Disclaimer: This story is a crossover between two anime: Pokemon and Card Captor Sakura. I know it seems unusual, but from what I have been planning (and I sat for a whole five minutes on the bus), I think it is going to be really cool!! I do not own either of these anime, nor will I ever, so please do not sue me! ^_^ I am just using the characters... except for one. Yui!! That's me! Anyway, I'll stop blabbering now...On to the story:

Pokemon Cards

Chapter 1- Sakura in Poke-Land
I wanted to give her the world, but I failed...

The words echoed over and over in his head as he slept; it was the only thing on his mind. His feelings of rejection grew stronger in his heart as he watched her dance before him, dressed in the pretty black gown she had worn the night of the party. That fateful night he had lost her forever... and it was his own fault...

James awoke with a cold sweat on his brow. He looked next to him to see he was alone... as he had been the previous few nights. Jessie wasn't there anymore. He sighed, and turned over so he wouldn't have to look at the empty side of his bed.
"James, are you awake yet?" asked a familiar voice from the floor. James looked down at Meowth and yawned. "Kay, I guess you are," Meowth said. "You feel like gettin' outta dat bed today?"
"Not really," James sighed, pushing his head deeper into the silky pillow. It calmed him a little bit, but he still couldn't take his mind off the recurring dream that had haunted his last nights. "I miss her."
Meowth sighed. "I know ya do, Jimmy-boy," he said cheerfully. "But it's not da end of da world! You've still got Meowth!"
James smiled slightly. "Thanks, Meowth," he said. "I guess I should really get going. The Boss will probably be angry if he finds out that I'm slacking off. "
"All right den, let's get outta here already!" Meowth said. "I'll wait for you outside."
"Yeah," James responded. Meowth shut the door behind him, and James got up to change. Meowth had raised his spirits a little, but not enough. He still missed Jessie.
'Why did we even go to that stupid party?' he asked himself, pulling on his white Team Rocket pants. He thought back to the night of the party in Olivine... he and Jessie were bored, and they had snuck in. They were having a great time until... until he had come. The dark-haired boy who had stolen Jessie's heart... and James's girlfriend. He hadn't seen her since that night.... and he knew that she loved that boy more than him.
James quickly put on his black shirt and Rocket jacket, and took off out the door to meet Meowth. The cream-colored cat Pokemon was waiting for him by the door, and he didn't look impressed. "What took you so long, James?" he asked. "It's cold out here, ya know."
"Sorry, I was just thinking," he said, shutting the door of the tiny log cabin outside of Olivine City. "Where are we going?"
"I was plannin' on goin' back to Ecruteak City," Meowth explained. "Da twerps are probably gonna visit dat Morty guy on their way to the next city, so I figured we could jump 'em there and grab Pikachu."
"But Morty's so tough," James whined. "And so is that Pikachu. Why don't we just give up on it?"
"Because da Boss wants it," Meowth told him. "And I wanna be da top cat again!"
"Aww.. okay," James gave in. There was no stopping Meowth once he had an idea... 'Oh well,' he thought. 'On to another defeat by the Pikachu and Morty's Gengar.'
But the two of them didn't get far. Before they had even gone two steps, a sudden windstorm started blowing, causing them to lose balance. James and Meowth went flying onto the ground, landing unhurt in a mud puddle.
"Oh great!" James complained. "I just had this uniform washed, too!"
"Yeah, well, at least you don't gotta lick yourself clean!" Meowth complained.
"Why is the wind blowing so hard?" James wondered aloud. "The weather was fine a second ago. What happened?"
As if to answer his question, a strange sound surrounded the two of them. Out of nowhere, a huge bird swooped out of the sky at them, shrieking with a cry that sounded like the wind. James screamed, shielding his head with his arms. The bird jetted at them again, this time catching James's arm with its huge pearl-white talons. Its claws dug into his arm, and he screamed in pain as he was dragged up into the air.
"James!" Meowth called, catching a small drop of James's blood that descended from above.
James kept screaming, hoping that maybe someone would take pity on him and save him. But as the ground disappeared under his feet, he felt the world going black...
Meowth watched helplessly from below. "No... I lost Jessie! I can't lose James too!" he shouted, running after the bird. But before he could get far, he heard another voice from behind him: "Firey card!!" Meowth spun around to see a young girl, holding a pink staff with a beautiful golden star on the tip of it. She also held a card, which she threw in the air and tapped with the staff. Then Meowth backed up, because a raging flame emerged from the card, flying on red and orange wings toward James and the bird. Meowth watched in amazement as the flames surrounded the bird, causing it to drop James.
"Float card! Catch him and bring him down to safety!" commanded the girl, raising another pink card to her staff. This time, an invisible net formed under James, holding him and bringing him down to the girl's feet.
"Thank you Float, Firey," the girl sighed as the cards returned to her hands. She replaced them in the small pouch at her side, and then looked down at the tiny cat. "Is he your friend?"
Meowth was about to make a reply, but the girl spoke again, "Oh, why am I talking to a cat? Cats can't talk...."
"Can't talk? Ya call dis meowin'?" Meowth remarked.
"Oh... I guess this world is stranger than I thought," the girl sighed.
"What're ya talkin' about?" Meowth started. But before his response came, James moaned, and started to get up. The girl was immediately at his side.
"Are you all right?" she asked, starting to take his hand to help him up.
James looked the girl over. She was wearing an unusually fancy pink dress, and she was holding some sort of magical wand. "EEEEEE! Stay away!" he squealed, backing away.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," she said. "My name is Sakura. Please let me help you."
"Umm..." James took the girl's hand and allowed her to help him to his feet. "Where's the bird?"
Sakura looked to the sky, but it was too late. The white bird had already disappeared over the horizon. "Gone," she sighed. "The Fly card..."
"Fly card?" James questioned. Sakura looked at him and jumped, sweat-dropping. "Umm... nothing..."
"And you said, This world is really strange. What did you mean?" Meowth asked.
Sakura hesitated. "Well, I guess I can't back out of this one. It sounds really crazy but... I'm not from around here."
"Well... where are you from?" asked James with interest. He was very curious as to what the cute girl was trying to say.
"Okay... umm... I came from another world. I was transported here to retrieve the Star Cards... they're these magic cards that I am supposed to take care of." Sakura took one of the cards out of her leather pouch... it sported a picture of a cute little fox-like animal. On the bottom it read, "The Dash."
"This is one of them," she explained. "There are 52 in total but... some of them got away into your world. Half of them."
"So... that big bird thing was a card?" James said. "I'm never playing solitaire again..."
"Oh! Is your arm going to be all right?" Sakura asked, inspecting the claw markings on his arm. They were deep, and the blood was coming out fairly fast. James took one look at it, and flipped.
"OWWIE!!" he cried, holding it as if the bleeding would stop if he sealed it with his hand.
"Wait," Sakura said softly, taking out another card. She kneeled at James's side, and touched the tip of her star shaped staff to the card. "Light," she whispered, "please heal the wound inflicted by the Fly card. Release!" With these gentle words, a soft light wrapped around James's arm. When it cleared, his arm no longer hurt. The blood was gone, and the sleeve of his jacket had been repaired.
"Wow... Thank you," he said, smiling gratefully at Sakura.
"No problem," she said. "Now... can you tell me where I am?"
"I can't really explain it," James said, "but if you like, you can stick with me. I can tell you anything you need to know about anything you don't understand."
"I guess so,” Sakura said. "I mean, I can't go home until I get all 26 of the missing Star Cards back."
"Okay. That's cool," James said.
"First of all," Sakura said, "what is that?" She pointed curiously at Meowth.
"That is called a Pokemon," James said stupidly.
"Meowth's da name," he chirped.
"Okay. Pokemon... I'm confused," Sakura laughed. James smiled, and started walking back to the cabin. "We can stay here until I can find someplace else. For now, we're not exactly living in style."
"That's fine!" Sakura said. "I expected to be sleeping outside."
James laughed. "Okay. Come on, Meowth."
"Yeah yeah, I'm comin'," he said. The three of them disappeared into the cabin, not expecting anything to happen. But none of them saw the girl dressed in pink standing on the roof, smiling down on the blue-haired boy.


^_^ Yes, Chapter 1 is very short! Oh well, I wanted to write and I didn’t have time. This story is going to get very confusing, so just bear with me, okay? Okay!! Chiko!!!