Archeologists Are Evil Chapter 4

"Nooooo!!! There goes our bonus!" Meowth screeched, turning almost everone's attention to himself.
"Long story short he can walk and talk like us", James shrugged.
"Amazing!" Jake laughed, "I can make millions off of him!"
"Dream on!" Meowth said, showing all of his claws, "Just get wid of dat orv! Before I steal it!"
"Oh! Of course!"
"No! Stop!"
Dr. Henos was on his feet again, and advanced on Jake, but just as Jessi did, he crumbled to his knees, and began twitching fiercly.
Jake turned toward a large rock, and bagan smashing the orb into it.
"Hey wait! That has to be dangerous!" Cassidy cried out, but after she did., the orb burst open.
Jake jumped behind another boulder, obviously hiding from the little orb.
Everyone else got the picture, and ran around, looking for something to hide behind.
A loud blast filled the cave, and the orb let out a horribly, large explosion.

"Damn! That hurt!"
Jessi looked around and found herself in a hospital, "What happened."
"Well, you! Fainted!" Cassidy grinned as if she won a great battle.
"Where's Jake?"
"He.....left....with the unbroken orb. He's pissed...didn't break it. Not even a scratch!"
"We have to get it back!" Mondo jumped in with a shocked expression on his face.
"I think Mondo's getting blonde roots. Like you Cass, or is that just hair dye?" Jess said.
"Shove it! Mamma's girl!"
Jessi turned her attention to Mondo, "There is no way we're going to get that orb back."
Mondo sighed, and walked out of the room.
"HEY! Get up off your fat ass!" Cassidy hollered at Miya who looked more asleep then unconsius, "GET UP!"
Miya threw a pillow at Cassidy, and hid her face into the bed she was on.
"Shut up! Cassidy! Your annoying as hell!" Jessi yelled.
Right then James, Andrew, and two strangers walked in.
"Hi!" a girl with shoulder lengthed dirty blonde hair, and wild brown eyes (much like Mondo's, only no shaggy eyebrows), said. She was with a sloppy-haired brunete guy, who too had wild brown eyes.
"I'm Elizabeth and this is Tommy, but call me Lizzy!!" the girl said smiling at everyone.
"Er?! Miya was awake, and sitting up in her bed, "where's gayboy and Jake?"
"Jake ran, Henson is still out of it, again", Cassidy whispered.
"Hey sexy", Tommy winked at Jessi, "your awfully gorgeous."
"Your awfully dead if you don't get away from her", Miya growled at Tommy.
"Oh! bad!" Tommy grinned sheepishly.
"EW! GROSS! THAT'S JESSI'S MOM!" James screamed, while pointing at Miya.
"Oh!" Tommy grinned, and starred into space, wonerding what it'd be like if he was right, about what he just said.
"What do you want?" Jessi asked quickly.
"Boss sent us. You mission is incomplete, have to come home now", Lizzy explained.
Andrew stood puzzled, "Who's "Boss"?"
"No one", everyone said.
"Here chubby. It's ok to let your stomache do the thinking. Go to the vending machne, and grab a Snickers bar" Miya said handing Andrew a few coins.
"You think just because I'm over-weight, that it's ok to yell at me, and call me names! I don't care what you say! I'm not to be treated this way! I have rights too!"
Miya stared at Andrew, "Fat, fat, fat, fat, eat, eat, eat, eat."
"That's it!" Andrew threw opent he door, and before leaving (still holding Miya's money) he tossed a small box, and letter to her.
"What's that?" James asked, leaning over Miya's shoulder.
"It's a device used to control peoples' mind, and this is a letter from the President, himself", Miya said looking James dead in the eye, and keeping a straight matter-of-fact face.
"Oh wow! Really?!"
"No! You idiot!"
James blushed, while Miya opened the letter first, and read to herself:

Dear Miya,

I'm sorry to leave you again, but I must.
I know that the other's believe that I still have the orb, but I don't. It's not safe with me anymore. I'm sure that Henson will be after me, still wishing to have power over everything.

PS Don't let anyone see what's in that box.

Miya looked down at the box, and gasped, "he didn't!" she thought aloud.
"What does the letter say?" Jessi asked.
"Nothing!" Miya jumped up and ran out of the room. She searched for another one that was empty. Though it took awhile to find one, she ducked into it, and locked the door. She carefully opened the box, a little note fell out of it, but other than that, the silver orb layed gently glowing, in the small box.
"Woah!" Miya stood shocked, but quickly closed the box, and grabbed the note, and read:

I know I can trust you with it

Miya read the note over and over, "how can he trust ME with this stupid orb?! I don't even know what it does, really!"
She rushed out, and down to the other room she was in before. No one was there except two teenagers, making out.
"What the hell?!" Miya roared at the boy sitting stradled on the girl. (No yuri/yaoi for you! :p)