Archeologists Are Evil Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I still only own the archeologist. -_-
Rating: PG-13 Language, Violence (kind of)
Summary: The gang arrive at the camp site, have a party, and there’s a special appearance from Jessie’s mom Miyamoto (Miya).

“Jessi! Wake up!”
“Huh? Jessi squinted in the bright light “Oh my god! What happened?”
“You fainted”, Meowth answered.
“I did?”
“Yep, as soon as ya saw dis place. You should James and Mondo dey’s shakin’ like a bunch of leaves in a twee. Guess da skeletons hangin’ around didn’t exactly help dem.”, Meowth laughed.
“Why did you faint Jessi?” Cassidy snickered.
“I’ve been here before!” Jessi said eyeing everything.
“I was a little girl after my parents died when I ran away and came across this pale man that was wearing pale rags! He took me to this place and forced me to drink this pink-” Jessi stopped when she realized everyone’s eyes were on her.
“Jessi. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON!” Cassidy yelled.
“What pink stuff?” Butch asked.
“I don’t know!” Jessi glared at Butch and Cassidy.
“Idiots”, the grunt that Jessi, James, and Meowth ran into earlier mumbled.
“Who the hell are you?!” Jessi roared.
“Ike”, he replied.
“Your such a dick!” Jessi turned her glare toward Ike.
“Hun, I couldn’t care less what you think”, Ike smiled.
“Why I otta-!”
“Jess stop!” Meowth jumped in front of Ike and threw out his arms, “We have business ta take care of right now!”
“Fine”, Jessi mumbled.
Everyone walked towards a tent that had a table set up in front of it. There was a man with brown wet hair and stunningly blue eyes standing by it looking down on a map while mumbling things to himself.
“Now if we take a left here…”the man thought aloud.
“Hey there handsome”, Cassidy said in a flirty tone.
“Huh? Oh hi”, the man said glancing up that back at his map.
“Cassidy, men don’t like women that don’t have tits. Here let me try”, Jessi spoke also in a flirty voice and tried to act innocent, “Hi there, to busy to look at a woman?”
“Miss, I’m gay”, the man said still staring at his map, slightly blushing now.
“Aaah! Jessi already turned the guy gay!” Cassidy rolled over in tears of laughter.
“Shut up!” Jessi blushed.
“What do you want?” the man asked in an irritated voice.
“We’re archeologists sent here from Kanto. We were told that you needed back up”, Ike said as professionally as he could.
“Oh yes! First I’ll need to see some identification”, the man grinned looking Ike up and down.
“Ooh. Looks like Ike has a girlfriend”, Jessi teased.
“Hush up!” Ike said punching Jessi in the arm.
` “Ow!”
Everyone handed fake ids to the man.
“Hmm, Craig, Benjamin, Miya, Katherine, Danielle, and Trey. I see you have a Meowth with you. I warn you all it might get hurt”. The man said pointing at each person (Ike, James, Jessi, Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo).
“Who are you calling it!” Meowth grumbled. James quickly stepped on the Pokemon’s tail.
“Mroooooow!” Meowth cried out.
“Aaaah!” Jessi screamed sheepishly while Cassidy ‘coughed’, and Ike ‘sneezed’.
“Urm… Follow me please”, the man said.
They all obeyed and followed along.
“I’ll start off by saying my name is Dr. Henson. I’m also an archeologist. I have a team that you will go with to the sacred tomb.”
“You found it!” Mondo interrupted.
“No. We just have artifacts to tell us where to go, but soon we will have our treasure.” Dr. Henson said rubbing his hands together and grinning.
“He means my treasure” Jessi whispered.
Ike elbowed Jessi.
“Ow! That hurt!”
“So sue me!” Ike shot back.
“So I will. Remind me when we get back to Kanto”, Jessi hissed.
Alright meet Andrew, Billy and Amber.” Dr. Henson said pointing to a chubby man, a scrawny freckled-face red head, and a blonde woman.
“Ah good day. Lovely out isn’t it”, Andrew the chubby man said in a cheerful British accent.
“Yeah the trees a blowing happily, the birds a chirping, and the skeletons are rattling. All and all a good day”, Jessi said sarcastically.
“Stop that”, Ike said elbowing Jessi.
“Hi”, Billy grunted.
“Like hi”, the blonde said.
“Got milk”, James whispered to Mondo, while starring at the blondes chest. Mondo mooed in reply.
“Well you seven are here just in time for our party dedicated to our hard work and achievements”, Andrew bragged. “You’ll be able to meet the others and have a good time at once.”
“Goomroow!” James stepped on Meowth’s tail again.
“Well you all better get unpacked”, Dr. Henson said starring at Meowth.
“Uh let’s go” Butch said rushing everyone away.
Later that night the party got started
“Look at that blonde”, Jessi said to Butch, “She’s got ‘milk me’ written all over her.”
“Jealous?” Butch grinned.
“Hell no!”
I think she’s lovely”, Butch said turning a slight pink.
“Yeah, if you like talking about the mall”, Jessi said rolling her eyes in disgust.
“Why are you so pissed?” Butch asked.
“Fat ass ate all the sweet tarts!” Jessi growled pointing toward Andrew who was helping himself to a piece of cake.
“Look at it this way Jess, He’ll die of high blood pressure before we get to the tomb and that’ll be one person out of the way”, Butch laughed.
“Yeah! That’ll be great! Then we’ll have to HAUL HIS FAT ASS AROUND!” Jessi snapped.
“Good point. Hey! Why is James talking to the blonde? I want her!” Butch cried changing the subject to a completely annoying topic.
“James isn’t flirting with, her if that’s what you’re thinking! He doesn’t know how to, the little virgin!” Jessi laughed.
Butch glared at James as a wave of rage came across him. “What does that little pip squeak think he’s doing! He can’t get women if his life depended on it! I should beat him up! That’s right! I’ll do something extremely dramatic! Yeah! I’ll take Jessi from him! That’s it! I’ll make the little twit jealous and I’ll get Jessi to do all sorts of things to anger James, and-”
“Hey Butch!” Jessi interrupted Butch’s train of thought.
“What Jess?” Butch said looking Jessi up and down. “Wow! She looks good. This’ll be easier than I thought.”
“Look at how Amber runs. She runs like those tramps on Bay Watch.” Jessi frowned at Amber.
“How cute”, Butch smiled at Jessi. “This isn’t going to be as easy as I thought.”
“DIE!” A woman’s voice called out.
Everyone looked up to see a cloaked woman holding a gun to a man’s head.
“Uh oh looks like someone’s having their monthly PBS thing”, Jessi groaned.
“That’s PMS!” Cassidy yelled.
“Looks like you got it too”, Jessi laughed.
The woman’s gun fired off at the man’s head.
“No! What do you want girl?” Dr. Henson cried.
“The orb!”
“I don’t have it!” Dr. Henson bellowed.
“I guess I’ll have to kill more people then.”
“Party-pooper!” Jessi yelled.
“Jess!” Mondo whimpered.
The cloaked woman threw down the gun and pulled out a switchblade. She grabbed Jessi and held the blade to Jessi’s throat.
“Don’t! Take me instead. Miya Perish has nothing to do with this!” Dr. Henson gasped.
“What did you call he?”
“Miya Perish”, Dr. Henson stuttered.
“That’s impossible! Girl what’s your real name?” the woman said looking at Jessi.
“Jess-Jessica Perish. Miya’s my mother”, Jessi cried as she felt her own blood drip down her neck.
“No!” the woman cried as she dropped the switchblade.
“What?” Cassidy blurted out, “Your not going to kill her?!”
“Bitch.” Jessi muttered under her breath.
“I can’t believe! I’m…your…my daughter!” The woman threw off her cloak.
“Aaaaaahhh!” Jessi fainted.
“There she goes”, Ike said in awe.
“Oh. Sweet!”
“Excuse me?” Cassidy cocked an eyebrow at Miya.
“Real food!!!!” Miya ran to the buffet table and grabbed as much food as she could carry.
“Ohh! My head”, Jessi moaned as she sat up.
“Your mother is weird!” Cassidy roared, “She thinks she can welcome herself to our party and start taking all the food!”
“Oh, shut up! Your just going to throw it all up any way twig girl!” Miya said throwing a tomato at Cassidy.
“Eeeeewww! That’s it I’m going to my tent!” Cassidy stormed off still mumbling in disgust.
“What’s she doing alive?” Butch asked.
“Who knows”, Ike mumbled back.
Everyone turned toward the voice. It was the guy Miya shot!
“That little brat shot me with a paintball gun!” He bellowed.
“Ooooh! I wish you would stop playing games girl!” Dr. Henson growled at Miya.
“My name isn’t girl!”
“Whatever! And your not going to get that orb either!”
“What?! I want it! I want it! I want it! Me! Me! Me! Now! Now! Now!”
“Fine!” Dr. Hinson gave in, “You can HELP us, and you will get a hansome pay check.”
“Can I have a hansome man instead? They’re so much more fun.”
“No! You can’t have a free man!” Dr. Hinson bellowed.
“What?! Your selfish! Your keeping them to youself aren’t you?!”
“No! No! No!” Veins were popping out of Dr. Hinson’s forehead as he screamed even louder.
“He is so easy to get”, Miya giggled.
“That’s it! We’re calling it a night!” Dr. Hinson roared as he walked off. Everyone followed along and into their own tent. All that remained was a stunned Butch, and Jessi.
“We better go too”, Butch whispered to Jessi.
“No, you go ahead”, Jessi ordered.
“Hi”, Miya said to Jessi, “Sorry about the knife.” Jessi starred at Miya for a long time till she finally said something and when she did it came out very blunt, “Why the hell did you never come back for me?”
Miya looked down at the ground and shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know. I was young and I didn’t have the slightest idea what I was doing. I’m sorry Jessica.”
Jessi turned and worked to her tent leaving Miya alone.
“Damn”, Miya mumbled.

Jessi lyed down on her sleeping bag and started to cry. “Why is my life so screwed up? I can’t take it anymore!”
Jessi felt something flop down next to her. She turned around to see Miya.
“What?” Jessi snapped.
Miya starred at Jessi, “I am sorry”, she whispered.
“Liar”, Jessi said starting to cry again.
“I remember that was the last thing you said to me before I left. I said I’d be back, and you called me a liar. You wouldn’t talk to me after that”, Miya frowned, “And you were right.”
“Are you going to leave me again?” Jessi asked.
“Never! That wouldn’t exactly be wise”, Miya answered quickly.
“Ok”, Jessi lyed back down, and shut her eyes. Miya wrapped her arms around Jessi, and they both fell asleep.

END OF CHAPTER COMMENT: lol I suck at those sentimental things. I hope it sounded half way decent, but I may never know. -_- Some of you might wonder why I am not giving out my e-mail address, well I don’t want viruses. So if you have anything to say uh, just wait till I get a new e-mail address. Then I might give it out.