
Okie dokie, I'l accept pretty much anything. If it does contain something inappropriate, I will put a warning on it, however.

Oh yeah, cuz this is a James and Butch shrine, James and/or Butch must be in the fic!

Oh by the way, I stink at writing summaries!

E-mail me if you have any submissions!


Even if...
Rating: PG nothing too bad in here except for maybe a little scene
It starts out with the twerps, but team rocket do show up at the end shortly. It basically tells the twerps something about the future of TR, and shows the deep, caring loyalty that James carries within himself.

Teach Me How to Love
Rating: PG
Nadia's first fanfic. Rocketshippy and neoshippy! One of my favorites!


Rocket Wedding
Rating: PG mild profanity
A very cute story about Jessie and James getting married and their first child.

A Big Team Rocket Interview
Rating: I guess G
Togepi interviews Meowth, James, and Jessie

A Team Rocket Love Story
Rating: G
After meowth blurts out to Ash and co that he thinks Jesse and James are in love the two rocket members leave their friend (just for the day) and realize that what he said was true!

Rating: G
Togepi is all 3! So am I!

Team Rocket Rose

Meowth's Christmas Gift
Rating: G
What gift does Meowth have for Jessie and James?

In the Quiet of the Night (Jessie's Song)
Rating: G
Misty isn't the only one who can sing a love song!

Beginnings: Pokemon Tech
Rating: G
This fic tells about Jessie's first night at Pokemon Tech and how she teamed up with James.

Rating: G
When a commercial director gets the "brilliant" idea to use Pokemon characters in his advertisement for Poke-Mac and Cheese, he gets a bit more than he bargained for!

Pokemon the Movie 4-The Cut Scene
Rating: G
A cute fic based on the rumor that Vicious is James n Jessie's son.

Impostor Oak's Advice
Rating: G
Ya know how Prof. Oak gives out advice to new trainers, right? Well, this fic is a letter to new Team Rocket members from Impostor Oak. Hilarious! ^_^


Don't Trust Used Car Dealers
Rating: G
Butch's car gets "stolen" and he has to go buy one from some used car dealers.


Love Poem
Rating: PG (a little profanity)
A cute fanfic where Meowth finds a love poem that Jessie wrote about James.

Rating: PG (a little profanity)
After seeing how Jessie and James act together, Cassidy is missing her partner more and more.

The Dream
Rating: PG
Jessie has a dream where she loves James, then something tragic happens in her dream

Meowth's Scheeming
Rating: G
A funny fic with Meowth teasing James

Something Kinda Funny
Part 2 Part 3
Rating: PG-13
When the twerps arrive at Ash's hometown, TR schemes up a plan

Rating: PG
Jessie questions and wonders about her relationship with James in the "morning after..."

True Love...or Something
Rating: PG
James buys a ring to propose to Jessie but later, he throws it away because of his pessimism. Once he finds the who has the ring and gets it from them, he must survive the beatings he gets from Jess.

Jessica R. Vance

I've Given My Heart
Rating: G
A poem from J and J's pov telling how much they like each other and why.

Hatsu Koi
Rating: G
A short fic of James's and Jessie's first love.

I Luv...
Rating: G
An entry from Jessie's diary about how she wishes she can tell James that she loves him.

My Voice
Rating: G
A sad poem told by Butch's point of view. He wishes everyone wouldn't judge him by his voice.

Silver Vaporeon

Beautiful Dreamer
Rating: PG
A story about how guns changed Butch's life. This fic shows how damaging guns can be to society.


What's In a Name
Rating: G
A short rocketshippy poem in James's and Jessie's POV.

What's In a Name - 2
Rating: G
A short neoshippy poem in Butch's and Cassidy's POV.

Too Much Suntan Lotion
Rating: PG
TR goes on a vacation to the beach, and of course the gray cloud follows them

Allan North

Confession of Love
Rating: G
Someone confesses their love for James! ^_^

The Criminal
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Epilogue
Rating: PG (guns and violence)
Jessie and James have been reassigned to different partners.

Lost Scene
Rating: PG or PG-13 (adult issues)
Lost scene from the fic Criminal

The Message
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Rating: PG or PG-13 (guns and violence)
A neoshippy fic about Butch and Cassidy's plans getting ruined and so Butch feels the need of revenge

Boy's Night Out
Rating: PG
James and Butch have a nice talk about Jess and Cass over at a bar. Both neoshippy and rocketshippy! ^_^


Gone Forever
Rating: G
A sad fic about Jessie and James getting married and having a baby.

Jessie-The Beginning
Rating: G
A how-they-met fic. Really cute!

A Strong Love
Rating: PG
After Jessie gets in an accident, she and James love each other even more

Jessie's Knight
Rating: PG
James gets beat up by Cassidy and Butch after defending Jessie

A True Winner
Rating: G
Jessie blames herself for Team Rocket's failures, then James comforts her

The Best Reason
Rating: G
J and J think about the reasons they love each other


Liberty Rose
Rating: PG
Jessie and James have a baby

Rating: PG
One night, Jessie thinks about her past, troubles, and James

Friday Night
Rating: PG
J and J have an online conversation

Admit the Obsession
Rating: PG-13
Jessie thinks about her love life. Very feminist

Dial "J" for Jimmy
Rating: PG-13
J and J have a phone conversation

Jessie's Day
Rating: PG
Its Jessie's birthday, although the birthday girl isn't happy


Love, War, and Roses
Rating: G
A group of friends travel to "animation world" and help out Team Rocket


A Girl's Best Friend
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Conclusion
Rating: PG-13
Really long, very good though

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Conclusion
Rating: PG-13
James has an undercover mission

James's Wish
Part 2 Part 3
Rating: PG
James makes a wish that leads him to trouble

The Heart is a Secret Place
Rating: G or PG
Jessie learns what James does in his spare time

What should have happened in the movie Pokemon 2000
Rating: PG
What should have happened when Team Rocket let go of Lugia

Goodbye My Friend
Rating: G
James gets a promotion and Jessie gets left behind.

Simply Love
Rating: PG-13
James and Jessie are left alone after Meowth goes away

Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
Rating: PG
James tells his love to Jessie by karaoke

Team Rocket Christmas Song
Rating: G
Christmas poem

Angel of Mine
Rating: PG
J and J confess their love under the stars

The Will to Love
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part7 Part 8
Rating: PG
After James's parents die in an accident, James finds out that the only way he will be able to receive his inheritence is to marry before his 20th birthday, which is 2 weeks away.

The Power of The Mind
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Rating: PG-13
Although not complete yet, this is an excellent fanfic. Mew's psychic powers get transferred to James so now he is under Giovanni's control. What will he make James do? This is a must read!

Chapter 2
Rating: PG
James, Ash, and Brock are under a spell that makes them act like their first pokemon that they caught.

The End
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Rating: PG
The story of James’s life up until he met Jessie.


Lemons and Limes
Rating: G
A siloquey from the mind of Cassidy about her "citrus" bond between her and Butch


A Night Without Stars
Rating: PG
A neoshippy fic, even has an explantion for why Butch's voice may sound the way it does

Rocket Rose

Make it Double
Rating: PG
Team Rocket finally captures Pikachu! But will their newfound greed separate the trio of friends?

Search and Destroy
Rating: PG
Fed up with Jessie's heartless attitude, James threatens to leave Team Rocket...for good! Will Jess be able to bring herself to hold him back? And will James be able to escape from his past...and his future?

Strange New Beginnings
Rating: PG
After the TR headquarters has deceased, J+J+M must find work in the city. Meanwhile, J+J's relationship is tested when a new gang rises.


The Nanny
Rating: G
Jessie and James meet because Miyamoto was Jame's nanny. A very cute how-they-met story. ^_^

Jessie and Tnt
Rating: PG
Jessie and her friend Liz find an abandoned Flareon and Jolteon

Semper Mae Riko Bishoujo Person Lady

Billy is a Fun Word to Say
Rating: PG-13
First of all, there is no character named Billy in this story. Anyways, Jess and Cass get at each other with insults.

Keep Walking
Rating: PG
A crossover fic of Pokemon and Veggie Tales. A 'Walls of Jericho' styled version of Pokemon.


Archaeologists are Evil
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Rating: PG-13
A funny story about The Gang posing as some archaeologists for a mission of searching for a silver orb


Rating: PG-13
Butch, Cassidy, Jesse, James, and Mondo are invited onto a talk show called "Opinions", with Rianne ( or Ria) as the hostess.

Opinions 2
Rating: PG-13
This is the sequel to Opinions! Butch is hyper, all six (including Meowth) of the Rockets talk about their job, and Raticate provides a major embarrassment for Butch and Cassidy.

Christmas Shoes
Rating: G
Corgi's first attempt at a non-comedy. This is a bitter-sweet Christmas story. Butch is out doing last minute Christmas shopping, and decides to show his generous side for once......

Something Special
Rating: G
This is a short poem from Butch's point of view, telling everyone about something very special he has....

Opinions 3
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ria's invited all the Rockets back on her show (you'd think she would have learned her lesson now, don't you?), and chaos follows. Butch and Cassidy plan to give Jesse and James haircuts without them knowing it, but along the line, Butch finally has enough of people calling him Botch and Froggo.

Bloopers: Pikachu Re-volts
Rating: PG-13 for a curse word Butch says, and a little issue that Tracey hints around to.
This is a hilarious fic about bloopers from Pikachu Re-volts! In other words, funny things that could have gone wrong. This is a must-read. You'll laugh so hard you'll cry!

Typical Day
Rating: PG
Butch and Cassidy sure spend a lot of time behind bars. Ever wonder what a typical day in jail would be like for them? Here's the answer. It's kind of short, but still a must-read. Hilarious.

Bloopers: The Fortune Hunters
Rating: This one's rated...uh......PG-13 for Ash's flatulence problem and a little issue Butch and Cassidy bring up about James' Moltres costume.
This one's another of Corgi's new Blooper series. This one's even funnier than Bloopers: Pikachu Re-volts!

Colin Mcleod

That's the Life
Rating: PG
After Jessie, James, and Meowth are away from TR for a while, they attempt to live a normal life i.e. buy a house, buy real clothes, etc. Rocketshippy

Rocket Jessie Musashi

Not Our Baby
Part 2
Rating: PG-13
A series that follows the life of Jessie and James after the birth of their daughter. J+J want the baby to live a life free of TR so they plan not to tell the child about their life in TR.

That's All It Took
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Rating: PG-13
After Jessie and Cassidy find themselves in a certain "condition," J+J's relationship becomes stronger however, the opposite happens to B+C.

Run For Your Life
Rating: PG
James and Jessie must decide to break free from TR in order to save their daughter's life.


The Lost Baby
Rating: PG
J+J find an abandoned baby out in the forest and care for it as their own

James' Birthday
Rating: PG
James's birthday is coming, and Jessie has the perfect present for him ^_^

To Love or Not to Love
Rating: PG
After J+J get in a fight, James hurts himself and Jessie feels regretful

Never Change a Thing
Rating: PG
Jessie recalls the first time she met James and their life together

Tanya and Tasha Bennet

The Legend of the Jigglypuff Maiden
Rating: PG
A mysterious girl befriends Ash, Misty, and Tracey but leaves them and goes to Jessie and James after a secret is revealed about the girl.


Tears vs. Smiles
Rating: PG
After Cass and Butch argue, Cassidy accidently hurts Butch. Will Butch survive, or will Cassidy have to suffer from guilt forever?


Shattered Hope and Wicked Glances
Rating: R (a few lil love scenes ^_~)
Trying to recover from her partner's death, Cassidy must tolerate J+J and their happiness. A neoshippy, rocketshippy, and a little twistedshippy fic.

It's a Wonderful Life
Rating: PG
After a fight with Cassidy, Butch wishes that he never was alive. Sound familiar? A hiliarious parody of a famous movie. ^_^

Misty Rocket

When a Meowth Loves a Clone
Rating: PG
Meowth is out to search for his long-lost clone and true love. A cloneshippy fic (I think that's what the shipping is called...)


Big Brothermon
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Rating: PG
A parody of the TV show Big Brother with our fave TR characters and the twerps. Who will be the winner of the big cash award?

Where Cartoons Come From
Rating: G
Finally. The answer to the question that we have all pondered at least once in our life: Where do questions come from?

Rating: G
The gang and the twerps go through a mysterious door and are transported to other cartoon series

Rating: G
Brock's too bootylicious for all of the girls.

When Your Acting Like That
Rating: G
A song in James' POV about how Jessie acts, of course

Hey Trainer
Rating: G
Ash's song, and a take-off of Hey Baby

The Door
Rating: G
There's a mysterious door that takes people to other worlds. Find out what happens when Brock and Ash enter it. Some DBZ character appearances


Team Rocket's Miracle
Rating: G
TR finds a little lost girl who gives them a powerful gift


The Love They Couldn't See
Part 2 (Jessie's POV)
Rating: G
After J+J get into a fight, a mysterious Celebi casts a spell on James

The Lavender Gym
Chapter 2
Rating: PG
TR becomes the gym leaders of the lavender city gym

The Love the Moon Could See
Part 2 Part 3
James goes out into the woods and sees a mysterious Celebi and when he returns, Meowth is missing


How Mondo Joined Team Rocket (I Love Team Rocket)
Rating: G
A cute fanfic in the form of a song where Mondo first joined TR

I'll Think of a Reason Later
Rating: G
This is set ten years in the future. Ash and Misty are engaged and Casey isn’t too pleased…

Black Eyes, Blue Tears
Rating: G
This music video is set when James was a little boy growing up with Jessebelle and ran away from home.

Dawn Silvers
Rating: PG
Dawn Silvers, a funny, charming, Ash-bashing heroine meets Team Twerp. Ash acts like a total idiot (In other words, he’s himself). Features 6 TR members, including Mondo!

Interview with TR and Twerps
Rating: PG
Silver has an interview with Team Rocket and Team Twerp.

Interview with Ash
Rating: PG
A sequel to the previous interview, Ash gets to stare down the business end of a shotgun

Team Rocket's New Beginning
Part 2
Rating: PG
James, Jessie, and Meowth break away from TR and become pokemon trainers and travel to go collect gym badges. Yours truly even has a cameo appearance ^_^

Diaries: A Journey into the Minds of Team Rocket
Rating: PG
J+J write about each other in their own diaries and find out that the other one likes them after a mischievious Meowth plays a switcheroo

Rating: G
A songfic in Jessibelle's POV about Jessie

Meowth's Two-Minute Mysteries
Rating: G
A bunch of mini mysteries that only take a few minutes to read but a little while longer to solve. A good way to give your brain some excercise. :P

Interview #2--Jessebelle
Rating: PG
This time, the honored guest to be interviewed is Jessebelle

Interview #3--Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy
Rating: PG
Brock better not be allowed in this interview with Cop Jenny and Nurse Joy. :P

Interview #4--Todd, Richie, and Tracey
Rating: PG
Todd, Richie, and Tracey are the next victims of the interview, but do they have the guts to show up?

Interview #4.5--Todd, Richie, and Tracey Rescheduled
Rating: PG
Finally the 3 victims gain the courage for the interview of their lives


Pokemon Cards
Chapter 2
Rating: PG
In a crossover fic between Pokemon and Card Captor Sakura, James feels depressed because he lost his beloved Jessie.


Every Second
Rating: G
A poem in James's POV where he is thinking about times with Jessie

Thoughts That Scare Me
Rating: G
Jessie has some thoughts before she gets married

How Does it Feel
Rating: G
Butch feels envious over James's love for Jessie

Picture From the Past
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Rating: PG
Jessie carries around a picture of her mom, herself, and someone else, but the picture is ripped in half. Who is this other person?

Alysha Rocket

Forever Protected
Rating: PG
When Jesse gets scared from the big raging thunderstorm, who is there to comfort her? Well whom do you think!

Kittenith TR

Meowth's Vacation Disaster
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Rating: PG
A horror/comedy fic where Meowth goes on a vacation, accompanied by J+J. Because of their envy, B+C plans to get revenge on them.

The Jerry Springer Show
Rating: PG
TR go on The Jerry Springer Show where the topic is "my girlfriend is from another dimension."

Meowth's Birthday Surprise
Rating: G
TR throws a surprise birthday party for Meowth

The Birth of Kittenith
Chapter 2
Rating: G
Meowth has a baby who turns out to be Kittenith, the baby Meowth who wants to learn about TR

Queen Mean, Witch B*tch, and Grog Frog
Chapter 2
Rating: PG
Cassidy, Butch, and Jessibelle are each granted a wish from a Celebi

Rating: PG
Mondo has his own talk show

Apocalypse Meow-th
Chatper 2
Rating: G
Team Rocket is invaded by aliens


Please Let That Be You
Rating: PG
Butch is wandering the halls of the TR base and finds himself in front of Cassidy's door; a neoshippy fic


The Mission
Rating: PG
A neoshippy fanfic where B+C go on a special mission for the Boss


Rating: G
James is dead and Jessie is left to care for their baby

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