Chapter 2: To Gonron We Go!

*they all work for about an hour until it's fixed and then they look at the ship for a minute*
James: *reading a big map*According to this, we have to fly to a planet called Gonron
Butch: Geez, thesealiens even have a dumb planet name.
Cassidy: There are so many buttons...
Jessie: Yeah.
Meowth: Meowth that's right, so James, you be in charge of navigating, Jessie, you drive it, Cassidy, Butch, Domino, Mondo, you all be fighters.
Domino: Hey, I think this is a carrier ship.
Mondo: Yeah!It's got lots of fighter ships!
Meowth: Okay then, you other Meowths assist them in here.Mondo, Butch James, you all be fighter pilots too.
*they all go to their stations and launch out in the fighter ships*
Meowth: *on radio*Can't we go to lightspeed or something?
Domino: *looking over buttons and sees one with a lightbulb on it*Aha!*presses it and they zoom off and then stop nearby the planet*
Meowth: Let's do this thing!
Butch: Crap!They're sending out fighters!
Mondo: I'm scared!
James: But you have all those weapons Mondo.
Meowth: Let's get them!
(this music plays,
*they zoom towards the ships*
Mondo: *shoots and blows up three ships*TAKE THAT YOU ALIEN MEANIES!
Butch: *blows up seven*I GOT A PLAZMA GUN!AHAHAHAHAHA!
James: *blows up about five*YOU ARE A BUNCH OF...POOPIEHEADS!
*they start getting chased by 6*
Meowth: DO THE LOOP TRICK!*all there ships fly up and do a loop so they are behind the ships and they blow them up*
*they all fly towards the planet, blowing up any ships in their way*
*they eventually fly up to a giant clearing where there is a huge alien with tons of others in front of him, and the giant one is holding kittenith in his hands*
Meowth: OH NO YOU DONT!*flys towards his face*
Mondo: Don't Meowth!
*meowth crashes into the aliens face making the ship explode and Kittenith lands in a puddle*
Mondo: I'll kill you dumb aliens!*him and the other guys and girls parachute out(it's a breathable atmosphere)with plazma guns and start blasting the aliens*
*Enron and Senron grab Kittenith and run into the palace, the guys annd girls right behind them*

to be continued....