a rose!!! *gasps* You even have a strand of hair falling in your face… *smiles* You learn from the best! *hugs*
Hey, cool earrings! I think you look nice in a combination of James’s and my uniform. Well I suppose I have to admit that you look very Team Rocket-y.
Awww! Why did it have to be a white uniform? Black would have been better. *smiles* But you still look nice.
Yeah, the color should have been black but I still like the uniform. That’s a cool idea of a girl uniform consisting of pants. I swear, the skirts can be really uncomfortable sometimes.
*blushes* Uh, er, um, yeah….. *smiles and blushes harder* You look very nice as an anime character… Uh, heh heh…*smiles*

James: I cant ride a bike at all, not even with training wheels, so its very good of you ^^
*smiles widely* See, Botch! Now you can’t make fun of me!
It’s hard to learn and keep your balance on the bike. I always fidgeted so I fell off the bike and I got a lot of bruises and cuts. *pouts* That’s why I needed the training wheels so I wouldn’t fall down. I don’t care if I use training wheels, I’m still proud! *hugs Tossa*

Jessie: Please stop hurting James when he tries to be nice
*blushes and stammers* But…he…well…uh…
Please, Jess?
But he can be so annoying!
But I’m nice to you when you’re acting, uh, mean to me!
*growls* Okay okay, I’ll make it my resolution for the year to try to be nice to him. But I can’t make any promises though…
Good! That means no fans or frying pans!
*glances sadly at her fans and pans*

Tikity Kimiko asks:

How are you doing? I feel crappy (just got yelled at)
Actually, I’m doing fine. I’m in a really good mood. I think it might be because I got my paycheck today. *smiles*
Yeah, I got my paycheck, too except the numbers aren’t that big. *pouts*
Tell me about it. I wanted to go on a major shopping spree today, but that’s not going to happen. *sighs*
Well when I go out shopping, I’ll be sure to bring you some free samples. *laughs*
*angrily* Shut up, Cassidy!
*laughs happily* Life has been good to me.
I had a great day!!!! *whispers* Jessie actually said “hello” to me. Yes!!

What's your fav. and least fav. subject? I love reading and English. I hate Math and P.E. (I hate sweating)
My favorite subject was English but I hated Math, all of the numbers confused me!
I enjoyed Math, I am not a confused guy like James is, and my worst subject was boring World History.
Even though I got sweaty, PE was my favorite because I was able to keep my figure. I hated every science class that I took, I just didn’t get any of that stuff.
I guess my favorite subject was English, I was good at it. But I hated Home Ec, that had to be the stupidest class I have ever set foot it.
I don’t think lunch counts as a subject so my favorite was PE, it was a good way to get my energy out! I hated English, it was so boring.

RocketJesseMusashi asks:

*eyes widen* There’s so much…
*blushes* Uh…then I guess I’ll go first. Er, I guess that the fact that James is sensitive and emotional. You don’t see that in men that often so I find that quite interesting. He’s so sensitive and sentimental over everything. Look at all of the collections he has, he even has a collection of junk. He can’t bear to depart from it. *rolls eyes and smiles* James also shows and expresses his feelings instead of keeping them locked up inside of him. *smiles*
Um… *blushes* Well, she’s gone through a lot in her life like losing her mother and knowing idiotic guys, and all of this would have made a lot of people weak. But not Jess, she’s still standing strong and doesn’t let anyone push her around. I really admire that and I find that really interesting. I also find her hair interesting, and eyes and--
*blushes and covers James mouth*

Uh… Hey! Who said that I even loved him? I don’t love him! I’ll never admit that I love him because I don’t love him. But no, you cannot have him. *blushes* I would be lonely without him… He’s my only friend…

If we had a girl?
*blushes* Well, I would let Jessie pick out the name since it’s the first baby and a girl…
*blushes* Er…I don’t know…maybe Musa… Or I could name her with a name that starts with a ‘J’ like Jennifer or Julianna. *sighs* I’m definitely waiting until I can think of some names before I decide to have a baby.

Uh…that’s sort of personal… *blushes*
*giggles and blushes* There’s so many…
*blushes and frowns* You don’t need to tell the world that, James.
I’m sorry, Jess! Please don’t get mad!
I think one of our most romantic moments was, of course, when I Jessie over all of the wealth I could have inherited.
I think it was at that point when we became closer than ever. *blushes* That moment may not have seemed very romantic to other people, but it was for us…

Alysharocket asks:

cassidy.......animals are like pokemon if you train them hard enuff you could probably order them to attack but there are some animals that u can't train like cats for example.
*laughs* Heh heh. I’m not an animal but ya still can’t train me or orda me-owth around.
Oh… Well I think pokemon are better since you don’t have to train them really hard to attack and battle. They also make nice companions and you can take them wherever you want to since they all fit in a nice little ball. Animals just seem…weird and unusual. I could never live in the real world.

mondo........if the LEGO company makes mini lego's of ya'll and they don't make one of u i will personally throttle them all
I think I did hear about mini-Lego’s of pokemon and I think I’m included it it! *jumps for joy* I hope I come with my little red Jeep and some plates with food on them! *stops jumping* But if they decide not to make one of me, then….you and me are getting in my Jeep and we’re gonna run those people down!

all......i have a cousin who has a big crush in jezebell! can you BELIVE that i mean she might be pretty and all but what about her personality?
What?! Someone actually likes her? *pouts* But Jessibelle hurt me! She doesn’t deserve to be liked!
Yeah, she isn’t that bad looking, but I could never put up with her personality. We’d both end up in the hospital. Naturally, I would only be harmed a little, but all her bones would end up broken. *laughs*
Hmph, what does Jessibelle have that I don’t have? I’m prettier than her by far, and I have a better attitude than she does. Your cousin should like me, not her.
What about me? I’m prettier than her and Jessie and I’m not nearly as mean as them.
*scoffs* Spare us all, Cassidy.
*frowns and crosses arms* Hmph.
Why does he have a crush on her?! I think Jessibelle is the one who deserves to be whipped!

butch......yesterday i watched the fortune hunters and i don't know why the h*ll people complain about your voice i think it is awesome!!
Heh, I also wonder why everyone hates and complains about my voice. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Why are some people stupid enough to hate someone just by the way they sound? *sighs* Anyways, thanks, I’m glad you appreciate and like my voice. *smiles*

all......a couple a days ago me and my friend emily watched holy matrimony and the first words out of her mouth were that jezebell girl is just a f*ck*d up b*tch!
*eyes widen* Wow… *giggles* I know that’s rude but I have to agree with what she said!
*laughs* That was great because that’s what she is!
*laughs* Serves Jessibelle right! I would kill to see someone say that right in her face!
Hah hah hah! Wow, I have to admire your friend for having the guts to say that.
*gasp* She said some bad words…

all.....gotta go here have some chocolate *gives out candy* see ya'll.
*greedily snatches a lot of candy* I need my sugar!
*whines* I need some chocolate, too! *takes a handful of candy and stuffs into mouth* Bye!
Geez James! Save some candy for the hungry people in the world! *grabs candy*
You guys are such animals fighting over the candy! *takes a few pieces of candy*
Yeah, it’s only candy! *grabs some candy*
Hey! You got more candy than me!
Oh yeah? Well you got better candy so stop complaining!
Candy is only going to make you gain weight so knowing you, you better stay away from it!
This candy isn’t good and expensive enough for a refined creature like you so you better stay away from it!
*watches girls fight* God…I’m so glad I’m not a girl… *bites into another piece of candy*
Yeah, you would spend all your time fighting and not eating candy. *happily shoves more candy in mouth*
No candy?! I would die!

Emmet asks:

To Mondo:
You are so cool! Also I think you are a better trainer than Ash, because Jessie lost to your Ditto and Jessie is a better trainer than Ash.
Yes!!! I’m a great trainer!! *claps hands excitedly* I wish I could see Ash and battle him just so I could prove to him that I am better. But I do feel bad… *whispers* I kind of wish I didn’t beat Jessie…
*blushes and rolls eyes* Uh…that’s okay, Mondo. Really, don’t worry about it. You beat me fair and square.
I still feel bad! *hugs Jessie*
*glares and scoffs*
*sweatdrops* Uh…Mondo? Can you let go of me…? *pulls Mondo’s arms off of her*

To Jessie, James and Meowth:
When you stole that Hitmonlee (the time when Ash's Primeape won the fighting tournament) what happened to it?
Even though we lost, we still wanted to keep it and give it to the Boss. So we took him to our place that we were staying in for the night. We didn’t have a pokeball to keep him in so he was just wandering all over in the place. Oh yeah, we didn’t have any pokemon food so he was a little hungry, too. When we went to bed, we wanted to lock him up so he wouldn’t get into any trouble or so no one would steal him, but we couldn’t.
Anyways, when we were sleeping, da Hitmonlee started to wonder and go into our stuff. I t’ink he was looking for somet’ing to eat. He found Jimmy’s roses and started to eat dem. But he didn’t like dem. He started kicking down furniture and Jimmy’s bottle cap collection because he was mad dat he was hungry and we weren’t feedin’ him. I guess he wanted revenge. Jessie and I were sound asleep so we didn’t hear nothin’. But Jimmy heard what was goin’ on and he got outa bed to look around. He took one look at da eaten roses and da ruined furniture and got really mad. Since he was half-asleep, he wasn’t t’inking straight and so he opened up da door to da outside and let Hitmonlee out. Den he went back to bed. When we got up da next morning, we saw all of da mess and we noticed dat Hitmonlee was gone. *frowns* It took Jimmy da Genius here forever to rememba what happened durin’ da night.
*sobs and whines* But Hitmonlee ate my roses and flattened my bottle caps! I was so angry, sad, and tired that I wasn’t thinking when I let Hitmonlee outside!
*sighs angrily* We were so close to getting a pokemon for the Boss but you had to let the pokemon escape! *hits James with a fan*
*whines* I’m sorry, Jess!

To Butch:
Your voice is cool!
*laughs* Thanks! Sure my voice may sound a little different from everyone else, but that just makes it unique and original. Who wants the same old boring stuff? Let’s have some originality! That’s where my cool voice comes in. *smiles*

CorgiGirl asks:

Butch - Alot of people think I'm weird because I think this, but I think you might make a good singer. Not neccesarily a soloist, but I think you'd make a good back-up singer for somebody, 'cause to me, your voice sounds kind of deep. Raspy, but deep, and it's nice. You'd make a nice bass back-up singer. What do you think?
You really think that? Hmm…that’s interesting. I’ve never really thought of that. I know I would never want to be a soloist since I know hardly anyone would like my songs. But a back-up singer would be a good idea since I wouldn’t be the only one singing. I suppose it would be worth a try, I really don’t have much to lose.

Cassidy - Maybe you could sing lead, and Butch could back you up! I think that's a good idea. What about you?
*gasps* Yeah! Great idea! I’ve always wanted to be a star. Maybe I could finally achieve stardom by becoming a singer!
Hey! That was my dream! I’ve always wanted to be a famous star!
Heh, too bad for you! *smirks* It looks like Butch and I are on the road to stardom!
*growls* Grrr.. That Cassidy…I’ll show her! Come on, James! We have to start a singing group!
*whines* But, Jess! I don’t wanna sing! I want to get something to eat! I’m starving!
*scowls* Eh, you wouldn’t make a good back-up singer anyway. Instead of singing, on stage all you would be doing is whining!
*laughs haughtily* Some partner you got there, Jessie.
*blushes* Uh, Jessie? I could sing with you…
*sighs and frowns* Forget it.
*laughs* Too bad, Jessie, it looks like you’re going to have to wait to get in the spotlight!

Everybody - So, how are you guys doing?
*sighs* I would be doing better if I had something in my empty stomach. *rubs tummy*
Well I do have some candy over here…it’s nasty root beer flavored. I was thinking about giving it to you, but the candy is too good for you.
*gasps* Please, Botch!! I’ll take the candy!!
Ugh, okay, jeez. *gives James candy* Oh, and another thing, DON’T CALL ME BOTCH!
Okay, Botch, thanks for the candy.
*puts candy in mouth and immediately spits it out* Ewww! This is nasty! What happened to it? Did someone throw up all over it and wrap it up in a low-cost candy wrapper?!
Well it was in my pants pockets for a little over a month…
*makes a face* Yuck! *throws candy*
Good going, genius! You threw the candy right into my hair! Now it’s stuck!
I think the candy makes an excellent accessory! *laughs*
Oh shut up! Mondo! You’re the helper around here! Get over here and help me!
Okay!! *runs over to Cassidy and pulls candy out* Ewww…
Ouch! You were only supposed to pull the candy out! Not my entire scalp!
*laughs* Sorry!
Now you have a big bald spot on your head!
*gasps and looks into a mirror* Where?! *sighs in disgust* I do not!
I just had to say that!
*whines* I’m still hungry!!!
Shut up! We were all doing fine until you had to be a crybaby!
Actually, I was in a bad mood earlier, but after this, I feel so much better!
Well, excuse me, but I’m ticked off! Now I have to wash my hair to get all of the gunk out!
I’m so happy!! All of this fun action has cheered me up!
*tugs her hair in disgust* You call this fun?

Everybody - Any special plans for Christmas?
Um…what did we do for Christmas… *scratches head* I forgot.
Well, let’s see here… We went to a Team Rocket Christmas party and that was fun, except for the mistletoe part…
Then on Christmas day, we just stayed at an apartment and had a little dinner that we spent our savings on. Even though there wasn’t much food, we still enjoyed it. Then we opened up our gifts. James gave me a picture of us in a nice frame, and I gave him a ton of donuts. But the donuts didn’t last long…
*whines* I’m getting really hungry now…
We don’t have any family that we’re close to, so we didn’t mind just staying home.
Yeah, well, Cassidy and I decided to stay together for Christmas. We got our bonuses and we went out shopping and nearly wiped out the stores. *laughs*
Then we went to the Christmas party, it was okay, the food and drinks were good, the mistletoe part was decent, too…
On Christmas, we exchanged gifts. I gave Cassidy some barrettes and other hair things and she gave me some CD’s and movies. Later, we ate dinner and watched some classic Christmas movies.
I went home to my family for Christmas. We had a big family reunion and I got to have fun with my cousins! They’re all hyper like me so we had a good time!

Raticate - Hi, Raticate! Hardly anybody asks you a question, so I will. How are you? ( Meowth, please translate that. Thanks)
Rat ratta cate. Ratta rat. Cate! Ratta.
Da rat said dat he’s doing well except dat his master almost killed him.
He said dat his master gave him some cheese dat had spoiled.
It was the only cheese left! He ate all of the other cheese so what was I supposed to do? Starve him?

Ivan asks:

Where are all your other animals at, except for pokemons?
We don’t have any animals, at least I don’t think.
Maybe they’re in some hidden jungle, deep in the sea, or on a high mountain. But I’ve never seen one.
In your world, Ivan, where are the pokemon? I’ve seen pictures of the ‘real world’ but I’ve never seen any pokemon.
I could not imagine life without pokemon. What would you do if you came across a rival or something? If you didn’t have any pokemon to battle with, then what would you do? *sighs* I can’t even imagine that.
But who knows? We’re always discovering new pokemon, maybe one day we’ll discover animals! *jumps up and down* I want to be the first to see one! Me! Maybe I’ll even name an animal after me!
You mean that there would be a species of animals called Mondo? I find that quite scary…

Meowthkid asks:

Hi guys!
Hello! *eagerly* Did you bring me any donuts or roses?
Hey! Don’t be so greedy! So uh, hi! Did you bring me anything?
Hi! Ignore Jessie, she’s acting kind of grumpy and mean today.
I am not!!
See what I mean? It must be that time of the month.
I just happened to wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, that’s all. I started out the day by oversleeping so ever since everything’s gone wrong. Oh, hello!
*yells* Hi!!! I’m so glad to talk to you!!
*sleepily* You could be a little quieta. You woke Me-owth up from my catnap.

All- what do you guys want for christmas?
*giggles* Since Christmas has already passed, we’ll tell you what we want for next Christmas! I want the usual: roses, donuts, candy, food, bottlecaps,--
Haven’t you said enough already?
Don’t interrupt, Botch! As I was saying, I want a stuffed Growlithe plushie,--Urgh! I want some new video game players like X-Box and Game Cube along with some harder games. I’m tired of James beating me. I’m supposed to be the best one!
*giggles* I’m just better than you, Botch.
Well I need some more makeup! The last time when the twerps “blasted us off,” we landed into a huge river. All of my makeup got ruined! My lipstick looked like a melted crayon, my powder turned into gooey clay, and my eyeliner and mascara leaked and spilled over everything. It was a total mess.
Ew! So that’s why you’re looking extra ugly today! No makeup!
*frowns* At least I don’t look extra ugly everyday like you!
*gasps and frowns* You rotten brat!
*growls* Okay, I want some new clothes. I mean real clothes, not my uniform. All of the clothes I have are so yesterday. They’re out of style and I wouldn’t want to be seen in public wearing them.
No one wants to see you in public, Cassidy.
*glares* Like I was saying, spring is coming up and that means new styles so I need a gift certificate or a large raise kind of soon.
You know what? I have this huge urge for some Play-doh! I don’t know why! I wanna mold it, squish it, and do lots of fun stuff with it!!

Meowth- Madonna insisted on giving you an early christmas present, so here you go.
Ah! *shakes box* I wonda what’s inside? *looks at claws* Dese will come in handy! *shreds wrapping paper to pieces* I t’ink I kinda made a mess… *throws off box cover and gasps* Yarn balls! How did she know dat I tore all of my old ones up? *takes a yarn ball out* It’s so big and round… *looks at it with glittery eyes and starts to pat it* Ah! Soft on my kitty paws! *rolls yarn ball up and down the room, chasing it* Tell Madonna I said t’anks!

All- What's your favorite tv-show? Mine is friends, and poke'mon of course.
The Simpsons are hilarious!.
I like 3rd Rock from the Sun, everyone’s so confused, just like me!
Charmed is really good.
Um…my favorite is Gilmore Girls.
I watch Small Town, the guy is really cool!!! He reminds me of me!!

Mondo- You are so cute!
*eyes widen* Seriously?! You’re not kidding me?! Are you joking?! Really?! Honestly?! No fooling?!
*grumbles* How long is this state of shock going to last?
*leaps high into the air* Whooopeee! I can’t believe someone thinks that!!! A lot of girls in Team Rocket think I’m too hyper to be cute, but they’re wrong!!! Yaaaaaaay! *hugs Meowthkid a little tightly*

Jessie- here, the picture I promised you:

*blushes* Yes…I remember that event as if it were yesterday… *smiles* That moment changed my life forever. *glances at picture* I’ll never forget it and I’ll never forget his face. *takes the picture* I’ll put this in a safe place.

All- I love you! Good bye!
*skips around* Good bye! Bye bye!
Bye! Now I can go back to my catnap. *curls up and hugs yarn ball*
Bye bye!
Who says you get to say “bye” first? Bye…that word sounds like another word that describes James…
Okay okay, just don’t call me that…name. See you later!
*rolls eyes* When will your partner become smart?
When will you become pretty?
*frowns* Good bye!
Bye, and thanks for the picture, it cheered me up. *smiles*

Leah asks:

all: hi! *huggles*
*giggles* Hi!! *hugs* I’m a great mood today!
Geez, calm down. Hello. *calmly hugs*
Hi, uh… *hugs*
Hello, sorry, I’m in no mood for hugs.
Well if you don’t want a hug, can I have yours?!
*looks at Mondo weirdly* Uh, yeah, sure…
Yay!! *hugs Leah twice*

b+c: i know cass doesn't smoke, but isn't butch adorble?

Ha! For once I’m not the one portrayed smoking! Instead I’m the one…suffocating in all of that smoke… *gags*
I didn’t know you smoked, Cassidy. What else do you do that you don’t tell us?
*sighs exasperatedly* I don’t smoke, damn it!
*laughs* Okay okay!
*giggles* Can you breathe through all of that smoke, Botch?
Were you talking to me? Sorry, I only respond to my name, not some other word. Anyways, how should I know if I could breathe? I know that I can at least see through all of that smoke, judging by the picture.
I don’t think you look adorable in the picture, I think you look funny! *laughs*
No one asked you! The question was for Cassidy and me. I think I look pathetic…
*laughs* Aww, I think you look pathetically cute!

james: this is new...

Uh oh! A twerp is taking your man, Jessie!
That’s not funny!
I didn’t know that you liked Misty.
*shocked* I didn’t know either!
I’m disgusted at this picture!
Um…uh…that picture is scaring me!
Hey, you don’t like Jessie anymore, can I have her? Pretty please?
*eyes widen* Uh…
I would never give a twerp my precious roses!! That little girl would ruin it! *hugs rose tightly*
Hmph! How can a walking stick like her be better than me?
I can’t look at the picture anymore. I’m going to have nightmares!

jessie: this too...

Wooo! Jessie’s robbing the cradle!
No! I hate the twerp!
*laughs* Jessie chose a younger man over you, James. Oh well, that’s the breaks. *slaps James on the back*
*stares at the pictured, astonished*
You all have it all wrong! I’m not hugging the twerp! I’m squeezing his neck so his head will fall off!
Then why do you look so happy?
Because I know he will die once his head falls off.
*smiles* Do you want to squeeze me, Jessie?
Eh, no…

jesse: what do you think of this pic:

I look….scary! I suppose I have a nice body, but that’s it.
*shocked* Jessie…is that really you?
*laughs* You look like a cheap Barbie doll!
I don’t even look like that! I don’t have that kind of stomach, I don’t let my panties or in this case my thong straps show, my skirt goes over my hips, and my face is much prettier. My features are over-exaggerated in that picture to a point where I no longer look beautiful.
*stares* Now I know I’m going to have nightmares! *sobs*
*continues to blush and some drool escapes*

all: i figured out your band. you're called the rocketeers, and you are based on my favoritist band in the whole wide world, weezer. the band setup is like weezer's, and you sing weezer songs. here is the setup:
butch- lead vocals/guitar
cassidy- drummer
i'm in the process of writing a fic on it.
*gasp* Where am I? The band wouldn’t succeed without me! With some of those people in the band, I know it’s going to fail. At least Cassidy’s not going to sing, she would break all of the windows.
At least I’m in the band, you sore loser! Drummer’s are cool so I don’t mind too much not being able to be a vocalist.
Yes!! I get to be lead vocalist! Thanks for having the confidence in me! I won’t let you down.
*whines* That’s not fair! Botch gets to be lead!
Oh shut up and practice with your guitar. You need it.
*pouts and sulks*
*looks at bass guitar* Um…how do you work these things…?
*rolls eyes*
Oooh! Can I break it at the end of the concert like a lot of people do?!
*still sad* Sure…
Yes!! Can Jessie also be in the band? *smiles* Pretty please?

all: this is a dog. it is an animal. growliths, houndoors and a few others look like dogs

*scratches head* Yes…it does look a little like Growlie. It has the same kind of face and body. But it still looks different…
Wow! That’s an animal? It does look like some of the dog pokemon, but pokemon are cuter.
Yeah, my houndour is cuter than the dog. It’s much eviler, too.
I’m sure that animals can be trained and that dog looks trained, but pokemon are just better to train. They also can be evil, too, and animals don’t look evil.
*gasp* I wanna dog! They look fun! I need a companion! I’ve read in books about the ‘real world’ that dogs are man’s best friend. I wanna best friend!

j+j: i found out what b+c do on thier spare time:

Uh oh…
Awww! You two make a cute couple!
*sings* Botch and Cassidy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G,--
Shut up. It’s just a picture.
Yeah, you two always deny pictures of other shippings because you say it’s not true. So why can’t we say it’s just a picture?
*grins* Because you know it’s true.
No, we don’t know.
Fine, deny the truth. Meanwhile, I’m going back to looking at the picture. *giggles*
I think it’s so sweet!
*rolls eyes*
You guys look so happy!
*grumbles* I said for you to shut up.

butch: i need ur help to examine this pic:

j+j are dancing, completly obsorbed in each other
ash is oblivous(what else is new?)
meowth is giving baby togapi wine
brock is harrasing nurse joy
*laughs* This is so funny!
Ooops, I’m givin’ alcohol to a minor. *laughs* But wait! Dat was supposed ta be my egg! Awww… *sighs*
I wonder why James isn’t stepping on Jessie’s foot.
For your information, Botch, I happen to be an excellent dancer. I took dancing lessons, too.
*sighs* I wish I could dance with Jessie…
Normally the twerps’ presence ruins pictures, but they’re acting so stupid in the picture it really doesn’t matter. Maybe with Meowth getting pokemon drunk, two nitwits can finally catch them.