Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, Blue, the teletubbies, the tweenies, or anything else in this storie. Basically this storie is about Team rocket and Ash and co who get amnesia and go through the different cartoons trying to find one they reconise.


Ash, Misty, Brock and Tracy where walking through the lovely gardens of Professor Oaks house when they stumbled across a door in the ground.
"They do! Awwwww I meant to cover that up!" Snapped Tracy (whilst going bright red)
"What do you mean Tracy? Huh? Well? What do you mean? Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me..." Started Ash,
(2 hours later)
"...tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me..." "Hate to shut you up twerp...Wait no i don't...Love to shut you up twerp, but this fic is boring, lets make it interesting!" A voice called out of the shadows.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double"
Jesse and James stepped out of the shadows, looking (as usual) like they've just come from a movie premiere, (only joking),
"Too protect the world from devistation!"
"Too unite all people within our nation..."
Suddenly Meowth appeared from no where,
"Stop wasting da time, youse two! Wese can catch Pikachu!" He yelled, Landing on James' back. Tripping him up. James fell forward and fell through the door in the ground, grabbing hold of the edge he hung in midair, holding on too the side with one hand.
"Jesse heeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllpppppppppp!" He yelled. Jesse ran forward and grabbed the hand holding onto the side. James let go and they both fell forward into the darkness!
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Yelled Tracy and he jumped in after Jesse and James.
"Tracy!" Yelled Ash, Misty and Brock and they all jumped in after Tracy!
"Humans!" said Meowth shaking his head, "Come on Pikachu, lets go get some food!" And him and Pikachu walk off down the road to the nearest restaurant that serves Pokemon.
Meanwhile>>>> Jesse had landed on top of James and they are kind of in an uncomfortable position. When, Tracy lands on Jesse and Ash, Misty and Brock land on Tracy. James lies very squashed on the floor unable to breathe, Jesse gets an anger mark and whacks Tracy. Tracy falls forward and pushes Misty and Brock off with him, and Ash just moves off anyway. James gulps in big pockets of air at a time. until he has his breathe back. Then he looks around.
"Woah!!!! Where are we?" He yelled. But the sound was muffled because him, and the rest of them where in a huge cylinder.
"Don't worry! We'll be okay as long as no body presses that button!" Yelled Tracy pointing at a large red button outside the machine. Suddenly (haha!) One of Ash's poke'balls falls through the hole and (guess where it lands) it lands right on top of the red button!!!!
The machine starts buzzing and glowing. Then the whole place goes pitch black and suddenly the gang find themselves in a house.
"What's going on?" Yelled Ash
"Who am i?" Yelled Misty
"What is this place?" Yelled Brock.
Suddenly 4...Um...People come on.
"I'm Bella!" says one with a blue face and yellow hair.
"iiiiii'mmmmmm Milo!" says another with a purple face and 5 strands of black hair.
"I'm Fizz!" Says one with a yellow face and Brown hair.
"And i'm Jake!" Says one with an Orange face and a yellow mohawk.
Ash shrugs and stands next to the one with the mohawk
"I'm Ash!" He says.
The four...People...Look at him. Then Bella (Blue face, yellow hair) starts shouting.
"Judy! Judy! There's someone here whos not supposed to be! Judy! Listen to me! Judy!" She shouts. Suddenly a large red and yellow dog comes on
"Have i missed my line?" it says in a gruff voice, causing Ash to startle and stumble backwards into Brock, Misty, Tracy, Jesse and James. and causing James to fall onto a red button. Then the room starts buzzing and glowing and the gang find themselves on a hill!
"Where are we now?" Asks Jesse, Then a large yellow sun appears over the hilltops and a voice says "over the hills and far away, telletubbies come to play!"
"Telletubbies?" Gulps James. Suddenly four things run on.
"big huuuuuuuuuuuuug!" They shout when they see the gang.
O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnn!" Misty shouts jumping up and landing on a red button. Suddenly the hilltop starts buzzing and glowing. Then...The gang disappear!
"Okay...Where are we now?" Asks Misty
They are in a badly drawn house. Suddenly a Blue dog runs by. Followed by a man.
"Which way did Blue go?" He asks,
"That way!" say the gang pointing to where the dog went.
"That way?" Asks the man pointing the other way.
"No! That way!" Says the gang again.
"That way?" Asks the man pointing in the right direction.
"Yes!" That way!" says the gang as the man runs off after the blue dog.
"Okay..."Says Ash,
"weird..." Says Misty
Tracy presses the button. and they end up outside this house. The lights are all off and it is night time. But a girl is sneeking out of the house.
"Remember Kero. Be quiet!" She's says quietly.
"i know!" Says this weird flying teddy bear thingy...
"AURGH! WEIRD!" yells Misty and quickly presses the button. The gang find themselves back in Proffessor Oaks garden. But they can't remember what cartoon they where supposed to be in.
"I think it was the first one!" Says Ash,
"No the telletubbies one!" Says Brock and Tracy,
"I think it's the one with the blue dog!" Says Misty!
"We think it's this one" Says Jesse and James.
Finally after much arguing they decide to all go into the cartoon they think is right.
(2 years later)
"Let's see what's on Tv!" Says James as he switches on the Tv.
(On the Tv)
"I'm Bella!"
"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'mmmmmmmm Milo!"
"I'm fizz!"
"I'm Jake!"
"and i'm Ash!"
Jesse and James watch this for a minute. Then they decide to switch channels.
(on the Tv)
"over the hills and Far away, Telletubbies come to play!"
"Tinky Winky! Tracy! Brockie! Dipsy! Laalaa! Po!"
"ARGH! Turn over quick!" Yells James covering his eyes, Jesse switches channels
(on the Tv)
"Which way did Blue go?" Asks the man.
"FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME HE WENT LEFT!!!!" yells a very angry Misty,
(Back to Jesse and James)
"Well...They look there having a good time..."