Ask Team Rocket--Rules

Ask questions…it’s the only way you will learn…

Some people specialize in drawing wonderful fanart pics or writing funny or romantic fanfics. But not me. My specialty is role playing the characters of TR aka “The Gang.” So obviously my favorite section of my site is Ask TR. Judging by the content of my emailbox, it also seems to be the favorite of many of the visitors. However, to help prevent all hell breaking lose, there’s some guidelines that must be followed to keep this webbymistress happy:

1. Please don’t make offensive remarks about any of the other visitors in the questions/comments you send. As I have reiterated only a trillion times, this site is a battledome for TR, not visitors. It’s Frogs vs Roses not Guests vs Visitors, get it?

2. I really don’t have a rating system for the questions. The questions can be perverted if you want, just nothing really hardcore. Confusing, huh? If you’re wondering if the question/comment is too ‘severe,’ send it in anyways and I’ll decide for myself.

3. Please try not to repeat the questions/comments. Trust me, you can’t say that all of the questions/comments have been used up. Be creative and think!

I would also prefer if you don’t ask me when the questions will be answered because I don’t know that answer. You can ask me if I received your questions, that’s fine with me because I understand that sometimes e-mails don’t reach their destinations. Currently, it will take about a month before the questions will get answered. Yes, I know that I used to get them answered in a few days at the most. But that was during the summer and my site was in its “Dark Ages” so I had plenty of time to get them done. However, since it’s the school year and my site’s popularity is rising, I don’t have as much time available to answer the questions. Normally, when I’m doing the Ask TR questions, it’s late at night, I’m lying in bed, and typing them up on my laptop. I don’t have time during the day to do this so I have to do them at night, it’s normally the last thing I do before I go to sleep. The problem is, on school nights, I’m so tired during the time when I normally answer the questions. So I get really lazy and the questions don’t get done. It’s not that I don’t want to answer them, I’m just too tired. In addition, I have to think a bit before I answer each question/comment. So that also takes time. I take role playing seriously, and I’m very critical and analytical about it. Instead of giving each question/comment enough thought to write thorough responses, I could just be really cheap by writing brief phrases. I prefer quality over quantity. Questions and comments may not get answered right away, but at least the responses are high in quality, unlike some Ask TR sections I have seen at other sites. If you prefer quantity than quality, then go to another site that gives responses in one-words. I challenge anyone to find a site that has a successful Ask TR section, has elaborate responses, and gets all of the questions done in few days. I wish you the best of luck.

Needless to say, please be patient when waiting for the questions/comments to be posted. It will take some time, but it’s worth the wait.