In the last one Misty got evicted for cheating and Mondo got evicted for...Getting a vote...At the moment we are with Domino who is in the Diary room pleading with big brothermon (Meowth!!!) To let her leave, 'cause...HEY! why don't you just read the other bits then you'd understand!
Btw: I've had half a bottle of Irn Bru and i'm VERY hyper! ^_^

Domino: LET ME GO HOME NOW!!!!!
Big brothermon: okay! okay! Domino you may leave the house!
Domino: I SAID....What? I can? YES!!!

(The next day)

Cassidy: Domino's gone! hooray! hooray!
Jesse: Let's go tell the lads!
Cassidy: Okay!
(They run into the boys room but they are not there!)
Cassidy: Perhaps they went into the garden or something!
(They begin to search all over the house, But they can not find them! Finally they go to the diary room)

Jesse: Meowth...Uh...Big brothermon! we have a problem!
Cassidy: Yes we can't find Butch or James!
(Suddenly they hear a yell)
Jesse: That's James!
(They run into the kitchen and find James and Butch making coffee!)
James: Where were you?
Jesse: Where were...WHERE WERE YOU!!!! >.<*
James: We went to get some Irn Bru! Want some?
(Irn Bru, btw, is a legendary drink which is orange and makes you very hyper! It's a personal fave of me and my best friend, Nicola!)
Jesse: Oh! Yes! (Grabs the bottle)
Cassidy:...Did you say...You went to the shop?
Butch: Yup! down the road!
Jesse: (Drops the bottle and it spills)
Jesse: You went out?
James: yeah loads of security guards but they were asleep!
Butch: It is?
(Suddenly Meowth...Uh no...Big brothermon's voice comes over the speakers!)

Big brothermon: James and Butch, you have been caught cheating, You will both be evicted from the big brothermon house...

Butch: WAIT! Don't evict James! It was my idea to go...He just followed evict me instead!
Butch: That's the truth!

Big brothermon: Fine Butch your evicted...

(Ernie walks on looking frustrated in the background you see Butch holding up a sign that says: you owe me BIG TIME james!)

Ernie: It's been two weeks and there's only three of you left...So much for making this go on and on and on and on...The fifth person to be evicted from the big brothermon house will be....Cassidy!

Cassidy: Oh Damn it!
Jesse: Never mind Cassidy at leats you got to be on TV!
Cassidy: Hmph! Shut up!
(She storms into the bedroom)

Ernie: Well Jesse, James you two are the last two left in the house... (A few bits come up of Jesse and James in the house the following week! There's on of Jesse squirting James with the hose! and one of James splashing Jesse with some water from the pool then getting whacked so hard that he falls backwards into the pool. Ernie walks on)

Ernie: Well Jesse and James the viewers have voted for who they want to win. One of you got 49% and one of you got 51% the winner of Big brothermon will be....

hahahahahahahahahahaha! Now you will have to wait! Don't worry, part 4 is coming as soon as i write it! BTW. My friend helped me write this part so give some credit to Nicola Beck! (That's my friends name)