The Dream

"This is all your fault!" Jesse shouted at James when she finally got down from the tree she had landed in. "I had that Pikachu and we're all of to run, thinking that we'd at last had done it all right, but NO, of course you had to…" Most of the rest drowned into the yelling of Meowth for an aching ear, but she continued for five minuets after him, and at last stomped away muttering to herself.

James sat again at the ground looking after her.

"Jeez, she's hating me even more now than ever before…" he said.

"Oh, don't care. She's probably coming back to dinner anyway." Meowth answered.

"I guess your right. But she have been really strange the last weeks…"

"I know that, I think even the twerps have noticed. Now make us some food."

Jesse continued the swearing until she couldn't here them anymore, and then she loudly sighted and sat down by a tree, trying to get her mind in the right way, but once she closed her eyes the face of James popped out of nowhere, and she opened them again.

Why did this happen? Before he had been James, the little kid with the training wheels, her partner in chasing Pikachu, her friend, but now, it seemed like he always were on her mind, and it annoyed her in a way nothing had ever did before, and she guessed that was the reason for her being so mean to him. But of course, she had to admit, this wasn't his fault at all, but as long it was he who interrupted her peace she at least had to blame him. And still, she was really wondering why it happened.

But even worse, she couldn't manage it, and that made her REALLY mad. She was used to decide for her self what to feel, what to think of, but this were pushing her will aside, and she hated it, though she never wanted it to end.

After a while of confused thinking it struck her: Could she be…in love?

She almost burst out in laughter. She, Jesse, in love? That was impossible! At the pokčtech, every other girls had been whispering in the darkness of the boys they were in love with, and she had thought they were silly and made fools of themselves. She had promised to never depend to anyone, and never to fall in love.

But, was she supposed to choose? They all said she one day would find the love of her life, and then she had yelled at them, telling she never would. And then they said she couldn't decide whether to love or not, starting to laugh even more.

But it was James! Her oldest and best friend! She might destroy it all… Or she had pretty much done already, the way she had treated him the last few weeks.

No… this wasn't easy, and she wanted it all to disappear.

When she went to the camp they were both asleep, and she felt lonely when she laid down herself.


She was on this beautiful place, a meadow by the sea, with trees around, and her clothes was white and light, blowing in the wind. And then James came walking from the forest, also dressed in white clothes, and the wind was turning stronger, sweeping her up in the air and flying her toward him. He smiled and opened his arms, and the wind let her down just in front of him, and she looked at his face, his beautiful green eyes, and then she smiling closed her eyes, and felt her lips meet his, slipping her arms around his neck and leaning toward him, and felt his arms around her waist.

She didn't want it to stop, even after they broke the kiss she didn’t let him go, and she held him, still with her face next to his, as the summer around them suddenly turned to fall, and when the yellow leaves started to fly around them she kissed him again, and then it was turning colder, and it began to snow.

The meadow vent from yellow to white. She loved the winter, she loved the snow.

She wanted to fell his skin next to hers, and pulled him down in the snow, or maybe he was pushing her, it didn't really matter, she was more happy then she ever had thought she might be, feeling his lips at her neck and his hands searching her waist.

But then, suddenly, it were getting darker, and the noise of thunder reached her ears. They both sat up, and it began to rain, big drops falling to the ground, making her beautiful, fluffy white snow melt and replaced it with mud.

"Jessica…" the first word he spoke, sitting there, still holding her waist. She couldn't speak, it felt like her chest were stucked with something, and she only could open her mouth.

"Jesse, my beloved, I don’t think you really love me. Don't ever doubt in my love for you, but I can’t believe you love me." He pulled his arms to himself an raised up, and she hurried after.

"I can give you all the happiness in the world, but I can't love you without knowing I've been loved myself. Just tell me, do you love me?" She wanted to kiss him again, but her arms were heavy like gold, and she couldn't move, and her lips refused to speak.

"You don't, huh?" He said with a sad, little smile, and then he kissed her gently at her forehead before he turned and left.

As the rained poured down at her, she tried to move, but were stuck to the ground, she tried to cry, but she could hardly whisper.

"Meowth…" she said. Where was that dammed cat the only timed she needed him? He could get James back to her!

"Meowth!" a little louder, and then she saw him, sleeping under a tree in head of James. She couldn't call for James, then make Meowth hear her would be impossible, and in despair she broke the invisible chain.

She started to run after him, but was stopped by a lightening right in front of her.

But it was no lightening, it was the thundershock of Pikachu. She turned, and stared at the twerps behind her. The Bulbasaur let it's whine whip out, and before she was able to escape it tightened them around her arms and waist. She tried to break out, but were stuck to the place.

"James!" she wailed after him.

"James! Come back, please come back, I do…I do…" she didn’t know what she tried to say, the words get stuck in her throat. Instead, she turned to the twerps.

"Please…" she cried "Please, let me go…" they looked sadly at her.

"I can't. If you reach him he will continue to be with you, and you will capture Pikachu. When you're alone, you can't, you're nothing without him." Ash said silently. She turned to Misty, and begged her to let go.

"You have to protect the loved ones." Misty said softly.

"You don’t betray you friends. I can’t help you."

"JAAAAMEEEES….." she cried again, but he didn't seem to hear it. A lightening from Pikachu ended in the ground right in front of her, and caused it to crack, and soon a large canyon were between her and James, tearing them apart forever.

She fell at her knees, staring after his white clothes far away in the storm, and began to weep. She felt the whips slip her, and she embraced herself and sobbed even louder, feeling her life was gone.

A little touch on her arm made her lift her head, and she stared at Pikachu's sad eyes. He seemed sorry for her, and laid his head down at her knees, it seemed like he was trying to comfort her. She patted his head a few times, but then Ash said:

"It's time to go", and he raised his head and ran to Ash, but as they left Ash said sadly:

"Jesse, we're really, really sorry…"

And then she was sitting there, with rain pouring down her head and felt so completely alone as never before.

"James…" she whispered "I love you…"



Jesse awaked when the first sunrays hit her eyes, and stared around with obvious relief when she saw James in his sleeping bag.

She crept out of her own and went over to him, and sat on her knees and just looked at him, his pretty face, so innocent in his dreams… her own dream came over her, and she remembered the joy of loving him, and the pain when he left…

Now she knew. She couldn't deny it any more, she had fallen in love, and she had done it with her best friend. She realized she loved him, and then again she get lost in the dream, and didn't even notice before she caught herself sitting there and pat his hear with a silly grin in her face.

He was still asleep, and she gently pushed away a lock of his hair which had fallen in front of his eyes and kissed his brow, before she raised up.

"I wonder if you're ever gonna love me… No, of course not. You’re far to afraid of me to do so." she said bitterly.

"Hey! You! Wake up!" the same cry which had awakened them the last few weeks was there again, but something sounded different today.

"James! Do you believe I'm gonna make this breakfast all by myself?"

He quickly raised up and waited to get strangled for being a dopey, but it never came. Instead, a happy laughter were dancing in his ears. Meowth saw just as puzzled as he felt himself.

"Oh guys! You look like I'm the princess of all your dreams!" Jesse choked, and continued to giggle.

"But belive me, I'm not! Now get up!"

But she was still smiling.