***disclaimer: i don't own nothin


where cartoons come from

James Morgan was your average man. He lived in chicago, where he worked for an important business. He supported the chicago bulls, and have been to see them play a few times.

That day was like any others. He got to work, wrote an e-mail, relaxed and talked to his co workers. Went home played pool with his flat mate, and went sleep. A knocking sound woke him up. He stared into the bleak darkness and squinted at the clock. it read 4:43 AM, he groaned and rolled over. But the knocking carried on. So finally beaten he walked to the door and opened it. A black bag was slung over his head and he was carried off into the night.

When the bag was removed he found he was in a large round room. Lots of other people were sitting there dazed. He went up to one. It was a kid about ten yrs of age.

"hey, kid, where are we?" He asked

"I'm a pokemon master!" yelled the boy, before getting out a large red and white ball and running off. James stared after him. wondering what a pokemon master was. He looked very confused. A young man ran up to him looking frantic.

"Hi, Satoshi tajiri here, how would you like to be a villain?" he asked quickly.

"WHAT? No way no way" shouted James

Satoshi took no notice and just pushed James in to a room with a giant machine in it, the machine was buzzing and seemed to be moving. James tryed to back out of the room but satoshi was in the way.

"In you go!" he cried gleefully.

James fell head first into the machine, Blackness surrounded him, but he wasn't scared, he stared into the darkness and wondered where he was going, for he was most certainly going somewhere. But...Where...?


i wonder where this idea came from? Who knows?