okay, okay should i do the disclaimer stuff? i will anyway. Uh nintendo, gamefreak and all the other lucky devils own pokemon, Team rocket and all the other stuff. Some bloke owns big brother. But i own Ernie (The narrater) And the title...They may have big brother but i have Big brotherMON!!! *laughs like a maniac*
Uh basically this storie is just Big brother with the cast of pokemon. the reason i didn't use Divina Macall (is that how you spell it?) is 'cause She...Uh...Is pregnant (Or has had a kid)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Big brothermon<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

A guy with one of them cheesy game show costumes on is standing on the stage behind him are eight (familiar) people.

Ernie: Hello! and welcome to big brothermon! Let's meet our eight contestants shall we? Contestants introduce yourselves!

Ash: Hi i'm Ash! I'm 10 years old (Is it just me or has he been 10 for about 2 years?)
Misty: Hi i'm Misty! I'm 12 years old!
Mondo: Hi i'm mondo! I'm 15 years old
Domino: I'm Domino and i'm 15 year old!
James: Hiya, i'm James and i'm 17!
Jesse: Hi i'm Jesse and i'm also 17
Butch: The names butch and what's it to you how old i am?
Cassidy: I'm Cassidy and i'm 18, so is Butch.

Ernie: You know how this thing works right?

Ash: No
Misty: No
Mondo: Huh? oh...Yeah
Domino: Of course i know everything!
James: yup
Domino: It IS quite obvious
Cassidy: Shut up little girl, and yes we do.

Ernie: *Sigh* Well, we shut you in this house for however long it is. And one of you gets evicted each week. Now you can...Hang on. Give me your pokemon

Ash: Why do you want Pikachu?

Ernie: I don't, the rules state that to win £10.0000000000 you have to leave your pokemon outside of the house. Nurse Joy will look after them.

Ash: your NOT getting Pikachu!

Ernie: Then your NOT getting into the house *Strikes an 'Anne Robinson' pose* Goodbye!
(Ash walks off looking glum)
Ernie: Now go into the house!
(They walk in and have a quick look around then, the boys go into one bedroom and the girls into an other)

James: *whistles* Nice place...
Mondo: Yeah...
(Meanwhile in the girls bedroom)
Jesse: It's abit small!
Cassidy:Where am i supposed to put my stuff?
(They laugh as Misty walks in)
Jesse: Arn't you upset that your boyfriend didn't get in?
Misty: He ISN'T my boyfriend.
Cassidy: God, don't spaz!
Misty: i'm not spazzing! (She then gets out a weird egg shape, which looks remarkebly like Togepi)
Jesse: Isn't that your weird eggy, paper weight pokemon?
(Betcha can't say paper weight pokemon four times really fast!)
Misty: No! It's a...Statue, yeah a valuable statue, so... Leave it alone!
Cassidy: Whatever...(she looks at Jesse and they both laugh)
Misty: You guys are so immature *walks out*
Cassidy: *picks up 'statue'* we could have fun with this!
Jesse: Yeah...

(Meanwhile in the boys room)

Mondo: Wow! this place is so big and comfy and....
Butch: Mondo?
Mondo: Yes butch? butchy, butchy, butch?
Butch: Call me that one more time...Just shut up, Hey james, What do you think of this place?
James: *sniff* smells like chicken
Mondo: *sniff* like cabbage you mean,
Butch: *sniff* your both wrong it smells like egg!

(Domino walks in)
Domino: Pizza is cooking!
(She walks out)
Butch: Where did you get cabbage from, Mondo?
(They all laugh)
James: Hey you guys we get our own bathroom!
Mondo: Wicked this is soooooooooooo cool! (Runs around)
James: Mondo have you been eating sugar?
Mondo: yes i have!!!!!
James: *sigh* you knw what that does...
Butch: no, what does it do?
James: it makes him hyper then when he gets tired and goes to sleep he SNORES!
Mondo: I do not!
James: Yes...Pizza's ready come on.

(They go out and then Ernie comes on carrying a sign that says the first eviction!)

Ernie: Hi guys, you have had a week in there and you've all voted for who you want to leave, Misty got six votes and Mondo got one (don't forget there was only 7 people in there since Ash was an idiot and didn't go in). The viewers have voted and i have the results here. The first person to be evicted from the Big brothermon house will be...

I think i'll leave it there for the moment! part two will come as soon as i get the feeling back into my hands! tell me what you think so far at: cozzy_v@hotmail.com Or whatever!