Halloween Party
Author: Amanda
Disclaimer: Don't even think of suing because I don't own any of these characters
Think your too old for trick-or-treating?
Come to the
Rocket's Rockin' Dance
for a Team Rocket-style Halloween
filled with tricks and treats!
*Jessie eyes the invitation before walking into the huge Team Rocket lounge* I still think we should have stayed home instead of going to this crummy party.
It won't be bad! There will be food!
*sighs impatiently* There's food at home.
But food tastes differently at parties than it does at home!
*rolls eyes*
Come on! What are we waitin' for? Let's go inside!
Look at me! Look at this dumb costume I'm wearing! I don't want my co-workers seeing me like this!
*looks at Jessie's ugly hobo outfit*
This outfit covers up all of my curves! I look horrible!
Dat's da whole point, Jess. *looks at James's school-girl outfit* At least ya don't look like him.
You know, in a way I wish I did...at least I would look sort of like a girl.
Hey! It's not like I wanted to wear this costume!
*laughs* It's amazing what kind of inexpensive costumes you can make with some clothes and makeup laying around the house.
At least ya aren't lookin' like a little baby complete wit' diaper and bib!
*laughs and talks in a baby voice* Awww! *pinches Meowth's cheek* You look so adorable.
Ah! Stop!
*whines* Can we please go in now? The food is waiting for me.
*exaspe ratedly* Okay! Geez. *knocks on door*
*opens door* Hello! Oh, wait...it's only you.
*eyes Cassidy's costume* A witch, how appropriate.
*mimics* A poor hobo off the street, how appropriate.
*sarcastically* Wow, that was a nice comeback.
*bows* Thank you, would you like an encore?
Uh...it's okay.
*looks at James* Why is James wearing that costume? He's not supposed to wear something he wear's everyday.
*glares and then looks at Cassidy's nose* You know Cass, the one thing wrong with your costume is that you don't have a crooked nose like most witches. I can fix that one up real fast...
Okay okay...you and your little freaky friends can come into the party. *opens the door wide enough to let the 3 of them in*
*turns to Jessie and shouts over the blaring music* Where's the food!?
*sighs* How should I know? You should know! You always seem to be attracted to food more than me.
*sadly* That's not true, Jess. I'll take you over a vanilla cupcake with creamy frosting with multi-colored sprinkles any day.
I guess I'll take that as a compliment.
*watches a young man run up and down the room like a maniac* Who's that crazy person?
Oh, the guy chasing people around with a sword? That's Butch. He's a tad hyper tonight.
*laughs and joins them* Hello! What's up?
*sighs* Butch, I told you not to drink 10 sodas and eat 10 brownies for a very good reason.
What?! Botch has already gotten to the food?! I hope there's still some left for me!
Can it! *pulls out his sword* I can use this, you know.
*looks at Butch's prince costume* So Cassidy, did you kiss Butch?
Huh? What do you mean?
*smiles* Originally Butch was a frog, but then you kissed him and turned him into a prince!
I did no such thing!
*grins* Sure....
*walks over to them* Sorry I left ya guys for a while. Dey just restocked da food. *takes a big bite into cookie*
*gasps* Meowth even has food! I don't!
Well if you would excuse me...*looks at James*...ladies...
...I used up all of my sugar so I have to go replenish. *goes over to buffet table*
Don't take all of the food, Botch! *runs over to the table*
*smiles and rolls eyes, then feels a tap on her shoulder* What? *turns around*
*shyly* Hi Jessie.
Oh, hello Mondo.
*gestures at his costume* Do you like it?
*looks his bumble bee costume over* It's um...nice and cute.
Thanks! *hugs Jessie* I knew you would like it!
*pulls Mondo's arms off of her*
Awww! You two are such a cute couple!
Ha. Not as cute as you and Butch are.
*laughs* Someone's turning red...
*shouts* Shut up!
*hears Cassidy's shout* Huh? *yells across the large room* Is there anything wrong?!
*sighs* No! It's okay, Butch!
No, I don't think so! *runs over to her at top speed, pushing people away with his sword*
Butch! You need to calm down!
*laughs dementedly*
*joins them* Jess! I want to leave! The food's stale and Botch is eating everything up!
*laughs* My sword and I will make you leave! *whacks James with the sword*
Ahh! Stop! *puts hands in front to shield himself*
Hey! I wanna help! *backs into James and hits him with his stinger on his bee costume*
You guys are scaring me! *runs all over the place*
*laughs and notices Meowth's baby costume* Um...er...are you okay, Meowth?
I was gonna ask you da same t'ing.
*laughs and slaps Jessie on the back* Congratulations!
Huh? What for?
The baby! It looks like you and James have been busy...
What baby?! Are you talking about Meowth?! You're crazy!
Tell me something I don't know.
You're--oh, wait, never mind. You all ready know that you are ugly.
*widens eyes* Why you little--
*interrupts* Aaaahh! *pants*
Okay, James. I think you've ran around the room a million times.
He needs to work all of the sugar out of his system. *looks at Mondo who is discoing* I think Mondo needs to work all of the sugar out, too. Talk about hyper!
*looks at Mondo's costume* Hey, we got the bee now all we need is a bird! *laughs*
*rolls eyes*
*walks over to Jessie* Do you wanna do the twist with me? Or how about the tango? Or the waltz? Naw, too slow. Or--
*cuts in* Uh, no thanks Mondo. I'm uh, too tired to dance tonight.
*looks disappointed and then hears something* Hey! Did anybody hear a noise?
No, the music is too loud. What did it sound like?
It sounded like someone singing a weird song. It was really scary.
*sighs* Butch, was it you?
No! If I was going to sing something dumb, I would make sure everyone would hear it!
Wait! I just heard it. It sounded like someone was saying "la" over and over again.
*points* Oh my gosh!
*looks in the direction of James's finger* Da Boss?!
*skipping along the room and sprinkling stuff all over the place* La la la la la la! La la la la la la! *comes up to the gang*
*looks at Giovanni's fairy costume* Um, Boss are you okay?
*sprinkles some small speckles on them and skips away* La la la la la la la!
*yells after him* Nice wings!
*looks at the small speckles* Pixie dust.