Archeologist Are Evil Chapter 3

"Group 2" weren't exactly having fun either, yet they weren't being flung around in a cart like certain other people.
"I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm-"
"Shut the hell up!" Cassidy snapped at the hyper, but bored Mondo.
"Geez! I was just making a statement", Mondo rolled his eyes at Cassidy.
"That isn't a statement! It's stupidity!" Cassidy threw her fist out at mondo who dodged the blow.
"Hey, hey, hey! Everyone just calm down!" Dr. Henson rushed over to Cassidy who was still cursing at Mondo. "We should be coming across a tree, much different then the one's here, it has very curly branches too. So that should be easy to find."
"...that should be easy to find", Cassidy mimicked and stuck her tounge out at the back of Dr. Henson' head, "loser."
"Yeah, he's getting on my nerves too", Mondo whispered to Cassidy.
"Aaaaah!" Mondo jumped behind Meowth. (thought it was kind of hard)
"Idiot", Mewoth mumbled.

Hour after hour of searching for the "easy" to find tree, proved that Cassidy's temper could rise more, and more, to the point that everyone stayed a good five feet away from her.
"Trey, you should put some rubbing acohol on that cut", Billy said to Mondo who was sobbing from being poked with a large tree branch.
"Well Cassdiy should apologize for poking me with that stick!" Mondo sobbed on.
"No way! I shouldn't have to-"
"WOW! We've found it!" Dr. Henson pushed everyone out of his way. He caought sight of a large tree with branches curling in every direction.
"Here it is!" Dr. Henson did a brief victory dance, while the rest of the group cocked eyebrows and backed away.
"Sir, what is this?" Ike asked pointing at the tree.
"It is the end of our long search my boy", Dr. Henson replied, smiling deeply at Ike.
"Ooh! Ike has a girlfriend", Meowth whispered.
"Shut up!"
The group walked toward the tree and watched as Dr. Henson ran around the branches that looked like curled snakes, that maked it's own little jungle around the tree.
"Aha!" he cried at last, "here it is!"
Everybody gathered around Dr. Henson and watched as he pulled out a small, well carved stone, and placed it into a slto in the large tree.
The group watched in amasement as the stone glowed a bright pink. The tree's trunk opened just enough for even chubby Andrew to crawl through.
"Holly cow!" Ike rubbed the back of his head in awe.
"Where?! I don't see a hole cow anywhere!" Mondo yelled looking around the tree.
(due to extreme violence we will be skipping this part)
The group sqeezed through the opening in the tree, and crawled in a tunnel for what seemed like centuries, when they finally crawled inot a large chamber.
"Woah! What is this place?" Billy asked.
"This is where we find the silver orb", Dr. Henson snarled.
"Geez! What's his problem?" Cassidy said rolling her eyes.
Everybody jumped and scrambled into corners.
"What the-?"
Mondo had swung open a door, and crashed it into the wall. Behind that door was what looked like a large cave, with tracks to a roller coaster. The room was illuminated by silver rays, and the end of the room, on a small mantle, sat a round object on an old, ratty cusion. The round object was the cause of the silver rays filling the room. The orb was enough to make millions of Meowth's fight over it.
"Oh wow!" Meowth whispered to himself.
"And there is the prize for my hard work", Dr. Henson grinned at the orb.
"YOUR hardwork?! What about the others, and myself?!" Billy cried out.
"Hush you little brat! This silver orb belongs to me!" DR. Henson snapped.
A cart came zooming out of no where and sped down the mini roller coaster.
"", Cassidy's jaw dangled as she watched the old cart fly down the track.
And then....the cart slowed down to a complete stop in front of "Group 2".
Miya was the first to stumble out of the cart, and say something, "We got a bit lazy and decided to take the cart. We would've been happy to take something with seat belts, but our lead fat ass wanted to come the old fashion way", Miya pointed at Andrew, who looked as though he were thrown around like a rag doll.
Amber let out an ear peircing scream, and began to cry. James wrapped his arms around her and cradled Amber, while saying anything comforting that popped into his mind.
Jessi looked at Amber in green eyed envy. She decided to cry also, just for the pleasure of having a man, making James jealous.
"Jessi, it's alright", to Jessi suprise the man holding her was Butch. Jessi leaned forward ready to kiss Butch, but.....
"Eww! Sick! Your trying to get my daughter in bed with you!" Miya cringed.
Butch and Jessi frowned at Miya.
"Well done on finding the silver orb Dr Henson", Andrew was now shaking hands with Dr. Henson.
"Cha-ching!" Jessi jumped away from Butch, and raced off for the silver orb.
"Not so fast!" Dr. Henson called, as he pulled a pistol out of his inner coat pocket.
"Cool! I want one!" Mondo gawked at the gun.
"Idiot", Ike mumbled.
"Are you going to shot me?" Jessi grinned.
"What's so funny?" Henson snarled at Jessi.
Jessi nodded to something behind him.
"This better not be anything stupid!" Henson turned around, and standing there was a Nidoking.
"Looks like he thinks your trying to take over his turf", Jessi grinned harder.
Nidoking threw a hard punch to Dr. Henson's chest causing him to fly back while blood spilled everywhere on the cave's cold floor.
"STOP!" A man cried out, as Dr. Henson fell onto the floor screaming in agony.
A bright red beam of light shot towards Nidoking, scooping it into a Pokeball.
"Oh shit!" Jessi fell to her knees, and began to twitch, as the man kept his finger pointed at Jessi, he moved closser to her.
"What are you-? Leave her alone!" Miya screeched, as she jumped on top of the man.
"Urgh! Get off of me!" the man tried desperatly to pry miya off of himself, "Damn you! Get off!"
The man had been wearing a ragged cloack, with a hood hidding his face, but as the hood fell back, everyone got a good look at him. The man was terribly pale, with cold black eyes, and long,messy grey hair. The man's clothes were grey and old looking. Altogether he looked like a ghost, and unhappy ghost, or maybe he was unhappy because of the fact that he had a woman pounding him with her fists, and refusing to let go of him.
"Noo!" Jessi bellowed, "It's that guy! The guy witht the bottle of pink liquid! he tried to kill me before!"
As soon as Jessi declared this,Miya let out a yelp, "Jake!"
The man smiled at Miya, even though the smile he gave her helped him look more ghostly, Miya smiled back.
"Wha'?" Jessi chocked.
"I thought you died Miya!" Jake cried.
"Yeah, look dead!"
"I know! I've been like this for a long time. I rarely get any sun....or food as a matter-of-fact", Jake laughed.
"Huh?!" Cassidy cocked an eyebrow.
"Jake used to be a good friend of mine", Miya grinned sheepishly.
"What to you mean by 'used to be a good friend?'" Butch questioned.
At that very second Miya and Jake broke apart and glarred at eachother.
"He's a dork that's why", Miya snapped.
"That's not true!" Jake retorted.
"You tried to KILL me!" Jessi realized.
"Oh no! No!"
"You forced me to drink that pink stuff!"
"That was a potion! Look, I made that orb...I was hungry for power when I did. I WAS a dork. Miya didn't like what I was doing so she left me, but when she ran away from your home, and into people...people that knew about this orb. You over heard their conversation. I then realized, that I had to keep that orb away from everyone. So I killed those people. You were lucky, I knew Miya wouldn't want you to die so earlier in life, so I spaired you, and since you weren't so mature, it was easier to impair your memory, but I suppose you still rember taking the potion", Jake rubbed his chin, then turend and looked at Henson, who happened to be out cold now, then Jake continued, "Henson here, was one of those guys that knew about the orb...he got away though, so I couldn't scratch him off. Now that'll change."
"Dude, this is some fucked up shit here", Billy said in awe.
Yeah! Your a pshyco!" Butch said, and pulled Jessi, away from Jake.
"Call names if you must, but I have to get rid of that damn orb! Or Henson will get it!" Jake grabbed the orb, and as soon as he did so, it's glow faded.