Pikachu Re-Volts

Disclaimer: I don't own Butch, Cassidy, Jesse, James, or anything else associated with Team Rocket or pokemon. The only thing I own is Ria, the former talkshow hostess. I made her up. As Butch will say later on, she's just a figment of my imagination. *sigh* It would be so cool if she WAS in the show, though........

Blooper #1:

(Butch and Cassidy are looking at the twerps from their video screen.)
Cassidy: Well, look who's come to visit.
Butch: It's that kid with the..............hold on.........(scratches head)...........with the.....
Cassidy: (rolls her eyes) Don't tell me you forgot what to say again.
Butch: No, I'll think of it's name in a minute!! .......It's that kid with the..........Vulpix?
Cassidy: No.
Butch: The Starmie?
Cassidy: (puts hands on hips) Nope.
Butch: The Onix?
Cassidy: Sorry.
Butch: The Houndoom?
Cassidy: Noooooooooo....
Butch:.......the......the.......the Raichu!! THERE, I GOT IT!!!!
Cassidy: Close but no cigar, pal.
Butch: (sighs) I give up. What was it?
Cassidy: That kid with the PIKACHU.
Butch: (snaps fingers) Oh, yeah! Now I remember my line!
Director: (was asleep, and suddenly wakes up.) Huh? Who? Wah? Oh, uh, reshoot the scene!!

Blooper #2:

(Ash, Misty, and Tracey have just landed on the island. Pikachu and Togepi have just been taken over by Drowzee's hypnosis, and Pikachu is looking at Ash evilly.)
Ash: (squeals in terror) EEEEEK!!!! A RAT!!!!! (runs off and jumps into the ocean)
Tracey: Hey wait! Don't save him! Why don't you let ME be the star of the show? (grins hopefully)
Everyone: NO!
Tracey: Awww.....(goes off and sulks in a corner)......dang.
(Ash is dragged out of the sea, and looks at Pikachu again)
Ash: EEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!! (tries to drown himself once more.)
Tracey: I'm not scared of a stupid rat.
Director: Mommy said there'd be days like this. Get Ash's stuntdouble out here and let's reshoot the scene!!!

Blooper #3:

(Jesse and James have just talked about going on a guided tour)
Meowth: WE AIN'T HEAH TO SEE DA SIGHTS!!! WE'AH HEAH TO CATCH DAT PIKACHU!!! (scratches their faces)
Meowth: (gets into karate stance) Whyohhhhhhh...........
(they all wait, but Meowth isn't taken over by drowzee's hypnosis)
All: Huh?
Director: (looks at watch) Something must be wrong.
(they all go to B&C's hideout to see what's wrong. B&C are standing over a very dead drowzee on the floor.)
Director: What did you two do now?!!
Butch: Well, I was messing around with the wires, but I accidently connected two of the wrong ones and electrocuted Drowzee right on the spot. Now he's dead.
Cassidy: It's a miracle Butch didn't kill HIMSELF in the process.
James: Hee hee! Botch messed up the wires!
Butch: THE NAME'S BUTCH!!!!!!!
Director: (slaps forehead) Ok, we'll get a new Drowzee for you two, but this time, DON'T KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!
B&C: Okie dokie!

Blooper #4

(J&J have just busted through the pipe into B&C's hideout.)
James: That was........unpleasant.
Butch and Cassidy: Our old friends......
Jesse: Wah!! Cassidy!!
James: And Butch!!!
Everyone: Huh?!
Director: WHAT DID HE SAY?!
Butch: He got my name right? Hold on. (pulls a script out from behind his back, and looks at it.)
Cassidy: (glances over Butch's shoulder at the script.)
Butch: (looks up.) The script SAYS he's supposed to call me (cringes) Botch. (quickly) But y'know if he can get my name RIGHT, then no problem there, heh heh. (he hates being called Botch more than anything.)
Director: No. Botch is funnier.
James: Oh. So his name IS Botch? Sorry for calling you Butch, Botch!
Butch: Aw, man!! (throws script to the ground)
Cassidy: Careful with that script, (snickers) Botch.
Butch: (points to Cassidy) Ohhhhhhhhhhh no!! Don't YOU start it, too!!
Cassidy: Ok, Botchie! (laughs)
Butch:...(blushes)....Botchie?....(blinks twice) UGH, MY NAME IS BUTCH!!!!! WHY IS THAT SO HARD FOR EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?!!!!!
Cassidy: (snickers) Chill out....(snickers again)....I was only joking.
Director: Reshoot the scene, and James, get it wrong this time!!!!
James: What? I thought we were supposed to read the script the right way!
Director: You moron, wrong IS right! If you get Butch's name wrong, then it's right!!
James: But his name's Botch, so I'm supposed to call him Butch, right?
Director: NO!! Call him Botch!!
James: But you said get it wrong, and then I would be calling him by his right name!
Butch: BOTCH is my wrong name, stupid!!!
James: Your real name isn't Botch?!
Butch and the Director: NO!!!
James: Eeeeee!! Botch is confusing me!!!
Jesse: You're ALWAYS confused James.
Butch: How come no one ever gets James' name wrong?!
Director: AGAIN I will tell you, RESHOOT THE SCENE, NOW!!! I want to get my lunch break.

Blooper #5

( Butch, Cassidy, Jesse, and James have just finished reciting their motto battle thingy, and are panting.)
Cassidy: (is about to say her line, but is interrupted by Butch.)
Butch: Man, I'm thirsty. I want some coffee. Hey, stagehand!!
Director: Mr. Kosaburou, we were rolling camera!!!
James: Hee hee, Botch messed up the scene!
Butch: First, my throat hurts, and I want something to drink. Second, MY NAME IS BUTCH!!!!
Stagehand: (runs up with Butch's coffee) Here ya go, Mr. Kosaburou!
Butch: Tha- Hey!!! It's you!
(The stagehand is Ria, the talkshow hostess)
Jesse: Aren't you supposed to be hosting talk shows?
Cassidy: Yeah......
Ria: No, I went bankrupt, remember?
The Rockets: Oh, yeah.
Ria: (happily) This job pays well, though!
Butch: (takes a sip of his coffee, and spits it out.) What the hell is this?! This coffee tastes like MUD!!!
Ria: It IS mud.
Butch: What did you say?
Ria: I said it IS mud.
James: (starts laughing)
Butch: WHY did you give me MUD to drink, when I ASKED for COFFEE?!
Ria: (shrugs) We were out of coffee, so I figured that mud was the next best thing since they look alike and stuff.
Butch: (glares) I'll give you a ten second head start.
Ria: (starts running) Help!
Butch: One.......two.........ten!! (chases after her)
Cassidy: You don't want to mess with Butch and his coffee.

Blooper #6

(Again, the scene where Jesse and James fall through the pipe into Butch and Cassidy's hideout.)
James: That was........unpleasant.
Butch and Cassidy: (are busy kissing)
Jesse: (whispering) That's their cue, James, maybe they didn't hear you. Say it louder.
James: Ok....uh.....THAT WAS UNPLEASANT!
Butch: (stops momentarily, gives James a 'you're stupid' look) I heard you the first time, okay? (goes back to kissing)
Director: CUT!!! (runs over to Butch and Cassidy) WHAT on earth are you two DOING?!?!!
Cassidy: Uh.......kissing?
Butch: So make like an egg and beat it.
Cassidy: This IS our own time. Now, shoo. We were busy.
Director: I was busy filming!!!
Butch: Didn't your mommy ever teach you not to interrupt Butch and Cassidy when they were kissing unless you wanted to get beamed in the head with a 2 by 4?
Butch: (beams the director in the head with a 2 by 4 board)
Director: (out cold)
Ria: (comes over, and drags the director out of the way, throwing him outside)
Cassidy: Now, where were we?
Butch: I think we were right about here. (they kiss again)
Jesse and James: (stare)
Cassidy: (opens one eye, looking at J&J. breaks the kiss) Scram, losers.
Butch: This ain't a show.
Jesse and James: Uh........(they leave)
Butch and Cassidy: (kiss)

Blooper #7

(The scene where Butch and Cassidy are confronting J,J, and the twerps and officer Jenny)
Butch: I guess ya couldn't cut it as criminals, so you're workin' with the law...
Jesse: We were only using her be-
Tracey: (suddenly interrupts) This isn't fair!!! I get, what, four lines in this whole episode?! I wanna say something!!!
Butch: .............chill out, Chubby...
Tracey: Chubby? Hey!! You're no Mr. Perfect yourself!!!
Cassidy: Actually, he is.
Butch: (grins, and runs a hand through his hair)
Tracey: ...........grr......that doesn't matter though!! I'm not treated fair!! The creators didn't even give me a girlfriend like everybody else!!!
Jesse: Everyone doesn't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, twerp.
Tracey: They do so!!!! I'll even tell you all the couples!! Ash and Misty, Jesse and James, Butch and Cassidy, Professor Oak and Mrs. Ketchum, Brock and every single member of the opposite sex he meets, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy-
Everybody: EWWW!!!!!!
Officer Jenny: ............................uh..........................(thinking) How did he find out about me?
Tracey: Well, it's true!!! EVERYBODY has someone but me!!!!
Butch: Will you shut up?! We're trying to film a show before lunchbreak!!!
Tracey: No!! I'll never shut up until I'm treated fairly!
Butch: FINE!!! ( Goes over, grabs Ria, the ex-talkshow hostess by the arm, and drags her over to Tracey)
Ria: Huh?
Butch: There!! Go out with her!!
Tracey: (looks at Ria)
Ria: (looks at Tracey)
Tracey: But I-
James: (gasps) BOTCH!!! YOU USED THE F WORD!!
Director: (cries) That's my line........

Blooper # 8

(The end of the episode almost when Drowzee is using it's metronome. Togepi also uses it's metronome)
Togepi: Togi!!! (It finished metronome, but it doesn't do explosion. The attack is tail whip, and since togepi doesn't have a tail, it's useless)
Butch and Cassidy: YES!!! (they high-five)
Everyone else: Oh, no!!
Tracey: (snores, because he fell asleep)
Drowzee: (finishes it's metronome, and it's earthquake. there's a huge crack in the ground.)
Jesse, James, and Meowth: Ahh!!!!! (they run far, far away before they get the chance to be sucked into the canyon.)
(the twerps, officer Jenny, and the director all fall into the giant crack in the earth)
The Twerps, Officer Jenny, and the Director: Ahhhhh!!!!
Butch and Cassidy: Double Yes!!! (they high-five again)
Ria: Hey, since I'm the stagehand, I get to go down there and mop up all the blood and guts and stuff, right?
Cassidy: Yep. That's right.
Ria: Cool. (jumps down the crack, and disappears)
Butch and Cassidy: Triple Yes!!! (they high-five for a third time)
Cassidy: She won't be bugging us to borrow money anymore!!
Butch: No, wait!! She OWES us money right now, Cass!!
Butch and Cassidy: No!!!!!!!!
Cassidy: Oh, well.
Butch: Wanna go get pizza?
Cassidy: Ok. Who cares about this show, anyways.
(They go get pizza)
The End, because CorgiGirl couldn't think of anymore bloopers.