Archeologists Are Evil Chap.2

Butch-Danielle, Mondo-Trey, Ike-Craig, James-Benjamin, Cassidy-Katherine Note: I don’t own much here so bug off!

“Hey! Wake up! At least open an eye!”
“ ‘S matter?”, said a disgruntled Jessi.
“Time to go!” Miya poked Jessi in the back, “Dr. I can’t sleep another hour wants us to go on his little treasure hunt early.”
“Go away”, Jessi slumped back into her bed and continued dreaming of a handsome young man carrying her off to a room and…
“WAKE UP!!!!” Miya bellowed.
“Alright!” Jessi flew out of bed, and threw clothes on, and stumbled out of the tent.
“Good timing”, Miya smiled.
“What are we…EEEK!” Jessi bearily started before she was grabbed by the wrist, and dragged to a crowd of excited archeologists.
“Alright calm down everyone!”
Jessi looked up and saw Dr. Henson grinning from ear to ear and waving his arms wildly, calling for attention.
“We’re going to split up into two teams!” Henson continued, “If your name isn’t called then you will be staying here! Ok, in group one: Benjamin, Andrew, Miya, Jessica, and Danielle. In group two: Billy, Craig, Katherine, Trey, the Meowth, and me!”
The eleven who were called upon followed Dr. Henson.
“As you see here there are two dirt roads. One goes in the jungle, and the other leads to open land. Group two will go into the jungle, and group one will go down the other path.” “Andrew you will lead your group, and I will lead mine. There! Let’s move now.”
Both groups went they’re separate ways. To Jessi luck, the group she was In appeared lost in only an hour.
“Where the hell are we pop ‘n fresh!”
“We should see a graveyard over that hill soon”, Andrew snarled, and pointing up a large hill.
“You better be right!” Jessi warned the already frustrated chubby man.
Miya snorted.
“What?!” Andrew barked at Miya, who looked very harassed.
“Well, damn gigantor! Chill out before you get high blood pressure!”
“You’ve made your point”, Butch snapped.
The group walked along the path in a tense silence. When they reached the top of the hill they had a grand view of the graveyard Andrew promised them.
“Holly shit!” Butch gasped with a crude smile on his face. “This’ll be fun.”
“We’ve made it!” Andrew sighed as he mopped sweat off of his red fore head.
“Ah!” James hid himself behind Amber like a true coward.
“Alright! We dig here!” Andrew announced standing over a mound of dirt.
“Hey dipshit! There’s a dead dude in there!” Jessi said in wide eyes.
“If we’re in the right place we shouldn’t come across such things”, Andrew smiled while shoveling dirt little by little.
Amber’s mouth dropped as if ready to protest, but changed her mind wisely. Andrew was singing a song and had the look of a maniac on his face while digging.
Everyone else copied Andrew and began digging close to him so as not to come across any dead people.
“lalalalalalalala.” James hummed.
Jessi picks shovel up and holds it above James’s head and pretended to bring it down upon his skull, but thought better and continued digging.
“Jesus Christ James! Shut up!” Jessi screeched.
“Good slave song James what’s it called?” Miya said in a low drawl.
“I made it up! You really like it?”
“Idiot”, Miya mumbled while ‘accidentally’ shoveling dirt into James’s hole.
All of a sudden a loud clang filled the graveyard.
“I found something!” Amber screamed jumping up and down in a pleased fashion.
“It most be the tomb! Good job!” Andrew grinned at Amber.
After another hour of digging they found what looked like a cart with a stone wall blocking it.
“What a piece of crap!” Miya cringed at the stone cart.
No one payed Miya any attention, but instead got inside of ‘the piece of crap’, and began dusting away foul smelling dirt.
“Fine then, ignore me”, Miya sat on the stonewall, and mumbled rude comments about the others. She let her eyes wonder until they came to a suprising shape. It was a pole stuck to the side of the grubby little cart. “Hmm…I wonder.”
Miya jumped into the cart and grabbed at the pole. She pulled with all her strength.
“Miya what are you…”, Jessi stopped short when she saw the stonewall slide to the side. The cart jerked forward and groaned under the weight of the passengers.
“I just saw this pole thingy!” Miya explained, but was also stopped short when the cart jerked forward at a tremendous speed.
“Miya I can see how you got pregnant with me, especially since you seem so interested in long suspicious looking thingys!”
“Hey, I loved your father!” Miya roared.
“Then he left you”, Jessi yelled back.
“Oh shutup!”