Billy is a Fun Word to Say

Semper Mae Riko Bishoujo Person Lady

It was a warm summer evening as our heroes continued their quest for pikachu, and they had just finished setting up camp. It had been a long, hard day, and tempers were running short. Not a good thing when you’ve already got two teams who don’t like each other attempting to work together.

“Oh, man I’m starving,” James whined, “I could eat a Rapidash!”

“Shut your trap, Mr. Rose. The rice is almost ready,” Cassidy snapped.

“Don’t you dare talk that way to James! That’s my job!” Jessie said.

“Can it, prep. I can say anything I want to,” Cassidy replied.

“You’re asking for it, bitch,” Jessie growled.

“Oh, I’m sooo scared. Slut!”






“You suck!”

“You suck harder!”

“You swallow!”

“You enjoy it!”

“You get paid!”

As Jessie and Cassidy continued to argue and insult each other, Butch, James, Wobuffet and Meowth watched in silent amazement, jaws dropped, heads wagging from side to side.

This continued for quite a bit, until Butch said, “hey, does anyone else smell anything burning?”

Jessie and Cassidy ceased yelling at each other and looked towards their now blackened rice.

“Our dinner!” they screamed in unison, and they ran to see if it could be saved.

Unfortunately, none of the rice could be removed from the pot, and they ended up having to toss the pot as well. This of course sparked another argument between Jessie and Cassidy.

“You stupid whore! Why didn’t you keep a closer eye on the rice?!” Cassidy screamed.

“Me?! It was your day to watch it!” Jessie responded with just as much volume.

“Was not, Likezhotguyz!”

“Was so, Wearzdrag!”

“NO! Goezbothwayz!”

“YES! Queermite!”

“Shut up, Firezblankz!”

“Never! Dirtroadtrucker!”

“But I’m a girl!”

“How do I know that?”

“Look!” Cassidy screamed as she lifted up her shirt, “Do ya see any scars?”

“No,” said Jessie coolly, “But there again, I don’t see any breasts either.”

“Why you little…” Cassidy screeched as she leapt to attack.

Meanwhile, the guys were still staring dumbly at the scene before them. Their eyes were still the size of dinner plates from when Cassidy had flashed them. This time, it was James who spoke up first.

“Um, you know what, I think I’ll just take a little walk… far away from here.”

“You know, I think that’s the best idea you’ve ever come up with. I think I’ll join you,” Butch said.

And they began to walk off.

“Hey! Wait for Meowth!” cried the little talking cat.

“Wobu! Wob! (Me too!)” Wobuffet added.

And so off they went, thus avoiding getting themselves in trouble with the women just for being there. As for Cassidy and Jessie, well, they continued to argue and fight for a good long time, until they both got tired and went to bed. During the night, James and the others returned with several boxes of chocolate they had stolen. They gave the chocolate to the girls the following morning, and thus the whole lot of them managed to keep out of hot water for the rest of the week, even after losing to that lousy no-good twerp and his stupid pikachu. (*The author would like to note that she is not biased in any way*)

And they all lived, uh, ever after.

The End.