Ask Team Rocket--Page 7

Musa-chan asks:

Jessie and James: Know what? I don't think you should worry about having the 6 kids that.. um.. that one person wrote up there ^_^
That’s good. I won’t mind having kids, but I don’t want that many. Only a few. I just couldn’t handle being a daddy to all of them. It also would be hard to give them all equal attention.
*sighs happily* Whew! I was worried that everyone actually thought I would go through all of that pain and feel uncomfortable six times! That would be suicidal. My figure would look horrible, if I even have a figure after all of those kids.

And that's because... I think you'll have 10 kids!!! ^___^
What?!?! 10?! No way! Uh uh! Everyone can just forget about that! Just think about all of the money that will needed! The food! The time! The love! The diapers! The bottles! The milk! The toys! The education! *gasps* My figure!!
*shocked and counts on fingers* Wow…that would be a lot kids…
*snaps* Of course it would be a lot of kids!
You shouldn’t always look on the bad side of things, Jess. Who knows? We would never be lonely, that’s for sure. It might be a lot of work, but it could be a lot of fun.
Fun? Ha! It would be like running a day care center! Uh huh! Ten kids are out of the question!
All.. except Meowth.. (sorry Meowth): I'm in my dance studio's dance company 'Les Etoile'. I was wondering if any of you like dance or ever took dance in your life. =D
*giggles* Yes! I took dance when I was a little boy. When I first started out, I felt very awkward. But as time progressed, I felt comfortable and I began to enjoy it.
Urgh, no, I never took dance or dancing lessons or anything else like that. I don’t like to dance much either. Maybe it’s because I’m not good at it.
I love to dance but I’ve never taken dance, I was too poor to afford lessons. I learned a lot of dances from James and just by watching people.
Eh, dancing is okay. I don’t like all of the fancy ballroom dances, they’re too formal.
Ooh! I love to dance! But uh, the dancing isn’t anything fancy. It’s more freeform!

Butch and Cassidy: I already know that Jessie and James' pick for their favorite eeveelution is flareon and vaporeon. Which would you two choose.. and why? (if this q was already asked... i would have no idea..)
Uh, I would have to say an umbreon. They look really cool and mysterious. Plus, they’re a dark type of pokemon so that makes them sort of evil.
My favorite would have to an espeon. They’re pretty in a mystical and magical way. There’s just something about them that attracts me, I can’t explain it.

My favorite is umbreon ^_^
*smiles* Good choice! In my opinion, they are the best looking and best battling of the eevee evolutions. I think that if there was a tournament between all of those evolutions, umbreon would win.

All: My birthday's gonna be in about a month (January 15) and i'm gonna be 17. I dunno what to do O____o Please don't suggest cake, Mondo. ^^;;; I can't eat the stuff. And i can't do a party or anything.. because i have to friends to invite.. ::sniffle::

Uh oh…it seems this question was answered a day late… Oh well, we’ll still give you suggestions in case you want to celebrate today or the weekend.
Uh huh, and a Happy Birthday from all of us!
*throws confetti* Anyways, you don’t necessarily have to celebrate with friends. You can celebrate with your family.
Yeah, that’s what I did when I was little with my mama. She always made my favorite dinner and some snowgasborg and that was a good enough celebration for me.
Or you could go out to your favorite restaurant and order your favorite foods.
There’s always the movie theaters. After all, you’re now able to see rated R movies legally. *smiles* Or you can invite all of us to a party! I’ll come!
*sadly* No cake? I baked one for you. It came out really bad but it’s still a cake. *sighs* If you don’t want cake, maybe some candy? If you don’t want any junk food, there’s always fruit! It’s really sweet!

Jessie: You're my role model!! I'm gonna dress as you when I go to otakon this summer! I'm gonna wear two of your outfits: the one from the anime, and the one all black skin-tight one from the one manga. I'd have a 'James' to go with me... but.. he lives very very far away... we're like... four states apart! ::cries:: Anyway... my sis and i are gonna do a dance to a song sung by Megumi Hayashibara. Of course.. *i'll* be the star of the show... ::beems:: ^___^
Wow! I’m honored! Of all the people you can dress up as, you chose me?! Thanks! Yes, be sure to steal the show, that’s what I would do. Hmm, I haven’t thought about my black outfit in a long time. I wish I could wear it now, I really like that outfit.
*blushes* I could be a ‘James.’

All: What's your favorite dance style? Jazz, tap, lyrical, modern, ballet, pointe, or hip-hop? I do everything but hip-hop... because.. i add too much technique into it ^_^;;;; so.. i'm not exactly the hip-hoppy person.. x.x My favorite is all of them!!
Eh, I’m not sure. Like I said, I really don’t like to dance that much.
I enjoy modern but I’m also talented when it comes to ballet so I can’t pick just one favorite. I equally like both of them.
My favorite dance style is modern. I love learning all the dances that fall into the modern style.
I don’t dance in any of those styles, but I like watching ballet and hip-hop. *laughs* Those styles are really different from each other but I still like watching people dance in them.
Uh, maybe hip-hop. I still say my favorite dance style is freeform, Mondo style!!

Rabbite asks:

I have two questions, first one is for the females. This maybe a silly question but have you guys sneaked into a men's public restroom when the line in the women's was too long?
I’ve thought about doing that once. I was the movie theater and I suppose I drank a little too much soda. *grins sheepishly* Of course, the line was very long, but I really really had to go. Then I thought that I should sneak out and go to the men’s restroom. But then I wondered what if there’s a long line in the men’s restroom. A few seconds later, I figured that wasn’t possible. So I went out of the restroom and I was about to go into the men’s. But then a whole bunch of teenage guys went in and that killed my plan about going in. I didn’t want any guys in there when I went in. So I had to go back to the women’s restroom and go at the end of the line. I should have just stayed in line in the first place.
Well, uh…yeah.
Gosh, shut up! Damn you… Like I was saying, yeah, I went in a guys bathroom once. It’s kind of a stupid story, but if you were in my place, you would have done the same thing! I went on a this one road trip a few years ago, and I took a pit stop and went to a bathroom in a gas station. Just my luck, it was the only gas station around so there were a lot of other travelers in there. Of course, there was a long line for the bathroom. Apparently, one of the cheap toilets in the bathroom broke so only one was available and that just made the line worse. Now I really had to go! I think there was about 7 or 8 people ahead of me. There was no line for the men’s bathroom, of course. So I silently snuck out of line and rushed into the guys’ bathroom. Fortunately, there was no one in there! I quickly did my business and I went out of the bathroom. But right when I was walking out, two guys came in. They both looked at me strangely and I continued running out of the door. As I left, I heard one guy say something about cross-dressers. *frowns* I guess they thought I was a guy dressing up like a girl. Oh well, at least I made it out alive and I didn’t have to wait in a long line.

Second question is for everybody...woo boy. What is your opinion of Digimon?
Heh, every successful thing, whether it’s clothes, TV shows, food, toys, games, cars, you name it, has a wannabe or some kind of imitation that wants to be just as good as the successor. Well, that’s Digimon.
Awww, Botch! You shouldn’t criticize it so harshly! We wouldn’t want them to say those things about us.
We don’t have to worry about that because we’re better than them and they are the imitations.
I have to agree with you that we are better than Digimon, but I still think you’re acting too severe.
I see too many similarities between them and us so that ticks me off. How dare they copy us?! You know another thing I don’t like about Digimon? It scares me how the Digimon can talk to the people.
I think it’s weird.
I guess da Digimon wanted ta be like Me-owth.
I don’t like how there’s so many main characters or Digi-destined. If that’s how it was with us in Pokemon, everyone would have been replaced by now, even the twerps. But I guess that keeps the storyline fresh.
I don’t see many problems with Digimon. I don’t think we should judge them unkindly because they are our rivals. We should be open-minded and judge them fairly! I think it’s a decent show! Plus, some of the Digimon are so cute!!

B&J Lover asks:

jess&meowth-ewwwww i saw dis site dat was soooo gross i saw a pic wid both of u guys doing it u know really doing it not that it would ever happen... i hope ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww it was so nasty i got out of it FAST!!
*eyes widen* Oh my gosh!!! What the hell?!
*puts paws to throat to imitate choking* Eww! Dat’s nasty!
*glances at Meowth*
*looks at Jessie*
God, those people must be really really sick to make up some stuff like that. Why would I do it with a pokemon?
Eww, Jessie, I didn’t know you were that desperate!
*glares* Shut up, Cassidy! You were probably the one who made that picture up.
No, I don’t think those kind of nasty thoughts.
Hey, B&J Lover, are ya traumatized afta lookin’ at da pic? I t’ink dat it traumatized Me-owth just by hearin’ about it.
*groans* My stomach hurts just thinking about that.

mondo-kewl i didnt know u liked basketball 2 i LOVE basketball its my fav sport no wait softball is no basketball *shrugs* whatever i'm playing in a basketball leage now and i wish i waz taller 2 thats the thing i hate about being filipino oh well at least i got speed
Yep! I love basketball! I get to use up all of my energy running around! It’s a great sport for an active and hyper person like me. *smiles* Oh…but sometimes, the other players make fun of me since I’m shorter than them. I can’t help it if I don’t grow like a weed! They call me Squirt. *frowns* But at least I can out run them and I’m great at stealing the ball! Haha! One of the advantages of being smaller.

all-bye gtg to bed stayed up till 3:00 *yahn* byeee.... *snore*
Okay, bye bye. If I ever find the person that drew that gross picture *slams fist* they’re dead!
Yeah, I’m right behind ya, Jess. Good night!
*waves and runs around in a circle* Bye! Bye!
Geez, calm down! *grabs Mondo by the collar* G’night!
Yeah, night.
Didn’t you bring me a rose or a cookie? *sighs* Nighty night!

Kitty asks:

J&J-Hey, you two! How are you guys doing?
I’m doing great! Do you want to know why?!
*rolls eyes* James, you’ve told basically everyone.
I haven’t told Kitty.
*sighs* Okay…fine. Oh yeah, I’m doing okay. I had to say that now because once James gets started, he won’t shut up.
*giggles* Anyways, since Valentines Day is coming, there’s so many roses being advertised! In stores, there are roses wherever I turn! I’m in heaven! *sighs happily* I’ve also purchased a few dozen roses for myself. It costs a lot, but the sacrifice of money is well worth it!
Why did ya have ta spend our savin’s on weeds?
*gasps* They’re not weeds!! They’re much more beautiful than weeds! *yells* Don’t you dare insult them ever again!
Jeez, have it your way, Jimmy.

J&J- Ok, I was thinking long and hard, (man, thinking really starts to hurt after a little while, huh James? Lol) and I was thinking about when James came after Jessie from his estate, and you wanna now what saying seriously came to my mind!? "If you love somthing, let it go, if it comes back, it's yours." Cause Jess, if you really loved James, you wouldn't try to stop him from being happy, and you didn't, you just let him go, but he came back to you, and that'show you know he's yours forever! Right James?
*smiles* Yeah! I’ve never thought of it like that!
*blushes* Yeah…
Did you really think about that, Jess?
*hugs Jessie* I know you did!
*rolls eyes* Ugh! Please! I don’t need ta lose my lunch.
*smiles* Sorry, Meowth. Here, Kitty. I have a doughnut for you. I understand what it’s like when you think too long.

James-Have you heard that song "Kokamo" by the Beach Boys? That sounds like somthin you would sing to Jess, cus you guys need a vacation to Jamaica, or somwhere, and that's what the guys are saying to their girlfriends, hehe.
*gasps* I love that song! *sings* Aruba, Jamaica, oooo I wanna take you to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama…*
*hits James with rolled-up paper* Stop singing! You’re going to break my glass with my soda.
*giggles* I forgot how much I love that song! I personally love going to the beach and ocean to soak up some rays. It’s practically my favorite place to go on vacation. I always hate when I have to go there when I’m on a Team Rocket assignment. *whines* I have to work and I can’t have any fun! Anyways, yes, that would be a song that I would sing to Jessie. We do need a vacation, and the best place to spend some time off is the beach.

James-Did happen between you and Jess the day you came back to her? (not to be a perverted question)
*blushes* Um…nothing really interesting happened… We just talked, and uh, talked some more…
Come on! Give us the juicy details!
Uh, nothing juicy happened. Like I said, we just talked. We talked about life and each other. I think we stayed up all night getting to know each other a little bit more.
Botch! Get those thoughts out of your mind!
I can’t help wondering…
We did not do what you’re thinking!
How do I know that you’re telling the truth?
*raises eyebrow* That’s a good answer…
Because I am telling the truth. We did not do it.
*laughs* That’s what they all say! I don’t believe you!
*whines* Botch! Shut up!

Jessie & Cassidy- Please help me out! I'm in this horrible situation! I REALLY like this guy, and we're like best friends almost, cus we tell eachtother everything, and all our problems, just like you and James and Butch! But now, I found out he likes me, and I like him too of course, and that he might ask me out, but he's afraid of getting hurt, because he thinks I might not feel the same way! I do, but I'm so scared because, I don't want to risk a wonderful friendship, and the last guy I went out with, we were like, best friends, but now we totally hate eachother! But he totally swears that he's nothing like my ex, and that he would never hit me, or do anything, how sweet! But here's my other problem, what should I say to him if he askes me out? I really want to go out with him, but I guess I'm afraid of taking it to the next step, or destroying our friendship! And he's such a perfect gentlemen too! He always holds the door for me, and while doing so, he always goes, "ladies first" and he carries my books for me, if they get too heavy, or if I'm just straight up to lazy to carry them myself, lol. I really need advice from you, cus I know you two must feel like this at some point too! *cries*
Hmm…well, you said that you know that he likes you. Then maybe it is worth the risk of asking him out since he might not turn you do. Yes, it’s risking your friendship, but remember: love is the most dangerous game of all.
Really? I always thought dodgeball is the most dangerous game of all.
*sighs* No, that’s not nearly as dangerous. Anyways, you can also just wait for him to make the first move. You said that he might be afraid to because he’s scared that he might get hurt. Well, maybe eventually he’ll overcome that fear and gain the courage to ask you out.
Yeah, I like the idea of waiting awhile. A friendship like that is too special to be risked. Enjoy your friendship with the guy and let love naturally take its course.
How about hide and go seek? That game can get dangerous!
*rolls eyes* Mondo!

Jess and Cass- Hey, I'm sorry for that super long question, but I had to get all that out!
Oh, don’t worry about it. I’ve been there before. I think we can all relate to something similar to that.
Yeah, don’t worry about the long question. It does feel better to let all of your feelings and emotions out like that.
*gasps* I have some bad memories playing Chutes and Ladders! That’s a very dangerous game!
*stares at Mondo weirdly* Are you…okay?
No! I’m thinking of all of these dangerous games! Why would I be okay?
How about if we play a game---
Yeah! Clue! I get to be Professor Plum this time!
*groans* Not Clue! I was thinking about…Swirly…*eyes the bathroom*
Okay! I’ll shut up! Last time we played that game, it took me about a week to get that nasty toilet smell out of my hair. *shudders*

J&J- Sooooo, do you guys ever get just a tad do I say this politley........"frisky?" Not like, all perverted, but is it ever just to hard to resist the other, so you just give into temptation? ^_~
Frisky? No….not really… Most of the time I can control myself.
*blushes* To tell you the truth, sometimes when we have our little tickling fights, it is very hard to not give into temptation… *blushes harder*
*blushes and groans* James, do you have to tell everyone about everything?
I’m just being honest. Anyways, during our “fights,” I become, uh, “frisky” sometimes.
Okay, James! You’ve said enough!
You have to admit it too, Jess!
*flushes* Fine. Sometimes I sorta give into temptation. There. I admitted it.

Butch- You look muscular to me! You don't look scrawny one bit! You're very well built! ^_~ But so is James!
*smiles* Heh heh. Yeah, I’m not really scrawny, but I’m not as built as some guys. But I don’t want to have a lot of bulging muscles. At the same time, I don’t want to look like a scrawny bird. So I’m happy with my body since I’m right in the middle.
*blushes* You like my body? Aww, thanks! *hugs Kitty*

Jessie-Ok, so while we're on the subject, how do you feel about James' body? Too scrawny (nope) just right, or nice and muscular? Give your honest opinion!
*purses lips* Well… I never did like big, muscular guys so thankfully James isn’t one of them. James is kind of skinny, but not he’s not really too scrawny. *frowns* I’ve seen worse. Yeah, I suppose he has an okay body. I can’t complain.

All- You guys are so lucky to have such good looking partners! I bet there's some members in Team Rocket who have butt-ugly partners!
*laughs* Yeah, there are a lot of people who have not-so-good looking partners. I feel really bad for them. But too bad for them!
Now, Botch! How would you feel if you had a partner that wasn’t so good looking? You shouldn’t make fun of them.
I’m not making fun of them. I pity them. They miss out on a lot.
Yes, that’s true. We are lucky!
Take Domino, for example. She’s really ugly!
I wouldn’t say that if I were you, Cassidy. She looks a little like you…
Hmph. Hardly! I’m much more beautiful!
Getting back to the subject, I am a really lucky person. I don’t realize that a lot of times, but I shouldn’t take it for granted.
*smiles* You’re right, I am lucky.
*sighs* You know…I’d rather have a butt-ugly partner than no partner… It’s not fair…

Misty Rocket asks:

James: was it your sock that Pikachu fainted when it smelled it in the sock day marathon
*gasps* How did you know?! That was supposed to be a secret!
Ew! James! Wash your socks!
I’ve told you, James, that you have to change your socks everyday so they won’t stink really bad. I swear, guys know nothing about personal hygiene.
That’s disgusting, James! You’re going to kill us all with those poisonous fumes that your socks give out.
Hmph! You all are just jealous because my sock was seen on the TV sock day marathon. You wanted your socks to be shown but they picked mine. *whines* So now you’re going to yell at me!
Why would we be jealous? I’m not mad that your socks are stinkier than mine. It’s a compliment that my socks didn’t get chosen.
I was also hoping that once Pikachu fainted after smelling my sock, I would be able to capture it!
*rolls eyes* Then your stinky socks would actually be useful.
*nods happily* Mmhmm!
But you didn’t capture Pikachu so your sock wasn’t useful.
*carries a gas mask and puts it on* I think I’m going to need to wear this more often so I don’t die from the smelliness of James’s socks.
*rolls eyes* Cassidy, I think you’re taking this a little too far.
I bet his socks aren’t as smelly as mine!
*glares* Oh yeah?
That’s it! We’re having a smelliest sock contest! Let’s see whose sock is smellier! *takes of boot and removes sock*
*also removes sock and sniffs it* Ooh! Smelly!
Botch! You be the judge! *waves sock under Butch’s nose*
Urgh! *falls to floor*
Uh oh! Oh well! *smiles* Jess, you can be the judge! *waves sock under Jessie’s nose*
*waves sock under her nose*
EWWW! That stinks!!!
Ha! Don’t you wish you came prepared with a gas mask?
Be quiet! I’m probably going to die now!
So who has the stinkier sock?
I don’t know…they’re both horrible!
*whines* Mine is smellier!
I can’t believe you guys are fighting about socks… *groans*

For all the boys (including Meowth)- When was your first "Wet dream"?
This is going to be good!
*gets up from floor after hearing the question* Uhh……
*eyes widen*
*blushes* This is kinda personal… Well, when I was 10, I had the freakiest dream!! I was so scared that when I woke up, I wet my pants! *blushes* Don’t tell that to anyone!
Eh…Mondo…not that kind of wet dream…
*rolls eyes* “Wet dreams” are not when you wet your pants because you got scared from a stupid dream.
Really?! So you mean I just told that embarrassing story for no reason?!!
Uh huh, pretty much.
*grins* But thanks for entertaining us, Mondo!
So what’s a wet dream? It sounds like a name of a soda. No! An alcoholic drink! Yeah! That’s what it sounds like!
*bursts out laughing*
Oh my gosh…. I can just see myself going up to a bartender, asking him for a Wet Dream. Eww!
Um, well, what is a wet dream? Is it when you dream of something wet?
*sighs* Not exactly. *blushes* How should I explain this…? *grabs a medical dictionary and flips through pages* We need a scientific explanation for Mondo… Ah! Here it is. Nocturnal seminal emissions… *blushes*
*blushes deeply*
*jaw drops* Is that what it is?!
*sarcastically* No! It’s when you dream of wetting your pants. Anyways, um, yeah…
*whines* Do I have to answer? This is dumb!
The tables are turning!
Now you guys know how girls feel when they are asked about their periods and stuff.
*groans* Okay, I was 15 when I had my first, um, you know… *blushes*
Hmph! *whines* I’m not going to answer!
You better answer. I’m not going to be the only one embarrassed.
*sighs* Fine…I was er, 14… *blushes* This is too personal.
*turns pink* Uh, I just turned 15 when I first had mine… I always wondered what had happened when I woke up and found--
Ew, we don’t need a detailed description!
*laughs* We meowths are lucky! Dat stuff don’t happen to us.
Are you sure? Maybe it does and it just hasn’t happened to you yet.
*eyes widen* Nah! *waves paw* Dat’s not true!
Never know…

Kosaburofan asks:

Butch and Cassidy- Remember about my friends who calls you Bitch and Bitchedy? Well, finally I asked them why they do that. *sighs* I could know their answer. "They are just stupid" and one of them said "I don't like Team Rocket or the twerps, I only like the Pokemon. But I like it to make you angry." If I had a knife, I would use it. So what can I do now? I asked them why but they did if they didn't hear me or said "just stupid".
Damn, that’s a horrible excuse! We’re not stupid! We’re geniuses compared to two losers I know.
What will it take to get everyone to realize that we are not worthless?
Yeah! It’s not like we go around calling everyone names so why do people degrade us with these bad names?
People should call James some names since he’s the one who’s always calling Butch Botch.
I guess what you should do is to point our good qualities. Convince them that we’re not stupid.
Demand a better reason from them about why they hate us. Make them look like fools because they don’t have a good reason.

Jessie- I guess you remember that I said that Cassidy must kiss Butch. And you didn't give her any privacy! So LOL now it's your turn. You must give Mondo a kiss, without privacy! (and you must! or do you want that Mondo for the rest of his live feels sad?)
*pouts* Yeah! You don’t me to feel sad forever!
Hmmm, are you sure?
If I’m sad for the rest of my life, then I’m going to cry at your shoulder everyday.
*groans at this thought*
*closes eyes and puckers lips*
*laughs* Go kiss your Prince Charming!
*groans and quickly kisses Mondo*
Blah! That was disgusting!
*mumbles* I would hope…
Actually, I thought it was quite nice…
*laughs and waves a camera around*
*eyes camera* What’s that camera for?
*snickers* For future blackmail…
Oooh! Can I have some copies of the picture?
Since I’m such a generous person, of course!
Why you little--
*laughs* Yes, I am a little genius!

Mondo- I have a new fan for you! My neighbour is really crazy of you and she looks for more pictures of you. Can you help her?
*jumps for joy* A new fan!!! Yay!! I love my fans so I really want to help her find some pictures of me! Problem is that hardly anyone has any pictures…. *sniffs* But tell your friend to go to some general Team Rocket sites and check the bios. Lots of sites have pictures of me there. Or she can go to Hyperactive. It’s a shrine to me!!!!!!!!

all- What do you think about the Rocketshippers?
*blushes* That’s easy, I agree with them!
Uhhh….I don’t know…..they can get a little extreme…but I don’t know…
Yeah, I guess I agree with them. But I still don’t know why those two like each other. What do they see in each other? One’s a wimp and the other’s a b*tch.
*gasps* What did you just call me?!
A b*tch, are you deaf or something?
Do you want to go to hell right now? I’ll personally escort you down there.
No, I don’t have any time. I need to finish answering these questions. Maybe later. Anyways, like I said, I don’t know why they would like each other. But love is blind.
I agree with the rocketshippers because they do like each other, they’re just too dumb to realize it. I think they’re the perfect couple: two losers.
Guess what! I don’t like rocketshippers! Jessie and James don’t like each other. It’s sooooo obvious! They’re always fighting and Jessie’s always hitting James because he makes her mad. Nope, rocketshippers are wrong.

James- Well James. I am waiting. When I asked you, you didn't say sorry to Butch for calling him Botch. I ask till you say sorry! I have every time of the world.
*pouts* Well you’re going to have to wait forever because I refuse to apologize to Botch until he apologizes to me for treating me horribly.
What?! Hell no! I’m not apologizing to you! Why should I?
*whines* Because you always make fun of me!
I can’t help it. You basically ask for it because you’re such a wimp and a crybaby.
*whines* Jessie! Butch is making fun of me!
See what I mean? You’re so annoying!
Come on, James! Stop wondering away from the topic and apologize!
He doesn’t have to apologize if he doesn’t want to!
Awww, lil James needs Jessie to protect him.
I don’t want to apologize!! I don’t want Botch to get away with what he’s done to me.
Fine, it looks we’re going to have sit here and wait for a long time until you become smart enough to apologize.
Not necessarily… *grabs James’s rose and begins to pull petals off* He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not…
*grabs rose* Okay! I’m sorry! Are you happy?!
*hits James with paper fan* James! Don’t give in!
*whines* She was hurting my rose!
Actually, I’m not that happy, the apology wasn’t sincere enough.
I’m not happy because I didn’t finish pulling off all of the petals. *frowns*

Mondo- Every one sends James pictures of Jessie, but not you. ^_~ You must be very sad. Here is my favorite piccie of Jessie:

Not fair! *whines* I wanted the picture! *stomps foot*
*some drool falls out of the corner of his mouth*
Eww. *hands Mondo a napkin* We don’t want to drown in your spit.
*giggles embarrassingly and wipes his mouth*
*frowns* Why can’t I have the picture?!
*defensively hugs picture* My picture!
Nope, I’m gonna put this in a very special place…
Well, yeah, that is a nice pic of me, I look very pretty as always. *smiles* Arbok’s true snakeyness is captured in the pic, too. So I guess I can see why you like the picture so much.
*whines* I still want the picture! Please, Mondo?! Please! *pauses* Mondo? Mondo, are you okay?
Huh?! Oh! I didn’t hear you! I was off in my own world, gazing at this picture…

Tikity Kimiko asks:

Hi, Tikity Kimiko here! Mondo are you still cute? *giggles*
*giggles* Yes, of course! I get cuter day by day!

1)Do you guys like hentai, yaoi, etc...
Uhhh, not really. It’s gross and I don’t like some of things people draw me doing in some pictures that I’ve seen. That stuff really scares me so I try to avoid any hentai and yaoi.
Heh heh, yeah, I like hentai. It’s…interesting. *smiles* But I don’t know why everyone always puts it down, there’s nothing wrong with hentai. I lost interest in yaoi when I saw some kokoshippy stuff. Do people actually think I would that stuff with James?! He’s my worst enemy!
Hmmm…well, sort of. I like to read slightly mild hentai, but nothing that’s too hardcore. I like to read very romantic stories, but nothing that’s really graphic. So I guess I don’t really like hentai because hentai is graphic. Anyways, I don’t like looking at hentai pictures, and I don’t like yaoi or yuri.
Eh, hentai is okay. It’s not my favorite thing in the world, but I won’t put it down. Same with yaoi and yuri, but I think I hate yuri after I heard about yamushipping. *shudders*
Ew! No! I hate all of that stuff! It’s so disgusting! I’ve seen some of that kind of stuff and it made me sick to my stomach. *gags*

2)Hey I just got a kitten. Her name is T.K. (tk stands for terrible kitten) She's black. She has a few brown spots on her back, half of her nose is peach, her mouth is white and one of her back paws is white. Doesn't she sound pretty?! She sixs months. I went down stairs to wash my school clothes and she followed me. I was stuffing clothes in the dryer not watching what I was doing and turn the dryer on. I heard a thump, a few cratches and a meow. When I open the dryer she jumped out and scatched my face up. I had went to got get stitches and they hurt. She flooded the basement by trowing the toiletpaper in the toilet witch cause it to overflow. I can't stand her but I still love her. She drank some of my perfume and threw it up...on me! She climbed a tree in the part and we had to get a fireman to get her down. I was so embassed.
Jeez, and I thought Meowth’s antics were bad. I guess I thought wrong.
But I bet Meowth was just as bad when he was a little kitten. I think it’s a stage all cats go through when they’re young. T.K. will probably grow out of it once she grows up.
But judging by the way Meowth sometimes acts, maybe cats don’t grow out of their destructive stage completely.
Hey! Don’t make fun of Me-owth. All cats gotta do some mischief in dere life. It’s dere instinct. I remember when I was a little kitten, I was a big troublemaker. It’s just da way cats are.
Awww! T.K. sounds so cute!! I wish I could come over there and help out! I would love to see the cute kitty! But if I can’t, that’s okay. There’s still a cute cat over here. *pets Meowth*

3)Here's some gum for James and Cassidy since you guys didn't like the kiss. I don't think Jesse and Butch need any 'cause you seemed to have liked it.
*quickly grabs gum and begins to chew it* Ah! Just what my mouth needed! It’s been a while since I kissed him but I could still taste the kiss. *shudders*
Thanks! *chews gum* Now my mouth feels refreshed! No more yucky Cassidy germs.
*frowns* At least I got rid of all of the stupidity that might have leaked into my mouth when I kissed that loser.
*hands Jessie a piece of gum* You might want to chew this. Your mouth might still taste like Botch.
For your information, I have a good taste.
Well if Jessie doesn’t want the gum, I’ll take it! *takes gum* Yum! Very minty and sugary! My favorite!

4)Meowth I saw a picture when you were a little Meowth. You were so cute.
*gasps* My kitten pictures!! I had a cute little kitty face. I t’ink in some of da pictures, I looked pathetic. But I t’ink dat just made me look cuter. I don’t t’ink I’ve changed much. I’m still a cute cat!
*pets Meowth* Yes you are! I have a leash and collar ready. Do you want to go out for a walk? You need some exercise to lose some of the fat you’re gaining. You don’t want to be a fat cat.
Uh, no t’anks, Mondo. I don’t like da leash and collar.
Okay, we can go on a walk without those.
Still don’t wanna go for a walk! I’m a cat! Not a dog!
You’re right! I know the perfect way to make you exercise. *rolls a yarn ball* Go chase it!
*chases after the yarn ball* So round…
*laughs* I knew he couldn’t resist!

5)What did ya'll think when Aaliah died?
I thought it was really sad! I couldn’t believe it happened! I think it’s really sad when lives end for people who have such a promising future. *sniffs*
To tell you the truth, I didn’t think much about it. I don’t listen to her music so I don’t feel that effected. But I understand that a lot of people still miss her.
After her death and all of the other current tragedies, I’m beginning to appreciate life a little more. Even though life can get really, at least I have life. That’s more than some people can say.
When I heard about her death, I instantly started to think about my mom. I see so many similarities between them and their deaths. Tragedies happened to two young, but respected women.
I remember I felt really sad that day. I sorta liked her music because it was so true to life. Plus, she was very pretty! *laughs*

Well I have to go. Bye (don't forget Mondo stay cute) *giggles*
*gasps* I will! Don’t worry about that! I’ll still say cute and lovable! *slyly* And hyper…… *smiles* Bye bye! Bye bye!

CrimCat asks:

Jessie: I think it wasn't nice that Santa couldn't return your doll. After all, he started the problem by sending his Jinx.
That stupid Jynx! I’m still haunted by dreams of that horrible-looking pokemon! *shudders*
You know, that Jynx looks exactly like you…
Ugh! Yeah right! Anyways, I’m still really mad at what Santa did to me. First he sent that scary creature and he couldn’t even repay me by giving back my dolly! How rude! *frowns* Sometimes, I go around telling little kids how bad and mean Santa is so that they don’t believe in him. *laughs*
You’re traumatizing little kids!
Well I was traumatized, too!

All: What do you think of the Anime Ranma 1/2?
I think it’s pretty cool. The storyline is interesting but I just think its weird how some of the characters can change sex and even into animals when they touch water. It kind of freaks me out.
Are you kidding?! I would love to be like Genma and turn into a panda whenever I touch water. That’s really cooooooool!! I love that anime!
Yeah, I like Ranma ½ and my favorite character is Akane. She reminds me so much of myself. *smiles*
Uh, I never thought too much about Ranam ½. It just never interested me for some reason. The only reason why I would watch it is to see Nabiki because she’s the coolest character.
I don’t really like it…it scares me!!! *shivers* Don’t ask why it scares me, it just does! *whimpers* But there’s a guy, I think his name is Tatewaki, and he reminds me of Botch for some reason.
*frowns and then smiles* Well, he’s cool so I’ll take it as a compliment. Ha!

Don't you think Domino's hair looks like Jessiebelle's?
*gasps* Ewww! Why would anyone in their right mind have the same hairstyle as Jessiebelle?
I never did like Domino’s hair, now I know why.
*frowns* The more I think about it, the more Domino’s hair looks likes Jessiebelle’s. It’s basically the same style but just different colors. Hmph! She’s just a Jessiebelle-wannabe! I used to just hate Domino, but now I really hate her! *laughs* I’m going to go get some scissors and cut off her hair so whenever I look at her, I won’t be reminded of the demon I used to know when I was a child.

I think Mondo must be over 16, because he can drive, and since he looks younger than J&J, they must be at least 17.
*eyes widen* Are you sure that I’m 16…? I could just be playing a trick on all of you! I might be driving under-age! *looks around to make sure Officer Jenny isn’t present*
Uh oh! Mondo! Look out! There’s a Jenny right behind you!
Aaaaahhhh!!!! *runs away*
Oh wait, never mind! You can come back. It was just James cross-dressing as an Officer Jenny. My mistake.
*laughs and sneers* Don’t worry, anyone could make that mistake.
*pouts* Be quiet!
*sighs* Would you two please leave him alone? I don’t want him crying again.
*runs back to the gang* Whew! I really got scared there for a moment. The last thing I need to be is arrested. So I don’t want anybody turning me into the cops!
Yeah, don’t worry, we won’t tell any Officer Jenny’s. Except maybe I might want to tell Officer James.
*whines* Botch!! Leave me alone!
You know, I don’t think James is over the age of 17. He’s always whining like a baby.
Well I don’t think you’re over the age of 17 either. You keep acting like an elementary school bully. So ha!!!

Crazy4TR112 asks:

James- Do u want to marry Jessie?
*blushes and stutters* Uh uh um eh uhhh…I’m not so sure…marriage is a huge commitment…and I need to think for a long time before I choose my wife…
You’re going to “think for a long time?” Whoa…
*frowns* Yes, Botch, it’s possible. *blushes* Maybe when I get older, I might marry her…
But that won’t be until a few more years so I still have lots of time to choose my wife.

Meowth- Why do u have that charm on your forehead?
It’s my lucky charm! Actually, I don’t know why I have dat charm. Maybe it’s like a little license for Meowths. Da charm also looks like da coins dat Meowths t’row out in dere Payday attacks. But all I know is dat I love my charm and I can’t live wit’out it. I don’t wanna evolve into a Persian ‘cause den my charm turns into a stone.

Mondo- I wish the CD drama would be sold here in America so we could see u in it. Don't you, everyone? *gives Jessie, James, Butch, Cassidy, and Meowth the evil eye, daring them to say "no"*
Yeah!! *happily runs around in circles* Everyone could see me and love me to death! *hugs himself* I need the love and fans!!
Uh… I guess it would be nice if it was sold over here. After all, I am in it, and my adoring fans would love to have more merchandise with me featured in it.
Yes, we need more Team Rocket merchandise in America so it should be sold in stores. But that’s the only reason that I can find of why it should be sold. Oh, and the fact that I’m in it. *smiles*
Well I see no reason why it should be sold in America!
*gasps* No!!!! It must be sold!
Yeah, there’s no point for it being available to the public in the US. Butch and I don’t gain any advantages if it was sold in America.
We’re not even in it so it’s just a waste of time complaining that it’s not being sold in America.
But I’m in it!!!!
So? Only you and your fans care about that fact. You, Meowth, Jessie, and James are in it so I can see why you want it to be available. You just have a dumb biased opinion.
But you and Butch have been on TV episodes. At least you guys have something! But I haven’t been on TV at all. The CD drama is the only way my fans can have a piece of me!
Eh, I don’t know if I want da CD drama to be sold in da US. Mondo makes me look like a little lap kitty instead of da true Meowth I am. I’m gonna boycott da drama if it ever comes to da US and I’m gonna make sure all of my fans boycott it too.
Hmph! You all just wait and see!!! If it ever comes out in America, people will rush out to go buy it!

All- I'm making a site about u all, but I need ideas of what I should have in it.
I can tell you what not to put in it. Make sure there’s no creepy and scary Jessiebelle stuff in it. Oh, and make sure that mean old Botch isn’t in it either.
*smiles* Serves you right! But please have a lot of things with me in your site! *gives a pleading look*
You’re not going to fool anyone with your begging, James. My only suggestion is to try to make the site original as possible. Also try to have a lot of stuff on some certain Rocket members that are always ignored…
Like me?!
No! Like me! In your site, please pay particular attention to me and Butch. We hardly ever get any attention. *frowns*
Try to think of some creative ideas that will attract people. Let your imagination run wild!
Let it run wild just as I run wild!! *runs wildly*
*looks at Mondo* Uh, yeah, as I was saying, be creative but if you get stumped, surf around and go to other sites to get some ideas.
*whispers* Put some rocketshippy stuff in…
No!! Make a special page all about me and Jessie!!

Jessie- I want you to kiss James RIGHT NOW. AND I DON'T CARE THAT EVERYONE'S IN HERE, JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Please........
Uh……………why? I’m not going to do something that drastic without a good reason!
*sighs impatiently* Just do it!!
*blushes and nudges Jessie* Come on… *puckers lips*
*sighs* Fine!! Darn it! *quickly kisses James*
*blushes and shrieks* Eeeeee!!
*skips up and down the halls, humming happily* La la la la la!
Okay… I think James is on another planet right now…
*frowns* James! It was just a kiss! It’s nothing to get all excited about!
*gets a bunch of roses and happily tosses them all over a room* Yes, it is!
*sighs* I give up.

Jessie- Sorry. I totally lost my cool there. I know you hate ruining your tough image in front of everyone.......
Well, don’t be sorry. It’s already done now. Right now, I think it’s James who has lost his cool since he’s acting weird.
*continues prancing in the building* La! La! La!
*mutters* His stupid happiness is really getting to me.
Oooh! I wanna join him! *skips with James and sings* La la la la laaa!
*rolls eyes* Earth to idiots! Earth to idiots! Come back to your home planet!
It’s no use. I think they ate too many sugar donuts for breakfast so they need to work off their sugar content.

All- Did any of you ever have to wear braces? (I do.)
*finally stops prancing around and sighs* Ah! Okay, I feel so much better now. Sorry, I never wore braces, I’ve always had my perfect cheesy smile. *grins*
Nope, I never did, thank goodness. I’ve heard about too many embarrassing stories with people getting food stuck in their braces and other horrible stories. I figure I’m not missing out on anything neat.
Uh uh, I never had braces either. I have a beautiful smile so I don’t need them. But if I did need them when I was younger, I still probably wouldn’t get them since I was so poor. I wouldn’t have been able to afford them.
*sighs* Yeah, I got braces when I was eleven. I remember how horrible it was because everyone made fun of me. Oh God, and the braces were so painful! I cried a lot when I had them tightened.
I never had braces, I don’t have braces, and I never will have to braces! I like the way my teeth are!

All- Bye!!! I looove you all!!!!!! *grins evily* My next set of questions are going to be so B-A-D!!! heh heh
*nervously* Uh, how bad….?
Bad?! I’m scared!! *hugs Jessie* Protect me!
Aww, lil James is scared! Heh! I can’t wait for the next set of questions.
Yeah, as long as I don’t have to participate in the questions. *laughs nervously*
*gasps* Ooooooh!!!!! Sounds like fun!!! Fun, fun, fun!!!! Bye bye!!!! I love you, too! Not as much as Jessie, but I still love ya!
*rolls eyes*

Lee-chan asks:

Butch, Cassidy, James, and Jesse,
What do you guys think of your dubbed names? Personally I always loved Butch's japanese name cuz it's *so* cute!
Uh…*blushes* Thanks…I don’t hear that very often. “Butch” is an okay name, and definitely unique. You don’t hear about many people who are named Butch.
Except for dogs! *snickers*
*gives James a disgusted look* I’m not even going to respond to that. But one problem with my name is that some people tend to make fun of it. *glances at James* He also makes fun of my Japanese name so I guess it really doesn’t matter.
I really like my name! When I look at myself in the mirror, or when I manage to get a chance to look in the mirror when Jessie’s not using it, I think to myself that I look like a “James.”
In my opinion, you look more like a Dumbo.
That’s impossible because Dumbo has big ears and I don’t. Anyways, people can make up all sorts of cute nicknames with my name. I’m personally fond with the name “Jimmy.” Oh! And I also like the name James because people can also call me “James Bond!” *smiles happily*
Hmmm…well, “Cassidy” isn’t the best name in the world. I don’t mind the nicknames that come along with my names such as “Cass” and “Cassie.” But I like “Cassidy” more than my Japanese name. I really don’t look like a “Yamato.” But I don’t look like a “Cassidy” either… There are worse names that I could have been named so I don’t mind “Cassidy” too much.
I think my dubbed name is nice. It’s short for Jessica, which means wealth or something like that and that describes my greediness. *laughs* I also just think that my name is pretty. The only thing I find wrong with it is that “Jessie” can also be a boy’s name so some people might look at my name and think that I’m a guy. *frowns*

James and Jesse,
OK.. you got to think really hard on this one..What do you *REALLY* think about Cassidy and Bucth in a relationship? Like..if anything happened to them, would you support them? I mean, come on Jesse, she was yuor best friend! I mean say Cassidy got pregnant, and she was all depressed and stuff cuz she didn't want a child, I know Butch would support her, but would you guys do the same, or just stand back and laugh?
I would laugh. It would serve her right.
Well thanks a lot!
Um, honestly, I can see them in a relationship. A very good relationship. I think they’re made for each other: mean Botch and bratty Cassidy. *giggles* If anything did happen to them, I guess the softness in my heart would come out and I would support them. Even though they are my number one rivals, I would still want support from them if something happened to Jessie or me so I have to give them support. But only if Botch doesn’t pick on me!
You’re asking for it just by calling me Botch.
*sighs* But I can’t just be nice to Cassidy! She really doesn’t deserve it… But if James has to go and act noble by giving them support, then I guess I will too.

Do you think that Jesse and Cassidy (If they ever decided to take time and stop being so mean to eachother) that they'd be just as good friends as they were when they were younger?
Hmm…yeah, sure, if they stopped biting each other’s head off every time they are in the same room, then they could become good friends. I don’t see why not because they have things in common and they seem like the type that could be friends if they tried hard enough. But I don’t see that happening any time soon.

Butch and Cassidy,
oh great, I forgot..OH WAIT! ok..I was telling my that neoshippy was better then rocketshippy. :X Sorry Jess', James..we need more neoshippy fans..but um, she didn't know what it was. :X! Isn't that horrible?!
Oh my gosh! Tell me that’s not so!
I hope you set her straight and told her all about neoshipping.
*grumbles* This just shows that we don’t gain enough popularity.
I know! Hardly anybody cares about us or cares about our shipping.
Oh well, it’s their loss that they’re missing out on a lot.
They’ll find out the hard way.

Ok..I'm done..:D I love you alls!
Aww! The love! *hugs*
Uh…yeah, thanks for coming.
Buh bye!
Bye bye, we’ll see you later.
*eyes grow large* You didn’t talk to me…oh well! Bye bye!

Luna asks:

Hi everyone!!! *smiles and hugs Mondo*
Hello!!!! *hugs*
Hi there. Okay Mondo, it’s time for you to calm down.
Mmmm…no it isn’t!! *jumps around*
*sighs* Hello!
*pushes Cassidy out of the way* Hi!!
*mumbles* How rude. Like I was saying, hello!

Mondo: You are the absolute CUTEST!! I wish they would show you in an episode. I have all the pictures of you I could find saved to my computer. Can I be your Team rocket partner? *gasps* Really?! Seriously?! Yay!!! You can be my partner! I can’t believe you have all of my pictures!
There aren’t that many pictures of you in the first place, remember?
Oh yeah…but that’s okay! I look so cute in those pictures, if I do say so myself. Oh, wait a minute, I just thought of something. *carries a big stack of papers* If you want to be in Team Rocket, you have to fill all of them out. I got a very bad cramp in my hand when I filled them out. *pouts*

All: Here is a picture of me that my friend Akira drew

What do you all think of me? (P.S. The element symbol is from a story that I stopped writing a long time ago)
Oooh! You look pretty! That’s a very good and pretty drawing of you!
Yeah, I think you look very nice. Speaking of nice, it’s a nice picture.
You look nice but I think I fell in love with the dress, it’s really pretty. The perfect dress for a party!
Yeah, I like the dress, but I also like the hairstyle. It’s casual yet it still has style.
Wow! I like the picture of you, but can you please tell me how you got to the moon? I’ve been trying so many times but all of my attempts are unsuccessful.

All: This is another picture:

This is Akira, she drew this one as well. What do you think of her? Or has she already shown you her pic? Once again, the elements are just little additions from an old story.
Hey, it’s another really nice picture. Your friend Akira can really draw well. They beat my little stick figures.
*eyes widen* Wow……she looks very pretty! The picture is really detailed, pretty, and uh…happy!
Akira looks really nice in the picture. I wish she could draw a picture of me…
Then for once you would look pretty.
Anyways, the drawing is very beautiful. *smiles*
Yay! Another pretty girl!! But look! She’s in the sky near a rainbow! How do people do that?!

James: What is your reaction to this pic?

*chuckles* I can’t believe how happy I looked in that pic. That costume was so itchy that I was red all over from the rashes I got from wearing it. Ugh! I can still feel the itchy fabric… Why on earth was I smiling there? But I still liked the costume despite the itchiness. It was so…legendary. *happily nods*

All: I have to go... I shall see you later!! *kisses Mondo's cheek* Bye everyone!!!
*blushes* Aww! Thanks!!! Bye bye!!
*gasps* Where’s my kiss? *sniff* Bye…
*mimics* Where’s my little kissy-wissy? Boo-hoo! Heh! Bye bye!
*groans* I swear, you guys can be so stupid sometimes. But then again, you’re guys so you have to be stupid. Anyways, see ya!
Good bye! Hey! Where’s my kiss?! *laughs*
*pouts* Not funny…

Silver11016 asks:

Ok, first off...HAPPY (late) VALENTINE'S DAY! *throws confetti and kisses Mondo on the cheek, then throws everyone flowers*
*blushes and touches cheek* Wow… I got a kiss!! Woohoo! I’m loved!! *sighs* This is a wonderful day…
*inhales fragrance from flowers* Lovely! *gasps* Wait! Where’s my kissy? *whines* Don’t I deserve a kiss, too?
James, don’t get all sentimental on us.
*sniffs* But I wanna kiss…
Aww, ask Jessie-Wessie to give you a kissy-wissy.
*whines* Jessie?! Can I have a kiss?!
*exasperatedly* Fine, but only because I’m in a good mood. *quickly pecks James’s cheek* Happy?
*nods head happily* Uh huh!
Ew! Jessie just kissed a whining baby!
*pouts* I’m not a baby!
Aw! Little baby needs his diaper changed and his bottle!
*sniffs and sobs*
Aw! Now the little baby is going to cry.
*sighs* Would you two stop it?! Don’t pick on him like that!
*happily and dreamily skips down the halls* I got a kiss!
*rolls eyes* Go pick on Mondo.

So what is it with Rockets and flowers? To quote one site "First James with his rose, now Domino with her tulip... next thing you know Butch will start holding up a carnation or something."
*eyes widen* Trust me, you won’t catch me carrying a carnation! Maybe a chrysanthemum, but that’s a different story…
I just want everyone to know that I started the flower thing in Team Rocket. Everyone else is just copying me. *pouts*
So why did you start the flower thing?
Because I happen to like flowers, particularly roses since they symbolize love and romance. *sighs happily*
Then what does Domino’s tulip symbolize?
*thinks carefully* Well…since it’s blackish, it could symbolize evil. Otherwise, it symbolizes that she’s too cheap to buy herself a rose.
Well, I don’t want to be like James so I’m going to end this flower thing with the Rockets.
Are you sure you don’t want to carry around a chrysanthemum, Botch? The place I go to for my roses has a wonderful supply of colorful chrysanthemums, you would love them.
*sweatdrops* Uh…
Actually, I think you would look better holding a daisy rather than a mum.

All- I heard that- AAAAAGH *fearhugs Mondo* DON"T DO THAT TO ME! Sorry. My friend just walked in wearing a curly red wig, carrying this plastic whip, and talking in a Southern accent; so naturally the first thing I thought was that it was Jessebelle (the bloodsucking Dominatrix from the pit of Hell!). Anyway, I heard that Jessebelle would be *shudders* coming back! Is it true? (I hope not! I hate her!)
*blushes and hugs back* I’m loved, I’m loved, I’m loved!!
*gasps* No! No more Jessibelle! No more torture! EEEeee! *hides under a table*
Calm down, James, it’s just a rumor. It doesn’t mean that’s it’s true.
I don’t know about that, I’ve heard a lot of things going around that she might come back.
No!!! She can’t come back! She won’t come back! No, no, no!
If she does come back, I’m going to teach her a lesson or two. Then I’m going to personally escort her back to Hell. Damn, Jessibelle, she’s more of a Dominatrix than Cassidy.
Hey! I’m not like that!
Sure…we all know you have a whip stashed somewhere in your room.
Eee! Whips! Jessie! I’m scared! *hugs Jessie*

All- I heard that they were going to show Mondo in the US, but change his name to Billy, after Billy the Kid! Well, a Mondo by any other name would be as cute... unless you called him Ash.
I don’t care what they call me, just as long as I’m shown in America! I need more fans and I’ll get more of them if they would at least show me in the US.
Well, you do look like a Billy.
No, I don’t! *hops up and down* I look like a Mondo!
*scratches head* A Mondo? What’s a Mondo look like?
A Mondo looks like…me!
No, I think Billy would suit you. There’s something about your face and your hair that makes you look like a Billy.
You know, it also sounds like a good name to give to a hyper kid.
*stomps feet* No! I’m a Mondo! Not a Billy! I’m not a Billy goat or a Billy Bob or a Billy the Kid. I’m a Mondo!

Ok, gotta go. Love you all!
I love you, too! *hugs* Bye!
Oh yeah? Well, I love you more than Mondo does! *hugs tighter*
*disgusted* I’m not even going to join in with all of the hugging. I’m just gonna say good bye.
Toodles? Um…bye bye!

RocketGirlRae asks:

All-This is me as a poke'mon character,what do you think of me?

Hey! You kind of look like me!
No! She’s more like me! Look at the bangs! They’re just like mine.
But the hair color looks more like mine.
But her face looks more like my face!
*scoffs* Whatever! It resembles my face more!
*rolls eyes* You girls have it all wrong. She looks like me the most. We resemble each other very well.
*gasps* You’re right, Botch! You do look like her!
*sighs* I was just kidding.
Well I think she looks pretty no matter who she resembles the most. *nods head*

CorgiGirls asks:

Jesse- Don't you mind if James crossdresses?! I would, if I were you....
No, not really. I mean, he has a good purpose for crossdressing. I am serious that I will make sure that the team does whatever it takes to catch that Pikachu even if it means crossdressing. Now, if James started crossdressing when we go out shopping or out to eat or something like that, then yes, I would have a problem.
*whines* Can’t you be the girl for once, Jessie?
No, that wouldn’t work out right because you look more feminine than Jessie.
*whines* Do not!

All- I have a crazy theory. Mondo is Ash's brother, and Giovanni's nephew!! Yes, it's crazy, but I was bored so I made this up. Giovanni has a brother that married Delia Ketchum. They had twins, and Mondo was one of them. Mondo actually has a twin sister, she just hasn't shown up in the cartoon or any CD dramas yet. But then, Delia Ketchum and Giovanni's brother got a divorce before Ash was born. The father took Mondo and his sister with him, leaving a pregnant Mrs. Ketchum with an unborn Ash. Mondo and his sister never knew Ash, and don't remember Mrs. Ketchum so they never talk about them. Giovanni's brother (Mondo and his sister's father) died, so Giovanni made Mondo and his sister (we'll call her Mindy like Mondo suggested on another question I asked before) join Team Rocket. And that's how Mondo ended up where he is today! Or at least that's my theory. Do you all think I'm crazy now? ^_^ I probably confused you guys. Sorry Is my theory right, Mondo? It probably isn't......
*scratches head* I’m confused… Can someone explain that to me again and go really slow?
Damn it, James! It’s not that hard to understand! But I guess for an idiot like you it would be confusing.
*whimpers* Don’t yell at me, Botch.
I just can’t believe you can’t understand a simple theory. The theory is a little crazy, but I’ve heard crazier ones. But it’s still cool idea.
I would find it quite scary if Mondo and the twerp were related. I just can’t see that. Both of them are so annoying that there are times when you just want to pound them into the ground. But I still don’t think they’re related.
I may not completely agree with your theory, but I have to admit that I like it. It’s so crazy it’s cool! *laughs*
Wow! You actually spent your own time thinking about a theory about me?! Aww! *hugs* The theory isn’t really correct, but that’s okay! I’m just happy that you thought about me! *jumps up and down*

I'll talk to u guys later!! Bye Bye!! *hugs everybody*
Um…*hugs awkwardly* Bye…
Come on, Botch! You have to get in the spirit of hugging! *hugs tightly* Bye bye!
*hugs* So what if he doesn’t want to get in the “spirit of hugging?”
*laughs and rolls eyes* Leave it up to James to make up those weird phrases. See ya!
Oooh! I have a weird phrase! Bop she blue bob! *laughs*
*raises eyebrow* What the hell…?
*runs around* Bop she blue bob!!!! Oh yeah! *runs back and hugs* Bye bye! *waves good bye and runs around* Bop she blue bob!

Leah asks:

hi! i'm Domino and-*looks at butch* heeeeey, your cute...*yanks butch by the coller and french kisses him*
*eyes widen as he kisses back*
What the ----?
*shakes finger* Watch your tongue, Cassidy. We don’t want to hear such bad words around here.
Oh yeah?! Well, Domino better watch out where she puts her tongue! *grabs Domino and slaps her in the face* Damn you whore!

jessie: has cassidy killed domino yet?
Uh…let me check. *watches Cassidy*
*tackles Domino and punches her jaw* B*tch! I better never catch you doing that again! *grabs Domino by the hair* If I do catch you messing with him, then next person you will be kissing is the damn devil! *shoves Domino on the floor*
Eh…Domino isn’t dead yet, but I think she’s gonna die soon.
*covers eyes* I don’t care who’s going to win, I can’t watch this fight.
Are you kidding! This looks like a good fight! I’m watching all of it. I even brought some popcorn and candy so I can eat while I enjoy the show.
Oooh! *jumps up and down* Candy!! *grabs some candy and watches the 2 girls fight* So who do ya think is gonna win?
Hmm… *shoves some popcorn in his mouth* I think Cassidy will. She has size as an advantage. She can pound Domino into pulp. Plus I think Cassidy is nearing that time of the month so she might be a little more ferocious than normal.
*eats more candy* True, but Domino has longer nails so she can scratch Cassidy and make her bleed to death. She also has sharp teeth so she might use those as an advantage.
*runs and covers ears* I can’t listen to this! You guys are horrible!

cass: ok, calm down. see? pretty picture:

*pants* The loser…I almost had her… *gasps for air* But she ran away… She knew I was gonna win…what a wimp!
*rolls eyes* Was that fight even necessary? Well, I guess it was, but a really violent one?
Yes, it was! I had to show her not mess around with my territory!
Botch is territory?
Just shut up. *looks at picture* If Domino had won, she would have gotten the picture. So ha! *grabs picture and walks away*

b+c: i found a pic of what i think your kid will look like

(sorry if he looks to much like mondo)
Aww! Look! He has Cassidy's eyes and nose!
And Botch's face and hair!
Oh my gosh, shut up you two!
Yeah, how do you know what our kid would look like?
Oh! So you are going to have a kid?
*stammers* No! No! I didn't mean that!
Yeah! She meant that hypothetically if we had a kid, it wouldn't look like that.
Hmmm, I don't know, I still think that this kid resembles both of you...
Hey!! The kid does look like me!! Does that mean that me and Cassidy are going to have a kid?!
No, it means that you and Jessie are going to have a kid.
What the hell are you talking about, Cassidy?!
*shrugs* Do I need a reason?

b+c: and here's what happens when your kid tries to steal pokemon

Hey! The kid is really smart!
Of course! If the parents are smart then they’re child is bound to be intelligent, too.
If I ever had a kid, I want one just like the one in the picture.
Wait! One thing I want to know is what the kid sounds like! Does he sound froggy like Botch?
Why does that matter?
Yeah, who cares?!
Well, I think the boy has a normal voice. Otherwise, everyone would have been covering their ears! *giggles*

hey rockets, guess what? i made cookies last night *hands out chocolate chip cookies*
Ooh, yummy! *grabs some cookies* Hey! These are really good! You should try some, Jess!
Ugh! Close your mouth! You’re spitting crumbs out everywhere. I’m just going to have a few, I’m on a diet. *bites into a cookie* Mmm…almost as good as my mommy’s.
It sure doesn’t look like you’re on a diet.
Look who’s talking!
Hmph! I’m not fat! I’m healthy. *eats some cookies* See. I’m not worried about my weight.
Aahh! I need to get some cookies before they’re all gone! *starts shoving all of the cookies into his mouth*
Hey! Save some for the hungry people in the world! *pushes Mondo out of the way and eats some cookies*
Those are my cookies! Eat your own! *shoves more cookies into his mouth*
You already had plenty! I need more to satisfy my tummy! *fills his mouth with more*
*disgustedly* God, you guys remind me of lions or some wild animals fighting over food…
There is no between wild animals and guys, in my opinion.

butch: has anyone ever told you you take pictures well? look, i have proof:

*runs hand through hair* Heh heh, yeah, I guess I do look good in pictures. At least I don’t look like some goofy idiot that I know.
But, Botch, you look so…serious in your pictures. I can’t even think of the word that you look like. Anyways, you’re supposed to look cute in your pictures, like me!
What if I already look cute? Maybe I just don’t look stupidly-cute like you. I look seriously-cute. Leah says I look good in pictures so just screw you. I’m not going to listen to a word that comes out of your lame mouth.
My mouth isn’t lame! It’s cute! *smiles a cheesy grin*
No, it’s just stupid. And stop smiling like that before I knock all of your teeth out.

james: what feelings do you have for jessie, really?
Feelings? What kind of feelings?
You moron, that’s what she’s asking.
Oh! Right! Um…I have all kinds of feelings! I get hungry feelings when she’s making dinner…
*sighs* Not those kind of feelings!
Oh… Well, I guess I have good feelings about her. You could say they are “friendship feelings.” I know she’s my friend so I feel good about that. And, yeah…sometimes I get these romantic feelings for her, but I guess that’s just normal. *blushes*

cass: hee hee, i'm smart. look, it's your rattata in human form (looks like someone you know, doesn't it?)

*sweatdrops* Eeek! That’s scary! It’s a scary rat! *gets a broom and starts to hit it*
Chill! It’s just a picture! It won’t come to life and hurt you.
Whew! I almost wet my pants because I got so scared!
Ugh, thanks for the unnecessary information.
*happily* No problem!
Hehe, the picture’s really cute! Too bad people really couldn’t look like that in real life.
Yeah, well you would look like that too, Cassidy because you are a rat.
*sighs* Don’t even get me started.

all: do any of you know how to send people fanfics and art? scanners, htmls, i'm so confuzzeled!
I’m confused…what does confuzzeled mean?!
Oh! I know! Don’t you just stick the picture somewhere into the computer and then some how the picture comes on the screen…
What are you talking about? You don’t even know what the term “download” means, or so I hear. If you want to send someone a fanfic, you can type the story up and then copy and paste it into an email.
Or you can “attach” the file of the story to the email. Most email services have a way for you to attach files to emails. But the easiest way is just to copy and paste the story into the email.
If you want to send a picture that you drew, you scan the picture, save it, and then attach the file to the email. No HTML knowledge is necessary for any of this!

james: confuzzeled means confused, james... -_-()
Really? *pouts* Oh now you tell me! I felt so lost in the previous question because I didn’t understand what that one word meant.
Geez, James, you’re always confuzzeled! It’s so obvious what that word meant. But I guess since you’re a confuzzeled person, you wouldn’t know. *laughs*
*whines* It’s not funny!!
Poor confuzzeled James!

mondo: which of these two girls do you want as your partner?

Uh… *pulls his hair* I don’t know!! I can’t make up my mind. The first one looks hyper and she would be willing to go along with all of my fun schemes. The second looks really nice and calm, but opposites do attract. Arg! Isn’t there a way where we can combine both of the girls into a single girl that’s both really nice but still wants to be really hyper?! *jumps up and down* I can’t decide!! This is too much for me!!
*gives Mondo a cookie* Use that as some brain food to help you make your decision.
*blushes* Ah! Thanks, Jessie! *eats cookie and thinks* Hmm…uh oh! I still can’t make up my mind!! I need another cookie!
Uh…sorry! No more cookies left!
*falls down on knees* Nooooo!!! How can I make this very important decision without some cookies to give me inspiration?! That’s it!! I can’t decide! They’re both equally good! Now I need some cookies! *begins search for cookies*

ok, i gotta go now, so everyone gets a happy meal (with extra happy)
Extra happy?! Oh my gosh! Whenever I ask the people at the restaurant for a happy meal with extra happy, they always say “Get lost, kid!” Now I finally get extra happy with my happy meal!!!!!
*takes happy meal with extra happy* Make sure you give Botch a happy meal with a double dose of extra happy. He’s too cranky. He can use some extra happiness.
*grumbles and takes happy meal with double dose of extra happy* I’m going to get an overdose of happiness…
Uh oh! I don’t think Jessie should eat her happy meal with extra happy! She’s on a diet so the extra happy is going to make her fat!
The happiness is not going to make me any fatter! On the other hand, it might make you fatter…
Ha! Little you know! *takes happy meal with extra happy*
In fact, I bet this happy meal with extra happy might make me even healthier! *takes food*

Leah asks:

hi! i'm Domino and-*looks at butch* heeeeey, your cute...*yanks butch by the coller and french kisses him*
*eyes widen as he kisses back*
What the ----?
*shakes finger* Watch your tongue, Cassidy. We don’t want to hear such bad words around here.
Oh yeah?! Well, Domino better watch out where she puts her tongue! *grabs Domino and slaps her in the face* Damn you whore!

jessie: has cassidy killed domino yet?
Uh…let me check. *watches Cassidy*
*tackles Domino and punches her jaw* B*tch! I better never catch you doing that again! *grabs Domino by the hair* If I do catch you messing with him, then next person you will be kissing is the damn devil! *shoves Domino on the floor*
Eh…Domino isn’t dead yet, but I think she’s gonna die soon.
*covers eyes* I don’t care who’s going to win, I can’t watch this fight.
Are you kidding! This looks like a good fight! I’m watching all of it. I even brought some popcorn and candy so I can eat while I enjoy the show.
Oooh! *jumps up and down* Candy!! *grabs some candy and watches the 2 girls fight* So who do ya think is gonna win?
Hmm… *shoves some popcorn in his mouth* I think Cassidy will. She has size as an advantage. She can pound Domino into pulp. Plus I think Cassidy is nearing that time of the month so she might be a little more ferocious than normal.
*eats more candy* True, but Domino has longer nails so she can scratch Cassidy and make her bleed to death. She also has sharp teeth so she might use those as an advantage.
*runs and covers ears* I can’t listen to this! You guys are horrible!

cass: ok, calm down. see? pretty picture:

*pants* The loser…I almost had her… *gasps for air* But she ran away… She knew I was gonna win…what a wimp!
*rolls eyes* Was that fight even necessary? Well, I guess it was, but a really violent one?
Yes, it was! I had to show her not mess around with my territory!
Botch is territory?
Just shut up. *looks at picture* If Domino had won, she would have gotten the picture. So ha! *grabs picture and walks away*

b+c: i found a pic of what i think your kid will look like

(sorry if he looks to much like mondo)
Aww! Look! He has Cassidy's eyes and nose!
And Botch's face and hair!
Oh my gosh, shut up you two!
Yeah, how do you know what our kid would look like?
Oh! So you are going to have a kid?
*stammers* No! No! I didn't mean that!
Yeah! She meant that hypothetically if we had a kid, it wouldn't look like that.
Hmmm, I don't know, I still think that this kid resembles both of you...
Hey!! The kid does look like me!! Does that mean that me and Cassidy are going to have a kid?!
No, it means that you and Jessie are going to have a kid.
What the hell are you talking about, Cassidy?!
*shrugs* Do I need a reason?

b+c: and here's what happens when your kid tries to steal pokemon

Hey! The kid is really smart!
Of course! If the parents are smart then they’re child is bound to be intelligent, too.
If I ever had a kid, I want one just like the one in the picture.
Wait! One thing I want to know is what the kid sounds like! Does he sound froggy like Botch?
Why does that matter?
Yeah, who cares?!
Well, I think the boy has a normal voice. Otherwise, everyone would have been covering their ears! *giggles*

hey rockets, guess what? i made cookies last night *hands out chocolate chip cookies*
Ooh, yummy! *grabs some cookies* Hey! These are really good! You should try some, Jess!
Ugh! Close your mouth! You’re spitting crumbs out everywhere. I’m just going to have a few, I’m on a diet. *bites into a cookie* Mmm…almost as good as my mommy’s.
It sure doesn’t look like you’re on a diet.
Look who’s talking!
Hmph! I’m not fat! I’m healthy. *eats some cookies* See. I’m not worried about my weight.
Aahh! I need to get some cookies before they’re all gone! *starts shoving all of the cookies into his mouth*
Hey! Save some for the hungry people in the world! *pushes Mondo out of the way and eats some cookies*
Those are my cookies! Eat your own! *shoves more cookies into his mouth*
You already had plenty! I need more to satisfy my tummy! *fills his mouth with more*
*disgustedly* God, you guys remind me of lions or some wild animals fighting over food…
There is no between wild animals and guys, in my opinion.

butch: has anyone ever told you you take pictures well? look, i have proof:

*runs hand through hair* Heh heh, yeah, I guess I do look good in pictures. At least I don’t look like some goofy idiot that I know.
But, Botch, you look so…serious in your pictures. I can’t even think of the word that you look like. Anyways, you’re supposed to look cute in your pictures, like me!
What if I already look cute? Maybe I just don’t look stupidly-cute like you. I look seriously-cute. Leah says I look good in pictures so just screw you. I’m not going to listen to a word that comes out of your lame mouth.
My mouth isn’t lame! It’s cute! *smiles a cheesy grin*
No, it’s just stupid. And stop smiling like that before I knock all of your teeth out.

james: what feelings do you have for jessie, really?
Feelings? What kind of feelings?
You moron, that’s what she’s asking.
Oh! Right! Um…I have all kinds of feelings! I get hungry feelings when she’s making dinner…
*sighs* Not those kind of feelings!
Oh… Well, I guess I have good feelings about her. You could say they are “friendship feelings.” I know she’s my friend so I feel good about that. And, yeah…sometimes I get these romantic feelings for her, but I guess that’s just normal. *blushes*

cass: hee hee, i'm smart. look, it's your rattata in human form (looks like someone you know, doesn't it?)

*sweatdrops* Eeek! That’s scary! It’s a scary rat! *gets a broom and starts to hit it*
Chill! It’s just a picture! It won’t come to life and hurt you.
Whew! I almost wet my pants because I got so scared!
Ugh, thanks for the unnecessary information.
*happily* No problem!
Hehe, the picture’s really cute! Too bad people really couldn’t look like that in real life.
Yeah, well you would look like that too, Cassidy because you are a rat.
*sighs* Don’t even get me started.

all: do any of you know how to send people fanfics and art? scanners, htmls, i'm so confuzzeled!
I’m confused…what does confuzzeled mean?!
Oh! I know! Don’t you just stick the picture somewhere into the computer and then some how the picture comes on the screen…
What are you talking about? You don’t even know what the term “download” means, or so I hear. If you want to send someone a fanfic, you can type the story up and then copy and paste it into an email.
Or you can “attach” the file of the story to the email. Most email services have a way for you to attach files to emails. But the easiest way is just to copy and paste the story into the email.
If you want to send a picture that you drew, you scan the picture, save it, and then attach the file to the email. No HTML knowledge is necessary for any of this!

james: confuzzeled means confused, james... -_-()
Really? *pouts* Oh now you tell me! I felt so lost in the previous question because I didn’t understand what that one word meant.
Geez, James, you’re always confuzzeled! It’s so obvious what that word meant. But I guess since you’re a confuzzeled person, you wouldn’t know. *laughs*
*whines* It’s not funny!!
Poor confuzzeled James!

mondo: which of these two girls do you want as your partner?

Uh… *pulls his hair* I don’t know!! I can’t make up my mind. The first one looks hyper and she would be willing to go along with all of my fun schemes. The second looks really nice and calm, but opposites do attract. Arg! Isn’t there a way where we can combine both of the girls into a single girl that’s both really nice but still wants to be really hyper?! *jumps up and down* I can’t decide!! This is too much for me!!
*gives Mondo a cookie* Use that as some brain food to help you make your decision.
*blushes* Ah! Thanks, Jessie! *eats cookie and thinks* Hmm…uh oh! I still can’t make up my mind!! I need another cookie!
Uh…sorry! No more cookies left!
*falls down on knees* Nooooo!!! How can I make this very important decision without some cookies to give me inspiration?! That’s it!! I can’t decide! They’re both equally good! Now I need some cookies! *begins search for cookies*

ok, i gotta go now, so everyone gets a happy meal (with extra happy)
Extra happy?! Oh my gosh! Whenever I ask the people at the restaurant for a happy meal with extra happy, they always say “Get lost, kid!” Now I finally get extra happy with my happy meal!!!!!
*takes happy meal with extra happy* Make sure you give Botch a happy meal with a double dose of extra happy. He’s too cranky. He can use some extra happiness.
*grumbles and takes happy meal with double dose of extra happy* I’m going to get an overdose of happiness…
Uh oh! I don’t think Jessie should eat her happy meal with extra happy! She’s on a diet so the extra happy is going to make her fat!
The happiness is not going to make me any fatter! On the other hand, it might make you fatter…
Ha! Little you know! *takes happy meal with extra happy*
In fact, I bet this happy meal with extra happy might make me even healthier! *takes food*

Leah asks:

cass: did you like the raticate pic?
I bet Cassidy did. I caught her trying to feed the picture some cheese.
That wasn’t me! That was James! How can you mistaken me for him?!
*whistles innocently*
*whacks James up-side on his head*
Ow! What was that for?!
For being so stupid!
Hey! This is my question that I’m supposed to be answering! I want you to get your little butts out of here! Damn losers.
*whines* No fun!
Of course I liked it! Why wouldn’t I? *rubs Butch’s head* I think it would be cute to see Butch look like a little rat. *smiles slyly*
*frowns* My hair is messed up now…
*grins* Thanks for the piccie.

butch: i found you the perfect song. it's called "in the garage" by weezer. i think it describes how you feel about people being prejudice against your voice. here is the chorus:
in the garage, i feel safe
no one cares about my ways
in the garage where i belong
no one hears me singin' this song
in the garage
*wipes away a tear* That song was so beautiful! *sobs*
Geez, shut up! If anyone is supposed to be crying, it should be me. But I’m not.
Do you hide out in your garage, Botch?
No, do you hide out in your trash can, James?
*scratches head* I don’t think so…
*sighs* The song kind of makes me feel depressed because it makes me think about hiding from the world just because of the way I sound. But I guess I do feel like that sometimes, so I can’t argue. Heh heh, I should make that song my little “anthem.” Weezer is a really good band, but now I have another reason to think they’re cool. Thanks for telling me about the song.

all: when are your b-days? i wanna know so i can give you presents!
Aw! Do I have to tell?! I don’t want people knowing!
But you can get presents, Botch!
Yeah! Maybe my birthday will be a national holiday! I can see it now! December 28 will forever be known as Jessie Day! Everyone will celebrate me!
You only wish! Girl, you probably have never gotten a birthday present before.
That’s not true! Mommy gave me some presents!
Just your mommy?
So? One present is better than no presents.
Listen up people! My birthday is August 1! And on that day, I expect to see my mailbox overflowing with presents! If there’s no presents, then I’m not giving anyone anything. So I better see a million gift wrapped boxes. Hmph!
*giggles* My birthday is August 30. *whines* Give me some presents, okay?!
*hops around* The best day in the whole wide world is……July 7! But Christmas is also one of the best days in the world… For my birthday, give me lots and lots and lots and lots of sugar!!
*pokes Butch* When’s your birthday?
Don’t touch me!!! Arg!!! Fine, darn it!! April 21! Happy, little Jimmy boy??!! Happy?! Because I’m not!

butch: imagine cassidy in a really embarassing position (don't say what it is)
*eyes widen and smiles broadly* Oh yeah! This is gonna be good!
*blushes* No! This isn’t going to be good!
Hehehehehe! *blushes and thinks for a while* AH!! *laughs evilly*
*groans and covers her face* I don’t want to know.
*blushes hard* Yeah, I don’t think you really want to know…

butch: got it?
*laughs* You bet I do!
I think he does have it since he’s turning so red! Botch looks like a strawberry!
*nudges Cassidy* Strawberries and whipped cream, eh?
*blushes* Would ya shut up!
*eyes widen* Can you tell what it is?
No, it’s too mature for you. I don’t think you’re mentally old enough to know.

butch: kinda kinky, huh?
Hell yeah! *laughs and blushes*
*hops up and down* I wanna know!! Tell me!!
Hey, shut up! I’m losing my image! *snickers* So stop bothering me.
This is so embarrassing! I just want to run away to a foreign country and change my name.
Aw, come on! Everyone else thinks this is a lot of fun!
Not if you’re the subject of embarrassment! *blushes*
*laughs* I know I’m enjoying every second of this!

cass: you can hit butch now...
Arg! Finally!! *picks up a book and starts hitting Butch with it* Maybe this will help knock the dirtiness out of your mind!
Be careful, you hitting him might even turn him on some more! Hehehe!
Grr…I hope not, that’s the last thing I need. *continues to hit Butch*
Okay okay!! I’ll be good! I promise! No more dirty thoughts! Just don’t hit me with that huge book anymore…
Good. I hope your mind is rid of it being preverted.
That’s impossible, he’s a teenage guy.
For once, Jessie’s right! *chuckles* You can’t expect much from a guy like me. *smiles*
*sighs* Whatever.

jesse: if miyamoto was a high ranking rocket, why were you so poor?
It’s because Jessie’s diapers cost so much. It took her forever to be potty trained, from what I’ve heard.
Oh spare us all! Don’t listen to Cassidy because it’s not true. We were poor for a couple of reasons. I guess you could say that a lot of the money went to me, but not for diapers. I was a growing kid so I was going to need a lot of stuff like food and clothes. Of course my mom needed all of those kind of things. We also had to spend money bills and taxes, oh and also we needed some furniture like chairs and some sort of beds. So my mommy and I both had to live on only her income so it was hard to buy all of these things and still have money left over. In addition, even though my mommy was a high-ranking Rocket, she still didn’t get paid very much.

meowth: is it true cats have nine lives? if it is, how many have you used up?
Eh, I used ta believe in dat kind of stuff. Actually, I t’ink dat cats have more dan nine lives. At least I t’ink I have more than nine lives. Dere’s gotta be more dan nine times I blasted off and almost got hurt really bad. I’ve used up too many lives already so I gotta be careful and use my lives wisely.
Aw! *hugs Meowth very tightly* I’ll protect you forever and ever and ever and ever!!
Get off of me, happy boy. Let’s see…*counts on paws* I’ll say about half of da times I got blasted off I nearly loss a life. So whateva dat number is added to I’d say about 3 or 4 lives dat I might have lost when I was a street Meowth, dat should be how many lives I lost. Dat’s too many.

all of the guys: lookie, it's anime me:

yup, i'm half neko. ain't i cute?
*gasps loudly* You’re…half girl…and…half kitty!!!!!! WOW! I never thought that was possible! You’re so lucky! I wish I could be just like you! How did you become like that?! Was one of your parents a cat?
*rolls eyes* Mondo…
I’m serious! That’s so cool! That would be my dream come true: to be half cat or neko. Well, that and being shown in the US. But anyways, you look especially cute, since you have kittiness in you!
Awww! You look so cute!! You look as cute as…me! Hey! Can you draw me like you did for yourself? Except I don’t want to be half neko, I’d rather be half Growlie! *smiles*
Ah, yeah you do look really nice…
Oooh! You should draw Botch as half froggie!! He would look perfect!
Uh, no. It’s okay. Like I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted, nice t-shirt…*eyes widen*
*hits Butch* Keep your eyes to yourself.

james: looky, it's you:

*squeals* Eeee! I look so good in that picture! But I look so…sad.
So? What else is new?
No! I don’t mean sad as in pathetic! I mean I look depressed about something. I think I know! During the winter when I was a tot, I always took walks in the snow with Growlie. But Growlie isn’t there walking with me in the picture. Maybe that’s why I look so sad; because I miss my Growlie.
Eh, no, I still think you look sad as in pathetic. You look like a string bean in the pic. I guess you didn’t eat anything except snow. Oops, that was Jessie. Nevermind!
Oh close your mouth before I stick my fist in it!
*waves hand* Even though I look forlorn, I still like the picture, especially that scarf I’m wearing. It matches my eyes. *smiles*

ok ppls, lets compare and contrast:

Ugh! Look at her!! It’s the hair! It’s the same color, same style….arg! Practially everything is the same! *gasps* And the face! Look at the face! It looks just like mine!
Heh heh! I think someone is jealous!
Jealous? Ha! Why would be jealous? After all, she’s the one who is trying to look like me.
But you’re worried about the competition. Then again…I don’t know why she would even want to look like you. You aren’t exactly very pretty.
You b*tch! Speak for yourself and not me! I AM pretty! I don’t need to listen to you. I’ll only listen to my beauty.

b+c: sorry if i offended you...
Oh no, we’ve been insulted before and what we just went through doesn’t even come close to comparing to what others have said.
Yeah, so don’t worry about. We’re the stronger team of Team Rocket and wake can shake things and feelings off easily.
Are you implying that we can’t?
*gasps* Very good! It only took you a few seconds to realize that you’re being insulted! I’m surprised! But you’re probably used to it.
Not as much as you two are used to getting put down.
Hmph! People get stronger after being insulted and criticized! After all, we only learn from our mistakes.

ok, now i must fly away in a pot i made in ceramics class. bye!
Really?! I’m going to join you! I’m going to fly away on my magic carpet I wove in my art class! *smiles and sits on carpet* Bye bye everyone! I hope to see you soon!
*laughs* Wait! That carpet is not going anywhere! But I bet this pillow will fly me away if I sit on it! *sits on pillow* This pillow is going to fly me to the beach! I’ll send you all postcards!
*stares at them* Okay! I don’t know those two weirdos at all! Maybe if I go lie in my bed I’ll go off to dreamland or something… Oh yeah, good bye!
You guys are really beginning to scare me. I’m just going to walk off and pretend none of this ever happened. See you later!
Aw, actually I wish I had some kind of object or something to take me to a place… *sighs* I guess it just wasn’t meant to be… Bye!