Win My Award

Yay! Finally I'm giving out an award. Here's what it looks like:


Preferably a TR site but it must have anime content
No hentai, racist, hate, etc
Nothing offensive to neoshippers or rocketshippers (you don't have to be one, I just don't want you offending them)
And last but definately not least, nothing offensive to Butch and James (if u say James is gay, that's offensive and I guess its okay if you don't appreciate Butch's voice but don't go overboard)

Some sites give out awards if you have linked to their site. If you haven't linked my site to urs, that's okay and it won't affect you getting an award (but it will bring a smile on my face if you did link to me...)

If u would like to submit your site for the Roses and Froggies Award, please e-mail me with:

Site name and site url

I will post the winning sites of my award. If you link the award back to Frogs vs. Roses, then I will post your site as a winning site along with a link back to your site. If you choose not to link back to me, then I'll just post your site without a link. That stinx, doesn't it?

Winners of the Roses and Froggies Award

Rocketbaby's Play Pen
Team Rocket's Jail Break
Pokemaster Team Rocket
Team Rocket Whisper
Pokemon Digimon United
Giovanni's Favorites: A shrine to Butch and Cassidy
Team Rocket's Rockin'!
Blast Off!
Seleulc's Red Rocket Base
Team Rocket: Talkin' Romance
Ii Kanji: A Team Rocket Shrine
"D"'s Team Rocket Kingdom

Pop-Rocket: A Team Rocket Shrine
Team Rocket Video
Pokemon Rebirth
We, The Shippers
Kittenith TR's Jessie-Cassidy-Meowth Shrine
Team Rocket Fan Station