The T Lightheart: XD

Yui Kinomoto: naw, i wouldn't

The T Lightheart: hehe

Yui Kinomoto: O.O

Yui Kinomoto: no!!!

Yui Kinomoto: they really are fighting over me!!

The T Lightheart: hmm?

Yui Kinomoto: in my pokemon book...

Yui Kinomoto: i found a pic of a haunter about to hurt a pidgeotto!!

The T Lightheart: hehe

Yui Kinomoto: run fal-chan!! it's dark morty!!

The T Lightheart: XD

Yui Kinomoto: whee... later i have to draw that other poke-morph thing of fal...

Yui Kinomoto: and you...

The T Lightheart: yup...

Yui Kinomoto: and... more of my comic book...

Yui Kinomoto: and.. a cat

The T Lightheart: a cat? whyzat?

Yui Kinomoto: and.... a book tracing thing for my librarian

Yui Kinomoto: a cat for my friend's aunt

The T Lightheart: ah

Yui Kinomoto: she luvs cats

The T Lightheart: :-) you're great.

Yui Kinomoto: ^^ thank you :-)

The T Lightheart: wanna know somethin' funny and corny and silly and slightly stupid?

Yui Kinomoto: hmm?

The T Lightheart: I've started calling Omar "Omarikun". XD

Yui Kinomoto: XD

Yui Kinomoto: Yami Matsuba-chan!!!

The T Lightheart: ... er what now?

Yui Kinomoto: (aka dark morty)

The T Lightheart: I see.

The T Lightheart: ugh... I think this Propel is giving me a stomach ache...

The T Lightheart: *goes to sink*

Yui Kinomoto: aww don't drink any more

The T Lightheart: yeah really

Yui Kinomoto: go get some normal water

Yui Kinomoto: or scrounge in the sofa for pennies until you have enough for some pop

The T Lightheart: *gets a Sprite from the fridge, even though there isn't alot of soda left*

Yui Kinomoto: ^^

Yui Kinomoto: why are morty's pokemon the hardest type to draw? :-(

The T Lightheart: 'cause they're like... unusal... they are transparent and see through and uh... yeah.

Yui Kinomoto: yeah...

Yui Kinomoto: wah

Yui Kinomoto: and morty's pretty hard to draw too..

The T Lightheart: hehe.

The T Lightheart: It's Morty attempt at saying "Take a hint." XD Kidding kidding!

Yui Kinomoto: had to pick a challenge-to-draw guy with challenge-to-draw pokes for my animes boyfriend

Yui Kinomoto: XD lol!! that's awesome!!!

The T Lightheart: go me. XD

Yui Kinomoto: yup, go you!

Yui Kinomoto: see...

Yui Kinomoto: this girl in my school got asked out by some guy, and she said no but he kept pressing her, so she yelled at him in the middle of the lunchroom. i could so see morty doing that to me.

The T Lightheart: hehe.

The T Lightheart: that's kind of weird in a way.

Yui Kinomoto: hmm? why?

The T Lightheart: oh, nevermind. ^_^

Yui Kinomoto: oh-kay :-P

The T Lightheart: *realizes something* I wonder what we're going to do for a Morty sprite in the comic.

Yui Kinomoto: lol

Yui Kinomoto: *thinks*

Yui Kinomoto: um...

The T Lightheart: I mean, his GB sprite only has one frame

Yui Kinomoto: i can.. make one?

Yui Kinomoto: out of the gb one?

The T Lightheart: just edit that one?

The T Lightheart: yeah

The T Lightheart: if you can! ^_^

Yui Kinomoto: yeah! i have the sprite

The T Lightheart: of course you do! XD

Yui Kinomoto: i haven't been working on mine though... x-x no time

The T Lightheart: it's ok. :-)

The T Lightheart: whenever you get time. :-)

The T Lightheart: I mean, the person doing my sprite only has one image done...

Yui Kinomoto: :p I CANNOT DRAW GENGAR!!!! AAARGH!!!

The T Lightheart: XD

Yui Kinomoto: ...sorry

The T Lightheart: copy and paste the one we might use for John's Gengar. XD

Yui Kinomoto: *switches to misdreavus* her i can draw

Yui Kinomoto: oh-kay

The T Lightheart: oh btw, send it to me so I can show it to him... when I can... show it... to him.

Yui Kinomoto: okk....

The T Lightheart: :-)

Yui Kinomoto: i can't find it in my file x_x

Yui Kinomoto: i have to re-scan it later

The T Lightheart: hmm...

The T Lightheart: oh alright.

The T Lightheart: wow... I'm actually too bored to do anything.

Yui Kinomoto: hm?

Yui Kinomoto: aagh!

The T Lightheart: ...

Yui Kinomoto: it's a chikorita leeeeeeeeeaf!!!

Yui Kinomoto: wah

The T Lightheart: say wot now?

Yui Kinomoto: leaf?

Yui Kinomoto: leaf!

The T Lightheart: no I mean, why did you say that?

Yui Kinomoto: um... i dunno

Yui Kinomoto: i'm hyper

The T Lightheart: oki. ^_^

The T Lightheart: Hey, I thought of an idea that would help with my boredom

The T Lightheart: we could do an mini-RP session over AIM.

Yui Kinomoto: cool!!

Yui Kinomoto: yeah!!

The T Lightheart: ok.

Yui Kinomoto: ok, i'm me!!

The T Lightheart: I'll start. First I need to thunk of a plot...

The T Lightheart: Well, we can be multiple characters like in a normal RP.

The T Lightheart: but we're always our characters. ^_^

Yui Kinomoto: oh! okay!!

Yui Kinomoto: i'm.. .me and all my gym leader peeps

The T Lightheart: need... plot...

Yui Kinomoto: plot:

The T Lightheart: I have to go to the bathroom, I'll think when I'm-oh you have something

The T Lightheart: ?

Yui Kinomoto: the evil sailor whitney has threatened to steal all our donuts!!

The T Lightheart: well, brb

Yui Kinomoto: ok

The T Lightheart: no.

Yui Kinomoto: j/k

The T Lightheart: XD

The T Lightheart: yeah, I'll think of something while I relieve myself of the propel fitness water.

Yui Kinomoto: ok

The T Lightheart: *sigh* didn't think of a plot, I'll make it up as we go along. XD

The T Lightheart: Here we go:

Yui Kinomoto: ok

The T Lightheart: The T sat in his house, thinking for a moment. He looked out the window. He was bored as he often was, and decided to call one of his friends, Yui. "Hey Yui, whatcha doin'?" (Gee that question sounds familiar)

Yui Kinomoto: "I'm looking out the window!!" says Yui. "Morty and Falkner are flying... i think..." "Bark!" says evil Chica.

The T Lightheart: A typical day for her, he thought. "Hmm. I wonder if we can see each other from here."

Yui Kinomoto: "Yeah!" Yui looks toward his house and can just make a faint outline of the window. "Can you see me?"

The T Lightheart: "Er, not yet." He takes his sword off his back, slices forward and slices a portal in timespace. He walks through this 'portal,' and arrives right behind Yui inside her house. He tapped her on the shoulder and then said "BOO!"

Yui Kinomoto: "AAH!! Hello!" says Yui. Suddenly, the evil Chica latches onto Yui's finger!!!

Yui Kinomoto: "OOW!!"

The T Lightheart: The T just watches for a minute. "Wait, she is your pet, right?"

Yui Kinomoto: "OOW!! I think so... AAH!! Chikkkkooo!!!" yells Yui, jumping around trying to shake to rabid Chihuahua off.

The T Lightheart: The T still stands there watching. "Oh wait, do you want me to do something?"

Yui Kinomoto: Yui finally shakes Chica off... she goes flying into the stratosphere where there are lots of pretty chalupas... "No, I think I'm fine..."

The T Lightheart: "Ok." He smiled. Then he looked around for a minute. "So now what?"

Yui Kinomoto: "Hmm," Yui says, turning back to the window. "Let's fly!" And she jumps out the window and flies!

The T Lightheart: The T watches as she starts going up into the air, and then falls victim to this thing called gravity. "Um... since when could you fly?"

Yui Kinomoto: Yui lands in a soft patch of grass. "I guess I can't..." She sighed and looked up at all the birds. I wanna fly tooooo, she thought. No fair.

The T Lightheart: The T smiled. He started charging the energy around him, and a grey air shot up from the ground, surrounding him but still causing him to be visible. His hair changed to white and became more organized. His clothing turned entirely white and gained shoulderblades. And he began hovering in the air. He had become Lightheart, his transformation of light. He hovered over to Yui, his head over her's, looking down. He smiled. "Surprise."

Yui Kinomoto: Yui stared in amazement. "That is not fair!!" she said. "All of you men can fly!! Why can't girls? What a communist world." She's about to go and get her water gun when Morty floats over to her, using his telepathy to keep him in the air. "Care for a moonlight flight?" he asks gently. Yui blushes and takes his hand, and she and Morty float higher up than Lightheart. "Ha, showed you!" she calls down.

The T Lightheart: Lightheart sighed. "Taking my girl, eh?" He smirked, and started hovering up to the same level as Morty. "How about a little friendly competition since this thing needs a plot anyway?"

Yui Kinomoto: Morty slowly puts Yui on the ground, and floats back up to where Lightheart is. "Sure, I'll challenge you," he says. Yui watches from the ground, pouting. " :-P Men."

The T Lightheart: "Well, what kind of competition would it be? I mean, in a 1 on 1 fighting match you would be far out of your league, and I wouldn't stand much chance against your Pokémon since most of my attacks are physical, and I would run out of Magic Energy too quickly. So, I guess a duel between both of your Pokémon would work?"

The T Lightheart: *our

The T Lightheart: not your

The T Lightheart: XD

Yui Kinomoto: XD

Yui Kinomoto: "All right," Morty agrees. "Is a two-on-two match all right?"

The T Lightheart: Lightheart thinks for a minute. "Yeah, I think so. Lemme just get my Pokémon." He sliced a portal in spacetime with his Lightheart sword (The T's sword changes into it when he transforms) to his house. He picked up two Pokéballs and returned.

Yui Kinomoto: When he got back, Morty was already prepared with a Pokeball in his hand. "I'll use Gastly first," he said. "Go!" The tiny ghost Pokemon came out of the PokeBall.

The T Lightheart: "Chansey, Go!"

The T Lightheart: Lightheart didn't figure that Chansey was a normal type and therefore weak against the ghost types.

Yui Kinomoto: "Okay, Gastly, use your Night Shade attack!" Morty commanded.

The T Lightheart: Chansey fell back from the attack, but rolled back up ready to go. "Chansey, use Thunder!"

Yui Kinomoto: "Aah!" Morty yelled as his Ghost-type was hit by the powerful attack. It was nearly KO'd, and was moving quite slowly. "Gastly, try your Lick attack!" Morty said.

The T Lightheart: (OOC: Wait, don't ghost type attacks not do well against Normal types or something? Or maybe this chart is just way wrong. :/)

Yui Kinomoto: i think it's the other way around... i'm not sure

The T Lightheart: (It looks like it's both)

Yui Kinomoto: but.. they work in the anime x_x

The T Lightheart: (I know it does damage, but not alot)

Yui Kinomoto: (yeah)

The T Lightheart: (then again, in the anime Pikachu badly hurt an Onix)

Yui Kinomoto: (im not sure)

Yui Kinomoto: (yeah, in the anime anything works i guess)

The T Lightheart: "Chansey, try and dodge it!" Chansey tried to jump out of the way, but still got hit from it. "Shrug it off! Shrug it off!" Chansey wiggled around a little but it's eyes were all X_X.

Yui Kinomoto: "Gastly, finish it now! Another Night Shade attack!" Morty said. The attack left his own Pokemon pretty weak, but...

The T Lightheart: Chansey fell over. Lightheart sighed. "Chansey return. Go, Shellslam!"

A large Blastoise emerged. It looked at it's enemy and smiled. "Hydro Pump."

Yui Kinomoto: "Gastly, return," Morty said, re-calling his Pokemon before the attack hit. "I know when you've had enough. Great job, Gastly. Now, go Gengar!"

The T Lightheart: "It's almost over. Shellslam, dig." Shellslam dove into the ground where Gengar couldn't hit him. He prepared to jump up at Gengar and take full advantage of Poison type's weakness to ground.

Yui Kinomoto: "Oh, beautiful," Morty said sarcastically. "Gengar, disappear. When that Blastoise comes up, use Shadow Ball."

The T Lightheart: The Blastoise jumped up from the ground into the air, as Gengar shot the ball up towards it. Shellslam just shrugged the attack off and fell toward Gengar. "STOISE!"

Yui Kinomoto: "Gengar, get out of the way of the attack! Disappear!!" Morty called. Blastoise hit the ground with nothing below it. The Gengar floated above the giant turtle, smiling evilly. "Gengar, full-force Shadow Ball!"

The T Lightheart: "Shellslam, rollout!" (I know, I don't think Blastoise can learn that but he's literally saying to "roll out" XD) It rolled off to the side and jumped up towards Gengar, it's pumps blasting away.

Yui Kinomoto: (no problem ^^) "No! Gengar!" Morty called as his Pokemon was hit. Gengar dropped, and Morty slowly re-called it. "Guess you won," Morty said. "That's fair. Hey, Yui?" But when he looked, she wasn't sitting where he had put her... He looked off into the distance to see Yui sitting on the back of Falkner's Pidgeot, asleep in his arms as they headed for Violet City. :-)

The T Lightheart: Lightheart and Morty both shared the same look. "O_O GRRRRR!"

Yui Kinomoto: Falkner kind of looked back at them and gave them that weird anime look... ya know, when you pull one eyelid down and stick out your tongue... :-P "Nyaa!" he said stupidly

The T Lightheart: I think I'm gonna post this at the guild, in the Library. "The T VS Morty". Oh, I love doing that weird anime look thing to people. XD

Yui Kinomoto: Yay!!

Yui Kinomoto: I think Ima gonna send it to Penny!

The T Lightheart: hehe. XD