Ask Team Rocket--Page 8

Shawn asks:

To Mondo-
Are you a fan of Charlie Brown? I am. I think Charlie Brown and the Peanuts Gang was a great comic strip. It was funny and great for any generation to enjoy. Also, how did you feel when Charles Schultz (the man who created Charlie Brown) died?
Oooh!! I love that comic strip! I practically worshipped it and the cartoon show when I was a little boy. Linus was my hero! I wanted to be just like him so I dragged my blanket everywhere, even to school. But I grew out of that phase, unfortunately. *sniffs* I miss my blankie!!!
Ask James for one, I’m sure he has plenty.
I do not!! But if I did, I wouldn’t give it away. It would be my blankie.
Right now, my favorite character is Pig Pen. He’s so dirty and he doesn’t even care. It’s cool! But I feel bad for Charlie Brown, I think he lives a hard life especially with that annoying Lucy and weird Peppermint Patty.
Hey! I think they’re cool!
I felt really sad when Charles Schultz died because we won’t get to see anymore new comics and we won’t ever get to find out what happens to everyone in the end. Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I can easily relate to Charlie Brown. You know, he likes the little red haired girl…sounds like someone you know, right?! *blushes*

To Butch-
Who's your favorite character(s) from Star Wars? Mine are Luke Skywalker, the Ewoks, Greedo, and R2-D2.
Hmm, well I like Jar Jar Binks in a very weird way. He kind of scares me and he’s annoying but I still think he’s funny. I guess I also like Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 since basically all Star Wars fans do. I definitely one of my more favorite characters: Queen Amadala. *grins* I remember I had a crush on her after I saw her in Episode 1. I thought she was really hot.
Hey, shut up! That was a few years ago, okay? I’ve been over her for a long time. Besides her, my other very favorite character is Darth Vader, of course. Jeez, he has one of the coolest costumes. I remember I went as him for Halloween a few years ago. I still think he’s one of the coolest villains, besides me.

To Meowth-
What would you do if Gatomon (from Digimon) was your girlfriend?
Eh, I don’t know. I never really t’ought about dat before. I always just t’ought about otha pokemon bein’ my girlfriend like Meowths and Persians. But Gatomon is from a whole different world! Gatomon is a different species! Well, not really since a Gatomon is a cat, but ya get my point. A digimon. I can’t see myself going out wit’ Gatomon. I guess it would be nice cuz den da characters from Pokemon and Digimon can be united and da rivalry can end. Anotha good t’ing about goin’ out wit’ Gatomon is dat I have someone else to talk to. But I’d still ratha date pokemon.

To Jessie and Cassidy-
You two are both very beautiful women. I absolutely love the way you two look. You both look like Heavenly angels to me :).
Ha! See Cassidy?! I told you that people thought I was pretty!
Well he’s saying that I look pretty, too. So ha!
Well thank you for the compliment! *flips hair* I don’t get them that often from the guys that I spend time with. *frowns*
*looks into space*
Arg! See what I mean?! *hits James with paper fan*
Oww! Why did you do that?! I didn’t do anything!
My point exactly! Grr…some people just don’t appreciate beauty.
*whines and rubs the side of his head* You aren’t acting like a heavenly angel to me.
*rolls eyes* He said that I looked like one, not acted like one. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. *smiles* I’m just glad that I’m pretty!
Yeah, thank you! My beautiful face and hair makes me look like a heavenly angel sent from above.
More like a fallen angel…
Silence fool! I’m not going to let you spoil my good mood and my good looks. Hmph!

To James-
How do you keep your hair to look so blue? Could you share your secret with me? *squeals with happiness* Eeee! I would be glad to! First of all, I always have to keep my hair clean. I wash it everyday whether I want to or not. I wash my hair with a special shampoo that enhances my natural hair color so it makes my blue hair shine with even more blue. Also, wandering outside trying to capture Pikachu helps my hair because the sun highlights my hair and makes it really blue! *smiles*
*shakes head* That is a load of BS.
*whines* No!! It’s all true! Trust me.
You probably just buy some cheap over-the-counter hair dyes and wash your hair with blue dye. But just wait, one day, it will fail, that cheap stuff always does. Your hair will get ruined and screwed up. It will never have it’s same “luster” as it did before.
*shivers* Hey! Wait! I don’t need to worry! Because I’m 100% all-natural! *giggles*

James Birdsong asks:
Mondo- I am just like you *hug* Hyperactive and cute
*hugs* Yay!!! I have someone I can relate to! Finally! Everyone that I work with are deadbeats because they never want to do any of the fun stuff that I like to do.
I’d rather be a deadbeat than be a crazy person bouncing off of the walls, running as fast as the speed of light up and down the halls, and looking like a slinky when going down the stairs.
Butch! You haven’t lived unless you’ve had a hyperactive moment like me! *jumps high into the air* I just love being hyperactive! I can’t get enough of it! Hehe!! Being cute and hyperactive is a perfect combination!

Mondo- Are you the boss' nephew? Just a rumor I heard
Oh I wish! I can just imagine all of the special treatment I would get! If he were my uncle, I would demand to have a partner! Of course, I would request Jessie as my partner and he would grant that wish because I would be his nephew! If only… But no! I’m just another face in the crowd of Rockets. No one really special. I’m a normal, underpaid member of Team Rocket. *sighs sadly*

Mondo- I like your Ditto
Thanks!! *hugs Ditto and talks to it in a baby voice* I wove my wittle Ditto-witto!
Ditto! Dit ditto! Ditto.
Dit says that he likes you, too. *frowns* He also said I was hugging him too hard. But that’s okay! He’s just a clump of squishy stuff! He won’t get hurt if I hug him really tightly. *squeezes Ditto*
*gasps for air* Ditto… *falls into a big pile of squishy stuff*
Oops, I think I overdid it this time. *molds squishy stuff back into Ditto*
*happily* Ditto!
Yay!! *dances with Ditto*

Mondo- Will you perhaps be on USA's Pokemon when it comes to dubbed or subtitled DVDs pleeeeeeeeeeeease?
Mmmm, I hope so!! It’s not fair! Not many people care about me just because I haven’t been shown in the US! Jeez! I remember I could complain with Domino because we were both Rocket members who weren’t shown in the US. That’s changed, obviously. She had her moment in the spotlight so now it’s my turn! *laughs crazily* I can’t promise you that I’ll be on it, but I promise you that I’ll try my hardest. You know, everyone needs to start a petition about me being on the show! I need everyone else’s help to get on the show. I can’t do it alone. Please help me!

Jenny asks:

hi Jessie and james!
Hey! Hello! How’s it going? It’s a beautiful day today because I’m out here and my beauty is shining!
*scoffs* Oh please!
Hi! *waves* Did you bring me anything good to eat? Did you at least bring me something?! Eeek! My tummy is talking to me and it’s saying “Feed me!” I can’t disappoint my tummy!
Forget about disappointing your tummy! I’m disappointed that you did not say hello to Cassidy and me. *gives Jenny an innocent look* Don’t we deserve some love?
Yeah! Jessie and her dumb partner don’t deserve any attention!
You’re just jealous. When will you understand that I’m better than you? I hope that gets into your brain soon, for your sake.
*gasps* What about me?! Everyone forgot about me! Me!
What about Me-owth?
*jumps up and down hard so that walls shake* ME!

I think you are cute, beautiful, funny! And Jessie I think you have Beautiful eyes and I LOVE YOUR HAIR! You are my star
Why thank you! Haha! I am very beautiful and proud of it! I just love hearing compliments from all of my fans.
Jessie, I think it’s time that you got your head out of the clouds.
Oooh! I want to go in the clouds!
I love my hair and eyes, too. I believe they are my best features, but the rest of my body is just as good. *smiles* I have never met anyone with better hair and eyes than me!
Hmm, actually you have. Me, you airhead!
Try telling that to everyone else. They won’t believe you because they all love me!

James You have the cutest blues hair i ever have seen! And your eyes the are so beutyful! Your are the perfekt couple i hope you kisses very much with jessie also i mean James !
*giggles and blushes* I’m glad you like my hair and eyes! *hugs* I’m so cute! Eeeheehee!
Uh…*stares at James weirdly* Jeez, if someone told me that I looked cute liked that, I would have a heart attack.
What’s up with guys not wanting to be called cute?
It’s hard to explain…I guess it just ruins our manly image. But James has no manly image so I guess it’s okay if people call him cute.
*whines* I do have a manly image! It’s just a cute image! People always tell me that they like my hair and eyes. I love getting those remarks because I never heard them that much when I was a tot. *sighs sadly*
Are we supposed to feel bad for you?
Hmmm, no! Everyone’s just supposed to say that I’m so cute! *giggles happily*

please can you kisses 5 minutes or more?…
Can I pass on this one?! Please!
No! Everyone else has done embarrassing things so you have to, too!
But this is too severe!
It could be worse!
James! You’re supposed to be agreeing with me!
Well, I am a little nervous…
Come on, James! Be a man!
Uh…okay! Please Jess!
If you don’t want to kiss James for 5 minutes, then I will! Trust me!
*groans* Yeah, I trust you. *sighs* Damn it, James! Let’s hurry up and get this over with. You better keep track of time, Cass!
*smiles and leans over to kiss Jessie*
*hesitates but then leans in for kiss*
*looks at watch to keep track of time*
*kisses for a few minutes more and then breaks free of kiss*
Hey, I didn’t tell you that it was time to stop.
Yeah, well it sure seemed more than 5 minutes to me.
Oh! Ooops! I sort of lost track of time! Hehehehe! It seems that you went along with it for a minute longer than necessary. *laughs*
Aww! You guys are losers!
Cassidy!! You did that on purpose!!! You b*tch!
Now Jessie, it’s okay, it’s not worth getting very mad about.

ps i love you!
*smiles* I love you, too! *hugs*
Hey, thanks! I love my adoring fans!
PS, talk to us next time.
I second that!
*continues jumping* Me! Me!!

Kara Petermann asks:

I have 12 questions for the cute guy named Butch
Ah! Yes, that must be me! *laughs*
What’s this? Are you implying that I’m not cute?
Yeah, now shut up. I want to hear the questions for the ever so cute me.

1. Do you like other girls other than Cassidy?
Uh… *laughs nervously*
*happily* I’m glad Botch was the one who got the questions.
*mumbles* Shut up…
Well? Come on, we’re all waiting for the answer.
Uh, yeah, I guess so.
I knew it! *sighs*
*flustered* But I don’t really like them like that. Well, I mean, um, I don’t know…
Yeah, obviously you do not know! What the hell is up with that?
Okay okay, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that! Jeez, you don’t have to get all mad about it. I just had little crushes on other girls, nothing serious. I did like some other girls before I met Cassidy, but it’s nothing to fret about. I still get some crushes but they’re no big deal.

2. Do you think that I’m cute?
*eyes widen*
*rolls eyes and clenches fist*
Temper temper…
Well…I, uh, can’t really say for sure. I mean, I don’t even know what you look like. You could look like an alien for all I know. Or you could like a super model. Who knows? But I’ll just say you look cute for the heck of it. Hopefully it makes your day.
Wooo! Botch thinks that another girl is cute!
*sighs* Thanks for stating the obvious, James.
Oh gosh, you guys are all overreacting. It’s not like I’m gonna run away with her or anything like that.
*giggles* Sure…

3. Do you want to marry me?
Whoa! First I was asked if you were cute, now marriage?! Everything is moving too fast!
Next thing, you’ll be asked how many kids you’re gonna have and where you’re going to live and--
Okay, we all get the point. For our ears’ sake, shut up! Um, listen, I don’t think we can get married. I still don’t even know what you look like. We haven’t even gone on a date yet. We haven’t even met! So I’m sorry but no, I can’t marry you.
But maybe later! Like tomorrow! It’s a small world so maybe you two will meet tomorrow at a gas station or a donut store or something of that sort.
I said to shut up.

Hey!! *whines* You’re supposed to be asking me why I’m so cute! I’m cuter than grumpy Botch!
Aww, too bad! Hmmm…good question. Why am I so cute? It’s probably because I have a cute face.
*pouts* I’m the one with the cute face!
I’m just lucky and gifted. I have good genes, I guess. *smiles* But I have to make sure my cuteness doesn’t rub off on James.
Ha! Correction! My cuteness rubbed off on you! That’s why you supposedly look so cute.

5. Am I your angel?
Well, I’ve always wondered who my guardian angel is. Whoever it is must do a good job since I never really get hurt when I occasionally blast off or when I go to jail. I bet James has an angel that’s always off duty.
Nope! Not true! My angel is Jessie and she’s never off duty.
Yeah right, you only wish. Yeah, I guess you could be my angel.
Heh! I thought Cassidy was your angel. Do you just go around and tell all these girls that they’re your angel?
No!! First of all, I don’t go around telling girls that. Second of all, who knows who my angel is? Or should I say my guardian angel or whoever. I see no harm. But if you are my angel, tell me, what’s it like to fly? Do you have wings of gold?

6. Who do you love more, Cassidy or me? (puppy-dog eyes)
Um, oh no…I hate these kind of decisions.
*taps foot impatiently*
I, uh, I guess I would have to say that I love Cassidy more…
Aw! But you probably made Kara sad! Bad Botch!
Well, love is a strong and powerful word. I can’t say that I love someone if I haven’t even met them yet. *sighs and looks at the puppy-dog eyes* Okay… Kara, I’ll at least like you. I hope that’s okay with you. But I really can’t say that I love you right now.

7. What is your favorite TV show?
I have a few favorite shows that I like. Let’s see…I like--
Barney? Sesame Street? Bozo? Blue’s Clues?
Nope, you failed to mention my favorite show: Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Gosh, only an idiot wouldn’t know that.
*giggles* That used to be one of my favorites, too, when I was little. I loved learning all of the inspirational messages he told us.
*rolls eyes* Oh boy… I was only kidding there. Yeah, sure, I’ll admit that I used to like that show when I was a little kid. But that was years ago. I moved on to better shows like Saturday Night Live, Tom Green Show, Seinfeld, those type of shows. I like learning inspirational messages from them, not from some weird guy who sings when he comes into his house and takes off his jacket, or from some creature that should be extinct, or from some weirdo that sings about his rubber ducky, or from a guy that got fired from some lame circus, or from a guy who is too lazy to clean his dog so that’s why she keeps leaving paw prints all over things in the house.
*gasps* Botch! You just insulted many younger kids’ favorite shows!

8. I really need to know what your phone number is.
Well I really want to know what my phone number is. I always forget it and end up dialing the number to the nearest pizza place. But seriously I can’t give it to you. Like I said earlier, you could be an alien who’s waiting to abduct me. Sorry!
Wait! I can give you his number! It’s 430-2387. I’m going to call his place and leave a corny message! *dials phone number* Hello Botch! It’s-- No! I don’t want anything! *listens* Oh yeah?! Well same to you! *hangs up* Oops! I accidentally dialed that pizza place. Once that guy found out I didn’t want to buy anything, he started cussing me out in Italian!
*laughs* That happens to me too often. I think the guy must be related to our boss.
But then what is your number, Botch?
I’m not telling anyone. Sorry!

9. Do you have a nickname?
Yes, actually I have too many nicknames. Some I of them I’m particularly not fond of. Gee, I wonder which one.
*laughs* It’s Botch!!
Yeah, that’s one of my most popular nicknames. Please, whatever you do, don’t call me that. I just really don’t like that name.
Why not? I don’t see anything degrading about it.
It makes me look stupid and it annoys me. My other nicknames are Butchie and Kosa. Take you pick, you can call me either one, but do not call me that other name. I can’t even say it since it’s so stupid.
Botch! There, I helped you say it! *smiles happily*
*sarcastically* Oh thank you very much!
*happily* No problem, Botch! I’m pleased to help you!
*scoffs* Please! Help me out by not calling me by that name!

10. Where can I find you?
Hmmm, well you can find me at your nearest grocery store down aisle 5. I’ll be on the top shelf somewhere down in the middle of the aisle. You can’t miss me.
*goes to nearest grocery store and searches in the middle of aisle 5* Um, Botch! You’re not here!
*rolls eyes* This guy needs serious help. The easiest way of finding me is just by watching a pokemon episode with me in it.
No! That’s too complicated! You should just go to a pet store and look at all of the little pet froggies! You can find Botch there.
No, I’m not going to be with all of the little pet froggies. I’m going to be on TV in a pokemon episode. Look for me there. Otherwise, go look for me on the internet. Just don’t go looking for my house because you won’t be able to find it.

Is Botch hot?! Oh no! Botch must have a fever. *quickly gets out some ice packs and starts giving Butch some aspirin* This should help bring your fever down.
I don’t have a fever because I’m not hot like that. I’m hot as in good looking, dummy. By the way, that aspirin tasted gross. Did you spit it out or something?
No, I got it out of my medicine cabinet. Are you sure you don’t have a fever?
Well that explains it. Whatever comes out of your cabinet is bound to be just as messed up as you are. Yes, I’m positive I don’t have a fever. I think I’m hot because I make sure that I look my best everyday. Of course, I have good genes so it’s only natural that I look so good. *smiles* Thanks!

12. Can I be your girlfriend? Because I really love YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and I really mean it.
Not this again…
*laughs nervously* Thanks, it’s really nice to know that I’m loved. It’s a very good feeling. But I don’t think you should be my girlfriend. There’s a girl I know that might come after you and hurt you if she found out. I don’t want that to happen.
*laughs evilly*
Eh, so can we just be friends? Trust me, it’s for the best.

BCR2 asks:


I just finished reading the e-mail thing about the candy and... YOU CALLED BUTCH, BOTCH! I'VE HAD ENOUGH! Silkey, bring me the phone. (Dials jessiebell's number) hello? Yeah can you get here in the next 30 sec? Thanks. James, the doorbell should ring any minuet. Bye! ^-^
*eyes widen*………You…didn’t…just…call…her…Please! Tell me you didn’t! *whimpers* I’m dead!
Aw, what a pity. I hope I’m included in your will. I better be getting good stuff.
Botch!!! This isn’t the time for jokes! I’m going to die any minute now and I don’t even know what to do!
Well you should have thought about that before you called me by that name.
*whines* But I didn’t think BCR2 was being serious!
James! You need to learn to think!
*doorbell rings*
Aaaaah!!!! That’s her!!! I need to hide! Where should I go?!
I was going to suggest the North Pole but I think it’s too late to buy an airplane ticket…
*doorbell rings again*
*sighs* Why isn’t someone answering the door?! *opens door*
*walks in* Finally!! I was standing out there and ringing the doorbell for the longest time! I think someone locked me out.
Botch!! I’m tired of you playing around! I can’t stand being here and getting scared! *runs out the door*
*walks into room looking like Jessibelle* Where did James go? I was planning on scaring him some more. *frowns*


I'm writting a Harry Potter story and it has a motto! It's: I'm totally out of the question. Oh, and I also had to write an essay and I wrote about voices. It even included Butch! That's why I did mine on voices!
*gasps* You wrote about me?! Wow… I have to say that the teacher or whoever reads your essay is a very very lucky person because they get to read about me!
Why couldn’t you write an essay about roses and included me?
Because that’s sooo boring. Nobody wants to write about that junk when they write about me.
*sighs* Is today Insult James Day? It sure seems like it.
Yeah, I guess so. Moving on, I hope you don’t mind if I “borrow” your motto.
Oh yeah, just like how you “borrowed” our motto?
We did not stoop down that low as to stealing your motto. Who in their right mind would want to have your boring motto?
Obviously you two weren’t in your right minds when you stole it!
We did no such thing.
Hey! At least all of you have mottos! Can’t I steal the motto?
Stealing? Who said anything about stealing? I said I was going to “borrow” it. There’s a difference.


Why are you so upsessed with my name? Go pick on somebody else like.....Jessie. Beat it.
*laughs* Oh yeah! Good one!
What?! Don’t yell at me! I didn’t mean to get you mad! Don’t pick on me! It’s just that everyone pays attention to James, Jessie, Butch, and Cassidy, but they always forget about me. Well, at least most people do. It’s not fair!
Mondo…nobody cares.
I care!
Fine, whatever, just don’t pick on me. You will be messing with the wrong person.
No! Mess with Jess! *laughs*
Hey! Why don’t you mess with Cass the a-. Well, you know what I’m about to say.
Go get lost, you ugly beast!
Why don’t you?!
Aaaah! NO! I don’t want to pick on anyone. I just wish I could be recognized more.

I made up my own rocket uniform! It has the red r in the front and its black and the boots and gloves are red! I also have a navy cape.
Hey! That’s a cool idea! We need more red in our uniforms! It would complement my hair color perfectly.
Yeah, the red would be cool, but I like the colors of the uniform as it is now. But I really like the cape idea.
Uh huh! If we had one, we would look very mysterious and very classy. The cape would go really well with our black rocket uniforms. Too bad for the people who wear white.
I don’t care what you say, I still think we need more red! The red in the R isn’t enough.
I don’t think our uniforms need more red or a cape.
*groans* James!
I’m serious! There’s enough red as it is and I don’t like the idea of a cape. We might as well wear our underwear on the outside of our pants like superheroes do.
*bounces up and down* Yeah yeah yeah! We could be Rocket Superheroes! We could all wear our underwear on the outside and we could all have super powers!
*frowns* You guys are totally messing up the cape idea. The idea is to look mysterious, not like some guy in the comic books.

Love ya all! (Exept James)
*stutters* But..but..but how can you not love me?! I haven’t done anything wrong!
Let’s see here, well, you called me by the forbidden name. I would say that’s something wrong.
But how can someone hate me just for doing that? Isn’t that a bit harsh?
No not really, it’s possible. I hate you for doing that.
*sniffs* Why do people have to be so mean to me?!
You deserve it! You get what you give!
*whines* You all don’t have to be so angry at me!
James, don’t worry about it so much. There will still be other fans.
But still…
Well, we, except James, all love you!
Yeah! We’re glad someone has been converted to one of our fans.
*sighs* Not the converting thing again. Sorry about James, BCR2. He’ll get over it. As for Mondo, well I don’t know if he’s too happy.
I’m not asking for much…but at least you still love me instead of wanting to kill me just like you feel for James.
*pouts* Thanks for rubbing it in.

Hi everybody how ya doin'? I have tons of questions for...EVERYONE!!! New system here: You will see a person's name and their question. Of course they will address you by your name. Now, no more prep talk, time for questions!

1)Nai to Mondo: "Have you ever consider dying your hair? It would look cute red."
Red? Hold on, I’m trying to imagine myself as a redhead. *thinks* Yeah, I think I would cool with red hair! Even though I’ve never thought about it. I’ve always liked my brown hair, but a change is always nice. *claps hands* Oooh yes! That’s a very good idea!
Ew, no! Don’t die your hair red! Then you’re going to look like Jessie with her red hair that resembles Bozo’s hair.
*gasps* It doesn’t look like Bozo’s hair! It’s beautiful unlike Bozo’s wannabe afro hair.
Oh God.
But then I’ll finally get to have hair like Jessie’s! Yay!! Poor James, he’s going to be the oddball with his hair.

2)Fifi to everyone: "Did your parents ever give you crappy nicknames like, sweetie or pumpkin? The most popular one is 'You go, booboo!'"
Well, Momma called me Sweetie and Dear and Darling a lot but I didn’t mind. It’s embarrassing for some people but I really felt special. I don’t care what anyone says.
My parents didn’t like me that much so needless to say, they hardly gave me any nicknames. For once, I’m actually lucky that I had parents that didn’t love me much. But I remember my mom calling me Sugar every once in a while. Or should I say “Sugah.” She normally said that to me when she was trying to butter me up.
Oh yeah. I remember my parents called me by those embarrassing names especially whenever my friends were around. I always wished I melted through the ground when they did that to me. I think they called me Sweetie Pie, Little Pumpkin, and Honey.
I had my share of bad names. My parents called me Dearie and Pumpkin Head. As much as I despise it, they still call me by those names.
I was called Sport, which I don’t know why because I’m not a game like football or basketball. My parents also called me Grasshopper since I was so hyper and jumped around a lot.

3)Mikou (ME!) to Butch: "I tried that tootsie pop thing and I got 222 licks (okay, I cheated, but I was tired of counting.)"
Oh man, I knew this tootsie pop thing was going to come back and haunt me again. Yeah, I heard from a lot of people that it takes a ton of licks until they got to the center. But then again, look at those dumb tootsie pop commercials. Remember Mr. Owl? It only took him 3.
Hey, I like that commercial. That was my childhood favorite when I was growing up.
Geez, that’s besides the point. Anyways, I guess you can say I have a bigger-than-normal tongue. Yeah yeah, laugh all you want. I also have an overflow of saliva. So with the spit and the tongue, for me it doesn’t take that many licks to get to the center. I’m gifted, what can I say?

4)Niiyama to everyone: "Have you ever read the book "A Walk To Remember"? It's a good book. I recommend you read the book before seeing the movie."
Uh uh. No way I’m going to read the book or go see the movie. It’s too girly. It’s a stupid chick flick so I’m not going to waste my money to watch the movie or buy the book.
Hey! I read the book and saw the movie! It was actually one of the few books that I enjoyed. When I saw the movie, I cried at the end since it was so sad!! Botch probably didn’t want to go see the movie because he knows he would have cried.
I would NOT have cried. I would have died of boredom.
Uh huh, I’ve read the book and seen the movie. I thought both of them were really good and touching.
I went to go see the movie and I kind of liked it since it was sweet but I thought it was too wishy-washy. So I really doubt I’m going to give up my time to read the book.
Um, no, I haven’t read the book or seen the movie. It doesn’t look like my style. I agree with Butch, it’s too sentimental and girly.

5)Chowongfujik to everyone (sept' for Meowth, sowwy!): "I'm sure everyone here has been in a play when they were young, so if that is true what was the worst play you've been in?"
I think it was in 7th grade when I was playing a lead role in this one dance-musical-play. It really was a good play except I messed it up. There was a big scene where I had to dance a solo. I was doing fine except I accidentally danced off the stage because I wasn’t paying much attention. I was so embarrassed and everyone started laughing at me.
Did you cry?
*hesitates* You would too if you fell off the stage.
*laughs* Yeah sure. When I was in 4th grade, I had the infamously worst part in a play: a donkey’s rear end.
*laughs and rolls on the floor* That’s the perfect part for you, Botch!
Damn you! Shut up! I don’t even remember what the play was about, all I remember was that one of the characters was a donkey. My friend got to be the front part of the donkey and I had to be the back part. *frowns*
For this one play, I was a stand-in for the lead role. I didn’t attempt to memorize my lines that much because I figured the other girl with the lead role was going to be in the play. Unfortunately, the girl had a family emergency and I got called in to play the lead role in the last minute. Needless to say, the play was a big failure because I didn’t memorize my lines. I still have nightmares of the time when I was speechless on the stage with a million lights shining and people staring at me.
One year, my psycho drama teacher wanted to do things differently for the annual school play. He wanted all of the girls to have the male roles and vice-versa. It was so stupid. I ended up playing the part of an old man. My costume was ugly and my yucky beard was ugly. I didn’t get to show any of my beauty.
I never had any roles in plays because my teachers didn’t trust me up on stage because I’m so hyper. But for this one play, I got to carried signs up on stage that said “One Moment” or “The Next Day” and stuff like that. I carried this one sign on stage that should have said “Later On.” Once I got on stage and held up the sign for everyone to see, the entire audience started laughing. I didn’t know why! Then I looked at the sign and it said “I’m a loser because Barney the dino is my hero.” Someone must have written that on a sign and switched it with the sign I was supposed to carry.

6)Fifi to everyone: "Has any of you heard about DEEN, that J-pop singer?"
Um, no… I don’t listen to that kind of music. I’m sorry, but I’m sure he’s great.
Yeah, I’ve heard of him and I’ve listened to a few of his songs. He’s okay, I won’t say anything bad about him.
*blushes* I think he’s kinda cute! Actually, I prefer looking at pictures of him than listening to his music.
I’ve listened to some J-pop and J-rock and it’s cool sounding. My favorite Japanese band is Dir En Grey, but I’ve heard some Deen’s music and I like it.
Deen? Does he sing about hyperactivity!!?? If he does, then I’ll listen to him! *smiles*

Everyone to everyone: BYE! Nai: Mondo, you gotta stay cute or I'll die. *faints*
Oh! I will! I’ll make sure nothing happens to my cute cuteness. *smiles* Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!
Okay, I think you got the point across. See ya later.
*whines* Bring me food next time! Please?! Okay then, bye bye.
Bring me a life next time! Bye!
Good bye!

Little Espeon asks:

Here are my wittle TR questions:
Oooh! Your wittle TR questions for wittle us! Yay!!

James- Would you rather marry Cassidy or Jessebelle?
Um…eh…er… *whines* This is too hard! I don’t know! They’re both evil.
Evil? What makes you think I’m evil?
Well, you’re mean and you scare me. That makes you evil.
*frowns disgustedly*
But I really don’t know. I just know that both of them will torture me, make fun of me, and make my poor life absolutely miserable! *pouts*
*sighs* Are you trying to makes feel bad for you? Just pick the lesser of the two evils. Jeez, it’s not that hard!
*whines* You don’t understand! It is very hard and complicated! I can’t seen any good in either of them.
It’s not like you’re going to marry them or spend your entire life with the girl you choose. Just pick one so we can get on with our lives.
*uncertainly* Okay… Um…I guess I choose…Cassidy.
Oh great. The loony bird chose me. Whoopee.
*wrinkles nose* Why did you choose her?
I’ve never seen her carry around a whip.

Meowth- Who do you prefer or like better? Meowzie, or Gio's Persian? (Or any other Persian for that matter)
I don’t like eitha of dem. Meowzie broke my heart cuz she chose dat Persian ova me but I was da one who stuck by her. Da Boss’s Persian and otha Persians are too stuck up. Da Boss’s Persian always has to rub it in dat he gets ta be da Top Cat. I’m neva gonna evolve into a stuck up pokemon. But I guess I like Meowzie a little bit more dan Persians. At least she’s cute.
Aw! Poor Meowth! You need a hug! *squeezes Meowth tightly*
*chokes* Okay, happy boy, ya can let go now.

Butch- Were you ever a firefighter? James said you once were and you inhaled too much smoke, and that's why your voice is the way it is. ^-^
A firefighter?! What?! James! Where in the world did you get that idea?!
Um, I don’t know. Probably the same place you get your bad temper from. Speaking of smoke, I see some smoke and steam coming out of your ears. You better cool off or else I’ll dump some water on you. *grins*
Let’s get one thing straight: I never ever was a firefighter and I never will be one. There’s no possible way I could have even been one. If I was one a few years ago, I would have been too young. I don’t think the firefighting school would have accepted a horny teenager. Plus I don’t have the motivation of saving people while being at risk of getting burned. So James, next time you want to find a reason for explaining why my voice is the way it is, think up a more logical idea.
*whines* It seemed logical at the time! Don’t pick on me and call me dumb! At least I tried!
Try to be smart next time. I can’t believe this was going around and I didn’t know about it. I hope you haven’t been spreading anymore rumors that are nonsense.

Jessie: If you could, would you try to be a nurse again?
*thinks for a moment* Hmmm…yeah…I think I would if I had the chance to go back to school. If I were a nurse, I would be making more money than I am in Team Rocket.
Yeah and then once you become a nurse, you’re going to go apply for a position over at the hospital where Dr. Proctor works.
*blushes* Uh, no, I’m over him. I really wouldn’t want to work with that flirty guy again. Maybe I’ll go work at a Pokemon Center or some kind of Pokemon hospital. I’ll make all of the Nurse Joy’s go out of business. *laughs*
Then Brock will have to come and hit on you. Ha ha!
No he won’t! He’s going to be so depressed that there aren’t any Nurse Joy’s anymore so he’ll end up committing suicide or something. So as I see it, being a nurse will be a perfect job! *gasps* Then I’ll be able to work with my old friend, Blissey again! Hurray!
No, you’re just anxious to be working with your old friend, Dr. Proctor. *laughs evilly*
*screams* NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I told you, I’m over him.

Cassidy and Mondo: How are you?
Wait! Why do I have to share a question with Mondo?
*pulls Cassidy’s arm* You should be soooo happy!!
Well I’m not! To answer the question, I’ve been having a pretty cruddy day. I’ve been having a bad hair day, I have a pimple right on my nose so I look like Rudolf, the Boss is chewing me out for something I didn’t even do, and now Mondo is driving me up the wall… Needless to say, I’m not happy.
Oh, I was wondering what happened to your nose. I thought you got in a fight or something.
Arg!! See how rotten my day has been?!
Awwwww!!! I’m sorry!! You need to be more happy and carefree like me! I’ve been having a great day! I actually woke up on time today, I didn’t oversleep like I normally do. The donuts I had for lunch were really warm and gooey!
The cookies I had were really moist and had billions of chocolate chips! Then some of my friends brought even more donuts! Since the Boss was too tired after yelling at Cassidy to yell at us, we got to have some free time.
Please, let’s not talk about that.
*laughs* Do you know what I did in my free time? I ate all of those donuts!! So now I’m sugar-loaded!!!!
*drools a lot and whines* No fair!!! I want those donuts!
Hmm…too bad!! They’re all for me!!!!!!!!!!! But I bet Cassidy would like a donut now!
That’s the last thing I want.
*gasps* How can a donut be the LAST thing that you want?!
Trust me, it’s possible.
This isn’t your question, James! Go away!
*sighs* I’m not wanted and neither are donuts…

Silver11016 asks:

Hi everyone! In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I brought you guys donuts! *hands them a box of donuts* Anyway, St. Patrick's Day celebrates how St. Patrick chased all the Arboks out of Ireland. *makes face* Not very nice of him. I happen to like Arboks!
*shoves the donuts in his mouth* MMmm! These are really good! *shoves even more in his mouth and makes a ton of crumbs* I wish every day was St. Patrick’s Day!
Do us all a favor and stop making crumbs. If you don’t, then the scary cockroaches are going to come after you. You know how much they scare you.
*eyes widen and eats slowly*
*grabs a handful of donuts* You know, I thought St. Patrick was the guy who invented sugar. I used to worship him!
*eats a donut* You moron! You can’t invent sugar! It just comes from sugarcane.
*shakes head violently* You’re wrong! You’re all wrong! Waaaah! *runs out of room*
Good going, Butch! You didn’t have to ruin his dream or his idol.
Well it was the truth! We can’t have him live in his dream forever. It doesn’t matter, everyone should know sugar comes from sugarcane, not some stupid saint.
Still, we should have let the little guy dream. If you ask for my opinion, this Patrick guy shouldn’t be called a saint. He scared away all of the poor Arboks! How mean! The Arboks should have bitten his head off and then the day would be called St. Arbok’s Day! But for now on, I’m calling this day Demon Patrick’s Day since he’s definitely not a saint.

Jessie, James, and Meowth: In my Crystal version, my team is Arbok, Weezing, Victreebel, Meowth, Wobuffet, and Flareon! I modeled my Crystal team after yours, but I threw in my Flareon since I love those. Meowth, don't worry, my Meowth is holding an Everstone so it won't evolve.
*wipes sweat off* Whew! Dat was close! Dat Meowth betta always hold da Evastone cuz it’s gonna hate being a Persian. If I eva get enough money, I’m gonna buy myself an Evastone, just to be on da safe side.
Hmm, yes, good pokemon. Good for you! I’m also pleased to see that you have a Flareon. That’s a wise decision. It’s much better and stronger than any of the other Eevee evolutions. You’ll do very well in your training.
*pouts* No!! First of all, everyone knows Vaporeon is the best! Vaporeons beat Flareons in battles so how can you say Flareon is the strongest? Second, I think Flareon could have been replaced by Growlie!! Don’t forget about my Growlithe!
*sighs* Who asked you for your opinion? It’s her team so let her do what she wants with it.
*shrugs* Since everyone else is putting their opinions in, I might as well say something. *narrows his eyes* How far are you in your game? You’re not going to get very far with that team. Now, if you had a Raticate, Drowzee, Primeape, Hitmontop, Houndour, and I guess your Flareon, then you would be getting some where.

Butch: My "sis" is here too, she has a gift for you. I have no idea what. *Angie comes over* Angel: This is for you, Botch. Me: Angie, his name is Butch! Angel: Whatever. *Angie hands Butch a box of Nicorette, I facefault and mallet Angie* Me: Angie, get it through your head- HE DOESN'T SMOKE! Angel: Or so he claims. Me: Cass, Butch, please don't hurt her too much; I THINK she was trying to be nice.
*stares at the Nicorette for a few minutes* I don’t need this hell-forsaken crud. Hey, Mondo! Get over here!
*comes back into room* What?
*gives him the box* Have some of this gum. It’s my of saying sorry for bursting your bubble over the St. Patrick’s thing.
Yay!!!! *takes a piece of gum out and pokes it and sniffs it* Hmmm. This isn’t any normal gum! It doesn’t smell sugary! Is this some kind of low-fat gum?! *throws it on the floor* I don’t want it!
Whoa, if Mondo doesn’t want it, then it must be pretty bad. Of course it is, it’s Nicorette. Sorry, I know it’s the thought that counts, but that gift was too thoughtful.
*frowns* I don’t need that stuff. I never did and I never will.

Jessie and Cassidy: As a St. Patrick's Day present, I got you guys new mallets! Enjoy!
Oooh!! I needed a new one! The other one was getting really blunt at the end because I was using it too much. This will be perfect! Oh, by the way, it’s Demon Patrick’s Day.
Oh yeah, the mallet will be great for you to perfect your game of croquet.
What? I don’t play that boring game. I only use my mallet to hit people when they aren’t behaving or acting like an idiot.
Well I don’t use my mallet very often so it’s still in mint condition. But I’ll always take a new one, I’ll just sell my old one.
*admires the mallet* Ah! Look how hard it is! Perfect for smacking people.
*chews his lip nervously*
This is just too good, I need to test it out! *hits James with the mallet*
Waaaaaaah!! That hurt!! *sobs*
*nods happily* Good! It works wonderfully!

James: Your present is this special rose supplement- it's supposed to make them live longer. Oh, yeah, Angie got you something too. *Angel hands James a copy of Tuxedo Mask's Rose Care Manual and kisses him* Me: Jess, I think you get to test your new mallet now. Angie: Hey! He's mine, so none for you, Jessie! Me: ANGEL SILVERS, YOU APOLOGIZE TO JESSIE RIGHT NOW! James is HER boyfriend, not yours! Angel: No! He's mine! *Angie runs out of the room*
Wow…I haven’t been kissed in a long time, thanks! *giggles happily* My roses are going to love this stuff! *immediately pours the rose supplement into the pots* Now they’re going to live forever and ever and ever!! Meanwhile, I’m going to memorize this book. *starts to read the manual*
*wields her mallet around* All right! You’re gonna get it! You’re lucky you left or else you would have felt the brunt of a brand new mallet! I hope I never see you do that again!
*glances up from the manual* Temper, temper…
*hits James with the mallet*
Ow!!!! Why did you do that?! I didn’t do anything!!
*sighs* Shut up and read your book.

Butch: Your present is this lovely picture of Cassidy in a gorgeous silver frame!
*eyes widen and jaw drops*
Aww, how sweet. *grins* Thanks!
Hey!!! *pouts* No fair! Why didn’t I get one of Jessie?!
That’s because you got all of that rose stuff, Rose Boy. Besides, we all know that you like your roses more than Jessie.
That’s not true! Jessie, don’t believe him!
Oh well, it doesn’t matter what you say. All that matters is that this gift is thoughtful and even a little expensive. So ha ha!!
*pouts* But it’s not gold or platinum, so it’s not that expensive. So ha ha ha!!!
Like I said, it’s the thought that counts. This gift is much more thoughtful than some flower food.
*gasp* Take that back, Botch!
Nope. *smirks*
*continues pouting*

Meowth: And for you, this special charm polish. It's very good- I use it on my own Meowth.
*takes the polish and polishes the frame* Ah! Now it sparkles! *gives the polish back to Meowth*
Well dat was rude! But at least we all know dat it woiks. T’anks for gettin’ me dis. My charm is very smudgy cuz Mondo is always touching it. Now dat is rude!!
But it’s so pretty…. *reaches out and touches charm*
Wah! *swipes Mondo* Hands off!
*examines charm in mirror* Now I’m gonna have to use da polish already! T’anks a lot, Happy Boy! *polishes charm*

Mondo: You get this case of Pixy Stix. For the sake of everyone else, please don't eat them all at one time. *hands Mondo the Pixy Stix and kisses him*
*touches cheek and blushes*
Uh oh, I bet Jessie is gonna get jealous!
What?! Why on earth would I get jealous if someone kissed Mondo? I’ll just shrug it off, I don’t care. It’s not like I want to go out with him.
Aww, it’s okay if you’re jealous!!!
*looks at Mondo strangely*
*smiles and dumps all of the pixy stix in his mouth* AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! SOUR!!!!!!!! *jumps up and runs all over the place*
Whoa, Mondo, you need to calm down!
*jumps up and down and almost makes a hole in the floor* I can’t! I can’t!! I need to go ride an airplane!!!! *spreads his arms out and pretends to be an airplane* Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
*”shoots down Mondo with his finger gun”* Pow.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! *falls to the floor* Ow! *gets on his hands and knees and acts like a lion* Rooooooaaar!!!!
Mondo! Calm down!
*hops on the bed* I can’t!!! I’m too crazy!!!!!!!!

Ok, I have to go find my sister now to try and mallet and apology out of her. Bye! Love you, Mondo! James- Jessie loves you, that ought to be good enough.
*sighs* I guess, well good bye!
Bye, and thanks for the thoughtful and expensive gift!
Bye bye! And if Angie comes back, tell her I’m using her for my mallet practice!
Good bye!
*jumps off the bed and lands on a table* Bye!!!!!!

Tenchi99 asks:

All- Ok, I need serious help, yana kanjii! Tell me all you know about Father Junipero Serra besides the whole he-founded-all-those-missons deal! This project is due Wednesday! HELP!
Aww! But we're finished with school! We don't wanna do homework!
Don't be such a meanie, Botch! Let's help this person out a little.
Hmph! No one ever helped me out with my homework! This is not fair!
I never even have heard about this Jupiter Father guy.
OOoh! Oooh! I know lots about him!! Lemme explain!! He was born in Mallorca, Spain! Neat, huh?! He was really short, too! He was only 5'2. Anyways, when he was 16, he began working at Order of St. Francis of Assisi. 20 years later, he took a trip to Mexico and went to Mexico City! But later he had to go to the Baja region in California to go to some missions. He went there with some Spanish to start settlements. During his time there, he made 9 missions! Wow! That's more than I'll ever make! But unfortunately, he died when he was 70 in 1784. So sad!
*wide eyed* You knew all of that straight from memory?! Dang...
Ha! Yeah right! *pulls an encyclopedia away from Mondo* He was just hiding this under the table.
*blushes* Heh heh heh...

Kitty asks:

All- How's everyone doing?
*whines* I’m so hungry! But Jessie won’t take me out to eat! I’m going to starve to death! She wants me to die!!
Arg! James! That’s not true and you know it! We just don’t have any money to waste on your splurging. Maybe if you wouldn’t mess up our plans for capturing Pikachu, then maybe we would have some spare cash! To answer your question, I’m tired right now of everything.
*whines again* See?! She wants me dead!
*rolls eyes* James…
Eh, I feel fine, I can’t complain. Oh wait, yes I can. I found this perfect outfit at the mall this afternoon. And I mean it was perfect! But of course they didn’t have it in my size.
I guess that means they didn’t have any XXXL sizes available.
That’s because you bought them all!
*sniffs* Damn allergies are getting to me. I feel like I’m suffocating since I can barely breathe.
So that’s why you sound froggier than usual, Botch!
….Please, don’t mess with me now. You don’t want to when I’m in this cruddy of a mood.
I’m doing……..great!!! Do you wanna know why?! Huh?! Huh??!! Because Jessie winked at me!!
I did not!! I had something in my eye!!
Ha ha! Good excuse!
I’m serious!
*sadly* Oh…

All-What kind of dancing can you guys do best?
You have to see Botch disco!! I think that’s the dance he’s best at!
What?! I don’t disco.
I thought you did…
You thought wrong.
OH!! I must have mistaken you for dancing when you actually had ants in your pants!
…That never happened!
What about the time you tripped and fell in an ant hill when we were in the forest?
*grits teeth* I said that never happened!
Oh well! Botch can disco well! Moving on, I think I do ballroom dancing the best.
*sarcastically* Really? I thought it was ballet dancing in a tutu.
*whines* Tutu’s don’t look good on me!
Geez, I never said they did. Um, I’m not really good at dancing and I really don’t care much for it. If I have to dance, it’s just freeform.
Hmm, probably the tango…but otherwise just fancy dances. Oh yeah, and the Macarena.
I can’t really think of any particular dances that I’m good at. When I dance, I just dance.
My favorite dance is the Hokey-Pokey!!!!!!!!

J&J-What do you think is the funniest yet thing about your partner? Or what do they do that's really funny? James, I LOVE your laugh!
*smiles and laughs* Thanks!! *laughs some more*
Yeah, I like his laugh, too, since you don’t hear just anyone laugh like that, but it gets annoying when I’m in a bad mood. I like his silliness, his unconditional love for roses, and his corny jokes. Pretty much anything that brings a smile to my face.
*grins* I think the funniest thing Jessie does is her will to keep cooking foods even though they always turn out less-than-perfect. I always laugh whenever Jessie messes up and tries a million more times to get the food right. Every time the food keeps getting worse. But she always has a determined and serious smile on her face, which makes it even funnier.

J&J-Name some of the best times you two have had together?
Best times? There aren’t any best times since they can never get along.
That’s not true! There’s many times when we get along and agree on things. We both agree that you’re a bit--, uh witch. We have our best times talking about how horrible you are.
Uh huh, sure…
We share our best times together during holidays and birthdays. Even though things don’t always go perfect, we still have a nice time just being with each other and relaxing.
There was that one time I got really sick and I had to stay in bed for awhile. I might not have been that happy, but I still felt the comfort knowing James was around.
Then there was the whole Jessibelle thing. Good things do come out of bad since Jessie and I became closer after that whole ordeal since we got to know each other better.
We also have a lot of good nights together. No, it’s not what all of you sick-minded people out there are thinking. We spend a lot of nights awake just talking about things and I enjoy that since I get a lot off my chest and we get to joke around.

Both-When you were asked "what's the most romantic moment you've ever shared" what did you mean by, "Uh…that’s sort of personal…? (James, don't let Jess hear this, but if she doesn't tell me, than will you plz? *throws him a family sized box of donuts* ok, now it's only nice if you gave me somthin back in return, and that's the TRUTH to my question)
That’s a personal question! I might not want the whole world to know. I would be too embarrassed to face it without a paper bag over my head.
Oh come on Jessie, it’s not that bad. *munches on a donut* Don’t exaggerate.
I’m not exaggerating, I’m serious. I don’t want everyone to know. *looks at James shoving donuts into his mouth* Where did you get the donuts?
*shrugs* I found them. Botch was going to throw them away so I had to save them.
That’s a huge lie, I wouldn’t throw away a perfectly good box of donuts without trying one.
Uh, well, I just got them.
*looks at James suspiciously* I don’t believe you, but I won’t question it. Just please don’t tell anyone anything.
But I have to! It’s our job to answer everyone’s questions! *bites into another donut* I think our most romantic moment was during this one evening where I was feeling kind of low. As usual, I had messed up in a plan of capturing Pikachu. So I was sitting all by myself on a sofa, pouting. Then Jessie came in and I thought she was going to yell at me for botching it up. *grins and finishes the donut*
Hey! Don’t use my name in vain!
Sure, Botch. But to my surprise, she didn’t hit me or blow up. She sat down next to me and cuddled up. We just sat there like that for a few moments. Then she pulled out a big box of donuts and chocolates that she was hiding. Yum! She started to, um, feed me with them. Then we flirted some more and got into some tickle fights. After that, she brought me into the kitchen where she set the table very nicely and cooked a dinner. The foot wasn’t badly burnt so I really enjoyed our little miniature candlelight dinner. *shoves a few more donuts into his mouth* And that’s all I feel like saying since I ran out of donuts.
*sighs* I wish you had run out of donuts earlier. I didn’t want you telling everyone.
Why Jess? It’s not that bad or embarrassing.
Maybe to you it isn’t but to me it is.
Grr! I thought it was going to be something really juicy and embarrassing. But stupid Jess had to overreact.
You don’t understand! I can’t explain it…

Meowth- HAHA You had a crush on Jessie!?!?!? What do you say to that James?
Awww! Can we please move on? I’d ratha not talk about dis.
*gasps* You liked Jessie?! I thought I could trust you!
Ah! Don’t woik yourself into a sweat, Jimmy. I don’t love her like dat! I just longed for some love since my poor Meowth heart has been broken so many times. I neva had a masta before so I enjoyed finally having one. Since Jess is a girl, I liked her a little bit more. But den afta I found out how brutal she can be, I stopped liking her a lot.
*stares* Are you sure?
*nods* I told ya! Don’t worry ‘bout it!
Yeah, James, calm down. I don’t like him in that way. I mean, he’s a pokemon!! Why would I want to go out with him?! That’s just crazy. You worry too much.
But it scares and bothers me! I still can’t believe it. *looks nervously at Meowth*
*whines* I can’t help it! The thought of it is really bothering me!

Mondo- Ok, I'm in a Mondo and Jessie shipper mood, so why don't you sneak up on her some time during my questions and kis her? She only hits James and Meowth, so don't worry about it.
Are you SURE I only hit James and Meowth? Well, yeah, I guess I only hit them. For some reason I just can’t hit Mondo. It’s not because of his size since I hit Meowth even though he’s small. He sometimes annoys me but I still won’t hit. Hmm, I need to think about why I don’t wack him.
No!! Don’t hit me!!
I won’t but be sure you don’t give me a reason to hit you.
Okay!! I won’t!! I’ll be on my best behavior!! *draws a little invisible halo over him*
*rolls eyes*
I gotta go to the bathroom!!! *runs off*
Man, he’s weird.
*whines* Hit him, Jessie!!
*sighs and shakes her head*

James- I've seen what a gentleman you are! It's so sweet how you always carry all the heavy stuff, and never make Jess carry anything!
*grins and blushes* I know…I always say I’m not a gentleman…but I guess I am!
*rolls eyes* Okay, first I’ll admit that yes, he does carry all of the stuff that I don’t want to. But don’t let him fool you because he doesn’t do the deeds willingly. He whines when I ask him to do something and then I have to give a few threats. Finally he’ll do what he’s told, but only after a long production of everything. You only see the after part of everything.
But we all do things that we don’t want to! I could just throw everything down and tell you to do it yourself and then walk away. But I still end up doing the job anyhow. So I still am a gentleman! *smiles*
But it would be different if you volunteered to do the task in the first place. Then I would be much happier.
*whines* But I don’t wanna do that! I don’t want to carry things! I’m usually so tired that I want someone to carry me!

James- You spoil Jess too much, ya know that?
*giggles* I know, but it’s worth it! I figure I’ll eventually get something nice in return.
Uh, I’m not so sure about that. I don’t think I’m spoiled. If James truly wants to spoil me, he’ll do things when I ask him to, or better yet, he’ll do things without me telling him to. But I will admit, he does do a lot for me like chores, making the plans to capture Pikachu, and just lots.
But the main thing is that I do lots of things for you! *smiles* It’s not what I do, it’s what I get out of it.
Geez, these conversations are getting wishy-washy and it’s making me want to puke. Go spoil me, James, and get me a barf bag.
Don’t’ be silly, Botch. I only spoil Jessie.
I can’t believe you took me seriously. How gullible are you? I was only kidding.
*shrugs* Hmm I never stopped and asked myself that!
Oh stupid me! I forgot that you spend too much time spoiling Jessie to ask yourself how gullible you are.
*nods* You got it right, Botch!

J&J-Do you guys like taking lots of pictures with eachother?
Oh no, more mushy stuff again.
*gasps* Of course!! We have lots of pictures we have of us together and pictures of just the one of us.
Yeah, even though I sometimes object to the time the pictures are taken since I never have time to put makeup on and fix my hair, I still enjoy being in and taking pictures.
We have our own mini scrapbook with most of our photos. Otherwise, we just keep the rest of the pictures with all our other belongings so we can still look at the pictures whenever we want to.
Sometimes we take pictures of us alone to give to the other person. But most of the time, we’re in the pictures together. James is normally smiling really silly and I’m normally frowning since I’m having a bad hair day. But that’s okay, frizzy hair or not, I’ll still treasure the pictures.

Both- What if the other one died? That would be so sad!!! *cries*
No!!! That can’t happen now! No!
*eyes widen* I try not to think about depressing subjects like that.
Oh no! Jessie’s sad! *runs out from behind the door* Pucker up!! *kisses Jessie*
Hey!! Why did you do that? I thought you were in the bathroom.
Nope!! I was just kidding and hiding!! So did you like the kiss?!
Um, uh, it kind of came to me in a shock…
*smiles* I knew you would like it! Now if you would excuse me, I need to go eat some leftover candy canes! *skips off*
*pouts* Hmph! He ruined the whole mood of the conversation. Plus he kissed Jessie and he’s taking the candy canes that I wanted! I don’t know why I put up with him sometimes.
Well as I was saying, I really don’t want to think about the depressing inevitable.
Uh huh! We can worry about it later!

Both-So, since it's been sooo cold outside, and probably in your cabins, do you guys have to snuggle up to get warm? Enjoy it, huh?
Ugh! This is really disgusting me!
That’s odd, it’s not disgusting me! Um, yeah… *chuckles* We get a nice warm and cozy blanket, one without Meowth hairs stuck on it, and snuggle up together. It’s my perfect vision of getting warm on a cold day!
Of course, James steals most of the blanket for himself, but I still get warm.
*whines* No! It’s the other way around! I’m the one who barely gets any!
Say whatever you want to, but you won’t change my mind.
*blushes* Um, yeah! I enjoy it! Who wouldn’t?
I only enjoy it when I get my fair share of the blanket.
*whines* But Jessie! You always get your fair share!
Hmm, well most of the time I do. So most of the time I do enjoy it.

Both-When you two share a bed, than where does Meowth go???
He goes at the bottom of the bed to warm up our feet.
Uh huh, but he normally starts to bite and scratch our feet and legs after awhile.
Ya can’t blame me! How would ya like it if ya slept at da bottom of da bed with no blankets? How would ya like it if ya had to sleep by some smelly feet? It stinks!
So when he starts to scratch and bite us, one of us will try to kick him off the bed.
Dat always hurts! I always end up getting kicked in my behind, flying in da air, and falling on da floor.
Then we begin to feel guilty for the little guy so we let him come back on the bed. We let him sleep in the middle so he can’t complain. *whines* But I complain since he drools on my pillow!
Well how do ya t’ink I feel when someone rolls ova me?

Both-Have you ever cried over the other one? If so, what about?
I have a few times, I’ll admit. I shed a few tears during that whole Jessibelle ordeal, but who wouldn’t? Then there’s been a few times I cried after we fight about something dumb.
*blushes* Yeah…
Man, what a crybaby!
Be quiet, Botch! It’s not funny!
*sarcastically* Oh, you’re right! I better shut up before I make you cry!
I wouldn’t cry in front of you or because of you! *pouts* Why can’t people leave me alone? I’ve cried lots of times after fights and when Jessie hits me. I’m always scared that she hates me. Then I start to cry when I think that she likes another man. Oh, and I’ll cry when I’m worried about her.
*shakes his head* This is really pathetic.
*sniffs* At least I’m not afraid to show my emotions, unlike you.
At least I have dignity to not cry like a baby in front of public.

Well, g2g! Bye everyone!!!!! Love you!
*giggles happily* I love you, too! *hugs*
…James, don’t scare everyone. Bye bye!
These questions were kind of personal, but I won’t complain since I didn’t suffer too much. Good bye!
Well I’ll complain since the questions were too lovey-dovey *gags* and I barely got to say anything. No fair! Oh well, maybe next time. Bye bye!
I had so much fun!!! I even got to kiss Jessie!! That just made my day!! That made my year!!!! I think this calls for a celebration with some sugar cubes! *throws cubes all over* You can have some, Kitty!! Bye!!!

Leah chan asks:

james: moltres james returns!

*blushes* I have to admit that is a very flattering picture of me. *giggles* Not very modest, but that’s okay.
Yeah, I’d say so! Geez, can’t you put on a shirt or something? We all don’t need to stare at your chest.
*pouts* You’re just jealous.
*laughs* Of what?!
Hey!!! That’s not funny, Botch!
*frowns and stops laughing*
Think of it this way: at least he’s wearing normal pants and not those ugly, very tight things that he wore with his original costume.
*eyes widen* Ewwwwwwww!!!
For your information, I liked that other costume but I still like this one, too.
That just figures that you liked the other costume. The revealing costume.
*sighs with disgust* You would like it if Butch wore that outfit. You’re only attacking it because James is wearing it.
Ew, no. Butch wouldn’t look good in that dreadful outfit. James doesn’t look good in it either for many reasons. One reason comes into my mind quickly, but I won’t say it…
Yeah, at least frog costumes aren’t, uh, tight in that area.
What about bee costumes?!
Mondo, that’s a whole different story. Literally.
*whines* Why are we talking about my old costume? Let’s talk about the outfit in the picture!
*shrugs* Fine. It’s just some wings and you in your Team Rocket pants. There. That’s all I think about it.
Hmph, you already heard my opinion about it.
Hmm, I can’t decide which one is better. The other one was cuter, but this one makes James look more good-looking.
*gags* Oh please.
Please what?! Are you saying please for some sugar?!! *throws packets of sugar at Butch* I think….James would look better as a cookie, brownie, or a donut or even a sugar cube rather than a bird.

all: ha ha! it's domino!

*sadly* Why is she getting mad at poor little Me-owth? I don’t even like pizza dat much.
Hmmm..I wonder what kind of pizza it was…
*laughs* Oh boy! That’s her all right!
She must be suffering from PMS. There’s no way anyone would explode like that over some stupid pizza.
Hmmm, I’m not so sure about that, Jessie. I can emphasize with Domino on this one.
I would be mad, too, if someone stole my pizza.
Well, it depends on what kind of pizza it is. If it has nasty anchovies on it, then please steal it.
If someone stole my pizza, I would steal their car!!! No one touches my food!
Why did this conversation all of a sudden switch over to pizza? We’re supposed to be dissing Domino, not dissing people who steal pizza.
You’re right! Domino stole my pizza so now she’s an idiot!! There. I insulted her.
*rolls eyes* You just don’t get it.
I can’t believe she’s yelling at Meowth! Poor wittle kitty witty!
Eh, stop da pity.
*shrieks* Eeeee!! Look! Domino is holding her tulip! Hmph! What a disgrace!
James, you’re just jealous that a black tulip is prettier and more evil than a red rose.
*pouts* But roses are romantic and more beautiful! So haha to her!

Silver 11016 asks:

Hi, how is everyone?
I'm very good!! Today, I treated myself to lots and lots of food! Being bad really makes you work up an apetite.
You mean being stupid really makes you work up an apetite. Oh yeah! Guess what! Tomorrow is my birthday!! I hope to receive many presents.
*smacks her forehead* Ooops...
*laughs* Hahaha!! You forgot his birthday! That's very bad!
Oh crud!! I knew I was forgetting something!
......How could you forget?!
Well I haven't officially forgotten since it's not your birthday yet so I still have time.
I thought only James forgot birthdays.
Hey!! I can't help it if my mind is on other food!
*sighs* I told you! I haven't forgotten completely, I still have a day.
You shouldn't worry so much, Cassidy! Be carefree, like me! I have some candy you could give him as a present. I'll even give it to you for free!
I t'ink he would ratha have some round and shiny t'ings.
*rolls eyes* Oh yeah, that's all very thoughtful.

Ok, everyone but James, please exit the room. *all but James leave* Uh, James? This might not be the best way to tell you, but you're the twerp's dad. Here's the story, I got this from someone who has all of Pokemon, including unreleased episodes, subtitled on VCD. Your family used to be dirt poor. Then you did a sperm donor to get some money, made your family filthy rich, and got yourself engaged to Jessebelle. And the recipient of the donor was Delia Ketchum. Therefore, you're the twerp's father. (I'm borrowing the VCD to confirm this story, by the way) Now that you know, if/how you tell Jess and the others is up to you. *to other Rockets* Ok, you can come back in now!
*silent for 5 minutes* ........What???!!! Wait a minute!!! How can this be? First of all, my family never was poor. Don't you remember me talking in episodes about my grandpapa and grandmama's mansion and estate? They were rich and so were my parents. Also, everyone knows that Ash is at least 10 years old. So subtract at least 10 years from my age. That means I would have to be around 7 or 8 to donate, uh, sperm. I don't think that's possible and I don't think I'm fertile at that age. So I won't believe it. Hmph. *pouts*
*walks back in* Why did I have to leave? Huh?? Huh???
Yeah, James, what's the big secret?
*frowns* Hmph! Nothing.
Eh, it's probably nothing.
She probably just had to break the bad news to him that I'm cuter!

Ok, I told what I came to tell, so bye now! *kisses Mondo goodbye*
*blushes and laughs* See!! I told you she thinks I'm cuter!
*frowns and throws a donut at Mondo* Be quiet. Good bye.
Whoa! James must be really ticked if he threw a beloved donut! Heh heh! Bye bye!
James! Go say sorry to Mondo!
*turns away* I don't feel like talking right now.
That's okay! *picks up the donut and eats it* I don't mind!
Well I'll try to talk to James... Bye now!
I got to go now anyway, I need to go buy something. See ya.
*waves paw*

Silver11016 asks:

Hi everyone! Angie is here too, so this could get a little confusing. First, we'd like to say happy birthday to Butch! Angel: *throws confetti and kisses Butch on the cheek* Silver: Now, we know you don't want any big blowouts or anything like that, so we got you a cake and a fantastic gift! Angel: *gives Butch a chocolate cake* I baked it myself! Silver: Angie, you told me that was storebought. Angel: I lied. Silver: Butch, you might not want to eat that....Ang' even burns water. Angel: Hey!
*spits out the confetti that landed in his mouth and drools* I don’t care who cooked it, I just want to eat some cake.
Hey! Where’s the candles?! Botch needs to blow them out!
*sticks some candles into the cake and tries to light them* Hmm, let’s see if I can work this thing… *accidentally burns himself with the match* Owwwww!!!!
*grabs match and lights candles* Never let little kids play with fire.
Make a wish and blow them out.
*thinks for a moment and blows at the candles* Hey…why aren’t they going out? *blows many more times and they go out* Damn trick candles.
You’re face is blue!
Thanks for pointing that out.
What did you wish for?
I’m not tellin’, I want it to come true.
*nudges Cassidy* It probably has to do with Cassidy.
Hmph, I’m not saying. *cuts cake and gives himself a big piece*
*whines* I want some!
No. *eats the cake* Yum!
*whines* Please!
Fine! But only to make you shut up. *gives James a tiny piece*
*looks at the piece* It’s so small, I have to squint to see it. Oh well, it’s better than nothing…
*eats some cake* Hmm, it’s better than I could make.
Jessie, anyone can cook better than you. *bites into a piece* But it is pretty good.
*sneaks off with cake*
*licks the cake* Now you don’t want it!

Silver: Now for the gift. *snaps fingers. Two dan'in walk in carrying a hog-tied, blindfolded, struggling Ash Ketchum* There you go! *beams* One twerp, to torture, electrocute, and maim as you wish! Angel: *hands Butch a dart* Do the honors!
*looks at the dan’in* Whoa! I got servants!
Now where oh where should I aim the dart?
Aim for the head! Aim for the head!
Shut up or I’ll aim at you. I need silence for concentration. *throws the dart and it hits Ash’s stomach* Darn! I missed my target!
*laughs* I could do better than that!
Ha, I was just warming up. *throws the dart again and it hits Ash in his “sensitive area”* Yeah!!
*laughs as she watches Ash squirm around in pain*
Yay! The dumb twerp finally got what he deserved.
Let’s torture him some more!
Hmmm, good idea. *pushes Ash’s face near James’s* Come on, twerp, kiss James!
Ewwwww!! *backs away*
Heh heh, talk about torture. Hmmm, I know something I need done. Twerp! I need my boots clean. *watches Ash lick his boots*

Silver; Well, we'll be going now. And for party games, how about Pin the Tail on the Pika? *snaps fingers again, a dan'in walks in with Pikachu, sets it at Butch's feet, bows, and exits* Angel: We tired it out so it has to recharge before it can do any blasting off. Bye! *waves energetically* Silver: See ya! *kisses Mondo goodbye*
*touches his cheek* Wow…
Hey! The birthday boy didn’t get a kiss!
*whines* I didn’t get one either!
No one wants to kiss you because they’re afraid your stupidity will get on them. So shut up so I can play my games.
*ties a blindfold on Butch and gives him a tail*
*blindly walks over and pins the tail on Pikachu* I wonder how I did… *takes the blindfold off and hears Pikachu cry in pain* Ooops, I pinned him on his nose. Oh well, I’ve never been good at this game.
I want to play!!
*gives James a tail and blindfolds him*
*giggles* This is so much fun! *walks towards Butch and tries to pin him*
Hey! What are trying to do? I’m not the Pikachu. *turns James around* Pikachu is that way.
Well excuse me, Botch. It’s not my fault I can’t see which way I’m going. *pins tail on Pikachu and takes off his blindfold* Yay!!! I win! I pinned it on his butt!

Leah Chan asks:

Except me! I don’t love Botch.
No one asked you.
*hugs Butch* Happy Birthday!!!!
Ew!!! Let go of me!
Sorry! I’m under the influence of a few too many pixie stix.
Uh…yeah… Hey! I want to open up my presents now!
*gives Butch a present* I know you will love mine!
Hmmm *tears off paper* A plastic fly?
*giggles* I know frogs love them!
Gee, thanks a lot. That was so thoughtful. *grumbles* How cheap and stupid.
*hands Butch a gift* I had to go shopping at midnight last night to get this.
That’s because you nearly forgot.
Shut up, stop reminding me!
*opens present* Oooh! Cologne! *reads the label* Grenouille? What does that mean?
*smiles* I think it means “frog” in French.
*sniffs the bottle* Well it smells good at least. Thanks!
Here’s mine. *gives Butch her present*
*unwraps the gift* Oh cool, some new playing cards.
I knew you needed some new ones after James played 52 Pick Up with your old ones.
*turns the cards over and looks at the back* Frogs on lily pads?
What a pretty picture!
*gives Butch a bag* My present!! Meowth and I picked it out for you!
Oh great, now I’m really scared. *opens up the bag and pulls out lots of little bags that are full with candy* ………gummi frogs? You really shouldn’t have.
They taste really good! I had to buy myself tons of bags!

lesse, what can i give you? *looks in closet* aha! here's a cassidy plushie! *hand butch plushie* happy birthday kosa!
*gasps in delight* Finally! A sane present!! *hugs plushie*
Hmph! My present was better!
Yeah right! It was a cheap toy! But this! This is much better! *cuddles Cassidy plushie* I’m going to take this with me to bed and snuggle with it all night long!
Are you going to sleep with it?
Uh huh!
Are you going to play with it?
Ewww! That doesn’t sound right!
Heh heh!
Ew, Butch! Don’t get perverted with it! I feel scared for the poor plushie of myself. Maybe I should hold on to it for now…
*holds plushie tightly* No!! You will never give it back to me!
Hey Botch! Is the plushie kind of like a Barbie where you can change her clothes and put on some new ones?
*eyes widen* Oooooh…
*slaps Butch* Get those dirty thoughts out of your mind!

TrsGrowlie asks:

1. Botch; OK, I've told you once before and I'm gonna tell you again - STOP BEING MEAN TO JAMES!!!! You're just jealous that he's sexier than you and has more fans than you'll ever have! So stop being mean and GROW UP! *All James-Worshippers pick up blunt objects and wave them threateningly*
What in the world?! What’s there about him to be jealous? His silliness? Should I be jealous about that? Oooh, yes, everyone wants to be silly and stupid just like James. It’s a dream come true.
Butch…calm down. You’re hurting his feelings.
Oh yeah, that’s another thing! He’s the one who needs to stop being mean and he also needs to grow up. You don’t see me messing up his name, do you? No. Why should I be the one who needs to grow up when he’s the one who’s always crying like a baby?
*lip trembles*
There’s no way he could be sexier than me. No…way. Unless of course, if you consider crying and silliness sexy.
*laughs* I’m agreeing with Butch on this one.
*smiles triumphantly*
*sobs* No one cares about me! Everyone hates me!
*sighs* James, that’s not true and you know it.
*sneers* Yeah, all your fans love you!
*whines* Shut up Botch!!!
Oh you’re right, I better. Everyone’s going to stab me with blunt objects. I’m sooo scared! *drags Mondo in front of him* Protect me!
No problem, Butch!
At least he can get my name right.
*waves big pixie stix at everyone* You hurt Butch and I’ll wack you with these!!
Hmph. *pouts* And you called me the silly one.

2. Jessie: How do you feel about James being the more popular TR member over you? Don't go denying it because he's favourite on every single web poll I've seen! And please don't be angry at him, it's not really his fault he's so beautiful...*sigh*
*perks up and giggles* Really?
Hmph! That’s only because only girls are voting! I doubt many guys vote because they’re too scared or something. I don’t know, you know how guys are.
*smiles* I’m loved!
I think I’m the most popular member because I’m the more dominant one and smarter one who does all of the work. *scoffs* I’m also prettier and more beautiful.
But everyone loves me!
What you talking about? I definitely don’t like you!
Ewww, I don’t either! I don’t see anything attractive in him nor do I see a reason why he should be popular.
*pouts* But I’m so funny and I’m cute when I make a mistake! That’s why I’m so loveable! Everyone else is too serious.
I don’t care what anyone says, I’m the most popular one! I can understand the fact if lots of girls like him, but that doesn’t mean I’m not more popular.
That’s really scary, Jess, if he’s more popular and liked than you. But then again, it was bound to happen because of your horrible personality.
Hey! I have a good personality and everyone knows that. *growls* I should be angry at James for taking away my position in the spotlight. But I won’t right now since I’m mad at him for messing up our most recent plan.

3. James; Don't be sad, sweetie, we all know Santa's real! I mean, if he's not real, then who was that fat guy in the episode 'Holiday Hyjnyx', eh? *sticks out tongue at all non-believers*
*gasp* But what if it was Botch? It sure looked like him!
Hey, what are you getting at?!
I don’t find that funny.
I think it was Jessie, she could fit into that outfit perfectly.
*glares* Don’t make me hurt you.
I’m just glad that Santa isn’t fake! If he wasn’t real, then how do we get all of those presents? Or coal in Botch’s case.
I never got coal in my lifetime, but you speak with experience.
*whines* I’m a good boy! *gasp* I remember one year when Santa forgot to come to my house! I cried for days because I thought I was a bad boy and he forgot about me. But a few days later, I found a stack of presents with my name on them! There was a letter that said that Santa had to go back to the North Pole to get my presents because there were so many of them! So explain that, Botch!
I’m not going to waste my breath because I know you won’t believe me.
Hmm, probably not because it won’t be true. Last year, I put out some cookies for Santa, but Mondo ate them. I was so sad! Poor Santa! I know how it feels when you don’t have any cookies to eat.
I was hungry and they looked so good!!
Well I can’t get too mad at Mondo since I know he believes in Santa too.
Uh huh!!! He gives me tons of candy in my stocking!
So people shouldn’t call me stupid anymore because I believe in the right thing…Santa! *smiles*

OK, guys, that's about it! BYEEEE!!!! *pinches James' ass then pretends it wasn't me* ;)
*squeals* Eeeee!!!! What was that?!
Hehe, it kind of tickled!
James! Shut up! We don’t want to know! *growls* Some people should keep their hands to themselves. Good bye.
*giggles* Bye!
Uh, bye bye!
Goooooooood bye!!!!!!!

p.s. Mondo I love you toooooooo!!!! *hands out sweets and donuts*
Yay!! *hugs* Thanks!! *grabs some sweets and candy and starts to eat them* Yum!!! I needed this, my sugar was too low!! I haven’t eaten in like, an hour!
*whines* Save some donuts for me!
*clutches donuts* Mine!!
But I wanna donut!
You had all the attention! *takes donuts and candy and runs off*

BCR2 asks:

U are a BBBBBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGG loser. LOSER LOSER LOSER. *laughs* I wonder why I'm enjoying it!
*gasps* But I thought everyone loved me! I’m not a loser! I’m a winner since I’m so loved!
Get you head out of the clouds and realize that everyone doesn’t like you.
It’s about time someone showed James where he belongs.
Oh be quiet! You’re not helping James.
*sighs* The whole point was to make him feel sad, I didn’t want to help him.
*sobs* I don’t like hurting others! So why do people want to hurt my feelings?!
Snap out of it! *slaps James* Don’t make yourself look weak by crying in front of everyone!
*sniffs* But I’m sad and hurt! I don’t deserve this! *cries*
What a wimp! Don’t you have any dignity to stop bawling like a baby?
Yeah, only a loser would cry like that.
*sobs* You see how it feels when someone insults you! You will feel just as horrible as I do!
So? A lot of people hate me, but you don’t see me whining about it.
Come on, James. Try to move on.
*wipes away a tear* Okay…

I advise you give James a pow in the head and also tell him he is a big splat of cow pie! Thanks Mondo! *hugs Mondo* Bye! Love ya all except James!
Whoa…I never have been told to do that!
…You better not do that!
Well if I have to then I have to! First of all, I have to get energized! *eats a big brownie* Okay, I’m ready now! *wacks James in the head* You’re a big splat of cow pie!! Oooh, speaking of pies, I could go for a cherry pie right now…
*gasps* Mondo!! I can’t believe you did that!
I had to!
Besides, he was under the influence of sweets and chocolate. It was the chocolate speaking, not Mondo.
Yeah!! *hugs BCR2* Your welcome! Bye bye!
Heh heh! Bye!
Good bye, and thanks for making our day!
Um, yeah, bye…
*pouts* Hey…chocolate can speak?