The End…

By James’s Rose

Disclaimer: Pokemon and Team Rocket does not belong to me. They belong to Nintendo, 4Kids, WBKids, and anyone else who has there lucky hands on them.

Summery: The story of James’s life up until he met Jessie.

Rating: PG

Chapter 1: Names

“No no no, that name is fahr to comm’n for our son, ay think we should call him Benjamin.”

A middle-aged couple sat neatly in a peach loveseat in an elaborately decorated, and very large, Sitting Room.
You could see the woman was heavily pregnant, even though her dress was pulled far to tight to try and give her a flat stomach.

“No, not Benjamin,” the man disagreed, “It needs to be much more, much more of an artists name, somethin’ that respectable people will look up to, knowing that his parents choose that excellent name, it needs to be, how can I put it, much more radiant.”

“Darhlin’, how many times do ay hav’ ta tell you, ay am the one that will be choosin’ our sons name.”

“Very well dear,” the man put up no argument with his wife. Suddenly, a young man in a black suit opened the glass sitting room doors and bowed slightly.

“Madame and Master, the Redfields are here.”

“Ah, excellent Harly, send them in.” said the man.

The Butler, Harly, bowed again and left the room, only to return a few moments later with another couple, the woman also pregnant.

“Ah, Pricilla, Henry, glad you could make it here on such short notice.” The man said, getting up off the loveseat and extending his hand towards Henry.

“Not a problem Fredrick, especially when it’s about our daughters future with your son.”

Fredrick motioned towards another loveseat opposite to theirs with a glass coffee table in-between.
The woman carefully sat down next to her husband. After getting herself comfortable, she sat up straight and took a cup of tea of the coffee table. After taking a sip and placing it back on the saucer, she turned to her female host.

“So Susan, I’m glad we could arrange this lit’le get together, and on such interesting terms.”

“Indeed, as our Butler explained to ya all, my lit’le boy needs a sensible and respectable wife so he can carry on the family line, and after we all heard about your pregnancy and findin’ out it was a precious lit’le girl, you were naturally the first person we thought off.”

“And we’re so glad you did. We need a sensible and respectable boy to make our lit’le girl able to give us our grandchildren, and with parents like you, I’m sure your boy will be as well trained and perfect as our Jessiebelle will be.”

“Ohhh, Jessiebelle?” interrupted Fredrick, “What a perfect little name, how did you come up with such a wonderful and respectful name?”

“It’s quite simple,” explained Henry, “Jessiebelle was the name of a famous ballerina, and we just knew that if we named our precious after her, Jessiebelle would grow up to become the most beautiful, talented and most of all, responsible and independent young woman.”

“Ohh how wonderful!” explained Susan.

This conversation went on for most of the day, discussing when their children will be married, what they’re going to be when they grow up, and most importantly, how much money they will bring to the family.
It was late afternoon before the Redfield’s rose from their seats, thanking the Madison’s for their hospitality, and leaving as swiftly as they came. As Susan and Fredrick walked down one of their many corridors, Susan suddenly stopped in her tracks and put her hand on her stomach.

“Something the matter dear?”

“It certainly is!” she exclaimed angrily, “This lit’le beast insi’e me just kicked me.”

“Kicked you!? Oh how terrible! He will have to be punished for that when he’s born.”

“Defiantly, kicking is not the gentlemanly thin’ ta do ta a woman, especially his own mother.”

Suddenly, Fredrick looked at the wall.

“Hmmm, by jove I think I’ve got it!”

“Got what dear?”

“The name.” He pointed to the right of his wife to a painting on the wall by someone called James Harrington.

“The boy must ‘ave been tellin’ us to call him James.”

“James? Hmm, that is a respectable name; I can just imagine it now. All our important friends talkin’ about James Madison, the heir to our fortune. Oh Fredrick it’s perfect, James it is.”


Fredrick sat outside the bedroom door calmly reading a newspaper as nurses and servants ran about him, in and out of the bedroom door as painful screams could be heard coming from within the walls. He turned to the next page before one of the nurses came running up to him.

“This is it Sir, your wife is having your baby, do you want to come in and help her?”

“Certainly not.”

The nurse was taken aback by this comment.

“I am a man of property, birthing is the woman’s job and should have nothing to do with men.”

With that said, he turned back to his newspaper and started reading again while the screams of his wife echoed down the corridor and throughout nearly the entire Mansion.
The nurse shook her head and ran back into the room, closing the door behind her.


A long while later, the screams had died down and the only sound that could be heard were the footsteps of nurses inside the bedroom.
One of the nurses, who looked pretty worn out herself, came out of the bedroom and walked up to Fredrick.

“Sir, it’s all over, you can see your son now.”

“It’s about time you know, I’ve been sitting out here for ages, how long does it take to have just one child?” he mumbled as he walked into the room.

Susan was sitting upright in her bed looking down and frowning at the bundle of cloth in her arms. Fredrick walked up beside her and looked down at his son.

“Hmm, I suppose he will hav’ ta do.” She said, handing the little James over to his father.

Unsure how to hold a baby, Fredrick took him in his arms and stared at James. Tiny wisps of lavender hair could be seen, and his tiny little emerald eyes looked up at his father. He giggled slightly and put his thumb in his mouth.
Fredrick raised an eyebrow at his son and looked around for the cot. Walking to it, Fredrick put his arms down and dropped James onto the blankets. Immediately, James started crying and one of the servants ran up to him, taking James in her arms.

“Please Sir, “she said to Fredrick, rocking James gently in her arms, “You have to be careful with babies, they are very fragile.”

Fredrick stared at her angrily, “You DARE talk back to me?”

The servant stared wide-eyed, “No, no I didn’t mean too, I was just, you could have hurt him, I just…”

“…put my son back into the cot,” Fredrick interrupted, “You’re fired.”

The servant looked as though she was about to cry. She hung her head and gently placed James back into the cot, covering him with the blankets. Holding back her tears, she turned and walked out of the bedroom.

“Humph, servants, they don’t respect authority.” stated Susan.

Fredrick turned back towards the other crowd of servants, who all coward from him.

“You all know what your jobs are. Take James to his room and make sure neither I or my wife hear any noise, any crying from him, or you will all be fired.”

With that, one of the servants took James and followed the others down the hall to a separate room and went inside closing the door behind her.

Fredrick turned back to his wife and sat down on a seat beside her, once again taking out his newspaper and sitting down to read, waiting for his wife to regain enough strength to move again.


Meanwhile, four of the servants where crowded around James in his cot in his new newly decorated bedroom.
James was lying on his back looking up at the servants yawning.

“He’s so sweet.” commented Rachel

“I hate to think what he’s gonna grow up as with parents like those.” Said Lara

“Poor kid, he’s not gonna have a choice. Those two aren’t gonna love him, they’ll just leave it up to us to look after him.” Said Sophie

A servant with short brown hair named Natalie lent over the cot and tickled James lightly on the chest. James giggled and blew bubbles at them. The servants laughed and smiled at him.
Another big yawn and James’s green eyes were slowly closing.

“We should be quiet, the poor things whacked out.”

As the servants watched James fall asleep, all of them were thinking the same thing;

It’s up to us to take care of him, it’s up to us to teach him, and most importantly, it’s up to us to love him.


“Go on James, open it.”

The 6-year-old James stared at the brightly covered wrapping paper covering a large box in front of him.

“It’s not going to open itself James, go on.”

James smiled up at the four servants surrounding him and put his hands on the box.

The five friends were sitting in the Lounge. It was snowing heavily outside so the giant fireplace was burning brightly. James and the servants sat under a large Christmas tree with elaborate decorations.
His parents had gone out to a Christmas dinner some hours before. They had given James his presents; although every one of them James wasn’t interested in. They were all some formal piece of equipment to help him learn and things like that. They never got him anything fun.
Every year however, his favourite group of servants always bought him a present that they all saved up for with their salaries. It was never very much, but it was more special to James than all of his parent’s presents put together.

As James ripped the wrapping paper of the box, he noticed there where holes in the side of the box, and some letters that read ‘this side up’ with an arrow pointing towards the ceiling.
He had no idea what it was, but it was certainly the biggest present he had got from the servants.
He un-hooked the cardboard pieces and opened the box.

What he saw made his heart practically leap with joy.

In the bottom of the box was a Growlithe puppy, staring up at James with big brown eyes and wagging it’s tail so hard it looked like it was going to fall off.
James grinned and took the puppy out of the box, placing it on the floor next to him. The puppy immediately leapt onto the pile of discarded wrapping paper and began to shred it with its tiny teeth. James laughed, and so did the servants, seeing that James was so happy.

“So, do you like it James?” asked Natalie, watching as James picked the young Growlithe up in his arms and cuddling it.

“Oh I love it!” he exclaimed, as the Growlithe began covering his face with happy licks.

“It hasn’t got a name, so you can give it one if you want.”

James put the puppy back on the ground and watched as it went back over to the wrapping paper. As it tore the paper, it was growling at, as if it would make it any easier to shred.

“I’m going to call him…Growly!”

The servants smiled, “Growly it is then.”

“Growly is the best present ever!” James said, getting up off the floor and hugging all the servants. The servants smiled back as James ran back over to Growly and began stroking it gently.

“I want to become a pokemon trainer when I get older and I’m going to use Growly in all my battles!” he said proudly, picking the puppy up and hugging it

“Well, when you said you liked the Growlithe you saw it that pokemon pet store a few months back, we really did get it.” Said Lara

“We asked the manager to save it till Christmas, and we picked it up earlier today.”

James looked up at them with tears pricking at his eyes.

“Thank you so much, I love Growly, and I love you too.”

Rachel smiled, “We love you too James, just be careful. That Growlithe may be a puppy, but it sure has one heck of a powerful ember attack.”

Sophie giggled as she remembered the trouble they had getting it back to the mansion as it kept on using its ember attack on the cardboard box. In the end, they put a couple of treats in the box to stop it from burning the whole place down.

James grinned again and went back to playing with his new and first pokemon.

As he played, James thought about how nice the servants were too him. They don’t get paid very much in the first place, but despite knowing he was born into a super rich family, they still tried to buy him presents whenever they could afford it. He really loved them, sometimes even more than his own parents, but he loved them too.

At that moment, James couldn’t have been happier, but little did he know, that was all about to change.

To be continued…