Summery: The opportunity to express James’s love for Jessie arises, the perfect way to tell her…a karaoke contest?

(AN: This is my first PoV fic, told from James’s PoV. I hope it’s alright)

Can’t take my eyes off of you

"Always…love you."

Although this singing was awful, I clapped as the latest contestant got down from the stage.

Jessie, Meowth and I sat a table at the back having a meal. We decided that although we probably couldn’t afford it, we had decided to treat ourselves to a decent meal for once, after all, even when you fail all the time by getting shocked by that brats Pikachu, it still wears you out. So, we had booked a table at the ‘Red Rose’, my choice, and had deliberately booked during karaoke night. Food and fun all at the same time! We needed a laugh, but little did I know that this night would be a lot more than a meal and a laugh. A lot more.

"Well if dat wasn’t the worest piece a singin’ I ever heard." Complained Meowth

"Maybe, but at least it gives us a laugh." giggled Jessie.

After a moment, her eyes brightened.

"Hey I have an idea!" she blurted, "I think you should go up there and sing James."

I sweat dropped nervously.

"Yeah, seeing James make a fool outta himself will defiantly give us a laugh." Chuckled Meowth

"Go on James, just for fun. I bet you could show him up."

‘Oh no way,’ I thought, ‘What if it’s a romantic song, and I have to sing it, with Jessie here?!’ I started panicking, "I’ll just go bright red and give my feelings away straight away!’

"Umm, no, no I’d rather, rather not."

"James." She said warningly, "Get up there and sing!" she demanded.

I took a deep breath and looked across at Jessie. She was so beautiful that night. She had let her strawberry hair down and it was flowing down past her hips. She wore a short-sleeved dark blue dress that came up a few inches above her knees. She still wore those green earrings, she seemed to like that color.

That thought brought back a memory earlier today.

We were all walking along a dusty road trying to find that brat’s Pikachu and Jessie and I were talking about our favorite things. Interesting conversations we have huh?

"Well I don’t think I need to answer that question Jessie, you should know by now." I said.

"Hmm, guess your right."

All three of us looked at each other and shouted at the same time,


Well, they were right of course, my favourite food…donuts. Mmmmm, donuts. Just the thought of it was making me hungry. Then I realised I had to ask Jessie a question.

"Hmm, ok, let’s have an easy one, what’s your favourite…" I thought for a moment, "…colour?"

For some reason, which I didn’t understand then, Jessie blushed. She looked away from me down the road and didn’t answer.

"Jessie?" I asked

"Hmmm?" she said innocently

"I asked you a question."

"Oh, ummm, yes."

I could sense she was trying to ignore it. What was so wrong about asking her her favorite color?

"Its, ummm…" she hesitated, "…green." She said quietly, blushing even more.

At the time I never realized it, but with what happened afterwards, I knew she was talking about my eyes. Her favorite color was the color of my eyes. Of course at the time, I never looked at it any other way and just blurted out my favorite color.

"Mines red."

Now Jessie blushed even more. At that moment I was taking about my roses, I never even thought that it was also the same color as her beautiful hair. Unlike now.

When we had got back to the Team Rocket cabin we were staying in, I over heard Jessie talking to Meowth while I booked a table at the ‘Red Rose’.

"Are ya sure your fav color ain’t red Jess?" Meowth chuckled, " Cause out there I tink your cheeks certainly loiked that color."

"I don’t know what you’re talking about Meowth." she said innocently

"Come on Jess, when you told James that ya fav color was green, you went redder than a Charizard in a hot tub. And when he said dat his fav was red, we’ll I tink I saw another Charizard join dat first one!" he laughed

Jessie scowled at him. But she couldn’t think of anything to say.

"Come on Jess, I know dat you’ve got da hots for James. It’s obvious when ya go all red like dat whenever he’s around."

Jessie sat down on the sofa and sighed. Meowth climbed up next to her.

"I don’t know Meowth." She said softly, "I don’t know how to tell him. Your right, I do, I…I love him."

When I heard this I nearly dropped the phone. Then I realised that there was still a person at the other end of it.

"Oh, umm, yeah, right, a, a table for two, three, sorry, I meant three." I stuttered.

After a few more stuttering words, I put the phone down and looked across at Jessie. I straightened my shoulders, took a deep breath, and walked over like I had heard nothing.

And now, here I am, looking at Jessie who is intently staring at me demanding for me to get there and sing. Maybe she wants me to sing for her? I could only hope as I gave in.

"Alright, I’ll go."

Jessie squealed with delight and practically pushed me off my chair. She waved her hand at the Compare on the small stage.

"Over here! Over here!"

Did Jessie really have to announce it the whole restaurant like that? Oh well, I blushed as I walked down the wide gap in the middle of the restaurant leading to the small stage at the other end. Only then did I realise that our table was in direct line view of the stage. This gave me an idea.

Either Jessie would scream at me and leave, or kiss me and tell me how much she loves me. Hmmm, hoping on the last one.

"Go James!" I heard Meowth chuckle. I blushed even harder, if only he knew what I was gonna do.

When I got to the stage, I could see the whole restaurant. All the customers staring at me waiting to sing. I gulped. This was even more nerve wracking than I thought it would be.

I turned to the Compare and whispered if I could sing a special song. He nodded. I didn’t need the words, I already knew them. But then, to my horror, the Compare took the microphone and faced the audience.

"Okay everybody. This is James, and he has requested that he be able to sing special song for the girl he loves here tonight."

I could have just melted into a pool of humiliation there and then. What is with everybody wanting to embarrass me!? I could feel myself getting redder and redder. All the customers had ‘Ahhh’ed at me as I looked up at Jessie down the walkway. As I looked, I could see her face getting redder as well. I hoped this was a good sign, as I took the microphone and the music started. Before the words started, I was thinking that I must be insane. I prayed that Jessie felt the same or this was going to be the shortest song ever. The cue for the words came, and I started singing, looking at Jessie the whole time.

"You’re just to good to be true,
Can’t take my eyes of off you,
You’d be like heaven to touch,
I wanna hold you so much,
At long last love has arrived,
And I thank God I’m alive,
You’re just to good to be true,
Can’t take my eyes of off you."

At this point I slowly stepped down from the stage while the music played, and walked over to Jessie. By now, Jessie was about as embarrassed as I was. I could see Meowth playfully elbowing her in her side and winking at her. As I got to our table, I extended my microphone free hand to her. She looked at me for a moment, her eyes shining, and then took my hand.

As I led her back to the stage with me the, the next verse began.

"Hardly the way that I stare,
There’s nothing else to compare,
The sight of you makes me rouge,
There are no words left to coo,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it’s real,
You’re just to go to be true,
Can’t take my eyes of off you."

When I got back to the stage, the music spiced up a little, so, holding putting the microphone back in it’s holder near by, I sang and spun Jessie around as we danced, and the audience clapped.

"I love you baby,
And if it’s quite alright,
I need you baby,
To warm the lonely night,
I love you baby,
Trust in me when I say."

Jessie laughed as I danced with her, holding my hand the whole time. This was a good sign, she was enjoying it. I continued.

"Oh pretty baby,
Don’t bring me down I pray,
Oh pretty baby,
Now that I’ve found this day."

The music began to slow down again, so I spun Jessie one more time and brought her into my arms, only inches apart.

"And let me love you baby,
Let me love you."

Jessie stared into my eyes so lovingly. Those sapphire orbs searching my sole. I danced very slowly, holding her close, keeping my arms around her waist.

"You’re just to good to be true,
Can’t take my eyes off of you,
You’d be like heaven to touch,"

I lifted my hand up to her face and stroked her cheek gently.

"I wanna hold you so much,"

I tightened my grip around her. I felt her gasp and my heart started racing, but I couldn’t stop now.

"At long last love has arrived,
And I thank God I’m alive,
You’re just to good to be true,
Can’t take my eyes off of you."

I held her hand in mine, letting go of her waist, but she didn’t move back, she just stayed as close as before leaning into me. The beat stated up again, and I swung her out again keeping a hold on her hand.

"I love you baby,
And if it’s quite alright,
I need you baby,
To warm the lonely night,"

This was it; it was getting close the end of the song. I knew what to do, but how would Jessie react?

"Oh pretty baby,
Don’t bring me down I pray,
Oh pretty baby,
Now that I’ve found this day,
Oh pretty baby,"

The music was fading and I pulled her close to me again, lips mere inches away. Instead of singing the last line, I spoke it, looking directly at Jessie.

"Trust in me when I say…"

I wrapped my arms around her waist and spoke the words that were only for her,

"…I love you."

I vaguely heard the audience ‘ahhh’ again, but I wasn’t really listening; I was waiting for Jessie’s response.

What she did do eventually, I wasn’t expecting. She smiled at me for a moment, then, slowly putting her arms around my neck, pressed her lips to mine.

At that moment, the world around me melted, and the only people there were Jessie and myself. I pulled her even closer, if that was possible, and responded to her kiss. I knew from then on we would become the bestest of friends anyone could ever imagine. I loved her, and she loved me. After what seemed like forever, we broke the kiss and stared in each other’s eyes. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Then, and only then, did I look around, to see everyone in the restaurant staring at us standing on the stage, in front of everyone’s eyes. Saying we blushed is putting it mildly. Suddenly, a large cry of happiness came from our table and Meowth leapt up off his chair and ran towards us, holing something in his hand. He ran on stage, pried Jessie and me apart, and gave the object in his hand to mine. When I looked at it, I blushed even more.

"Go on James, do it properly." He smiled.

Jessie leaned over to see what was in my hand and also blushed. I knelt bent down to Meowth and quietly said,

"Meowth, where did you get this from?"

"I’ve had it for ages."

"I can’t do this now, it’s still to early."

However, I wasn’t quite quiet enough. Jessie put her hand on my shoulder and, still blushing, said,

"I don’t think it is James."

Meowth winked at me and went back to our table. He dived under it and brought out a disposable camera, sat on the table, and waited, grinning from ear to ear. I sighed. One day I’m gonna get that Meowth for making me feel like an idiot.

I got back up and looked at Jessie, who smiled at me embarrassingly. I took a shuddering breath. This was it. I knelt down on one knee, took her hand in mine, and said those magic words.

"Jessica, will, will you marry me."

I placed the ring Meowth had given me on to her finger. I could feel the tension in the air as everybody waited to see what her response would be.

She looked at me lovingly, but then her smile turned rather seductive. She knelt down in front of me and leaned into me.

"Does this answer your question?"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and forcefully pressed her lips to mine. She held me tight as I practically melted into her kiss. Suddenly, a flash of light came from the restaurant, as a happy Meowth put his camera down on the table. The whole restaurant cheered as Jessie broke the kiss.

I kept my eyes shut for a moment, still completely dazed. I heard Jessie giggle and I opened my eyes. I smiled back ay her,

"Shall I take that as a yes then?"

A voice came from the other end of the restaurant.

"You better had done!" Meowth said, as he came running up to his friends, jumping onto the stage, and straight into our arms.

We hugged, as tears fell down are faces. Jessie and I looked at each other over Meowth and smiled. This was the beginning of a brand new life for both of us. Suddenly, I had an idea. While everybody was still laughing and cheering for us, I quietly whispered across at Jessie.

"Prepared for trouble?"

Jessie smiled back at me and seductively whispered back.

"Better make it double."

The End