Kittenith asks:

Mondo-Do you have a crush on Domino?
Hmmm…I don’t know!! I’ve thought about it…but it doesn’t sound right! Domino is too grumpy, serious, and conceited sometimes! I want to date a girl that’s really hyper and likes to have fun!
*rolls eyes* Oh that explains why you want to date Jessie. She definitely fits your qualities.
Hey! I’m not always grumpy and serious and stuck up!
Whatever you say.
Hmmm, that’s a good point. Jessie is usually grouchy and acts like Domino…
I am not!!!
…so if I can like a grumpy Jessie, then maybe I can like a grumpy Domino! Yeah!!! Maybe there’s hope for us!

James-Who would you pick, Jessie or Cassidy?
*looks back and forth between the two girls* Um…
*glares* Hurry up and choose James! We don’t have all day.
*nervously* Uh……
Yeah I know, let’s speed things up.
About time!
YES!! He didn’t pick me!! If I were you, Jessie, which I’m not thankfully, I would be very insulted. I wouldn’t want some stupid boy picking me.
You should be insulted Cassidy because he didn’t pick you since you act like a b*tch all the time.
*gasps* Is that what you think of me James?

Mondo-who would you pick, Cassidy or Jessie?
Yay!!! Thank you for giving me such an easy question! Obviously, I would pick Jessie!
Wait…is this a good thing…?
Is this Reject Cassidy Day?! It sure seems like it!!
But I thought you didn’t want James or Mondo picking you.
Ewww, I don’t. But it’s the principle that they didn’t pick me since they think bad things of me. That’s why I’m mad. But I think I’d rather have them hate me than having two weirdos drooling all over me. Too bad you can’t say the same.
Ha ha.

……I didn’t know I had a son!
Meowth, didn’t you learn to practice safer sex? Tisk tisk!
Does this mean we’re going to have to pay for child support?
I hope not! I don’t want to be paying for Kittenith’s education for the next 10 years!
Geez, Meowth, I didn’t know you did this kind of stuff! Were a player or something?
I’m really happy that he has a son! Now there’s another Meowth around to play with! Yay!!

Everyone-I brought you all gifts! Here's a cigar case for Butch!
*laughs* Botch got something for his cigars!
But I don’t smoke! And if I did, it wouldn’t be smelly cigars!
It’s okay, Botch. You don’t need to admit your addiction out in public. We’ll all understand if it’s too personal for you.
What?! What do I have to do to convince you that I don’t?!
Don’t worry! We understand that you appreciate your cigarette breaks a lot.
Oh well, I guess I can find something useful for this case. *sticks some minty gum in it*

Cassidy-A razor!
A razor?! Why do I need a razor?!!
To shave! Geez, how dumb are you?
But I already have a perfectly good one! It has an easy-grip handle and leaves me silky smooth!
Well…maybe this one is for shaving your face.
Ewww, why would I need to do that?! I don’t grow a beard or a moustache.
You never know.
Hmph! I’m insulted! Oh well… *sighs* at least I got a new razor. I can’t complain too much since it saved me money. Thanks!

Jessie-A make-your-own-snowgasboard kit!
Ooooh!!! Thank you so much!!! I’ve always wanted one!
…Wait…why do you need a kit to make food out of snow? Don’t you just go outside, gather some snow, and eat it?
But that’s so boring! There’s so much you can do with snow and there’s so many kinds of food you can make with it! Now I can finally make my mama’s snow food. We’ll have something to eat now when we’re stuck out in the cold.
*whines* I hate snow!
What’s even in the kit? Instructions on how to make snowballs?
No, but there’s instructions to make some of the snow foods like Ida-Snow potatoes and there’s sauces and syrups to mix in with the snow.
I still think eating a snowball is easier.

James-A lifetime supply of donuts!*eats a powdered one*
*shrieks* EEEeeeeeeee!!! You stole a donut from me!! *pouts* You’ll pay for this…
James, relax. You have tons more donuts waiting for you, you can survive without one.
Oh yeah! *starts shoving donuts in his mouth*
Oh great, now James is going to get fat for the rest of his life.
*swallows* I’d rather be fat than be starving myself of these wonderful treats! *eats some more donuts and talks with his mouth full* Thanks!
Ugh, I hope you eat so many that you get tired of them.
That would never happen! I’ll always love donuts, no matter what.

Mondo-A lifetime supply of chocolate!
*faints* Yay!!!! Perfect timing! I was just running out of my last lifetime supply of chocolate. The horror!
Mondo, how can you run out of something that is supposed to last you a lifetime?
Oh it’s possible! Trust me! I think I eat about, hmmm… 2 years worth of chocolate each day. So it takes me about a month or so to eat a lifetime supply.
2 years worth of chocolate in one day?! If I ate that much, you would have to roll me around to get to places. How come we don’t have to do that with you?
Because I’m so hyper, I burn it all off! *jumps on the table and dances his victory dance while eating chocolate*
*watches Mondo make a fool of himself* Sometimes I wish I had your metabolism, sometimes I don’t.

And for my papa, I bought a big fish cowpowation! So now you can have all the fish you want!
Meowth! I hit da jackpot on dis one! Now I don’t need to worry bout starvin’ or eatin’ Jessie’s snow food.
I heard that!
And I won’t have to steal Jimmy’s donuts.
*too busy pigging out to hear*
Don’t I have a great son?!
You sure do because now I can sell the corporation and make tons of money off of it!
No! *shows his claws* Ya wouldn’t dare!
Well we need to pay child support some how.
Sell somet’ing else. Anyt’ing but my fish.

Bye-bye everyone! Hope to see you again papa!*hugs Meowth, and everyone else so they don't feel left out*C ya!
*waves his paw* Bye bye son! Be a good Meowth! Stay away from fleas and bad dogs!
*hugs* Stay away from anything expensive because we don’t want to pay it.
*hugs and talks with his mouth full* Thanks for the food!
Eww, you spit crumbs all over the place. Nasty! *brushes crumbs off* Good bye!
*hugs* Good bye and thanks for the razor…
*squeezes Kittenith in a too tight hug* GOOD BYE!

Silver11016 asks:

B&C- Could you recite your motto for me? I need it for this fanfic I'm writing. J,J,&M, I'd ask for yours, but I've got it memorized (doesn't everybody?). And Mondo, you'll be in this fic and you'll have a really big part in the next fic in my series. I promise to let you guys know where my fics are posted when they're done!
Hmph! I have a funny feeling she’s just lying and doesn’t want to hear your motto anyway.
That’s not true! She’s just like all other devoted fans who have it all memorized!
It doesn’t matter, at least we don’t have to hear you two say it. It’s getting sooo old.
Is not! Everyone loves our motto and doesn’t think it’s ancient!
Stop interrupting!
*clears throat dramatically* Prepare for trouble!
Make it double!
To infect the world with devastation!
To blight all peoples in every nation!
To denounce the goodness of truth and love!
To extend our wrath to the stars above!
We’re Team Rocket circling earth all day and night!
Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!
*jeers* Boooooooooooo!!! Botch can’t say the motto right!
*jeers back* Booooooooo!!! James can’t say my name right!

All- please help me! My best friend is setting me up on a blind date with *sobs into Mondo's shoulder* Matt Ballinger the rude superficial airhead from Dream Street! *sobs harder* Help! *wailing* There's gotta be a way out! What do I DO !!??!?!?!? * wails harder, cries some more*
*pats on back* There, there. It's ok.
This person is setting you up on a date with THAT airhead, and you call them your FRIEND?
What's a Dream Street? Where is it?
*rolls eyes* You wouldn't know. They're a band.
Don't you keep up on your current events, stupid?
Yeah, right.
Well, I've got a solution. When it comes time for your date......hide under your bed! It always works for me. Hee hee!
Wouldn't it be easier to refuse to go? That's what I would do.
I say beat somebody up! Haha!
Now, Botch, *shakes finger* violence is not the solution to all of the world's problems.'re right. It's not the solution to ALL of the world's problems.'s a solution to most of them!!! Hahaha!!!
Is not!
*shakes fist* Want me to prove it?
Eeeeee!!! *runs from Butch*
Come back here! I haven't beaten you up yet!
I say that you go along with the date thing until Matt Ballinger gets to your house or wherever, and then tell him he's a stupid moron! Ha! And then laugh at the look on his face!!!
*still running from Butch* I say that you *pants* go on the date *pants* just to be *pants* nice. That's *pants* what I'd do! Eeee! *runs faster*
That's a dumb idea, James! *chases more*
The solution is, just say you don't want to go on the date. Nobody can make you.

J,J,B,&C- Why do you hate each other? ( Mondo, please keep them from hurting each other!)
I hate Cassidy because of her jealousy, and Butch for slamming me against the wall.
I don’t hate them, they just hate me! *pouts*
I hate Rosehugger because he gets my name wrong and I guess Jessie is a b*tch.
James whines ,and Jessie is a b*tch.

B, C, & Mondo- Are you Rocketshippers?
YUP! Of course we are! To stupids are made for each other! Lol

J, J, M, & M- Are you Neoshippers?
Of course!
Always have been!
No doubt about it!
Sorry,not you ditto.
What are Neoshippers?
People who support you and Cassidy in love.
But we're already married!
You ARE?
Of course!
And you said you were a virgin Cassidy!
Does this mean you're going to have a baby?
When are you having the baby?
Thanks to birth control pills!^__^

All- How many times have you blasted off?
3 episodes 3 times.
No episodes no times *pouts*
How many episodes are there? thats your answer.

All- What's you're #1 tip for being a good Team Rocket member?
Don't try and take on the twerps!
Don't join unless you are powerful enough to withstand James, Jessie's and Meowth's jabbering without going insane.
Same here.
Bring lots of chocolate and be my partner!

Well, gotta go. I'm blasting off again!
Oooooh!!! Can I blast off, too?! *jumps up and down* Hmm…I guess not… Bye bye!!
Loser. Can you take Mondo with you?
I’m staying here with Jessie!
*shrugs* Bye!
*frowns* Bye…
Great, the hyper kid gets to stay with us. *sighs* Bye!

Alysharocket asks:

hello y'all alysharocket here and i'm wanna ask more questions exept this time my friend laura is here with me and i wanna tell ya a few things first laura is a diehard rocketshipper like me but she also loves to embarrass people so be warned ok?

laura>hello ppl how are y'all i wanna straighten a few things out first of all i dont like neoshipping or anything to do with it and second of all my friend here has a crush on mondo
alysharocket>DO NOT!!
laura>do to!! anyway lets start asking

laura>this one is for jesse you know the episode with that blimp thing in it? well i have one thing to say to you......... were you put your hands!!!!!
laura>hehe ^_^
*blushes furiously*
*laughs insanely* HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh, that's just too funny!!!! Looks like you were caught in the act, Jess!!!!!!
Be quiet or I'll tell them what someone caught you and Butch doing the other night!!!!!
*gasps* You wouldn't dare!
Let's just say it involved a can of whipped cream. *chuckles evilly*
*nervously*, I have to go find Butch! Yeah! *walks off*
Now, as for the blimp episode, all I have to say is that it was an accident. I promise you it was!! *blushes again*

laura>next thing i wanna know is that in the episode were you two form the shape of a r james why are you shaking i have a theory but i wanna hear it correctly!
alysharocket>ummmm yeah.............
It’s probably because Jessie is too heavy and fat for James the twig to hold up.
HEY! I’m not fat!!
And I’m not a branch!
She said twig, not branch. There’s a difference.
Oh… Well, um, I was shaking because I think I was a little nervous and I didn’t want to drop her.. She would have killed me if I dropped her.
I knew he was wimpy.
*whines* I can’t help it! Do you remember that one time when we stole that Hitmonlee? Jessie was on my shoulders and I kind of wilted since I couldn’t support her? I didn’t want something embarrassing like that happen again. *pouts*
*sighs sadly*

laura>third of all why are you two always hugging i mean y'all are 17 for gods sake!! are you really scared or are you just looking for excuses to hug?
alysharocket>i'd go with the second one
laura>me to!!
*blushes* Uh.....
*blushes* Well....
*grins knowingly* I think I know the answer to that question.
*grins like Butch* Oh, so do I.....
You do not!!
Well, it's only way too obvious that you two lovebirds are looking for an excuse to hug!
Everybody knows you two love each other. *snickers*
We get really frightened sometimes!! We really do!! I promise!!
*huffily* They're just scared, and that's all there is to it!! Hmph! Everyone knows that Jesse belongs with me!
*looks at Butch*
*looks back at Cassidy*
(Butch and Cassidy burst out laughing)
Hey!!!! What is it?! What's so funny?!!
*rolls eyes* In your dreams Mondo.
Hey, yeah! I'll go take a nap, so I can dream of our honeymoon, Jesse!
*crosses arms* Hmph. Mondo and Jesse. That's just ridiculous.

laura>what would you do if jezebell died?
alysharocket>DANCE ON HER GRAVE!!
laura>*snickers* yeah what would y'all do?
I would do the same as Alysha!
Dance on her grave!
Kanga on her grave!
Cry, a lot.
Yeah, cuz then there would be no one to bug James for as long as he lives!
I've never met her, but I hate when people die, so I would cry. Hey! That rhymes!*gets real happy for some reason and wets his pants*
Everyone else:EEEEEEEEEWWW!

laura>ok next this is gonna be good
alysharocket>uh oh
laura>ok jesse when you said that kissing james ruined your tough image i didnt really belive it so to prove that your not scared you have to french kiss james for a whole minute and if ya dont you will go in every shame and loser list in the whole world and i'll broadcast it as well and whats more you have to do it out here where everyone can see MWAHAHAHAHA
alysharocket>O_O LAURA!!
*groans* What if I don’t want to do this?!
I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to kiss James either.
*pouts* I’m not that bad…
*mutters under her breath* Let’s just get this over with so we can all get on with our lives.
*hesitates and kisses James*
Ewww, you better go disinfect your lips.
This is probably James’s day since he’ll never get kissed by another girl again.
Be quiet, Botch! No one would want to kiss a frog and get warts!
At least I’m not a freak of nature!
…Why couldn’t I be the one Jessie was supposed to kiss….?

laura>awww that was so sweet and i got pictures as well *holds up camera* well i gotta go see ya later y'all!
alysharocket>*giggles* aww that was cute ok bye i gotta go as well so bye mondo ^_^bye jesse bye james bye meowth............and you other people as well bye!!!
”Other people?”
We have names!!!
Hmph!!!! Bye.
Ooooh, tempers…. Maybe your tempers can burn the camera with the film… Bye bye!
*blushes* Bye bye!
*picks up Meowth and waves his paw* Meowth and I say bye bye!!
Hey!! Put me down!

Chelseal66 asks: Meowth- Witch of these persian do you dislike the most: the one who likes Meowsy, the one who live with your boss, or the one who now lives with Cassandra? I was thinking the one who likes Meowsy, because you've worked so hard to impress her, but I don't know.
I hate both the Meowzy and Casandra one,cuz both times I worked REALLY REALLY hard for both of 'em, and then some $@%! Persian comes out of nowhere! Although if you ask me it would be the one with Casandra, I was very angry at the japanese for putting that persian in the story, but I guess they just thought of all the TR fans that would miss me, and I could never leave them!

James- Now the Botch (sorry, I had to try that) mentions it, why IS your hand up Jessie's shirt in that one picture. It's sorta strange, but still kinda romantic in it's own... uh, weird way.
Who said I’m not supposed to have my hands there ;) j/k actually we were falling and i had to grab onto something and that was the first thing that I saw so I grabed it to stay alive!

All-My friends friends dad committed suicide yesterday. She said he was really depressed all the time. I don't know if the mom is alive eather. But now I don't know what will happen to her now.
Well obviously your friend is going through some tough times so the best thing you can do is to be a good friend to her.
Yeah, this reminds me of the time my mom didn’t come back from her journey…I would have survived through the horror better if I had a friend I could talk to. So be sure to be there for her.
Hmm, I can’t really relate to this, but I guess that’s a good thing. I guess just try to reassure her everything’s okay.
Yeah, I can’t relate either. Just make sure your friend has your shoulder to cry on.
Give her some candy!!!!! That would make me feel better.

Cassidy asks:

Question to James: Where size realy counts, how would you rate yourself? I'm just curious... to me it doesn't matter I like you for your sweet self!!!!!
*giggles and blushes* I don’t know if I should say…
Good. We don’t want you saying anything.
*blushes* I guess I give myself a 5 maybe, I’m around average…
Well I give you a 0 for another place where size counts: your brain.
What’s up with guys and their “sizes?” Why do they have to act all weird about it?
I’m glad I’m not a guy so I don’t need to worry about that.
I don’t worry about my, um, size. I worry about the size of my candy!

Tossa asks:

Everyone: Thank you so much for liking anime me! *hugs James back*
*smiles and hugs her* Your welcome! We all thought you were cute! *giggles* I’m so glad that you like the anime me!
Anime you? James, what do you mean? There’s only an anime you so you don’t have to say “anime me.”
*scratches head* I’m confused… What are you talking about?
*rolls eyes* Just forget it! I’m wasting my breath talking to you.
You’re such a dunce, James! No wonder why no one likes you.
Excuse me but you are the dunce! Lots of people like me! I’m loved, unlike you Cassidy!
I have friends and people who look up to me! So ha!! I’m loved too.
Oh leave James alone. He’s not hurting any of you so stop picking on him.
He hurt me! He called me a dunce!
That’s because it’s true.
This is very pathetic! He needs his girlfriend to stand up for him.
At least I have someone to stand up for me!
Like I don’t?!
*gives James a pointed little hat* It’s a little dunce cap I made for you!

Jessie: Who was that boy in the picture that was your first love? *giggles* He was cute!
*blushes* Well, yeah…he was… I have to admit, he was nice, cute, and funny. He wasn’t that bad of a guy.
Jessie must have something for stupid guys. I’ve seen that picture before and the guy looks like a loser, just like James.
*sighs sadly*
Cut it out! Leave him alone, would you? He’s feeling bad enough as it is. As for the boy, he wasn’t a loser. You’re mistaking him for your first love!
*bites lip* Um…no I’m not!
You’re the one with the bad taste, not me.
My taste has matured just as I have.
Judging from all of the guys you’ve liked, I find that hard to believe.

James: H-how can you not like pizza? you said that in one ep? I love pizza! Pizza! Donuts! Chocolate! ICE CREAM! *giggles* *hugs James* *gives him a yellow rose* I love yellow roses!
*smiles and takes rose* Wow! We have so much in common! *giggles* We’re really compatible!
James, we’re not supposed to be flirting with the people who are asking questions.
Botch is jealous.
Yeah James, you shouldn't be flirting with those people, but if you want to, that’s fine with me! Now I can have Jessie all for myself! *stares at Jessie*
Ew! Keep your eyes to yourself!
*frowns at Mondo* Mondo’s jealous, too. Anyways, about the pizza. Pizza is okay, but I prefer more refine foods other than pizza. Except when it comes to desserts…then I’ll take anything!

Mondo: *blushes deep red* t-thank you *huggles*
*hugs* You’re Welcome!

Butch: Who do you think is cuter; James Mondo or (EW) the boss?
Uhhhh....Can none of the above be an answer?

Cassidy: Your so pretty! I love your hair ^^
Thank you!
You have good taste then!
That's great coming from someone who eats flies.
Yay! I like flies dipped in chocolate!

James: I wanna talk to you again =P *hugs* Mommy & daddy bought me a plushy of a doggie with pink clothes! With a fluffy pillow! Because they say they still love me even tho I got the worst grades in class ^^ *feels loved*
Awww! My mother and father would never do that for me! They would ground me and not give me desserts for months! You’re really lucky!
A doggie?! Why did you get a doggie when you could have gotten a kitty?! *cuddles Meowth*
Can’t ya eva keep ya hands off of me?
You’re right! I’ll go put my hands on someone else!
*glares* You stay away from me…
Why did you want to talk to James again when you could have talked to us?
Yeah, we’re much better than that half wit!
I feel so loved, too, since she chose me over everyone else.. *sighs happily*
Stop it, you’re scaring me.

Silver11016 asks:

Hi everybody. How are you today?
*whines* I’m sad!! I bought this box of freshly-baked donuts from the bakery this morning and put them on a chair. Then Mondo came by and “accidentally” sat on the box!
I have to admit, they made my bottom nice and toasty!! Too bad you didn’t eat any, they were really good!
*mumbles* I don’t want to eat something that was close to your rear.
They were really tasty…
Hmph! Traitor…
They’re too fattening! I passed the donuts up for a crumb cake.
But Cassidy, that’s equally fattening…
…oh yeah! Oh well, it was well worth it and much better than donuts!
Yeah, James disgraces donuts now.
Meowth! I had a great day! I got a manicure! It only cost about 30 dolla’s but I don’t t’ink Jessie minds.

All- what do you think of these song lyrics I'm writing? *starts singing to a slow-rock tune* "You're everything to me/ and you're everyone I see/ you're everything that I have ever wanted to be/ you are someone I should hate/ but somehow I still love-" Uh, what rhymes with love? By the way, I wrote that for one of you. Hope you liked that, Mondo.
Mondo likes!
Yea dats real good!
Pretty good. It is a lot better than I can do.
*Sniff* that was beautiful.
They’re great!

All- where is Sunnytown? Like, Kanto or Johto?
Sunny Town is in Kanto.
Its near the place where you go to Fuchsia City.

All- where's TRHQ? I wanna join Team Rocket!
It was in Viridian.
Until Mewtwo destroyed it.
What is a Mewtwo?
Pokemon #150.It....
That not her Question! Honestly, there still building the new one.

All- what's you're opinion on Ash Ketchum (better known as the twerp or the brat)? Personally, I can't stand him. He's a regular Einstein. (sarcasm alert!)
HE is not an Einstein!
That is why it’s called sarcasm.
Jessie, why is you’re boyfriend retarded?
I’m your boyfriend?
See? He’s not retarded just stupid. We have been dating since we met the stupid, idiotic twerp!
You’re getting off the subject! ASH IS EVIL!
We all agree with Botch!
ITS BUTCH! *steals Jessie’s mallet and hits James with it* BUTCH! B-U-T-C-H! BUTCH! *hits harder* AM I KNOCKING SENSE IN YOUR EMPTY HEAD OR GIVING U BRAIN DAMAGE!?!
*Eats James’ donut while he’s getting malleted*

All- thanks for trying to help me with the blind date issue. You guys are the best! *grabs nearest person- Mondo- and hugs him*
*blushes and hugs back* You’re welcome!
Hmph! Always has to be flirting with the girls…
He can’t help it if he can get them and you can’t.
That’s not true!
Sure it is! He must have been pretty desperate if he had to choose you.

All- what's your greatest fear?
My greatest fear is people who steal my donuts, if I even have any, although I do really fear Jessie's mallets, pans, fans, etc.
I only fear the twerps Pikachu at times.
I'm scared of clowns!
CLOWNS? How can you POSSIBLY be scared of CLOWNS?
Yeah! They're friendly and their only thought is to entertain us!
No, they're out to get me, I once kicked one in the behind and he and his other buddies chased me down in their clown car and ran over me, SEVEN TIMES!
Meowth's fear is dat me son Kittenith will be beaten up my some mean Houndooms! *holds paws on face with worried look*

All- what's your all-time favorite song? I like "Team Rocket's Rockin" ;-), "Bye Bye Bye" and "Here's to the Night"
I love our song!
Only cuz you helped make it.
What's wrong with that?
*rolls eyes*
I liked that one where you guys had microphones in those pilot like suits cuz they looked like dorks, especially when they had BIG noses.
I hated that part, it made Jessie look bad :(Although I was ok with James looking bad.

All- how long have you been a TR member?
I dun know!
I dun know either!^^'
I know I've been in here since like, lvl14, and in cat years, that's about 15 years ago or so.
I've been here since I was...well, about 3 months ago or something!
Me and Cass have been in here for about 3 years.

All- My cat has arthritis. *cries into Mondo's shoulder* Can anyone recommend a good cat arthritis medicine?
*patting on back*There there, it's not the end of the world.*gives a chocolate bar*
Wow...he IS sad for her. He's actually giving chocolate away!
*sniff*I once had a cat, I called him Fluffy, and then he died.*cries*
Maybe Dr. Procter can help, no he's not a veterinarian. Sorry, I don't know what to do.
If it not gonna live den the only thing I can suggest is that if it don't heal somehow, just treat it with as much love as possible, and always give it a hug and tell it you love it.
(This is K TR, and I'm crying as I write this since I had a cat I loved but it died, but now I have 2 other ones, and one's a kitten. *sniff*)

Thanks. You guys are *sniff* really great friends.
You’re welcome! If you need some more chocolate, let me know! It always makes me feel much happier!
*pouts* I can give you a donut instead! Donuts are much better than chocolate!
When will you understand that not everyone is madly in love with you? Geez…
It’s really nice to see Jessie’s stupid boyfriend’s bubble burst.
Shut up!

Am I talking too much? Oh well, gotta go. Love ya... (mutters something that sounds suspiciously like "Mondo"...)
*smiles and waves* I love you, too! Bye bye!!
*sighs* Here he goes again! Good bye.
Give the kid a break, James. Bye bye!
Bye bye!
Good bye! *mutters* It’s a relief to see Mondo flirting with other girls…

BCR2 asks:

Wanna come with me to a movie? I wanna pelt you with popcorn!
*shrieks* Eeeeeeeee!!! NO!!
Aw, come on, James! It won’t be so bad!
*whines* Yes it will! Popcorn will get stuck in my hair and I’ll get grease and butter stains on my clothes!
Don’t worry, the Pepsi that I’ll pour on you will get the stains out.
No Botch!!!
If you want, I’ll go to the movies with you, James! Then I can eat all of the food that gets thrown on you!!
*sighs* Thank you for trying to comfort me.

you are soooooo protective of James and I do not need an apology from your smart mouth or i'll give you a good thrash with Hydrasnap, Oy! Hydrasnap! *Hydrasnap comes over and looks hungrily at J&J* Here Jessie look! Mommy!

Yay! A picture of my mama! *looks at Hydrasnap* But I don’t think she will save me right now…
*whines* Jessie! I’m scared! Protect me!
I’m the girl around here so you should be protecting me!
But I’m so…vulnerable! I need to hide! *hides behind Jessie*

here hydra! *hydra rippes picture into millions and starts to advance on Jessie and James* KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And mondo, sorry to tell you this but hydra is welcome to kill you too if needed. Butch, you get to ride him, hurry up now!
Oh yeah! *hops onto Hydrasnap* Let’s go, uh…whatever you are.
MY PICTURE IS RUINED!!! *growls* You’re going to pay for that!
*starts running* No Jessie, I think we’re going to pay!
*runs after James* Wait! Don’t leave me! *turns to Hydrasnap* The next stick I find, I’m poking your eye out!
*throws candy at Hydrasnap* Stay back you horrible creature!

Samus asks:

all-^^ I wanna bug ya for awhile! Ok, here's a list of things I refuse to say, and I want some comments ya's little j/k.ok, here goes.....ram into, lick the envelope, come or coming, push harder, tentacles (lol my friend had a cold and when she tried to say tentacles, she said testicles. LOL), and that's all I can think of for now. You like? hehe!
*laughs and turns red*
Ewwwwwwwwww!!! *slaps him* Don’t laugh! That’s nasty!
*confused* I don’t get it… There’s nothing wrong with saying, “I’m coming” or “I need to lick the envelope.”
*laughs even harder*
Ugh, James, shut up. Don’t encourage him.
I still don’t see what’s so disgusting and funny… Will someone inform me? Jessie, can you tell me what those phrases mean?
*turns red* Um………..why don’t you ask Mondo?
Um..I’m not sure of what they mean but I probably don’t want to find out!!
*whines and stops his foot* Botch!! Why are those things bad to say?!
*is laughing to much to respond*
*pouts* What’s so funny about licking an envelope?
*rolls with laughter*
*kicks him* Be quiet!

boys-O.o I have to ask, what thought gave you your first wet dream?
Uh.......I forgot what that means again. What's the definition one more time?
*whispers something to Mondo*
Oh......*blushes*....yeah...I remember now.
^^ LOL J/K I'm not going to embarrass ya, just give ya a heartattack. I know ya's were probably thinking about me ^_~ lol j/kj/kj/k O.o I don't think I was even a teenager back then. :p crackheads!
Oh, good. So we don't have to tell?
*wipes sweat off of forehead* That's a relief.
*is majorly blushing right now*
What's wrong Botch?
*gulps**confesses* I'm kinda starting to think about it again right now.....
(everybody sweatdrops)
Heh heh....*sweatdrop*

all-LOL our bus driver was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally late one day, when we's were waiting to go home, we were the only ones out there, just sitting in that bus! I made four friends in there, just 'cause i was acting stupid again. hehe. I suggested that we hot wire the bus, she drive, i work da peddles, stop means go, and go means stop. hehe, and I was sticking my head out of the window and screaming this fat ol' lady that kept walking by and waving at us. I tried to get the bus started (and yes I was pressing the peddles and sitting up in that seat...shows how alone we were, I never got in trouble), but there were soooo many switches that said warning, in the end I figured that the bus drivers used sticky paper to help them out.
Did you understand that?
I think she carjacked a bus...
Doesn't that mean she bus-jacked it?
Jimmie, don't give yaself a headache.

all-:P:P:P:P I'm leaving. *kisses everyone, but turns to Jessi and Cassidy) ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....step away lesbos! I ain't like ya losa chicks! and your a use'a! toothe picks! ^^;; LOL!!!!!J/K buh bye buh bye buh bye, and remeber don't do drugs, bye bye bye bye, please discard all trash to the nearest garbage can. Thank you! ^^
I am not a lesbo you @@$@$@@#$!!!!
Temper Cass. I know I’m not one and that is all that matters.

RocketJessieMusashi asks:

1. This one's for you, James ^^ would you propose to Jessie, assuming that you in fact *will* someday?
ummm...I’ll think about it when I think about wanting to propose to her.

2. James again: tell the form of a poem if you will, *just* how much you *LOVE* Jess *-*
Uh...........oh, gosh......
Well, James? We're all waiting.
*laughs wickedly*
*whispers to Cassidy* I bet you five bucks he faints before he's done.
*whispers back* You're on. goes.......
I love Jesse, way more than donuts.
I love Jesse, the way her hair's cut.
I love Jesse...I love her every day.
Um....I love love Jesse....uh, yay!
There! I'm finished!

*blushes* I'm flattered, I guess.....
*holds out hand towards Butch* I believe I win?
* reluctantly hands Cassidy a five-dollar bill* Dumb James. The one time I actually need him to faint he doesn't do it.

3. Jess: You are so gorgeous...and so many men have fallen at your feet when they see you ((that Dr. Proctor guy, the "Amazing" Mandy ::rolls eyes::, etc.))....why have you refused them all? AND BE HONEST! ^^
It's because-
It's because she made a bet that you made a bet that Jessie's not a virgin! HA! I found you out!
*sigh* I said it's because-
We all know *darn* well that it's because you're in *love* with just admit it! *-*
Did I ever deny it?

4. James: ever fantasize about you and know.. ::winkwink:: ::nudgenudge:: >)
*glares at Mondo*
I know I don’t wanna hear this.
Ditto Dit
Not u Ditto. Go in your pokeball.
This is interesting. I’m gonna listen to this.
Ummm...*goes into another room*
*follows him to the room and hides behind the door so she can hear*
Yea I fantasized last night... please don’t tell Jess >< she would kill me!
I wont kill you.

5. And *you*, Jess? >)
I fantasized last night ;)lets go make it a reality ;)
Don't worry lil Jim.*gives him some birth controll pills* Jess might need those like Cass ;)
Thank God for birth control pills!^__^

6. Jess and James: Ever see each other naked? >) 7. You too, Butch and Cass! Have *you*?
*frowns* That’s just disgusting!
Yeah, do you think I’m some kind of pervert or something? I’m insulted!
Um…well actually Botch, I think you are some kind of pervert.
You weren’t supposed to answer.
Well why don’t you two answer the question?!
I’m too dignified.
The question is crossing my comfort zone and it’s making me feel uncomfortable.
Oh please! You both probably have magazines of each other wearing nothing!
*eyes widen* Hey…not a bad idea…
At least we don’t go around changing in front of each other!
Ewww, we probably don’t want to know what you do in front of each other.
Good because I’m not going to tell you.
Uh…no comment.

8. ALL: Do you think that I would look better in the *white* Team Rocket uniform, or the Black one?
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