"The Love they Couldn't See"

- James_Kero

I walked quietly into the woods looking for fire wood when I ran into Butch & Cassidy. They said hi in an evil tone of voice smirking. I yelled back,” Hi, Botch hey Cassidy” and then ran as fast as I could.

I ran a little to far. I found myself back at TR HQ. I asked if I could “borrow” some fire wood and the woman at the front desk said yes. I ran off with the wood in my hands and knocked into someone.I looked up and saw Jessie and Meowth with puzzled looks on there faces. ”Hey James, ain’t you’se supposed ta be gettin fire wood?", asked Meowth. “umm...I was until I ran into Botch & Cassidy”. “Oh dear God, their here.” Jessie whimpered.” Afraid so"." So what'd ya do whid da wood?"“ It was in my hand.”

“Well then go take it to camp.” ” Why are we even making camp when the HQ is right here?” ”Hello, numbskull, we still gotta pay!” screamed Jessie.” Whatever I'm goin back to camp.” I walked for awhile when I saw what looked like a celebi ,but it spoke!" What in da!” It had turned into a girl. She said her name was Madison. She was a magician. She said I could be invisible for a whole day. I accepted her invitation. I was now invisible! First I decided to have a little fun with Meowth & Jess. I walked into the HQ, they were still there. I said hi but no answer. I had done it! “Now I’m gonna do somthin I've been wanting to do or years “I thought. I saw Jessie and ran up, but then she walked away. I followed her into a room. We were alone. I heard her talking to herself. “Why was I so hard on James ? I should have at least helped him up. I’m such a failure. I can’t even tell him that I love him.” I paused. Had I heard the words I had wanted to hear for so long! I wanted to tell her I felt the same way but I knew she couldn’t hear. I was invisible. I walked out of the room. I got bored and messed with Meowth a little. I went back to camp and stared into the sky. About an hour later, Jess & Meowth came back and I was still invisible. “I couldn’t find him nowhere, Jess.Dun worry he’ll probly be back by mornin” “I hope you’re right.” My twenty-four hours were almost up. I messed myself up alittle for good excuse. My time was up. I limped into camp and sat down. “Oh my God ,James! What the hell happened?!?” “I met up with e’m again.” “Can’t dose joyks just leave us alone?”” umm...Jess?” “yes, James?” I kissed her. “I love you.” ”I love you to James.” “I know” ”How did you know? What did you do? turn invisible and follow me for a day?”


I don't own any of these caracters.there owned by nintendo yada yada yada.