Chapter Six - James and the Red Rocket

The Hummer came to an abrupt stop. "All right." Annie said to James. "We're close enough to the perimeter of the ranch for me to leave the car and just go in on foot." She reached to the seat behind her and pulled the two sniper rifles up to the front. She loaded and checked one, and handed it to James.

"Now, how do I use this thing?" James asked, holding the weapon and looking confused.

"You don't." Annie responded. "You only have that so my tail is covered. Unless I'm in danger and you have to, you do not fire that thing. Understand?"

James nodded. Annie wondered if he really understood. She rolled her eyes as she started to load the second rifle. He was cute enough, but he was so pathetic. Oh, Giovanni would regret teaming the two of them. She could feel it. She clicked the bolt into place on the rifle and checked the accuracy and alignment of the aiming scope. James watched as Annie's well-trained mind reviewed the gun, and couldn't help but notice that she was checking hers much more thoroughly than she had checked his.

Satisfied that her gun was ready, she pointed to a steel box by James' feet. "Get that, will you?" she said. James reached down and lifted the box to his lap. He opened the lid to reveal 10 gray Pokeballs and a silver box the size of a pack of cigarettes. Annie reached in and started to load the balls into a small canvas bag she had with her.

"Why are these Pokeballs gray?" James asked curiously.

Annie looked at him, amazed at how little he knew, even for a White Rocket. "They're the latest from Team Rocket Scientists." She replied, with the tone of someone explaining something to a child. "They're called Mega Balls, and they can catch up to five Pokemon at a time." Annie thought that everyone in Team Rocket had been told about the Mega Balls, but she guessed this guy must have not been on the briefing list.

"Five Pokemon at once?" James repeated.

"That's right." Annie said. For a second, an image of Meowth completing the motto flashed through James' mind. "They were designed for jobs like this, where we have to catch a lot of Pokemon at once. They also have a special feature where they return to who threw them after they close. You just have to activate this transmitter." She said, pressing a small button on the silver box and tossing it into her bag with the Mega Balls.

James was impressed. "Of course," Annie continued, "They'd never be legal by the Pokemon League, those pansies. That's why I'm in Team Rocket. All the Pokemon and adventure you want, and no big league official telling you what you can and can't do." Annie shook her head to clear it. "Now, I should be able to get right up to the outer fence of the yard on my own before being spotted by those Jennies. I'll throw out the Mega Balls, they'll get the Pokemon and come back to me, and I'll get back here."

"What do I do?" James asked.

"Keep the motor running." Annie replied. "And cover me. You have a good range on that gun. When the Mega Balls go, the Jennies will notice. They'd have to be blind and deaf not to. When they do, they'll go on full alert, and I won't have a lot of time to get out. If you see me in trouble, start shooting at the Jennies. Don't worry about me, I can dodge bullets with the best of them, but you should be able to drop at least a few Jennies. Got it?"

James couldn't believe it. He had to risk killing someone? He and Jessie had always joked about killing Ash and those twerps, but he had never dreamed that he would really do it some day. His body went numb, but he was somehow able to nod that he understood.

Annie grimaced. She wasn't at all sure that this would work. She climbed out of the Hummer and started to quietly advance towards the outer fence. James watched her progress through his binoculars after starting the motor. Finally, Annie was near the fence, and she stood up and cautiously looked around. There were a number of Jennies all patrolling the yard, on the lookout for Pokemon poachers, but they hadn't spotted her yet. What a bunch of morons, Annie thought. She reached into her bag and pulled out five of the Mega Balls. Without a word, she threw them into the ranch. They opened with a bright flash of light as Annie threw in the other five Mega Balls, and took off running.

A Jenny blew her whistle, and started yelling at the top of her voice, "Poacher near the east fence! They have Mega Balls, repeat, they have Mega Balls! All officers report!"

Annie ran back to the Hummer as the Mega Balls, following the signal of Annie's transmitter, flew threw the air between her and the Jennies. "Stop!" yelled the Jennies as they gave chase.

Annie was getting near the Hummer now. "James!" she yelled. "Fire a warning shot! Shoot above their heads!" James picked up the rifle, completely unsure of how to use it. Before he could try to figure it out, the gun accidentally fired a shot when James' finger slipped on the trigger. The bullet flew through the air, and James heard a scream from Annie. James immediately threw his gun down, ceratin he had killed Annie. He slumped down in the seat of the Hummer.

Just then, Annie yanked open the door and jumped behind the wheel. James looked at her, amazed. She wasn't hurt at all, but she seemed mad. James decided to not ask why until they were safe. Suddenly, he realized that the Jennies were not after them any more. Annie angrily jammed the car into gear and took off at high speed.

It wasn't till a few minutes later, when they were safely away, when James thought to ask what had happened. When he did, Annie slammed on the brakes and sent James flying.

"You want to know what happened?!?!?" Annie screamed. I'll tell you, you idiot! I told you to fire a warning shot, and you fired right at me!"

James looked confused. "But you aren't hurt, and I heard you scream." he said.

Annie shot a cold look at him, and threw her canvas bag at him. "Of course I'm not hurt. I told you I could dodge it. But look at what you did do!"

James looked, and realized there was a bullet hole in the bag. Inside, the small silver transmitter sparked. The bullet had ripped through it and destroyed it.

"Without the signal to follow, the Mega Balls just dropped to the ground. Those stupid Jennies got all 50 of their endangered Pokemon back, and we got nothing!" Annie spat.

Annie was seething, and James decided it would be best to not risk angering her further by saying something. He sat back as Annie started driving again, heading back to headquarters. He stared out the window at the scenery going by, and desperately wished he was back with Jessie and Meowth.