Big brothermon part 4

We are down to the last two, Jesse and James, we’re about to find out who wins the cash prize!


Ernie: The winner of big brothermon is…Jesse


James: You won! Jess! You won!

Jesse: You lost James though,

James: Oh yeah…but Jesse! You won!

Jesse: Yeah but you lost!

James: I don’t care, You won!

(Big brothermons voice comes over the speakers)

Big brothermon: Jimmy, Leave the house!

James: now?

Jesse: I don’t want him to leave! (Holds on to James)

James: How am I supposed to leave if you’re holding me?

Big brothermon: James leave the house!

James: You heard Meowth, I have to go!

Jesse: No you don’t! Honest you don’t! Keep me company!

James: (sweatdrops) but I have to leave!

Jesse: no you don’t

James: yes I do!

Big brothermon: James, LEAVE THE HOUSE NOW!

James: in case you haven’t noticed, I’M TRYING TO! Jesse I have to go!


James: (sits down)

Jesse: Big brothermon…Meowth…Whoever. James is staying in the house with me, is that clear?

Big brothermon: Yeah but…


Big brothermon: Okay! Okay, he can stay.

Jesse: That’s better!

James: (sweatdrops) PMS...

(a few hours later)

Ernie: Right, Jesse, it’s time for you to come and collect your cash prize! Come on out!

Jesse and James are sitting in the front room looking bored out of there minds.

Jesse: FINALLY!!!!!!! How long did we have to wait!!!!!!!!

James: Uh…Jess…It’s in the rules the last person…Or two people…have to stay an extra 24 hours….

(They walk out and onto a large stage. A huge crowd and the other contestants are sitting round the stage, James waves at them but only Mondo waves back. Misty and Cassidy are glaring at Jesse and Butch is glaring at Mondo)

Ernie: (holding out large check) Here you go…

Jesse: (snatches the check) Thanks! Come on James shopping spree!



lol! Poor James.