Disclaimer: Team Rocket and Pokemon are NOT mine, they belong to 4kids etc. I am making no money out this; this Is for your personal entertainment only. Don’t worry, I’ll return them all in one piece, well…maybe…^_~

Disclaimer: The song ‘Angel of mine’ does not belong to me, that belongs to the band ‘Eternal’ and anyone else who has anything to do with it. NOT me.

Summery: Jessie and James spend a quiet night under the stars.

Angel of Mine

When I first saw ya,
I already knew,
There was something,
Inside of you,
I thought I’d never find,
Angel of mine.

The sunset poured it’s gentle light onto the water. It sparkled as the waves rose and fell, forming a streak of light down from the sun to the shore. The dark silhouettes of a flock of Farfetch’d flew by over head, with the soft flapping of their wings in the air. That and the soft sound of the waves crashing against the shore were the only sounds that Jessie and James could hear, as they sat in each other’s arms underneath a palm tree. The gentle breeze rustles the leaves in the palm tree, breaking the silence of their imaginations.

Jessie wrapped her arms tighter around her lover, as they sat together watching the last streams of life fade into their darkness of sleep.

She closed her eyes against his chest and a smile formed on her face. She turned to look at him. He too had his eyes closed. The breeze gently ruffled his hair, blowing that one strand of hair out of the way, only for it to fall back again.

I look at you,
Looking at me,
Now I know why they say the best things are free,
Gonna love you till the end of time,
Angel of mine.

"James?" she asked

"Hmmm?" he replied, not opening his eyes.

She placed her head back on his shoulder and looked at the sea.

"Can you believe we’ve known each other for over 9 years?"

His response was to tighten his grip around her and kiss the top of her head.

"Yeah, 11 years. But only now do we tell each other how we feel."


She closed her eyes again and nestled her head closer to him.

What you mean to me you’ll never know,
Deep inside, I need to show.


"Hmmm?" she replied, not opening her eyes.

He smiled at her gently.

"I love you."

Jessie giggled and looked up at him. He looked down at her, with all the love she could ever have wanted just in his eyes. The way he looked at her made her heart beat faster. She knew he loved her; he didn’t need to tell her. She had never have thought that her best friend would become her lover. She had treated him so badly over the years; she still didn’t understand what made him love her. But right now, she didn’t care. All she cared about was that James did love, love her more than anything in the world.

You came into my life,
Sent from above, I’m gon adore ya till the end of time,
Angel of mine

Suddenly, James looked away and turned red.

"Jessie…umm…could I?…"

Jessie frowned.

"Could you do what?"

He hesitated.

"No, it doesn’t matter."

Jessie leaned back from him, anger in her voice.

"Yes, it does matter! What is it James?!"

James looked at her in surprise, then realised she probably thought he was going to say something horrible. He smiled at her gentle.

Nothing means more to me than what we share,
No one in this so well could EVER compare,
Last night the way you moved is still on my mind,
Angel, angel of mine,

"No, no it’s nothing, honestly, it’s just…"

He turned his head away, turning red again.

"…it’s just, I’ve always wanted to do this, but it’s really embarrassing."

"What?" Jessie asked, leaning back into James arms.

What you mean to me you’ll never know,
Deep inside,
I need to shoooow…

James put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his rose. He turned towards her and gently placed it in her hair. Jessie watched him the whole time, and the whole time he was getting even more embarrassed.

He took his hand away from the rose and gently stroked her cheek.

James was so romantic, so sweet. But he was so shy. He never used to be shy, I guess just when he’s around Jessie. Jessie leaned into his hand and kissed it.

You came into my life, my life, sent from above, mmmmm,
Better than a dream such a perfect love, perfect love
I’m gon adore ya till the end of time
Angel, angel, of mine, of mine

"I love you James."

She looked back up at him. With the sun nearly set now, his eyes sparkled even more. Some stars had come out from their daytime hiding and were shining like fireflies up high in the sky. She leaned further towards him. Nose to nose now, she gently blew that one strand of hair away from his face, and then kissed him. They both closed their eyes and held each other tight. Jessie wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. After what seemed like a lifetime, they slowly broke the kiss, keeping their lips touching ever so slightly.

She snuggled back in his arms and rested her head back on his shoulder.

I never knew I could feel each moment,
As if it were new,
Every breath I take,
Or vow that I make,
I’m gonna share it,
With yooooooooouuu…

"James. Have I ever told you, that you are the happiest thing that’s ever happened to me?"

James looked down at her sincerely.

"You haven’t, but I know."

"I couldn’t have asked for anyone else."

When I first saw ya,
I already knew,
There was something,
Inside of yooooouu,
Something I thought I’d,
Never find,
Angel of mine.

James had never felt this loved in his whole life.

"Jessie? I’ve never, I never told anyone this, but, until you, no one had ever told me that they loved me."

You came into my, came into my life,
Sent from above, up above baby,
Better than a dream such a perfect, a perfect love,
I’m gon adore ya till the end of time,
Angel, angel, of mine,

Jessie looked back up at him surprised.

"Really? My mum used to call me her little angel."

"You’re my little angel now Jessie."

What you mean to me you’ll never know,
Deep inside, I need to show…

I look at you,
Looking at me,
Now I know why they say the best things are free,
Gonna love you till the end of time,

Jessie smiled at him sweetly and stroked his hair.

"No James, you’re my angel."

Angel of mine…

(Authors note: Funny how I can write this stuff when I haven’t even had a boyfriend. FEEDBACK PLEEEEEEEEEEASE)