okay, on the last one, we met the housemates and found out a bit about them, we have just got to the first eviction...

Ernie:...The first person to be evicted from the big brother house will be...Misty

Misty: %@£#&!
Jesse:(giggles) Hey Misty...Sorry to make you madder but, you know that statue you had which we weren't supposed to touch?
Cassidy: Well, We touched it, and we flushed it down the toilet!
Misty: WHAT? my dear, sweet Togepi!
Jesse: HA! I knew it was that Pokemon!

Ernie: Pokemon? That's against the rules, Misty you are being chucked out the big brother house for cheating...

Misty: You can't do that, only big brothermon can say that!
(Suddenly a voice comes over the speakers, it's a little fuzzy but to Jesse and James it's pretty obvious that it's Meowth)

Big brothermon: Misty you are evicted for cheating

Ernie: AS I WAS SAYING! Misty you are evicted for cheating which means that Mondo is the first to leave, sorry!

Mondo: Aww....
(He and Misty walk out to go and pack)
James: You flushed Togepi down the toilet? (Laughs) cool...
Domino: Great i'm stuck with you lot.
(They all scowl at her)
Domino: It's not like bad or anything but, Well now i'm the youngest and the prettiest!
(Jesse and Cassidy get anger marks and Butch and James get very LARGE sweatdrops)
James:Uh...I'm going...to...do something...(Runs out)
Butch: You might need some help! (Runs after James)
Jesse:WHAT did you say...?
Cassidy: Did you say...
(Cut to James and Butch outside)
James: man, she is DEAD!
Butch: never say your prettier than the girls...
James: that's suicidal!
(They stand anxiously outside, cut back to the house, Domino is in the Diary room crying, and Jesse and Cassidy are ranting about Domino in the bedroom)
Cassidy: Yeah you go girl! (shouts) FOR ONCE I AGREE WITH JESSE, YOU PIPSQUEAK!
(Cut to Domino who is crying)
Domino: This is mad i tell you MAD! All i wanted to do is be nice! i wanna go with Misty and Mondo!
Big brothermon:....
What will happen, will Domino be out of the house, will Misty find Togepi in the sewers? will i get an Irn Bru? I think i will, seeya in the next part!