Chapter 1: Enron and Senron
*the gang is walking along*
Butch: ALIENS!
Meowth: I'll stop them! *fires giant lazer cannon and makes the spaceship crash*
Mondo: Huh....well that was fairly easy, lousy story though-*ground rumbles violently*
*a GIANT spaceship flys above them*
Everyone: Nuts.
*the huge spaceship lands in front of them and the door opens revealing two aliens that look like a Nidoking and Queen only with one giant pincer on opposite sides, and the other thing a seemingly endless thing of tenticles coming from a metal thing around where their hands should be*
*Mondo shrieks*
Domino: Uh Mondo, that's my line.
Mondo: Oh sorry.
*Domino shrieks*
Male Alien: *with deep echoing voice*SILENCE HUMANOIDS!I am Senron, of the planet Zerox, and this is my wife Enron.
James: Enron? You mean that computer virus thingy?
Enron: *with female deep echoing voice*Yes...We travel from galaxy to galaxy trying to find Meowths! And make them our slaves.
Senron: But there is one Meowth in a legend, who has the unique ability to speak the human lanuage, we need him, so that we can sacrifice him to our king, Brenon!
Jessie: Do all the people of your species have to have the en sound in your name and the on sound at the end?
Enron: Yes! Otherwise Brenon will punish us!
James: *blocking Meowth and Kittenith from view*Well, heh heh, unfortunatly, our planet doesn't have Meowths, let alone a talking one, heh heh...
Butch: *Shoving James*There are two right here Alien friends.
Senron: Ah! Excelent! Now we can take them and......what the BLELL is that?*points to Kittenith*
Cassidy: It's a rare baby form of Meowth!
Enron: If we have that there won't be any need for the Meowths then!
Senron: *grabs Kittenith*WE'LL be taking this!*runs onto ship with Enron and then about 50 Meowths come running out, the door closes and the spaceship flys away*
Other Meowth: Hey, what's his problem?
Other Meowth: I dunno.
Meowth: You Meowths can talk?
All Meowths: Meowth that's right!
Meowth: You gotta help me! My son was kidnapped by those aliens!
*the meowths chatter a bit until one comes out*
Meowth: He's right! We just got freed, and now we have to free a young one!
*all the Meowths shout "Yeah!"*
Meowth: T'anks!I think we can repair that other ship that crashed and go there!
*everyone goes over to the ship and starts repairing it*
to be continued.....