The Love They Couldn't See (Jessie's point of POV)


I was walking with Meowth to the TR HQ. I knocked into someone.I looked down and saw James with a confused looks on his face. ”Hey James, ain’t you’se supposed ta be gettin fire wood?", asked Meowth. “umm...I was until I ran into Botch & Cassidy” he said. “Oh dear God, their here.” I whimpered.” Afraid so"." So what'd ya do whid da wood?”“ It was in my hand.”

“Well then go take it to camp.” ” Why are we even making camp when the HQ is right here?” ”Hello, numbskull, we still gotta pay!” I Jessie.” Whatever I'm goin back to camp.”. I sat there thinking. I went into in to a room. I was alone. I started talking to myself. “Why was I so hard on James ? I should have at least helped him up. I’m such a failure. I can’t even tell him that I love him.” I came out of the room. I saw Meowth looking at his tail every now and then. I decided to go look for James and apologize. “Hey Meowth wanna come to.” Meowth helped me look for him but I didn’t tell him why I was looking. About an hour later, Meowth & I came back to camp. “I couldn’t find him nowhere, Jess.Dun worry he’ll probly be back by mornin” “I hope you’re right.” I saw James limped into camp and sit down. “Oh my God ,James! What the hell happened?!?” “I met up with e’m again.” he said “Can’t dose joyks just leave us alone?” asked Meowth” umm...Jess?” “yes, James?” He kissed me. “I love you.” ”I love you to James.” “I know” ”How did you know? What did you do? turn invisible and follow me for a day?”


I know this sucks because nothing exciting happens like in the James' POV but I got bored so i made this one too.

Like I said before I don't own any of these characters.there owned by Nintendo yada yada yada.